Aimee To pee or not to pee, that is the question.
Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the desire to relieve oneself, or to run to the bathroom and by doing so? To pee; to relieve. No more. to relieve we say to end the abdominal ache and the thousand leg crossings that flesh is heir to. tis a consumation to be devoutly wish'd.
nocturnal you know you're gonna have to give in at some point. you can never win in this situation. if you hold out, when you stand up everyone will see the big wet stain you left when you eventually lost control. so you always gotta get up and go, it's inevitable. 010310
Aimee I must say, your response my dear, made me have to pee cause I was laughing so hard. 010310
nocturnal is that a good thing or a bad thing? 010310
Aimee I think it's good.... my kidneys thank you 010310
ClairE Once my ex went to France and he was coming down with the flu so he was delirious which gave his unpleasant experience (forthcoming) a most interesting spin they toured France in a bus for two hours and wouldn't let him pee he said it hurt so badly these days all he says is i love you claire even though he is a very fan of correct capitalization/punctuation.

As for me, I love to pee! (and rhyme)

Has anyone seen the Kids_in_the_Hall skit where they try not to pee and lure people into their group/cult/what have you by placing a men's room sign on the door they have their meetings in?...freaking hilarious!
god oh yes. i've not peed since i saw that one 030616
falling_alone i need to pee right now... 031208
minnesota_chris pee is sterile. Pee is acidic, if you want to cure pinkeye in the jungle, you pee in the persons eye. Peeing on feet fixes athletes foot.

has a PhD in SCIENCE!
falling_alone i thought u pee'd on someone for a jellyfish sting? 031210
yyyo pee on me. i like the taste. 031223
mmm I love it. its fun to hold it in right up until the breaking point, youre dick so big and drizzling, the veins throbbing, glans exposed, i love doing this in my new country. 031231
cheetah dude, eew new country who gave this guy a green card? 031231
yfb I haven't once today, and I really need to, but I won't, not until the stroke of 11:30pm. I usuallually drizzle a little, but I love it. Its so fun to just wait until you have an 'accident.' 040101
Kassy I like to watch boys pee. 040504
minnesota_chris and you like to say "poop" a lot.

You have so many names, and so little to say.
specialk i thought you peed on warts? Isn't it supposed to get rid of warts? tha't what i heard! would you pee on your best friend if the time called for it?!?!

hatameiwaku I pee'd, and I liked it. What about you? 040903
rebareba I like tickling people till they pee themselves 040917
roswell el em in oh pee! 040917
god take a pee
take two, they're free...
what's it to you?
who go