Here are 100_Facts_About_Me should you be inspired to write your own list i would be delighted. 1. I perfer one ply toilet paper, it's cheaper and lasts longer. 2. I framed my mugshot and gave it to my friend as a christmas present. 3. I'm ambidextrous, not that my handwritting was ledgible to begin with. 4. I can name all 50 states in less than 20 seconds. 5. I can pronounce the alphabet as one word, fowards and backwards. 6. I love to write lists, as if this wasn't obvious. 7. I'm very organized in my mind, but my bedroom is always a mess. 8. I'm afraid of big dogs, but I love pitt bulls. 9. I grew up on a farm, and used to catch chickens so I could pet them. 10. I have never been to the ocean. (As of 09/10/01, when this list was created.) 11. I have never been on a train. 12. I have never been in an air plane either. 13. I can't make jello, it just wont congeal. 14. I love ketchup, tomato soup, and salsa, but I hate tomatoes. 15. I almost hit a cow with my car. 16. I can't drive in the snow, I slide too much. 17. I have a huge fear of commitment. 18. I work as a nanny. 19. I no longer have a name. People just call me by my job title. (I guess it's a good thing that I don't scrub toilets for a living!) 20. I talk to myself outloud when I am driving, even if there are other people in the car with me. 21. I am a self taught piano player. 22. I let my heart get broken by the same guy three times, and I'm looking fowards to the fourth. 23. What a person looks like doesn't matter to me. 24. Size REALLY doesn't matter. 25. I am a blather-aholic, as well as a chat-aholic. 26. I recently heard about the Punic wars, which happend over two thousand years ago. 27. Whenever I write the word together, I still say in my mind "to-get-her". 28. My signature never looks the same twice. 29. I hate day light savings time. 30. I am scared of silence. 31. I almost never salt my food. 32. I perfer McDonald's frenchfries to Burger King's. 33. I can sleep for sixteen hours straight without waking up once to use the bathroom. 34. My lucky number is 16. 35. I still call my mother mommy. 36. I smoke a pack of cigarettes a day when I have them. 37. I got my tongue pierced because I was bored. 38. I chain smoke when I drive long distances. 39. I can drink a case of Mountain Dew in 6 hours. 40. I can't usually burp, so I make this gurgly noise. It's called a "camel" by some people. 41. I will never go out with a guy named Mike again. 42. My voice has been on the radio at least a dozen times in the last year. 43. My first car was a 1988 Dodge Aires. K car's kick butt. 44. I make jam, jelly, and homemade pickles. I even can them in Mason jars. 45. Once I slept in a cemetary. 46. I failed the same history class twice in community college. 47. I know sign language. 48. I used to go with a group of friends to Burger King every Thursday night, and pretended to be deaf. We got caught and got thrown out. 49. I collect stuffed sheep. 50. In high school my friends used to call me Psycho Sheep. 51. I want to write a children's book about living on a farm when I was younger. 52. I want to have a baby, and raise it on my own as a single parent. 53. I love gay guys. 54. My cat gets more email than I do. 55. I have an IQ of 157. 56. I used to bite my nails, but I've quit. 57. I had to work on Christmas, so I made dinner for 15 people, and brought it into with me. 58. I make awsome pumpkin pie. (Homemade from real pumpkins.) 59. I'm not vain, but I really really like my hair. 60. I have 80's hair, big and poofy. (Damned frizzies anyways!) 61. I love one hit wonders. (Songs, not the other thing.) 62. I am parthenophobic. (See sex phobias) 63. I write parody songs. 64. I am a procrastinator. 65. I am impatient when a person asks me to help them with something and they take their time. 66. I don't live well with other people. 67. I am a middle child. 68. I am my grandpa's favorite grandchild. 69. I can't ice skate. 70. I fell down once when I was bowling and sprained my knee. 71. I have had 21 jobs in the past 5 years. 72. I used to talk on the phone twelve hours a day just for fun. 73. I get emails from Miss Cleo. 74. Everyone spells my name wrong. 75. My name is Debby, which is the Hawiian form of Deborah, which is Hebrew for "bee". 76. I sing all the time. 77. My best friend and I have come up with our own language called "Ruby". 78. I love to ride on Grey Hound buses. 79. I'm going to write a book about my life. 80. Guys online have a tendacy to fall for me. (Scarey, I know.) 81. I stalked someone for a night. (Well, it was more for like 15 minutes, once I realized what I was doing, I felt really stupid, and left and went home.) 82. I've hallucinated before. 83. I sunburn really easily. 84. I once wrote a 96 page love letter. 85. I have never seen any of the Star Wars movies. 86. I was engaged once. 87. I went to McDonald's in a limo. 88. I was born in Canada. (But I'm still an American citizen.) 89. I am registered to vote, but refuse to do so because I could never be President. 90. I love to sing karaoke. (Especially after I've had a couple of drinks.) 91. Vodka makes me sick. 92. I have 7 email accounts that I check everyday. 93. I don't know how to drive a stick shift. 94. I used to sell car insurance. 95. My favorite catch phrase is "Isn't that amazing." (Thank you Kirby vacuum cleaners.) 96. I dye my hair. 97. I had a tea party for my 18th birthday. 98. I laugh a lot. 99. I think that "smurf" is an excellent substitute for a cuss word. Smurf you too! 100. I live to help people. My happiness comes from knowing that I can make other people's lives easier. I have been told that I am an angel sent from heaven to help the world, one person at a time.
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And you think any of that makes you interesting?
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1i like a girl from minnesota 2i like a girl from iowa 3i go to a community college 4i don't drink 5i don't smoke 6i don't do drugs 7i listen to punk music 8i listen to rock music 9i dislike rap music 10i defend rappers rights to be offensive 11I like spaghetti 12i dont eat a lot of food but what i do eat i eat a lot of 13 i have gone to many concerts 14 i didnt used to call myself an atheist because of some of the stereotypes that went with it, but now i say fuck it and i do. 15. i realize the difference between nihilism and atheism 16. i don't really care if blink182 sold out 17. i think henry rollins is a good writer and a funny guy 18. i suspect equal rights for women 19. i drink coke 20. my favorite actor is john cusack 21. i like that shitty emo music that makes me sad because i think the lyrics are pretty 22. i have a cat named sammy 23. i live four hours away from my friends and i find it hard to miss them sometimes 24. bigotry makes me naseaious 25. i like standing on overpasses as trains go under me 26. my first cd was mellon collie and the infinite sadness 27. i like going to perkins and just eating frnech fries and a coke with no ice and 9 times out of 10 a beatles song will play while i sit there. 28. i used to read a lot of books 29. then i got friends 30. i love people 31. i hate people 32. i can kind of understand everyone's point of view 33. i am not as simpsons savvy as i once thought 34. i care for newsradio a great deal 35. sometimes i miss phil hartman 36. i adore fionna apple's face 37. i am in touch with my feminine side 38. i ignore my masculine side 39. couples make me smile 40. couples make me gag 41. i like making out with girls 42. i don't think i'll ever make out with a guy, because i don't really want to. 43. maybe i'm not as interesting as i once thought 44. all my poems sound the same 45. i think guitar players, stereotypically, are assholes 46. stereotypes are bad 47. i had my sisters present gift wrapped then put it under the tree like it was no big deal 48. my dads name is bob, his friends name was dan 49. my name is bob, my middle name is dan 50. i was giong to be named kevin, and my sistesr are kelly and katie 51. my friend russ just got pulled over and i heard about it on the scanner my mom has to listen to police conversatinons 52. i care for crackers and peanut butter 53. i like used book stores 54. i like live recordings 55. i realize the irony of the phrase 'live recording' 56.i have a lazy eye 57. i don't get much sleep sometimes 58. sometimes i just write and write and write and don't look at it for weeks and weeks and weeks and then when i do i hav no idea what i was talking about 59. i dont much care for dr. pepper but i'm drinking some righ tnow 60. i entered a poetry contest that was a scam 61. i act in plays 62. i am never bored because i am easily amused 63 i heard a car door outside and dont know who it was 64 i just learned it was my neighbor 65 this is getting fucking boring and i am sorry for that fact 66 i own a henry rollins cd and someone got another copy of it for christmas. maybe i should tell them, or maybe i should accept it and give the old copy to someone else 67. my dad just got home and will probbly kick me off the internet 68. me and my dad have become more tolerant of eachothers bullshit in the last few months since my back got stabbed 69. i wish george and john were still alive 70. i wish girls liked me better than just a friend 71. i think about suicide nearly every day 72. sometimes i just lie in bed and think about someones face and what it would be like to kiss them 73. i try to be nice to my dad by listening to his crazy ramblings even when im not interested 74. i dont play instruments and maybe if i did id be more tolerant when girls liked boys that did. 75. i hate girls 76. i love girls 77. i might get kicked off the internet riiiiiiiiiight ... now! 78. i don't usually read the same book twice. 79. i like buying/collecting used stephn king books 80. i used to imitate jim carrey constantly 81. i get frustrated when i can't remember what i was going to say 82. i sometimes think i have attention defacit disorder, and then i realize everyone does this. 83. i wish i had a girl to hold me and kiss me and be real sweet to me 84. i doubt i could make her as happy as she could make me 85. this xmas break i am gogin to try and see someone and see if their feelings are mutual to mine 86. last new years i didnt kiss anyone...i don't think. 87. i havent kissed anyone since last spring. 88. i have become less dependant on other people since i moved to college and started hanging out alone a lot. 89. i hve a dvd player 90. i wish i had a darkroom to develop pictures 91. penguins are cool 92. i am harry potter 93. its funny when my cats fight 94. i feel i should worry about the next five years of my life 95. i feel i am going to die of a heart attack before the age of twenty. 96. i don't have any life trheatening illnesses 97.i shot a man in reno just to watch him die 98. back in my early highschool days i started telilng people i shot a man in reno just to watch him die to get a reaction out of people 99. i think janet reno is sexy 100. i still think about everyone i ever loved some of the time.
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1. My name is Claire. 2. I'm on blather too much. 3. I laugh a lot. 4. I've met two blatherers in the flesh, and there were three of us in my room yesterday. (Is that one fact?) 5. I'm pretty. 6. I have big_breasts. 7. I wear glasses. 8. I like to quote Anne_Sexton. 9. Eh, I just like to quote. 10. I like to make lists. 11. I am crying right now. 12. In crunchy_vs_smooth, crunchy wins. However, I seem to be the only one who believes this. 13. I also seem to be the only one who has never wanted to be able to fly. 14. I believe deep down people are all right, as opposed to them sucking. 15. My friend Miriam just told me a funny joke, probably because she is concerned about me crying. 16. Jon just left to go home. I hope he doesn't get in an accident and die. 17. I am very much a girl. 18. I just had sex today. 19. I have a stomachache. 20. I love At_the_Drive_In. 21. I love Patti_Smith. 22. I love a lot of music. 23. I play the violin. 24. I usually kill my houseplants but I'm somehow managing to keep my jade plant alive. 25. I don't get along with my roommate. 26. I have said things out loud that I shouldn't say, and only to boys I love. Grr. 27. damn_i_guess_sometimes_i_talk_too_much 28. I LOVE my computer. 29. My eyes hurt. 30. I love Annie_Lennox. 31. All my CDs (six years' worth) are in the Metro_North lost_and_found in Grand_Central. I misplace things all the time. 32. I am pretty openminded about music. 33. I had pizza for dinner today. 34. I spent all day in bed. 35. I like boys. 36. I like girls, too, sometimes. 37. I'm in college. 38. I'm really mad at my family, especially my dad, but I'm good at keeping it tucked away. 39. I like to talk about myself. 40. I have a brother named Matt. 41. I was an accident. 42. My first friend was named Missy. She lived next_door and met me the day I was born. 43. I am given to hyperbole, but not when listing facts. 44. I admire honesty; possibly above all else. 45. I have no idea how to form the passing vii6, or anything, really, related to it. 46. I have to know by Thursday if I want to pass harmony. 47. I am anal about spelling and grammar. 48. I talk fast. 49. I walk fast. 50. I crack my knuckles in the same order every time (right pointer, left pointer, right thumb, left thumb). 51. The day I met my best friend's great love, he and she and I were all in Barnes_and_Noble, and I read Baby by Patricia MacLaughlin (sp?) and cried in the store. 52. I try to be a good friend. 53. I like to drive fast. 54. I failed my driver's test twice. 55. I am utterly scared of life. 56. I make myself try to "utterly" experience life. Because I don't want to. 57. Same applies to making small talk and being generally friendly and making friends. 58. I think that whatever one saw as their biggest flaw as a child, one becomes oriented toward the opposite as an adult. I used to be shy and now I am quite the opposite. My friend Anthony used to be very bossy and now he's a pushover. 59. I try to be easygoing because I really am intense. 60. I wish boys always let me kiss them when I tried. Although I'd probably curse them for it. 61. Sometimes the act of writing makes me sad. This is far, far worse than finding no consolation in other people. 62. If someone doesn't understand what I am trying to explain (about myself), I get REALLY upset. Even though it should be no big deal. 63. I've ridden a horse once. I think. And a pony at the Jersey_Shore. 64. My kindergarten teacher died of cancer recently. 65. I put other people ahead of schoolwork. Always. 66. I love kids. 67. I have never had a pet. 68. I started my period when I was eleven and a half. 69. My breasts started growing around then and didn't stop until I was about sixteen. 70. I've had sex with two people. 71. People like me for my honesty, but don't like to be around me because of it. 72. I love to go bowling. It's a great sport. 73. I also like to watch ice_skating on TV. 74. I try to avoid watching TV. But I can't stay away when there is a ST:TNG marathon on. 75. I love juice. 76. I love ironing. 77. I hate vacuumming. 78. When I say "s" or "c" out loud, it is near impossible for me to tell the difference. I have to write it down. 79. When I do long division or multiplication with large numbers, I write it out in a picture in my head and do all the carrying just like on paper. Sometimes I squint at the air and trace my finger in it. Carry the four... 80. My poems tend to end on a point. They just wrap up that way. I guess they're all narrative, really. 81. More than one person thinks I'm bi. I'm scared to claim that title. Somewhat like "feminist". 82. There are sixty_one people on my AIM buddy_list. 83. Recently I found out one of my friends doesn't want to be friends with me anymore. No explanation, she just stopped talking. When you tell people that others don't like you, it just ends up reflecting on yourself. 84. My last score on the Spark's purity_test was a 58%. 85. I have never been outside the country. 86. I love New_York. 87. I've flown on a plane twice. 88. I only remember one flight and my ears wouldn't pop. 89. I don't wear makeup. 90. Supposedly I am "comfortable to be around". 91. I like to quote myself. 92. I guess that's what all poetry is, eh? 93. I like to give credit where credit is due. I compliment people when they deserve praise, and I always hold the door. 94. Sometimes being a girl really scares me. 95. Sometimes being alive really scares me. 96. The idea of not being alive was once comprehensible enough to paralyze me. 97. The only thing I can think of that I wouldn't say out loud is something that I promised not to tell. 98. I think contentment is preferable to happiness. 99. I wish there were someone to whom I could tell everything. 100. I don't believe in God. (But god? Of course.)
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1.) my name is Katie 2.) i work at home depot. 3.) i am a custom tint paint specialist and certified "floater". 4.) i am a music maker. 5.) i am a dreamer of dreams. 6.) i detest being alone. 7.) my best friend is a marine,if she still is my best friend. 8.) i get the hiccups when my stomach is empty. 9.) i drive too fast. 10.) i am a saggitarius. 11.) i am a water lover. 12.) i am tired of being hurt. 13.) i am tired of looking. 14.) i am tired of being tired. 15.) i am decidely female. 16.) i have a tatto. 17.) i will soon have two tattoos. 18.) i have very small feet. 19.) i have chubby hands. 20.) i am shy. 21.) i am an arizona native. 22.) i wish to travel. 23.) i have never personally seen snow. 24.) i have startling green eyes (on a good day). 25.) i wish for happiness. 26.) i wish for love. 27.) i read like crazy. 28.) i am nocturnal. 29.) i am ... odd. 30.) i am a dirty blonde. 31.) i was made in the 80's. 32.) i wish to bring flames to a man's heart. 33.) i wish to invent superglue for a broken heart. 34.) i yearn for a dream that never ends, and a love that never dies. 35.) i want to love myself. 36.) i am short. 37.) my hair smells like flowers. 38.) i am afraid of clowns. 39.) i collect hippos. 40.) i need unadulterated truth. 41.) i want to knock out a wall. 42.) i need to kill time. 43.) i want to dance naked around bonfires. 44.) i shattered the silence. 45.) i once was smart and now i'm quiet. 46.) i am a mystery. 47.) i need a friend. 48.) i do not have a fake id. 49.) i like brussel sprouts. 50.) i prefer my meat medium rare. 51.) i live fast and will die young. 52.) i am easily lost in crowds. 53.) i will not be found. 54.) i risk too much. 55.) i cry too little. 56.) i might die inside. 57.) i smile for appearences. 58.) i am the more loving one. 59.) i can go to hell. 60.) i have a cat named Marc. 61.) passion consumes me. 62.) life overwhelmes me. 63.) i've looked at life from both sides. 64.) i didn't like either. 65.) i will remember you. 66.) i don't want to fade. 67.) i am a supernova. 68.) i want to feel you breathe. 69.) i don't like mondays. 70.) i am sorry. 71.) i want to drown in a climax of thunder. 72.) i never thought you'd hurt me. 73.) i'm half alive but i feel mostly dead. 74.) good riddance by green day will be played at my funeral. 75.) i just want you to know who i am. 76.) i'll be hiding, waiting for you. 77.) i have insomnia. 78.) i need to be held. 79.) happy trails drive me crazy. 80.) i dread success. 81.) Minus solum, cum quam solus esset. 82.) i create myself. 83.) i do not fear death. 84.) i like libraries. 85.) i whisper. 86.) i make mistakes. 87.) i want to change the world. 88.) i hum. 89.) i'll take the road not taken. 90.) i do not fear the shadows. 91.) i believe. 92.) i do not believe in fate. 93.) i control me. 94.) i enjoy fire. 95.) i like blue. 96.) i am angry. 97.) i cling to that which keeps me sane. 98.) i love the beach. 99.) i listen to punk rock. 100.) i understand.
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1) I spend most of my leisure time on the Internet 2) I used to be a tv junkie but now rarely watch tv (since I don't have one at school) 3) I don't smoke 4) I drink on occassion 5) I hate wine, I like rum 6) I love to cook 7) I'm a very picky eater 8) I am obsessed with music 9) I call myself a Wiccan, but lately I've been essentially non-practicing. 10) I've never had a job, and even though I want money, I don't want to work. 11) I have little ambition or motivation 12) I go to University of Georgia 13) I LOVE concerts 14) It doesn't seem like there are any good movies coming out these days (cept maybe for Lord of the Rings which I am looking forward to) 15) I fish for compliments, even though I don't usually realize that's what I'm doing 16) I drink cherry coke, but not coke 17) My parents won a trip to Paris when I was 2 and took me with them, so the only time I've ever been out of the usa I can't even remember. 18) I have a dog. Her name is Ginger, and she is wicked smart. She's a goldie/lab/chow/other mutt. She's very loyal and protective too. 19) I was French Student of the Year my senior year of high school. I can't hardly remember any of my french now. 20) I love sleeping, because I have great dreams. 21) I love sleeping_naked, even though I don't get to much, seeing as how I've never lived alone. 22) I like book stores. 23) I like to make pretty things out of clay, and I've been told I'm rather good at it. 24) I love to write, even though I'm not particulary good at it. 25) My friends are the most important people in the world 26) I've been told I'm "wise" because I give good advice, nobody seems to mind my lack of life experience. 27) I have the habit of implying I have far more life experience than I actually do. 28) I've only ever kissed one person. I don't think I ever really liked him either, I just wanted to get it over with. 29) I'm a virgin. I want to get rid of that status as soon as the opportunity appears. I know I might/will regret it. 30) One should not have regrets, because it's experience that makes you who you are. (one of my many rules) 31) I fall in love easily with creative men who pay attention to me. 32) I get my heart broken constantly, because I fall in love with people who don't love me back. 33) I love to sing 34) I have massive, hands-shaking, butterflies-in-the-stomach stage fright. 35) That's one of the reasons I sit in the back and work stage lights. I work (but don't get paid, so its not a job) at my parent's venue, 106 West. (106west.com) 36) I am an insomniac 37) I have 20+ rolls of film I need to get developed 38) I am very shallow, I put way more emphasis on looks than I should even though most of my friends don't believe it. 39) I surround myself with beautiful people so I have nice things to look at 40) the majority of my friends are male 41) I love Gap commercials, but I've never shopped at the Gap. 42) I love buying people dinner, or treating them to a movie or whatever. It makes me feel good. If I won the lottery it would all get blown on buying things for friends. 43) I don't have a car (okay, a little of the lottery money would go toward a car) 44) I've wanted to quit school everyday since the first day the year, except for that one week I spent high. (That's high on *life* people.) 45) I do some drugs, but not just anything, and only among friends 46) It's not a good idea to ask me who my favorite bands are because that could take days 47) Same goes for movies 48) I miss my big sister everyday. She lives several states away and has for most of my life. 49) I am overprotective of my younger sister. My friends say I act like a "big brother" even though I am a girl. 50) In case you didn't figure it out yet, I am the middle girl of three. The older one is my half-sister from my dad's previous marriage. It doesn't make a difference how we treat her, just random facts for ya. 51) My parents are not divorced. That makes me the last of rare breed, as I understand it. 52) My parents fought a lot when I was kid, and I wished for them to get divorced. (thrownin', cussin', one or the other dissappearing for 24 hours) 53) Even though I can now keep my cool while talking to him, I still get slightly starstruck by Will_Hoge. 54) I hate Mondays, but I hate Sundays more. All Sunday is spent dreading Monday. 55) I built all the furniture in my room (not the room at school, but at home). 56) I love hugs. 57) I love people that hug like they mean it. 58) I love, love when someone gives you a hug without you asking for it. 59) I need someone to rub my shoulders right now. 60) I want to someone to make me feel special. 61) I've always wanted a surprise party but there's no way to ask for one. 62) I hate when people sing happy birthday to me. I really *hate* it. 63) I used to read a lot of books, then I started college. I'm usually so tired that in my free time I just lay on my bed and stare at the ceiling. I'm never in the mood to read anymore. 64) Somehow I still find the motivation to blathe. 65) I don't let people borrow my CDs. 66) I always say that I won't loan him anymore money, then I do it anyway. 67) My 3 biggest fears: public speaking/performing; getting old; being fat for the rest of my life. 68) I have no fear of dying. I've almost died on purpose several times. I only stopped because I was afraid I would miss something. 69) When I was a kid I wanted to be a dancer. It was going well until we moved to new city, I got enrolled in a dance school with a teacher I didn't like, got discouraged and quit after 3 years. (Then I got fat.) 70) I still like to dance, but only by myself. I imagine it doesn't look as good as it feels. 71) I think about suicide at least once a week. That's scaled back from the everyday thoughts that happen during certain periods. 72) I own nine pairs of shoes, but I only really wear two of them: Teva sandles in the summer and leather Sketchers oxfords in winter. 73) I don't like it when women put men down. I love men, they're not "dogs" or "pigs". Some of them are evil, granted, but so are many women. We are even in that facet. Trust me. 74) I love the way men look, even when they are sweaty or dirty. I love the way they smell. I love the way they talk, they joke, the way they smile at you. I love men. 75) I am often lonely. 76) My best friends are JJ and Maggie. Ellis is getting there. 77) I get a buzz off of Will_Hoge, Jump_Little_Children, and Jennifer_Nettles_Band live shows. 78) I laugh way too much. Other people like it but it annoys the hell outta me. 79) I just saw "Not Another Teen Movie" and I realized most of the teen movies from the 80's are to close to my heart to be made fun off. 80) I think I love them so much because they usually involve the unpopular/uncool getting his/her biggest wish in the end. 81) I go by Jenna, Jen-Jen, Jen, Blue_eyes, and occasionally Buscuit, Hokey Pokey, or Tollerson. 82) Between my younger sister, my father, and myself, we could act out the movie Three_Amigos from memory. 83) I wish that I could write songs. Then I could justify trying to form a band. 84) I realize how much that contradicts the stage fright. 85) I want to study in Italy. But since I've been going to so many concerts lately I don't know if I can stop for a semester. Where are my priorities? 86) I often find rides with complete strangers to go to said concerts. 87) After hanging out in chat rooms for years I cut myself off a few years ago, so I would be forced to make friends in the real world. It worked splendidly. Yet now I've found a cooler, more sophisticated, interesting chat room. We have not have an a/s/l check, I have not been asked to cyber, and it doesn't interfere with me having real friends either. It makes me more creative, it actually gives back instead of needlessly draining away the precious hours of my youth. I love this place. (love_letter_to_blather?) 88) I've been in one serious car accident. I was 14. I was gone from school for more than a week. No one noticed. Not one person had missed me. 89) In middle school I played up this "Jenna is crazy" thing I had going on, and I used to have five imaginary friends, all named George, that had to sit with me at the lunch table. They weren't real to me, thank goodness. 90) I spent every lunch of my freshman year sitting at a table by myself, reading. 91) The first album I ever truly loved and connected with was Sheryl Crow's Tuesday Night Music Club. My mother bought it for my for a birthday. Back then I still didn't have a CD player and just listened to that tape over and over again on my walkman. 92) I'm taking Italian next semester. I'm excited. 93) I miss my high school art class. I was with a great group of people. 94) I haven't been drinking enough water lately. 95) I have self_destructive tendencies. 96) I love attention. I live too much for others. 97) I like being alone. I am selfish. 98) Whenever I think of something really cool to write I never have anything to write with/on, and when I do the cool stuff halts itself. 99) If you ask me a question, I'll be terribly long-winded about my answer. 100) I'm even more boring than I orginally thought. Sorry to put you through that.
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1. My name is Peyton. 2. I like to write, though only tragedies. I'd like to write happily, it's just the words won't come. 3. I have dreams about "The One." She's like a ghost in the mist, a phantom, a missing part of myself that I long for. 4. I wonder sometimes if the one exists on this world, or only in dreams. 5. I hate wearing turtlenecks. 6. My favorite animal is the phoenix. I carry the crest of it over the door to my room. 7. I'm a fan of anything musical.. I can listen to anything, depending on my mood. 8. My IQ is around 170. They told me to skip grades 1-3 in school, and enrolled me in some enrichment gifted program. My mom pulled me out and declined my gradeskip. "I don't want my boy in there with no nerds," said she. 9. I was recently engaged. I'm not now. 10. I still love her though. 11. I have a photographic memory for quotes and song lyrics. I can hear a song or poem once and nearly recall it in full. 12. I was hurt a lot by my parents growing up. And I'm still bitter. 13. I was hurt a lot by women when I grew up. And I'm still bitter. 14. I'm almost brave, but not quite. 15. I dress up in nice clothes and act stuck up, just so people won't approach me. 16. I don't let people inside because they hurt me if I do. 17. I used to act. I wish I still did. I took some acting classes and now I can make myself cry or sneeze or whatever you want. :) 18. I work too much. 19. I put too much value on appearances. If I see someone pretty they can own me, if they so desired. I can easily become enraptured by beauty. 20. I love ice cream. 21. I love snowboarding, and powdery snow. 22. I love mountains, and the beauty of their majesty. 23. I love rain, and thunderstorms. 24. I have a fantasy about making love in the rain. So far it hasn't happened yet. 25. I can hear the song "Kissing in the Rain" of the Great Expecations score, and burst into tears. 26. I can't watch Great Expecations without crying at some point. 27. I can also quote it nearly word for word. 28. I left home when I was 18. I've been back twice since then. 29. I have a baby sister, a stepbrother and a half-brother. One of those three I've never seen in my lifetime. 30. I love history. 31. My hero is Alexander the Great. 32. I do believe in God. 33. I've been touched by an angel. He put his arm around me, and saved my life when I was in a car accident. I remember his face to this day. 34. I've been in love three times in my life. Two ended in tragedy. The third is still pending. 35. I wish I could play the piano. 36. I wish I could speak Latin. 37. If I had my life again, I'd change it all. 38. I can put a song on repeat and listen to it for hours, if it defines me at that moment. 39. I'm from Alabama originally, and live about 15,000 miles from there now. 40. One day I want to visit Rome. 41. I can eat cases of yogurt at a time. 42. I love candles. 43. I love books and coffee. The inventor of Barnes & Noble is a genius. 44. I can walk into a place and smell the atmosphere of it, and know if I will like it there or not. 45. I have the gift of seeing feelings in people, and putting them into words that anyone can understand. 46. I can define love in 100 words. 47. I can't make the bed worth a damn. 48. I can listen to something sad, and be depressed the entire day. 49. I can type 100+ words a minute. 50. I can talk faster than I type, if I'm so inclined. 51. Sometimes I miss my home, but I never go back. 52. I have a few select special people in my life. They are all beautiful, and think I am a wonderful person. I usually disagree. 53. I am very trustworthy with secrets. 54. I'm a great listener. 55. I've been told I'm very attractive, but I don't see it when I wake up with myself. I usually throw on my clothes and mumble something about work before I can ask myself to call me. 56. I've never had a one-night stand. 57. I've turned down more sexual partners than I've accepted. 58. Sometimes the weight on my heart is so much I think I will split apart. 59. I burn with so much guilt for some of the things I've done in my life that it brings me physical pain. 60. It's taking everything I have not to quote song lyrics in these facts. 61. I've come up with original quotes and assigned famous people to them just so people will appreciate their value. 62. I hate my job. 63. If I love someone, I will spend my last dime or spend hours in the snow if they ask me to. 64. I've been told I'm intense. Most people don't like intensity. 65. A psychic once told me that I was destined to become "one with greatness." He said that thousands would know my name before I died. 66. I am drawn to people with a tragic past. 67. My favorite novel is Les Miserables by Hugo. 68. I love steak, and all kinds of red meat. 69. I had a subscription to receive every ST:TNG episode on videotape. I had to stop it because I didn't have enough money to get them all. 70. I have more computer games than I do music CD's. 71. I have over 1000 Mp3's. 72. I still love my fiancee, though not in the way she wants. 73. Sometimes I bring people emotional pain, and I don't mean to. 74. People tell me I'm too honest, and they run from me. 75. Most people don't know how to deal with the real me, so I put on a show so I will be accepted. 76. I'm always punctual. 77. I will always defend something I believe in. 78. I love intelligent conversations. 79. I'm an avid snowboarder. 80. I'm thinking about starting smoking again. 81. I have the heart of a romantic. 82. I can be very cruel with my words, if I'm provoked. 83. I've won a national competition. 84. I've had groupies. 85. People laugh at me when I tell them about the nobility of the cow. 86. I love inside jokes. 87. I've quit Blather four times to date. 88. I've met someone I met online. 89. I believe in destiny. 90. My dream is to be in radio. 91. I've been cheated on over a dozen times, by at least as many women. 92. I've only cheated twice in my life, both included only a kiss. 93. I crave encouragement for my creations. 94. My confidence in myself spikes to mountains that break the clouds, and sinks to marshes made impassable by snow, depending on how people react to me. 95. I am a mass of contradictions. 96. My life is an open book, to anyone who cares to open its pages. 97. I have a "Black & White" personality. 98. I've spent up to 17 hours on the phone. 99. I've spent up to 37 hours asleep. 100. I have a well of emotions that is incapable of measure, but very few outlets to apply it. 101. And I always try to one up others. :)
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Mahayana: Zakah: Sangha Jewels of Refuge
1. nov. 19th scorpio 100. secretive 2-99 [challenge: examine ones self]
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not her
1. i will never be able to finish this list 2. i like a boy i nicknamed jesus 3. i have a pet parrot who likes eating chicken. 4. i like sifl and olly 5. i want one of those gloworm stuffed animals 6. i end up as the butt of many jokes, and I never see it coming. 7. i am pissed off right now 8. I am getting an A in dance class, but i am the worst dancer. 9. i am a sophmore in highschool 10. i hear my mom and her boyfriend fighting about me. 11. i dont care enough to continue.
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1. I have a name other than pralines&cream (it may be here somewhere) 2. I've found the man i'm going to marry 3. I'm sensitive 4. I want to read the bell jar because i heard it's about a sensitive girl ... i want to see if she's like me 5. I at dirty jokes 6. I don't like disappointing people 7. A look of disapproval from someone i respect makes me feel like the worst kind of shit in the world 8. From someone i don't respect ... it just hurts my feelings 9. I'm in love with many people (not just in the romantic sense) 10. I'm wearing a turtle-neck right now 11. I once cried myself to sleep thinking about everlasting life, it's probably the scariest concept i've ever really thought about 12. I'm a capricorn 13. My birthday is January 7 14. I love my boyfriend 15. I flirt with another guy everyday 16. I guess i'm an idealist 17. Shopping is God's gift to women 18. Abe is His gift to only me 19. The guy i flirt with is not a gift, just a toy that i'll get bored with 20. I'm an editor on my school newspaper 21. I ran for homecoming princess 22. I lost 23. My hair is soft today 24. I'm beautiful in an exotic kind of way 25. I'm a virgin 26. I will only have sex with one person 27. I know who that person is (as you probably do), and i know when we will first make love 28. I love sex 29. I crave sex! 30. Sex is a wonderful, perfect thing 31. I am very passionate 32. I'm not the ideal beauty ... if i were, more girls would hate me. 33. I love people who love me. 34. I ate a snail when I was a little girl 35. I have dark brown hair and light brown eyes. 36. I'm 5'8" ... i'm sexy 37. I lost 2 pounds and i don't know how! cool :) 38. I'm talking to bloodjetpoetry on AIM 39. My AIM sn is aphrodite7717 40. I talked to someone from blather on AIM for the first time 3 days ago. 41. A few months ago, a guy fell in love with me, and i broke up with my boyfriend to be with him. 42. I realized I'd rather be with my boyfriend, and he actually took me back. 43. My boyfriend's arms are safe and comforting. 44. My favorite color is red 45. I could never have a one-night stand. 46. All relationships should begin with the end goal being marriage. 47. I went to a potluck/movie-watching party at my friend's house the other night ... there were about 13 people there, and i had a blast 48. I play soccer 49. I've always wanted a puppy, but we can't get one because my sister has asthma. 50. I am 16 years old 51. I wear a promise ring 52. I read my boyfriend's Maxim magazines 53. I really like them 54. I can't stand when people i like are mad at me ... it hurts 55. I won't finish this list 56. I am tan 57. I am envious of people 58. People are envious of me 59. I love cookie dough ice cream 60. I want to eat some right now! 61. I have 20/70 vision (i wear contacts) 62. I'm spoiled, but i'm not always a brat 63. My boyfriend would die for me 64. I don't particularly like licorice 65. I am ADDICTED to cheez-its 66. I love Nuts & Chews chocolates from See's 67. I need some white shoes 68. I'm doing my Christmas shopping tomorrow 69. I have two parents with whom i constantly fight, and one sister, whose fault it is that i can't have a puppy. 70. I was a very literate child 71. I got a C in AP U.S. history 72. I like AP Economics 73. Hot chocolate is a wonderful invention ... and maybe even a perfect one when made with milk on cold days 74. I wear only panties to bed 75. Unless I'm unbearably cold, in which case i wear my pajamas 76. When i was in 2nd grade, if i woke up in the middle of the night and there was the slightest wrinkle in my bed, i'd remake the whole thing 77. I like it to all be about me 78. I want to go to Pepperdine 79. I want to work at Barnes & Noble 80. I will finish this list. 81. People are inherently selfish 82. People can train themselves to put others first 83. If i have extra time, i will use it to help someone ... if i have extra money, i will give it to someone who needs it. 84. If i have only one hair tie, I will keep it for myself. 85. I am photogenic 86. I am a knuckle-cracker, neck-cracker, and back-cracker 87. Sensuality is wonderful 88. Women are beautiful 89. Men are beautiful too 90. I want to go to Venice 91. I want to make at least six figures when I grow up 92. I have strong bonds to a few people 93. I cried in The Iron Giant 94. It is healthy for people to have a knowledge of how to pleasure themselves. 95. I know how 96. People say I'm bubbly, fun, and energetic ... I think they're right 97. I love watching Blind Date and Who's Line is it Anyway 98. Brad Pitt is hot ... it's not just a fad. 99. The guy i flirt with looks like Leonardo DiCaprio 100. I will always be in love with my boyfriend.
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i have begun my 100 facts in draft, but it reads more like a confessional. i don't think that i can post it...
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1. i dont know where to start 2. i get weird feelings in my chest all the time like my heart is about to explode or that its just not there even though i know its not. 3. i know by now, if youv read all of these lists your eyes probably hurt cuz mine really do. 4. im 15, i turned it in november. 5. im taking drivers ed now and have almost died in it only once on accont of my best friend in the drivers seat. 6. i think the worst way to die would be by drowning. 7. im kinda dyslexic so i cant spell worth shit if you havent noticed by now. 8. im wearing a blue shirt. 9. i just got back from church, it was the only time iv been in the past two years. 10. its christmas eve and i am supposed to be in california but im stuck in maine. 11. i wanna play guitar but i know i probably can't 12. im left handed 13. iv had 6 boyfriends, all of them were ass holes accept one. 14. im pretty but i seem to atract almost no guys. 15. i wish i were a better person and i know how i can be but its kinda hard to become them. 16. i know the perfect person, i met them a few months ago, im jelious, and amazed. 17. iv found that everyone contredicts themselves in some way. 18. iv also found that everyone hide something. 19. i dont think that anyone is truely trustworthy. 20. i wish i had a boyfriend to make out with 21. i keep listening to the same songs because i cant open my otehr song program. 23. i dont know why i gotmyself into this anymore, self exploration i guess. 24. my favorate color blue, but i really like to color of blood, i think its really pretty. 25. i used to write poetry but i dont anymore, sept for one i did a few days ago because i was inspired to do so by my new perfect friend. 26. i think that all of man kind is ignorant in the fact that we think death is a bad thing but we really dont know if its good or bad it could be the greatest of all goods 27. i play alot of sports 28. i really wish i hadthe outline of a 6-pack, they are my biggest turn on too. 29. i think that hugs are the greatest things in the world, they are very unaperciated. 30. the lion king is my favorite movie, i wanna be like simba. 31. i want to be a photographer/guitar player when i grow up. 32. my moms a phyciatrist, to bad iv desided tha ti hate all phyciatrist and that they ruin just screw up your lives more and more than they already are. 33. i cant seem to remember my dreams at much anymore. 34. i have my first nightmear in the past 3 years about a week ago. 35. i have a lot of scars from alot of diffent things. 36. someone told be one of their depest secters the second day they had ever talked to me, i still havent told. 37. i really like stars and snowflakes. 38. i hate it when ever i wear something with a rainbow on it people call me gay, no offence to gay people(i reall wish i had a guy friend) but why did they get rainbows as their symbols, i really like them. 39. for the first time in a long time i care about my future. 40. i like to say mmmmmmmmmmm when im on IM talking to people, i sigh more on that than in real life. 41. im tainted, i hate it (good song) 42. i have alot of rolemodels, i just wish i was someones. 43. sometimes i get really sad for no reason at all and i dont like that. 44. when im like that i crave physical attention, not like im horny, just i wish someone would show up and just hold me and hug me and tell me that they loved me, which will never happen. 45. im a daddy's girl in the way that my moms always phyco analizing me and thats no fun cuz im so screwed up ad i dont want her to know that. 46. iv changed alot in the past few weeks. 47. i went to the y yesterday and i think pulled a butt muscle. 47. i wish i could read outload, i was babysitting some little kids and i was reading a bed time story to them and they could read it better outload than i could. they were 5 and 3, kinda depressed me. 48. i have high and low expectations 49. i think that trust although i dont think anyone is 100% trustworthy is the best quality in a person, above hummor. 50. im half way done. 51. i love to laugh, and i do it at really stupid things, then people think im dumb, but it just feels good. 52. i hate crying 53. i have a christmas card on top of my computer that has a duck on it, its kinda weird. 54. i wish i had a bigger vocabulary so i could sound as smart as i really am. 55. alot goes on inside my hear that no one knows about. 56. iv been living in some other plannet for my hole life and i just recently got dorped of at earth, realizing what was actualy going on. 57. i really really like icecream, cereal and bread i could live on them (ben and jerrys halfbaked, oh man). 58. i wish i looked beautiful all the time, i only know one person that does. 59. i get easily pulled into think iv promied myself i wouldnt do becauve i know they arnt emotionaly good for me. 60. i made cookies for about 3 hours today. 61. i resently went into linens and things with my friend and found a candle that when we sniffed it made us really dizzy. 62. i used to want to do drugs but have now desided that they are pretty bad and i dont really want to fuck up my life life that, same thing with alcohol 63. last night i got a bloody nose and i just let it drip into my hand and then let it run down my wrist, it felt really good. 64. i just realized how fucked up i am. 65. its 10:15 right now 66. i wish i could fix everyones problems 67. i really like dawsons creek evne though its kinda corny some times, 68. even though sometimes i dont think it i beleive that everything eventualy works itself out. 69. i think is a funny number 70. i dont beleive that everything is all part of some "great plan" 71. im laughing, it feels good 72. i wish i had a license and a car. 73. i wish people emailed me more. 74. i really dislike macy gray i think her vioce sounds like she had nasel congestion. 75. i think cape cod is really pretty. 76. i wish i could surf and that i lived in california even though iv never been there or ever touched a surf board before. 77. i used to be really scared of throwing up. 78. i think santa should be real. 79. i regret something i just did. 80. i regret alot of things. eh. 81. i think some of the things you regret most at the time you do them end up for the better in the end. 82. i think james van der beek is posably the hottest guy on the planet. 83. i want to be like joey on dawsons creek. 84. i wanted to be a pyliantolegist when i was younger, i dont know why. 85. iv never been on a roller coaster in my entire life. 86. this morning i got up and ate to bowl of total, im trying to be healthy. 87. iv lost 10 pounds in the last about 4 weeks, my moms noticed and she says its not good, but i prettend that im not trying to and that i really havent been, its just the clothes im wearing. 88. i try to see things from all points of view. 88. the last movie i watched was crazy/beautiful. i wish i had a friend like the friend in the movie. 89. i really like people that smile alot, im tryin got be one of those people but it kinda makes my face hurt. 90. i know one of those people that just kind of glows. 91. i hope that someone needs me. 92. i wish that someone thought about me before they went to bed at night. 93. sometimes i have a really hard time falling asleep. 94. i always have a hard time getting up monday-friday 95. im original most of the time and when i copy people i wish they would take it as a complement instead of getting pissed off or something. 96. i wonder if anyone is thinking about me right now. 97. i want to be able to eat icecream forever and never get sick or fat from it. 98. i once get bitten by a hampster and accedentaly threw it across the room into the wall 99. i like to see guys cry. 10. i hope i have an effect on someones life.
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living dead girl
1. My name is Jennifer 2. People usually call me LDG 3. I have really pale skin and black hair 4. I enjoy wearing all black 5. I listen to hardcore rock music 6. I play the violin 7. I also listen to classical music 8. I am a very deep person 9. I get depressed really easily, and I love to swallow myself within it. 10. I have a boyfriend that I adore. 11. He pissed me off today. 12. I frequently use the word cow. 13. I just figured out what blather was a couple weeks ago. 14. Acid Bath is my favorite band. 15. My friends are mostly all guys that wear make-up. 16. People love stereotyping me and I really hate it. 17. I have a black cat named Marilyn. 18. I don't label myself. I am me. 19. Dr. Pepper is my favorite drink. 20. I tend to smoke more cigarettes when I claim I'm quitting. 21. I like to drink alcohol, but I don't enjoy getting shit-face drunk. 22. I have 3 brothers. 23. One just got out of prison and is an asshole, another is really fat and he's an idiot married to a crackhead, and the last is the koolest 40 yr old pothead I know. 24. I'm 16 years old. 25. My feet are numb right now from sitting one way for such a long time. 26. I think I am the most uninteresting person I know. 27. I don't have any self-asteem or confidence at all. 28. My boyfriend says I'm beautiful, but I think I am as ugly as dog shit. 29. I always want to get to know people who write things on blather, but I don't know how to find out anyone's email address. 30. I doubt anyone will read this anyways. 31. I can't believe I sat down and read everyone elses. 32. Everyone sounds really interesting. 33. I think I am the newest person to start writing on blather. 34. Right now it is 5:35 in Kilgore Texas. 35. I love to write poetry, but it always ends up being about dieing, killing, being dead, or many forms and types of suicide. 36. My friends tell me I have problems. 37. I'm the only one of my friends that hasn't been to a mental institution. 38. Sometimes when I get really depressed I like to cut myself. 39. Here lately I haven't cut myself because it doesn't hurt anymore... my body is numb to the touch of a razor blade. 40. I believe in God sometimes... but other times I have my doubts. 41. I love nature. 42. I am obsessed with moons and suns and stars. 43. I live in a fantasy world as much as I can so I don't have to face everyday things in reality. 44. I can make anyone smile. 45. Everyone always says they trust me and they don't know why. 46. Everytime I talk to someone online (guys) they become obsessed with me. 47. I don't see why anyone would like me. 48. This is taking longer than I really thought it would. 49. My eyes are brown, but when I cry, they turn bright green. 50. My eyes are green right now. 51. I am listening to Agents of Oblivion right now. 52. I feel sort of depressed right now also. 53. My boyfriend is my bestfriend 54. I love Silverchair. 55. I hate being my age because I'm much more mature than the people I have grown up in school with. 56. I tend to bitch a lot and not do anything about my problems. 57. I am the worst procrastinator you will ever meet. 58. I am one of the laziest people you will ever meet unless I have taken some Coriciden... then I am very happy and hyper and giggly (scary). 59. My favorite number is 8. 60. When I become old and rinkly, I'm going to shoot myself in the head. 61. I love guys that have long hair and are really skinny. 62. Whenever I'm high, I go really deep into thought. 63. I have aol. 64. My screen name is XIamtheAntiX. 65. I don't even know why I am doing this because I know no one is going to read it. 66. So far this has taken me 2 hours to do because I have been distracted a lot. 67. I have a problem with posers. 68. Vivaldi is my favorite composer. 69. Wow, what a great number. 70. Great is my favorite word. 71. I have been with my boyfriend for 6 months. 72. I plan to go to SFA whenever I graduate from highschool. 73. I'm going to major in music and become an orchestra teacher. 74. I play my violin at weddings and earn money for it. 75. I almost got into Wicca one time and then my house burnt down and I said "fuck religion". 76. Red and black are my favorite colors. 77. Whenever I have children, if I have a boy I'm going to name him Kristoph, and if I have a girl, I'm going to name her Raven. 78. I'm not a very safe driver. 79. I like to drive fast and I can't park very well. 80. I've only been fishing a couple times. 81. I ran over a kitten the other day. 82. I once killed a dog just because I felt like it. 83. I am so tired of this. 84. My fingernails are always black. 85. My toenails are always black too. 86. I dyed my hair black so it would always match everything that I wore. 87. I can't believe I said that. 88. I like this number because it's my favorite number doubled. 89. Whenever I was 3 months old, I had a dog named Ozzy. 90. I have lived in Kilgore Texas for 12 years. 91. As soon as I turn 18, I'm moving as far away from here as I can go. 92. I have a habit of cursing. 93. I have a ring that has a moon and stars on it. It's beautiful. 94. I like to sleep naked sometimes. 95. I started drinking coffee today for the first time. 96. I've never flown in an airplane. 97. I've been drinking since I was in the 6th grade and my mom hasn't ever found out. 98. I started smoking weed in the 5th grade and my mom hasn't ever found out. 99. It is now almost 9:00. 100. I love people, but I hate myself.
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wellheregoesnothingormaybesomethingbutanywayheregoes 001. I'm 5'8" 002. I have a hairy chest. 003. I sing everyday. 004. I smile a lot. 005. I don't like the taste of celery or raw onions or black licorice or parmesan cheese. 006. I like the taste of cheesecake and pizza and Skyline chili and chocolate cake. 007. I love big_breasts. 008. I am attracted to redheaded women. 009. There's a plastic shark hanging onto my keyboard lamp. 010. I've written over 100 songs. 011. I've sang in front of 15,000 people at one time. 012. I lost my virginity in 1977 at age seventeen. Her name was Veronica. 013. I wear reading glasses. 014. I have a secret source of extra income. (ClairE, shhhh!) 015. I am a published writer. 016. My favorite sexual position is the classic 69. 017. I want to live on the island of Key West. 018. I have a BFA degree in painting. 019. I am a birdwatcher. 020. I too can recite all 50 US states, but it takes me 30 seconds. 021. I had an original sequence puzzle published by Games magazine. (Got a whopping 15 bucks for it!) 022. I read murder mystery and forensic science novels. 023. I am a Stephanie_Plum fan. 024. I'm happily married. 025. I have two cats, Ruby and Jasmine. 026. I have a big nipple fetish. 027. I used to manage fast-food restaurants. 028. I recently had surgery on my neck to have some broken pieces of disc removed. 029. I used to collect beer cans. 030. I've never liked the taste of beer. 031. I drive a black Corolla and a red Echo. 032. I've touched a Van Gogh painting. 033. I run an online creative writing club. 034. I've never been on a passenger train. 035. I've been in several car wrecks. 036. I have a heart pacemaker. 037. I'm 41. 038. My hair is brown. 039. My eyes are blue with a touch of green. 040. I go Christmas caroling every year. 041. I used to collect baseball cards. 042. I've had three flight dreams. 043. During college, I masturbated about three times a day. 044. I helped an 18-year-old girl lose her virginity when I was 20. 045. I used to be a CB radio fanatic. 046. The first rock album I ever bought was Deep Purple's Machinehead. 047. My favorite TV show is The Daily Show. 048. I was a part of two panty raids during college. 049. I wear a size 10 sneaker. 050. 7" 051. I saw a Belted Kingfisher in my backyard this morning. They're not supposed to be here this time of year. 052. I won my dormitory's backgammon tournament two years in a row during college. 053. I play guitar and piano. 054. I used to model for art students. 055. I was a radio station board operator once. 056. I have two sons. 057. I used to deliver pizza for Domino's. 058. I used to construct crossword puzzles and send them to my aunt. 059. I am a middle child. 060. I used to camp out with my best friend when I was about 13, and get rip-roaring drunk off of Boones Farm wine. 061. I thought I saw an alien spacecraft once. 062. I want a new job. 063. I love milkshakes. 064. I love see-through blouses. 065. Only a few have ever beat me in a game of Othello. 066. I used to be a damn good table tennis player. 067. I've visited someone in a prison. 068. I can balance things on my nose. 069. I subscribe to Penthouse magazine. 070. My favorite band is ELO. 071. I won the thespian Best Dancer award two years in high school. 072. I've had sex with a girl in a public restroom. 073. I wear Old Spice deoderant. 074. I grab my wife's breasts every chance I get. 075. I make coffee for my wife every morning. 076. My wife and I shower together. 077. I met my wife online. 078. I got married barefoot on the beach in Key West. 079. I love a good riesling. 080. I'm a happy drunk. 081. I'm a horny drunk. 082. I like antique malls and flea markets. 083. I love to help build and work in haunted houses during Halloween. 084. I once ran 12 miles without stopping. 085. I was alergic to breast milk. 086. I usually wear jeans. 087. I like women who know how to talk dirty. 088. I think lace is sexy. 089. The fastest I've ever driven a car is 110 mph. 090. I'm of Greek heritage. 091. I have two sisters and a half brother. 092. I am lactose intolerant. 093. I have to shave twice a day. 094. My wife uses oral sex to get me to do things for her. 095. I don't like the taste of carroway seeds. 096. My wife says I'm very agreeable. 097. I've been singing barbershop style music for 25 years. 098. I have double scoliosis. 099. My name is Jon. 100. I live in Kentucky.
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lady lunchbox
1. i am a virgo 2. i love the b-52's 3. toes are ugly 4. i have acne, and it makes me feel ugly 5. i once dated three guys at the same time 6. i sell firewors during the summer 7. i drive way too fast 8. sometimes i drive home drunk 9. my cat is named klemmie 10. right now i want to cry 11. it's 2:06 am...i'm tired 12. i wear size 3 jeans 13. i am obsessive-compulsive 14. i'm going to go clean my bathroom 15. i am a closet blatherer 16. i want to meet someone who blathers here 17. my boyfriend won't tell me he loves me, and it makes me feel unlovable 18. i always have an away message up on aol 19. i drank some vodka last nite 20. i'm tired of writing this list already 21. i work out to aerobics tapes from 1983 22. i even wear the legwarmers sometimes 23. i am double-jointed 24. when i'm sick, i fart in my sleep (so i've been told) 25. i'm too nice to people 26. i hurt people, too 27. i saw someone i shouldn't have seen last nite 28. i liked it 29. i have a thing for david duchovny 30. i have had sex with 2 guys 31. but i've given lots of head 32. i bite my fingernails 33. i listen to my music way too loud 34. i pretend to like certain things to please certain people 35. i have a big mouth 36. i'm sitting indian style 37. my right leg is asleep 38. i have an arthritic back 39. i'm 19 40. i know no one will read my list 41. i miss lorenzo 42. i want to write him another e-mail, but i won't 43. i'm afraid of the dark 44. i hate summer 45. i hate winter 46. but i'd rather be cold than hot 47. i love the smell of gasoline 48. i hate pumping my own gas 49. i used to do drugs 50. i don't need drugs anymore 51. but i really want to do some drugs 52. i want a kid 53. i know now isn't the time for that 54. i love little kids, and they love me 55. i can't even keep my goldfish alive 56. i don't eat enough veggies 57. i eat alot of greasy food 58. my boyfriend picks on my cuz i can go for days at a time eating nothing but french fries 59. i'm afraid to drive in big cities 60. i gave back three of my christmas presents so my brother could get more stuff that he didn't get 61. i'm still too nice to people 62. my eyes are blue 63. sometimes they look green 64. sometimes they look grey 65. my eyes are dry from looking at this damn computer screen 66. i pick my nose in front of my friends 67. i pick my nose in the car when my boyfriend is driving, cuz he can't see out of his right eye 68. i worry that someday he won't be able to see out of his left eye 69. i think too much about the future 70. i'm a dreamer 71. i want to get married in september 72. i want an outside wedding 73. i want to quit college and work at the mall 74. i sing all the time 75. i'm slightly dyslexic 76. i love to have my back tickled 77. i'm kinda sad that this list is almost over 78. i have to get up in 5 hours 79. i keep having bad dreams 80. i'm going to spoil my friend's baby when she's born 81. i should've had a baby of my own to spoil 82. i made some bad decisions 83. i'm a very strong person 84. i will always cry when may 8th rolls around 85. december will always make me sad 86. i'm a jealous girlfriend 87. but i control it well 88. i do 100 situps almost every day 89. i hated the fact that my ex was so damn skinny 90. i was in chorus and band 91. i'm a geek and i love it 92. i collect smurfs and care bears 93. i sleep on my stomach 94. i don't sleep well without renzo 95. i detest salt 96. i used to lick the salt off the insides of popcorn bags 97. i want more than anything in the world to be loved 98. i have the worst feeling that i'm going to be hurt 99. i don't know if i should let him read this list or not 100. i'm going to go to bed now 101. i don't like following the rules
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I am so far away
1. I play the guitar. 2. I used to smoke. 3. I drink sometimes, but only champagne. 4. I wake up at 7.30AM. 5. I seldom get tired. 6. I feel old. 7. I look old. 8. I am old. 9. I sing. 10. I cry a lot when no one's watching. 11. I'm fear abandonment. 12. I fake happiness. 13. I have bright blue eyes. 14. I say that I don't hold grudges, but reality has shown otherwise. 15. I love castles. 16. I love mystery. 17. I love you. 18. I love his voice; I pretend I don't. 19. I love the way things used to be. 20. I am not satisfied with my life, though I say I am. 21. I live in a far away land. 22. I do laundry a lot. 23. I go for long walks across meadows that few people have been to. 24. I wish I could be his friend again. 25. I wish I wasn't growing so old. 26. I wish my life weren't so cold. 27. I wonder if I'll ever run into him......in the supermarket. 28. I remember his fondness for oranges. 29. I used to eat oranges a lot. 30. I only eat apples these days. 31. I am not 'normal.' 32. I do not wish to be normal. 33. I am growing tired of the bullshit. 34. I am ending this list prematurely. 35. I wish to know if you wish to know me.
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1. my name is Kerry 2. i live in Georgia 3. i live in one of those ugly brick ranch houses that were all the rage in 1940-1950... it's a curse. 4. my room is my fortress. 5. i am a pisces and very proud of it. 6. i am constantly trying to learn things about myself because i do not really feel like i have found myself yet. 7. i play guitar but i don't know if i am good at it because i never let anyone hear me play. 8. my guitar is white because i was hoping to cover it with stickers but now i am wishing i had decided to get blue or seafoam green. 9. i have been out of the country- Canada. Toronto, to be exact. 10. my dad is a real road-trip person. when i was in middle school, we drove from georgia to washington state and back, and utah and back, and Toronto and back, among other places but those are the farthest. 11. i have never been to california but i am dying to. 12. when i turn 17 i want to run away to california and live with my cousin for a week. i have never met him but i've heard he's nice. 13. i have a younger brother. his name is Peter. we don't get along much. i still love him, though. 14. i am allergic to cats. 15. i am an insomniac. 16. i used to be a hypochondriac. 17. people think i am shy. 18. lately i have not been very social. i am much more content to stay at home and write. 19. my best friends are Jackie, Nathalie, and... that's it. Other people just don't compare. But i think Johanna and Hollis are getting close. 20. i want to be in a band. i would write the lyrics. i can't sing to save my life. 21. i have heard i am pretty. 22. i have green eyes that are almost hazel and always look very sad, a nose that i consider on the big side but everyone assures me it's not, strawberry blond hair, and a cleft-chin. hehe. 23. i weigh 115 pounds. i am 5'3". i am short for my age. 24. music consumes me and my life. i cannot live without it. i am obsessed. 25. i want so badly to be a writer or an independent film-maker. 26. i have already written some novels. the first are horrible. i submitted a recent one to an english teacher at my school and she bragged about my writing abilities to one of her classes. it was flattering. 27. i like hearing people say good things about me but i feel uncomfortable talking about myself. 28. i think i am modest. 29. i am not as enthusiastic about many things as i used to be when i was little. ie holidays, family stuff, etc 30. i crave sleep. 31. food disgusts me. i am not anorexic but i just don't like food. i would like to be a plant and photosynthesize. 32. i became a vegetarian 3 months ago. i still eat seafood. my parents insist it's just a phase. 33. my mother says all teenagers are looking for true love. i am. 34. my first best friend was a boy named Turner who i still know. now i think about him all the time because he has just recently become extremely attractive. 35. i don't like snow or cold things. 36. i want a tattoo. 37. i just recently quit playing violin. 38. before that, i was playing flute. i hated that too. 39. school is boring but i don't mind it so much because the people are much cooler than they used to be. 40. i don't know if i am popular or not. i think i might be, sort of. 41. i'm not a prep or in that clique that people refer to as "the popular kids." my definition of popular is the real one, meaning well liked. i think i am well liked. 42. i am obsessed with weezer and everyone knows it. 43. other favorite bands are the get up kids, promise ring, and green day. 44. i want an emo boy to go out with. 45. my first kiss was in eighth grade. i was 13. it was not a "real" kiss... just a peck, but i consider it my first kiss because i was excited about it and i liked the person who it was with. 46. my first real kiss was exactly a year later (to the week, quite possibly), in ninth grade, with the same person. i hate him now but we made out in the hallway before class was over. i liked it a lot. i am addicted now. 47. of course, i am a virgin, and i look forward to having sex but don't think it will happen within the year... i don't necessarily want it to, now. i'm fine. 48. i can't dance worth shit. 49. i don't wear glasses. 50. i have never been stung by a bee or a hornet or wasp or anything. 51. my life is utterly boring. 52. my parents are still married. 53. i used to fight a lot with both of my parents. they were considering a divorce because i was making them so unhappy. 54. i want a boyfriend. 55. i love getting emails. i always write back. 56. potatoes are delicious. i eat them all the time. 57. i do 150 crunches every morning before school. 58. tv bores me now. there's nothing on. 59. i like shopping in funky places in little five points and buying old vintage jeans, funny maryjanes, and interesting tshirts. 60. i want to get my fortune told. 61. argumentative people bother me a lot. 62. cockiness is a complete turnoff for me. 63. i know i will think of more facts when i am done with this and then i will be pissed. 64. smart-alecks bother me. 65. i am sometimes too sensitive. 66. i have guy friends but i want more of them. 67. i have never been off of this continent. 68. when i was ten my mother and i flew to canada and we forgot birth certificates and they threatened to detain me if we couldn't prove we were related. our ears were the same so the man sympathized and let us through. 69. i can be very unfriendly if i am not in the mood to talk to people. 70. i love to read but i can't find any good books usually. right now i am reading "white oleander." 71. i play soccer but i hate it. i don't feel like i'm good at it and my mother is forcing me to do it to stay in shape. 72. i would like to do yoga. 73. i would like to be good at running and like it. 74. being short is okay now but will suck in college because people will think i am someone's little sister. 75. i would like to be able to play bass guitar so i can get into a band easier. 76. slugs creep me out and give me the chills. 77. ever since someone's older brother chased me around their house with a switchblade when i was about 10, i have been utterly terrified of knives. 78. i often feel vulnerable and frustrated and belittled. 79. i like to shop for myself. 80. i have bought over 50 cds in the past year. 81. death is intriguing to me. it interests me, maybe a little too much. 82. i write poems and things in a notebook and am such a pushover that i let anyone read them. 83. i have a great talent for accidentally losing jackets. one was "stolen" last week... it was expensive, which sucked. 84. boys confuse me terribly. i can never tell what they think of me or if i'm getting somewhere. i am clueless. 85. i often drift off and don't hear when people are speaking to me. they get frustrated a lot. 86. i also am often stuck in a dreamland. when i snap out of it, i can't tell what is real and what is not. my imagination is so much better than real life. 87. i think geeks are extremely sexy. 88. i took the purity test and if i remember correctly, i am about 74% pure... that is probably because i have never had sex. 89. i love indie films with good soundtracks. 90. i used to talk on the phone a lot but now i am mostly always on the internet. 91. my bra size is 34 B. 92. when i first had my period, i was 12, in 7th grade. it was before school in the morning. i was so mad, i really didn't want it, and i cried and cried. my mother let me stay home. 93. my friend Nathalie is from Australia and i would really like to go there. 94. i wish i was more outgoing. 95. i wish i was good at flirting. 96. i tend to be impatient... things must move fast for me to be happy. 97. photographs are beautiful to me. i love looking at them. 98. people trust me because i give good advice and i keep secrets. 99. i feel very inexperienced compared to a lot of you blatherers. but i still continue to blathe. 100. sorry if i bored you. that is me. that makes me feel a little better.
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I don't expect anyone to read this I simply did it bc I was bored and had nothing better to do. ~~ ~~~~ 1.) I like to listen to Phantom Of the Opera, Jesus Christ Super Star, My Fair Lady and the such whenever I’m cleaning. 2.) I like Apple Butter jelly on my toast 3.) I’ve worn my 6 silver bangle bracelets on my right wrist since I was in 7th grade 4.) I’m a night person by nature 5.) When I was in school and had a hard time deciding something I’d ask a complete stranger to answer Yes or No 6.) I like the smell of apple cinnamon 7.) I have a tattoo on my right above my right ankle and I’m going to get another one just below my belly button of a multi colored butterfly 8.) Whenever my nails are painted I always end up chipping it off. 9.) I find Marilyn Mansons hands ultra sexy 10.) I can’t stand silence 11.) I don’t much care for rap or gospel music 12.) I’ve been homeless 2ce in my life 13.) I wear a size 5 and a half shoe 14.) Out of all the colors I’ve done my hair pink is my fave. 15.) BC of my height I only look 14, although w/ make up I could pass as 16 16.) My Speech and Theater Arts teacher wanted me to join Debate bc of my natural ability to attack my opponent and persway ppl w/ my words, too bad I have a faulty memory other wise I would have joined 17.) I like it when a guy opens the door for me 18.) I once moved 7 times in one year 19.) I’ve got sheet burn on my elbows 20.) At age 11 accidentally learned that I have an older sister 21.) I want to die while parachuting 22.) I HatE going to expensive/fancy restaurants bc it makes me feel SO out of place. 23.) I use to read books as an escape from my RL situation when I was younger 24.) Books are always here for me, but ppl come and go 25.) My Bata fish named Kitty died right b4 X-mass 26.) My curiosity and lack of patience always seem to fuck up my life 27.) I think the songs “She’s Always A Woman” by Billy Joel and “ She use to Be Mine” by Michael Crawford describe me. 28.) I’ve had my ears pierced 3 times but the holes always close up on me 29.) I once asked a cute guy @ school that I’d never met b4 if I could paint his fingernails – and he let me ^.^ 30.) I don’t like my natural hair color bc of my very pale skin it makes me look sickly 31.) I HaVe to have some sort of music or noise going on wherever I go 32.) I think Weird Al is attractive 33.) Come to think of it I don’t have any female friends in RL 34.) I quit choir when I was younger bc I didn’t think knowing how to sing was a necessity of life 35.) I enjoy being hugged ^.^ 36.) According to my guy I glow in the dark bc I’m so pale 37.) I’m multi orgasmic 38.) I want to learn how to rollerblade someday 39.) I like to ride my exercise bike while watching TV 40.) I don’t like diamonds bc their too flashy. Instead I prefer pearls bc their classy and elegant. 41.) I wish I knew how to dance 42.) Some times I’ll wear bracelets that are too big for my wrist on my ankles instead 43.) I think glasses make a guy look intelligent and sexy 44.) When I die I want my organs to be donated to others who need them, and than if theirs anything left of me I want it to be donated to science 45.) From grades 3-7th I was in choir off and on (Moving around so much some times by time I got to a school their choir program was full and so I couldn’t join) 46.) I don’t like clingy leach like ppl or stalkers for that matter 47.) I like being barefoot when I can get away w/ it (Tip of the day: Don’t ever go barefoot in a homeless shelter, not even in their shower, you never know what kind of germs are about. Ware plastic sandals.) 48.) I grew up listening to oldies and classic rock 49.) I startle easily when approached from behind 50.) I’ve always wanted to make earth shattering soul quaking love in a church confessional 51.) I like milk 52.) I normally win @ monopoly 53.) I always lose @ Othello/Reversi but I love to play it any ways ^.^ 54.) I’m horrible @ math 55.) I don’t like my name 56.) I think flowers belong in the ground not some florist shop 57.) I own 4 dresses and none of them fit me 58.) I say actually, suppose and perhaps too much 59.) I love my two cyoot cuddly kitty cats 60.) I was born @ 5:46 on the morning of December 9th 1982 61.) I like it when my guy absent mindedly glides his fingers down my bare back 62.) I still like to color in coloring books every once in a while 63.) One of my fave books is Water Ship Down 64.) Peaches always make me think of His sticky sweet fingers 65.) I don’t own any Sim games bc I know I’d get addicted 66.) When I’m depressed I’ll wrap some strands of hair around my finger and pull on it bc it feels good 67.) I miss Frank E 68.) I like the band Heart 69.) I like the way sucking on cherry popsicles turns my lips an unnatural shade of red 70.) It greatly disturbs me that even nuns and popes can be corrupted 71.) I ran out of sleeping pills a while back and am now finding it hard to sleep. 72.) I want to buy a kite to go fly during our next full moon picnic 73.) I like my showers to be almost scolding hot 74.) I have a huge fear of roaches 75.) I miss being able to play in the mud like I use to when I was young 76.) My feet are VeRRy ticklish 77.) I dislike wearing high hills but I will if what I’m wearing requires it 78.) I’m part Irish, Scottish, Check, German, Polish, Italian, Spanish and though my father distantly related to the queen of England and one his descendants way back was one of the first ppl to cross over on the may flower. 79.) I look more like my Aunt than I do my mom 80.) I don’t like the way I look when I smile 81.) My dream car is a Hummer w/ 36” tires 82.) Besides stain glass I think the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen in my life is the way my crowns melted all over the pavement when I accidentally left them out once. 83.) I’m making a scrapbook and cutting out things of interest from magazines to put in it. 84.) I can’t get on Blather when my guy’s around and I find that fustrating 85.) I could never kill a spider (Unless it’s poisonous) 86.) I can swim I just don’t like to 87.) When I first learned how to ride a bike (@ age 9) I was afraid to turn for fear of losing balance so for a while their I kept running into walls and bushes and fences and what not. 88.) The first crush I ever had on a female was in kindergarten on my teacher Miss French. 89.) No one has ever called me Ivan 90.) Ever since me and my guy have been together I’ve had to keep my fingernails cut. 91.) I use to be a chat junky 92.) Its taken me 4 hours to make this list 93.) Music normally affects my mood 94.) When I was born my vocal cords weren’t fully developed and so even my loudest cry was just barely above a whisper 95.) I don’t like my food spicy 96.) I like dogs just as long as they don’t slobber, drool and lick themselves while in my presents 97.) I use to own two ferrets, Buddy and Pal 98.) I dislike cold weather 99.) I like Far Side comics 100.) I don't like shopping @ the mall kuz I don't want to look like a carbon copy of every one else, so insted I shop @ second hand stors, and any way their more afordible.
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................................................................................ TK [Sagittarius] Based on December 9th 1982, Texas. I choose Dallas as the city - which may throw it off a bit. Summary: Your scout planet is Uranus. You view the world from an unusual perspective. You have a link to hidden forces, which gives you a deeper understanding of the mysteries of life. Unusual things happen to you, often very abruptly an unexpectedly. You have a unique way of getting things done, which causes people to think of you as eccentric. Your Intellect: Your mind is always looking for the patterns hidden in the things all around you. You care less about the facts than what they might mean. One way or another, you either invent or discover something. ................................................................................ There's a bunch more - all pretty positive. I also had a few minutes to kill :-) ³
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wow, I don't know what to say, heck even wow is quite an understatement here! *Is pretty much speechless*
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1. I went to my first college class ever yesterday. 2. I live in Ohio. 3. I know 2 other blatherers in the flesh, and never see either of them anymore. 4. I have very big feet. 5. So big that I only wear unisex shoes, like Docs and All-Stars. 6. Size 8 All-Stars, if you care. 7. My name is Molly, which should be pretty obvious. 8. I've been afraid for my life more than once. 9. I was raped at 15. 10. My last ex stalked me for 5 months. 11. I was in the hospital on New Year's Eve. 12. None of the people I love love me back as much. 13. Most of them would dispute this. 14. But I know it's true. 15. I have never even held a gun. Not even a BB gun. 16. When I was 3, I told my favorite aunt to "go eat sodaballs and die." 17. I still don't know what sodaballs are. 18. I am a fake redhead. 19. I sorta want to be a Muppeteer, you know, like the people that operate the Muppets. 20. I also sorta want to be an etymologist, which is words, not bugs as people often think. 21. I have been on 17 different crazy people drugs. One of them has worked. 22. I was bulimic for 3 years. And then on and off for another four. 23. I just lost 25 pounds. 24. I subscribe to both Jane magazine and Maxim magazine. I think this sums me up pretty well. 25. I almost never cry. 26. Only 5 people have ever made me cry, one of them being my mother. 27. I resent every one of those people a little. 28. My boyfriend is an asshole. 29. But I love him so much, and I want to marry him and adopt babies with him. 30. I have an extreme fear of becoming pregnant. 31. I know tons of useless facts. 32. I almost always mishear song lyrics. 33. I read the entire paper on Saturdays. 34. I've been spending more time at my parent's house than at my apartment. 35. They have cable. 36. I taught myself to read at age 2. 37. I wet the bed occasionally until I was 9. 38. My biggest pet peeves are - - people who can't spell - people who say "yinz" - poeple who let their mouths hang open 39. I hate my job. 40. I have a mild speed problem a few years ago. 41. I'm a Leo. 42. I read the book The Velveteen Rabbit as a child, and it really fucked with my head. 43. I have an anxiety attack whenever I think too much about the Challenger explosion. 44. I'm a diabetic. 45. I'm slightly addicted to Diet Dr Pepper 46. My parents are potheads. 47. I have three cats - Chloe, Ed, and Jubilee. They are all girls. 48. I don't like washing my hair. 49. I own about a million different nail colors but my nails are almost never polished. 50. My favorite color is red. 51. I am a lip gloss addict. 52. I used to be wiccan. Now I'm nothing. 53. I'm slightly obssessive-compulsive. 54. I dropped out of high school at 15, and got me GED at 20. 55. I failed the road portion of the driver's test twice, but I did the manuverability right the first time. 56. I wrote 43 pages of a novel. 57. I'm not a virgin. 58. I had a dream wherin I was being chased by johhny Rzeznik of the Goo-Goo Dolls, and he was wearing a velvet cape thing, like in Phantom of the Opera. 59. I'm pretty sure that I'm not actually as tall as I think I am. 60. My lucky number is 137. 61. My main diet staple is cold canned pineapple chunks. 62. I like to read porn stories. I think I'm going to subscribe to Forum. 63. I cried during the last episode of Roseanne. And I do every time I see it. 64. I kick ass at Scrabble, Boggle, and Trivial Pursuit. 65. But I suck at cards. 66. I can sing. 67. I can read a 200-300 page novel in one night. 68. I'm a chronic insomniac. 69. I have a tendency to expect the best of people. 70. I'm frequently crushingly disappointed in people. 71. I've never been able to realy be friends with an ex. 72. I smoke Parliament menthol lights, a pack a day. 73. I got my license three months ago, at age 21. 74. I'm getting one of my wisdom teeth pulled next month. 75. I have a strange fondness for the movie Newsies. 76. I've worked at two different movie stores for a combined total of two and a half years. I know the plots to things I've never seen. 77. I don't watch movies made before 1971, except for Rosemarie's Baby (1968). 78. I'm disgustingly romantic at heart, but you'd never guess that if you knew me. 79. I sleep in nothing but panties. 80. I like people more than they like me usually. 81. I don't make friends very easily. 82. I'm not usually very comfortable around other girls. 83. I love gay men. 84. I live across the hall from a very eccentric old lady named Melba. 85. I am maybe a little too fond of Jeff_Buckley. 86. I hide things too much. 87. Like when my feelings are hurt. I always lie and say that I'm ok. I know how stupid this is. 88. I once drove to Michigan just so I could add it to the list of states I've been to. 89. I write somewhat bad poetry. 90. I miss a lot of people I've lost contact with. 91. I had the song "Rhiannon" by Fleetwood Mac stuck in my head for three days last week. 92. I can't remember the last time I lied. 93. I have a very bad memory. 94. One of the best things in life is going to the drive-in in the summer. 95. Abortion should stay legal. 96. Hunting should be illegal, unless you have no other way to get food, which is extremely unlikely. 97. Going to college scares me, because it means I'll have to be an adult soon. 98. I probably haven't revealed anything very interesting or important. 99. I'm not a very interesting or important person. 100. But someone loves me.
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little wonder
1. Everyone calls me Jessi, but I think it's cute when someone calls me Jess. 2. I'm a scorpio. 3. My full name is Jessica Rose, I sign everything with that. 4. I'm from Minnesota. 5. I've never been outside of the US, but that is supposed to change the end of this month. (Canada, here I come!) 6. I hate skiing, and I am going to Canada to ski. 7. I've bitten my nails since I was 6. 8. I was born on november 2 and I know someone who is exactly a year younger than me. 9. I hate shopping. 10. My mom is my best friend. 11. I look better with bangs. 12. I am going to get my nipples pierced before I go to college. 13. I've only had one job, and I still have it. 14. I work at a horse barn. 15. I have 3 horses. 16. My kitty ran away on 1/22 and I haven't found him yet. 17. My parents are seperated. 18. My mom slept in her new house last night for the first time. 19. My family is catholic. 20. My favourite colour is blue. 21. If I have cigarettes, I smoke them. 22. I have asthma. 23. I adore alcohol. 24. I'm going to the College of Saint Benedict next year. 25. I'm planning on majoring in psychology. 26. The head of the psych department is a priest. 27. I love to swim. 28. Water is sometimes the only thing that can relax me. 29. I have a younger brother and a younger sister. 30. I love being in plays. 31. I miss singing. 32. When I was 13 I tried to kill myself. 33. I'm afraid to get close to people. 34. I have empathy. 35. My IQ is 163. 36. I don't care. 37. It feels like this list should be coming to an end very soon. 38. I make jewelry. 39. I take pictures. 40. I love music. 41. I keep a lot inside. 42. I want to live on an organic farm this summer and work there for my room & board. 43. I could never be a vegetarian. 44. I am a diet_coke_drinker 45. My favourite book is the_catcher_in_the_rye. 46. I am reading Franny_and_Zooey by J.D. Salinger right now. 47. I hurt. 48. I want to yell and scream and cry as loud as I can but instead I'll just sit here quietly and let a few tears escape. 49. I go to "pretend school". 50. I am attracted to intelligent people. 51. Christian_Slater is the sexiest man alive. 52. I have an odd attraction to Kevin_Bacon. 53. I also am extremely attracted to David_Bowie and don't understand how anyone could not be. 54. I obsessively check my email. 55. My first pet was a goldfish that I named little red riding hood. 56. It was yellow. 57. I was 3. 58. I wish I could be 4 forever. 59. The Labyrinth has been my favourite movie for as long as I can remember. 60. The first funeral I remember was my friend Jackie's. 61. I was 12. 62. She had an aneurism. 63. I've been afraid of having an aneurism ever since. 64. Sometimes I'd like to not have to be the strong one. 65. My favourite foods are avocados and rice pudding [not together]. 66. I lived in Connecticut for 4 years. 67. I'm glad I don't anymore. 68. I've had my kitty [not the missing kitty] for 12 years. 69. I shake a lot. 70. I'm afraid of spiders and sharks. 71. I hate talking on the phone to most people. 72. I like saying "rowr". 73. I've found that biting people is a good way to get them to leave you alone. 74. I live on a cliff. 75. I have parents who will spend $83 to save a damn chicken that cost them $3. 76. I'm obsessed with making lists. 77. I'm in love with Holden Caulfield. 78. I'm a knee model. 79. I've never been able to stay awake for more than 30 hours. 80. Sleep is wonderful. 81. I love hands. 82. My favourite cartoon is Invader Zim. 83. Comic books by Jhonen Vasquez and Roman Dirge are wonderful. 84. I played 90210 on the playground in 3rd grade. 85. I don't have a very exciting life. 86. I love writing. 87. I hate drawing fabric. 88. I hate people. 89. I get along better with people who generally feel the same. 90. I'm agnostic. 91. I'm sleepy already and it's not even midnight. 92. I really want to know about my past lives. 93. Whenever I have stage makeup on everyone tells me I look like a porcelain doll. 94. On a day-to-day basis I only wear mascara, and occasionally some eyeliner. 95. I used to be a dancer. 96. I hate watching people who have no dancing ability/talent dance. 97. I can't watch people chew on their shirts or any other material, it sends chills down my spine. 98. I'm addicted to chapstick and lotion. 99. I have 20/20 vision but I wear glasses because I like how they look. 100. I can't stand heat & humidity.
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(curious) cube
Hi lil' wonder. What does #87 (drawing fabric) mean? Does it mean drawing on fabric with paints or is it something completely different? ³
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little wonder
Yesterday I had a drawing class for 3 hours, and for the last hour of it she set up random jackets and pieces of fabric as a crappy still life and we had to draw it. It was the least fun drawing I've ever had, and if I can help it I will never do it again.
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i dont think my best friend know 100 definite facts about me.
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1 i am hiding in my room 2 i hate taking the time to capitalise/punctuate things 3 i was born on oct 5, libra 4 my mom's birthday is exactly 6 months away from mine, aries 5 i have a tattoo of a g-clef on the tip of my spine, bout 6 in. 6 it burns all the time and it's 3 yers old 7 i have black hair 8 i dye it different every week 9 my house has 21 rooms in it 10 i was homeless once, lived in my car too 11 i ran away at almost 15 12 i came back home at almost 19 13 i have a sister, minnie 14 she is 13 15 every one of my mom's kids has ran away before 15 16 her real name is eliza 17 i used to sell pot 18 i obsess over boys that i think i want 19 i chew my nails, but never bite them off 20 i'm jewish by heritage 21 i went to catholic school coz it was the best thing around 22 i am an aspiring buhdist 23 i think my stupidity is sometimes coz i fried my brain 24 then i think that's propoganda 25 i like the band propogandi 26 i blame my absent mindedness on absent mindedness- i'm always thinking about something else 27 always and never are word i don't us elightly 28 i have a dog named jude 29 i have a cat named cat 30 i have green eyes 31 i have been 5'5" since i was in the 5th grade 32 i covered my eyes about 4 times during the 6th sense 33 i have a size 8 1/2 shoe 34 i cried in the dressing room when i had to go to double digit pants size 35 my best friend lives in CA i live in CT 36 we talk everyday, she's my therapist 37 sometimes i try to see my own face when i close my eyes and it frustrates me that i cant 38 i always have one friend to take care of me 39 i would be content being a well taken care of housewife 40 i want to travel the world 41 i want to be proposed to in an air balloon over the pyramids 42 the sound and touch and thought of cotton makes me cringe 43 same with cron starch, ick 44 i dream about asparagus 45 i will sleep until 5 pm if allowed 46 i'll stay up for days if allowed 47 i'm hungry but i dont want to seemy mother in the kitchen 48 i stare at myslef in the mirror 49 it takes me a while to notice that i look different because i am older 50 i am wearning jeans i've had since 8th grade 51 my favorite colors are green and magenta 52 i am painting my walls and it's taking me months 53 i can play/sing a 3 hour set but i've never done it in front of anyone 54 i collect elephants 55 i don't like talking aboutluck coz it's been good and i dont want to offend it 56 i danced for 15 years 57 i played flute for about 12 years 58 i used to drive 2 hours once a week for a 3 hour flute lesson with a 80 year old master 59 my mom would wait and listen to my lesson 60 it made me very nervous 61 i used to cry when i didnt win 62 now i just feel bad and justify 63 i think i have acute autisim 64 i've worked with mentally disabled people since i was 13 65 i used to live and work on angency grounds durning high school 66 i have no desire to go into that feild at all 67 insane people just make me feel so comfortable i just cant tear myslef away 68 i compulsively write down song lyrics 69 i have only done this once 70 i dont want to get into sex 71 i tried a year of celibacy 72 i lost my virginity on a beach in the riviera in a town called barcares, at about 5 am 73 he played some mean tennis 74 my favorate ride at disneyworld is the pirates 75 i kill jokes like it is my job 76 lactose intolerent/ ice cream addict 77 i am perplexed as to why my family is rich, my mom's a cop 78 i yell when i'm happy and get real quiet when i'm mad 79 i never flush the toilet 80 i'm really bad at fake-liking a gift 81 i think about how i've spent my own money in the past years and want to punch me 82 i wish i had that nannying job back 83 i didn't buy over half of my clothes 84 i can't sleep with sheets 85 i sleep on my stomach 86 i sleep with no pillow 87 i like standards better 88 i have very small nails 89 i throw my cat when he comes near me at night 90 i'm always attracted to the wrong guy 91 i never have enough gumption to ask out the right guys, they end up being friends 92 i never listen to dr's orders 93 i always get sick 94 i avoid what i want to say by entertaining with other subjects 95 the job i would be best at would be a con artist 96 i was once a music major 97 i am now going to make beautiful movies and more importantly write them 98 i decided this because i needed an oulet for my lying, why not fiction? 99 i decided this on a bench in the rain, dressed up like Reagan from the exorcist on halloween, rolling, with the 'angel of death' sitting beside me 100 i am a self stimulating person
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1 My name is Scarlet 2 I work at Hot Topic, and just saying that makes me laugh. 3 I haven’t taken a shower in 2 days because our plumbing is broken. 4 I love to smell people’s arm pits. 5 I have red curly hair. 6 and green eyes. 7 I drive a 91 ford Taurus, it needs new shocks… badly. 8 I am 20 years old. 9 I turn 21 on July 26th. 10 I am a Leo. 11 I have a soulmate that lives in Tennessee, he is 31 years old, and a referee for a small professional wrestling ring. We have never met. 12 My best friend is 16, her name is Nard. She is a lesbian, and she thinks she is in love with me. 13 I smoke a pack of cigarettes a day. 14 I drink occasionally, but excessively. So about once a month I get shit faced. 15 That’s what I did last nite. 16 I am in love with a guy named Brady. But it will never be returned. 17 Last nite I shared a bed with Brady’s best friend. 18 Tomorrow I am supposed to go find a second job. 19 I probably won’t. 20 I am hopelessly attracted to Libra men, even though they only hurt me. 21 I dislike mushrooms. 22 I sit at Denny’s everynite until 2 in the morning writing. 23 I know all of the employees there by name, and I never get charged for coffee. 24 I never order anything but coffee. 25 Brady is at Denny’s everynite. 26 I often get the urge to catch his head on fire. 27 I am messy. VERY MESSY. 28 I like N Sync. (that one was really hard to admit) 29 I listen to a lot of girl folk rock. 30 I listen to a lot of boy punk rock. 31 I love DIGGER!!!!!! 32 Garrett from Digger is the cutest boy in the world. 33 I am such a GIRL. 34 I love it. 35 I have no decision making skills at all. I often find myself in situations because of this. Like I will mysteriously end up dating 2 guys… and having a really hard time choosing between the two. 36 I was raised half Catholic, half Pentacostal Holiness. 37 I am in love with the thought of being in love. 38 I live in Tulsa, Oklahoma. 39 All the domestic BEER in this state is 3.2% or lower. 40 When I go to Kansas, I get really trashed. 41 I have 4 tattoos. Tattoos are illegal here too. 42 I have 17 piercings. 43 My septum hurt the worst. 44 My favorite colors are BLUE and SILVER. 45 I attract skinheads. I have NO idea why. 46 I think that racism sucks. 47 I live 20 minutes from the biggest population of Klan members in the US. 48 I want to move, but I don’t know where to go. 49 I watched A Clockwork Orange this morning. 50 I also ate ice cream with Brady’s best friend Peter this morning, and listened to Weezer and made out until 7 oclock am. 51 We went to sleep, and he accidentally punched me in the face in his sleep. 52 He has a really serious girlfriend. 53 I saw him naked, and I didn’t like it. 54 But I liked the way his arm pits smelled. 55 I am lonely a lot of the time. I like to pretend I am one of those happy single people, because its easier to be single if people don’t pity you. I am not happy. 56 I was engaged at 16 to a really good guy. 57 I turned him crazy, and then he beat me up. 58 I haven’t seen him in a year, not since his court date. 59 I know nobody really cares about all of this, but it feels really cool to do this. 60 I cut my finger on a dog food can today. 61 I wish I could find more people like me. 62 I give until it hurts. I give when I can’t afford to give. 63 I attract homeless guys too, think of that. 64 I have a strong maternal instinct. 65 I love to touch. 66 I hate meaningless sex. Maybe that’s why I want to set Brady’s head on fire so much sometimes. 67 I love Leo girls. 68 I love Aquarius guys. 69 I love everyone who gives me a chance to. 70 I write poetry that I think sucks. 71 Everyone who has ever read my poetry has said the same thing about it. Its simple, but its real. I say exactly what I mean, and there is no mistaking how I feel. 72 I used to get stoned every day. Now I only do about once a month. 73 Okay, maybe twice. 74 I am going to print this off and put it in my notebook. 75 I had a sexual dream about Craig T. Nelson about a week ago. 76 I am deathly afraid of Chuck Norris. 77 I hate elevators. 78 I passed in line at a Red Hot Chili Peppers concert. It was the first time I had ever been drunk and stoned at the same time. It was really scary. 79 I love the rain. 80 I don’t care about getting wet in the rain. 81 I don’t care about getting muddy or dirty. 82 I don’t care what my hair looks like, cause I have come to terms with the fact that trying to do something with it is impossible. I suppose it looks better left alone. 83 I miss my Grandma Bettie. 84 I haven’t seen my dad since Christmas. 85 He hadn’t called me for 2 months, and on September 11th he called to ask me how much gas was here in Tulsa. 86 I am an only child. 87 I have 2 step sisters, we are all 20, and turn 21 within the same month. 88 I have 2 step brothers, 1 is 19, the other is 17. 89 I don’t talk to any of my steps except my dad’s step daughter. 90 I talk to her more than my dad. 91 I cuss a lot. 92 I hardly ever cry. 93 The last time I cried it was because of Brady. 94 Yeah, I still want to catch his hair on fire. 95 My friends all go by weird names. 96 My friends love me a lot. 97 My car is almost out of gas. 98 Tomorrow is going to be the same. I have gotten used to that fact. 99 I wish I was a 15 year old virgin again. 100 Actually I don’t. I wish I knew how to be happy.
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 27b 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 My life is pretty empty
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blue star
1) My name is Megan Claire 2) My dad calls me Maggie 3) I like my dad a lot. 4) He and I both have depression. 5) My mom and i both have ADD, but she and I don't get along as well as my dad and I. 6) My sister Sarah is my dad's favorite. 7) He refuses to admit this. 8) I was raised Roman Catholic. 9) I'm obsessed with being Irish. 10)I'm actually only 1/4 Irish. 11)I'm a full half German. 12)I don't really care. 13)I'm good at speaking Spanish. 14)I hate it when people dismiss my existence. 15)It happens all the time. 16)I'm not quite sure how to fix this. 17)I'm 17 years old. (I'm a baby...) 18)I won't turn 18 until September, after I start college. 19)Every time I fall for someone, it goes badly. 20)It has been gradually improving. 21)I'm a retard. 22)Because if I know a guy likes me, I lose interest. 23) I think this is because I question the intelligence of anyone who actually likes me. 24) I have a 4 year limit on friends. It's not a conscious decision, it just sort of happens. 25) I hate it more than anything. 26) I'm scared that this will continue for the rest of my life. 27)My chinese horoscope says I will have problems making lasting friendships. 28)I like all kinds of music. 29)I especially like sad songs sung by black men, especially from the motown era. 30)I also like girl bands such as Veruca Salt, Rasputina, Lunachicks, Donnas... 31)I loved country when I was little, so I still have a residual weakness. 32)I don't admit this very often. 33)I am afraid that I will be all alone this spring break because most of my friends are going to England on a school trip. 34)If that happens, I will be pist. 35)I love hip hop/soul... it's the shit. 36)I watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer regularly. 37)My favorite characters are Giles, Xander, and Willow. 38)I know everyone thinks I'm insane for enjoying this show. 39)I don't really give a shit. 40)I'm supposed to be doing trig homework now. 41)Trig sucks. 42)The teacher is evil. 43) Nobody quite believes me. 44)I am very intuitive. 45)I get feelings about people. 46)I make comments about my observations. 47)People ask me to explain, and I can't. 48)This frustrates me, and I think it probably discredits my opinion. 49)I'm quite often right, regardless of the lack of concrete evidence. 50)I am also often wrong. Oh, well. 51)I am starting to doubt that I should do this list... 52)I have low self esteem and way too much pride. 53)I think everybody probably does. 54)I like boys. 55)I don't like it when people talk down to me. 56)One of my good friends is doing that to me a lot lately. 57)I've been avoiding them. 58)I wonder if they've even noticed. 59)It snowed a lot today. 60)I'm pissed off, because that means it probably won't do it again tonight. 62)We haven't had a single snow day this year. 63) I live in Rochester, Minnesota. 64)This is bullshit. 65)I parked in the garage today. 66)Which means that my mom couldn't. 67)Hehe... 68)I'm a Virgo and a Rat. 69)I want to have sex. 70)I don't want the complications. 71)I would become emotionally volatile, and that would not be cool. 72)I would never, ever have an abortion, but I don't feel like I can contribute to making laws that would restrict others from doing so. 73)I don't think people other than police should be allowed to carry handguns in public. 74)I don't have anything against guns for hunting or long guns kept at home for self-defense. 75)My family is gone at a concert w/ my little sister. 76)Whenever everyone is gone except me and the dog I'm always petrified that they will all be killed in a car crash at once. 77)But I'm still glad when they leave me alone. 78)My grandpa died when I was 6. 79)I love him more than anything. 80)One time in church, I started crying. I asked my mom why and she told me it was because the song that was being sung was sung at my grandpa's funeral. 81)It is now one of my favorite songs. 82)I'm not sure if I'm really a Catholic. 83)I realize it's not really cool to be Catholic. 84)I think that's stupid. It's the exact same thing as being prejudiced against Islam, except it's not politically incorrect to make fun of Catholicism. 85)I have a bad temper. 86)I am a very passionate person. 87)My name means clear, bright pearl warrior of Ireland. I like that. 88)My car's name is susie. 89)She has a shitty sound system. 90)I love her anyway--she's my independence. 91)I like writing poetry. 92)I love too much and allow myself to be loved to little. 93)I hope someday somebody can break through that. 94)I've got almost a whole liter of my favorite liquor in my closet. 95)I'm not going to drink it any time soon, because I've lost my appetite for it. 96)Every time I drink I feel like a hypocrite, because I'm always telling my friend that I don't want her drinking. 97)I don't have everything figured out. 98)I'm working on it. 99)I want to understand myself. 100)I hope some day I do.
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1.) i'm erin. 2.) i like boys. 3.) i like girls. 4.) i'm a fairly depressed/ depressing individual. 5.) i write quite a bit. 6.) i'm quite good at collages. 7.) i'm quite good at photography, too. 8.) i have very few friends. 9.) my car is a hatchback. 10.) i can't have it here at school. 11.) school is 350 miles away from home. 12.) i'm really big on music. 13.) i sing and dance a lot. 14.) i cut my own hair. 15.) i gave up meat and weed and alcohol for lent. 16.) i was supposed to give up cigs, too . . . but that didn't happen. 17.) i write on my hands. 18.) i'm not very pretty. 19.) i don't really care. 20.) i'm quite homesick. 21.) i'm in my first year of college. 22.) i like cartoons a lot. 23.) but i hardly ever watch television. 24.) i'm currently not interested in anyone . . . sort of. 25.) ok, so there is this one boy . . . but we're just friends. 26.) i clip my room key to my belt loop. 27.) i'm not very girly. 28.) i guess i should've stated that . . . i'm a girl. 29.) i like making mix cds. 30.) i like decorating boxes for people, too. 31.) i have an older brother. 32.) my parents are still married. 33.) i have two cats. 34.) i often wear sweaters. 35.) i'm self-conscious about my arms. 36.) the same goes for my legs. 37.) i'm still pretty comfortable in my own skin, thankyouverymuch. 38.) i don't know how this will turn out. 39.) i don't know a lot of things. 40.) i'm not photogenic. 41.) i debate things a lot. 42.) people always think that that means i'm angry. 43.) i have a bad temper. 44.) i've been doing a lot of crying today. 45.) my closest friend doesn't want to be friends with me anymore. 46.) i guess that means i have to call her my former closest friend from now on. 47.)the guy i used to like is the one who linked me here. 48.) this is a good release, indeed. 49.) right now, i have unending respect for my brother. 50.) i wish i were a faithful person like him. 51.) i'm listening to the pet shop boys right now. 52.) they're awesome. 53.) i really like the latest new order album. 54.) i broke my favourite glass this evening. 55.) i'm pissed about that. 56.) i haven't been outside all day. 57.) i haven't had a cig all day. 58.) i'm too young to be a smoker. 59.) i'm too old to really care. 60.) well, i THINK i'm too old to really care. 61.) i believe that there are two all-purpose words. 62.) they are: monkey and purple. 63.) i like sleeping. 64.) my roommate doesn't appreciate my taste in music. 65.) i don't blame her. 66.) my spring break is coming up. 67.) monkey. 68.) see? it is an all-purpose word! 69.) i'm currently single. 70.) i've ALWAYS been single. 71.) that was a fairly opportune place to say that. 72.) wooh, i could go for a cig right now. 73.) my r.a. was supposed to come to talk to me tonight. 74.) she forgot. 75.) funny how my problem was with feeling invisible. 76.) how nice of her to make that even easier to believe. 77.) i really dig japanese art. 78.) i left my kimonos at home. 79.) i'm really running out of things to say. 80.) i hate talking about myself. 81.) argh. then why am i doing this? 82.) the neil young album harvest makes me cry. 83.) there are a lot of things that make me cry. 84.) i'm not a very positive person. 85.) i would think that that was pretty obvious by now. 86.) i like food. 87.) dorm food is horrible--especially for people who enjoy food. 88.) i haven't eaten a dining hall meal in two days. 89.) no worries, i've been eating. 90.) i wear puka shells without shame. 91.) what?! they hold sentimental value. 92.) i dropped out of my latin class. 93.) i don't get holy week as part of my spring break. 94.) i want to go to mass at home for easter anyway. 95.) i'm not christian. 96.) i don't practice any religion at all for that matter. 97.) i consider myself a spiritual person, though. 98.) i'm pretty honest, too. 99.) just the same, i'm wrong a lot. 100.) i'm trying to be optimistic.
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1. I’m completely addicted to blather. 2. I can never do biology labs correctly. 3. I’m female – but I’m good in English AND Math/Science… 4. My cat, Weeby, is the inspiration for my email address. 5. I *like* to read Shakespeare. 6. I sleep with at least four pillows. 7. I really try not to intimidate people, but I’m afraid it doesn’t work very well. 8. Without sarcasm I could not communicate with anyone, ever. 9. The ocean never fails to hold me spellbound. 10. I believe in Social Darwinism. 11. I love Roman and Greek culture and mythology. Norse mythology is cool, too… 12. I very rarely listen to a song all the way through before I turn the station or go to the next track. 13. I like to wave at random people when I drive. 14. The best six weeks of my life were this past summer, at Governor’s School East. 15. The worst six weeks of my life were somewhere around February 20, 1999, when my mom banned me from my best-friend-at-the-time…he’s in California now… 16. When I get my own place, I’m gonna have suspended furniture – like hammocks and swinging Papasan chairs like on Rhoda. :) 17. I like to play Doublecross (aggressive scrabble) and Pachisi online (I’m such a dork…) 18. I’ve never seriously dated anyone taller than me. My height exactly, but not taller… 19. My hair is naturally wavy in some places, but it doesn’t look right all curly or all straight. I hate my hair. 20. I have really short eyelashes because I cut them when I was little. 21. I believe in a god, but not a judgmental one. 22. More than one person thinks I'm bi-sexual. 23. Chocolate, the latest Cosmo, a nap, and a good bawl can fix anything. 24. The most time I ever spend with my dad is when we watch The Simpsons. 25. I try to avoid spending time with my mom at all costs. 26. I always start out the school year organized, but I rarely make it more than 3 weeks… 27. I love gel pens, especially the ones that double as eye-liner. 28. Whenever I think of something really cool to write I never have anything to write with/on, and when I do have materials, I can’t write anything cool. 29. If you ask me a question, be prepared for me to be terribly long-winded about my answer. 30. The AIM Away message is an art form. So is the profile…and the icon… 31. I hate when people try to forward me something but they don’t re-attach the file. 32. I hate it when I hear a song and fall in love with it, and then a month later it blasts to the top of the charts and I’m sick of it, but everyone else is obsessed. 33. I sleep naked and almost never wear panties, but I love boxers on a guy. 34. I have tons of MP3s and an MP3 player in my car. 35. I type with my fingers on the right keys. 36. I met my first love online; we met and dated on and off for more than two years. 37. I’m valedictorian at my high school and I've won all sorts of school/county/region/state/even national awards, but my mom has never once said the words, “I’m proud of you.” 38. A look of disapproval from someone I respect makes me feel like the worst kind of scum in the world. 39. I hate licorice. 40. I like arguing with logic, but not with Mr. Hands, because he doesn’t know logic but pretends he does. 41. I've had people tell me I laugh too much, and people tell me I cry too much… sometimes the same people… 42. My life is an open book, to anyone who cares to open its pages. If you have the guts to ask, I have the guts to answer. 43. I miss My So Called Life and Welcome Back Kotter…oh and Daria… 44. Run Lola Run and Amelie are the best two foreign films I have ever seen. 45. I chew my nails. 46. I have two vibrators, but I don’t use them anymore because they were gifts from an ex-boyfriend. 47. I like my eyes. I want to gouge them out and throw the rest of me away. Nelle says they’re cat eyes – they have green, dark blue, and yellow in them. 48. My favorite PG-rated place to be kissed is the very corner of my lips. 49. I don’t like how my handwriting looks, but I like that I can write fast and usually legibly. 50. I can’t stand people who take verbatim notes. 51. I shave more than just my bikini line. 52. I drink diet drinks because my mother made me… at the beach when my brother brought his diabetic girlfriend along. Mom didn’t want her to be the only one drinking diet drinks (aka feel like a burden) so she made me pretend I loved them and had always loved them. Now I’m just used to them… 53. There was less than a week between receiving my first kiss and giving my first blowjob. 54. I have never been stung by a bee or hornet or wasp. I have, however, stepped on a toothpick and had it go almost all the way into my foot. 55. I like guys who can carry on intelligent conversations and listen to me… but who also aren’t afraid to kiss me when I’m mid-sentence. 56. I don’t like talking on the phone as much as I like talking online. 57. I’ve never been out of the United States. 58. I listen to almost all types of music, and I love lyrics. 59. Regression sessions are under-appreciated. Play-Doh is so therapeutic. 60. I like flowers, especially roses. 61. I'm not photogenic. 62. The biggest piece of advice that I need to pay attention to is "for every yes, let there be a no" 63. I like to dress up for no reason, but I usually end up changing back into casual clothes because the people I’m going somewhere with don’t want to dress up with me. 64. The thing that saddens me the most is that some of the people at my school haven’t changed since I first met them in kindergarten or first grade. 65. I’m obsessed with cutting out magazine pictures and words – out of all kinds of magazines but intellectual ones are best. 66. My gag reflex never weakened even though I was bulimic for about a year and a half. 67. I subconsciously proofread everything I hear or see. One of my biggest pet peeves is spelling or grammatical errors on public displays or signs. 68. Another huge pet peeve is people who ask me to help them and then leave me to do it by myself. 69. I have so many inside jokes with my best friend that we have to make lists every few weeks so we won't forget them. 70. If I go to sleep with silence – no radio playing and no tv on – then it takes real effort to wake up sooner than 12 hours later. 71. I have had all of my wisdom teeth removed. 72. I’m politically liberal on most topics. 73. Anchovies and root beer are disgusting… 74. I love doing the Literature round of Academic Competition Club. 75. I love butterflies, but moths flitting around the computer screen terrify me. 76. I can’t stand the use of illegal drugs. 77. The biggest regret of my life is that I let my mom threaten me out of going to the School of Science and Math. 78. I have to stand people who smoke cigarettes because I live in Rockingham County, and 75% of the people here do. 79. Its ok to drink if you’re over 21 and you do it responsibly. 80. I have never been able to be what-I-consider-friends with an ex-boyfriend. 81. I love to argue “who loves who most” but it’s no fun to win… 82. Three guys I've fallen for have either been gay or thought they might be. 83. Coffee and vanilla are the best food-related smells ever. 84. I like music by Consolidated. Sometimes they contradict themselves, but its ok because that's what free expression is about. 85. I like it when people leave the “A” off the first of my name without me having to suggest it. 86. I kiss with my eyes closed the first time; after that, it just depends. 87. Ranch dressing is good on anything…including fries, green beans, steak, chicken, apple or pear slices, baked potatoes 88. I’m related to no one within a good three-hour radius except my mother, father, and brother. 89. I don’t want to have kids. 90. I want to have lots of cats. 91. Strawberries and pineapple are the best fruits. Strawberries are summery and delicious and make me feel good, and pineapple, well…we know what pineapple does ;) 92. I want to take a road trip across the country. 93. I put my hair up as soon as I get home, but I refuse to let anyone see me that way (there have been rare exceptions…hehe). 94. I want my tongue pierced. Until then, every time I see a guy with a tongue piercing – it doesn’t matter who he is – I want to kiss him. 95. All I want out of life is to be able to say I didn’t end up like my mother. 96. I get nervous when I want to know something important to me, but the person won’t tell me, so I usually end up assuming all sorts of things. I have to be grasped by the shoulders and calmed down. 97. I've wanted to commit suicide plenty of times, but the closest I've come is taking 8 extra strength tylenol and going to sleep *lol* 98. I have absolutely no sense of direction. 99. I sing in the shower, in my car, and when I’m being stupid with my friends, but I can’t carry a tune in a bucket. 100. I can’t decide if coming up with 100 facts about me has been too easy or too hard…
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1. I'm completely addicted to blather. 2. I can never do biology labs correctly. 3. I'm female – but I’m good in English AND Math/Science... 4. My cat, Weeby, is the inspiration for my email address. 5. I *like* to read Shakespeare. 6. I sleep with at least four pillows. 7. I really try not to intimidate people, but I'm afraid it doesn't work very well. 8. Without sarcasm I could not communicate with anyone, ever. 9. The ocean never fails to hold me spellbound. 10. I believe in Social Darwinism. 11. I love Roman and Greek culture and mythology. Norse mythology is cool, too... 12. I very rarely listen to a song all the way through before I turn the station or go to the next track. 13. I like to wave at random people when I drive. 14. The best six weeks of my life were this past summer, at Governor's School East. 15. The worst six weeks of my life were somewhere around February 20, 1999, when my mom banned me from my best-friend-at-the-time…he’s in California now... 16. When I get my own place, I'm gonna have suspended furniture – like hammocks and swinging Papasan chairs like on Rhoda. :) 17. I like to play Doublecross (aggressive scrabble) and Pachisi online (I’m such a dork...) 18. I've never seriously dated anyone taller than me. My height exactly, but not taller... 19. My hair is naturally wavy in some places, but it doesn't look right all curly or all straight. I hate my hair. 20. I have really short eyelashes because I cut them when I was little. 21. I believe in a god, but not an angry, judgmental one. 22. More than one person thinks I'm bi-sexual. 23. Chocolate, the latest Cosmo, a nap, and a good bawl can fix anything. 24. The most time I ever spend with my dad is when we watch The Simpsons. 25. I try to avoid spending time with my mom at all costs. 26. I always start out the school year organized, but I rarely make it more than 3 weeks... 27. I love gel pens, especially the ones that double as eye-liner. 28. Whenever I think of something really cool to write I never have anything to write with/on, and when I do have materials, I can't think of anything cool to write. 29. If you ask me a question, be prepared for me to be terribly long-winded about my answer. 30. The AIM Away message is an art form. So is the profile...and the icon... 31. I hate when people try to forward me something but they don't re-attach the file. 32. I hate it when I hear a song and fall in love with it, and then a month later it blasts to the top of the charts and I'm already sick of it, but everyone else is obsessed. 33. I sleep naked and almost never wear panties, but I love boxers on a guy. 34. I have tons of MP3s and an MP3 player in my car. 35. I type with my fingers on the right keys. 36. I met my first love online; we met and dated on and off for more than two years. 37. I'm valedictorian at my high school and I've won all sorts of school/county/region/state/even national awards, but my mom has never once said the words, "I'm proud of you." 38. A look of disapproval from someone I respect makes me feel like the worst kind of scum in the world. 39. I hate licorice. 40. I like arguing with logic, but not with Mr. Hands, because he doesn't know logic but pretends he does. 41. I've had people tell me I laugh too much, and people tell me I cry too much... sometimes the same people... 42. "My life is an open book, to anyone who cares to open its pages." If you have the guts to ask, I have the guts to answer. 43. I miss My So Called Life and Welcome Back Kotter...oh and Daria... 44. Run Lola Run and Amelie are the best two foreign films I have ever seen. 45. I chew my nails. 46. I have two vibrators, but I don't use them anymore because they were gifts from an ex-boyfriend. 47. I like my eyes. I want to gouge them out and throw the rest of me away. Nelle says they're cat eyes – they have green, dark blue, and yellow in them. Chicks in my biology class decided I look like a porcelain doll. 48. My favorite PG-rated place to be kissed is the very corner of my lips. 49. I don't like how my handwriting looks, but I like that I can write fast and usually legibly. 50. I can't stand people who take verbatim notes. 51. I shave more than just my bikini line. 52. I drink diet drinks because my mother made me... at the beach when my brother brought his diabetic girlfriend along. Mom didn't want her to be the only one drinking diet drinks (aka feel like a burden) so she made me pretend I loved them and had always loved them. Now I'm just used to them... 53. There was less than a week between receiving my first kiss and giving my first blowjob. 54. I have never been stung by a bee or hornet or wasp. I have, however, stepped on a toothpick and had it go almost all the way into my foot. 55. I like guys who can carry on intelligent conversations and listen to me... but who also aren't afraid to kiss me when I'm mid-sentence. 56. I don't like talking on the phone as much as I like talking online. 57. I've never been out of the United States. 58. I listen to almost all types of music, and I love lyrics. 59. Regression sessions are under-appreciated. Play-Doh is so therapeutic. 60. I like flowers, especially roses. 61. I'm not photogenic. 62. The biggest piece of advice that I need to pay attention to is "for every yes, let there be a no" 63. I like to dress up for no reason, but I usually end up changing back into casual clothes because the people I'm going somewhere with don't want to dress up with me. 64. The thing that saddens me the most is that some of the people at my school haven't changed since I first met them in kindergarten or first grade. 65. I'm obsessed with cutting out magazine pictures and words – out of all kinds of magazines but intellectual ones are best. 66. My gag reflex never weakened even though I was bulimic for about a year and a half. 67. I subconsciously proofread everything I hear or see. One of my biggest pet peeves is spelling or grammatical errors on public displays or signs. 68. Another huge pet peeve is people who ask me to help them and then leave me to do it by myself. 69. I have so many inside jokes with my best friend that we have to make lists every few weeks so we won't forget them. 70. If I go to sleep with silence – no radio playing and no tv on – then it takes real effort to wake up sooner than 12 hours later. 71. I have had all of my wisdom teeth removed. 72. I'm politically liberal on most topics. 73. Anchovies and root beer are disgusting... 74. I love doing the Literature round of Academic Competition Club. 75. I love butterflies, but moths flitting around the computer screen terrify me. 76. I can't stand the use of illegal drugs. 77. The biggest regret of my life is that I let my mom threaten me out of going to the School of Science and Math. 78. I have to stand people who smoke cigarettes because I live in Rockingham County, and 75% of the people here do. 79. Its ok to drink if you're over 21 and you do it responsibly. 80. I have never been able to be what-I-consider-friends with an ex-boyfriend. 81. I love to argue "who loves who most" but it's no fun to win... 82. Three guys I've fallen for have either been gay or thought they might be. 83. Coffee and vanilla are the best food-related smells ever. 84. I like music by Consolidated. Sometimes they contradict themselves, but its ok because that's what free expression is about. 85. I like it when people leave the "A" off the first of my name (Amanda) without me having to suggest it. 86. I kiss with my eyes closed the first time; after that, it just depends. 87. Ranch dressing is good on anything…including fries, green beans, steak, chicken, apple or pear slices, baked potatoes 88. I’m related to no one within a good three-hour radius except my mother, father, and brother. 89. I don’t want to have kids. 90. I want to have lots of cats. 91. Strawberries and pineapple are the best fruits. Strawberries are summery and delicious and make me feel good, and pineapple, well...we know what pineapple does ;) 92. I want to take a road trip across the country. 93. I put my hair up as soon as I get home, but I refuse to let anyone see me that way (there have been rare exceptions...hehe). 94. I want my tongue pierced. Until then, every time I see a guy with a tongue piercing – it doesn't matter who he is – I want to kiss him. 95. All I want out of life is to be able to say I didn’t end up like my mother. 96. I get nervous when I want to know something important to me, but the person won't tell me, so I usually end up assuming all sorts of things. I have to be grasped by the shoulders and calmed down. 97. I've wanted to commit suicide plenty of times, but the closest I've come is taking 8 extra strength tylenol and going to sleep *lol* 98. I have absolutely no sense of direction. 99. I sing in the shower, in my car, and when I'm being stupid with my friends, but I can’t carry a tune in a bucket. 100. I can't decide if coming up with 100 facts about me has been too easy or too hard...
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grr of all the ones i had to screw up and submit 2ce...
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air ride delinquent
1 my brother and sister are fighting 2 my dad is dead 3 my house is a mess 4 my mom is gone 5 my car dosent start when its cold 6 I'm never happy 7 I'm never happy 8 I'm never happy 9 I'm never happy 10 I'm never happy 11 I'm never happy 12 I'm never happy 13 I'm never happy 14 I'm never happy 15 I'm never happy 16 I'm never happy 17 I'm never happy 18 I'm never happy 19 I'm never happy 20 I'm never happy 21 I'm never happy 22 I'm never happy 23 I'm never happy 24 I'm never happy 25 I'm never happy 26 I'm never happy 27 I'm never happy 28 I'm never happy 29 I'm never happy 30 I'm never happy 31 I'm never happy 32 I'm never happy 33 I'm never happy 34 I'm never happy 35 I'm never happy 36 I'm never happy 37 I'm never happy 38 I'm never happy 39 I'm never happy 40 I'm never happy 41 I'm never happy 42 I'm never happy 43 I'm never happy 44 I'm never happy 45 I'm never happy 46 I'm never happy 47 I'm never happy 48 I'm never happy 49 I'm never happy 50 I'm never happy 51 I'm never happy 52 I'm never happy 53 I'm never happy 54 I'm never happy 55 I'm never happy 56 I'm never happy 57 I'm never happy 58 I'm never happy 59 I'm never happy 60 I'm never happy 61 I'm never happy 62 I'm never happy 63 I'm never happy 64 I'm never happy 65 I'm never happy 66 I'm never happy 67 I'm never happy 68 I'm never happy 69 I'm never happy 70 I'm never happy 71 I'm never happy 72 I'm never happy 73 I'm never happy 74 I'm never happy 75 I'm never happy 76 I'm never happy 77 I'm never happy 78 I'm never happy 79 I'm never happy 80 I'm never happy 81 I'm never happy 82 I'm never happy 83 I'm never happy 84 I'm never happy 85 I'm never happy 86 I'm never happy 87 I'm never happy 88 I'm never happy 89 I'm never happy 90 I'm never happy 91 I'm never happy 92 I'm never happy 93 I'm never happy 94 I'm never happy 95 I'm never happy 96 I'm never happy 97 I'm never happy 98 I'm never happy 99 I'm never happy 100 I dont know why i am doing this
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1. i use herbal essences leave in conditioner 2. I have a fear of caterpillars and butterflies kinda weird me out. hate moths. 3. I am the only person my bird won't bite. 4.i was once in one of those pictures that come in the picture frame when you buy it. 5. I was almost kidnapped with my cousin when I was 7. It was kinda silly. 6. I despise the fact that smells like teen spirit is so easy to play. 7. My wardrobe consists mainly of red and black. 8. I am craving a p-nut butter and jelly sammich. 9. My first real Love was my exbestfriend Nick. 10. the first time I ever used the phrase/word exbestfriend was about 3 or 4 months ago, and since then I have overused it. 11. I need to buy more bras because I have reached the point where it is unavoidable to buy a bigger size. 12. lithium and all apologies are my favorite nirvana songs. 13. I am listening to nirvana, which is why there are (now) 3 references to them. 14. I own 6 books about kurt cobain/nirvana so far. 15. my obsession began when i had a dream about kurt cobain and the next day i had to learn more. 16. because of my thirst for nirvana and kurt, I became close friends with Winter. if it hadn;t been for the dream, we wouldnt be friends at all. 17. I wish somebody would throw me a surprise party Like the one 'we' (my friends and I) threw for kristle on friday. 18. i would probably screw it up by going somewhere else with some other friend last minute if someone DID throw a surprise party. 19. my favorite physical peices of mine are my eyelashes and my left thumb. 20. I can balance a penny (or a small stack if i practice) on the tip of the hook of a wire hanger and twirl it around a few times without it falling off. 21.i wish i had gone to prom last night with my friends. 22. one of my favorite books is white oleander by janet fitch. 23. the drugs I have done: weed, shrooms, and some pills. i cant remember what ones. never can. 24. I plan on getting some amphetamines. 25. I hate math. 26. I am always in the middle of fights my mom has with her boyfriend. 27. Mark (moms b/f)claims I am a slob. but I think he needs to look around and realize that the mess in our house is from my mom and him and I clean every single thing i mess up, AND i clean up after them. 28. i think my mom is immature and too emotionally needy. she enjoys playing the victim above everything else in her life. 29. acid is potentially harmful to me because, as stated in many places, acid is most harmful to those who have a history of alcoholism in their family and who have personality disorders. i have both. 30. I'm getting some acid this week, maybe next week. 31.my nails never grow long. they stay moderately short. I bite them only when i am nervous. 32. duracell is my favorite battery brand, but i like energizer commercials better. 33. when I was little, I was obsessed with permanent markers and bright white paper notepads. For a while, it was all I would use to write or draw on. 34. I like gently nibbling on whoevers lips i am kissing then pulling away for a while thenn licking their lips softly then jumping into a madd kiss. cliched,yes, but its my favorite pattern as far as kissing goes occasionally. 35. lips remind me of puzzle peices...if my lips don't match somebody elses when i kiss them it seems to always end horribly and fast. not BECAUSE of it. It just happens. 36. I am expecting a phonecall so i have to finish this list later.
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37.I hate cilantro. It reminds me or chlorine. 38. I don't like mexican food in general. 39. my brother had two friends that murdered their entire families (on separate occasions. the two friends didnt know eachother) while still in highschool. 40. I am eating gaucamole 41. i don't know how to spell gwock-ah-mowle-ee. 42. I want to be a psychologist, but occasionally look around and think about easier jobs. Maybe a social worker. 43. when i think about wanting to be a social worker I feel fake and bad because I am all depressed and probably not the bubbliest most social person anyway. testing people is more my thing. 44. I crack my knuckles constantly, with little effort. 45. my hands are supposedly small according to everybody but me. i guess I'll let them win this time. 46. my most common daydreams include me being this superbig rockstar (I'm sorry. if I were to become one, i'd be a total sellout. but I'd still write and play my own songs and all. and i owuldn;t be THAT fake...), or me somehow getting somebody (usually nick or erica or some guy) to understand how I feel (the pain they caused) and making them hurt, kicking ericas face in or bashing it in in some way (also ripping out her belly peircing), AND of me making out with my current crush. tehe. 47. I get extraordinarily happy when I come home to an empty house (like today). 48. on my way hoem from my busstop today i was trying to devise some sort of plan that would result in me living in maryland for at least junior year. 49. when i looked at the "yummychuckle" page, I smiled out loud. 50. i kinda like that phrase I just used. 51. i used to have an inhaler cus i can't breathe when its voggy out (vog= volcano type stuff) 52. I danced onstage for a bunch of pepsi representatives with about 50 other kids from my old private school while ray charles played piano and lord of the dance came up behind us and shot off confetti. (it was for pepsis 100th ...um...anniversary....) 53.thats why i prefer pepsi over coke. 54.i just spilled a lot of GWOCK -o- moley. 55.my friend eve brought a journal to school today in which there were 5 pages devited to "zoe" (me)and she thought i couldnt read her cryptic writing but I could and it said I was the most interesting person she knew and maybe she was friends with me because i was messed up and maybe she could get me to be dependant upon her so she would feel like she had importance. also some random song lyrics and stuff about how I look angry and scare people away. oh AND she kept mentioning how alike we are. 56. if i keep making these so long, i'll never get done. 57. i don't know what I beleive in as far as god goes and i don't feel justified in defining what god is, so instead i pray to my spirit guides because I am certain of their existence. 58.I made erica realize she has no power over me today (exbestfriend who is dating my exboyfriend) 59. i check blather at school during lunch or in the morning occasionally. 60. I'd like my mommy to remember what you sow is what you reap. 61. i dont understand why a bunch of blatherers seem to be defending me and making me feel good about myself just recently. 62.I think i may be pregnant 63. i dont know what i'll do if I am. It would be nice to keep him or her, but reality tells me that it just wouldn't work. 64. i would name her victoria or him Tory. 65. we have 7 bottles of visine/clear eyes in our house. 66. i found some weed in my moms boyfriends desk today and realized why we have those bottles. 67. i have and hate braces. 68. when i was little, my mom told me if i didnt stop sucking my thumb, I'd get crooked teeth and need braces. I thought bbraces were pretty, so I kept on sucking ym thumb. 69. I like buying political science books. 70. people think i am stupid because I don't tell them what i am thinking and instead just nod my head. 71. you don't know who i am. 72. I wish you did. 73. when little kids draw me, i am always wearing solid black. even if i happen to be wearing blue or red that day. and even if they draw pther people in different colors. 74. Nimai tried to hug me today but i said "go away asshole" and everybody laughed heartily. 75. Mnay of my new friendships are sprouting from people i hardly know but ask to borrow cds from. I bond over Cds very often. 76. looking at my cds is seeing me naked. people don't understand that. Its hard to explain to them... 77. I can't wait to open my new pack of blank CDs. 78. i don't like making compilations for myself. they feel too messy. 79. my favorite animal print is leopard. 80. I am in the middle of reading "all quiet on the western front", "on the road", "Prozac nation", and "Marilyn Monroe", as well as "Games people play". 81. I will finish prozac nation first, then on the road, then marilyn monroe and then games people play, and i will never end all quiet on the western front. 82. sometimes i just REALLY REALLY want to go to a psychologist so i can get some pills because I KNOW I qualify for some good ones. 83. if i got them, i would feel fake and not take the right dosage at the right time. 84. the thought of having to be dependant on pills to be normal makes me sick. 85. i could have an almost living thing inside of me right now (a developing baby thing) and I don't even know for sure. 86. the teeter totter was my favorite playground thing when I was young. Slides and swings tied in second. 87. I hate when people refer to something they think is "uncool" as "gay" or a person as a "fag". 88. I wish I had my brothers blue eyes instead of my stupid brown ones. 89. I think my brother isaac is more real than I am. 80. I thought of this because I saw a picture of him on the bulliten board in front of me. 81. my mom says I look nothing liek she did when she was a teenager and I am GLAD. 82. kids like me because I have a hard time saying no. 83. If my bird were human I think he would be gay, and he would be my best friend...but I would tell him he needs to go to anger management classes because he bites people too much. 86. I like being bitten on my neck. 87. I think I should date a vampire. 88. my favorite bra is a silver one. 89. I write in a journal every night. 90. I like the song "pretty vacant" 91. once, a hermit crap clamped onto my lip because i tried to kiss it. (I was like...7) 92. i hope somebody tries calling me while I'm online. 93. I am suffering from hairloss. not really. but the tips of my hair arent oh-so-very-soft because they are dyed blue. 94. My mind feels blank. 95. i think the zodiac killer is the unibomber. 96. murder intrigues me. serial killers and their minds. I kind of wanted to be a criminal psychologist for a while. 97. I think I'm going to get "wicked" tattooed on my ass in japanese hirigami er...hirogami hiragami? who knows... 98. Mitchell just told me he doesnt give a rats ass about me and its sad that i do this shit to myself and I'm stupid. 99. I wish I could just be a passerby instead of myself. I could just drop knowing me and move on. 100. I am feeling like dying suddenly.
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1. I'm daunted about having to come up with 100 facts 2. I didn't manage to get through all 100 of ANYONE's list. (But I read a lot) 3. I can't stand having the door open when it could be closed 4. I'm 60 times more alleric to dust than the basic 'allergic to dust' level 5. I stopped listening to bush as soon as I learnt to play guitar 6. I secretly still like bush a lot, but hardly ever put on their cd's 7. I dislike R&B 8. I hate manufactured bands 9. Dispite this, I've formed a boy-band with my best mate 10. I have no qualms about using people I hate 11. I'm sick of the smell of popcorn 12. I have a lot of half finished crap songs, but not many finished good ones 13. I have a fear of being on trampolines 14. I claim to love the beach, but now that I live 5 mins walk from one, I never go 15. I can't stop buying green clothing 16. I very rarely dream, but when I do, they are awesome 17. Sudafed and vitamins keep me safe and warm 18. I haven't met anyone I can imagine falling in love with in months 19. I used to fall in love with anyone who'd look at me 20. I have no ability to handle money 21. Condisering how much time I spend singing and playing guitar, I really should be better. 22. When I was little I wanted to be a robot scientist 23. I started a degree in Software engineering, hoping to become a robot scientist by the end. 24. I dropped out within 6 months 25. Now I study design in visual communication 26. Its my 3rd year and I haven't dropped out 27. I'm taking a course in writing 28. I am wary of feminists, because they invaribly tell me that I'm sexist 29. I don't think I'm sexist 30. I hate cereal, except for pop_tarts 31. I'm currently on a "put on weight" regieme, and eat about 5 eggswhites each day 32. Soon I'll be able to laugh at all you puny earthlings 33. Though its a long way off.. I'm still only 70kg 34. I love puns 35. I love rhyming 36. I can spend hours thinking of rhymes and laughing at them 37. I find this much more fun as a cometition- think of all the rhymes possible, in turns, until one person can't think of anymore 38. Mostpeople get sick of this game very quickly, except for josie and dave 39. I almost never stress 40. My parents wish I would 41. I have a pogo stick, and can do many tricks - falling off, going into walls, etc. 42. Pogo sticks aren't as much fun as I initially anticipated 43. My favourate artist is Paul Klee 44. My favourate band/soloists are: Radiohead, Alex Lloyd, Something for Kate, umm this list will go for too long... 45. Sydney is not as fun as it used to be 46. I love getting mail 47. If I have a message on my phone I can't stop myself from reading it. 48. My favourate word is pandemonium. 49. I've never managed to casually use that word in conversation without being laughed at. 50. I play a lot of computer games 51. I kinda wish I was dumb, so I could become a detective or join the army. 52. I realise this is stupid though, because they're obviously not as fun as movies make out 53. As a child I thought I was a traveller from a parrallel universe inhabiting this body. 54. I'd have arguments with the body's owner, who I had mentally 'enslaved' at birth 55. I used to take this to extremes: my actions in this world had an effect on actions in the parrallel worlds, and would act accoringly, reacting to the 'ghost images' I could see from other worlds 56. the other worlds were: A medieval magic/fantasy world where I was a half elven hero warrior/mage, an icy wasteland where I was a cybog-soldier on iceskates, and a futuristic cross between tron and real life where I was a secret agent. 57. I made this a highly complex delusion, explaining why it had to be secret, why I didn't know specifics about it, everything. 58. I cried one time when I got a detention, and as a result couldn't detonate the timer in the tron world. My best friend died, and I blamed the teacher. 59. This just got me another detention. 60. As soon as I heard about scizophrenia, I banished these delusions forever. 61. My best friend in primary school ate paper constanly 62. I started a marble club in primary school 63. I find racist jokes really funny, but don't mean them I wish there was a race which had a whole lot of dumb characteristics that was made up just for jokes. 64. I'm really bad a spelling 65. I'm really bad a arithmetic 66. I'm seriously thinking about stopping this list now.. I'm only 2 thrids through. 67. I give in to peer pressure very quickly 68. I had a dream the other night that I was a song 69. I pike CONSTANTLY 70. I have been to a party where every one of my ex girlfriends was there, and nearly lost my girlfrind at the time as a result. 71. I have been locked out of my room, in my underwear at my party. 72. I faked a break in at my house once, to explain missing items when they went away 73. I would never commit suidice 74. My favourate food is all foods 75. I hate people who say idiotic things like the above, but are actually serious 76. I hate redundancy, though I'm aware that I'm very guilty of it. 77. I'm a solipsist 78. I'm a bastard at heart, and believe that everyone, deep down, is too. 79. I think that people who act on blanket statements such as the above are fools and idiots. 80. My earlier statement about racism goes for retards and individual idiots too. 81. I switch allegiances easily 82. I forget things easily 83. I want to be someone else or I'll explode(, sometimes.) 84. I hate people who try to tell me what I think. I know what I think better than they do. 85. I guess I hate a lot of people, but a lot of people hate me back 86. I'm excellent at being annoying 87. My favourate joke is : Whats red and invisible? No tomatoes. 88. I used to read joke books endlessly as a child 89. Smae goes for using magic kits 90. I used to make sure I left at least 2 afternoons free each week to "Terrorise the ants" (burn them, get them stuck in honey, confuse them with water, take them far from home and watch them try to find a way home) 91. If I had more time I'd still be terrising them. Its amazing just how much fun you can get out of ants. 92. I used to collect stamps 93. I used to collect comics 94. I harly watch television anymore 95. I'm glad there are only 5 to go 96. I have floorboards on my celing 97. I think Barry would be funniest thing to name your son. "I just had sucha Barry" 98. I'm not sure what I mean a lot of the time 99. I'm sure that goes for a lot of other people 100. I'm so glad this list is over
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1. my name is Rhin 2. i smell like fruit 3. i am a widow 4. i am arachnophobic. the last little monster had me cornered in my office one night with no way to escape. i finally had no other choice but to mace him 5. i unintentionally interrupt people when speaking 6. my boyfriend and i both cannot stand to hear other people chew their food. we both are obsessed with shoes and spelling every singel wrod corectlie (he'll jump all over that!) 7. i have a definite problem with over-punctuation 8. i feel the need to always explain myself in detail. i love details and i am quite the meticulate person. details leave no room for questions...no room for mis-interpretation 9. i have a female soulmate 10. i have self-destructive tendencies 11. i can be attention seeking 12. i look at life and the world around me with my eyes open. it's amazing and beautiful, but also the most painful thing i have ever felt 13. i am superstitious at times, this not being one of those times 14. i can babble incessantly, but 75% of the time i am the quietest person in the room 15. i love dictionaries 16. i love silence and solitude 17. i sometimes feel sorry for myself, and i hate that 18. i love the rain and i hide from the sun, but i love sunsets 19. my favorite number is 3 20. i am brunette/red with hazel eyes and i have 4 blonde haired, blue eyed sisters 21. i love peppermint 22. my boyfriend always misses me. he is afraid of what he feels for me, as i am him. he writes and recites to me the most beautiful poetry. he plays a mean guitar and loves to sing to me. he's a Jersey guy with a Jersey attitude in love with a country girl who's lost in the world. he will read pride and prejudice to me if i only ask. i love that he loves and adores his daughter and considers her to be his number one priority. we both love animals and babies. we are both very passionate and it doesn't take much before sparks are flying and we are either crying or debating an issue into the ground. hearing his voice sends chills down my spine and i know that it always will. we love to talk about the future...how we will spend every waking second, and it scares us to death. he is afraid that i will run away. i am afraid that he will run away. he is falling in love with me, and i am falling in love with him! oh, and he hopes to one day corner the market in the vinyl shoe industry, lmao! :) 23. a man with obvious intentions other than theft tried to break into my home last summer while i was here 24. one of my best friends is a guy who has no sexual interest in me what-so-ever :) , and loves to Haiku 25. i hate salt and butter 26. i like bananas but have refused to eat them since i was 9 years old 27. my favorite color is periwinkle blue 28. i have a cat named 'boo boo' 29. i don't know if i believe in God, or if i do exactly why 30. i have a stash of money hidden in the attic of my childhood home. when i left the country i had all but forgotten about it. when i returned, my parents had divorced and the huge old house was sold. the family that lives there now won't let me enter. i have tried. they seem suspicious as if my intentions are to case the joint. i have thought of breaking in. i know my loot is still in that attic! it's not that i need the money. it's the principle of the thing. it's mine and i want it back damn it! 31. i own a 4x4 Jeep and i love to take long drives and just think 32. i have had a shaking pistol held to my head by an old shakey care-taker of a huge old abandon victorian home. i guess that's what i get for trespassing 33. i was/am writing a children's book about an adventurous giraffe named Kia. however, the 5 year old co-star of the book tragically loses her parents in a car accident before the first chapter even gets underway. i'm thinking that maybe children should not be my target audience 34. my favorite beverage is raspberry lemonade 35. i love sleeping in the nude 36. my penmanship varies from day to day 37. i own approx. 450 cd's and 45 boxes 38. i own half as many films 39. i own more books than films 40. my favorite phrases are: 'do you understand?' and 'want me to spell it?' 41. i am drawn toward musicians 42. my father and brother have both threatened to kill the other and they both have had 2 of their fingers cut off on the same hand 43. i can't tolerate racists, but i tolerate my brother because i love him 45. i own 2 firearms 46. i lived on a small island for 3 years 47. i love to sing and do so all of the time 48. i have never attended any type of concert 49. i have never seen the statue of liberty 50. i hardly ever watch television and consider it a waste of time 51. i average 3-5 hours of sleep on a good night 52. i want to be truly happy more than anything 53. i am fascinated with aircraft and have traveled in most types 54. i have swam with sharks 55. while diving once, i almost smacked into the belly of a submersed and diving atlantis submersible 56. i am not a member of the mile high club 57. i am anemic 58. i was beaten unconsious at the age of 12 59. i love chinese cuisine 60. i have experienced typhoons, earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, wild fires and blizzards 61. i once worked 3 hours unknowingly beside a ticking bomb (it was 5 feet away). the bomb was 30 minutes shy of detonation. it created a hole the size of the freaking gap upon explosion 62. i average 70-80 hours a week at work. i have for almost 2 years now. i work one on one with individuals who are diagnosed with mental illness, and i also counsel in youth shelters, volunteer hotlines, etc. 63. i have always been quite stubborn 64. i was minutes shy of being born in an Indy taxi-cab 65. as children, my baby sister and i use to play with a full-blooded wolf named Vinny. well actually, we played and he just tolerated us annoyingly 66. i own 45 pairs of shoes 67. if it can be juiced, i will juice it 67. my great-grandfather x8 was King Duncan of Scotland, according to my family's lineage 68. i have a very selective memory, and i have a friend who has a photographic memory. however, i can remember the room numbers of every one of my elementary class rooms and he cannot 69. i have had sex with 5 people, 4 of which were male, 2 of which are now dead 70. in early adolesence, my sister and i each owned a pet Doberman - trained to protect. mine was named Zipper. he bit my friend's ass once when she grabbed my arm then ripped her jeans clear off of her body as she began to run away. hey! i warned her! my mother said and i quote, 'i never liked her anyway!' 71. while skinny dipping with my sister and a friend, in a creek deep in the woods as a teenager, we were unknowingly being watched and then chased by the same 'stranger'. thank God we knew the woods a hell of alot better than he did. while running (still naked i might add), i kept thinking 'just don't fucking fall like those whiny girls do in almost every horror flick!' 72. i love ice hockey 73. i have watched numerous professional and gold medalist ice skaters and gymnasts perform live 74. i was recently engaged. i'm not engaged now 75. quite often, people tell me that i make their head hurt 76. i have been plagued with nosocomephobia (irrational fear of hospitals) for almost 2 1/2 years now, ever since my husband died. 77. i love candles 78. i'm terrified of never becoming a mommy 79. i'm terrified of becoming a mommy. i went through a stage in early childhood when all i could think about was having my very own baby. my mother said, 'in time dear. you must become a woman first. being a mommy is a very important job.' 80. i have been physically abused by my father 81. i cry too much 82. i can do this quirky little thing with my lower lip that no one else has been able to do, except for my nephew and on the first try at that. my niece just thinks it's too weird 83. i can mimic the voice of Grover from Sesame Street fairly well, however it's quite harsh on my throat 84. i have been told by men and women that i have a sexy voice, but i have listened to myself and i just don't get it 85. i don't know how to relax 86. debating any issue worth a valid, intelligent point/outcome is better than chocolate, and almost better than sex 87. i have been in love 3 times, 1 of which cheated on me 88. i own a vintage book of poetry, 1st publishing 1866 Thomas Moore 89. my most prized posession is a skeleton key 90. i love nat king cole 91. i am addicted to chapstick and hand lotion 92. i always play with my hair...twisting it, tucking it behind my ears, running my fingers through it 93. i know what i like, i never settle and i will try anything once 94. i am creating a huge mosaic of an intertwined shadow couple entirely from painted egg shells 95. i love sterling silver roses and silver 96. i created my own website...graphics, layout and content 97. i am an amateur profiler...serial, and non-related i have located a missing person 98. i love anything cool, modern, funky, artsy, tribal or just plain off the wall whimsical and eclectic 99. after writing all of this, i realize that i do have alot to be thankful for. mostly that i'm still alive and still sane 100. ummmmmmm........sorry, drawing a blank here. no! wait! i love to tease, be generally dramatic, annoying or just a plain and simple regular pain in the heinie!
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blown cherry
1. I like my name 2. I like the fact that my name is spelt wrong on my birth certificate. 3. I like not having a middle name. 4. I think I am running out of time, but still have all the time in the world to do what I want to do. 5. I used to want to be a writer. 6. I have no idea what I want to do with my life. 7. I wish I had a cat to own me and bestow its presence apon me from time to time :) 8. My best friend from the time I was two has a 3 year old son called Marcus. 9. I am the only person that hangs out in the Physics common room who was born in the 70's (79) 10. I have no qualms about being used by someone who hates me, if only to watch the look of hatred in their eyes whilst they fuck me. 11. I like the stars 12. I love the stars 13. The stars save me when there is nothing else 14. I'd love to reach my arms up and out into the universe and just keep on going forever 15. I LOVE PEANUT BUTTER!!!! 16. I love milk too. 17. I used to literally live on strawberry milkshakes from the lebanese take away near where I work 18. I know far too many people named Andrew 19. Michelle Cheryl Sharon makes quite the tongue twister (2 of my close friends) 20. I am attracted to arrogance. 21. I insist on always owning a mood ring 22. I'd probably die or something without my mobile 23. I was a curly haired fat, baby :) 24. Recognition on blather makes me feel strangely more alive than talking to someone in person 25. I have only one friend who understands me when I say stuff like that. 26. Most of the time we've spent together entails us sitting around not saying much and being generally depressed together :) 27. I have had 3 boyfriends. 28. I saw 2 of them today. 29. Whenever I go out with a group of friends, there is inevitably someone present with whom I have had sex. 30. My friend James is always sneaking me compliments about my breasts *giggle* 31. I think the curvature of the earth is one of the most amazing things you'll ever see. 32. I have a special spot tucked under some rocks at South Coogee where I go and think and remind myself how little it all matters. 33. I haven't been there in a long time because there are too many people around there these days. 34. Speeling mistakes an grammatical errors irk me. 35. I love using really garbled short cuts on icq and when smsing 36. A tarot card reader once told me a cinema was a perfect place for me to work - so I could escape reality. 37. A palmist once told me I would be a writer. 38. I have had the same watch for over 10 years. 39. I find art deco architecture really interesting (my old bathroom was great) 40. I don't have a favourite song. 41. I have a really long list of all time favourite songs though. 42. I asked the question once and someone got it right. 43. My favourite male vocalist is Bing Crosby. 44. My favourite female vocalist is Karen carpenter. 45. My favourite band is the Beatles. 46. I once dreamed that I was flying inside the Cavern while the Beatles were on stage playing. 47. I am the president of the sci-fi, fantasy, animation and cult club at uni (self proclaimed queen of the geeks!) 48. I learnt a long time ago to criticize myself before anyone else does. 49. It almost killed me inside to break the heart of someone I care so much about. 50. Out of the 12 people I've ever kissed (actually 13 including Bindi) only one has really kissed me the way I've always wanted to be kissed. 51. Once someone kissed me so hard my lip bled (it was at my special place in coogee too) 52. I gave my virginity to another virgin, it was pretty funny really. 53. I highly dislike using condoms, but realise the neccessity of them in certain situations 54. I haven't had sex with a woman (not yet) 55. I would really like to have blue hair. 56. Blue is my favourite colour. 57. I started to masturbate at the age of 11. 58. The first boy I ever had a crush on was Philip Smith in pre-school 59. I had crushes on different boys every year throughout primary school. 60. In pre school I used to play with my friend Shelly. She only came to school twice a week. When she wasn't there I would ask Nicole to ask Charmaine if I could play with them. Charmaine always made me play the father. If she said no I would play nicely with the ants. 61. The ants have never refused my requests to play with them. Though one did bite me once. 62. My friend Kristian got bitten by what he claims was a fire and one time we went horse riding over a year ago. He still point to this tiny red dot on his arm (probably an enlaged pore) and tries to get sympathy for his 'scar' 63. I am not very good at horse riding. 64. I used to love riding my bike, until someone stole it. 65. I remember coming home with grass stains on my jeans everyday after uni when my first boyfriend and I had no where else to make out 66. 19-22 were the 3 best years of my life so far 67. My best friend believes everyone is bisexual deep down 68. My best friend is living in China for the next year :( 69. When he comes back we're considering moving in together :) 70. We already lived together once and we ended up not talking much for almost a year afterwards. 71. In high school I was in junior, senior and chamber choir, and orchestra too 72. I was in the Woolahra Philharmonic orchestra for maybe a year or so 73. So was one of my physics lecturers. The one I hate. He played bassoon and composed all these really shit pieces that the orchestra played out of pity for him 74. If one is 'trying' to be polite I think it's more accurate to say that you're being dishonest. 75. A guy from work, Matt, told me that I was really honest ie I never try to hide my emotions. No one had ever said that to me before, I was really struck by it. 76. If I don't like someone I make it really obvious. I don't feign friendly 'hello's because it is socially acceptable to do so. 78. When a friend of a friend mixed up his right and left last week he covered himself by saying "Why should I conform to society's standards of direction?". It made me laugh. 79. I'm cheating and doing this blather in a txt file before I submit it. 80. I'm also cheating because I started this list 2 days ago. 81. My favourite number is this one divided by 3, minus 20, squared, times 2, divided by seven. 82. It is also the day of my birth. 83. I was a week premature. 84. When I was 8 my mum had a miscarriage, and now i always fantasise about what it would be like to have a brother 8 years younger than me. 85. I like brown. I like that a lot of things about me are brown. We almost moved into brown st when we were buying our house. 86. I love sharpening pencils with a knife. 87. British Comedy Rules!!! Esp c1970 88. The year we wrote messages and tied them to green and yellow balloons for the bicentennial and let them go so someone might find the messages someday. Our teacher got us to let them go downwind of a tree :( 89. I am a chocaholic. 90. It is not a problem though. 91. Cadbury's Dairy Milk is my staple source, though I do venture to more luxurious grounds every now and again, such as hazelnut pralines etc 92. I cried for 3 days after Douglas Adams died. 93. I was half way through writing a letter to Roald Dahl when he passed away. 94. The perfume I use is called Cool by Fire and Ice. The main reason I use it is because it's the only perfume I've ever found that didn't irritate my nose. 95. I get hayfever. Its been quite annoying these past few days and its the start of Autumn. Go figure. 96. Damian never liked the songs that meant the most to me. 97. I think I probably only went out with Sam because I hadn't had sex in about 3 months. 98. I have had two official one night stands. 99. waking_life is my all time favourite movie 100. I could probably think of one hundred more things now I've started......
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blown cherry
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1) I’m eating girl scout cookies with milk right now. 2) I was eating three bean salad earlier. 3) I was eating cereal even earlier than that. 4) I actually don’t eat that much. 5) I’m in my pajamas. 6) I fib to people when needed. 7) I fib to people when telling the truth will hurt their feelings. 8) I know when they found out I fibbed they’re hurt even more. 9) I feel bad when I make other people feel bad. 10) I trust people too much says my mother. 11) I care too much says my mother. 12) I think my mother is right-I feel things too much in general. 13) I don’t like chocolate nearly as much as other females do stereotypically. 14) I don’t have many friends that are girls. 15) I prefer to be in the company of males-99% of my good friends are male. 16) I can be very girly at times, but at other times be not so girly. 17) I’m getting sick of these girl scout cookies. 18) I need more milk in my glass. 19) The glass is half full-not half empty. 20) I like to be comfortable. 21) I rarely wear clothing that makes me less than comfortable. 22) I’m 16 years old. 23) I sometimes wish I were older. 24) My birthday is on tax day-April 15th. 25) I had meningitis when I was a 10 weeks old. 26) I have had a spinal tap. 27) My parents are divorced. 28) I don’t like my father. 29) I tolerate him. 30) I don’t like the fact of me being a statistic, 31) but I know everybody is a statistic. 32) I rarely wear white socks. 33) My socks must match. 34) I’m sometimes called anal retentive. 35) I’m sometimes called cynical. 36) I like to fold my laundry in the nude and sometimes dance in my underwear in my room. 37) I live on a farm. 38) I drive ½ hour to go to school. 39) I like to sing really loud in the car by myself. 40) I don’t like to drive with other people in the car. 41) In the summer I like to ride with the windows down and rest my head on the side. 42) I don’t mind my hair looking messy because of riding with the windows down. 43) I like to dye my hair red. 44) My hair is short and curly. 45) I like to think of myself as an actress. 46) I once played Alice in Alice in Wonderland. 47) I had that role when my hair was long, blonde, and straight. 48) I like change. 49) I have two piercings-my left eyebrow and my belly button and one tattoo that I don’t like. 50) I like stomachs. 51) I like belly buttons. 52) I’m over half way done with this list. 53) I have only one girl scout cookie left. 54) I like to read. 55) I only like to read when I’m really interested in what the writing is. 56) I often quit reading a book because I get bored with it. 57) I don’t like returning favors when I’m expected to. 58) I sometimes wish I were a pixie so I could run and fly and scamper around the forest topless and barefoot. 59) I sometimes run and scamper around my house topless and barefoot when I’m home alone. 60) I like to be the center of attention. 61) I like to hide in the corner. 62) I don’t like to blend in. 63) I like flowers to look at-not as gifts. 64) I like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with more jelly than pb. 65) I like to write-poetry, stories, anything I’m thinking. 66) I keep a journal. 67) I’ll let anybody read my journal if they ask. 68) I keep secrets-even from my journal. 69) I’m not as complex and confusing as I sometimes like to think I am. 70) I see myself as ordinary and boring. 71) I wish I were original. 72) I wish I were creative. 73) I wish. I hope. I dream. I fantasize. I pretend. I want. I pray. 74) I love Jesus. 75) I don’t mind people making fun of me because of this. 76) I respect other people’s beliefs. 77) I don’t like to push my beliefs on others. 78) I’d like it if people would respect my beliefs and not try to push their beliefs on me. 79) I like diversity. 80) I live in a small town in Iowa. 81) I look forward from graduating high school and going to college. 82) I hope to be a speech/drama teacher/director in a high school. 83) I someday want to be married and have a family. 84) I still haven’t eaten the last girl scout cookie. 85) I have two dogs. 86) All together I’ve had three cats, three dogs, 4 guinea pigs, 3 rabbits, two guppies (see mike_and_ikes ), and many other fish. 87) I just ate the last girl scout cookie. 88) I’m going to take a break from writing this list and do some yoga. 89) I heart yoga. 90) I just started doing yoga. 91) I don’t plan on stopping any time soon. 92) I am extremely relaxed. 93) I like music. 94) I like a variety, but mostly emo, because it’s me, and the sound of violins and cellos and such because it can make me cry sometimes. 95) I love the summer. 96) I love the rain and splashing in the mud and the puddles it makes. 97) I love sitting outside whether it’s day or night, rainy, sunny, or cloudy. 98) I enjoy making out in different places. 99) I wish I were still a virgin-yet I try not to regret or wish I could have done something differently because everything I would regret has influenced who I am in some way or another, and if I hadn’t done them, I wouldn’t be me. 100) I’m disappointed this list is only 100 things because I have so much more to tell. …
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continuous ache
1. i doubt i'll actually finish this list. 2. i live in ohio. 3. i don't think i should've been born here. people suck here. 4. i am 20 going on 90 going on 5. 5. my first 'sexual encounter' (which was nothing that would even be considered first base)was with my best friend, nicole, in first grade. 6. i am a girl. 7. i hate most women because the majority that i've met have been superficial, manipulative, and backstabbing. 8. my father died when i was a freshman in highschool. 9. i started college but dropped out after 2 semesters. 10. i have no goal in life to strive towards. 11. this is because i get bored with things very quickly. 12. i have no patience when dealing with morons. 13. i have a fear of abandonment. 14. i have a reason to. 15. i've never seen Tron, the Rocky Horror Picture Show, or Star Wars. 16. i love the smashing pumpkins, bare naked ladies, linkin park, and way too many other bands to list. 17. i live in a fantasy world because i have a wonderful imagination. 18. this doesn't bother me in the least. 19. i have horrible scars all over my arms from being an idiot. 20. i only read two of these all the way through... Mollycule's and Photophobe's. 21. i am completely obsessed with Caramel Delite girl scout cookies. 22. i write whiney, depressed, angst-ridden poetry and song lyrics. 23. i love animals, especially big dogs. 24. i have a wolf-hybrid. 25. my favorite flavor of ice cream is Butter Pecan, but i pick out the pecans. 26. i am an insomniac and i think it's slowly making me a wacko. 27. i have experimented with almost every drug that's available. 28. i don't think that's necessarily a bad thing. 29. i currently have a little coke problem. 30. and that is a bad thing. 31. i recently had my first seizure and i have no idea why. 32. blather is the only place that i feel normal. 33. the furthest i've been from home was Disneyworld. 34. the only 'foreign country' i've visited was Canada. 35. i want to live there. 36. i never realized till now how lame my life is. 37. i have big feet. 38. i overanalyze everything. 39. my longest relationship last two years. 40. which is amazing because he was a moron. 41. my last relationship ended with him getting physical and throwing me out. 42. i actually want him back. 43. i also want to castrate him. how's that for a love/hate relationship? 44. i am a difficult person to be friends with because i'll say one thing and do the opposite. 45. i'm fairly certain i was adopted since i look and act like no one in my family. 46. i am definitely the black sheep. 47. baaa. 48. when i love a person, i give my entire heart without wanting to. 49. i think that is the best and worst quality i have. 50. i am a brunette which i find to be extremely boring. 51. i love children, but i don't think i could have any. 52. i can't believe i'm only halfway through this. 53. i believe in god (sort of), but i don't conform to any religion or set of beliefs. 54. i only wear boots. 55. most of my clothes are black, dark, or slutty. 56. i love stephen king. 57. my room is this awesome shade of blue that no one else likes. 58. i smoke a pack to a pack and a half of Marlboro Reds a day. 59. i think they taste better after they're shorted and relit again. 60. i love being bad. 61. i almost never got in trouble in school. 62. i'm boring myself here... i think i may stop soon. 63. i drive a saturn sc-2 that i have nearly beaten into the ground. 64. i drive like a speed junkie that's been clean for 3 weeks and is on the way to buy some more. 65. honesty is the most important thing in the world to me. 66. loyalty rates a close second. 67. i will be a complete asshole to you if i know you deserve it. 68. i secretly like the song Sweet Home Alabama. 69. i don't have any clue why. 70. i love sex, but i rarely have orgasms. 71. magic,true magic and cheap tricks, has always fascinated me. 72. i still wish on shooting stars. 73. i played the flute for 9 years and i despise it. 74. the one thing in this world i would go nuts without is music. 75. i haven't watched television (aside from what i'm forced to see at friends' houses) for a little over 2 years. 76. i hate the taste of beer. 77. i love jack daniels, mezcal (not quervo), jim beam, and so on. 78. the second and third toe on both of my feet are connected. 79. i love the outdoors. 80. besides writing, the best way i vent my frustrations is by shooting guns. 81. i've been hunting once, i shot a squirrel. 82. i have no problems with hunting as long as you eat what you kill. 83. i think i might be pregnant. 84. some of the best shit i've written was at Steven's Park with mollycule. picnic-table poetry.... 85. my favorite artist is Salvadore Dali. 86. i have five tattoos and a tongue piercing. 87. i rock at spelling and grammar. 88. i give mollycule a run for her money at Scrabble and Boggle. 89. i suck at trivial pursuit. 90. if i could have one wish granted it would be to have one friend/lover that understood me completely. 91. i am a romantic fool. 92. i love roller coasters, but it's hard to get me on them because i'm afraid of heights. 93. when dared i will do almost anything. 94. my favorite thing to do on days off is find old places (e.g. abandoned houses, defunct amusement parks, etc.) and spend all day exploring and taking pictures. 95. i fall in love too fast. 96. i grew up with boys playing war and cars, so i tend to act like one. 97. i'm bisexual. 98. i don't use that as an excuse to be with someone else if i'm in a serious relationship. 99. i'm a chocolate fiend. 100. my name is Amber Jade and i love it. whew, that sucked. i am a boring person. hehe.
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1. I'm listening to Raffi songs right now. 2. All my friends in band are going to sanfrancisco tomorrow at 4:30 in the morning, and i really wish i could go. 3.i've been singing in school choirs since 3rd grade (9 years) 4. my chosen profession is that of a chef. 5.my favorite kind of pop is Dr.Pepper, but pop makes me sick most of the time. 6. i really like eel sushi 7.i've had cats all of my life, my first cat having been given to me when i was 1 1/2 ish, and he was named pepper. 8.my hair had purple streaks in it this last summer. 9.i enjoy walking around without shoes on. 10.i taught myself to sew by hand when i was young, and i got my sewing machine through sending in points from the hosery that my mom bought. 11.purple is my favorite color. 12.i wore a patch on my right eye when i was little, because of a lazy eye. 13.i have 2 sisters and 1 brother, all younger than me. 14.my hair is currently down to my butt, and im not going to cut it until it reaches the back of my knees. 15.im very indecisive. 16.i want to get a pair of pink shoes. 17.im in the middle of 5 different books right now. 18.my favorite food at a resteraunt is at a vietnamese resteraunt called hoa bien, and eggflower soup and 2 eggrolls there cost $5.10 19.my favorite operetta is "The Pirates of Penzance" 20.i love the Beatles. 21.i get up every morning at 6:00 22.my basement is cold. 23.i love gardening. 24.ive known my best friend christina for 10 years. 25.my friend julio is going into the marines in the summer. 26.my eyes are tiger-eye (the mineral) colored. 27.my fingers and nose are always cold. 28. i own at least 9 of the same kind of skirt, but all different colors. 29.guy's pants fit me better than girls pants. 30.when i was little, i called sesamie street "bert and ernie." 31.im trying to make a quilt. 32.i collect froggy pariphenilia(sp?) 33.i tend to spell really badly 34. im a huge slacker 35.i went to russia last spring break 36.i've been drunk once. 37.i didnt get drunk in russia. 38.i hate cranberries (except for the sweet jellied kind that you have with turkey) 39.my favorite kind of icecream is moosestracks, and my second favorite is cotton candy (which is smurfs!) 40.i wear glasses 41. im 18 years old 42.i wear the budda necklace my friend gave me all the time, not for good luck, but to remind me of her. 43.im the time it's taken to write this, ive drunk nearly a 24oz bottle of water 44.i only have 4 classes at school(out of 6) 45.i have more guy-friends than girl-friends. 46.my computer is a hewlett packard 47.my little sister can do a really good impression of jar-jar binks. 48. the last movie i saw was resident evil 49.my favorite flowers are dasies. 50.i have a fear of high bridges over water. 51.ive never really had a nickname. 52.i just re-got my driver's permit, after having not practiced driving for 2 years... 53. i have 2 cats, pete and matty. 54.i spend far too much time on the computer 55.i love to bake pastries. 56.right now, im wearing pj pants, a tanktop, and a ratty grey hoodie. 57.i dont like dogs. some are ok, but as a whole, i hate them. 58.once i have a house of my own, im going to get 2 bunnies, a boy bunny that will be white with black spots, named mu, and a black girl bunny named sunbunny. 59.i've seen lots of movies 60. i love the muppets. i wanted to be a muppeteer when i was little. 61.most of my friends hate the movie moulin rouge, but i love it, because of the costumes and music. 62. i've had 6 boyfriends in my whole life. 63. sometimes i feel really old, and other times i feel really young. 64.if i dont put lotion on after i shower in the winter, my skin flakes off in large amounts. 65.i'm not scared of snakes, ever since i went to the renaissance festival, and felt a snake that had just shedded. it was so soft and nice that i decided that it must be good. 66. i dont like poisonous snakes 67. i dont like bugs, but im not afraid of them (unless youre talking about poisonous spiders...euugh.) 68.i need to get a job. 69. i want to be a mom when i get older. i really do. i dont really want to work, but i realize the need for a job. 70. i think it's sad that a lot of people only grow up with one parent. im thankfull to have both my parents, even though i dont get along with my mom at all. 71. ive never been to canada 72.even though i live in minnesota 73.i saw moulin rouge in the theaters 7 times (at the dollar theater)this summer 74.the longest relationship i've been in was 1 year, 10 months long. 75. my favorite anime is called 3x3 eyes. 76.i dont want to be like my mom. 77.i dont wear makeup, except when one of my friends puts it on me. its not that im opposed to makeup, its that its a nuissance that i dont want to deal with. 78.if i were an animal, i would be a cabbit (mix of cat and rabbit) 79.i want an ocelot. 80.my friend is teaching me martial arts, and so my arms always have bruises from sparring with him. 81.i made a snowfrog when i went sledding last friday 82. ive become addicted to chai. 83.i like seafood. 84. calamari is so good! 85. i can fit nearly all my clothes in one load of laundry. 86.sometimes my friends come to my house and sit around when im not at home. 87. i use herbal essences shampoo. 88.i like incense, but my mom complains when i let it burn too long, cause she doesnt like the smell, regarless of what type it is. 89.i own a lot of stuffed animals. theyre all sort of hap-hazzardly tossed about my room. 90.i have spaceheater in my room that only works when the overhead light is on, because the outlet is connected to the light switch 91.my initials are HAH-- for Heather Anne Heitz 92.i didnt have many friends in elementry school. 93. i switched schools in the begining of 4th grade, because everyone at my old school hated me. 94.i tend to wander around while watching movies at home, and so sometimes ill have to watch a movie 3 or 4 times to understand everything that's going on. 95.i like being warm. 96.i enjoy biking to the zoo, and then siting in the conservatory and reading, or just thnking. 97.im allergic to metal 98.i own a sword 99.i used to do 1860s reenacting. 100. i love peacefulness, and quiet, and am an introvert at heart, even though i act like an extrovert much of the time. if i spend too much time with a large group of people, i ultimately end up crying, but i enjoy being with people too, and if im alone too much, i get horribly lonely.
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1 i have a cat named tonya 2 i am allergic to cats 3 i don't actually have a cat 4 tonya is real, although we've never occupied the same physical space 5 i am obsessed with rabbits 6 ducks are my #1 obsession 7 i had a goat named elvis 8 i am under 2 kilometers tall 9 753 trillion years is too long to stay in college 9 april 1, 1902 is a special date to me 10 i have over 60 screen names 11 i don't usually have time to fuck with the computer, but with the insomnia... 12-99 i like music and noises in general 100 i can write the lord's prayer on the head of a pin.
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Aparently #'s 19 57 and 85 don't apply any longer so I'm going to replace em w/ new ones - My hands have always been shaky, weather or not I'm nervious - I_don't much care for ppl who brag about them selves - I can't deside between redecorateing my room in blue leopard or in bluejean and lace
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"facts are stupid things" -ronald reagan
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the Queen of Hearts
you children, and don't think i haven't noticed that it is only the very young blatherers who have chosen to participate in this little pathetic effort at trying to prove to yourselves that you are worthy of the personality that seemingly has been bestowed upon you, need lives consumed by other than wallowing in your self-centeredness and the internet. do you even remember which direction your windows lie?
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1. I am alive 2. I just typed that 3. I just typed that 4. ...(and so on) 98. I just typed that 99. I just typed that 100. I just typed that too.
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1. i am typing this while waititng for a friend to get back online 2. i have blue eyes 3. i live is san antonio tx 4. i am obsessed with the kerrville folk festival 5. even though the festival was over weeks ago, i still have the writs band on. 6. my most prised possessions are my hat, brown bear, and my toothpick dispencer 7. i once stole a toothpick dispencer from maie tacos 8. maie tscos is out of business 9. i know i spelled maie tacos wrong 10. my brother gave me a pack of black cats this afternoon. 11. my brother is moving back home 12. the power went out once today 13. i tend to bable when i type. 14. my hatelife acount name is bandersnatch. 15. i can be a little to meen at times. 16. classical music is my favorite 17. i despise pop-rap 18. i love eminem's new song 19. i realise that is hypocritical 20. i am hypocritical about alot of things 21. i am a grammer freak, but not a spelling freak. 22. i wear glasses 23. my fan is on medium speed 24. i have an odd respect for people who post online. 25. i only post to 2 sites 26. i am over 1/4 done with this list 27. i am easily entertained 28. when i write, i use the word "i" alot 29. i love to read poetry 30. i have a stutter 31. i am drinking water from my big pink cup 32. i get stressed out over little things 33. big things dont stress me out. 34. i need a job. 35. most corporations are evil 36. wal-mart is the embodyment of satin 37. i love to chew toothpicks 38. i love bad jokes 39. i play dnd 40. i dont capitalize very often 41. i dont capitalize "very often" very often 42. i love all my friends 43. no one will read this because it is at the bottem of the page. 44. i have no memories between 4th and 7th grade because of ritlin 45. my arm hurts 46. i hate being "smart" 47. people suck 48. i dont like being "observant" in terms of people 49. sometimes i cant think of the right word to say, especially when it matters. 50. my perfect girlfriend is a nerd 51. i love glasses 52. i have been out a relationship for over a year, and i love it 53. i accually listen to old people, as long its mot my parents, or grand parents 54. i wish i had more disaplin 55. i wish i had the will power to get disaplin 56. i cant spell worth shit 57. i can spell "worth shit" 58. i know i used that joke before 59. my atchphrase of the week is "thats what she said" 60. nintendo is the best game system ever made 61. i need cafen 62. i hate coffie 63. i wake up to a big red or dr. pepper every morning 64. mechanical pencils are the best writing utinsels ever made 65. i believe in god 66. i am no longer a christian 67. every church i have been exposed to is hypocritical 68. most christians i know are hypocritical 69. ambrosse bierce is my favorite person to quote. 70. i had to do an english paper on him 71. i didnt do the paper, and passed the class with a 72 72. i over use comas 73. i love to type 74. i used to write fiction 75. i never got verry far when i tried to write fiction 76. i have less than 1/4 of the way to go 77. english is the only language i know. 78. i own a lighter, but dont smoke 79. my house is a mess right now 80. my plans for tomarow night were cancelled 81. i love stuffed animals 82. robin hobb is the best writer ever 83. robin hobb is a pen name, but i cant remember the real author 84. nosferatue (sp?) is the best vampire movie ever made 85. i have never seen nosferatue 86. i used to love anima 87. toonamie used to be cool 89. adult swim rocks 90. i love cartoons 91. i prefure candle light to lightbulbs 92. i collect instruction books from games i rent 93. i loose things easily 94. i saw 2001 for the first time last night 95. i have only been blathering for a few weeks 96. im getting desprite for facts 97. i realsise that when ever i said something is the best it is an opinion 98. i have a gimp keyboard 99. gimp is a word me and my friends made up, but then we found out it was a reall word 100. i wish i was more spiritual and creative
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1. I have an amazing amount of hobbies. 2. One of those hobbies is the study of metaphysics 3. I am considered to be an amazing energy worker metaphysically by those I know 4. I read Tarot 5. I really enjoy playing tabletop roleplaying games 6. I have played over 30 different tabletop systems 7. I've been role playing and wargaming since I was 11 8. I helped found and was President of a gaming organization at Michigan Tech 9. I love ancient video games, especially shooters 10. I own an Atari 7800 and have almost every domestically published game for it 11. I love grains and meats, but dislike most non-starchy vegetables 12. My favorite food is a good cherry 13. My favorite taste, however, is the kiss of someone I love 14. I love liquor and wine but hate beer 15. My favorite alcoholic beverage is Momokawa Pearl Sake 16. I watch way too much anime 17. My favorite anime series is Gundam X 18. I have a number of original animation cels from Gundam X 19. I also have one G Gundam animation cel 20. I love music but hate its current trends 21. My favorite band ever is Saint Etienne 22. My favorite band/performer you might have heard of is Moby 23. I really, really love J-Pop 24. I also love DDR. 25. I just recently got my own DDR pad to play DDR at home with. 26. I love cats, although I don't really own any. 27. 6 cats live at my house. 28. One of the cats, Tessa, has basically adopted me, but she's not really mine. 29. I wear contact lenses. 30. I really, really like pretzels. I think they're the perfect snack. 31. I am studying Computer Science here at Michigan Tech 32. I want to be a sysadmin 33. I read alt.sysadmin.recovery and understand their pain. 34. I own 14 different computers 35. Only 11 of them are PCs. 36. I own 2 Sun computers and 1 old Macintosh 37. I don't like current trends in movies. 38. My favorite movie ever is The Empire Strikes Back. 39. The first movie I ever saw in the theater was The Return of the Jedi, when it was first released 40. I love good pens, but hate ball points. 41. I own 5 fountain pens. 42. My favorite thing that I have is my sword/cane, which was given to me by a friend. 43. Most of my friends, including the one that gave me the sword cane, drift in and out. 44. I am very cynical and oftentimes depressed. 45. I love cold weather, and especially storms. 46. My favorite weather conditions are a really deep fog 47. I've been online for 10 years now. 48. I used to be involved in the Southeast MI BBS scene 49. I really, really miss BBSes. 50. I ran cross country in high school. 51. I also ran track in high school, but only to train for cross country. 52. I swam from the 7th grade all the way through high school competitively. 53. I now dislike swimming in general, as I can't get away from the thought of swimming as work. 54. I collect odd-toned sunglasses. 55. I wear shorts in temperatures as low as 40 farenheit. 56. I really like burning incense. 57. My favorite incense is Nippon Kodo orchid. 58. I have read almost every book Ayn Rand ever wrote. 59. I am also very fond of the writings of Philip K. Dick 60. Frank Herbert's Dune series is my favorite book series. 61. Before attending college I played online games obsessively. 62. My favorite was X Wing vs. Tie Fighter, at which I was famous for my skill in a Y-Wing. 63. I no longer play online games, as I would rather play tabletop role-playing. 64. My favorite role-playing system is Fuzion. 65. My favorite role-playing world is Shadowrun. 66. I use a lot of ideas from Neal Stephenson books in my Shadowrun campaigns. 67. My room is ALWAYS cluttered, but I know where everything is. 68. I always carry mints, usually at least 3 kinds. 69. At least one of those kinds of mints is caffeinated. 70. All of my shirts are polos. 71. I can't stand to wear anything that constricts my neck, so I never wear anything that even touches my neck. 72. I have a Nicholas D. Wolfwood action figure! 73. I tend to be a packrat, but I'm getting better. 74. I study astrology as a hobby. 75. Go is my favorite board game. 76. I love sweet things, but dislike most desserts. 77. The only kind of ice cream I really like is Vanilla... all others are just imitations. 78. My favorite color is black. 79. I was born on a Beltane 80. Beltane is my favorite holiday, but because I understand it, not because it was my birthday. 81. I just found an unopened pack of Penguin mints! 82. I wasn't even looking for them. 83. My favorite sunglasses are my red/pink toned ones. Looking at the world through rose-colored glasses... 84. It doesn't make me any less cynical, however. 85. I have a box with over 25 working mice in it that I got for free from the Mechanical Engineering department here. 86. I don't take medicines, yet never get sick. 87. I haven't been to a doctor in 6 years, except the eye doctor to get new glasses/contacts 88. I have been shooting guns since I was 5. 89. I have been shooting bows since I was 7. 90. I have been learning swordfighting/melee combat since I was 12. 91. I'm now 21. 92. My favorite professor at this college isn't a CS instructor; he's a Humanities instructor. 93. I have no idea where I'll go after leaving school. 94. I have over 4500 mp3s in my playlist. 95. Most of the mp3s in my playlist are either instrumental or in Japanese. 96. I am very light-sensitive and often sport some of my sunglasses even at night if I'm going into bright buildings. 97. I once received a pop can from a vending machine that was only about 1/3 full, unopened. 98. I still have it. 99. I recently got to know someone whom I believe I'll be spending the rest of my life with. 100. That person has made me happier than I've ever been in my entire life.
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Justin 43 is incorrect
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I don't have time to type 100 fact about me. How about five to go on with? I can name all the states of my country in five seconds. Mind you that is not hard when the country you live in only has six states. I love cricket (test matches). I am 38. I went to Anaheim once. About ten years ago. It is the only time I have been outside of Australia. I am wondering if anyone out there would like to swap e-mails. I will leave me address if anyone is interested.
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1. My first name means “the people’s victory” 2. My middle name is Dominique 3. I don’t know my father and I don’t want to. 4. I can’t stand it when people say the word “whatever” 5. I can’t write in pen, and only on college ruled paper. 6. I’m an entertainment buff. 7. I’m an auditory learner, but I hate lectures. 8. I’ve got an almost infallible memory of song lyrics, movie quotes and Macbeth. 9. I secretly wish Daniel Jackson existed so that I could be his lover 10. Glasses and performers turn me on. 11. I really don’t like assigned reading, though I would most likely read the book in my own time. It’s a rebellious thing. 12. I would rather take a bullet than go over grammar. 13. I absolutely love navel oranges. 14. Lilac is my favorite smell. 15. I’m an Aquarius and I fit it to a T. 16. I’m a sci-fi/ fantasy fanatic. 17. Friends is most definitely my favorite T.V show. 18. I have all 8 seasons worth of Friends scripts saved on my computer, and mostly memorized. 19. All my best friends are guys. 20. I play the viola, but not especially well. 21. I have the absolute worst stage fright known to man. 22. I have a strict admiration for anyone who thrive on stage as if they were born to be there. 23. I dream of being a virtuoso violist, but I know in my heart that it’ll never happen. 24. Sometimes I wish I were model material, just to see what I would look like pretty. 25. When I was little, my nickname was Tugga. Sometimes they still call me that. 26. I’m half Filipino and half black. 27. I was never a tomboy, but I acted like it for a long time because I didn’t want to be like all the other girls. 28. I would love to be a photographer. 29. I wish I could sew because I love to design clothes. 30. My family says that I’m type-A. I’m not, I could truly care less about perfection. I just worry so much about where I’ll be in the next couple of years that I don’t let myself slack. Actually, that’s not totally true. I slack all the time. I just overcompensate for it afterwards. 31. I always think I’m getting fat. 32. I just recently learned how to apply make-up. 33. I’m sixteen years old. 34. My hair used to be down to my butt, but I cut it. I had meant to donate it, but forgot. 35. I lie a lot more than I want to. 36. I am soon to be fluent in Spanish, I’ll be spending half of my summer in Mexico. 37. I like to be heard. 38. I’m a lot freakier than anyone would make me out to be in a completely sexual way. 39. When I get my own house it will have a window-seat and a red door and a balcony. 40. I can belly dance. 41. I’m bustier than the average teenager. 42. My mother calls me “Champion of the Underdog” because I’m always befriending the people who others tend to stay away from. 43. I like the taste of blood. 44. There’s nothing better than Hearshey’s with Almonds 45. I hold a strong belief that all whiners should be shot on sight. 46. I’m liberal. 47. I would have burned my bra if that had been my era. I would burn all my bras. Right now. 48. I think the human body is beautiful and I like drawing myself nude, mostly for lack of other nude people to draw. 49. I don’t like gold jewelry. I don’t understand why anyone would wear it, it doesn’t go with anything, it’s really tacky. 50. I’m an online addict. I actually learned how to type from chatting. I don’t use the home-row keys and I still type between 75 and 80 words a minute. 51. I role play online. No, none of that sexy shit, hardcore medieval fantasy chat stuff. I have 27 characters. I used to be a maniac about it and I still keep books, save all the transcripts, write profiles and draw pictures, but it’s been a while since I’ve really played. I miss it. 52. Everyone says I give really good massages and I like to because I like making people feel good. 53. I wish I was a lot nicer than I am. 54. I don’t take any shit. 55. I’m in a long distance relationship. It’s a beautiful thing, but hard as hell. 56. I’m a big ice hockey fan. I used to play when I was younger, but then I committed a violent act (more so than most violence in hockey) and was forbidden to ever play on an organized team again. I completely support the Islanders, even through the horrible season they’re having this year. 57. I would like to believe in the idea of love at first sight, but it goes against my morals. I wouldn’t like to be loved just by what someone saw on my face at one chance moment. I would like to think that someone would try to get to know me before loving me. 58. I’m an aspiring poet. Actually, that’s completely untrue. I love writing poetry, it’s a creative outlet, but I’m not much good at it, so I can’t very well call myself a poet. 59. I don’t have a role model and I hate it when they make us write essays on our role models. I don’t really try to fashion myself to anyone. 60. I’m really close to my mother. 61. I’m in the Cleveland Orchestra Youth Orchestra. Trust me, it’s hardcore. 62. I want to live in New Orleans. 63. I have no problem flashing people. I’m actually a compulsive flasher. 64. I’m a big fan of 80’s music. Woo-hoo Duran Duran! 65. I often wish I was half as talented at anything as most people are at everything. 66. I’m big on pasta. We’ll just leave it at that. 67. When I feel something I feel it strongly and deeply. 68. I hate crying in public, or in private for that matter, but when I do it won’t stop for a while. 69. I make things harder. I don’t think I can function if things are easy, so if they are then I make them hard. 70. People say I’m wise beyond my years. Those silly geese! 71. I’m blunt. 72. I like to make things pretty. My family always has me doing decorations for holidays and things like that because I have a knack for putting things where they look like they should go. 73. My neck is my hot spot. 74. I could never be in the army. I don’t like the discipline. 75. I can definitely see myself living in a small cottage in the country raising alpacas. 76. I used to work at an organic garden where we made kick ass salsa. I miss it. 77. I’m a veggie fanatic. I love salad and raw vegetables. I could be a rabbit. My droppings are bigger though. 78. I’m stretchy and flexible in such a good way. 79. I wish I was a princess, mostly for the Prince Charming, but a lot for the really pretty dresses. 80. I can find over 25 words in the word IMAGINATION. That means I’m a genius. 81. I can be painstakingly descriptive. This can be good and bad. 82. I can’t not say bless you after someone sneezes and so it really bothers me when I sneeze and nobody says it. 83. I have a very strong imagination. I think that’s why I like books so much, I can play them out in my mind. 84. When I was a freshman I got into a fight with a senior boy. I ended up smacking him a good one and throwing his book bag on the train tracks. Nobody’s messed with me since. 85. I was a mobster for Halloween. 86. I can work hats. There is no hat that doesn’t look good on me. Too bad I have so much hair. 87. I would kill for a banana yellow X-Terra. 88. I have also considered a yellow VW Minibus. Twinkiemobile, baby! 89. Yellow is not my favorite color. 90. I gave up the power to manifest glazed doughnuts out of thin air for the power to give the most fulfilling and incredible kisses known to man. Dammit if I don’t have anyone to use it on. And I could really go for a doughnut too. 91. I keep dry lavender in my room. 92. My current favorite CD is They Might Be Giants Flood 93. I love drying dishes, hate washing them. 94. I’m getting my belly button pierced. 95. I’m getting a tattoo of the peace dove on my right shoulder blade when I turn 18. Is that sexy? 96. I’m in love. 97. I’m never late. 98. I grind my teeth in my sleep. 99. My socks never match. 100. I believe in God with every fiber of my being.
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the hogfather
1. i started doing this before, then my computer crashed, and i just had to start all over again. im annoyed now. 2.im gonna end up forgetting all the things i had before dammit. 3. i have a feeling this is gonna end up taking a long time coz im not in the mood for doing this anymore. 4. ive never been kissed. 5. i have 3 older sisters who i love 6. im kenayn. 7. i think my dad is an asshole. 8. one of my grandfathers died in the fight for independence, which i think is cool. 9. im small/short for my age. 10. i dont express my emotions alot. i just sort of have conversations/discussions in my head - rather than talk to someone. 11. thats why i cant write poetry or write music for shit. as opposed to alot of people here =P 12.ahhh, dammmit - ive forgoten all the stuff i had to say! 13. im always bored, tired or cold. 14. i always say im not cold in winter, but in summer i still wear my warm clothes. 15. even though im not a very emotional person, sappy stuff on tv makes me cry, but things in real life never do. 16. im really annoyed that ive forgotten all the stuff i had before. 17. i dont think ill make it to 50, let alone a hundred. 18. oh yeah, i read all the posts on here. my eyes hurt. 19. my typing is getting better. blather helps. i can almost do it without looking now. haha 20. my birthday is on nov. 19th, which is the same as mayahana's. i thought that was cool/wierd. 21. i got drunk on like, 5 sips of wine when i was 5. ive never forgotten that. apparently scorpio's are alcoholics. 22. i like watching cooking shows even though i suck at cooking. i dont know why. ha, jamie oliver is hot. 23. i prefer british/europen tv. less advertisements. and the humour is just really sarcastic most of the time. which amuses me. 24.erm. im getting stuck already. 25. the age of my eldest sister. 26. my class in school is pretty cool. even if thers always gonna be little 'groups' - we still mix. which is cool. 27. dammit, my mum is home. 28. i much prefer being alone at home. 29. i wish i had found blather during my summer vacation. 30. uhhh. 31. i feel kinda bad, cause the first couple of times i posted on blather, i was kinda bitchy. but now everyone is nice even when i post uselessly pathetic things. so yeah. haha, i changed my name. 32. but i can never keep to just one name on blather. it always changes depending on my posts. 33. i can read a 500 page novel in one night. 34. go check out the discworld series by terry pratchett. those are some good ass books. funny. 35. go listen to bran van 3000. a cool band. get songs from their first album(i think):glee. rainshine is a good one. 36.im a catholic. but im finding it hard to really believe in god. 37. i hate saying no to people older than me. which is why im stuck helping the little kiddies with their catechism classes. 38. woohoo! 39. that was pretty random 40. haha, randy from finch(my fav. band at the moment)says that. 41. i cant be bothered to start listing my favourite bands. seeing as i dont really have one favourite, it just ends up being all the bands i listen to, which is just too much. 42. i also listen to classical music. 42. and i think some opera is cool. the thing with opera though, is that any piece which i think is cool is one i hear in a movie or a tv show. so i never know what its called, or who its by. i really hate that. 43.ive had rufio stuck in my head today. 44.ive started drinking coffee again. 45. even though i much prefer cold drinking chocolate. 46. i dont know why im doing this without music. 47. i guess its coz i dont want to have to retype the whole thing again when my computer freezes. 48. my favourite colour? i dont really have one. black, blue, silver. i guess. 49. i like silver jewellery. especially the ones which look kind of old. im sure you have no clue what im talking about, but never mind. 50. halfway done, and i think im gonna stop now. start again later. i swear im gonna cry if my computer screws up this time.
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the hogfather
51. continuation. im listeing to the used right now. 52. i really want to go snowboarding someday. ive been dying to go since the first time i saw a snowboarding competition on tv. 53. im stuck already. man im boring. 54. i have brown eyes(boring i know) and black hair. 55.i dont usually wear make-up. 56. i think i may be repeating stuff i posted before. im not sure. 57. my computer hates this page(in particular) alot. it tends to freeze alot whenever i try to come on here. 58. i love travelling 59. but i hate that feeling of being lost, and not knowing where things are, or how to get places. 60. i love flying 61. i cant believe there are people who have never flown before/will never fly. 62. i also feel bad for people who get airsick. 63. i love taking off in particular. all that speed man. =) 64. uhh.. i never used to get carsick, but ever since coming to europe, i get nauseous (sp?) when im in a car for a long time. 65. we closed school yesterday! 66. i also saw the two towers yesterday. not bad. 67. ive read all three lotr books in one go. 68. astrex and obelix(comic books) are funny.everyone should read them. 69. hmmm. 70. what else is there to say? 71.im wearing a pennywise hoodie. 72.im gonna go look at other posts for inspiration. 73.it didnt really help. 74.ouch - my ear hurts. i dunno why. 75.i have a scar on my right thumb which i like. it looks kinda like an upside down triangle. 78. i like having scars. they remind me of what i was like when i was a little kid. 79. i cant find some of my earlier posts, which for some reason i want to read. 80. when my friend makes fun of me, i find it easier to just be quiet and ignore her than fight back. 81. i generally find it easier to ignore insults. 82. i went to boston in april to see my sister. it was cool. it was...different from what i had imagined though. i cant quite explain it though. 83. when big 'tragedies' happen, they never really bother me. even when its somewhere i know/live in. 84.i seem to know alot of stuff about other religions/cultures. i think its cause the schools ive been to always have alot of different cultures etc. 85. i think its good to know about other cultures. 86. im more mature than my friends, and its really annoying sometimes. 87. theres a post on here somewhere which tells you to find 10 things you like about yourself. i couldnt do it...seriously. 88. www.projectfinch.net --- pimpin' out her website. 89. but i didnt do much on it actually. most of it was my friend. shes good with computers. 90. i have no fucking clue what i want/am going to be when i grow up. 91. its somewhere between something i like, or something that makes alot of money. 92.i dont get sick easily. 93. sometimes i wish i did, jsut so i could miss school. 94.i seem to remember conversations ive had on chat for ages afterwards. 95. and the next time i see the person, i still remeber all about them; they are usually just like'who the fuck are you'. i think its funny for some reason. 96. i thought it was cool when i saw that anti-social butterfly lived in kenya for a summer. i wonder where. 97. sometimes i want to email people ive seen on blather, but the thought of emailing a stranger is just to wierd for me. 98. im almost done now. 99. im sure this has been quite pathetic/boring. 100. and im sorry for that. 101 - laters!
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1I started this yesterday but I had to stop at number three 2I think i have a cold right now 3I am happy 4I found my soul mate 5I like diet cherry coke 6Its a little hard to find 7At school i drink out of a Figi water bottle 8I have blue eyes, but a lot of people dont realize this 9I am listening to pearl jam right now 10I wish there was a faster way to do this 11This is keeping me busy however 12 My classes next semester are microeconomics, chemistry 104, pre-calculus, and sociology 13I dont think it should be too bad 14I want to make money 15I think i want to be a pharmacist 16I just had my wisdom teeth out 17I was scared 18It wasnt as bad as i thought it would be 19I like to sing 20I have JLo pants 21I kind of talk about the JLo pants a lot (maybe too much) 22My birthday is Dec 22 23 I am a saggitarius/capricorn cusp 24Sometimes i wish i was just one sign for sure 25Other times i am thankful that i have two signs. 26My roomate was born in Ireland 27I cried last nite 28I woke up at 1230 today 29Our answering machine doesnt work 30I am drinking sparkling raspberry water right now 31My hands are cold 32I have to go to work at 3 33I think i can get done with this before then 34I like my hands 35My jaw cracks 36It is kind of obnoxious 37I like food 38I am short (5'3) 39My boyfriend is 6'7 40I think this is amusing... 41My dog is asleep 42My dog smells 43My dog's name is MacGyver 44My little brother plays guitar 45He is good at it 46I wish he was happier rightnow 47I am wearing blue pants 48They are sweatpants 49They are comfy 50I like backupsingers 51I want to be a back up singer 52I can type decently fast 53I have semi-long nails right now 54They go click click click on the keyboard 55I am bored (did i say that before?) 56My great grandma has a cat named Lucy 57I am allerigic to cats 58I go to a party school 59I kind of get out of control when i dirnk 60I feel bad about that quite often 61I kind of think my dad might be an alcoholic 62That scares me 63I want to see the ocean again 64I want to fly in a plane 65I never have 66I want to relax... 67I want to live in a big house 68Its really not that important to me, i would live in any house...but if i got to chose between big and small...i would pick big, as long as the big one was really old 69I like old houses 70I am on birth control 71I dont like how it messed up my schedule 72I used to get mine whenever there was a full moon, it is natural... 73but now i dont 74That scares me 75I have a lot of purses 76I mean, a sickening amount 77It is 225 78 I have to get ready for work soon 79It is 5 degrees outside 80My mom is going to come get me to take me to work because it is too cold for me to walk 81I like the month of may 82I like summer a lot 83I love to swing 84I think i am a decent writer, when i have something to write about... 85 A lot of times on here i dont put effort into my writing, so it is just...not good...but i am not trying to impress anyone...so i guess i dont really care 86I like coffee 87I like ice cream 88Especially mint chocolate chip 89Yay! Almost done! 90I enjoy jazz music 91I watch BET a lot 92I had a sticker collection when i was little, i still have it... 93I used to decorate notebooks really colorful and stuff...i dont do that anymore 94I bought a cute picture frame yesterday 95I put a cute picture in it today:) 96I watch Days of our Lives sometimes 97I dont really like watching tv all that much at school 98I know how to play the piano (just not very good) 99My family is falling apart 100I drink tea when i want to feel healthy
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1) I keep dying my hair burgundy but it keeps fadeing into a ugly lighter color 2) I feel and act older than I really am 3) I look for love in all the wrong places(I cant seem to find the right ones) 4) I recently visited Costa Rica and my biggest souvionire is a puppy 5) I know i have a spelling problem and i could care less 6) I am sexy and look older than i am 7) I love to hear secrets and am really good at keeping them 8) I have an older brother that I MET for the first time last year 9) I love writing but i cant cause i get sucked into my own detail and ending up creating this never-ending-story thing 10) I am extreamly lazy but manage to stay fit 11) I have a habit of holding my pen/pencil way to tightly 12) With makeup i try to draw the most attention to my eyes 13) I have a fantasy that cant be revealed 14) I love being the center of attention/life of the party but could never try to draw attention to myself 15) The only people that can embaress me are my parents 16) I have a passion for riding horses and i am an excelent rider(take that any way you want lol) 17) I think that my legs look to thick from a side view when i'm in a swim suit 18) I hate most girls, but being one myself, i'm not obligated to like them 19) wild rodents scare the hell outa me 20) I own a snake named Ople 21) I have been lied to repetedly, thus ruining my trust for most individuals 22) I have meaningless sex to often to make myself feel loved 23) I love cooking and takeing care of perfecly capable, but lazy, young men 24) I love it when guys sing 25) my biggest turn ons (physacly) are A) body piercings B) tattoos C) and fit everything else 26) guys seem to spend ALOT of time and effort trying to get me into bed than dissapear instead of less time, less effort, get someone else into bed than dissapear, i dont get it 27) I love to sing, but often being off que puts a damper on my singing in someones company 28) I am confident and not cocky 29) I prefer writing with a pencil to a pen, the pen slides to fast making my writing slopper than it already is 30) I drink Pepsi not coke 31) I enjoy poetry and won Best Of Show in a contest once 32) I have been hurt more than I belive any one ever should 33) I refuse to run away, but when i think about why, it dosnt make sense cuse i cant stand being around 'em 34) I belive sex is overrated (I belive alot of things are overrated) 35) I am a comfert finatic, i will take every thing comfy i can find,put it in a pile and curl up in the middle of it, on a bad day 36) I have recently taken to ocean kiacking 37) I find it funny that my parents think i "dissobey" them when I am VERY EaSILY capable of things SO MUCH WORSE THAN NOT LISTENING TO THEM. 38) when i ignore people i chose to pretend thay do not exist ( I think every 1 dose actually, but i'm aware of what i'm doing) 39) I go stir crazy very easily 40) I have that puke-all-over-your-self stage fright 41) I can't save money 42) One of my dream cars is a lamborghini Diablo VT 6.0 43) on a distant birthday, my b-day present to me is gonna be renting the above for 1 day 44) I am a huge cuddle bug 45) I am extreamly playful 46) I love to flirt 47) I'm an easy person to be around 48) I'm a pretty good artist when I put my mind to it 49) I still spell both as bolth even though i have been corrected way to many times 50) I love to eat( thank god for high metablesim) 51) if i can't snuggle up to a man in bed, i snuggle a body pillow 52) as much as i enjoy sex i'm considering becoming a second time virgin,( for the dummies: start my sexlife over from the begining) 53) I dont like it when guys push sex on me 54) I'm a sucker for sweet talkers and 'bad boys' 55) I think guys are the funniest when they show off but some times i get embarresed for them 56) I belive that there are some genuinly good males out there and i think thay should make a note to find me 57) I belive i have A.D.D. 58) I also belive I have M.P.D. 59) I am stupid enough to listen to boys when they wanna 'get to know me' because i belive every one deserves a chance 60) My oppinion about every thing will change with my mood 61) I have an extreamly active imagination 62) If my mind creats phontoms i start to belive in them 63) I am proud to say that i have never serously consitered commiting suiside 64) I am really empathetic, if you don't know what that means,look it up. 65) I can be a perfectionist, but not always 66) I never take off the necklace my older brother bought for me when we met in New Mexico 67) I usally wear 6 rings ( 2 on my left pinky, 1 on my right thumb, 2 on my right ring finger and 1 on my right pinky) 68) I have two empty photo albums that i've been meaning to fill for a good five months, and i just bought another 69) ah... one of my fave. numbers 70) If iI get bored enough i do incredably idiot things 71) If I'm writing fast i usally put down a t instead of d, I have no idea why. 72) If a book isn't interesting from the begining I wont read it ( school work or not ) 73) I'm curently failing school because of my habit to tune people out when they drone.but in school i look like i'm catching everything the teacher is saying, when really i wouldnt notice if they had their faces an inch from mine asking me a direct question. 74) I am a very spontanious person 75) Unfortunatly when i'm bored my stupidity and my being spontanious combine, making me a crazy, dangerous moron 76) example of the above: I was almost in a fatel car accident becuse I thought it would be a thrill to jump a rail road track at 93 in a piece-of-shit old car...I was right. 77) being complimented makes me glow 78) I like it when people remember what I say 79) I'm an optimistic person but I love complaining 80) I'm going to get a tattoo of a bull from his shoulders up, because I'm proud to be Taurean 81) I am UNBELIVABLY stuborn 82) I cant stand it when people tell me what to do 83) I loath lires 84) I like smelling good 85) I don't know any 1 who dosn't like smelling good 86) I get really embarresed when i've relized that I forgot to put on my deoderant 87) most animals love me 88) I hate sniches 89) I've been biting my nails for as long as I can remember. 90) I don't mind wollowing in self-pity because I dont get to often; every time I get upset i only have a little while to cry befor it fades tnto anger 91) people don't do anything to piss me off any more( either they learned their lesson or they heard from someone else who did) 92) I have a good sense of humour and love to make people laugh 93) I used to have a pin pal in Uganda 94) I'm solar powered 95) i function best at night 96) Advil is the only med that works for my headaches, and i dont wanna hear you smart asses telling me that I B profen is the same cuse i dont give a rats ass 97) I love the rain and hammocks 98) I dont belive in rules but i always set some for others 99) I am strongly against H.W. but never having done any, i guess i dont have much say 100) I like spending time by my self, but i'm deathly terrified of being alone
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1. i like to lay on my bed while talking on the phone. 2. two of my best friends have known me since i was born. 3. i have a twin brother. 4. i have a very large black labrador named Gus (which i named after the mouse in cinderella). 5. sometimes i resent people for being happy all the time. 6. i try to act happy all the time. 7. I am a Christian. 8. I love a boy named Puffycloud, and am always thinking about him. 9. when i pms, i get very depressed and paranoid. 10. when that happens, i tell no one. 11. i have a club in which we make money and go on vacations together. 12. i have the best extended family in the world. 13. debates are fun, but get me worked up. 14. i don't like it when people make fun of me. 15. sometimes i miss Puffycloud so much, at odd times, that i cry un controllably. 16. that scares me. 17. i bought my own car at 16. 18. i bought my own computer at 16. 19. i am a lifeguard. 20. i work 4 jobs at a time during the summer. 21. i love it when people like my writing. 22. purple is my favorite color. 23. when people play with my hair, i melt. 24. i like small brown dogs named Emma. 25. and frozen cokes. 26. and the movie almost famous makes me very very happy. 27. i got my first kiss when i was 14. 28. my first real kiss when i was almost 15. 29. my first french when i was fifteen. 30. i like long term relationships. 31. my longest is still going on, a year and a half :) 32. i have a lot of weird dreams, that involve me dying. 33. i rub like a girl. 34. one of my best friends is a guy. 35. i'm saving sex for marriage. 36. my middle name is elizabeth. 37. my entire ancestry is from germany. 38. i used to have very big eyebrows. 39. i now shave them due to being made fun of in the past. 40. i love to drive with my sunroof open. 41. i like to be alone sometimes. 42. when with one other person, i talk the most. 43. when with a group, i talk the least. 44. i only ask people to understand me. 45. blather is one of the most honest experiences i have ever been through. 46. the future scares me, i have no clue what i want to do with my life. 47. my favorite foods are burritos and pasta carbanara. 48. i hate steak and mushrooms. 49. i don't drink or do any sort of drugs. 50. one of my friends is a hermaphrodite. 51. when puffycloud holds me, i have no problems. 52. i am afraid a lot that he wants to leave me, even though there is not really much reason. 53. i don't think war is wrong. 54. icq takes up about 20% of my time. 55. blather- 15% 56. one of my friends battles anorexia for awhile, and i want to kill the disease. 57. i used to play barbies when i was younger, and i loved it. 58. my bra size is 34 c ;) 59. i have brown hair with a few natural highlights (lifeguard outside during the summer) 60. i'm skinny and short. 61. i'm a sophomore in high school 62. i wrote a paper about blather not long ago megans_blather_paper 63. i got an a on it megans_blather_paper_grade 64. i was named after someone named margerate 65. i am on the swim team, and can swim butterfly. 66. one of my best friends doesn't talk to me anymore. 67. i like to laugh. 68. i like to sleep naked. 69. i don't like to wear underwear much 70. i like to dance in my room to punk music. 71. i like you. 72. i wonder if you like me (or if you even notice me). 73. i remember most people but they don't remember me. 74. i had a boyfriend i met at the beach one summer named walter. 75. his last name was even funnier. 76. puffycloud is, in my opinion, the most beautiful person on earth. 77. i miss my great grandpa 78. i am a very open person. 79. i am considered an introvert. 80. riding horses is a favorite pastime of mine, but it isn't something i get t do often anymore. 81. i had a bad throw from a horse when i was little and almost broke my neck. 82. i fell down our basement stairs in my walker when i was two, and didn't have a mark on me. 83. that's why i have soemthing called faith. 84. i like pictures, but don't like having them taken. 85. i've been keeping a diary for two years now. 86. i like silver better than gold. 87. i love art. 88. i've killed two hamsters and a hermit crab and sea monkeys single handedly. 89. i like to clean other people's things, but not my own. 90. i'm very organzed. 91. i hate the sound of carpet rubbing on something. 92. i teach adult swim lessons. 93. i like old movies, especially hitchcock. 94. i would be classified as a dork in my school. 95. i like to be warm rather than cold. 96. i like to try to change people for the better. 97. i can't sleep on my back. 98. i love pacsun clothes. 99. i like to get dressed up for formal dances. 100. my feet are a size 8.
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1.I dont remember why i picked the name Puffycloud 2.I LOVE MEGAN! 3.I have a dog named Emma 4.I have an Armalite M-15A2 named Armina 5.I like punk music 6.I like shooting guns for fun, hunting, and competition 7.I bought Armina 3 months ago 8.I hunt deer and turkey 9.I want to join the Marines 10.Some people call me a war junkie 11.Most my friends are war junkies as well 12.I am on a 4-H rifle team 13.I dont have a car 14.Megan has managed to be my best friend and girl friend going on 1 1/2 years now 15.I own 7 guns 16.I am 16 17.My dad is a judge 18.I am offened and pissed off by The Patriot Acts 19.I play paintball 20.I have a Tippmann 98 Custom (painted tiger stripe)with a 14" barrel, an ok multiple magnification scope, and a folding stock 21.I hate spider webs 22.I play violin 23.I play drums 24.My first kiss...Id rather not think about 25.I have never had sex 26.I want to name my son (if i have one) Xavier 27.Im listening to Foo Fighters-All My Life right now 28.My room is billiard green with wood floors 29.I have a Marines flag on my wall over my bed 30.My room isn't messy its just organized 31.I love the smell of gun oil 32.I think there should be a cologne that smells like gun oil 33.I like Atticus and element shirts 34.I like Vans and Adio shoes 35.I like black shirts 36.My hair is black (naturally) 37.I am annoyed by Gun Control advocates who dont know what theyre talking about 38.I like Larry Cates (local state rep) 39.I am going to Camp Perry from May 9-11 40.I used to drink 41.I like to play Hackysack 42.I hate polo shirts 43.I am a Methodist 44.I used to have a cat named Tink 45.I am a Counter-Strike fiend 46.I wish people would take responsibility for their actions 47.I like fire 48.Im not crazy (ive been anlyzed before and am safe) 49.I want a Jeep Wrangler 50.I like Rage Against the Machine 51.I like Marylin Manson 52.I like Transplants 53.I think The Trashmen-Surfin Bird is by far the greatest song in exsistence 54.I have a pool table in my basement 55.I am in 10th grade 56.Full Metal Jacket is the best movie ever i think 57.I have a white friend who is the blackest person ive ever known 58.My brother smokes weed while he goes jogging 59.My shoe size is 11 1/2 60.I weigh 156 pounds 61.I sound like Im from New Jersey even though I was raised and born in Southern Ohio 62.I haven't cried in going on 3 years 63.I have had a BB lodged in my head before from being shot by a BB gun 64.I am wondering how i am going to manage to get 36 more facts about my life 65.So far I can go 60 hours without sleep 66.I dont like swimming 67.Megan is on the swim team at my school and is a life guard 68.I am a Rifle Instructor 69.I like khakis 70.I like tiger stripe camo 71.According to the NRA I am classified a Marksman 72.I am not a member of the NRA 73.I want to be a member of the NRA 74.I have 3 white shirts i actually wear 75.I have about 20 black/grey shirts i wear 76.I have fallen off a car going 45 mph 77.I hate papercuts with a passion 78.I have 1 truely best friend who i can always depend on 79.I despise NASCAR 80.I dont think it is odd to name my gun 81.I always let the phone ring 3 times before i answer it if it is farther than arms reach away when im sitting 82.My cousin kicked me in the face when she was wearing high heels once 83.I dont think it hurts as bad as it looks 84.I just took 20 minutes to go play with my dog 85.I have a scar from a bottle cap in my arm 86.I have had one bone break in my life 87.I have had stitches once in my life 88.They were both on the same hand in the same week 89.I went deer hunting with my trigger finger hand all patched up 90.I got a deer 91.I am very tired right now 92.I love Jackass and CKY 93.My eyes hurt right now 94.My eyes are greyish blue 95.Most people are scarred of me 96.I am actually very nice 97.I want to be a Secret Service agent after 6 years in the Marines 98.I dont like Glock handguns 99.I like Heckler and Koch firearms 100.I am done with this
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1.i realy like this blathe 2. recently, in a shoprite parking lot, i got my hand sqashed inside a car door by the window going down on automatic. 3.it really hurt and the firemen had to come and save me 4.i didn't even ask for help for the first five minutes i was so embarrased for getting in such a ridiculous and stupid situtaion 5. the few random people who helped me did so with thier whole heart and it made up for the the many that looked curiously and passed by 6. in 2001 i had a bad car accident that knocked my front bottom teeth inward. 7 i never got them replaced 8. i'm self concious about it but have no health insurance and no money. 9. my dad came to this country without much worked hard and now owns his own business. 10. i grew up with the smell of deisel fuel 11. it makes me happy every time i get a whiff of it. 12. i love big trucks 13. i love the pier and the trucking industry in general. 14. i wanted to learn to drive a truck but then realized i can barely manuver a crown victoria 15. i hope to drive a taxi 16. i'm a really bad speller 17. i just recently saw "a street car named desire" and it blew me away 18. i hate the beatles 19. i lost a friend cuz i hate the beatles. 20. i dance alone in my room alot. 21. i'm too shy to dance in a club. 22. i don't know of any clubs that would play the mix of songs i dance to any way. 23. i like to think of myself as a musical explorer. 24. i tryed out for a band once and was accepted. i completly hated the music but wanted to sing. 25. i have a good singing voice. 26. i'm too chicken shit to ever try out again. 27. i drink too much 28. the only reason i'm not an alcohlic is cuz i would hate to ever go to a meeting. 29. if i was rich i'd probably go for it though. 30. my cats name is bimbo 31. he's really fucking annoying me right now. 32. i met my best friend in elementary school 33. after ten years of friendship we barely talk any more 34. this makes me angry and sad even though i know that if i was introduced to her at a party we would have a polite convo and get away from each other as quickly as possible. we have zero in common anymore. actually we'd probably make fun of each other to the friends we came with. 35.my best friend now is a 22 yr old gay dominican who delivers pizza 38. i have no idea why i should have more in common with him than with a girl my own age who i grew up with. 37. i've known for close to three years. 38. now i'm wondering what exactly is it that makes a best friend a best friend. 39. gary null is threatening our friendship. 40. i think he's a fucking pycho loon who spread a hell of a lot of disinformation and he think he'll make him live forever. 41. i hate gary null. 42. i like watching tlc and the history chanel etc. 43. i like lifetime even though it tends to make me paranoid about men for a few day after their movie marathons. 44. i keep misspelling friends as friedns. 45. in the 6th grade i finally found a way to rememebr what 6*8 equalled...going fishing got no bait 8 times six is 48. is till use this 46. i do actually have to learn math. it needs to be spelled out to me personally or i never get it. 47. my nails always look like they are french tipped (is that what it's called?) i get it from my mom. 48. i've never been to a beauty salon in my life 49. i was forced to take hair and nails as an elective in adult high school. i felt that the placement was very sexist. i wanted b/w photography. 50. in real high school my elective was chorus. 51. i got into ensamble my second year. 52. the girl in elementary school who was fawned over for her voice (while i was ignored) i don't think ever made it in. 53. i cryed after my solo in the winter concert. i though i could have done alot better 55. i used to cry about everything all the time. in school, on the street, in the stores, at friends houses. 56. i find it hard to cry anymore. 57.i still rock at hackey sack even though i hardly get to play anymore 58. i felt so cool when i was in hs cuz i was one of the only girls in the circle. 59. fuck it i still do 60. i don't like one night stands 61. i like short lived passionate affairs 62. i like long term relationships but not as much as the former 63. i never went to a bar till i was 22 64. maybe that doesn't seem like a big deal but fuck i was 21! 65. i curse alot 66. i think it's cute when guys curse in front of me and then get all apologetic for curseing in front of me like i'm all delicate 67. i just recently found out how to pronounce cruelean ( you know the color not sure the sp) 68. i was completly off. this happens to me alot. 69. i nibble my nails. not actually bite them.i wouldn't ever puposefully break them. 70. my favorite food is fajitas. 80. i have never had a relationship that lasted longer than a year and half. all my long terms have ended almost exactly at that time. 81. i really belive in signs, that whatever is out there tries to communicate to you through everyday things. 82. i'm trying to be single for the first time in my life. it's really hard 81. the longest i've ever gone without having sex was three months 82. it was the most horrible three months of my life. 83. the longest i've ever been single ws three months. 84. it was the most exciting and full three months of my life. 85. i'm wondering if i should release my hormones during this single time with one of my old old ex's. 86. i know he's be down for it but i don't trust myself to not want something more. 87. when i lost my virginity it was something like rape. 88. he said he wanted to surprise me. 89. i had hopes at that age to save myself for marriage. he knew this. 90. i hadn't even realized it happened it happened so fast. 91. i had an abortion at the age of 15 92. i hate that point in my life 93. i tend not to regret anything in my life. at least it was an experience is my motto 94. i always find something to love in everyone i meet. 95. this causes me to fall in love to easily. 96. i love the insides of people..eww that soudned gross. hee. no really though. that something in a person that is truly them and truly beautiful. thier core i guess. 97. i think blather exposes this beautifully. 98. i too enjoy traveling greyhound even though it's really hard on the body and mind. 99. most of what i've written here came from my responses to what people before me have written 100.i get startled or scared easily and scream really loudly.
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1) My name is Howard 2) My birthday is 16th Dec 1982. 3) I'm a geek with no life. (well it's true..) 4) I am scared of the dark (just a little) 5) I have many tiny scars on my left shoulder. 6) I can ride a pushbike. 7) I can't drive. 8) I like spicy food 9) Spicy food doesn't like me. 10) I am fairly content with my life at the moment. 11) I am looking forward to Summer. 12) I need to buy some more weed. 13) I need another pay rise. 14) I want to be older. 15) I have odd music tastes (see mp3_collection ) 16) My favorite computer game is Theif 2 17) I wear army surplus stuff most of the time 18) I smoke Richmond Menthol Cigarettes or rollups. 19) I will quit smoking one way or another. 20) I have a terrible sense of humour. 21) I am English. 22) I just ate a cheese and onion roll. 23) I enjoy cooking. 24) I enjoy most of what_i_do_at_work. 25) I cannot imagine life without music. 26) I want to meet a load of blatherskites. 27) I will die before I'm 90, I'm sure. 28) I will change the world in some way before I die. 29) I will travel the world in some way before I die. 30) When I die, I want to be buried. 31) I class myself as a Pagan. 32) My g/f is lovely, but depressed. 33) I am strong minded. 34) I can be emotionally hurt very easily. 35) I am quite insecure, which is why it's hard to make friends. 36) This is not fact number 42. 37) I am addicted to blather. 38) I have too many ideas. 39) I wrote my first computer program at the age of 4. 40) I am too nice sometimes. 41) I am very lazy. 42) This is fact number 42. 43) I have terrible timekeeping. 44) I enjoy the discworld novels. 45) I have lost my copy of hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. 46) I know someone called Dan. 47) I collect knives. 48) I have only ever slept with one person. 49) I am a philosopher. 50) I used to write poetry, most of which is here on blather. 51) I know Kung Fu. 52) Ok, no I don't, it just sounds cool. 53) My favorite film is either the Ghost in the Shell or WarGames. 54) I don't like porn. 55) Even when dressed normally, people think I'm weird. 56) It's hard for me to find 100 facts about me. 57) I'm friendly to people. 58) I'm sarcastic. 59) I'm very cynical. 60) I talk too fast. 61) I think too fast. 62) I hate mosquitos and other small flying things. 63) I like Dali and HR Giger. 64) I am loosely classed as a 'Goth'. 65) I am not a Goth. 66) I work above a curry house. 67) I don't have a favorite song. 68) I am very cold and logical. 69) I once killed a man using a frozen sausage. 70) Ok, I lied about that, too. 71) I make fun of things/people, but I don't mean it nastily. 72) I hate extreme feminists. 73) People who are intelligent but think they're dumb piss me off. 74) Closed minded people just need their mind opening. With a hammer, if possible. 75) If racists can back their argument up, I respect, but disagree with them. 76) I think homosexuals are gay. 77) I like silver rings and necklaces. 78) I don't like gold jewellery. 79) I like South Park. 80) I like Frasier. 81) I hate Friends (the TV Show). 82) Goverments annoy me. 83) I believe in Chaos Theory. 84) I'm sure that no-one will read this. 85) I didn't read anyone else's facts. Though I might browse later. 86) I have long black hair. 87) Ok, it's not black, it's very dark brown. Almost black. 88) I don't wear makeup, but apparently I look good in it. 89) I could have been an actor. 90) I was going to go into marketing as a career. 91) I need to cut my fingernails. 92) I have an 'any' key stuck onto my keyboard. 93) All Your Base Are Belong To Us. 94) I'm underweight. 95) Mobile phone ringtones really piss me off. 96) I like travelling by train. 97) I can't touchtype. 98) I don't like the computer mouse. 99) I have an annoying 80's song by Human League in my head. 100) I want you to tell me the final fact about me.
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100) You are graphic web designer AND a double agent working for the Soviets. ...
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well done, 2 points (I am a web programmer, not a designer, but I do have the soviet star on my bag)
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Flowers from Safeway
1. I read almost everything you strange people write. 2. You scare me almost as much as I scare myself. 3. I work in arts/entertainment. 4. I make less $ than most of you. 5. I love mangos, brown rice, bleu cheese, and oreos. (but not together) 6. Buster Keaton is my idol. 7. I wish more people knew who Harry Landgon was. 8. I adore the music of the Mills Brothers. 9. I am 24 years old. 10. My favorite movie is anything Buster Keaton was in before 1928, when he lost creative control of his films. 11. I am obsessed with movie trivia. 12. I wish Jim Henson was still alive. 13. I play the guitar a little. 14. I am proud of my songwriting abilities. 15. I am currently in a play where I play a starving Danish artist, a coffee grinder, a wine cask, a mother and her baby, and Langston Hughes. 16. I am not kidding. 17. I doubt I will finish this Blathe. 18. I have a puppy, two cats, and a parrot. 19. I love my parrot. 20. I love classical music. 21. My behavior is not typical to my gender. 22. I have severe deppression. 23. I have an abundance of guilt. 24. I am on this computer too much. 25. My favorite game is Aliens vs. Predator 2. 26. I love to drink Harp lager. 27. I think that I am good looking. 28. I have no idea if I am right. 29. I am vegetarian with the exception of seafood. 30. Don't ask me why. 31. Bacon, mayonaise, ground beef, spousal abuse, and pedaphilia are a few things which disgust me. 32. School was not a fun time for me. 33. I tend to regret things I do. 34. I wonder if this Blathe will be one of them. 35. I love Science fiction. 36. Metaphysics fascinate me. 37. I love Ani Difranco, but not Tori Amos. 38. I have allergies. 39. I have never tried pot or even cigarrettes. 40. I lost my virginity at age 19. 41. I waited to find someone I truly loved. 42. I am still with this person. 43. I like my blather name. 44. I chose it to describe an unoriginal sentiment. 45. I hope to have kids. 46. I want to name one after my grandfather. (if I have a boy) 74. I am dyslexic. 48. I am right-handed. 49. I am naive. 50. I'm a geek. 51. I get distracted, and somtimes I don't finish what I 52. My feet are big. 53. My favorite shows are Simpsons, South Park, and the original Twilight Zone. 54. I worry about my dad. 55. I hate sports. 56. I really hate sports. 57. Laughing makes me feel good. 58. I laugh often. 59. I have a week off work right now. 60. I don't know how I'll pay the rent this month. 61. This depresses me more. 62. I would like to change the subject. 63. I love kids. 64. My neice is fun to hang out with. 65. I have no cel phone. 66. I have no car. 67. Damn it. 68. I hate mint. 69. I talk too much. 70. I like the sound of my voice. 71. I speak spanish. 72. Yo quiero trabajar en la tele con mis titeres. 73. I don't like my sister. 74. I feel guilty for not liking my sister. 75. I like to swim. 76. I am proud of my work. 77. I dress well for being poor. 78. I get light headed when I miss a meal. 79. I faint sometimes. 80. I worry about myself. 81. I am done with this. 82. I knew I wouldn't finish. 83. I came pretty close though.
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1 i'd rather stay anonymous 2 my age shall also remain anonymous 3 and my location 4 and my age 5 I love to eat raw lemons 6 my favorite color is green! 7 I like Nine Inch Nails 8 I have social anxiety disorder 9 I think daily about suicide 10 I see a therapist 11 my sisters name is natasha 12 my parents smoke pot 13 my dogs name is puffy 14 I like coldplay 15 I only download music 16 I am athiest 17 I rarely cry 18 I really need to cry 19 I am lazy 20 I find bipolars and sktizo's really interesting 21 I HATE soccer moms 22 I dont play ANY sports EVER 23 I maintain my record of having never participated in any clubs or teams 24 I am pathetic 25 I hate myself and want to die 26 I like pachelbels cannon in D major 27 I like anime 28 I like the simpsons 29 and family guy and futurama 30 I like adult swim on cartoon network 31 I am not in touch with most pop culture 32 I gave up most of my earlier intrests 33 not much matters to me anymore 34 any work is too much work to me 35 I havent been happy for four years and counting 36 I am a pessimist 37 I am always stressed and nervous 38 I cut myself but not deep enough to be called a cutter 39 I have no talents 40 I surf the net too much 41 I watch too much TV 42 I get deja vu alot and for a long time 43 I am on Paxil 44 I am also on Concerta 45 I am cynic 46 I have no future 47 I like the Violent Femmes 48 I play starcraft 49 I like prozac nation 50 I am halfway through with this list 51 No one really cares about this but i am doing it anyway 52 I hate cleaning 53 I am too damn lazy to finish to finish this list 54 quit early quit often thats my motto 53 Im gunna sleep bye
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pobodys nerfect
1.I have blue eyes 2.I dye my hair black(garnier nutrisse in "liquorice") 3.I'm really short! Only 4 ft. 10 and 3/4 inches tall 4.I'm very pale and I sunburn very badly 5.Fave tv shows: CSI(both ones), Frasier,Charmed,Designer Guys,Trading Places,Dharma & Greg 6.I've been singing since I was a little girl. 7.Green is my favourite colour(except dark green) 8.I really like flavoured lipgloss, and I probably have too much of it 9.When given the choice between silver or gold anything,I'd choose silver 10.My bedside lamp is in the shape of a pineapple 11.I like toe socks 12.I really like old movies 13.I'm an Elvis fan 14.my computer monitor mascots are (beanie babies)Harper,Chinook,Pierre & Shamrock 15.I love tomatoes 16.I love taking bubble baths... 17. ...and watching movies while I have them 18.I collect teapots and(surprise!)I love tea(hot or iced) 19.I have a small scar very close to my left eye(I fell out of my highchair when I was little) 20.I've been afraid of needles since I was very young,thanks to an evil health nurse who made me watch while she jabbed one in my arm. It even bothers me seeing other people get them. 21.It also bothers me to see people donating blood or bleeding... 22...but in an emergengy,I can handle it 23.I have a black canopy bed with metal leaves on it(it was called "laurel leaf" in the catalogue) 24.As far as eating meat goes,I only eat chicken & turkey(and bacon about 3 times a year) 25.I ate my last "real" hamburger on my 16th birthday 26.I stopped because I didn't like the taste,not because of animal rights issues 27.I like old tv shows like The Munsters,The Honeymooners,The Patty Duke show and a few others 28.I have a "Honeymooner's" board game 29.When I was 12 I had an obsession with the "I dream of Jeannie" tv show. 30.I even dressed up like her for Halloween that year 31.I've always hated wearing shorts and avoid them unless it's REALLY hot outside. 32.I'd rather wash than dry dishes 33.I have one sister and one brother 34.I was born last 35.I'm near-sighted,but I don't like wearing glasses 36.I like Sherlock Holmes stories, and Agatha Christie mysteries(esp.the ones with Miss Marple in them) 37.I collect snowmen in almost every form 38.One of the highlights of my week is to go to "houseoftheweek.com" and see the featured floorplan. Sad,isn't it? 39.Two of my favourite designs are HDS-99-242 and FI-320 40.One time I was up really late and was so bored I actually watched a documentary on house flies--and found it interesting 41.I'm a virgin, and that's a big deal at my age. I'm waiting until I fall in love with someone. 42.I cross-stitch. My largest project was a santa for my mom. 43.I actually like white pantyhose. 44.I enjoy reading true crime stories 45.My cd collection is arranged alphabetically 46.I'm a Spongebob Squarepants fan 47.I have 7 nephews and an online friend I call my "virtual nephew". He's the only one that calls me "aunty" 48.Except "perfect calm",and a few others,most of my perfumes smell like fruit. 49.My hairline goes to a point on my forehead like "dracula" 50.I have 2 small brown circular moles on my arm just above my left elbow that look like a tiny pair of eyes. 51.Sometimes,for fun I draw a curve underneath them,so it looks like this :) 52.I like Italian food 53.My name is Carrie 54.I like going for walks 55.I talk to my sisters dogs like they're people 56.I'm afraid of fast moving and really large spiders 57.My shampoo smells like oranges 58.A few years ago I bought a faded velvet painting of an evil looking clown at a garage sale. 59.I kept the $2 price tag on it because I thought it added character 60.I only sleep on half of my bed, unless I'm not feeling so good 61.I can also be found here: http://themobscene.m80im.com/bboard/ I'm "hazel". If you want to talk to me, send me a pm.(and tell me who you are!):) 62.The last movie I saw in a movie theatre was "weekend at bernie's" 63.I've never done drugs 64.I've never been drunk(but I once pretended I was to see how people would treat me) 65.I hate using public washrooms unless it's absolutely necessary 66.If I had two weiner dogs,I'd call them Frank and Oscar-Meyer 67.I've been into astrology,tarot reading,numerology and stuff like that since I was 11 or 12 68.I like horror movies. 69.I once built a giant snowman and gave him dill pickle eyes 70.I love listening to people who talk with an accent. I think they're so neat. 71.I get really angry when people lie to me 72.I go barefoot alot in the summertime 73.I hate my middle name 74.I try not to make promises I can't keep 75.I'm incredibly camera shy 76.I sometimes worry I'm going to live my life alone. I try to keep busy so I don't think about it too much. 77.I've fainted twice in my life 78.My favourite seasons are spring and autumn 79.I don't care for diamond jewellery 80. ..I prefer pearls,blue topaz, and tanzanite stuff instead 81.I live in a small town 82.My favourite fruits are watermelon, macintosh apples,tangerines,pears and peaches 83.My current desktop pic is called "beauty_in_loss". I got it here: www.misanthropia.net 84.My favourite painter is Lawren Harris 85.I have tarot cards with faeries on them 86.When waiting for someone,I hate it when they don't call to tell me they're running late, because I'm a worrier 87.Lillies are my favourite flowers 88.Sometimes I worry I'll get raped before I lose my virginity 89.My toenails are painted bright red 90.My bed faces East 91.I don't like camping or people who show off 92.Favourite high school subjects: art,english,drama,entrepreneurial studies, and marketing 93.When I was in 11th grade,I fell down the basement steps and sprained my ankle bad enough to get crutches. After adjusting them as low as they could go,the nurse said she would've given me children's ones if they had a pair handy. I was really embarassed by her comment. :/ 94.My telephone is in the shape of a pink shell. 95.I love red lipstick 96.I love green jello with pineapple chunks in it 97.I'm usually very slow to anger 98.Whenever I can,I like wearing dresses and skirts instead of pants.I'm a girly girl 99.In my grade 1 school photo I sort of look like Shirley Temple,except I had large freckles on my nose,blue eyes,and no dimples. 100.It took me a few days to come up with these facts. I wrote them all down on paper. It sort of felt like a homework assignment! hehe!
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1. my name is Brian Kelly 2. i am very proud to be almost entirely irish 3. my father left my mother before i was born. they were not married and i have never met nor seen nor spoken to him 4. his name was dennis o'neil -- also muy irish 5. i cannot type well at all 6. my girlfriend makes fun of me for this 7. i love my girlfriend very much 8. her real name is ellyn and she blathes frequently 9. i want to marry my girlfriend 10. i live my world in shades of gray -- nothing is black or white 11. there are two sides to everything for me 12. consequently i know everything while knowing nothing, and everything is right while also being wrong 13. this can be difficult sometimes 14. i firmly believe however that everything is beautiful 15. i dont do drugs and never have 16. i have two cats and love them very much. one is very very fat. the other is very very old 17. i will be at UCSD in a few months 18. i had a wonderful wonderful time in high school 19. i am obsessed with baseball and love football, but play neither 20. i am very good at running and jumping 21. i am an actor 22. i am a writer 23. i will be double majoring in theatre and english 24. i want to be a teacher 25. i was born in January -- another thing i enjoy 26. i enjoy life 27. i love prom 28. i love life 29. i believe that suicide is cowardly and selfish 30. i dont really believe in god -- on most days 31. i am very liberal, but not ridiculously so 32. i hate bush 33. i enjoy camping and traveling 34. i have been to every state on the east coast north of Virginia Beach, VA 35. i live in California and love it here 36. my friends are my life 37. (note i love life. do the math) 38. i think shakespeare is a god 39. i sing too 40. i do not think i sing well, some agree and some dont 41. i dont like using apostrophes 42. i enjoy being smart and can say i am brilliant without feeling the least bit of arrogance because its a fact and im not going to lie and self-depricate for modesty 43. this is also balanced by the fact i have the worst work ethic (i.e. none), and so will probably waste away without ever succeeding 44. i almost didnt graduate high school because of my laziness 45. i love star trek, star wars, and d and d and am not the least bit ashamed of this 46. my friends are ashamed i like these things 47. i think endless desire is beautiful beyond words 48. i want to be fluent in spanish 49. i think my grandma is the most amazing and strongest person to ever live 50. despite my antipathy towards religion, i love catholicism and will always have a place for it in my heart 51. i hate it when people make fun of others, especially morman, catholic, fat, and disabled jokes 52. my family has muscular dystophy and they are all disabled 53. my family is a tremendous failure in the world of money and business 54. my family is the world's greatest success in the realm of love 55. i love my family 56. i am an only child 57. i wish i had siblings 58. my cousin Brett is two years older than me and is like my brother 59. i occasionally enjoy drinking 60. i HATE smoking 61. unfortunately i had to smoke half a pack of marlboro reds for a film project. never again 62. some of my favourite actors include kevin spacey and edward norton. i also really like jason lee for some reason 63. i enjoy using the british spelling of words (favour, colour, endeavour, etc.) not becasue i think it makes me sound smart i just like it spelled that way. its prettier 64. i love flowers. especially roses 65. some people jokingly call me gay. albeit, i am VERY flamboyant. i just happen to be secure. i enjoy flamboyancy 66. i have too many ex girlfriends 67. i dont plan on ever having any more 68. my favourite book is "a heartbreaking work of staggering genius" by dave eggers 69. i worship 3eb 70. i dont like my nose 71. i like myself 72. i am happy 73. what makes me happiest is making others happy 74. i think that the seventies are far too hard to fit into the rythym scheme of "ninety nine bottles of beer on the wall" 75. i love politics 76. calvin and hobbes, the far side, peanuts, garfield, and non sequitur are the best comics ever, in that order. sluggy too, but i don't know if it counts since its online 77. if i could have any superpower i would want to be able to read peoples minds 78. i love blondes 79. we really do have more fun 80. i am not really blonde anymore but i refuse to give up the title to light brown. i am sandy-blonde, damnit! 81. after weighing 135 throughout high school, this past year i packed on some great muscle weight and am happily now over 150 82. i am 5'10"ish but i want to be 6'1" 83. i have been a lifelong angles fan and bandwagoners make me sick. boo too you and your kind 84. i am also a lifelong patriots fan (my family's from new england, hence visiting every state there, and i lack a football team here in orange county. i am not a bandwagoner. 2002 was just a really, really, REALLY good year for me, ok?) 85. bput a 19 in front of that and you ahve the year i was born 86. i will argue with anyone that reaganomics does NOT work 87. i have brown eyes. people like them but i dont -- brown is so boring. at least theyre a nice brown 88. i hate being boring 89. i was a professional improv comedian (think whos line is it; boy do i hate that show) for about three years 90. my favourite play is macbeth. and i can say that because im at home, not in a theatre. macbeth macbeth macbeth macbeth 91. i think hamlet was a whiny bastard and ophelia was dumb as a doornail 92. i am incredibly found of analogies 93. i did well on my SATs. maybe thats related to #92 94. i am afraid of short people looking up my nose 95. i snowboard and love it 96. i like electronics, especially audio 97. i wnat to go to europe. i was supposed to go this summer but i am too poor, my friends are going without me 98. i do not support military action but i do support our troop and have an immense amount of respect and love for our military and its traditions 99. i have an odd fetish for maps, geography, portugal, us presidents, and trivia 100. the walrus is the greatest animal alive. go walri 101. i am in love with a beautiful girl wants comment/feedback
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Sparticus you girlfriend is very lucky (endless desire?) i wish you guys happiness
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endless desire
1. I will finish this list 2. I like writing about myself 3. It makes me sick that I like writing about myself 4. I do not think I am boring, unlike most people on here 5. My phone is reading and I am not going to answer it 6. I am making my list on MS word and that is the only reason there will be hardly any spelling errors and everything seems capitalized 7. I hate capitalizing letters 8. I am only on MS word because I am too lazy to make the numbers 9. lets begin, my name is Ellyn Nan Gray 10. I go by the last name alvarez-gray because my parents divorced and that is my blended families last name 11. I like it because it makes me sound Mexican. 12. I am boring white. My family has lived in LA area for 7 generations 13. I have little heritage 14. I am Irish, German, English, Welch, French and Scottish. 15. I left the state when I was four and went to Washington, Oregon, and Nevada and I went to mexico a few months ago to build a church. 16. I have 4 brothers. (not all of which are blood related but I consider them to be because they have been mine for so long) and one sister. 17. I am way to young. (15 years old) 18. I think I am mature for my age. 19. I usually don’t have very many compliments for myself. 20. I hate myself, you see. 21. I am bulimic. 22. I have been since the 7th grade. 23. I really wish there was an easy answer to all my problems. 24. I hate myself. I took this hate out on my physical appearance since I was very young. 25. I tried to starve myself for the first time when I was in the 5th grade. 26. When I was in 3rd grade, I decided I was fat. 27. I still think I am. 28. Being bulimic didn’t really change much. 29. I have gone through many periods of my life, however, when I have lost a lot of weight. 30. They are usually when I don’t eat. 31. Brian gets mad when I go on streaks. 32. Streaks are my nice name for when I want and try to starve myself. 33. I am trying to “close the conversation box” 34. Brian is my love. 35. He is wonderful to me. 36. He plays savior because I can be so messed up. 37. He wants to marry me. Guess what? I would love to marry him. 38. No one takes me seriously because I am 15. haha well I don’t care. 39. I can marry anyone I’d like. 40. Brian is 18. 41. Brian is not a Christian. (I hate that it just capitalized that word) 42. This has made thing very difficult. 43. I grew up brainwashed in a psycho Christian family. 44. I was sheltered until I met Brian. 45. Brian is (or really used to be) my older brother’s best friend. 46. I met him online when he was trying to talk to my brother. 47. After over a year, we became best friends who told each other everything. 48. Than I fell in love with him. 49. I didn’t mean to do that. 50. I am really glad I did though. 51. I am therapy. 52. I don’t want to throw up anymore. 53. I love throwing up sometimes though. It feels wonderful. It solves so much. It fits. 54. I really like finding people online who are bulimic too because I always want to ask them about their experience. 55. I think that’s kind of awful 56. But I mostly want to know how to help myself. 57. I hate myself. 58. oh well. 59. The velveteen rabbit messed me up too. 60. I still have that book on my shelf. 61. my favourite books are the catcher in the rye and the virgin suicides. 62. I really like reading. 63. I wish I had more time. 64. Lately I haven’t been finishing books. 65. I love third eye blind, goo goo dolls, and matchbox 20. 66. Dave Matthews Band too. 67. And many others. 68. I love emo music. 69. my favourite part about music is the lyrics. 70. I personally think I am good at writing poetry. 71. I haven’t held this opinion very long. 72. I am trying to find things I like about myself so maybe I won’t hate myself anymore. 73. I am in therapy. 74. the first blatherer I loved was mikey. 75. next was yummychuckle, then safeway, syrope. Now I really like eyedream and rowbes. They interest me very much 76. blather takes up way too much of my time 77. I live in fullerton California. 78. I am only a freshman in high school 79. I have learned a lot about myself this year. 80. I am no longer psycho obsessed about my appearance or popularity. 81. I like myself and the funny thing is, I have a lot more friends now than I ever have. 82. I just said I liked myself. That is really weird. 83. I get mad at myself when I say things like that. 84. I hate it when people tell me I am beautiful. Mostly because I want to find more reasons to hate myself. 85. I am far too surrounded by hate. 86. for some reason, I feel like I am breaking out of that. 87. I don’t know what I believe anymore. I can say with confidence I am a Christian. . .but that doesn’t mean I know what I believe 88. everyone at my church thinks I am a church leader and people think I am a really good Christian 89. I am a good actress. 90. I kind of like my hair nowadays. 91. I actually like the pictures of me I posted on blather 92. I think I am making progress in my life in loving myself. 93. I can almost see it as I read 94. I am in love with Brian. I don’t think I have ever truly been in love before now. 95. I love kissing. He says I am a great kisser. That makes me love kissing even more. 96. I love a lot of other things people can do with their lips. 97. my parents try to control me because they realize I am slipping away from their grasp. I am forming my own ideas and that scares them. I am very good at reading people and understanding them. Even myself. I look at my life completely separate from myself and realize a lot of things about me that most people usually don’t understand about themselves. I thought I could do it on my own. I always think I can things on my own. I want to be strong. I have a complex with being strong. I cut myself sometimes but I try not to do that anymore. I don’t like wearing long sleeve shirts. But I guess I should not do that anymore because I love myself and because I don’t want to hurt myself but I love watching the blood flow. I used to write lists to myself telling myself how much I hated myself over and over and over again and post them walls and read them every morning. And graphs of how much weight I was losing. I like lists. But I like good ones. I like writing too but I have forgotten how now that school taught me. I like learning also. I want to learn everything. I don’t like summer because now I cannot be in rupps class. I love his class. I could listen to him lecture all day because I just love learning it. I love history and English. Science is so bad but I hate math. I used to be the smartest in my class. I used to be an overachiever. I am still a perfectionist and a pleaser but I stick up for myself. My brother says I have a dual personality. I am starting to think he is write. I type very fast. I love what I type when I don’t think about it. I write on my arms all the time. 98. I didn’t mean to make that last one so long. I just wasn’t thinking. 99. writing in this has made me feel better. 100. I tried to read as many of these above as I could but I just don’t have time to read them all and I feel really bad. 101. I love Brian with all my heart. I love him for teaching me what truly caring for a person means.
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forgive the spelling mistakes. i always spell poorly. and make a lot of mistakes when i write.
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A Viking In Peru
1. I'm doing this to avoid making a decision. 2. I fear the decision will have to be made anyway. 3. I'm typing this in the 'says' box rather than in Word, which would be much smarter. 4. I am sitting in a position I will most likely have to change before the end of this. 5. I'm resting my face on my right knee. 6. For now those are the last facts about my current position, and the rest for a while, at least, will actually be about me. 7. I am a Taurus. 8. I live in Vermont. 9. I have gone around the sun more than fifteen times. 10. I was born three minutes after midnight. 11. I was born on May second. 12. I go to a school named after a mountain. 13. I don't actually go to a school right now, because it's summer vacation. 14. I am a two-day-old blatherskite. 15. I am interested in theater. 16. I prefer calling it theater to calling it drama. 17. I played a Japanese god in the last play I was in. 18. I am wearing a Frank Zappa t-shirt. 19. I'm a hippy. 20. I am now in an entirely different position from the one I started in. 21. I wear glasses. 22. I wore braces until recently. 23. I am a vegetarian. 24. I have been a vegetarian since I was around eight. 25. It was my idea. 26. I play piano. 27. I have played piano since I was somewhere between seven and eight. 28. I love piano, but I think I used to love it more. 29. I am an atheist. 30. I am a georger. 31. I am the only one in my house. 32. I live very close to a very good swimming hole on a beautiful river. 33. I don't get hot easily. 34. My dad is a sound engineer and a bee keeper. 35. I have seven bee hives in my back yard. 36. Last year I had four bee hives in my back yard. 37. I like to climb trees. 38. I can't stand sports... 39. But I like ultimate frisbee. 40. I have a sun burn on the back of my neck. 41. I got it from being in the sun for nine hours at an ultimate frisbee hat tournament. 42. I am currently shirking my room-cleaning duties. 43. I am annoyed, but not sad, that Douglas Adams died before finishing his last book. 44. Fact number forty-three was triggered by fact number forty-two, because of the number 42. 45. I am an admin at the CO-OP board. 46. I enjoy wandering in the woods. 47. I would be almost entirely nocturnal if the world would let me. 48. I love a large number of people, but nobody in the romantic sense. 49. I love fire. 50. I don't like to swim, but I love the river. 51. My left arm hurts for no reason. 52. My mom's car is broken down. 53. I have a friend who's a hickologist. 54. I want to travel the world. 55. I think ampersand is a great word. 56. I want to live in Canada, at least for a while. 57. I hope the next election gets here before Dubya can manage to start another war, but I doubt it. 58. I fear that Bush will be elected next year. 59. In a week and a half I'll be watching a musical of the Ugly Duckling. 60. I have to go to the bathroom. Excuse me for a moment. 61. I feel much better now. 62. I spend too much time on the computer. 63. I like Talking Heads, The Beatles, Frank Zappa, The New Nile Orchestra, Viperhouse, Old Jawbone, the So-Called Jazz Sextet, and classical music. 64. I am the creator of the Republic of Chuba Yakistonia. 65. I get bloody noses a lot. 66. I just got a call from a telemarketer, and I find it ironic that it happened when I was on a number so very close to the number of Lucifer. 67. I used to like reading a lot more than I do now. 68. I'm a Mercedes Lackey fan. 69. I'm trying to decide whether I like National Geographic or not. 70. I don't get songs stuck in my head; I can change the music in my mind at will. 71. I have a younger brother who's eleven. 72. I have an older sister who's only been my sister for a month or so. We decided we would become siblings. 73. Homophobic people piss me off. 74. Missionaries annoy me. 75. Thanksgiving day makes me sad, because it reminds me that almost an entire race was destroyed for the same reason people have that holiday. 76. I like to ski, kind of. 77. I like flying kites. 78. I can see conspiracies in odd places, but I don't actually believe in them. 79. I get much, much more spam then real e-mail. 80. I'm wearing the same shorts I wore yesterday, because there's nothing clean to wear. 81. Did I say that I was the only one in the house? I can't remember... Anyway, I'm the only one in the house. 82. I miss my friends from school. 83. I once cried while watching Marry Poppins. 84. I think bees are facinating. 85. I think typewriters are fun. 86. I used to offer lint as currency. 87. After that failed to catch on, I tried to sell lint to people descretely, and acted as though it was a drug. 88. I am trying to overcome my dislike of incense, which springs from the fact that it smells just like this man I used to hate, and still have a grudge towards. 89. Me and my best friend are the only two people I know who have a real appreciation of The Exact Right Word. 90. I love seltzer water mixed with juice. 91. I hold pencils and pens in an unconventional way. 92. I think I'm underweight. 93. I used to collect old and foreign coins. 94. I think spoons are wonderful. 95. I hate sporks, and I think the world should reject them. 96. I think that every McDonalds in existence needs to be destroyed. 97. I think that Gandhi was amazingly cool. 98. I'm not a very outgoing person. 99. I'm nonviolent, but I'm only truly a paciffist when I'm wearing my paciffist shoes. 100. I was once more of an environmentalist than I am now. 101. (Just in case fact 81 truly was used twice) I love the feel of early morning, but it's just not worth the pain of getting up to experience it.
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endless desire
teh viking sounds very interesting. i read your facts and then blather stalked. i hope you like it here.
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A Viking In Peru
So far, yes, muchly. (-: What's blather stalking?
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endless desire
*the ((i need an f-ing spellcheck around here)) oh, it's just when you click on someone's name ((the person you want to stalk)) and read some of the blathes he or she has written ((in your case, all of them, since you are new)). it's usually done to someone whose blathes you appreciate or are interested in. i b_stalk some people on a regular basis, actually. oh and btw, if you haven't already, you might want to check out welcome_to_blather.
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1. I don't get blather stalked for the simple fact that noone has the patience to wait for the pages I've blathed on to load up. 2. (Well that, and the fact that, to be perfectly honest, I'm a pretty boring stalk.)
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Death of a Rose
1. I should be working right now, but no matter how much I try to go back, I remember what is waiting for me and decided to read some blathering. 2. I'm not sure if I like lists. 3. I'm dying slowly. 4. I love my little bug (my niece). 5. I'm far superior to punctuation. 6. Music keeps me going. 7. I wish I could time travel back to my childhood and tell him to avoid certain people. 8. I'm not a world traveller and I really don't want to be either. 9. I watch HGTV, TLC and the nature channel. 10. I'm desperately lonely. 11. I have no respect for people who drive like idiots (myself included). 12. I don't have any "real" close friends. Most are aquantinces or co-workers. 13. I have 4 piercings and I'm thinking of making the total 7. 14. I will have a tattoo (-spelling) before X-Mas. 15. I AM CANADIAN. 16. I realize that I'm identifying myself based on an alcohol brewing company. 17. I'm afraid of relationships. 18. I'm afraid of having my heart ripped out again. 19. I'm going to die alone. 20. I have two cats (Sable & Buzz Lightyear). 21. I embarass myself way too easily. 22. I was on vacation out at our family cabin, busy drinking my way into a coma, when I was told a cousin of mine had committed suicide. 23. I think about suicide daily. 24. I wonder what is the point of being alive and I can't quite think of any good reasons. 25. I'm glad I'm not doing this while I'm drunk. 26. I like soft lighting. 27. I love fragrent candles. 28. I don't smoke during the day but I do at home at night. 29. I'm good at my work (or so I'm constantly told). 30. I want to be free of energy providers by building a solar home. 31. I don't want to pollute. 32. I would like to have plants but I'm not oriented as a green thumb. 33. I would like to learn another language, just so I could show off. 34. Je' taime. Parlez Anglais? Quille a til? 35. I'll never find love because I want what I shouldn't want. The model that doesn't want me because I'm not one myself. 36. I'm unrealistic. 37. I'm fatalistic. 38. I love sunrises and sunsets. 39. I will stand in the rain and let it cleanse me. 40. I'm a thinker. 41. I wish I could shut my brain off. 42. I need psychiatric help. 43. I'll never go to psych. 44. I use to use drugs constantly. The last time I used was over 6 years, and I don't miss it. 45. I'm an alcoholic. 46. I dream of being rich. 47. I don't think I'd be good at being rich. 48. I read horror and fantasy. 49. I play alot of computer games. 50. I watch movies compulsively and drink. Depending on the movie, I've sometimes cried until I passed out. 51. I have an eye twitch. 52. I wish for a buff body. 53. I want to be happy. 54. I need proper perspective. 55. I hold doors for people. 56. I get walked over quite often. 57. I'm getting paranoid. 58. I've become so used to pain I guess I now need pain. 59. I let a girl leave my life that I should have done anything to convince to stay with me. 60. I fucked up. 61. I'm getting another raise. 62. I cook, vacuum, dishes. 63. I don't iron, wash windows. 64. I find that all the poems I've written are self indulgent pieces of shit. 65. I've promised myself that I'll finish this another five minutes and go back to work. I'll probably stay later to make up for the last hour. 66. I define myself by my work. 67. I scare people but I don't mean to. 68. I'm a great listener. 69. I'm a catalogue of hate filled memories. 70. I hate plastic utensils. They are absolutley useless. 71. I am unorganized. 72. I need new shoes. 73. I need some positive female attention. 74. I just got mail. 75. I sometimes wonder if I'm going to do the "Fight Club" transformation. 76. I've fought 3 times and lost them all. 77. This is my psyche. 78. I can think in 3 dimensions. I'm trying for the 4th. 79. I like to think I'm cleverly funny. 80. I've made it to 80. YEESS. 81. I am lost. 82. I'm trailer park white trash. 83. I hate walking alone. 84. I need a vacation. 85. I need an ego boost. 86. I make mistakes. 87. I'm not really here. 88. What God. 89. I'm not an optimist (or isn't that clear enough yet). 90. I need some callus pads for my fingers. 91. I try to geek speak. 92. When I can I read. 93. I pay taxes. 94. I despise politicians, lawyers, child molesters (castrate the fucks, all of them). 95. I'm opinionated. 96. I don't think I'm as intelligent as others make me out to be. 97. I've actually read 40 pages of blather. 98. I will be on every page of blather or die trying. 99. Gretzsky is still the greatest. 100. I love blatherizing.
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celestias shadow
give me a few decades to work on this...
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1. i like rock climbing 2. one of my goals is to cover every inch of my wallspace with something 3. i'm a bit of a computer nerd 4. i gread gamespy's daily victim alot, i think it's funny 5. i have a girlfriend who's very beautiful 6. i don't like starbucks but i'll make my girlfriend buy their coffee so i can drink it 7. my name is adam 8. sometimes i want to kill myself 9. i couldn't think of anything to put on here so my girlfriend helped me 10. she is really sweet 11. her name is Lindsay 12. she loves me 13. my nipples protrude more than most guys 14. i like guys 15. ... in that way 16. i like porn, but i don't look at it out of respect for my girlfriend 17. i'm very attached to my cimbing rope, because i bought it with my own money, and it is very cool 18. i'm very attached to my girlfriend, because she is so wonderful, and she is very cool 19. i collect little quotes and tidbits and srint them out and stick them to my wall 20. i got a cool typewriter that writes in cursive from my girlfriend 21. i've never been high, drunk, or stoned intentionally 22. i haven't decided if i am proud of that or not 23. i don't hate anything 24. i don't love everything 25. my girlfriend is an awesome artist, but she dosen't do that much art anymore 26. i kinda wish she would 27. my biggest fear is that i am an insufficent boyfriend 28. if i could, i'd do all my computer text-ing in notepad 29. i have 174 people on my buddy list, most of which are people who have multiple sns, and people whom i don't talk to anymore 30. i wish i was more outdoorsy 31. she smell of climbing chalk and sweat excites me 32. i'm trying to teach myself to play guitar 33. ... and banjo 34. i'm taking french 35. i like tight, flared pants 36. ... and cords 37. i'm 15 38. i think i'm pretty mature 39. i used to really like disgussing religion and philosophy 40. my girlfriend dosen't like it when i try to kiss her toes 41. i feel guilty alot of the time 42. i know that 'a' and 'lot' are two seperate words, but i still write them as 'alot' 43. i don't laugh too much 44. i like acoustic gutar and african tribal music 45. unless required to, i don't credit quotes 46. i fail at alot of things 47. i don't have that many clothes 48. i'm not quite sure if incense make me high or not 49. i don't like to catagorize people, but i understand that it's impossible not to do 50. i have nice abdominals 51. i save all my movie tickets 52. i like hemp jewlery but i rarely wear that that i have 53. i don't cry too much 54. i don't eat enough fruit and vegetables 55. i don't watch too much tv 56. i have a neasty habit of cracking my knuckles and my neck 57. i don't like ice in my milk 58. i don't like 2%, or 1%, or skim 59. i'm 5'9", but it says i'm 5'10" on my permit 60. i get bored alot 61. i'm pretty muscular 62. my girlfriend likes skinny guys 63. it dosen't bother me that much though 64. i eat pez right out of the wrapper; i don't put them in the pez dispenser 65. why does the semicolon have it's own key; and why is it in the primary function at that 66. i write erotic fiction, but only for my girlfriend 67. i don't brush my teeth as much as i should 68. about once every coupla months, i research buying an iPod, but i never do it 69. i have a butterfly chair that i rarely use for sitting in 70. i like massages 71. my girlfriend gives the massages best i've ever recieved 72. i don't like the color of the walls in my room 73. my matress sits right on the floor 74. i take alot of pride in the fact that i use trillian as my chat client 75. lindsay is my best friend 76. she does not make me want to kill myself 77. my dad is an aweful dad 78. i'm a pretty good driver 79. i've never broken a bone 80. i have a collection of bhudda statues 81. when i'm feeling stressed, i think of lindsay holding me 82. my girlfriend has the cutest bum 83. i want to be married to lindsay 84. sometimes i'm pretty stupid 85. i psychoanalyze too much 86. i can't spell 87. i don't like those 'hoked on foniks werked fer me' t-shirts 88. i'm not really cool 89. i'm a bit of a trekkie 90. i think my girlfriend has the most beautiful eyes 91. she also has a bit of a belly, i like it 92. she dosen't, i kinda wish she did 93. i try not to lie ever 94. i think alot of people are really rude 95. i always want to send my girlfriend roses, but i never get around to it 96. i'm afraid of crowds 97. i don't like being in competition 98. i like having a saftey net around 99. i think people judge me alot 100.one of the sexiest parts of a woman's body, is the indentation between her collarbones
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Mrs. Havok
1. I will be 24 in 5 days 2. I am pregnant with my 3rd kid 3. I am often lonely in a room full of people 4. I have abandonment issues 5. I come from a shattered (as opposed to merely broken) home 6. I love AFI 7. I listen to punk 8. I listen to rap 9. I think punk and rap are similiar based on one fundamental issue-creativity of expression 10. I have a cat and I don't like him 11. I have a dog and I don't like him either 12. I married too young 13. I had kids too young 14. I have bi-polar disorder 15. I like Linkin Park...alot 16. I like pickles 17. I am very fond of green olives 18. I have dyed black hair 19. I am NOT gothic 20. I have 4 tattoos 21. I want more tattoos 22. I love Marilyn Monroe 23. My favorite color is red. 24. I like to stomp on ant hills just to watch the ants scramble. 25. Sometimes I poke dead things in the road. Sometimes. 26. I especially love to kill spiders in new and interesting ways 27. I think about suicide often. 28. I've attempted suicide once. 29. I like pain killers...alot. 30. I smoke cigarettes when I'm not pregnant. 31. My hands are almost always cold. 32. Sometimes I cut myself. 33. Sometimes my nose bleeds for some reason and I like it. 34. I'm really not crazy 35. I play the violin 36. I have never had sexual relations with that woman. 37. I sometimes have delusions, it's the same guy everytime. 38. I've made alot of mistakes 29. I like alcohol but can no longer drink it since I am pregnant 30. I come from a big family 31. I think they all may hate me 32. I have held a loaded gun to my head, but didn't shoot. 33. I like candy 34. I have brown eyes 35. I'm not very interesting 36. Blood came out of my ear the other day 37. I'm anemic 38. Sometimes when I drive, I forget where I am 39. I'm glad they caught that bastard 40. I dont like holidays 41. I dont like alot of days 42. I think frogs are disgusting 43. Sometimes I hate random people for no reason 44.Wal-Mart annoys me 45. Hot Topic does, too 46. I wear dark lipstick alot because my lips have no color 47. Sometimes I bite my tongue when I should speak 48. I am nauseated right now. 49. I am much more entertaining in print than in person. 50. I never graduated high school 51. I lived in a children's home once 52. I lived in a shelter before 53. I was once a ward of the state 54. I have hit rock bottom a few times 55. I have a few really great friends 56. I think I'm fat and my boobs are too big 57. I think that size DOES matter 58. I have more siblings than I can count, and most of them are more fucked up than me 59. I have a sibling younger than my first born child 60. I love the Labrynth 61. I love the Rocky Horror Picture Show 62. Drop Dead Fred is one of my favorites 63. I like to annoy and aggravate the people I know 64. Fairies are one of my most favorite things ever 65. Sometimes I am evil 66. I enjoy upsetting other people sometimes just for a laugh 67. I'm not that great of a person at all 68. I had a bad reputation in highschool that follows me to this day 69. I spit gum at a random guy walking down the hall in highschool 70. I threw french fries at girls that stood across from me a lunch 71. I've only ever been in fist fights with males 72. I look mad most of the time 73. I'm not mad most of the time 74. I like to put tape on my cat's tail so I can watch him freak out and try to get it off 75. I stick things in my friends butts when they're not looking 76. I don't really trust other females 77. I have small feet 78. In the morning, I have no will to live 79. I hate to be cold, but I hate it hot far worse. 80. I believe that happiness is a lie 81. I secretly like Shakira 82. Sometimes I think people are conspiring against me 83. I hate small towns 84. I wish most of the people I went to highschool with would disappear still 85. Sometimes I like to watch the washing machine as it spins clothes 86. I hate it when people I dont know touch me 87. I hate it when guys hit on me 88. I hate condescending looks unless I'm giving them 89. I make faces in the mirror...alot 90. I grew weary of this about 50 facts ago 91. I don't know if there's a God 92. I love Shakespeare 93. I love Dante's Inferno 94. I think I am in love with love 95. I wish I were a fairy 96. I hate stoganoff 97. I have two best friends 98. I am a lucky girl 99. I know what it's like to be understood 100. I am eternally grateful for the oppurtunity to be understood
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yo mama
100 facts about who?
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Souless Wanderer
1. My name's Nicole. 2. I use Nikki. 3. When I was little, I used to change the spelling of "Nikki" everytime I changed school. 4. I've changed schools 6 times. 5. I've moved 13 times. 6. I'm a scorpio. 7. My birthday's October 25th. 8. I'm 18 years old. 9. I have a full brother, a half brother, an almost step-brother, and an almost step-sister. 10. I dye my hair alot. 11. It's been black, 12. red, 13. orange (blonde), 14. blonde, 15. blue, 16. pink, 17. and i'm colouring it again tomorrow. 18. I just moved in with my dad. 19. I used to live with my mom. 20. I cut myself. 21. My mother found out while snooping though my garbage, and tried to have me commited. 22. I hate hositals. 23. I hate hospital gowns more. 24. I smoke cigerettes sometimes. 25. I've smoked weed once. 26. I pop perscription pills. 27. I don't think I feel enough. 28. I want to know more. 29. I want to travel. 30. I'm appalingly selfcentered. 31. I'm bad with empathy and sympathy. 32. I've cried over a boy once. 33. I've gotten to second base once. 34. I like to bake. 35. I add extra nutmeg to my oatmeal cookies. 36. I love the smell of nutmeg. 37. I love winter when everythings covered in snow or ice. 38. I hate winter when everythings brown, and gray, and drab. 39. I love water. 40. I've been swimming in my jeans and sweatshirt twice. 41. I spent a night at a hotel with my friends, and it's one of my favorie memories. 42. My favorite colour is black. 43. I like hiding. 44. I used to build forts. 45. I see things that aren't there. 46. Especially in the dark. 47. I used to believe in god. 48. I dont anymore. 49. I love music. 50. I have good friends, and I miss them. 51. I get lonely. 52. I need to find a job. 53. My parents think I'm a lesbian. 54. I like boys, alot. 55. I used to get a crush on any boy that was nice to me. 56. When I was little, I once put a fake flower in a boys desk to tell him I liked him. 57. When I was little, I once kicked a boy with my steel toe-d Doc Martians and hit him over the head with my text books to show I liked him. 58. I like to sing. 59. I have major stage fright. 60. I'm not pretty. 61. I'm fat, but think that if I don't say it, other people won't notice. 62. I used to put ice cubes in my milk. 63. I wish I could draw. 64. I wish I was smarter. 65. Amazingly enough, I wish I was back in highschool. 66. People think I'm gothic. 67. I like black eyeliner. Too much. 68. I wish that I knew more about me. 69. I give up too easily. 70. I make lots of typos. 71. I like being silly, and immature. 72. My best friend and I call our english teacher by his first name... He doesn't know. 73. When I dance around halls to the mission impossible theme, bad things happen. 74. I once chair danced in front of my friends. 75. I dance like a stripper. 76. I don't believe it when people tell me nice things about me. 77. I like knowing secrets. 78. I like talking on the computer better than face to face. 79. I have problems with looking people in the eye. 80. I failed Grade 12 university prep Chemistry, and Grade 11 16th Century and before History. 81. I still like the chemistry I learned in Grade 11. 82. I'm going to college in September. 83. I still have to apply to college. 84. I procrasinate. Alot. 85. I like long, long, baths. 86. I like Paranormal Romances, much to the dismay of my friends. 87. I can read really fast. 88. I can pick up things with my toes. 89. My hands are feet are always cold. 90. Sometimes I want to be dead. 91. Sometimes I think I am. 92. I want to get my nose peirced. 93. I think, that I think if I make my outside shocking enough, people won't want to look inside. 94. I didn't know that I knew this much about myself. 95. I was still playing with barbies in grade 6. 96. I pretend to be someone I'm not. 97. I lie alot. 98. I don't sleep enough. 99. It annoys me when my dog starts barking at 6 am, and I only went to bed at 4. 100. I think someone might love me, and I wish I could love them back.
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jenny enny dots
Here's 25: 1. I'm 34 2. I collect Barbies. 3. I love cats 4. I love dogs 5. I love bunnies. 6. I drink Chai every day. 7. I live with my boyfriend 8. My back hurts me right now. 9. I am addicted to computer chat. 10. I hate that I am addicted. 11. I procrastinate 12. I'm messy 13. I'm beautiful 14. I'm creative 15. I make people dance. 16. My head is often "in the clouds". 17. I'm a Saggitarius 18. I'm spiritual, not religious. 19. I love flowers 20. I love music 21. I am an 80's chick. 22. Purple, pink and blue are my colors. 23. I never have enough time. 24. I am basically a happy. 25. I like to laugh & make others laugh.
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jenny enny :_) angel
don't ask me why but i felt like writing another 25 facts about me. 26. I am :_) and your_guardian_angel 27. I absolutely will not drink milk 28. I drive a 2001 Hyundai Elantra 29. I have green eyes 30. I have a birthmark onmy left temple 31. I always eat breakfast. 32. I like pot more than alcohol 33. I don't smoke pot often 34. I never went to my prom 35. I have 2 grandmothers alive. 36. I talk really loud. 37. I write poetry when I'm frustrated. 38. I have one sister and no brothers. 39. I feel different from most people. 40 I luv being girly & wearing makeup 41. I hate the TV show Friends 42. I prefer movies over TV 43. I am extremely honest. 44. I can become insecure. 45. I am kindhearted. 46. I'm smart but not intellectual. 47. I consider myself a computer nerd. 48. I can carry a tune 49. I'd like to live in the redwoods. 50. I don't think anyone could be interested in this list, but I don't care.
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is it french?
1. my name is Joei 2. i like to read 3. i chew my nails 4. i was named after my grandfather 5. im his favorite grandchild 6. I write poetry 7. my poetry has been published 8. I am in love with a guy who doesn’t know hes lovable, should I tell him? 9. I decided 2 days ago I shouldn’t 10. I don’t know how to ski, in any form 11. I have bunji- jumped before (I think that’s how you spell it) 12. I love the beach but hate the sand 13. I eat sushi once a week with my mom 14. my mom is my best friend 15. I quote the movie Old_School all the time 16. my favorite band is Led_Zeppelin 17. I want to marry Corry Feldman 18. I wish I had curly hair 19. im always late for work 20. I go to church, but I don’t pay attention 21. I want to go to LSU 22. I want to go there so I can party my life away 23. I take 12 pills a day 24. I’ve gained 20 pounds in one month 25. my best friend is dying of anorexia 26. her mother denies she starves herself 27. I want to be mummified when I die 28. I want to be buried in a tomb 29. I want there to be pictures of me happy in my tomb 30. and I want there to be a book in my tomb, of all the questions I want to ask God 31. I started on that book one year ago 32. I like cucumbers but hate pickles 33. I love cats and dogs but hate my cat and my dog 34. I eat cold cereal every morning 35. and have for as long as I can remember 36. I have been hospitalized 4 times in the last year 37. I have a problem with road rage 38. I only wear Burkenstocks 39. I have them in every color imaginable 40. I wish I lived a secluded house in the mountains 41. I wish I had a garden 42. I always keep a pen in my purse 43. I have a devise in my car to break glass under the water 44. the directions are in my glove box 45. I am afraid of the dark 46. I helped an old woman off the sidewalk a month ago 47. im jealous of my little brother 48. I miss my dad 49. he lives only 10 miles from my house 50. to my grandparents, I can do no wrong 51. I will go to mardi gras in new Orleans before I die 52. the goonies is a great movie 53. I only listen to oldies 54. I don’t like being alone 55. my parents hate each other 56. I was diagnosed with Lupus a year ago 57. my mom almost died of cancer 58. I have no sisters 59. I don’t want to have kids 60. my dad is really immature 61. one day ill really get out of here 62. my fingers are crooked 63. I went to a dance recital 2 weeks ago and cried because I wish I had never quit 64. I’ll never get to cheer again 65. I’ll never get to have kids (even if I wanted them) 66. my favorite book is white oleander 67. I love coke but refuse to buy it 68. I hate brand name things 69. I want to go to Egypt before I die 70. I cant stand for my room to be organized 70. I cant stand for my room to be organized 71. I hate the flavors cherry and grape (childhood nightmares) 72. my mom had me when she was 18 73. I take excellent notes 74. I want to discover a new species 75. I walk a mile everyday 76. I’m really tired right now 77. my best friends name is kate, shes not anorexic, that’s another one 78. I have a fat face 79. I look just like my dad 80. I wish I looked more like my mom 81. I want a tattoo 82. I think body piercings are trashy 83. but, if I had the nose for it, I would get a nose ring 84. my nephew thinks of me as a role model, this disturbs me 85. I party too much 86. I dont take crap from anyone 89. I can tie a cherry stem in a knot with my tongue 90. I hate the way toothpaste tastes(i dn brush my teeth anyway) 91. I like guys with shaved heads 92. I love ice cream- I doesn’t matter what flavor 93. I collect tennis shoes 94. I like to do craft projects 94. I cant whistle 95. I drive an average 50 mph everywhere 96. I love to cook 97. I am addicted to Alton Brown’s show “Good Eats” on food network 98. I love vintage posters 99. If talk i expect people to pay attention 100. I try really hard to be a good person.
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1. my name is tree. no, this is not my "birth name," but neither is my other common moniker. the only people that call me by my birth name are gym teachers and police officers, and i'm past one forever, and don't bother correcting the other. unless they're friends of mine. 2. i was named after a guy who died in a motorcycle accident. my birth name is non-gender specific, and i would have been named such no matter what plumbing i was born with. 3. i adore the grotesque and disturbing, as it moves me more deeply than most other mindplays. 4. the first permanent scar i remember acquiring was from riding a dirt bike with no hands because the neighbor kid could do it with his ten speed. 5. i fear falling, drowning, and cockroaches. don't ever drop me down a cockroach-infested well. please. 6. i collect eyeballs. 7. i grew up with a runt pit bull which, being a family member, was of course the smartest, sweetest, cutest dog ever. 8. i have one tattoo and five man-made holes. 9. i am addicted to caffeine. 10. trying to think of things that are not inane to put in here is kinda difficult, and likely to be given up after not too long. 11. i believe in lies. 12. i avoid being decietful as much as possible. 13. as of today, i am a redhead. 14. i am an excellent waitress when i'm not being lazy. 15. my thumbs are double-jointed. 16. my hips, when bent properly, pop out of the socket, which is an injury from the days when all my boyfriends had cars but not apartments. the timing of this malady is almost always very bad. 17. i almost never wear clothing that isn't black, grey, white, or earth tones. 18. once a week, i get gussied up and dance with the pretty dead things. 19. i am a huge fan of the final_fantasy series by squaresoft. castlevania by konami (i think) as well. 20. i am a pedestrian, and while it's ass sometimes, i'm happy about it. 21. i am a patriot, but i think our government has its head up its butt something fierce. 22. i am bisexual. not bicurious, not bibecauseitturnsboyson, not bibecauseislept but fucking bisexual. 23. 2 + 3 = 5. i almost always believe this. 24. i worship garlic, and use it as a vegetable rather than a spice. 25. i have never in my life done a cartwheel. 26. my footwear is entirely either big boots or little cloth slippers. 27. i currently have over 2,000 christmas lights hanging in my room. i'm too lazy to put up the rest. 28. i spent 5 years as a complete pacifist (not even consensual_violence) because i couldn't control my temper. these days, i can control my temper, but the rage that sparks iremains beyond my grasp. 29. the taste of swiss cheeze makes me gag. 30. i am obsessed with oingo_boingo 31. i am a legend in my own mind. 32. i am posessed of many filthy habits, including smoking both cigarettes and pot, drinking to the point of belligerence, not doing laundry as often as i should, and neglecting dishes. 33. it is nearly impossible for me to resist the requests of stray_cats, feline or otherwise. 34. i very rarely get sick. even my skin is resistant to injury. 35. of all the jobs i have worked, the most humiliating was the year that i had to dress up as a certain purple dinosaur during a santa thing at a restraunt. i spent the day getting beat up. my mother has a picture of me with my head off. 36. i lost my virginity at 14 to a 21 year old i had met at the rocky horror picture show months earlier. 37. i blow smoke bubbles when i get stressed. 38. i put food dye in omelettes when available. it creates a very disturbing effect. 39. i used to steal my father's playboys and penthouses all the time when i was young. i preferred the penthouses. 40. cola and root beer give me stomach aches, but dr_pepper-like substances are alright. 41. i have never vomited in an unacceptable area. the closest i came was when a lover held a pan for me to puke into because all the bathrooms and sinks were already taken, and she was the one who'd been feeding me different boozes all night. 42. hearing people quote monty python movies makes me twitch from the overused empty information transfer. 43. as of today, i have never had sex in a cemetary, despite my best efforts. 44. i see most people as intelligent monkeys. i try to like them anyway. 45. i frequently laugh at inappropriate moments. 46. i have filed my fingernails to points for the past several months because it is an interesting sensation, and because i enjoy the ability to rend flesh easily. 47. i have tried every common street drug (by my reckoning, and excluding GHB) at least once. there is one that i will not allow myself a second time, and one that i have no desire to taste a third. 48. i am exceptionally ignorant about herbalism and homeopathy. knowledge in these areas simply doesn't retain, and i haven't yet found how to fix it. 49. i am a believer to the root of my soul in eris, the weed_gods, the great_and_mighty_parking_dieties, and fometicus, and have made observances to all on different occasions. 50. i dislike the term "hedonist," preferring "sensate" because it does not imply seeking only pleasure; all sensations are revered. 51. certain variations of the sound of metal scraping fingernails make my teeth shiver. 52. it has been a long time since it mattered to me whether or not i was a nice person. 53. i always keep my toenails painted. 54. i sew much of my own clothing. 55. i have more aliases than you think. 56. i believe in freedom in all things so strongly that i often lose my ability to hold ordered concepts in mind as well, or understand orderly people. 57. i think that snakes are incredibly beautiful, but i don't grok their mindspace and i am easily startled, so they make me nervous. i try to be around them because of this. 58. bleu cheeze, mushrooms, onions, and fish that wasn't swimming just a short time ago are all exceedingly unpleasent to my palate. 59. i was once paid $75 to read poetry for a night at a gawth "dark cotillion" on halloween in nola. i still giggle to think that i'm a "professional." 60. i twirl my hair incessantly. 61. i am very balanced between being masculine and feminine. 62. i was a very introverted child (and i mean *very*) until i got to high school. 63. the only sexual fetishes i can't emathize with when i choose to are scat and infantilism. 64. i am currently suffering from allergies. 65. i am an insidious corrupter. 66. though i have taken 4.5 semesters of college courses, i still have freshman status. 67. i am incessantly interested in the particulars of physics and engineering, partially because they are difficult for me to understand. 68. i can french braid my own hair. 69. i swear like a drunken sailor. 70. i think children have no souls until 5 years old, when they begin to develop them. 71. i married my best friend, puppycrusher, four years ago on leap_day in the beer garden of the local goth club. we were both too drunk to stand, and held eachother up. 72. i always have another_story. 73. i like to think that magical lung beasts come out of my butt late at night to search for food. 74. i have no sense of subtlety. i am trying to change this. it's hard. 75. my quote collection once swelled to 80 pages, tightly typeset. i have since lost every copy of it, though i know some exist in the world. 76. i think the sexiest part of the male body is the area around the hipbones. 77. i think the sexiest specific part of the female body is the outside curve of the breast. i think that slopes and curves in general, hourglass figures, are the most delicious aspect of femininity. 78. i have been famous and infamous in my own little world. 79. i haven't traveled anywhere near as much as i like. 80. i often use acrylic paint as eyeliner. 81. out of the three periods in my life when plasma donation was my only source of income, my longest stretch was three months. at the end of it, i developed two bald spots. 82. i am very skilled at breaking into my own and other's houses, but i have never done so to an abode i wasn't residing in at that particular moment. 83. i have the skill "charm small animal." cats and dogs and rabbits and birds and rodents and marsupials take to me well. 84. i have no particular love for chocolate. 85. my favorite word has been "insertion" for some time now. 86. i lose things all the time, some of which are very precious to me. 87. i collect pictures of wounds caused by consensual acts. 88. i place oracular significance in calico cats. 89. i am a deviant. i will not die of boredom. 90. though i have no qualms causing suffering to humans, i get angry and nauseous at the thought of non-humans suffering. 91. when rage starts to bubble, i say the phrase "cataclysmic_overtures" as a mantra. it helps. 92. i sleep at work very often, and will likely attempt to do so after finishing this list. 93. i have never been hospitalized. 94. i have a huge weak spot for heartfelt acapella sining. 95. i once had sex with someone who was under the impression my name was jenny. i asked him his name afterwards. 96. i am fascinated with mutations in any form. 97. it pains me that i have hardened my heart in order to be able to tolerate the fullness of life. 98. i still love every person i have ever loved. 99. most times, i love myself, too. 100. i am a tree.
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I feel fine and groovey. I kiss the sky and it cries on me in rain. I love the earth and all of it's beauty. I'm repaid in having gorgeous friends and having their loyalty. I love them, and I know they love me too. I love you.
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1. I am finishing the list of jenny_enny_dots cuz that used to be me. 2. It's hard for me to think of more than 25 facts about me at a time. 3. I am wearing a 10 year old t-shirt that says "I Love New York". 4. I have a hard time parting with old comfy clothes. 5. Did I mention I wrote poetry when I was a little girl? 6. I like writing little short stories that are half truth/half fiction. 7. I don't really like writing poetry, but i like reading. 8. I'm not good at growing plants. 9. I'm a terrible cook. 10. Did I mention i used to be a vegetarian? 11. I tend to forget what I've written if I write only 25 facts at a time. 12. I was very very shy as a child. 13. I currently don't feel a bit shy. 14. I sometimes talk to strangers, but I don't take rides from them. 15. I'd like to be a dancer in a music video for a song I really like. 16. I used the name orange_sweater_girl on blather. 17. I love reading erotica. 18. I like to be honest and not hide secrets from people. 19. I love having orgasms. 20. I might never have children. 21. I've been known for sending angels to people who are sick or unhappy. 22. I see flocks of angels in my head. 23. I am of Jewish decent, but never practiced the religion. 24. I've had my hair dyed twice in less than a month. 25. I think I am somewhat vain about my appearance. 26. I look 10 years younger than my age. 27. I like kumquats. 28. I like mentos. 29. I love food. 30. I snack often. 31. I do not consider myself overweight. 32. I would like to surf but i'm a bit afraid of the water. 33. I want to get married in a garden. 34. I've been jealous of my sister because she got a degree. 35. I really don't like school. 36. I wanted to be an animator for a while. 37. I made a music video of a song by Garbage. 38. I feel I'm very strange and weird sometimes. 39. I find it easier to think of 25 facts about me than 50. 40. I take things too seriously sometimes. 41. I can be irresponsible sometimes. 42. I am very very lazy. 43. I love French Roast coffee. 44. I love my grandmother's cooking. 45. I love holding puppies. 46. My boyfriend just came behind me and held me. 47. Sometimes I think I have a slight psychic ability. 48. I wish I could talk to animals. 49. I would like to have a Pomeranian. 50. I feel sad that this list is over.
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white_wave does the oops
101. I like to break rules so here's my # 101st fact. Fact #48 should be clarified. I would like animals to talk to ME. I am quite capable of speaking to animals.
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this page loads very sloooww
and fact #102 is that I often post without proofreading :(
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TRUST ME YOU SHOULD READ THIS 1) I am a closet homosexual 2) don't actually know if i am gay or bi 3)If my friends read this they would know who i was and thus i would be forced to deal with the fact that people knew i was gay 4)that would probably be a good thing. 5) If it were not for music I would be depressed all of the time. 6) I am depressed some of the time 7)sometimes i am very happy 8)college is where i am right now, but that does not tell you anything about me 9) i think that phish rock out, and so does Johann Sebastian Bach in a huge way 10) I want to touch a 50 year old man's hairy chest and lick/fondle his penis. 11) I am not a pervert, just curious. 12) I am a virgin. 13) I have more friends who are awesome and amazing than most people. probably 50 extremely close people. 14) they don't know i want to fondle older men. 15)I think it is obvious why i do not tell them 16) My college is in Michigan 17) My piano teacher is 60 years old and an open homosexual 18) I want him to seduce me. 19) My life is so freaking easy 20) i dont pay for college 21) I did not pay for this computer 22) I do not pay for my food 23) I do not pay for my ski equpment 24) I do not pay for my ski pass 25) I am not spoiled but you dont believe me 26) I Have worked shitty jobs before and had to pay my way. 27) my life is so freaking hard. 28) my overprotective parents prescribed me to needless, addictive drugs out of their own ignorance when i was young. 29) that has made me depressed and upset that i am dependent on study drugs. 30) i am not where i need/want/TRY HARDER THAN ANYONE I KNOW to be academically. 31) I am lonely but you knew that 32) my parents love me 33) I am having trouble with this list right now 34) I would probably let you stick your weewee in my hiney. 35) this is getting sketchy 36) I believe that you think i am a complete sketch bag right now, even though you could very well be a good friend of mine 37) I am skilled at hiding my problems 38) i dont think anyone is going to read this. 39) i have smoked grass over 600 times 40) dont smoke anymore 41) i like to enjoy a four tasty beers on a friday night 42) sometimes saturday night too. 43) I have somehow worked with John Cage 44) I think its funny that he was gay but not very open about it. 45) I think Clarke is really annoying 46) I know he has more problems than i do and he his horrible at hiding them 47) I will not commit suicide because i am too smart. 48) I hope that is true for Clarke as well. 49) I don't want to stick my penis in Clarke's bum. 50) I don't know what is wrong with me. 51) Actually I do, I am gay. 52) sometimes I cry out loud. Sobbingly hysterical about this 53) I understand that george bush is an idiot 54) my father is an idiot. 55) both believe marriage is only religious 56) both ignore the need for separation of church and state i am done with this list. maybe i will pick it up tomorrow
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1. My name is Jamie 2. I live in a two bedroom apt. 3. I am a single mother of a beautiful baby boy 4. I am VERY much independent 5. I just ate some chocolate pudding 6. I am starting to fall back in love with someone 7. I have beautiful grey-blue eyes 8. I love siberian huskies and want one 9. I have a special connection with animals 10. I go to the beach every summer and I am in love with the ocean 11. I live in Maryland 12. I beleive in God and I am a happy person becuase of it 13. I am opiniated but will accept others opinions 14. My favorite color is green-blue 14. Right now I feel kind of horny :) 15. I LOVE to masturbate in my car for the risk of it 16. I am a very sexual person but NOT a slut 17. I am well-rounded 18. I have two best friends and A LOT of so-so friends 19. My mother and my son are the people I am closest too 20. I fight for what I beleive in 21. I do not like depressing music 22. I think it is stupid to sit around and feel sorry for yourself 23. I can be very self-motivated 24. Music makes me happy 25. Take me to a keraoke bar and you'll make my night! 26. I want to fall head over heels for someone 27. I want to know what my purpose in life is 28. I do not ever want to feel self-conscious 29. I want to lose 5-10 more pounds 30. I have a beautiful body and have been told so a lot 31. I definetely like compliments 32. I can be way to naive and simple 33. I laugh at the stupidest things.\ 34. I think life is beautiful 35. I always think about other peoples feelings 36. I doubt myself a lot 37. I always feel guilty for no reason 38. I need someone to talk deep with....a lot 39. I feel like many people don't understand me 40. I wish people were more like dogs... 41. I want to have a sexual experience with another girl 42. I am a leo 43. I am stubborn as hell 44. I live life to the fullest 45. I am in college 46. I do web design and print illustration 47. I think my boss has a crush on me 48. My brother and I share the stupidest inside jokes that no one understands 49. I wonder if anyone is going to read this? 50. I should be doing my work right now...he he 51.I like being girly 52. I AM NOT a dumb blonde..but i am blonde 53. I like wearing skirts and dresses 54. I LOVE SUMMER 55. Kiss me and you'll fall in love with me 56. I want to meet you 57. I want to make you feel good 58. I want to be very successful one day 59. I trust too easily 60. My laugh is contagious 61. It is the weekend and I am going to party 62. I am the life of the party 63. I will never grow up...as in I will never stop having fun 64. My son is my sunshine and the light of my life 65. If anyone ever tried to harm my son I would end up in prison and they would end up in a grave 66. I have a crush on this guy at my work 67. I hope these facts are useful to you 68. I wish i was REALLY tan 69. I like a nice set of teeth...which I have 70. Hey that was number "69" HA HA 71. I am so simple-minded 72. Get over it 73. I have the utmost respect for my parents 74. I have so much love to give 75. Sometimes I am so confused it hurts 76. I need to beleive I'm a good person 77. My boss just gave me some more work 78. I think blather is interesting 79. I am NOT addicted to the internet 80. I only get on this at work and it is a waste of life to devote your being to the internet 81. I love REALITY 82. i love REALITY TV 83. i love THAT 70's SHOW 84. I hate smoking weed 85. I think i may have a coke problem 86. I like to talk about my problems 87. I want to get to know you better 88. I am almost done 89. I have a fetish for humping things...not in front of people 90. I hope you don't think im wierd lol 91. I have killer legs....curvy and smooth and creamy 92. I probably just made you horny 93. This is fun 94. I am running out of facts about me 95. I would rather talk in person...duh 96. Come over and hang out tonight...we will party 97. I love hip-hop that has meaning to it 98. I love alannis morrisette 99. I love latin people 100. I wish you the best of luck and a blessed life full of experiences...cya
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1. My name is Jamie 2. I live in a two bedroom apt. 3. I am a single mother of a beautiful baby boy 4. I am VERY much independent 5. I just ate some chocolate pudding 6. I am starting to fall back in love with someone 7. I have beautiful grey-blue eyes 8. I love siberian huskies and want one 9. I have a special connection with animals 10. I go to the beach every summer and I am in love with the ocean 11. I live in Maryland 12. I beleive in God and I am a happy person becuase of it 13. I am opiniated but will accept others opinions 14. My favorite color is green-blue 14. Right now I feel kind of horny :) 15. I LOVE to masturbate in my car for the risk of it 16. I am a very sexual person but NOT a slut 17. I am well-rounded 18. I have two best friends and A LOT of so-so friends 19. My mother and my son are the people I am closest too 20. I fight for what I beleive in 21. I do not like depressing music 22. I think it is stupid to sit around and feel sorry for yourself 23. I can be very self-motivated 24. Music makes me happy 25. Take me to a keraoke bar and you'll make my night! 26. I want to fall head over heels for someone 27. I want to know what my purpose in life is 28. I do not ever want to feel self-conscious 29. I want to lose 5-10 more pounds 30. I have a beautiful body and have been told so a lot 31. I definetely like compliments 32. I can be way to naive and simple 33. I laugh at the stupidest things.\ 34. I think life is beautiful 35. I always think about other peoples feelings 36. I doubt myself a lot 37. I always feel guilty for no reason 38. I need someone to talk deep with....a lot 39. I feel like many people don't understand me 40. I wish people were more like dogs... 41. I want to have a sexual experience with another girl 42. I am a leo 43. I am stubborn as hell 44. I live life to the fullest 45. I am in college 46. I do web design and print illustration 47. I think my boss has a crush on me 48. My brother and I share the stupidest inside jokes that no one understands 49. I wonder if anyone is going to read this? 50. I should be doing my work right now...he he 51.I like being girly 52. I AM NOT a dumb blonde..but i am blonde 53. I like wearing skirts and dresses 54. I LOVE SUMMER 55. Kiss me and you'll fall in love with me 56. I want to meet you 57. I want to make you feel good 58. I want to be very successful one day 59. I trust too easily 60. My laugh is contagious 61. It is the weekend and I am going to party 62. I am the life of the party 63. I will never grow up...as in I will never stop having fun 64. My son is my sunshine and the light of my life 65. If anyone ever tried to harm my son I would end up in prison and they would end up in a grave 66. I have a crush on this guy at my work 67. I hope these facts are useful to you 68. I wish i was REALLY tan 69. I like a nice set of teeth...which I have 70. Hey that was number "69" HA HA 71. I am so simple-minded 72. Get over it 73. I have the utmost respect for my parents 74. I have so much love to give 75. Sometimes I am so confused it hurts 76. I need to beleive I'm a good person 77. My boss just gave me some more work 78. I think blather is interesting 79. I am NOT addicted to the internet 80. I only get on this at work and it is a waste of life to devote your being to the internet 81. I love REALITY 82. i love REALITY TV 83. i love THAT 70's SHOW 84. I hate smoking weed 85. I think i may have a coke problem 86. I like to talk about my problems 87. I want to get to know you better 88. I am almost done 89. I have a fetish for humping things...not in front of people 90. I hope you don't think im wierd lol 91. I have killer legs....curvy and smooth and creamy 92. I probably just made you horny 93. This is fun 94. I am running out of facts about me 95. I would rather talk in person...duh 96. Come over and hang out tonight...we will party 97. I love hip-hop that has meaning to it 98. I love alannis morrisette 99. I love latin people 100. I wish you the best of luck and a blessed life full of experiences...cya
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1. My name is Jamie 2. I live in a two bedroom apt. 3. I am a single mother of a beautiful baby boy 4. I am VERY much independent 5. I just ate some chocolate pudding 6. I am starting to fall back in love with someone 7. I have beautiful grey-blue eyes 8. I love siberian huskies and want one 9. I have a special connection with animals 10. I go to the beach every summer and I am in love with the ocean 11. I live in Maryland 12. I beleive in God and I am a happy person becuase of it 13. I am opiniated but will accept others opinions 14. My favorite color is green-blue 14. Right now I feel kind of horny :) 15. I LOVE to masturbate in my car for the risk of it 16. I am a very sexual person but NOT a slut 17. I am well-rounded 18. I have two best friends and A LOT of so-so friends 19. My mother and my son are the people I am closest too 20. I fight for what I beleive in 21. I do not like depressing music 22. I think it is stupid to sit around and feel sorry for yourself 23. I can be very self-motivated 24. Music makes me happy 25. Take me to a keraoke bar and you'll make my night! 26. I want to fall head over heels for someone 27. I want to know what my purpose in life is 28. I do not ever want to feel self-conscious 29. I want to lose 5-10 more pounds 30. I have a beautiful body and have been told so a lot 31. I definetely like compliments 32. I can be way to naive and simple 33. I laugh at the stupidest things.\ 34. I think life is beautiful 35. I always think about other peoples feelings 36. I doubt myself a lot 37. I always feel guilty for no reason 38. I need someone to talk deep with....a lot 39. I feel like many people don't understand me 40. I wish people were more like dogs... 41. I want to have a sexual experience with another girl 42. I am a leo 43. I am stubborn as hell 44. I live life to the fullest 45. I am in college 46. I do web design and print illustration 47. I think my boss has a crush on me 48. My brother and I share the stupidest inside jokes that no one understands 49. I wonder if anyone is going to read this? 50. I should be doing my work right now...he he 51.I like being girly 52. I AM NOT a dumb blonde..but i am blonde 53. I like wearing skirts and dresses 54. I LOVE SUMMER 55. Kiss me and you'll fall in love with me 56. I want to meet you 57. I want to make you feel good 58. I want to be very successful one day 59. I trust too easily 60. My laugh is contagious 61. It is the weekend and I am going to party 62. I am the life of the party 63. I will never grow up...as in I will never stop having fun 64. My son is my sunshine and the light of my life 65. If anyone ever tried to harm my son I would end up in prison and they would end up in a grave 66. I have a crush on this guy at my work 67. I hope these facts are useful to you 68. I wish i was REALLY tan 69. I like a nice set of teeth...which I have 70. Hey that was number "69" HA HA 71. I am so simple-minded 72. Get over it 73. I have the utmost respect for my parents 74. I have so much love to give 75. Sometimes I am so confused it hurts 76. I need to beleive I'm a good person 77. My boss just gave me some more work 78. I think blather is interesting 79. I am NOT addicted to the internet 80. I only get on this at work and it is a waste of life to devote your being to the internet 81. I love REALITY 82. i love REALITY TV 83. i love THAT 70's SHOW 84. I hate smoking weed 85. I think i may have a coke problem 86. I like to talk about my problems 87. I want to get to know you better 88. I am almost done 89. I have a fetish for humping things...not in front of people 90. I hope you don't think im wierd lol 91. I have killer legs....curvy and smooth and creamy 92. I probably just made you horny 93. This is fun 94. I am running out of facts about me 95. I would rather talk in person...duh 96. Come over and hang out tonight...we will party 97. I love hip-hop that has meaning to it 98. I love alannis morrisette 99. I love latin people 100. I wish you the best of luck and a blessed life full of experiences...cya
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good thing you're not self conscious
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let me guess a couple more: 101. Parents got divorced 102. You got molested 103. You go from relationship to relationship 104. You're the ass writing all the shit under 'creamylicious' and 'deliciously naive'
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wow, i love how get over it is a fact about you...how does that work exactly?
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once again
1. I have seven blather screennames. 2. I have a bumper sticker that says "Visualize Whirled Peas". 3. When I was little I wanted to live in a school bus with cats. 4. When I go in book stores and libraries I like to touch the books, becasue it makes me feel real. 5. I wanted to be a singer, but I'm tonedeaf. 6. Sometimes I stand outside in thunderstorms because it makes me feel like a Goddess. 7. The first movie I ever cried at was Armegedon. 8. I love oranges. 9. I make up songs off the top of my head and sing them loudly. ( Did I mention I'm tonedeaf?) 10. I once slept in a men's bathroom. 11. I've looked up the definition for 'irony' more then three times 12. I'm still not sure I understand 13. I love my mom, she is my best friend. 14. This is my fifth time attempting this 15. I cheated on both of my boyfriends. 16. I can touch my tongue to my nose. 17. Nude pictures of me exist. 18. I love to watch movies 19. I once spent over 50 dollars at the video store, in a week. 20. I have more then 20 AIM screennames. 21. In Elementry School my nickname was Catwoman. 22. I used to play Starcraft religiously under the name Sara Kerriggan 23. Cats are one of the things that make life worth while 24. I love blather, because it does the opposite of define words. 25. I need to own books I love 26. If I own the entire series of a set of books I will spend an enormous amount of time organizing them into chronological order, based on things in the book. 27. I wanted to be a writer but I didn't think I'd make any money. 28. I really ought to be in bed. 29. I work as a bank teller twenty hours a week. 30. I have come to believe that while what you do is not who you are, it does help to make you that person. 31. I have climbed the Cape May Lighthouse. 32. I own an orange shirt that has a picture of Chester Cheetah and says, "Dangerously Cheesy". 33. I have sanded my legs with 200 grit sand paper on a dare. 34. I have eaten ants for dimes. 35. Pencils and Pens make me happie 36. I still talk to the moon 37. Not only do I still own my baby blanket, but I still sleep with it. 38. I used to dream about being cooked in an oven. 39. When I was little my grandmom took me on the Strausburg Railroad. 40. I got my first kiss at the age of 16. 41. I lost my virginity at the age of 17. 42. My best friend in second grade named her little brother after my little brother. 43. I LOVE my computer. 44. One of my favorite TV shows is M*A*S*H 45. I truly believe that milk and cookies are good for the soul. 46. I believe that every feeling you can't explain, has words if you try hard anough 47. I feel that the world is as good and as bad as it's going to get. 48. I believe that people are not basically good, or basically evil, jsut basically human. 49. I'm not going to write one hundred facts 50. I'm am not so lazy that I will write 100 instead of one hundred, but I am lazy enough so that I will not go find 50_facts_about_me and move this.
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Lila Pause
1) Oops. 2) I just remembered, 3) That I hate these lists. 4) (Damn)
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I am. - sixteen - intelligent - a girl - listening to Nirvana - overweight - too tall - self-loathing - obsessed with a friend - not suicidal - insecure - skeptical of love - sometimes very cynical - sometimes very happy - living in Canada - afraid of ridicule - afraid of rejection - not defined by nationality - sometimes very unhappy - sometimes very lonely - very, very, bad at public speaking - bored with life - easy to manipulate I am not - a pretty girl (insert song here) - well rounded - mature - "bien dans ma peau" - good at french - good at social things - a connoisseur of anything - consistently happy - consistently unhappy - seriously unbalanced I have - curly hair, which I like - four people I consider friends - nobody I'm close to - never been drunk - a laptop - a brother, who is a jerk and i love - a lovable annoying little sister - many small secrets - too many crushes - a somewhat vile self-image I like - computers - boys - cameras - sleep - my glasses - the idea of god - depressing music - reading erotica, sometimes - calculus - dreams - winnie the pooh - the ideas in taoism - blather - being around people - messing with philosophy - angry metal music - being called insane - acting insane - big words - attention - depressing music - sappy music - disney music I dislike - organized religion - being obsessed with boys - growing up - pretentiousness in others - pretentiousness in myself - "corporations" - insulting 'mericans because it's funny - buzzwords - manipulation of people for anything - the political right - the political centre - the political left - myself - being condescended to by nice people with no ulterior motives - feeling inferior - "look for the ridiculous in anything, and you will find it" - people being more intelligent than me - television - virtually everything associated with television - Hollywood - everything commercial - crying around other people - crying alone - stereotypes - the immense spaces between people - talking to people who I don't know well I think - war is dumb - hippies were cool - people should be the (not a) priority - the environment is important - life shouldn't be taken so seriously I - miss being a kid - would like to be better than everyone else at one thing - let people dictate what I should think - don't know what I want to do in life - used to consistently sleep on the floor - used to bike - sometimes don't believe I exist - have written more than 100 things here
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no reason eh?
may i ask where in canada?
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lives in la belle province de Quebec
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1. my name is corinne 2. i am eighteen 3. i'm going to college 12 hours away from home and i don't miss it 4. i make a best friend everywhere i move to 5. i love finding new music 6. i define myself as a hardcore environmentalist but i love to drive, and sometimes i think recycling is too much trouble 7. i dyed my hair black 2 years ago and it won't come out 8. i have blue eyes 9. i don't understand the point in drinking if you don't get completely smashed 10. i pretend to read more than i do 11. i'd rather write 12. i have no direction in life; i have no major 13. i secretly want to be discovered as a new sensational artist and make a hit record 14. either that or a novelist 15. i hate that i procastinate 16. i hate that i'm not as smart as my friends 17. my best friend is pregnant and sometimes i wish i were her 18. i just want to be older, i want things to be stable and redundant 19. i long for that wallpaper life! 20. i think my cd colletion defines my personality 21. i really really need a job 22. i love to wear bright lipstick 23. i love the way trees are bare in winter, and sometimes i am still surpirzed at how tall they are 24. i listen to cat power too often 25. i bite my fingernails 26. i sing loudly to songs on the radio while i'm driving 27. i have never been in love, i thought i was once, but 28.if that was love i'd rather not bother 29. one of my favorite quotes is " i'd rather have a life than a living." 30. i used to read on top of the roof at night with a flashlight 31. i like to stretch 32. fruity toothpaste is disgusting 33. nothing hurts more than being rejected 34. i admire beautiful people 35. even though i know that i shouldn't 36. sometimes i think i am beautiful 37. i'd rather hear the lecture than read the book 38. sometimes i believe my life is a movie 39. i don't like making-out, it doesn't do that much for me 40. i'd rather have sex, or even just cuddle 41. i have a journal that no one has ever read 42. i was so nervous during my first stage performance that my hands were like jelly on the piano 43. i enjoy having eye sex with guys across the room 44. my favourite movies include american beauty and whale rider 45. i haven't eaten meat in 7 years 46. i accidentally ate bacon in potato soup last month and vomitted 47. i have a cat at home who i think of as an actual person sometimes 48. i had a dream last night that people were attacking me with laundry baskets and tupperware. 49. sometimes i dream in french 50. i admire honesty in a person more than anything 51. i wish i was a better person 52. i wear lip balm because is tastes good 53. in my past life i died of hunger which to me seems like an awfully romantic way to die 54. my tarot card reader told me 55. i don't believe in one true love 56. i don't believe in fate 57. i don't believe people should talk about themselves this much 58. when meeting someone new, i ask them a million questions to keep the conversation going 59. i hate people that don't ask other people questions about themselves 60. i pretend to like my parents 61. its easier than fighting and i like people who have good relationships with their family. 62. i'm a pushover unless someone says something racist or sexist 63. i love to watch BBC because of the accents 64. i hope my life is better than my parents 65. my favorite colors are green and pink 66. i spend too much money on gas and clothes 67. my new years resolution is not to fall in love because i figure i always break it 68. i ran away from home when I was 6 and lived beneath a tree 69. for about 3 hours, then i went home 70. i have never smoked anything not even ham 71. i like picture frames 72. if i could live as anything else in the world i'd be an oak tree 73. i hate late night televsion 74. i woke up at 3:30 pm today 75. i'd rather live in a home with white walls 76. my best friend's name is Candi, she gets jokes about being a stripper all the time 77. i have no plans tomorrow 78. until about 10:30pm when i'm going to a club with friends from high school 79. i wish they played indie-folk stuff at clubs instead of that nasty rap crap 80. but then no one would go there except me and the people i dragged there 81. i want to get my ears pierced twice but i have no money 82. i want to buy music instead of burning it from my friends, but i have no money 83. i love going to concerts 84. sometimes i feel like a different person after a good movie or a great concert 85. i don't believe in christmas but i love to celebrate it 86. i hate driving with people who keep the windows up 87. i wish i were at school in wisconsin instead of here in missouri 88. as a kid, i was paranoid about stepping on cracks in the pavement and in-between the tiles in the kitchen 89. i hate beer 90. i like vodka 91. i like 80's hair 92. i like boxes and the mystery of the things inside them 93. sometimes i hate it when people change so drastically 94. my jaw hurts from chewing gum too long 95. i wish the daylight was longer 96. i only wear amber-shaded sunglasses because they make the sun set 97. i only read the comics in newspapers 98. or the entertainment spots 99. i think i'll go to sleep now 100. i'm in the process of finding out who i am
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1. I can't make long lists
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1. I hate eating peanuts. 2. I am single. 3. I will be 23 in November. 4. I am half Filipino and half white. 5. I am technically overweight. Again. 6. I was overjoyed to find bras in my size at Filene's Basement on Monday, and bought three without regard to aesthetic considerations. 7. I haven't been to blather in a while. 8. I can think of six blatherskites I have met, off the top of my head. 9. I am in love with a bipolar mess. We are a fine bisexual, tempermental, literary, tech-minded, progressive, pacifist, music-loving pair. 10. I am seeing the Wrens (with him and his brother) on Saturday. 11. The only artists I know I like are Kandinsky and Chagall. 12. I am right-handed. 13. I run a writing group; we mostly work on poetry although I'm excited to look at all sorts of submissions. 14. I'm in library school. I think I might want to be a cataloguer. 15. I wear glasses. 16. I currently work in insurance and I find it very interesting. 17. This list is a lot harder to make than I thought it'd be. 18. I am 5' 3 3/8". 19. I'm a registered Democrat; the gubernatorial primary in my state is on Monday. 20. I cry almost every day. 21. I am currently reading Swann's Way for the first time. 22. I read every morning or afternoon during my commute. Today I was reading the newest issue of American Libraries. 23. I try very hard to have realistic expectations but I've always been unbalanced and expect too much from other people. 24. I wear a size nine shoe. 25. I haven't decided whether bringing new life into the world is a conscionable decision. On the one hand, there are plenty of children who need homes badly, and it seems downright cruel to create new demands on our limited and dwindling resources. On the other, though, giving birth to a child seems a profound function of going through life as a human being. I'm not going to start any rhetoric about the "human spirit", but it does seem true that at least the potentiality of anyone, oneself or another human being, to give birth, seems to have something essential about it. 26. I like to play hearts. 27. I live in Boston. 28. I have an ongoing fantasy about moving to Dublin even though I've never been there. Did you know the highest recorded temperature there is 88 degrees Fahrenheit? 29. I want to get a cat but two of my roommates are allergic and my landlord said no. I am considering moving because of this fact. 30. I recently hosted an outer-space themed party. 31. I just stopped and started reading the old lists on this blather. Damn dude. For instance, in my first list I said I had had sex with two people. Hahahahaha. Awww, little Claire. 32. Also, part of me would love it if me posting here inspired anyone I know from blather to post here again. A lot of my acts are to provoke communication and attention. 33. I realize that revealing this kind of information on the Internet could be considered egocentric, but on the other hand, it's just a damn list. I think it's fun. 34. I just got an e-mail from my very first Internet pal. She lives in Australia and is getting married in October 2007. 35. I still miss my last boyfriend even though we broke up almost a year ago. He is the first person I've been in a relationship with who actually liked me for me and whom I didn't have to constantly try to get attention and approval from. 36. I miss his cat more, though. 37. My middle name is Elizabeth. 38. My current favorite new band is Final_Fantasy, which is this guy named Owen Pallett (who I think is currently touring with/part of The Arcade Fire). I saw him in NY in June, and it was fantastic. You should check out his album Has A Good Home. 39. unhinged and I talked for the first time in a while a couple of months ago and she sent me a song she's recorded. Damn, girl can sing! You should check that out too. 40. The fact that I spent so much of my social life online still bothers me. 41. Recently I was talking to my therapist about how I've never met anyone in a bar, then went directly from the session to a bar, where I met someone. Unfortunately he was way too old for me and started essentially stalking me online. I guess I come across as nice. 42. I still don't know how to ride a bike. 43. I recently started running Ubuntu and even more recently just had my friend remove my Windows partition. It gives me a palpable sense of relief. 44. I didn't start flossing my teeth until fairly late into my career here on Earth. 45. I've been diagnosed with both types of HPV. I had a letter published about it in ASHA's newsletter, which is awesome. 46. I don't like peanut butter or jelly. I find it comical that people become aghast over this. 47. I'm very surprised at how hard it is to make this list. I keep stopping and continuing to read through other people's. 48. My room is painted the color of macaroni and cheese. I wanted this to be more of a terra cotta color but my last boyfriend picked it out and painted half the room for me while my back was turned. I like it because it makes my room bright and I like unusual colors. Also I noticed that it is showing up in a lot of paint ads or other ads with homes. I guess I am ahead of the curve. 49. I like to go places by myself. The movies, shopping, even eating in restaurants. It makes me feel independent and competent. 50. I am a huge extrovert but I'm very uncomfortable around people I don't trust, particularly in groups. This makes life difficult. 51. Perhaps I used to be more self-centered. 52. When I was young I used to be able to think very deeply about God and the mysteries of the universe and now I just can't. I'm too self-involved. I suppose it comes with being responsible for oneself. Is this a function of growing up? 53. Among things I like to cook, I make a mean grilled cheese sandwich, cheesecake, and am working on my chili. 54. My college education cost approximately $120,000. 55. I don't have a credit card. 56. I don't have a car. 57. I hope to never have a car; I like the decisions you have to make in your lifestyle to accommodate this. 58. I've had a LiveJournal for almost three years now; every once in a while I go crazy and delete it. Then I always end up writing it in it again because I'm addicted to writing. 59. I used to be an atheist but now I don't have enough faith (haha) in my abilities of logic. 60. I took multivariable calculus but now I barely remember what calculus is. 61. I have a degree in anthropology. 62. I derive great pleasure from buying houseplants; currently I have four. 63. One of the first people I met in Boston was the girl living upstairs from me and now we're very good friends. This gives me faith in my ability to interact with the rest of the human race. 64. I almost never lie but when I do I get mad both at myself and at the other person for putting me in a situation where I felt I needed to. 65. I'm ashamed of the fact that I judge people by their appearance even though everyone does it to some degree; I try to do Bagism exercises on the train and the degree of freedom you receive is frightening. 66. I want to be good at everything, and I was reading my little brother's LJ profile and he said exactly the same thing. I love it. 67. I have a ridiculously high opinion of my brother, but he really is an awesome person. He's in high school and wants to go to school for music performance after he graduates. He's also a thoughtful person. 68. The guy I am in love with feels the same way about his little brother and this makes me feel as though this brings us one step closer to being together, as if there is a checklist that has to be completed and with every new degree of compatibility we do in actuality become closer to it. This probably says a lot about myself. 69. My job is stressing me out. 70. School is stressing me out. 71. My love life is stressing me out. 72. My living situation is stressing me out. 73. I am amazed at the beauty of Rilke's poetry and was going to have a friend tutor me in German this summer so I could read him in the original. It never happened though. 74. I am a very open person and I try to be open about everything in my life, but there are a number of things that I keep secret that I don't even realize. For example, I am practically in love with one of my friends but I know she doesn't want me and I haven't told a single person on the planet about this. Except for you guys, now. 75. I used to be afraid of dogs. 76. I'm afraid of flying and especially of flying over water. Last time I flew to California my ears were in such pain (they don't "pop"), and then I developed strep. I didn't have health insurance at the time and didn't go to the doctor for too long and I think I damaged my ears permanently. 77. I used to play violin. I don't anymore. 78. When I was in high school I sliced my finger open on the metal casing of a telephone cord that was itself cut open. I still have a scar. 79. I also have a scar from walking into the lock on a toilet stall. It makes for a funny story in person. 80. I've never given up meat but I've thought about it quite a bit. 81. It seems like every time I find someone on the train who looks like a good, decent person, they inevitably are wearing a wedding band. 82. Girlfriend don't go there. 83. I was born in 1983. 84. My brother was born in 1990. 85. I think astrology is ridiculous but recognize that I fully fit the stereotype of my own zodiac sign. 86. I understand why the Myers-Briggs test has its detractors but there is no doubt in my mind that I am very predisposed to actions of the ESFJ type. 87. One of my good friends and I went to college together and sat next to each other in the orchestra, even though we did not ever have a conversation until a month before graduation and did not become good friends until we were both living in Boston. She recently told me that she thought I was too cool to be friends with her, but then did get to know me and learned I am a "stealth nerd". 88. I usually like to be friends with hipsters or nerds. I find both groups tend to misidentify me as a fellow member. 89. I can flare my nostrils with abandon and largesse. 90. I don't understand how anyone can dislike Janis Joplin's music, and it makes me sad that she was so sad. 91. I've only drunk and smoked pot. I don't smoke pot anymore. 92. I enjoy repetitive tasks; it must be due to my obsessive-compulsive tendencies. 93. werewolf and I talk on the phone a lot and for some reason he tends to call me when I am on a train. I am not on a train often. 94. I try to support Amtrak. 95. I don't usually shave. 96. I don't wear perfume because I get really worried that someone on the street is going to be very allergic and have a horrible allergic reaction. 97. I don't like any type of whiskey. 98. I still have no idea what my last fact is going to be. 99. My name is six letters long and I adore it. 100. I love living near the water even though I never go to the beach; you can sense it, and that presence is a large part of my concept of the universe.
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fire bug
1. I like fire 2. I like fire 3. I like fire 4. I like fire 5. I like fire 6. I like fire 7. I like fire 8. I like fire 9. I like fire 10. I like fire 11. I like fire 12. I like fire 13. I like fire 14. I like fire 15. I like fire 16. I like fire 17. I like fire 18. I like fire 19. I like fire 20. I like fire 21. I like fire 22. I like fire 23. I like fire 24. I like fire 25. I like fire 26. I like fire 27. I like fire 28. I like fire 29. I like fire 30. I like fire 31. I like fire 32. I like fire 33. I like fire 34. I like fire 35. I like fire 36. I like fire 37. I like fire 38. I like fire 39. I like fire 40. I like fire 41. I like fire 42. I like fire 43. I like fire 44. I like fire 45. I like fire 46. I like fire 47. I like fire 48. I like fire 49. I like fire 50. I like fire 51. I like fire 52. I like fire 53. I like fire 54. I like fire 55. I like fire 56. I like fire 57. I like fire 58. I like fire 59. I like fire 60. I like fire 61. I like fire 62. I like fire 63. I like fire 64. I like fire 65. I like fire 66. I like fire 67. I like fire 68. I like fire 69. I like fire 70. I like fire 71. I like fire 72. I like fire 73. I like fire 74. I like fire 75. I like fire 76. I like fire 77. I like fire 78. I like fire 79. I like fire 80. I like fire 81. I like fire 82. I like fire 83. I like fire 84. I like fire 85. I like fire 86. I like fire 87. I like fire 88. I like fire 89. I like fire 90. I like fire 91. I like fire 92. I like fire 93. I like fire 94. I like fire 95. I like fire 96. I like fire 97. I like fire 98. I like fire 99. I like fire 100. I like fire
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do not forget:
101. You are blessedly monomaniacal.
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lyric me this
1. i have a name. 2. i like to breathe air. 3. i was also born at some point. 4. i don't expect anyone to read these, so for number six i'm just going to smash my hands against the keyboard. 5. i've gotten to number six on this before, but while smashing my hands against the keyboard, i hit the escape key. i'll smash more carefully this time. 6. dsfdasafudfjiadjdafs,ja dfs,r,mnx,k,ek,nl8938u9383k8ik jxkj nxdkjxxvgwxatgvxxeerj buiodsa jkfhduai uu8iu x i ar uiy a 8 388yrehsv 7ie7487389y3rwy78wera78y 43278 4 5478 54785478547 4dd jhdjhbddb4hyuj6 7. 7. writing number six was REALLY fun. 8. i like to eat things that are of the crustacean persuasion. 9. i just figured out that other day that "persuasion" can mean "kind," or "sort." like "of the caucasian persuasion" means that you are WHITE. 10. i am of the caucasian persuasion. 11. i am female. 12. i am heterosexual (even though most people think i'm a lesbian. see, i'm a strong gay rites supporter and most people mistake that for being gay.) 13. i like punk-rock. because you can't spell crap with out the rap. except eminem. he's okay. and so is akon. 14. don't even BEGIN to ask why i like akon. 15. i already know that i'm not going to finish this. (see: #16.) 16. i lose interest in things very quickly. 17. i hate green vegetables. letuce tastes like a leaf. because it IS a leaf. ick. 18. i'm a lot more intellectual than i let on. 19. contrary to popular belief, i really don't need to be taking meds. i'm NOT clinically insane, depressed, etc. 20. i'm not gothic. labels are lame. 21. i like books, computers, and the history channel. i am a mega-nerd. 22. dr. pepper is the best soda ever. people who think otherwise should be shot in the face. 23. i'm bored and i can't come up with much else about me. you guys really don't need to know much more about me anyway.
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1. I talk to myself out loud so that I don’t feel alone. 2. I have a huge fear of commitment. 3. I set myself up to get my heart broken on purpose 4. I break people’s hearts on purpose 5. I am deathly afraid of silence. 6. I chain smoke cowboy killers 7. I am the youngest and middle child 8. I am writing the story of my life, a love letter and my manifesto in the same book 9. If I die this moment, and there is a hell, I’m going to it. 10. I’ll always be a drug addict no matter how long I stay clean 11. I believe that the word “or” is the greatest tribute to indecisiveness, ever, without a doubt 12. I’ve been locked in a mental hospital twice 13. I’ve had to go, without being locked in, twice 14. I don’t believe in luck 15. I hate politicians, but I think most people do anyway 16. I have borderline personality disorder, but that’s just a label 17. I’m bulimic, but that’s just a label 18. Both my biological parents are preachers 19. Three of my parents have doctorate degree’s 20. Three of my parents majored in psychology and sociology, but not the same three 21. This doesn’t help solve any of my mental health issues 22. Both my biological parents are mixed (my mom: Portuguese-native American, my dad: Irish, African, Native American) 23. My father and I have the same middle name 24. I have attempted suicide five times 25. I turned 22 less than a week ago 26. I’m a cutter 27. I rarely remember good things about me 28. I spend a lot of time looking at myself in the mirror, not because I’m vain, but, because I see so many things wrong with myself 29. I’ve had ten close friends commit suicide, and two more to overdose accidentally, in the past four years 30. My best friend died when I was in sixth grade 31. My parents divorced when I was five 32. My grandfather died a week later 33. My great-uncle died two weeks after that 34. People say that I am a beautiful boy 35. Almost every girlfriend that I’ve had since high school has told me that 36. Some ladies locked in the mental hospital with me told me that, and that I should have no reason to want to kill myself 37. It’s hard to believe ladies in mental hospitals 38. I lost my virginity when I was fourteen to a twenty-eight year old woman who thought I was a beautiful boy 39. She was my band teacher 40. I was scared and I cringe when guys get all excited about the idea of having sex with a teacher, so I rarely talk about it 41. I didn’t cry after 1992 until the summer of 2004 42. After that I didn’t cry until Christmas 2006 43. I have a story 44. I believe that everybody has a story 45. I am an adrenaline junkie 46. I’ve had sex with over fifty girls 47. I wish I’d never lost my virginity 48. I‘ve never had an STD 49. Girls say I’m a great lover 50. I don’t believe them 51. I’ve slept with women who have had more sexual partners than me 52. I don’t believe that just because you’ve had sex with many people that it makes you any good at it 53. I dated a thirty-two year old when I was eighteen 54. I had sex with my high school best friend’s mom when I was eighteen 55. They were not the same woman 56. I also had sex with his girlfriend 57. He is also a junkie 58. I haven’t seen him since graduation 59. I went to Emory University 60. He went to Georgia State 61. We we’re co-captains of both the cross-country and the track team senior year 62. We both decided not to run in college 63. He keeps running away from rehab 64. Our high school is a military academy 65. I’ve been more places out of the country than I have been in the country 66. I flew on a plane the first with only my five year old sister when I was two 67. My sister and I are the only members of our family to have grown up in Atlanta 68. Most everybody else lives in MD, Virginia, New York, Boston and Connecticut 69. Our parents decided to raise us like the upstate New Yorker part of our family 70. Even though we both have grown up in the south, neither of us have southern accents 71. My sister has no accent at all 72. I have a mix of the New York and Boston accents 73. Most of my friends down here are originally from either of those places 74. But I got the accent from my parents 75. Girls tell me it’s sexy 76. I think it’s just something that happened 77. The only thing I ever say that is remotely southern is ya’ll, which, with my accent, sounds very strange to some people 78. I have three tattoos and will get more very soon 79. I hate people that get tattoos for no reason; I believe each one should mean something to you 80. My mother and I have dark skin, while my father and sister have light skin, which is strange because my sister looks almost exactly like my mom 81. My eyes are hazel with prominent blue-green rings around the edges 82. I don’t look like either of my parents but I do look like my mom’s father who was pure Portuguese 83. Our little sister (half-sister) is eleven years younger than me 84. She looks nothing like us and very much like my step-mother 85. I get along with my step-parents better than I do with my parents, because we have more in common with each other 86. I like northern breakfast’ and southern dinners 87. I cook very well; my specialties are Italian, Steak and almost any Seafood 88. My mom wouldn’t get a maid because she believes that we should be able to take care of things ourselves 89. My mom is over-protective 90. She told me to never bring an ugly girl home, ever 91. She’s never let me ride public transportation 92. I don’t argue with her reasoning on those last two subjects 93. My sister and I are very protective of each other 94. There have been times when we have both threatened the lives of someone who rubbed the other the wrong way 95. My big sister is my life line 96. She would kill herself if I killed myself 97. I never seem to remember that in the moment 98. I love my family, any member from anywhere would come to the aid of another, we don’t have to ever worry about fighting our battles alone 99. I still choose to fight my own battles 100. I am losing
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I am. - nineteen - good at math - a boy - a girl - a person - whatever - often insecure - happy with my life - pretty bad at public speaking - improving - likely easy to manipulate - happier than I was when I was sixteen - queer. - agnostic, with leanings toward atheism but an admitted weakness for religion - inexcusably bad at vector calculus, for someone who tutors it - socially awkward - sometimes surprised that I have friends - reasonably financially well-off - a geek - a nerd - a dork - a penguin - almost 20, and surprised, but nearly prepared - pretty bad at ordering food/drinks - learning. I am not: - particularly attractive - good at french - or at english sometimes - or at being social - or washing dishes - or managing my time - or being reliable - or getting things done I do not - have a passport - know galois theory - know how to drive I have - dreadlocks with curly undreaded bits at the ends - a laptop (thinkpad! 3) - friends - a girlfriend - a brother - a sister - a job tutoring - some t-shirts I like - (almost) 2/3 of an undergraduate degree I like - math - computers - computer science - programming - python - SML - abstract algebra - linear algebra - boys - girls - people - whatever - winnie the pooh - blather - pancakes - to think I'm generally honest with people, even when it's important - the movie Rent I love - (some of) my family - my friends I dislike - feeling inferior - morning classes - stereotypes - gender stereotypes - programming in C - getting good marks for the sake of getting good marks - getting bad marks - conflict - calculus - but not because it's hard and complicated. It's some mix of me never getting around to understanding multivariable/vector calculus properly, and having answered too many calculus questions - it actually surprises me when i remember that it's actually a super-powerful tool, and not just something firstyears need to be tutored in a lot - the immense spaces between people - most alcoholic beverages - talking to people who I don't know well - discrimination on the basis of gender and sexual orientation I - worry about becoming an adult and spending inordinate amounts of time worrying about my taxes. - need to learn to think more about other people - forget to leave tips sometimes - should read more books - procrastinate a lot - care too much about my grades - skip too many classes - sometimes do things which I don't want to because people expect me to - would like to visit other countries - keep procrastinating getting a passport - intended to learn ancient greek in university, but never got around to it - have only taken math/computer science classes so far - regret this a bit, but not enough to stop
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now i know galois theory
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these types of internet_surveys (amuse me) are a wet_dream for intelligents and special_interests_groups alike. "let's see who has a higher social_security_number! whata fun game!" uhh... yeahhh
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I'm intelligent, but these things make me want to stab myself in the eye. lol, teenagers. "I like gum, I consider myself an artist and a writer, I have an old soul..."
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yeah, got the passport. haven't gone further than boston yet, though. suggestions?
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suggestions? i'm full_love_it. them too. lessee here. i've been through a lotta usa states. 28 of em. lived in half of em enough to hold a job, pay rent, make some friends, do some laundry. met a lot of people and fellow travelers. one thing i kept noticing is that people tend to move from east to west. ie, i met a lotta people in cali and arizona who were from new jersey. it is seldom people move from cali to nj. it's a trend and there's a lot to it i think. i didnt care much for the midwest and apparently i wasn't white_enough for a few towns i passed through (excuse me marrying outside my family). mostly i'd suggest to find what's important to you. surround yourself with@ locality or dense support of whatever it is that makes you YOU. but do see a variety. i've yet to trav outside the US for any large amount of time but i hear it's not so money_oriented. and people know things like geography for example. (see that's the problem: we can't find our way out of the country) i should use my passport, too.
what's it to you?