michael water makes for a good analogy, as it ciculates through your brain and washes against the shore. 980918
MommC I think this has something to do with Michael ...maybe he didnt row to shore shore after all! Has anyone seen him?? 981018
charles it does a body better 990310
Carolyn Duncan water. I remember water. as a child I would imagine rocking waves as I lay in bed, to lull myself to sleep. as if my mind could recall for the body, in unconscious memory, the sea that seemed to flow in my veins. where one's soul is both ancient and pure and remembers the self before the self.
and how when one listens to an empty shell, behind the wind whistling through it one hears the echoing of the waves, long after the shell has found its final resting place upon the shore.
Perhaps Echo found solace in the sea after her Narcissus died, drowning in his own gaze. In water, that took her love, and in the repetition of the waves, that like her were doomed to never change their pattern, while she to never say her own words, never speak from her own mouth, the sea's mouth forever and ever speaking with the same hiss and crash of water and foam. Her doomed to be just a shell that the water runs through, and leaves its voice behind in. So that only in the sea could she find understanding.
i am eternal, the sea says, in its blackness at night, its depths, the way it infinitely stretches into the horizon. I am a womb and a tomb, I am incomprehensible and no bridge, no construction, will ever be able to encompass or cross me completely.
and in her siren cry, the sea swallows the shore over and over, and spits it back out again and she withdraws into herself. recreating herself over and over as she shapes the shore against which she is defined in her infinity.
Drennan water, one of the five prime elements of man (and woman). I am water, I am shy and calm, I can be enraged and destructive, I am unbias in all situations and open to suggestions.
To all water people out there, don't let earth people dam your flow, and try not to restrict fire people's blaze.
Nate Higgins It is unavoidable and inescapable: everybody loves water and this we are identical. 991030
Daniel half filled - half empty - half eaten - half wrong - let it follow - let it lead - let it wash your heart - let it embrace - let it fatigue - let it alone - let it dirty - let it go to phuck - let it rise - let it overflow - let it love - let it fall - let it wash you clean of everything you misunderstood as a child when your parents gave you the absolutes in life which were later destroyed by God - let it fall - let it - simple - just - let - it - calm - and - settle - into - the - container - you - provide - 991108
|sCaRReD*disTrOyeD| Vital for us, as human beings. Beautiful, serene, peaceful yet undeniably dangerous.
Amazing, romantic, life-giving yet extremely deadly.
Loved by some. Hated by others.
valis after days at the beach as a kid, the afternoon naps were the best. my inner ear still had the memory of the waves' motion ... i must have dreamed i was being rocked to sleep in the womb. 991211
nameless makes you cold in the wind 991218
marjorie the killer! dihydrogen monoxide must be regulated. so many deaths... 991219
gaudior diving in to the fresh pond i felt so clean oh so clean and then i realized that the pond was full of nightmares not true water and i couldn't get out oh GOD HELP ME...

Splinken I drink a lot of water every day. I'm always tired. 000614
moonshine Forms to the container its held within 000614
forlorad my one and only true llve.
i started there, i want to be there foreve.r
maruku i loved the water too.
be a fish.
forget to breathe.
a sweet sweet calm i have found nowhere else,
only the sound of my heartbeat in my chest.
Zoe mmm... yummy! ha ha ha! 000717
Barrett An essential ingredient of beer. 000728
TomRobbins What if we could all breathe underwater? 000813
three water water drip drip water 000816
SaMaNtHa my mind is like water, agitated and unclear 000909
kate to cure a hangover 001110
lizard some days the world seems to real, and i feel then as if i could reach out and make it all ripple..

if i dove into the sky, perhaps i would splash into that place i've never been able to touch, that place inside of me..

i imagine it wouldn't feel like anything at all, except fullness.
Agent008 pronounce it RIGHT! -- WA TER, ok?! -- no more of this wuter stuff, there is no 'u' in the word, GOT IT?!? 010118
Sintina I drink so much water. I used to do it cause I wanted to lose weight by not drinking those soft drinks and juices that have lots of calories and just drinking water instead. Now I do it because I have to. I had a UTI and in order to prevent me from having more of them, I have to drink LOTS of water.
I like it though.
Dannon is the best.
Aimee I love water, it's so calming... last night I was in the shower for an hour just enjoying the calming feeling that water gives me. In all it's forms, I love it... well except for maybe snow and sleet, but otherwise it's great... :) 010310
mikey rain is sensual. water is cleansing. its such a major factor in life itself. 010310
twiggie water is serene 010310
nocturnal makes you pee. it's also the best hangover prevention. when you're drunk, ALWAYS drink at least one, preferably two or more, big cups of water. I've been amazed at how many people don't know this simple rule and suffer the sick feeling and the headache the next day. 010310
mikey i agree 010310
Chiku Last night, there was a thunderstorm. I was laying on my back, listening to the roaring thunder and to the heavy rain guzzling down from the gutter to the soft grass below, and watching the bright lighting quickly flash against the dark and misty sky. It was gorgeous, but it made me really glad I had a roof over my head... 010409
Epyon Like a living mirror of steal she flows.
So calm and peaceful she beckons me.
So cool and warm as she enfolds around my feat.
In I go into her liquid depths.
I feel her joy effused in every part of my body.
I float for what seems to be forever but only for a moment.
I know I can not leave this liquid bed.
I know I can not leave this liquid grave.
But I do not care.
All I want to do is float forever in her warm depths.
To feel the wait of the world drift away like a passing wave.
I float forever but only for a moment.
Laura I want some for my parched throat. 010923
Annie111 Sometimes i wish i could just drink water forever and never eat again. 011128
ClairE ..water everywhere, and not a drop to drink.

Yes, I think we all love it.
kerry is where i belong, nowhere else 011210
angie i am from a water molecule
i am polar
i am me
falling giving life and love, nurishment 020209
kirstie life
angie I might be wrong
I might be wrong
I could have sworn
I saw a light coming on

I used to think
I used to think
There is no future left at all
I used to think

Open up, begin again
Let's go down the waterfall
Think about the good times
Never look back
Never look back
What would I do?
What would I do?
If I did not have you..

Open up and let me in
Let's go down the waterfall
Have ourselves a good time
It's nothing at all
Nothing at all
Nothing at all
phil winter 020513
Mahayana Nothing in the world is more fleXible and yielding than water --- Lao-Tzu 020526
kerry something about his eyes make me think of water. i don't even know what color they are, now that i think about it, but the way they kind of glint in the light, and the long lashes, they're screaming pools. 020705
kerry *makes 020705
twistedlilbitch i drank 2 n a half gallons of water today because i have a drug test tomorrow... yay 021203
daxle telling evidence
that something can come from nothing
and nothing is really something
82 for some reason ive started to drink lots of water. You know, instead of other drinks 030512
Rotten77 i squirted water in my ears last nite to try and get out the wax. i don't know if it worked or not, but i think it moved it around a little cuz it's not bugging me so much. 030513
joda Good for you, 82.

Me too. It feels a lot better in my body than six cups of coffee a day...
fodguk why pay for water?
get it from your faucet.
put it in a bottle.
save a buck.
(or two)
meehall water glistens like little jewels
on leaves
in the morning
towelie I have no idea what's going on 030921
kidnappedjesus water is no longer water
rather it is a sea of electric dipoles
realistic optimist mahayana i beg to differ with laotzu on that one. i really love his analogy and what not, but if he truly says there is none which yields more, i would ask him: "what of air?" does not water slap you as you enter? does not air yield even more? unless he means that nothing (ie. nothingness) yields more than water, and then i would agree, nothing yields the most of all. 031009
realistic optimist epyon: what delicious wordplay! 031009
realistic optimist towelie: water you talking about? 031009
notme wa'ter goer marn!

is not awake
Perplexlypuzzled I love water.

I love the droplets of rain that linger on his eyelashes as he gazes at me, taking in every detail, every crevice, every imperfection and pulsing ache, lusting within me. I love the way the water feels as it washes over my skin.. as it falls from his hand to mine when he touches me. I love the taste of water as it passes through our lips when we kiss. I love the sight of the droplets falling from the sky, running slowly along his face and down his body. I love the smell of him when he is covered and bound by it. I love the sound of splashes, falling to the ground around us. I love it when he touches me and the water ripples around us. I love how at times it can seem so hot that it would burn you and other times it can seem so cold that it would make you shiver. I love the way water falls, constant and flowing.. as endless as the love I have for him.

I love water.
oldephebe glitttering, glittering raptuous breaths
beautiful PdaP
p2 "empty your mind,
be formless,
like water.

"now you put water into a cup,
it becomes the cup.
you put water into a bottle,
it becomes the bottle.
you put it in a teapot,
it becomes the teapot.

"now water can -flow-,
or it can *crash*!

"be water, my friend."

- bruce lee
fairbecca "Hey, water!
Thair's a fleye hen my soop."
kdizzle water, good for hangovers and drug tests, but one must drink a grip for it to work 040209
Lemon_Soda My element. 040209
oE cranberry juice for the ol' UTI... 040209
peepers saturday showers eeee 040313
...AntiqueClocks... Is just strange... I don't understand it..... 040313
Smurf Why does bottled water have an ingredients list? Am I the only one who find's that odd? 040419
Dosquatch Dehydrated Water

Add water, stir
Al Hee..Oh wait, here's me being heedless and not noting the casual artistry of this page 040420
Jaca Dehydrated water makes me think of: Partially-defatted pork fatty tissue. Think I'm making that up? Check the 2nd ingredient on a tin of Potted Meat Food Product. I mean, how do you partially de-fat fatty tissue?? Cut a little of it off and throw it away?? 040420
puredream If I could drink you like water, would you let me? 040615
luminesence yup... (urp!).... quick before the... 040616
puredream No!!! 040616
puredream Well...maybe tomorrow? 040616
puredream spilled water like love? 040701
hsg iced_water burns 1.1 kcal/ounce 040920
tr there is lots of water in the ocean, I swear, I saw it with my own eyes... 041218
me where is all this water coming from? i don't think i spilled any.... 041230
me LIAR! there is no water in the ocean! just some funky liquid 041230
hsg1437 liquid is fluid 050129
jane i dream a lot about water. its supposed to represent emotion. i dream i'm on a large ship on the ocean, but usually its docked somewhere. i think this means that i'm right in the middle of my emotions, very aware of them, but i feel secure about them, like i'm on a big boat that will never sink 050129
jane if only now i could feel that secure about everything else 050129
How can * Manjusri's_Gatha_Teaching *

If meditation be on the element of water,
The thoughts that then arise have no reality.
Beyond feeling and seeing is the absolute;

(then can) water help to achieve perfection?
nom i gave him water i went inside
and a while later he was dead
(_) take me in
with such tan arms
you're safe you're safe
and when i feel rock
against my knees
head arched high above
for air
arms steady straight
and my legs float i'm
able to hear those
words such nice words
from your mouth that
hates repeating things
but makes an exception for me
at least today
something in the pattern
shifts outward into
happiness and i almost
see why you do this
hsg drink more eat less 061017
Krea {lady in the water} 070206
krea lady in the water 070206
what's it to you?
who go