rian together, we are infinite. 990922
jennifer things are only funny if you are us 991207
valis it don't take much to make an us. remember, you have something in common with every other person on the planet. why have a them? 991207
Jalab How bizarre should we be? 000411

and then?
somehow miraculously
they combined
to make us

and now we're here,
you and I,

the personification of perfection
lizard two letters.
seen them both before.
two letters combined.
makes me cry.
the power of two letters.
sobbing in the dark.
only two letters.
reminded me that i still miss you.
Jordan the us
that's the best and worst of it
the us could be there, if not for the he
I bide my time
content as you are in the spotlight
and I watch from the dark
but the he
the thems
shall always come before me
how to catch your eye?
I fade back into the crowd
kim not you or me but...
water nymph waiting, still waiting for it to happen again. 001004
Barrett and them 001107
EECP I miss you!!!!! 001213
moonshine from the same cosmic village 010109
hoodrat us
you and me
she, and he

i couldn't believe how well things went with you. i mean, all my past relationships hadn't even compared to this. it could have been the fact that i am older, and have a better understanding of how things should be (see the_beginning). we related on every level. both unhappy and dissatisfied with life. us, we...we were perfect....or, maybe it was just the sex...the mind tends to trick you into believing in something that isn't. with all the talk of how i was perfect for you. how special that_moment was. being cute and adorable...

i couldn't believe how quickly you left me
Chrity go to:
ladybird I can't believe I *ever* thought you and I were an us. I watch you swirling the sugar into your cappucino and feel only scorn. Why did I ever find that endearing? Why didn't I just tell you to shut the fuck up when you talked accounting at me? Why did I cry when you left?
I don't fucking miss you....much.
unhinged there is no such thing 010612
kinkazoid us means you and me it cant just be me damnit 010612
tiffany the tiniest word. brings stinging tears to my eyes. for there is nomore and won't ever be again. the tiniest word. means so many of the tiniest things. no more crawling into bed at 4 in the morning to be greeted with arms wanting to hold. no more comfort. no more drinking wine and discussing the in's and out's of the universe. no more.

nothing left but anxiety and this aching heart ... ... .. this was the dreaded end and it is now upon "us".

"we" will never be an "us" again.
pink elephant ..i miss the 'U' in 'US'..
Where are you? y arnt you here when i need you most.
mirimirimiri to the starts AND BACK. 011023
j so whers home? 020312
Mahayana word_of_the_day
girl_jane I like the sound of us...let's be an us... 020327
EECP I miss you and I know you miss me too.

Can you hear me?

I love you.
Syrope painful little word for me.
how do we know when we're an us?
everyone in the world can think we're an us, but we're not.
i dont know if i want an us with you,
because most of the time when i call you it seems you cant wait to get off the phone.
because you avoid most of my questions and pretend you dont hear me
because you "forget" that we had plans about half the time
because you're not who you pretended to be when i met you...
...but that sort of thing never stopped me before from blindly trying to make a stubborn, impossible relationship work
maybe because for the first time in a long time im not even whole enough as a person to be a full half of a word as big as "us"...
somedaysam united
Mahayana define 020714
stacey I'll never forget your number
I'll never forget your name
I'll never forget your slumber
I'll never forget in the future to think the same
I'll never forget when you said "I love you"
I'll never forget it was just a lie
I'll never forget when it sounded so true
I'll never forget the nights when all i did was cry
I'll never forget the man in your voice
I'll never forget the way you treated me; everybody who's seen
I'll never forget the boy inside who made the choice
I'll never forget the day i became your Queen
I'll never forget your number
I'll never forget your name
I'll never forget our slumber
I'll never forget your game
I'll never forget to screw you over,again, i wouldn't dare
I'll never forget you said we were even
I'll never forget your lies, that just weren't fair
I'll never forget the love you made me believe in
I'll never forget to keep my heart from crying
I'll never forget the lessons i have learned;therefore i am grateful
I'll never forget to stay strong and stop listening to you lying
I'll never forget to be nice and never hateful
I'll never forget your heart
I'll never forget your love
I'll never forget your unspoken decision, that is why we are apart
I'll never forget your lies that i thought were sent from above
I'll never forget what goes around comes around
I'll never forget it takes two to compromise
I'll never forget my heartbreak it was a god-awful sound
I'll never forget what lead to my demise
I'll never forget when you said i was the pearl
I'll never forget our past
I'll never forget that other girl
I'll never forget I'm free at-last
I'll never forget the last time i saw you leave
I'll never forget when i thought i would see you again
I'll never forget your favorite thing is to decieve
I'll never forget that day i let you in
I'll never forget your number
I'll never forget your name
I'll never forget our slumber
I'll never forget there's two to blame
It was both you and me
maybe one more time and a little bend....
NAH, now we are even
that is what i now believe in.
jester_www.disinfopedia.org_______________________ Elliott Abrams
(Redirected from Elliot Abrams)

Elliott Abrams, a graduate of Harvard (69;73), is considered to be a "neo-con" (neo-conservative). He was appointed to the National Security Council by George Walker Bush. He served as Assistant Secretary of State under Ronald Reagan.

Abrams is associated with the Project for a New American Century (PNAC), the Committee on U.S. Interests in the Middle East, and has ties to the Hudson Institute and the Center for Security Policy (CSP). Abrams was heavily involved in the Iran-Contra scandal.

In 1991, Abrams was indicted by the Iran-Contra special prosecutor for giving false testimony before Congress in 1987 about his role in illicitly raising money for the Nicaraguan Contras. He pleaded guilty to two lesser offenses of withholding information to Congress in order to avoid a trial and a possible jail term.

He was pardoned by President George H. W. Bush along with a number of other Iran-Contra defendants on Christmas night 1992.

From the State Dept. Press Release [1] 3 December 2002

Elliott Abrams was appointed Dec. 3, 2002, as Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Near East and North African Affairs, including Arab/Israel relations and U.S. efforts to promote peace and security in the region.[2]

Mr. Abrams has served since June 2001 as Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Democracy, Human Rights and International Operations. He was a member and then Chairman of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom from 1999 to 2001, and President of the Ethics and Public Policy Center from 1996 to 2001. Mr. Abrams served as an Assistant Secretary of State during the Reagan Administration, from 1981 to 1989.
From the White House Press Release [3] 28 June 2001

National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice announced today the appointment of Elliott Abrams as Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Democracy, Human Rights, and International Operations at the National Security Council, effective June 25, 2001.

Mr. Abrams has been President of the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, D.C., since 1996. He served as Chairman of the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom from June 2000 to May 2001.

Mr. Abrams began his service in the U.S. Government in the 1970s as Assistant Counsel to the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, as Special Counsel to Senator Henry M. Jackson, and as Special Counsel and then Chief of Staff to Senator Daniel P. Moynihan. During the Reagan Administration, Mr. Abrams served as Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs, as Assistant Secretary of State for Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs, and then as Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs. He was a Senior Fellow at the Hudson Institute from 1989 to 1996.

Additional Information and References

Staff change means Mideast policy shift

Israel's Likud Scores Big With White House Appointment, a perspective

"Yet another Likudnik is moving to a position where they control Washington's agenda on the Mideast," said Rashid Khalidi, a Mideast historian at the University of Chicago. "This is a tragedy for the Israeli and American people." [4] Supporters of Likud were naturally more enthusiastic. "I believe Abrams understands that this is a not a war over borders, but over Israel's existence, something that almost no one in the State Department acknowledges," Morton Klein, president of the Zionist Organization of America, told the Jewish weekly Forward last week.
Sarah together we are pure evil batman 030817
Freak I feel fine and I feel good
I'm feeling like I never should
Whenever I get this way, I just don't know what to say
Why can't we be ourselves like we were yesterday
I'm not sure what this could mean
I don't think you're what you seem
I do admit to myself
That if I hurt someone else
Then I'll never see just what we're meant to be
Every time I see you falling
I get down on my knees and pray
I'm waiting for that final moment
You'll say the words that I can't say

-Stabbing Westward
Child crying in the dark "we" are inseperable. "we" are in love. "we" are meant to be "together". but what does it mean? 031112
lynduzu company is overrated, its easy to find. us is anything and nothing it quickly becomes them, her, him, it, that, us was meaningful but sadly its mainly about me. 031230
apathy Us is the union of two people who are in agreement of some fact or matter. when these same people disagree then they become seperate entities of one 040327
Substance Us is we 040330
US United_States 040731
XK us_attacks_kx21:-
3192005 Protests in US, Europe as Bush defends Iraq war 050319
3202005 US warns Iraq on new government 050320
EU 3232005

US pressures
not to lift arms ban against China
golf pizza anyone? 070704
snook me end you and you end me 080806
In_Bloom Let us be, you said
Let us be without them, you said
Let us go and be, you took me
Let me go, you said
You're too much free for me... you said
*I miss you*
in love you + me = us = happy forever 080920
In_Bloom There isn't any
No me- no you
There is a seamlessness and a comfort
Let's just be that thing instead and not hurt anymore
twisted_existence it's you and i, forever

but never us together.
hsg :-( sad 090112
RoxRoxxBadPoetry Your head lay in my lap as you dosed B4 School would start
Looking always so angelic
Making my heart skip a bit every time I saw you
Your eyes expressing so much more love than words ever could
When wrapped in your arms
I knew that’s where I was always meant to be
At your merest touch
Oh how I wanted you so much
And kisses that made the entire world disappear
There was no one else but us.
Wolfy A light in the darkness.

An answer to pain.

The way of love and of hate.

We each feel in our own way and we each are made fools by our emotions.

Still wish us was still possible in her mind... still wish the pain could be relieved.
what's it to you?
who go