jack handey
If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think a cute thing to tell him is God is crying. And if he asks why God is crying, another cute thing to tell him is Probably because of something you did.
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god is nothing. god is everything. god is our own concept of self and perfection mixed together and personified. it is our need to justify our existence, and explain our future. it is the embodiment of human frailty and weakness. therefore, i feel nothing but hatred of the concept whose mere presence keeps us tied down...
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If, like you say, God is just a mental speed bump, preaching against Him doesn't hurt anyone but yourself by keeping that dislogistic concept so firmly in your mind. Release the image and become Zero with the universal consciousness, by all means.
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oh please.
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we all have, are, and will collect and release images of god, over and over again. that is the nature of god... that ultimately we are the everything without anything. it's funny how we can't really handle this process of constant instinctive change, so we ignore this and claim the existence of "one true image". it still goes on inside though... we just hide our hearts from ourselves, concealing our own deitic nature. there's a reason it's called the divine comedy, you see.
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god? god is dead.
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God is a bogey of your mind. Some people happen to lack that particular bogey. And for some reason our society is built in such a way that the absence of a mental "god" makes these people substantially different from their religious counterparts. Why should I have to continue to defend myself to you?
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goddess ?
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Actually, K, I prefer to believe that (if it exists) God is neither male nor female, but rather the sum of everything or the smallest particle.
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i have one thing to say on the subject: Nietzsche
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what irritates me is the staunch capital H. although, actually, the best way to say it is "If there is a god, you are an authorized representative." hells yeah.
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it's me god
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God is dead and you killed him.
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if you belive there is no god, you had better hope you are right....
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If God is real then most are happy. If God is not then all are unhappy.
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I think it's a little presumptuous to make a statement about everyone. If you know what everyone thinks or does, you're delusional, and/or god.
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One of Nietszche's fundamental contentions was that traditional values (represented primarily by Christianity) had lost their power in the lives of individuals. He expressed this in his proclamation “God is dead.” He was convinced that traditional values represented a “slave morality,” a morality created by weak and resentful individuals who encouraged such behavior as gentleness and kindness because the behavior served their interests. Nietzsche claimed that new values could be created to replace the traditional ones, and his discussion of the possibility led to his concept of the overman or superman. ......Nietzsche was wrong. God is not dead, but many are killing his name. One must make an attempt to experience God before one is sure God does not exist. i have experienced God's power through prayer, praise and in solitude. I know God exists.
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if god exists would it change the way you f e e l about the way you live your life? and do you think the way you live your life would influence your v i e w of whether god exists ?
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nietzsche is right... god told me so...
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Life's greatest tragedy is to lose the presence of God and not even know that you've lost it.
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Love is a proud god, a gypsy magician who slips the locks like hodini-leaving me to thrash in these real chains
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Collective ignorance. What would you think of an adult who believed in Santa Clause? P.S. I don't need church to have morals.
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"God is the name humans give to the power they can't admit that they have" - the late Colin O'Connell
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If justice is blind then so is God, I personally hope that God is blind to what goes on down here, either that or he really is a mean, uncaring little bastard. To be capable of so much yet unwilling to do anything about it. Why is God so fucking mean?
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I distrust God not because he hates the way of life we have taken, but because he is incapable of good honest, human hatred.
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The beast who shouted, “I am God” at the heart of the world.
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Although Christianity does have an ugly face, God patiently endures this horrible misrepresentation, while simple people quietly effuse His humble, merciful, loving ways. Jesus was and is rejected today because He has no Hollywood appeal- a simple carpenter, living an extraordinary life, but rejecting the power, influence, and fame that could have been easliy His.
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Just - another - three - letter - word - some - people - might - use - it - in - their - evaluation - some - might - not - just - another - three - letter - word - just another absolute in the life with no absolutes (HYPOCRITE)!
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Nietzsche died of syphilis.
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God is awsome
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one of the whole
one of the two said "but i am the real twin" half of the whole said "i am complete" and we laughed
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Psalm 83:18
That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth.
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Different things to different people. Different concepts. Different names. Different expectations. Different religions. Made-up? Not real? Invisable? Imaginary? Strong? Weak? Big? Small? He? She? Beautiful? Ugly? So many questions. No answers. Is there a heaven? Is there a hell? Where do we go when we die? Do we just become food for worms, or is there more to life than that? Is there another world? A paradise perhaps? We will never know. We can only wait until the day that we are taken.
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not i. free to be subservient.
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pieces of a broken god we are find It in silence.
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If this were my last breath, I'd tell you where I'll be. Then I'd ask you if you'd be there with me. --PFR
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I don't understand how anyone can pretend that God doesn't exist. It's much harder to look for reasons to disprove God, because they simply aren't there.
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Why fight AGAINST something that doesn't exist? Even flinching at the arm of God is acknowledging that your enemy IS. An enemy who bombards your sticks and stones with love... more love... and more love... and more love... and more love... but you don't want love, do you?
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its not about me
If you believe in God and you're wrong, then it doesn't matter. You were happy when you died. If you believe and you're right, i'll see you there.
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My God If you believe in some god, fine. I mean all of you or anyone, not just those few I have special affection for and (thank god) have the same for me, although I certainly have affection for all who take precious time to blathe even when it's so dark so much of the day and so cold; but I digress. My hope for you then is that you are not like many - probably almost all - people who do the same. They use belief in a god as a crutch for insecurity in facing the reality that humans cannot know everything, to supply a substitute (in the form of some person like a rabbi, priest, minister, or shaman) for thinking for themselves on difficult questions, or, worst of all, to abdicate personal responsibility to participate in solving the real problems of the world, their countries, their regions, their cities, and their neighborhoods, not to mention their families and their children. I wish everybody would simply accept that we can never know everything and that the unknown is not a reasonable cause for insecurity but an opportunity to have eureka experiences or learn from those who have. So I wish everyone, rather than wasting money on a god who surely doesn't need the money, would support science and other forms of learning for learning's sake, so that we can know as much as possible and provide as sound as possible a basis for effectively addressing real problems that afflict our planet and all its people. I wish everyone would be secure enough to think for herself or himself, then surely war and genocide would rarely occur. I wish everybody would believe, as President Kennedy said, "On this Earth, God's work must truly be our own." And act on that belief rather than waste money on and sit in "places of worship" other than personal living spaces, neighborhood centers, the open sea, or the open air. On that note, I'm going to worship this afternoon. Anyone want to come cross-country skiing with me to make sure the eagles' nests have not been disturbed? Copr. 1999
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your god is in your dreams and in your soul wanting you to hear between your shots and agitation draw near into the voice you’re looking for that calms your heart trading your faults for what you’ve always wanted …what you’ve needed without knowing come into that simple fortune place …that god within your soul
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question: what happens when you combine an agnostic, a dyslexic, and an insomniac? answer: a person who stays up all nite, wondering if there really is a dog. ha! ha! eh.. yeah
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GOD ;o)
:o) all these answers are part of the hole.. i mean whole... I have enjoyed all your replies signed, God
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"Contrariwise," continued Tweedledee, "if it was so, it might be; and if it were so, it would be: but as it isn't, it ain't. 'That's logic."
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Divine Madnesss
What we call God can, logically, be nothing or everything, none of this gray matter in the middle. I prefer to believe that god is both--god, all in all, seems to defy pure human logic through paradox that extends beyond human comprehensive capability.
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What do I do here? Don’t say you don’t know I need to figure it out Don’t let me have another nervous breakdown Just tell me the truth What I want to hear I tried so hard Why did you repay me with this? What did I do to deserve this? Why would God have let this happen Is he really there? You would think he’d be more real More caring then this Guess he isn’t what I thought I hate men Wasting energy I can’t deal with it anymore If people only cared We kill each other Use each other Since when did God stop working? Someone wake him up Not selfish, just worried He lost control once and gave up Don’t give up so easily Why won’t he listen… Can’t force it…but can’t pretend Now that I’m lost Now that I’m trapped How do I get back to where I was before? Why am I the one... I get teased and used I just need to be safe I need to find a way back to the past I need to get to him and let him know Maybe something happened to him Maybe he is as lost as I am I can’t fight on my own I am too weak I can’ be everything to everyone Why do they take advantage and think that Never gonna find a way to him Never gonna change things I give up
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i once z e a l o u s l y tried to argue with a surfer who said that she saw god on a p e r f e c t wave in a perfect s u n s e t i wish i had seen the light that day there is no room i n s i d e a box
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Moravian Piglet.
To me, as a Christian, God is my creator, my saviour, my being, my everything. As I say in the creed, "All things come from you, and of your own do we give you." God is first and last, one and three, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God is my all.
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if you say so
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"Before" does not outstrip Him, "after" does not interrupt Him "of" does not vie with Him for precedence "from" does not accord with Him "to" does not join with Him "in" does not inhabit Him "when" does not stop Him "if" does not consult with Him "over" does not overshadow Him "under" does not support Him "opposite" does not face Him "with" does not press Him "behind" does not limit Him "previous" does not display Him "after" does not cause Him to pass away "all" does not unite Him "is" does not bring Him into being "is not" does not deprive Him from Being. Concealment does not veil Him His pre-existence preceded time, His being preceded non-being, His eternity preceded limit. If thou sayest 'when', His existing has outstripped time; If thou sayest 'before', before is after Him; If thou sayest 'he', 'h' and 'e' are His creation; If thou sayest 'how', His essence is veiled from description; If thou sayest 'where', His being preceded space; If thou sayest 'ipseity' (ma huwa), His ipseity (huwiwah) is apart from things. Other than He cannot be qualified by two (opposite) qualities at one time; yet With Him they do not create opposition. He is hidden in His manifestation, manifest in His concealing. He is outward and inward, near and far; and in this respect He is removed beyond the resemblance of creation. He acts without contact, instructs without meeting, guides without pointing. Desires do not conflict with Him, thoughts do not mingle with Him: His essence is without qualification, His action without effort.
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old hick
Bill here had a near death experience once. He saw God. Oh really? (turning to Bill) What's God like? She's black.
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Useless. I figure head in the church's campaign to brainwash humanity. A political tool. A somewhat amusing attempt to answer all that cannot be answered. A symbol of order in the chaos that is. Comfort to those who cannot face the fact that in the universe comfort has no place. Terror, fear, manipulation, and VIOLENCE are the laws of nature. Chaos is, was, and will be whether we choose to accept it or not.
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I am god. Now quit grovelling. (who says a god can't sit back and unwind at blather.newdream.net for a bit?)
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ya know, no. god would be somting totally different if alot of old people would have wrote somthing else completly different in a book. now why people belive it, i wonder why? tell them to fuck themselfs for all they care, and click on fuck, add to the fuckers, fucking on a god page, go fuckin figure.......
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god is a strange thing... i used to be an atheist, i thought religion was stupid, silly, a waste of time and energy... my parents didn't bring me up with religion or anything, i didn't believe in much. but then i met this girl... this wonderful, wonderful girl. she opened my eyes to so many things that i took for granted. she's a methodist. and i began to believe... to really believe in things that weren't material, things that were beyond what i could know... god may be as much the people you know as anything.
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even most atheists believe in things that arn't material, such as capitalism and the international date line
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and a lotta people
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The believer accepts the existence of god on faith. Then, does not the non believer deny the existence of god on a similar faith ? At some point or another the non believer has to accept a fundamental premise upon empirical knoweledge which he or she has faith, or some hazy concept akin to faith in. How can one faith be more valid than another ? For this reason I can niether deny nor accept the existence of god.
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One "faith" is based on the unquestioning acceptance of the stale dogma of an antiquated time; one is based on an evolved, evolving system of logical reasoning and deduction. (Inevitably, this were the same, the -only- human system of reasoning that once nurtured the young, plausible-at-that-state-of-knowledge would-be dogma before it grew so unavoidably, and, to some, unnoticably, outdated and had those now justifiably "nonbelieving" puppma's of its own). The difference is in levels of absurdity -- between "prove to me that fluorescent purple, magical dancing gophers don't grow on trees" and "give me any remotely logical, potentially supportable reason to even -approach- the possibility that fluorescent purple, magical-whatever gophers might grow on trees before I embarass the intelligent few of our species by taking you seriously enough to expend the effort it takes to disbelieve". No faith "need" be more "valid", nor more "right" or "wrong". But, as certainly as humanity seeks to impose order on his life, the nearly-standardized (though, of course, neither by any claim of mine perfect, universal, nor even, arguably, objective) system that our wee minds have developed by which to impose that order is one of certain humanly-universal standards/fundamental hypotheses of the logic of neural networking. That is, so far as I have yet reasoned, either belief can be more or less logical by some measure of our present and/or accumulative logical standings. From here, it all grows suddenly and quite gelatinously political, and I prefer to very subtly, somehow, stop blathering. ... Oh, eh-- look! Over there!...
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Midnight Bliss
is a figment of one's imagination...maybe it just takes patience to wait for him to answer you, but i have no patience...i have no proof that he exists...although i want to beleive he's there, i just can't bring myself to beleive it...it's all a bunch of crap to me...he is said to be good, he is said to be almighty, he is said to have absolute power, yet when will he prevail? when will he allow me to know that he's 4real? when will i come out of this "darkness" to see that he is the brighter side of life? never...never...i will never leave my entrancing darkness...i seek comfort in the darkness, so why waste my time looking for the light of the "god"? i don't undersand...
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the ones who don't believe bash the ones who do, and vice versa. athiest dogma vs. christian dogma. things get so funny on this thing sometimes.
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God never existed.
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it's just a word; dog spelled backwards.
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too many people use god as a life-after-death insurance policy. a just-in-case "because you don't want to be wrong"... that god sounds like another name for fear.
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'God'-or any other name you would like to use-is the cunning invention of man, and we cover that invention, by incese, by rituals, by various forms of beliefs, dogmas, separating man as catholics, hindus, moslems, parsis, buddhists, all the clever cunning structure invented by man. Man, having invented it, is caught in it. Without understanding the present world, the world he lives in-the world of his misery, the world of his confusion, sorrow, anxiety, despair, and the agony of existence, the complete loneliness, the sence of utter futility of life-without understandig all that, the mere multiplication of ideas, however satisfactory, has no value at all.
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Your mind must be completely free,and only then can you see what is true-not by acceptanceof some superstition, nor by reading of the so-call sacred books, nor by following some guru. Only when you have this freedom,this real freedom from external influencesas well as from your own desires and longings so that your mind is verey clear-only then is it possible to find out what GOD is. But if you merly sit down and speculate, than your guess is as good as your guru's and equally illusory.
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Is detachment from one's longings and desires, and I would guess all other subjective threads of existence, really possible ? It seems to me that finding out this whole god business in the state you prescribe would be futile. How can i discover truth out of myself from a cold third person stance? God cannot be found in a world independent of self. Of course, all of this presupposes the possibility of a god, which I find more and more amusing.....
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The mind is the known-the known being that wich has been experienced. With that measure, we try to know the unknown. But the known can obviously never know the unknown; It can know only what it has experienced, what it has been taught, what it has gathered. Can the mind see the trueth of its own incapacity to know the unknown? Surely if I see very clearly that my mind can not know the unknown, there is absolute quietness. If I feel like I can capture the unkown with the known, I make a lot of noise; I talk, I reject, I choose, I try to find a way to it. But if the mind relizes its own absolute incapacity to know the unknown, if it perceives that it connot take a single step towards the unknown, then what happens? The mind becomes utterly silent. It is not in despair; it is no longer seeking anything.
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If there really was a christian god I think I'd like to wring his neck for him, for condemming me to a punishment without a trial, and without my consent or even my knowlege. God, if you're realy out there, you're a complete and utter bastard.
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is nameless, faceless, yet we're told he's still out there somewhere, waiting for us to hold out our hands and touch his face, which isn't really there. Or so we're told.
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People say that it would be much easier to eblieve in God if he would make himself known. If God is this all powerful being, why doesn't od just show up at my front door? Because if he did, I'd have to believe in him. I'd have no chice. Now, I believe in him because I want to. It's called free will people. Hear, O Israel! Our lord, our God. Our Lord is one.
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People say that it would be much easier to believe in God if he would make himself known. If God is this all powerful being, why doesn't God just show up at my front door? Because if he did, I'd have to believe in him. I'd have no choice. Now, I believe in him because I want to. It's called free will people. Hear, O Israel! Our lord, our God. Our Lord is one.
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Scratching my head (with both hands!) That's either some or no idea bubbling Catholic school changed everything, of course. Now, after Satre and Lao Tzu I have even less of a definite answer. Rrgh. Why am I here?
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Winged Serpent (the imago emerges)
i've said it before i'll say it again. But it appears i must say it differently now. These things undermine the faith i had as a child: * if heaven is perfect, then why did some of the angels rebel? surely, if all was in complete harmony, if it truly was the best of all possible worlds, free will would dictate acceptance of the status quo. G-d demands absolutes from us that he himself cannot live up to. * the creation and continued existence of Hell undermines the notion of a loving and all-forgiving deity, especially when one compares the span of a human lifetime to the concept of eternity. The devil in his infinite hubris would still have to acknowledge that if G-d is still the higher power and the biblical apocalypse is both inevitable and a forgone conclusion, then he would have no other recourse than to repent his transgressions. yet he does not. So what gives? * If god is both omniscient and omnipotent, he knows what we will be guilty of before we are guilty of it. Scripture says that if we are aware of the wrongs that another intends to commit but take no action against it, than we are as guilty as the transgressors themselves. "in what i have done and in what i have failed to do." G-d is/was/will be aware of our sins ong before we ever think to commit them, but lets us go on unabataed anyway. * If, as i have stated before, the biblical apocalypse is both inevitable and a foregone conclusion, then it stands to reason that G-d created the world with the intention of destroying it when he no longer felt like dealing with it (not that he's dealt directly with any of it since the period of history covered in the earliest parts of the new testament. Knowing this, i cannot give my love, faith or acceptance to somone who has been plotting the end of the world from the moment he created it. Prophecy is the window to the predestined, predestination negates free will. If i am evil, if i do wrong, it is the will and the fault of him that set me in motion. Good requires evil to define itself against. G-d created the devil, meaning that the devil himself is the work of G-d, "quod era demonstratum" (meaning roughly "effectively demonstrating") that evil is the work of G-d. I neither believe nor disbelieve, this is the nature of paradox. Either stance necessitates acceptance of a set of absolutes that will, under close scrutiny, contradict themselves.
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silent bob
God is that religious grandfather's voice that screams at us from THOUSANDS of years ago.."Do it...do it and i'll FUCKIN SPANK YOU!"
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raped my eyes of seeing all good things with his evil creations. therefore, i cover my eyes from his presence. he does not exist anymore.
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One of the only things we as a species are willing to accept without any physical proof. Hmmm...
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...as we lay that next morning.....our bodies entwined....she kept whispering about angels and god as all i could hear was those demon trumpets and devil trombones......dog, the devil it is all the same....perspective hazy.....smelling the last shred of her sweet, sweet, innocence I tasted her sould .......she says she saw god and finally heard the trumpets herralding her decent into the darkness.....the hedonism she once shunned......and for that very moment she was mine
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"god is dead" --Nietzche "god is dead, but who would have thought he was so short?" --the kids in the hall "nietzche is dead" --god
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the real you
I picture some sort of on off switch inside... don't ask me what it does. Make you happy, maybe?
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god is whatever. god is our excuse to live. god is there so that we can try to make sense of our sad little lives. we create a god because we can't possibly imagine that what we are is it. because if we were were truly the essence of exitstence, that would be very pathetic. because that means there is something more. and that means we would have to care about our lives. but we don't. and if there is a god, i hope he's got a sense of humour. in religion class, the textbook tried to describe god. 'god is everything. god is in everything and everyone. god came from himself. god exists completely out of time and space. god is inconditional love. god is love better than any human. god will be waiting for you with open arms. god is three parts yet complete on it's own. god just wants you to be happy. all god wants is for you to be like him'.....and the whole time i was reading it, i was just thinking 'who in the world would want that???' not me.
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you know what's wierd? one day, each and every one of us will discover if god really exists. and you can't run. because you will be faced with the answer. when you die, you will then know the answer. now, i give you something to look forward to. this is something to look forward to. you will know, but i'm not sure if i'm ready to know yet. not now, anyways.
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are you calling me fat?
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death is only once, there is no looking back, if god were to show up in the physical nothing would change.. look at the israelites,as told in the story,waters of the oceans were parted,still nothing was changed. God is what becomes your infatuation, your preoccupation
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If he exists, he has no bearing on any of the decisions I make in my life. If he doesn't exist, then I'm a hipocrite. Either way, I'm still breathing, so it really doesn't matter. And if I stop breathing for some reason, then it will matter even less.
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I believe that there is no God as a such. I do, however believe that there is a higher diety. If a god didn't create the planets, but the Big-Bang, who put the dust, or whatever other particles in space for the Big-Bang to be possible?
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pixies pal
My mormon friend told me she asked her brother what he thought of the Big Bang theory. He said "It doesn't shake my faith in God. If there was a big bang, then that's how god did it."
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Lao Tzu (more or less)
When the path is lost, there is goodness When goodness is lost, there is morality When morality is lost, there is ritual Ritual is the husk of true faith; The beginning of chaos
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Like an automobile a watch and a house, all of which have a unique plan and design which took a designer to design it, so do things like people, plants, and animals also have a unique plan and design with their own designer, namely God.
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...sometimes ya just don't come through
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Lao it's cool to know you frequent this place - Lao Tzu "Seeking Him I reached the mosque. But all I found there were vain discussions on sacraments and ceremonials. I was advised to go visit the temple. There I found only idols being worshipped and gongs being sounded."
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Lao Tzu (literally "old man")
we join spokes together in a wheel, but it is the center hole that makes the wagon move. We shape clay into a pot, but it is the emptiness inside that makes it useful. We hammer wood for a house, but it is the inner space that makes it livable. We work with being, but non-being is what we use.
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Lao Tzu (literally "old man")
god is just the torch light in an otherwise dark and scary cave. i prefer using my own flashlight.
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Who is the creator of World wide web (WWW) or Internet, a Global Network for you to exercise your creativity; explore the greatness of Hell, Heaven and our Universe; enjoy the taste of Ultimate Bliss or Happiness; ... With the advances of the electronic, digital and computing, wireless, ... technologies, you are able to read, view and perceive the dirty and beauty parts of our World; change the shape of our Universe; ... It must be GOD... or somebody with the permission from GOD???
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GOD's Power Power (P) is Effort (E) over Time (T) P = E/T Time (T) is Money (M) T = M Money (M) can buy material (m) M = m Thus, P = E/m or Power is Effort over material. Given that our (including GOd ???)maximum Effort is limited, it concluded that to gain more Power beyond the maximum Effort is to reduce the material needs. GOD's Power is Limitless or Inifinity, thus m must be equal to 0 or ZERO material. Sound Interesting, But ABSTRACT!!!.
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***** ubliss:- The Ultimate Bliss ***** Subject: GOD's Power Version 1.1 Power (P) is Effort (E) over Time (T) P = E/T Time (T) is Money (M) T = M Money (M) can buy material (m) M = m Thus, P = E/M or E/m i.e. Power is Effort over Money or Power is Effort over material. Given that Total Effort we can deliver or contribute in our Life Time is limited as we can't solve all our past, present and future problems and/or issues, it means that the only WAY to gain more Power beyond our Total Effort is to reduce the Money or Material needs. If we accept and believe that 1. GOD can't solve or help us to solve all our problems/ issues; and all the problems/ issues in our Universe; and 2. GOD's Power is Limitlessness or Infinity, then M & m must both be equal to ZERO. GOD has ZERO Money and ZERO material by the above Scientific Reasoning. Sound LOGICAL, But ABSTRACT!!!. ©2000 ubliss.com. All rights reserved.
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The CREATOR of GOD It could created by SOMETHING, by SOMEBODY, by CHANCE, by NOBODY or from NOTHING. If it can't be created by SOMETHING or by SOMEBODY, then it is created by CHANCE, by NOBODY or from NOTHING.
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Where ever you are. What ever you do. He's there. When ever you feel like there's no where to turn. He's with you. Don't be affraid. He and I will allways support and protect you. allways. He is with you.
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i am god. so are you.
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Those of you "scientific" fellows out there really should chalk up on your knowledge of the historical accuracy and scientific accuaracy contained in the Bible. It's fairly amazing that the Bible had over fourty different authors write books of it over hundreds of years in about three different languages, and they didn't contradict eachother. So you can say there is no God if you'd like, but your arguments about the Bible being written by a bunch of old men falls pretty flat. The only certain thing I can point out is that no amount of blathering, debating, ranting or raving here will bring closure to the idea or truth behind God. It seems that the majority of blatheres are the kind of people that are willing to blame the world if they get a nosebleed, or stub their toe. The basic attitude seems to be "If there is a God, why did he make my life so rotten." I can only speak for myself when I say that I know exactly why my life has been rotten... and the damndest thing is that it's been that way specifically when I do the exact opposites of the values and morals taught in the Bible. You should give it a read sometime. I'm not sure if they sell cliff notes.
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how typically condescending
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if the mechanics of faith are correct than it stands to reason that some of us were predestined to oppose God or deny God if he does not exist, it's no great surprise to me if he does exist i hate him for what he has planned dear_god
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The Puppettron
I am god. worship me. and my pants. »from nothing to nothing« »die at my command«
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Babylon Brother
God, why do men have nipples? Ok --- one of mine is erogenous --- so, why do I have two?
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erin th juicy jipsy
Dios mio!
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***The CREATOR of GOD v2*** It could be created by SOMETHING, by SOMEBODY, by CHANCE, by NOBODY or from NOTHING. If it is not created by SOMEBODY or by SOMETHING, then it is created by CHANCE, by NOBODY or from NOTHING. A feasible answer of the creator of GOD... GOD is created by one or more of the followings: - SOMEBODY or SOMETHING - CHANCE - NOBODY or from NOTHING - None of the above; or The Creator of GOD is an unsolvable question!!!
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yeh. if i think about it too much, my heads start to hurt. don't let it get you down, though. go buy a syd barrett ablbum and burn up a fat doob. i approve!
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a hope follish humans look for
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***ubliss: The Ultimate Bliss*** Subject: GOD Those who know GOD, do not require GOD... Those who require GOD, do not know GOD... Copyright 2000. ubliss.com
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the concept of god is an illusion that we project out of our manifest need for a higher power we define god-he rejects us dispassionately
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god (still in mexico)
and i grow the best weed!
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yeah, he's pretty high alright... how else do you explain the platypus
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***ubliss: The Ultimate Bliss*** Subject: GOD v2.0 Those who know GOD, do not require GOD... Those who require GOD, do not know GOD... Those who know GOD, do not search for GOD... Those who search for GOD, do not know GOD... Those who know GOD, do not pray to GOD? Those who pray to GOD, do not know GOD? Are there any certain and visible WAYS to DISCOVER GOD and to show the existence of GOD? Copyright 2000. ubliss.com
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g. zuss
i know where he lives!
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where is god? please tell me i need to see him & ask him a question i have to ask him: why u and why me?
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god getting a massage
dude- i'm on vacation. satan is in charge while i'm away. i'll answer questions next week. for now i'm just pokin' around at my leisure.
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Glory Box
is a confusing concept, wrapped in visions of beautiful virgins and virtuous housewives, both on my "To Do" list.
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yo yo yo. yo quiero taco bell. ha ha. i'm back!
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god is a way people can get on with their lives. If one believes that something greater than themselves is watching over them, they feel comforted. I believe it is bullshit however. That is just my opinion and everyone needs to find there own way to fill the gap in your heart. By god, by music, by love. Whatever works for you. I think that telling a person they are wrong about what they believe isn't fair either. If they believe it, it is true for them. Even if they are delusional ar whatever. I just couldn't believe in an evil god. I mean god sends people to eternal damnation if you don't believe that he sent his son to be slaughtered on a cross for you. evil evil. He killed his own son. fine jesus choose his fate. Either way he is selfish. If you don't believe in ME you are going to suffer the rest of your eternal life!!! However, if you do believe in me, you will live a happy and blissful existance for eternity. How dumb is that? I personally want to just die and be done with it and that is exactly what I believe will happen. But is up to everyone to make their own decision, but to be open and understanding to everyone else.
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Creamy God
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yup. p.s. see ask_silentbob for the answer to above.
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Of course I want to know what happens when I die. That means to me that I am not going to blindly follow someone else's beliefs. I am going to follow my own beliefs. I won't know what the hell happens and who is right until I am quite dead. I don't want to close my mind while I can still be open to other opinions and options.
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more power to ya.
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Is Bible a Fiction, a Story, a Description, a Theory or a Biography about GOD?
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There is no god but Man. Every man and every woman is a star. Every number is infinite; there is no difference.
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Dear SnAkEyEs, Are you trying to conclude that GOD is a fabricated figure from MAN? Is it true that in REALITY, most of the men and women are destined to be MOLES of DUST instead of twinkling STARS?
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moles of dust? that's cool. every man, every woman shall be a mole, a mote, a star, etc. everybody will be everything.
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god knows i'm helpless to speak on my own behalf god is as helpless as me caught in the negatives we all just do as we please false transmissions i hope god forgives me for my transgressions it's what you want to know no consequences it's what you need to fucking bleed it's all too much god knows i'm helpless god knows i'm restless and weak full of piss and vinegar god knows we sow what we reap in the dirt of granduer when the darkness comes to me and it fixes it's gaze on me god knows i'm helpless it's what you want to know no consequences it's what you need to fucking bleed it's all too much god knows i'm helpless you break your back for what you can't have you can't turn back god knows i'm helpless ----- billy corgan
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i know.
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Who knows? I sure as heck don't, and I have a fair amount of dislike for people who think they're absolutely right. I'm very willing to hear people out on the subject, and discuss it politely, but I don't like having another belief forced on me. I guess we'll all find out at some point or another? God is all that can be, might be, could be, is was, will be, and any other tense you can think of. Maybe. Or maybe He (Or She, or It) is not there at all. Maybe it doesn't matter. And infinite number of maybes, with an infinite number of truths in each. Maybe. I don't happen to believe in a Supreme Being. However, I DO think we should stop killing each other over something we don't know about. Would you kill someone who doesn't believe in Black Holes, or who had a different idea about what a Theoretical Particle is? I'm not normally one to say who is right and who is wrong, but I think most of us can agree that violence in the name of a Supreme Being, who is supposed to be kind and forgiving, according to most world religeons, is not a good thing for any of the parties involved. The powers of the world used their God as their sword, instead of the shield their God was supposed to be. They killed in the name of the one who was supposed to save them. How is that right? How could The Almighty Is let that happen? Who knows? God moves in mysterious ways, according to some. Rock on, and Keep the Faith
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Given that GOD has Nothing and can't own anything, even a mote of dust. Do you wish to be God or want to become GOD?
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i'm going to b.p.a. to get a beer
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Quiggz's scapula is god..hehehehe..: )
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yes it is
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Bell R
What if God smoked cannibus?
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you know me
::sigh:: i got depressed reading all of these... (i was depressed already, but that's not the point) i feel sorry for all of you who believe there is not a God or that He is only out there to get you- all He wants to do is love you- and it's US who keep getting in the way. He gave us the choices, and reading all of this, (i know He already has) it broke my heart- and i just can't understand how you can all think "how can bad things happen to good people?" i have a better question: how much worse could it have been? how much did He prevent from happening? i've been through a LOT of bad stuff in my life- i was raped when i was just a little girl more than once- i grew up in a house where my mom didn't even like me- i have a lot of medical problems- and yet, though it was all terrible, though i wish i could make it go away, at least i have Him to turn to even if nobody else is there. and i only wish i could share that kind of hope with all of you- but it's up to you- your choice. but, i can do something, and i will as often as i can: i'll pray for you guys~
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*** Breaking News *** GOD is the Layman's terms for The Creator or Inventor of U, the UNIVERSE, who created U from NOTHING, with its limitless POWER, i.e. POWER of Creativity. You may refer to * In_Search_of_Nothing for some new findings about GOD and your Ancestors and its relationships with you. It is always good not to depress or SHIT on Someone, in particular GOD UNLESS you got very compulsive and irresistible reason(s) for doing that.
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please don't shit on me!
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"you know me"::: arrogantly put; what an open mind you have... tis the blind recruiting the blind
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yeh. follow me.
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Thank God/goodness/heaven(s) for creating some stars in my MIND. Something must be wrong somewhere. And something must be changed, improved or revised,..., or in the worst scenario, put_to_ DEATH or recreated from NOTHING... It should be read as *** It is always good not to depress or SHIT on Someone, in particular GOD UNLESS you got Pretty good, probably new shit(s) and Very compulsive and irresistible reason(s) for doing that. *** Is this acceptable to ALL?
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or not, who knows? I do, God is, after all all that is is part of God and God is all that is. Isn't he? I mean the mere intention of God creates worlds, nay universes of light, and light is the revealer of all. Who knows/I do
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Life, the one question that no one can answer. Death, The single concept in this world that everyone just happens to be terrified of. So we hear a story of this so called god and put all of our energy into this one belief so that we dont have to be scared anymore. Instead of being afraid, we are living a lie. People cannot cope with the fact that some questions just dont have answers. Society is based on fear. If children dont go to school, they are afraid that they will be in trouble with their parents, people dont go around killing each other, in fear that they are going to be arrested, just like the people who go to church, in fear that they will be, "damned to hell," if they dont, as if they HAVE to believe in this concept, because if they dont, they will suffer some sort of terrible fate, oh, and it doesnt hurt to go anyway, even if its all a bunch of bullshit, she can just show up and it will all be fine. That way we dont have to face things on our own, we can just be content knowing that we have some sort of scape goat at all times.
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hi colleen. how are you? i think you're cool.
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Something must be wrong somewhere. And something must be changed, improved or revised,..., or in the worst scenario, put_to_DEATH or recreated from NOTHING... It should be read as *** It is always good not to depress or SHIT on SOMEONE, in particular God UNLESS YOU got Pretty good, probably new shit(s) and Very compulsive and irresistible reason(s) for doing that; AND YOU don't affraid to_put_to_death by SOMEONE... *** Given that Nobody is not possible to please Everybody, it seems that SHITTING is the way of life for Everybody...
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It should be read as *** It is always good not to depress or SHIT on SOMEONE, in particular God UNLESS YOU got Pretty good, probably new shit(s) and Very compulsive and irresistible reason(s) for doing that; AND YOU don't afraid to_put_to_death by SOMEONE... *** Given that Nobody is able to please Everybody, it seems that SHITTING is the way of life for Everybody... 010122
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can i get a t-shirt with that on it?
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Okay people, that's it. I will now explain it to you all. First, my disclaimer: I mean in no way to offend or put down anyone with different or opposing beliefs. Good for you all. However, here's how it is. God is not there. This is not because of the existence of the slightest or greatest evils that make life a less than perfect experience. It is because people who have trouble coping with the imperfections in life have to give themselves something to make them feel better about the whole thing. Example: someone's mother is killed, it's okay, she's in a better place now and her killer will suffer an eternity in hell. Wow, that someone feels better now. It is also a comfort to those who would rather have a quick and easy answer to the infinite amount of "why" and "how" questions that clutter our brains about life. Example: how did the world begin? God made it. why are we here? to serve God so we can go to heaven. Heaven. Another comforting thought. It would really suck if, after we die, we just lay six feet under to be eaten by worms. But according to God, that's okay because people do not exist solely in their physical bodies, it's their souls that matter and their souls go to heaven. Well, good, now we won't have to think about becoming some icky, decaying matter under ground. My basic point is this: for all problems that people have to deal with and all answers we cannot find, making God the solution makes everyone feel all warm and content inside. I also want to add that Christianity, or mostly any religion for that matter, is not a bad thing. They teach their followers to be kind to others and to practice good morality. No problem there. The problem is that the followers rely on their religion to explain things for which they, as of yet, have no answer. They believe in order to avoid having to accept the possibility that problems are problems, there isn't always a bright side and that there are some things beyond our understanding. Isn't that just terrifying! That's all I had to say. Become your on comfort and find your own answers, even if the answer is that there is none. Thank you.
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what they said
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How do you assess / rank the value of the followings:- 1) GOD (i.e. The creator of The Universe) 2) STAR 3) SHIT 4) Yourself and 5) NOTHING.
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they are all part of me. i am them. there is no difference.
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GOD is as good as NOTHING?
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GOD is as good as NOTHING?
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The Truth or PCA, Politically Correct Answer from god?
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or GOD is talented bullshiter, as BAD as Everybody else?
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or GOD is a talented bullshitter, a Master of ART of Bullshit... as Good as, if not better than Everybody else?
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hey thanks, (i think)
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Dear GOD, What are typical SHIT(s) created or made by You?
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I guess there is no denying God, if God is the Creator. For as surely as you and everything around you came from all that is...you will return there one day. Perhaps next time around the material that is you will come back as something like that chair you sit on, or the carpet under your feet. A fitting existence for someone so unappreciative of the glorious fate that is being human. So wrapped up in your deluesions of suffering that you fail to marvel at that which created you, this big beautiful creation machine that is the universe. "And WHO made the universe?" You ask. You arrogant little nothing. Who CARES?!! Aren't you glad it's here? If it weren't, what question would you ask then? Guess you wouldn't, would you?
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just some mean bitch
excuse me, but who the fuck do you think you're calling an arogant little nothing? you seem to be defending the Christian, God-fearing side here. yeah, that doesn't sound like the kind of thing a good Christian should be saying. do not judge others. oh, and by the way, fuck you.
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Chill people! It's only god for christs sake (is that a contradiction?). Look at it this way: If I take a lamp, and shine it toward the wall, a bright spot will appear on the wall. The lamp is our search for truth, for understanding. Too often we assume that the light on the wall is god. But the light is not the goal of the search; it is the result of the search. The more intense the search, the brighter the light on the wall, the brighter the light on the wall, the greater the sense of revelation upon seeing it. Similarly, someone who does not search, who does not bring a lantern with him, sees nothing. What we perceive as god, is the by-product of our SEARCH for god. It may simply be an appreciation of the light, pure and unblemished, not understanding that it comes from us. Sometimes we stand in front of the light and assume that we are the centre of the universe, god looks astonishingly like we do. Or we turn to look at our shadow, and assume that all is darkness. If we allow ourselves to get in the way, we defeat the purpose, which is to use the light to illuminate the wall in all its beauty and all it's flaws. And in so doing better understand the world around us.
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The Truth or PCA from GOD's follower / believer? And Benefit of Doubt from little nothing... One of the beauties of U is that the questions & the search of U's Creator, GOD will probably never stop... Even someone, probably the best Scientist, is able to prove that GOD is Real. Given that Change is the only constant in U. And thus, GOD is subject to changes.... And new and more questions arise such as Is GOD really Real? How Real is Real? Which version of GOD is Real? If GOD is the only constant in the Universe(s). Is GOD still alive? etc..
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And more and more questions arise. What is the meaning of alive? Are You alive? Is Sun alive? Is stone alive? Is GOD as alive as Stone, Sun, You or Everything else, in particular, little nothing? And thus, In Search of GOD continue... ...
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And somehow you need to ask a good question: What is the Mother of all Theory about GOD? The simplest answer from little nothing is:- M_Theory as stated in The_Theory_of_Everything...
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Look at the arrogant so and so pop off with his head so far up his own ass that he thinks he sees God up there. Christianity? What is THAT? God...Creation? Yes YOU and your arrogance. Look at you assuming something about me...so used to putting the little Christians in their places aren't you? Well deny your very existence, THEN you can deny what I have to say. Deny your life, then deny your death. Deny that everything that you are made of came from this creation that you are in , then deny that it will return to that same place. Ha! Christianity is a solace for those who need it. Like he said, his flock. A light to guide the sheep. Fortunately some of us AREN'T sheep and don't need the guidance of Christaintity to see how truly insignificant we are. There are some of us who fortunately have the common sense and the humility to look beyond ourselves to that which cannot be denied...our own pitiful existence, YOURS and mine. Soooo angry...the anger of the self-centered little wanna be God. So sure of your enemy (the Christians right?) and yet so wrong. It's not the Christians that make you small in comparison, it is the very universe you exist in, that puts you in pathetic scale. Deal with that. You and I are nothing, little pink dibbles of dots in the grand scheme of things and THERE YOU are so MAD at the Christians...when they are nothing more than other little pink nothings like you and I. Look around you and be in awe of this creation, whether you believe in god or not...live in awe...for it's all you have...then its is gone. It'd better be enough. P.S. I'm NOT a Christian. Try a church if you'd like to bitch one out.
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Assume that the follwoing is True:- I Think therefore I Exist. What is the feaisible solution for both I Exist and I Think GOD exists? What is the probability that I Exist and I Think GOD exists?
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just some mean bitch
You are assuming the worst of your audience. Consider the possibility that we do appreciate our humanity, however insignificant as you may see it. If you think WE are arrogant, well I think YOU are ignorant. You think because someone is inquisitive about the origins of the universe and everything therein that they aren't appreciative of the very fact that it's there? No, you've got it all wrong - it's called a healthy thirst for knowledge. Seems to me that you are willing to take life at face value. I apologize if that is not enough for the rest of us, but some people enjoy pondering the impossible questions in life, enjoy thinking for its own sake. I happen to agree that Christianity is a solace for those who need it; for the sheep in his flock are only simple sheep unwilling or unable to guide themselves through their own lives. However, that the universe is so vast and limitless and that its population is so immense does not justify everyone in it having to see themselves as insignificant nothings, at least not to me. I believe that I am a significant and important part of the world, as should you, as should everyone. Your existence does not have to be, and should not be, "pitiful" as you put it. But that really depends on how you choose to spend it. P.S. I'll bitch out whomever I want, Christian or otherwise.
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Why do you all sit and violently agree with each other? Let's face it, life was an accident, the bible has become a fairy story that parents read their children if they want them to grow up to become economists. It's a farce, obviously you all can see that. Everything that has happened on this ball of dirt over the last 2 billion years, and everything that will happen in the next 17 years is totally insignifcant and utterly futile. The human race? Doubt it. This here is a fucking rat reace. Best just to get on with it.
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This THIRST for knowledge that you claim to have. What is it that you hope to gain by such knowledge? How does knowing the nature of galaxies and nebula help you to improve your human condition ONE iota? It doesn't of course. Instead it makes you and those whose example you follow like the man who looks far and wide for riches, while his home falls into neglect and is ransacked by thieves. In the end, you come back with nothing, and you come back to nothing. Did I say not to appreciate our human existence? Not at all. Once again you make assumptions, for your attitude won't let you read the words, it would rather you paraphrase and has you drawing your own conclusions on my way of seeing life and the human existence. No I didn't say that being human was inconsequential to humans. On the contrary, it is all we have. Rather being human does NOT make us gods that can look at the world around us and the universe as if they are bugs under the microscope, inanimate objects to be dissected and studied. They are where we come from, and at the very least deserving of some appreciation other than the cold calculating stare of a dispassionate psuedo-god. I love life and appreciate it more than you could EVER know. I REALIZE how close the stuff that is ME came to being the stuff that is this keyboard I type on, or the carpet under my feet. I am truly grateful, and HUMBLED by the knowledge that but for an accident of fate, the stuff that makes up me could have been in a rock buried 20 feet underground for 3,000 years. DO I ASSUME THE WORST OF MY AUDIENCE? You assume that YOU and others were my intended audience. No I blather, for me...not for you. It's a cleansing experience that I cherish and keep for ME. I wasn't SHARING, I was purging my frustration at the human race and it's common decision to wallow in its own universally insignificant glory.
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I had a cat named Jonathan once, he acted JUST like a dog.
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just some mean bitch
if you blather for yourself and only for yourself, then why do you insist on continuing this argument? I was simply stating my opinions in response to yours, you could have just left it alone, but you had to keep it up. that's the last thing I have to say to you on this subject.
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The first was a blather...for myself.. The rest was a response to your attack. I'm glad you've decided to discontinue your attacks. As of this, I will discontinue my responses to those attacks...and continue my peaceful wonderful blathering in peace.
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P.S. Saying "Fuck you!!" is not an opinion, it is an attack. Nuff sed.
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my name is jonathan
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Contrary to / Despite above twists and turns around GOD, the answer to following questions is still hidden by the SMOKE or SHIT, where appropriate:- Assume that the follwoing is True:- I Think therefore I Exist. What is the feaisible solution for both I Exist and I Think GOD exists? What is the probability that I Exist and I Think GOD exists?
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What is the feasible solution for I Exist and I Think GOD does not exist? What is the feasible solution for I do not Exist and I Think GOD exists? What is the feaisible solution for neither I Exist nor GOD exists?
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Hint: GOD Thinks therefore GOD Exists.
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and then assume YOU are GOD or GOD is NOTHING. e.g. What is the feaisible solution for neither I Exist nor YOU exists? What is the feaisible solution for neither I Exist nor NOTHING exists? Hopefully YOU can find the answer / probability of GOD's existence...
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Or more questions... such as Can NOTHING Think. Can You Think? Can Everything Think? Can GOD Think?
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And I Exist and GOD exists is as to CHICHEN and EGG relationship... And a CHICKEN & EGG conjecture extracted from The_Theory_of_Everything:- TQ 2.3 / CONJECTURE: CHICKEN & EGG Relationship CHICKEN is not evolved from EGG; and vice versa. Anyone, in Particular GOD want to validate or prove this? Copyright 2001. kx21.com
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Examine the following two sentences logically: Both of these statements are false. God exists. After close examination it will be revealed that this DOES indeed prove that "God exists." must be true.
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"I Refuse to prove that I exist," (says god) "for proof denies faith and without faith I am nothing". Ok, doesn't that make it seem like god is a product of faith? Just an anthropomorphic personification brought about by mans instinctive tendency to put faces to names? Without faith he is nothing, so therefore god is faith. Kill faith, Kill god.
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Ok first off, let me clarify something, when I speak the word GOD I mean Creator, period. Not some moral and ethical entity which will judge my every action in Christian terms. So for the "open-minded" of you who still have this close-minded view of what GOD means, there's another point of view to consider. I believe that to kill faith can no more kill god than killing yourself will kill your neighbor. (Unless of course you use a large bomb to kill yourself!) To believe that somehow something we DO or DO NOT do will somehow negate god is absolutely ridiculous to me, although if that's how someone chooses to see it, go for it. It's like an ant thinking that if he stops believing that there are such things as huge human feet in the universe, they will somehow magically vanish from existence. Like ostriches sticking their heads in the sand as if that will suddenly make the world go away. What's wrong with these ideas? These perspectives? Well there's not necessarily something WRONG with them, they are opinions after all and everyone's entitled to one. Where I believe they're flawed is in their assertion that somehow WE (or you) are the center of your universe and that this somehow empowers you to perform these amazing feats. It's when you start to realize that you are in fact nothing more than a small part of a greater whole that you realize how truly silly the self-centric perspective is. The universe, our creator, couldn't give a rat's ass whether you believe in it or not. Not anymore than I or someone else cares whether or not you can prove that I exist. Unimportant, irrelevant, and to even entertain the notion is, as I said before, certainly each man's personal prerogative, but also an incredible exercise in foolishness. This being the case, even if you DO speak of God in terms of some omniscient, omnipotent invisible being, the point is the same. Your believing or not believing in such a being (if such an entity exists) will no more negate the existence of that God than snapping your fingers will make you a millionaire. But hey, for a million bucks, (or a God-less world) I guess it's worth the effort huh?
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of course i exist.
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Without any Benefit of Doubt, GOD exist and can be traced virtually, and probably logically via different media & sources:- 1) The sound generated by Preachers, 2) The Publication related to religions, 3) The Point made by Blathers in WWW such as Blather.newdream.net, 4) The Movie produced by Movie makers, 5) The Picture crafted by Artists 6) The Fiction portrayed by Futurists 7) The Show presented by Illusionists, 8) Other forms such as opera, music, dance, Magic SPELL, etc... Is GOD really Real? How Real is Real? Which version of GOD is Real? Religion, Fiction, Movie, etc... Is GOD still alive? Can GOD Think, Feel, talk, eat, touch, chat on WWW, etc.? Who can prove these?
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hell, i'm here. that's good enough for me.
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Ok, so let us take the Ant analogy (this is not an arument by the way, debate is probably a better word, so anyone that gets offended, I apologise). Ok the Ant thing. Let's look at it this way; A human is to an ant, what god would be to us. Only thing is, an ant is a physical entity, as are humans. We know both to exist, so for an ant to get squashed when stepped on is pretty much the only course of action that it can take. However, the flaw in the comparison is that we have no proof that god exists, and if he did he would not be a physical entitiy. My point is that it would be possible to create an image of god in the minds of people, mass hallicination I suppose. If a certain number of people belive that teh tooth fairy exists, and if they all think the same way about her characteristics, the way she talks, and looks and maybe what kind of toothpaste she uses. Then to those people she would exist. Same thing with god/creator. There is a general agreement about how god looks (big white beard, angry wise old man thing kind of thing. I've seen statues in the Cathedral where I used to be a sound tech). So to those who believe that, he does indeed exist. To someone hearing their belifs, while not beliveing himself, it seems strange. Also, rather than people believeing that they are the center of their own universes, sure maybe some people do this, but they are generally of an unstable nature. As stated in my previous post, it seems that after close obervation that believers would be more enclined to think they are the center of the U. If god is the center of their U, then why MUST he take the form of a man? "Sometimes we stand in front of the light and believe we are the center of the universe, god looks astonisingly like we do. Or we turn to look at our shadows, and believe that all is darkness. If we allow ourselves to get in the way, we defeat the purpose, which is to use the light to illuminate the wall in all its beauty and all it's flaws. And in so doing better understand the world around us." How can someone who explores all possibilities - or at least as many as possible- be the center of anything when their attention is so divided? Now it's your turn Dafremen (a term from Dune perhaps?). I'd be interested to hear your thoughts.
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More questions... g1) Is it true that GOD is just an unque Character portrayed in a book, play, movie, etc.. instead of a Real & Alive Entity with eternal life in the Universe(s)? g2) What are the pros and cons if GOD is a Real Real Thing? g3) What are the pros and cons if GOD is just a portrayed Character, Virtual Entity or fabricated Figure ? g4) Given you a choice. Do you want GOD to be Phisically presence at or Phisically absence from the World, in particular your world? g5) Given that you do not want or like GOD to dictate and control everything in LIFE. What sort of relationships between You and GOD are considered appropriate?
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g6) Just in case there are some wisemen or fools stated that there are inappropriate relationships between You and GOD. Who is the best person that can give final verdict on this case?
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I think first off, that you are right, this IS a debate, but once again I'll hace to interject by saying that I think the whole thing is gut splittingly silly, but HERE WE GO! Ok what strikes me about your parapgraph and ahalf is that in the WHOLE thing we decided to throw out my alternate vision of what GOD is. MY god is VERY real extremely well documented in human history and in fact surrounds us every day of our endlessly short lives. We STILL insist on talking of this human fabricated entity, who may or may not exist and that's fine. The ability to prove the physical presence of such and entity certainly is NOT a requirement for it's existence anymore than the lack of a photograph of a black hole makes it subject to being winked out of existence by our lack of faith in it's existence. We can waste our time trying to make things go away or come into being by just imagining that they don't or do exist all that we want. The fact remains that just as your foot doesn't give a flying fig about whether or not that ant believes in it. Neither does the ant give a handjob to a blind priest whether you believe in it. We just don't HAVE that ability. It's just so absolutely silly to even THINK that our belief systems can wink things (ANY things) in or out of existence. If they exist, they exist, if they don't they may someday, or they may not, but one things for certain, our faith in their existence will not change the truth of their actual manifestation one bit. I can't stress my feeling on this enough...I think it's probably as absurd a notion as we humans have. That and the one about nothing around us REALLY existing. Good golly miss molly, nice mental exercise, fun philosophy, but absolutely useless. I would also like to point out something that just popped into my brain. Many people are apt to disregard some of the the works and words of Jesus of Nazareth as poppy-cock. That's a matter of personal opinion, but the reason I bring it up is this: When we talk about believing in the tooth fairy making the tooth fairy real, or not believing in God (the entity) making such a God dry up and blow away, we sound so much like Jesus talking about moving mountains and the like, that you have to ask yourself...are you as much of non-secular type as you actually THINK you are? Your words make you sound like Jesus preaching about faith. That's my 2 cents worth. The universe is the creator, it exists, it created you...make it go away...I DARE you.
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One final word that I forgot to add to that blather: If a bunch of people believe in the tooth fairy and a bunch of people don't, here is exactly what you have: If the tooth fairy DOESN'T exist, you have a bunch of idiots running around believing in something that doesn't exist. A tooth fairy popping out of thin air does not result from such belief. If the tooth fairy exists. you have a bunch of ignorant mo-foze who have been denying the existence of a REAL entity, which ALSO does not mean that this tooth fairy entity will just say "Ohh gee...noone believes in me anymore because they can never see me...guess I'll stop existing now." In either event, belief and/or faith have NOTHING to do with existence. Now if someone were to FABRICATE the tooth fairy as a result of their belief in the toothh fairy, that would be interesting, however it would jsut go to show that they didn't really believe that there WAS a tooth fairy, just that there SHOULD be a tooth fairy. Once again though...just believing ISN'T going to make it happen. Neither is disbelief. Sorry...wish it worked that way. I don't believe it does.
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Ohh yea and...my original alias/handle/screen name since I first got online 23 years ago was and always has been: Roger The Fremen = Roger Dafremen = Dafremen and YES...I have always been a huge fan of Dune since I was 9 and read the first 3 books.
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i got a dune buggy.
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7) Will it make any difference(s) to you if GOD is still alive or dead?
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Does it, by any chance, answer to the name of Speedy? Maybe Speed Buggy?
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The answer is probably:- 10% Yes, 10% No and 80% unsure or irrelevant...
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g8) Will it make any difference(s) to you if GOD is Real Entity or Virtual Object?
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g9) Is it true that God is absolutely independent of everything else?
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my dune buggy's name is tonya, and it is imaginary to MOST PEOPLE.
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that's quite a coincidence... i_got_a_cat_named_tonya
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g10) Given that God is absolutely independent of everything else. Does this imply that your fate is certainly not dependent on GOD?
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g11) If g10 is true, then there is no correlation between YOU and GOD. g12) It made no difference(s) between believers and non-believers of GOD... g13) And Heaven is not solely for believers of GOD, but is for Everybody, who are able to meet its stringent entry requirements and standards ... g14) And Hell is not solely for non-believers of GOD, but is for Everybody, who are able to meet its specific entry requirements and standards ... Copyright 2001. kx21.com
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15) GOD, SATAN, HEAVEN and HELL are no difference from EVERYTHING Else, such as www, The_Theory_of_Everything, particularly you, which are created, articulated, portrayed, etc.. by fellow sentient or non-sentient beings to add more colors to their LIFE and to beautify the inconceivable Universe...
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You...as usual are on quite a roll kx21. 1. The universe is your creator. 2. God is the creator. 3. The universe is God. However, Heaven and Hell? Revamp and resubmit the questions. The subject is INVALID.
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Dafremen! Damn you. I only read the first book when I was 11. I just got a Dune "thing" going in the last couple of weeks. My only copy of the book is pretty much dead, all fallen apart and stuff. So I ordered three copies online. and the rest of the books (except the B Herbert ones). And the original movie. Then the wide screen version. Then the three hour version. Now I'm gettting the mini series and some of the movie posters are getting block-mounted as we speak. Don't knwo why though. It's been a couple of years since the last time I read it. I dunno. Crazy. Costing me alot of money as well. Oh, right, sorry, the debate thing. Well, let's have a look at what you have left out... right. Pretty much all of what you have stated is a pretty good argument. Covered the angles pretty well (even if a bit delayed). One thing though. To someone who believes in the tooth fairy, say, some imaginative 6 year old. If you asked the kid if the tooth fairy existed, the kid would be adiment that she does (sanity seems to be something that develops just after puberty with most humans). To that six year old the tooth fairy exists just as much as his/her tricycle exists. While not being a physical entity. That belief does not bring about the physical prescence of the tooth fairy, but to this particular six year old it does. The same can be applied to god. There is always the misrepresentation theory. In medievil times, the church was all-powerful. It had the power to kill, create war, famine, anything. Even dictate birth to some extent. The people being very superstitious would believe anything. If someone in power within the church said "God wishes that this person be burned at the stake, because she is a witch", rather than god he would be talkign about someone higher up the chain of command, but the people would believe that it was god itself that had made that command. Belief can be a good thing. It can bring people together for a common cause or anything. But if you change the parameters, change belief into fear, as was done, you create slaves. The way that children are brought up in the ways of the church is actually a form of torture. You make them so scared that they follow what you tell them. Some people would call it scare tactics, but it goes deeper than that. I know this is going off the subject alot, but in my mind it raises the question, was the church ever about god in the first place? Or was it just a bunch of smart people playing on the fears of others to get themselves in a position of power? If I can't attack the belief system, I'll attack the source. So, it would seem that if you do the proper research, you'll find that the churches only started to FORCE belief/fear on the public back in about... 550 AD, to about 800 AD (I think, havn't got the material here). That system was passed from generation to generation. It merely ment that those who got into power in the church could appoint their friends and all develop this farce to get people to follow them, and in a sence worship them and give them money. These days it's much better because the original intent was lost. These days even thouse in power in the church think that they are doing the right thing. Well some of them, there are some who would use their power over people to their own means like in the old times, but the church in the end has cinvinced itself of the fallacy, and within another 500 years will be forgotten entirely. Screw the belif system, can't get my head around that, but if you stick to the doings of man, it's simplicity in itself. I suppose you have read Lord of the Rings DaFremen(?)
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BTW, I didn't really mean damn you. I forgot to put one of them stupid :-) things after it to indicate I was kidding. Hang on, you are smart enough to have figured that out already so why the hell am I typing this? Oh that's right, it's better than doing actual work.
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it was like this 923 trillion years before the earth was formed too.
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no words over this part
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It is good to note that g15) is just a logical conclusion from two assumptions from g10) & g11):- g10) Given that God is absolutely independent of everything else. Does this imply that your fate is certainly not dependent on GOD? g11) If your fate is certainly not dependent on GOD, then there is no correlation between YOU and GOD. g12) It made no difference(s) between believers and non-believers of GOD... g13) And Heaven is not solely for believers of GOD, but is for Everybody, who are able to meet its stringent entry requirements and standards ... g14) And Hell is not solely for non-believers of GOD, but is for Everybody, who are able to meet its specific entry requirements and standards ... 15) GOD, SATAN, HEAVEN and HELL are no difference from EVERYTHING Else, such as www, The_Theory_of_Everything, particularly you, which are created, articulated, portrayed, etc.. by fellow sentient or non-sentient beings to add more colors to their LIFE and to beautify the inconceivable Universe... Copyright 2001. kx21.com
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g15) GOD, SATAN, HEAVEN and HELL are no difference from EVERYTHING Else, such as www, The_Theory_of_Everything, particularly you, which are created, articulated, portrayed, etc.. by fellow sentient or non-sentient beings to add more colors to their LIFE and to beautify the inconceivable Universe... g15) is just a logical conclusion if GOD is absolutely independent of Everything else AND Your fate is not dependent on GOD.
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g16) Accordingly to scientists, every person on earth share 99.99 per cent of the same genetic code with all other people. Is this an evidence to support or validate g15)?
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You answered your own question DB, yea I got that! :) As for what men will do to other men, that's an entirely different subject. It's always been better to sh*t on people than to get sh*t on yourself. It's always better to rule than to be ruled. Does his belief in the tooth fairy make the tooth fairy real to the 6 year old? No, it makes his BELIEF in the reality of the tooth fairy real, but once again it STILL doesn't change the nature of the tooth fairy one iota. However, I suppose that since the young boy would do things that he might not OTHERWISE do, such as putting the tooth under his pillow, you could say that his BELIEF in the tooth fairy has very real manifestations. Remember, I don't believe that self-centric perspectives are healthy. I think that when we start to step outside of ourselves and project our perspective on the rest of creation, we do ourselves a huge disservice. That little boy, and his parents, or that church follower and his church were completely responsible for any physical manifestations that they would attribute to God. The church followers believed it, thus giving the power to the church to make up MORE acts or decisions of God. None of this had ANY bearing on the existence or lack thereof of a God entity, period. Human beings are silly creatures. We always have been. We have all of this intellect and what do we waste it on? Domination, control and power struggle. Then, to make matters worse, we somehow delude ourselves into thinking that we are "distorting" the fabric of reality with our twisted little mind games. Tsk tsk tsk. This is sort of what I meant by "pathetic" at the beginning of the god blather. All of our scheming and believing and faith don't even begin to DENT the nature of reality. The universe goes on about its wonderful job of creation as if nothing has happened. It will long after we're gone. P.S. Didn't you find the first chapter or two of Dune to be really DRY?! I did, I almost didn't get into it at all. I'm glad I stuck it out though.
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Oh yea almost forgot: The Hobbit The Lord of the Rings Trilogy The Simarillion All great!! (The Simarillion was a bit dry..but readable!)
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Fremen, I give you the victory. You got a good brain there and you know how to use it. :-) People do tend to use their intellects for some strange purposes, if they use them at all. Did you know that the average reading age is dropping exponentially every year. This is disturbing. I received a couple of orders from the states a couple of weeks ago. One was from a kid who was sixteen, and the other was from a guy who owned his own advertising firm. After putting the two envelopes side by side I noticed that the handwriting was almost the saame kind of scrawl that would be created by an 8 year old. Both had spelled "Wonderland" wrong as well. (My shop is called Wonderland Records). Maybe our efforts are wasted in this running around in circles talking about the existance of god or whatever. Maybe we should put our efforts into wondering why people are becoming more stupid. I didn't think that the first couple of chapters were dry as such, just a slow build-up. Although the intro on the first page was a little lose. The bit that is just about the hag coming up the path. There could have been a decent hook in there to draw the reader into the book, rather than give them time to think "what else am I supposed to be doing right now? have I got time for this?". To be quite honest I have never read Silmarillion. I have owned a copy for a few years now, but I just never get motivated enough to read it, but it'll get done one day. New Zeland has been LOTR central the last couple of years, what with the movie and everything. Jackson even hired part of the garden where my band room is for some establishing shots. LOTR is EVERYWHERE over here, and has kinda put me off it for a while, but that'll go when the movies come out. I'm expecting them to be the highlight of the NZ movie industry. Anyway, enough banter. I'll catch up with ya later.
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Thanx and ditoo to you man. Good discussion. I think it must be left with the following conclusion of God the entity. God is if he is. Judging by the fact that he owns a dune buggy and a cat named tonya, I'd be willing to wager money on "he is."
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g17) And the human genome sequence shows that people from difference racial groups can be more similar genetically than individuals within the same group. g18) Will advances in Science, Genetics, etc.. repudiate Race, Religion and GOD?
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g19) "Tell Me Why" Tell me why the stars do shine, Tell me why the ivy twines, Tell me why the sky's so blue, And I will tell you, just why I love you. The romantic answer around God:- Because God made the stars to shine, Because God made the ivy twine, Because God made the sky so blue, Because God made you, that's why I love you. The smart-aleck answer from Science: Nuclear fusion makes stars to shine, Adhesive tendrils make ivy twine, Rayleigh diffraction makes skies so blue, Chemical hormones, that's why I love you.
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g20) The Deeper Questions How was the the universe created? What is life? What is cognition?
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g21) The Deepest Question:- Is there a God? Is God a Scientist, and a Master of all Trades? Who is the Creator of God?
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g22) The HOT Questions:- Did God use The Big Bang to create the Universe? Did God use Evolution To Create Life?
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g23) The Cool Questions:- Is God omnipresent? Are we part of God? Are Everything in U Part of God? Is God equal to Everything in U and Everything else?
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Note for g22)-n1... Pope John Paul II has lent his support to the theory of evolution, proclaiming it compatible with Christian faith in a step welcomed by scientists but likely to raise howls from the religious right...
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Note for g23)-n1 from P_Being The ideal solution: GOD = EVERYTHING...
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does tonya exist?
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Who are You? Where are you now? The Blindman, the wiseman, the preacher, the scientist... There are seven different opinions on the shape of an Elephant from the Seven Blindmen. Thus, the answer is certainly dependent on the frame of reference and attributes of 'tonya' and its observer, and GOD willing:- Material Universe, Quantum Universe, Virtual Universe... Phisical State, Logical State, Spiritual State, ... Past, Present, Future... Hell, World, Heaven... etc... Copyright 2001. kx21.com
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Note for g21)n1 The Deepest Question:- Is there a God, etc... There are seven different opinions on the shape of an Elephant from the Seven Blindmen. Thus, the answer is certainly dependent on the frame of reference and attributes of God and its observer:- Material Universe, Quantum Universe, Virtual Universe... Physical State, Logical State, Spiritual State, ... Past, Present, Future... Hell, World, Heaven... etc... And g24)The New Questions:- What is the exact definition of GOD? The creator of Everything, The creator of all Univere(s), etc. Will this definition change or evolve over times?
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g25) GOD's Communication Style Can God write? Will GOD write? Given that God can write, God will certainly pass this task to somebody or something else. Evidence for the above statement: Every religion has its own holy book, and all claimed their's is the very Word of God, not dropped out of the sky but God-breathed, infused with God's power, as GOD communicated its plans, thoughts and intent through probable carefully selected human writers from different races, languages and religions. For instance, the Bible was written over a period of 1500 years, by more than forty different writers, on three different continents. They addressed a wide variety of subjects.... Is this a good demonstration of God's love for man? Why did GOD choose to use different Writers / Races / Language/ Religions for conveying its Plans, thoughts and Intent?
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g26) GOD's Plans for U's Development With advances of Technologies, Sciences, etc...and development of the Universe, U... Are there any better ways, means, methods, alternatives and approaches to improve the communication between GOD and MAN, in particular, to ensure relevancy, compatibility, consistency of GOD's Master Plans for U, in line with current and future U's development/ evolution / changes? g27) GOD's Plans for Holy Books Given that Change is the only constant in U. Thus, Everything in U is subject to changes.... Is revision of Holy Books one of the GOD's plans to ensure relevancy and survival of the Holy Books? Is a new and unified Holy Book good for Everybody, in particular the members of all religions?
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With the present technology, Is it easier and better for GOD to translate the Grand Plans, thoughts and intent via a Web site directly than communicate them through many human writers? Copyright 2001. kx21.com
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g28) Proofs of God's Existence A Search was performed on WWW for GOD Existence using Google today:- Results 1 - 10 of about 889,000... Is the magic number 889,000 a proof of GOD's existence?
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870,000, on my computer.
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go forth and clone jesus using dna from the shroud of turin. fulfill the prophecy of the second coming.
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Some interesting subjects / findings are as follows: Proofs For And Against The Existence of God Five Ways of Showing God's Existence The Moral Argument for God's Existence. Do Patterns in the Bible Prove God's Existence? Arguments for God's Existence from the Bible WORLD SCRIPTURE: Traces of God's Existence The Existence of God is a Tenet of Faith alone and cannot be demonstrated Reasons in Proof of the Existence of God The Existence of God cannot be proved, being a Self-evident Truth. Scientific proofs in the modern sense of the word are valid only for things perceptible to the senses since it is only on such things that scientific instruments of investigation can be used. To desire a scientific proof of God would be equivalent to lowering God to the level of beings of our world, and we would therefore be mistaken methodologically in regard to what God is. Science must recognize its limits and it's inability to reach the existence of God: it can neither affirm nor deny his existence. And very much more..., which are certainly beyond your imagination... Is it true that the existence of God cannot be proved via any scientific instruments with the_Power_of_Creativity? Is God still alive? Is there a way to get the right answer via GOD's LOVE for MAN and other Beings, with specifically design Scientific instruments such as GOD Explorer, Detector, Receiver, etc like COBE?
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three_words: nevermore forevermore spread i heard. namaste
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g29) GOD & ALIEN The search for scientific Proof of GOD's existence continues... Given that Science is an ART to study, explore, confirm and connect the Vigin of something and the Unknown of something else. If the Virgin of something is GOD's existence, then the next logical step is to identify the Unknown of something else...with The_Power_of_Creativity and The_Gene_of_Nothing.... Eureka!!! It is none other than ALIEN's Existence What is the connection between GOD & ALIEN? Refer to GOD_Explorer for further infomation and two conjectures on GOD & ALIEN... Copyright 2001. kx21.com
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i don't believe in god. the one that is divine. i used to, i think. i don't know. then again, i used to belive in the toothfairy. i don't belive in god. he hasn't helped me. or hasn't shown that he has. i don't believe in god. who is he? the one that is divne. ~
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g30) GOD, The SUN, MAN & ALIEN What is the probablity for ALIEN to prove the existence of GOD, the Sun, in particular YOU? The answer from GOD_Exploere:- The probability for ALIEN to prove or detect the existence of GOD is very much very much higher than MAN... Copyright 2001. kx21.com
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It should be The answer from GOD_Explorer :- The probability for ALIEN to prove or detect the existence of GOD is very much higher than MAN... Copyright 2001. kx21.com
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is within you loves chocolate milkshakes created Einstein and the rest of us knew dinosaurs wouldn't work but was a fun thing anyway hates mean people tortures Hitler for kicks loves you wants you to love others made sweet pickles; I'm not sure why made weed and LSD loves Edsels and Porches loves surfing likes cheese steaks with extra ketchup tolerates politicians, barely can be seen from Everest's summit can be seen on skid row delights in a lion's kill grows in algae loves your breathlessness when hiking is baffled by Vienna sausage created Jazz and death metal is more powerful than Bill Gates loves lava wants to meet you in silence does not have a church tal
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g31) A Race between MAN and ALIEN Who will be the winner in the race of getting a proof of GOD' existence? What is the chance of Winning for MAN? Are there ways and means available to increase the probability of Winning? Copyright 2001. kx21.com
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It should be read as:- Who will be the winner in the race of getting a Scientific Proof of GOD's existence, MAN or ALIEN?
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A Way to increase the probability of winning a Race against Time:- Stage a head-on collision between the_Power_of_Creativity and the_Gene_of_Nothing... Copyright 2001. kx21.com
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i think GOD isnt the issue really. its all these millions of people trying to decipher the bibles and holy writings of the world and man being well..man...it all gets jumbled up. you have one religion that to baptise you sprinkle the water..one you dunk...one you put a drop of water on the forehead. you have so many variations and all claiming to be "right" (some dont clam so i know its a figure of speech). biggest cause of war in the world. religion. but yet its a "good" thing? can i walk into any church and be taken in with open arms? no. church these days is like everything else. sex. politics. favortism. peer pressure. there are exceptions.....this is just a general opinion of mine. there are many great and good things and people involved in religion. but seems like every religious person i meet or see is bible wielding on sunday and out wrecking havoc every other day. wars. closed minds. no thank you!
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god? are you there? I have a question that I need answered. I have finally found happiness, please tell me, are you going to take away again, the way you do everytime I find it? Please please please don't. I've waited way too long to be happy to let it be taken away from me now. Please God, don't take it away.
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god? are you there? I have a question that I need answered. I have finally found happiness, please tell me, are you going to take away again, the way you do everytime I find it? Please please please don't. I've waited way too long to be happy to let it be taken away from me now. Please God, don't take it away.
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g32) God & Trust Given that Trust is the Universal Tool for Liar. And Truth is the Universal Tool for Man / Woman... Can your Truth be Trusted?
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Specifically, Do you ever Trust anybody fully without any suspiciousness?
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God' answer: The Truth is No, even yourself, but except me...
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Do I really believe in what I was raised with? Can I trust in a higher power? ARE YOU REALLY WHO YOU SAY YOU ARE? IS THIS ALL a bunch of bullshit?
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stinky tree laughing
Yes is the answer.
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That is, GOD can be Trusted without Reservation... g33) GOD's Authority & Responsibility Q_As...
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Given that:- Searched the web for God's Authority. Results 1 - 10 of about 738,000 & God's Authority = God's Authority in www Searched the web for God's Responsibility. Results 1 - 10 of about 181,000. God's Responsibility = God's Sovereignty, GOD's Name, GOD's Will, GOD's Gift, GOD's Drawing, GOD's Love, GOD'... + Man's Responsibility in WWW ( Sovereignty = Supreme Authority & + = Plus ) What are the possible Q_As / Answers of g33)?
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g34) God & Soul Is Soul a God-given entity? Would a clone have a soul? Is the Soul of Clone a Man-given entity? What is the real difference between God-given's Soul and Man-given's Soul?entity Can a Man-given soul be duplicated? Can a God-given soul be duplicate |