me? the dub dub to 23's rub a 991220
no this is one cool motherfucking number 020112
elsa it is a very nice number. 1, 3, 9, 27. 3 X 3. it my lucky number 030219
satan satan satan 3x3x3 030219
jane is my lucky lucky number 030220
Eowithien is a nice number and in my new/used car's license plate...

i suspect that jane and elsa are one in the same.
jane who's elsa? 030220
elsa who's jane? 030221
Eowithien oops, hehe maybe not... but it is a nice number, its on our new car's lisence plate. 030228
jane me i guess 030505
Grace was a darned good age

but 28 was far better
*waves byebye
inanna The 27 club
So many well known musicans and artists pass at age 27.
chocolatte the best number

a combination of...

two- the most ubiquitous number (other than one, which is boring, or zero, whose status as a number is debatable), perfectly divisible, a factor of every even number, the less lonely number, it takes, heads are better than one, just the of us

seven- deadly sins, heavenly virtues. the oddest number from one to ten. the lucky number. dwarfs. just... a good number.
  the_significance_of_nine 040109
missing27pieces it shows up everywhere. it is my everything. it is, THE it. 040325
BitterSweetDream Its the 27th today.

That is why Im not there.
jane no water 050624
Staind_And_Souless Always a horrible date.
This year...
It'll be even weirder.

Decisions Decisions.

I am I'm 27.
My uncle and my cousin died of cancer at 27.
I've probably made more trips to the doctor this year than in my entire adult life.
Ms.Cintron My favorite number of all. xD 090802
what's it to you?
who go