dallas Tender. Teardrop. Tunnel. Wake up next to somebody you used to know and have forgotten how to excite. 980901
eric love: the color yellow 980903
big can be a desperate thing 980904
jeff ...the hardest fucking i've ever had to go through. a word from someone who knows - do not try unless you have a strong heart. otherwise, it could kill you inside... 980905
jade ...the greatest, most difficult enterprise in the human experience. associated with this experience are the strongest sensations of fear, pain, suffering, joy, desire, ecstasy. the full scope of this frequency is not sustainable by cellular organisms as it is the gateway to another level of being, hence its variable experiential nature. a common misconception is to take any experience or sum of experiences as the full potential. 980905
charley is all.. remember. yellow. everything else is just decoration. 980907
blind is the disguise of selfishness. 980914
Ramblin Man There is a house in New Orleans
They call the Rising Sun,
And it's been the ruin
Of many a poor boy;
And god, I know I'm one.
sarah jane for me, it's ever and always unrequited 981014
ang me. come on, you can do it. 981026
Pacia often occurs as do pearls; a bit of random irritation and the nacre begins to flow. 981107
k just don't steal it back after giving. 981121
chriss terrifying 990115
FreePoet willy shakespeare wrote more than a dozen dozen sonnets about it, pablo neruda and e. browning and ee cummings added many more, saint paul said that of the three greatest virtues it is the greatest, it is too important, too much, too deep for anyone to describe it well, you just know it when you have it, feel it or see it. good morning, good afternoon, heavenly evening, warm, warm, sleepless, restful night, dawn... 990117
Spelunker Yes, like obscenity, it is impossible to define but you know it when you see it. 990117
yup can be really fucked up 990121
joy me 990130
kai - lonely I'm in love with the memory of a girl I used to know. But now that 3000 miles separate us, now that years separate us, I can't really claim to love her.

But the memory remains. And I think it's the best memory I have. Because it brings me the ultimate joy and the ultimate pain. And I need those extremes to make my life special.

And even if someday I tell her what she means to me, even if I get to know her again, she'll never be the memory that she's always been. And the memory will be forever.

I can't tell you how said it all makes me.
emily It starts in your knees then works to your stomach. After that there is a pit stop in your throat. Then, all emerges in a smile that makes your heart beat faster and faster. 990130
stacey Amazing. And heartwrenching and painful and sometimes not even in the least bit fun...but somehow completely worth it. 990130
Emily knowing that whoever you love and whoever loves you will always be there no matter what whenever you need them to be there, to lean on, to cry on, to just be near. 990204
Danny I don't know. They say you're there, like some crazy santa claus giving presents to the lucky few. But I'm not so sure you're there, and I don't think I like the look of that box 990209
adam someone else, cuz im tired of trying to impress you. 990212
riley wreaks me over and over 990212
amy love love love
love lovin' love love
Rainer Krauss Sometimes I'm sure there ain't no thing like love. Sometimes I'm sure it's only a story, only a legend storytellers set out into the world to fill the hearts of their listeners with longin for an emotion that doesn't really exist. 990216
jazaug hooked on the feeling. resolution is not always the best answer. why change things if you're perfectly happy with where you are. it's tragedy when you realise that sometimes ignorance *is* bliss. 990220
a-team saying i love you is not the words i want to hear from you
it's not that i want you, not to say but if you only knew...
how easy it would be to show me how you feel,
more than words is all you have to do to make it real,
then you wouldn't have to say that you love me,
'cause I'd already know.
emma i can't believe you bastards have so much to say about this word! 990220
meir unlimited pain, focused in proportion directly at a person, creates an anti-reaction. 990226
[marissa] is often said, and rarely known. 990304
emma i have changed my mind. i do believe in love. it is a word. i believe in words.

from now on, i define love as "the absolute shit". as a complemental adjective or noun. i.e. "he is love" rather than "he loves me".

this works. i will use it. the sun, fiction, calculus, kissing, chicken salad and sleep are all examples of love.
[ Sher ] Ram Dass's guru sent him back to North American with these simple instructions: Love, Serve, Remember. He has been working on this for the paste 30+ years. What a way to focus; what a way to live your life. 990312
a-team "your place remains at the heart of my everything..." 990317
kirstin it's a touch, a smile, a glance from across the room. it's the thing i am so deeply in that i never want to climb out of. it is so easy to love him. it is the best feeling ever to be felt. 990329
enygmatic the most wonderful thing you will ever go through or the most terrible... depending on whether it's real or not.
where we define both a heaven and a hell, whether we're religious or not.
the little carrot somebody's dangling in front of me that I keep chasing, hoping that one day I'll catch it.
kat shakespeare wrote 154 sonnets about love, a little more than a dozen, freepoet. sonnet 40 is the best. 990405
Johnny sometimes I wonder if we only get one real chance to shine, and if we blow that, then the rest is just dealing with having blown it. it's not overrated, it's just a pain to deal with if you're wrong. 990415
ceorl it's not dating, or screwing, or obsessing, or wanting, or having. it's putting yourself second. 990420
allie is the ability to be hurt without purposely hurting another 990501
OTK friction 990516
donaldson nobody seems to want to know what time is love 990604
suzan is a word to describe a series of actions that describe a feeling which is indescribable. 990604
charley is yummy 990605
stephen one of the less-understood double-edged weapons known to man... 990606
rupert To the marriage of true minds,
let me not admit impediment.
Love's not love which alters when it
alteration finds,
nor bends with the removers to remove. Oh no! It is an ever-fixed mark, which looks on tempests and is never shaken.
It is the star to every wandering barque,
who's worth's unknown, although his height be taken.
Love's not time's fool, though rosy cheeks and lips
within his bending sickle's compass come.
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks,
but bears it out until the edge of doom.
If this be wrong, and upon me proved,
I never writ, and no man ever loved.
angsty-artist pricks like a thorn. if love be rough with you, be rough with love, prick love for being a prick and beat love down. 990607
s is suicide 990608
ac is when a kissing can be called "lovemaking" 990628
jess I'm in love with a man I call my best friend :) 990630
jordan love can be for more than just a person some love animals some their work and others may even love drugs,most of the time though people get love mixed up with lust and lust is not love .............. now true love is different, there is no definition of it, you will only have one if you even get that lucky and when you find it you will know nothing, not all the money in the world all the drugs even all the power in the world can replace true is the most special thing a person could ever have 990709
pablo ouch ouch ouch ouch. four pins straight in my heart. how could you hurt me like this? you said it was perfect, i said it was perfect. two days. _two_days_. you loved him, then you loved me, i blinked my eyes and i was dead. it hurts too much to tell you. how could you? two days. will we ever be the friends we once were? no.

love: fuck it
pablo love: a powerful and unpredictable force, capable of building castles and destroying mountains. i love you as my friend and i know you love me too. thank you for being honest when it counted, and i'm sorry i could stoop so low as to believe you (of all people) could do that to me. i love you always and forever, even when i've lost my dentures. that's what real love is. 990821
jillian love is the ultimate form of friendship, that comes in many forms 990823
alida beautiful, yet bitter. soothing, yet disturbing. occasionally, it can be something i n b e t w e e n. 990825
*nicole* .. is like breath. just breathe. 990827
megan whats love to you?

whats love to me?

to me?
its a feeling
i feel it right now
i can't explain it
but i know it's for you
it makes me smile
tingle inside
need to take a deep breath when you come into my mind
and that's constantly
every second of the day
my waking moment
my last thought before sleep
it can also do bad things
but i don't think of them
thats whats different about whats love to me and whats love to you
because you do
emily it's bigger than you, and bigger than me, so the least we can do is trust it 990912
emily it's bigger than you, and bigger than me, so the least we can do is trust it 990912
Starbuck Rebecca. I love you, now and forever. 990914
Ned is almost impossible to get out of. Getting out of love is like bursting through the white spray of a waterfall and floating into the garden of eden. But somehow, you always want to go back... 990926
crching yo mama's on crackrock! 991002
trakie i like a few people. i hope they're happy. i love someone. i do anything to see them smile. 991010
ricmariem you would do anything
and stop at nothing

i love you, oh whats-his-name?


i still love you whoever you are
FooLmOOn love is not something that finds me easily. i give my love to everything that i see, i love all subjects, though it seems.. when u arnt aware, when u arnt looking for love, when u dont notice it.. it is always there. and then .. u turn ur head to look at it.. just a second too late.. and once again ur alone, lost and looking for love again. 991102
Phsyke If it's true, and you have it, you can lose everything in the world and still be happy. And even if the person you love changes, you will still love the memory of them with all your heart.
And if true, it can turn your darkest night into the brightest day.

It makes it all worthwhile
me? There's something I must tell you
There's something I must say
The only really perfect love
Is one that gets away
Colleen soft like an easy chair. 991111
Joana. Missing... needing... wanting...
Read his words and feel your heart racing... confusion.... dreams...
The world doesn't make sense...
He is real.....
He exists... he breaths... and talks... and smells this air... sees these stars... hears this tune...
If it's love... then these thoughts turn into amazing facts that stun you every time you think of them...
arn evol 991116
Thomas To love is to find a miracle in another. 991127
|sCaRReD*disTrOyeD| Expressed in songs, poems, and actions. Once you fall in love you are overwhelmed by happiness. When love is taken away it is the most devistating event one can experience. People today are so blind. They can't see that they don't truly love eachother before it's too late. They have children, and then leave their kids to be tossed around between their parent's homes like dirty laundry. They have to put up with their parent's new objects of affection. The children feel lost, alone, vulnerable, abandoned, and most of all not loved, which defeats the whole purpose of getting married. Love is THE ultimate drug. When you truly have it, you are utterly overjoyed. When it's gone, you go through withdrawl. You don't care about anything or anyone. You don't care about your friends, yourself, your family, your life. Nothing. Nothing matters. The one person you thought you were put on this planet for, has been ripped away from you. You just don't give a shit what happens. You feel yourself beginning to hate everything and everyone. You hate your life. You're depressed. You need that person back. You need more drugs. They don't care about you anymore. They couldn't give a shit what happens to you. They've found someone else to love. It kills you to see them with someone else. You can't bear the thought of someone else taking your place in their heart. You want to kill your replacement. You want to kill yourself. You don't want anything or anyone anymore. All you want is to be returned to your rightful owner. The one you loved, and still love. You know that somewhere deep inside their heart they still want to be with you. They want to love you. You know it, you can feel it. Once love is there, it never fully leaves. It stays with you forever. No matter how many others you love, your first true love will always remain in your heart... Forever. 991127
Zero "Ah, love, let us be true
To one another! for the world, which seems
To lie before us like a land of dreams,
So various, so beautiful, so new,
Hath really nither joy, nor love, nor light,
Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain;
And we are here as on a darkling plain
Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight,
Where ignorant armies clash by night".
Matthew Arnold
elimeny is the same damn thing as hate. and i mean that. if i hate you, then i love you. if i love you, then i hate you. there is no real difference. Both possess your mind and spirit. Both are the strongest emotions I feel. And I can slide from one right back to the other so quickly, they most just be different degrees of one another. So there. 991207
elimeny oh yeah and another thing. I have discovered that even though I am a very self-sacrificing, loving girl, and I think I'm a good person, to a point, it seems guys don't fall in love with me. Which makes me an unlovable. Which basically makes me screwed. So there. 991207
lance the bastard child of innocence and lust. 991208
ceni like leaning just a leetle too far back in a chair and for a split second the balance is lost and there's a deep, gripping, fear that your entire world is off-kilter. then you either fall or regain your position. either way, you find your equilibrium. 991208
sinkdaddy I understand. I don't understand. 991210
spikey-ho Is really fucking with my head right now. It's twisting my guts up and making me feel like I wanna chuck, it's eating at me inside and I can't think straight. It makes me scared of myself. 991212
SimplyMe i think this has to be the most written-about subject on the face of the planet, and i don't think anything i could say would add to anyone's understanding of it, so i think i'll just go ahead and try to find it for myself and enjoy it for what it is, and not worry about how to define it, know what i mean? 991214
noel can't find a definition anywhere so i guess everyone has their own way of percieving love. love is a spiritual thing, a far cry from sexual attraction or friendship. i think love is about putting someone before yourself...And being 'in' love is feeling a closeness towards someone that you don't share with anyone else (on that level) with that person. Love is...Love. It can't be compared with anything although it's compatable with acceptance, trust and friendship. Possibly. 991225
lizard amazement and disbelief at the wonder that is present and breathing in an actual person with a heartbeat i can hear and feel and see and yet as many times as i do i still can't believe it's happening to me but it must be so because iseeitinhereyes 991228
alicia someone said that to me once. he said 'i love you, alicia, i love you, i love you, alicia' and then he hurt me more than words can explain. love doesnt mean fucking on the cold carpet floor of a borrowed dorm room. no. 991228
king kai it is not something i tell someone - it is not something i say - it is more than mere emotion - it is how i live - it is in my life - it is my life - she is my life 991230
tanya it is suicide. its the only thing worth holding on to, but just imagine all the shit it will put you through. it is the mistake we commit to time and time again. would you like to go on a date? 000101
zippy equals desperation. Or it can equal happiness, euphoria, comfort, lust and closeness. After that it gets dangerous. 000105
amybeary Ryan.
My one true.
My best friend.
meli I've never been in that particular puddle, but I do know one thing.

Don't fall into it. Stand in it like a warrior, because one misstep and it will take you down.
hahaha tee hee hee. Tacky, tacky, tacky. Why is love the tool most often used for gut wrenchingly mushy cheesyness? I don't think it deserves that. I think...Something else really bad deserves to be ridiculed like that. Like...Okay, I am NOT dignifying this page with that shite! 000106
koti it has made me, and destroyed me, yet is something that can never flee my flesh and blood. it can never be purged, or was my growth, and my happiness, an my reason for wanting to no longer breath. it is all that makes me human, and sometimes the only thing i can ever feel. 000108
dizzy Love makes the world go round... 000109
jack.frost is 000110
gaudior "give into love or live in fear."

love is a fire, a flame that draws us back for more, a torch which can warm us or destroy us. and we'll never know whcih until we fan our weak wings in the tongues of flame...
tuiviq FUEL for LIFE 000117
Andrew I love Shar. She is a princess. 000122
french proverb teaches even asses to dance. 000122
bane my heart is a dank catacomb and you but a member of the lost damned to my eternal memory 000122
apr!l it makes me think that coincidences should be noted and little nothings taken as fact. it makes me master analyst cuz everything is subject to my introspective powers. it makes me wonder how i should sign my letters. it makes me reread everything.

Reread Everything: Quite Useful Information That Encourages Mutual Endearment!

and i think i've found it....ya know, LOVE.....and i think it's a big scary monster with big scary arms for big scary hugs. a bittersweet, a happysad. it overwhelms me....and i don't mind.
Moravian Piglet Love is a dangerous thing. I have been in love before, unrequited, and I have recently been thrown down into it again. I have loved the same person since I met him, we were engaged for a short time, but it was all a mockery.

My heart is pierced.

So, loving the lost hurts like hell, but the dull throbbing ache of wanting to be loved is far, far worse.
wai a constant state of happiness and agony. not always recipricated. 000125
sean love is lovely. but in miami, the word reminds me of an insecure pregnant teen watching jerry springer. 000125
kari never been in love and never wanna be.

i've seen those fuckin' idiots that are in love. if i ever become one, i want my friends and family to just fuckin' bury me then.

and what's even worse is the ones that get their hearts broken. they deserve everything they get. don't put your trust, and especially not your love, into something as fuckin' worthless as another human being.

that's my opinion...until i accidentally fall in love.
bryson argh. 000128
Tess a rapidly morphing emotion, subject to the full power of our imagination.

a spark of consciousness, of acceptance and reality. that childish realization that other people must exist in a way similar and probably familiar to our own existence.

tied up in a timeline, it carries a lot of weight. a necessity springing from the needs of memory and expectation.

it cannot be denied- it must die instead. i never loved, he said. i never love, he said. i admire those who can say goodbye.

the simplest invention there is. also, a simple word association.
emma underrated. 000205
... kills 000207
sadgoat gone 000209
nicollete he signs everything love, but is too cowardly to say it
i think he enjoys his delusion
lotusflower mine is always growing. 000212
cares how can you love a liar?
how can you trust a liar?

Sonnet 116
zach can best be described as a freefall, the fall doesn't hurt, it's fun and exhilerating actually, the impact is what hurts, eventually the fall ends and when you hit you either lay there and suffer or you get up and shake it off. sometimes if you you get lucky and fall just right you land in a soft spot where there is no pain in landing, only a subtle slowing down until you even out and are firmly planted on the ground. 000220
marjorie i may have never loved
but i tried to
i tried very hard
but you really only end up sitting
what the fuck did i do wrong?
somewhere along the line you mess up
but you really love
someone could stab you a thousand times
and you'd still smile at them
until blood filled your throat
your lungs
and your heart
stopped beating for them.
and in love,
it is the only time you would be free.
"love doesn't mean fucking on the cold carpet floor of a borrowed dorm room. no."
tim if lovin u is wrong i dont wnt to be right

spamboy alls i want in life is for someone to wake up next to and brush my teeth with. now the one that i want to do this with seems to be uninterested with me anymore. i love her beyond anything and she just seems not to care. i seem to have become the last year's model. no longer new and exciting, but just a junker. 000303
Yitzhak Makes the world go 'round and makes me go oblate. 000305
anndilion We talk about it more than anything else. Love is a little madness.
'Help Us No Puree Like a Wooden Scone 'he wrote on my notice board. I knew what he ment. I could have loved him to death.
marc simple things -- quiet tunes -- tender moves -- stillness = the way 000305
BoofPixie written about in journals too much. 000309
suicide baby It makes me very anxious. I don't believe in love.
Nobody have ever loved me.
Leann Some say if you've truly loved once,
you will truly love again...
Fall in love whenever you can?
I believe it comes once in a lifetime...

My love died in my arms.
I thought, that's it! I've been cheated!
Years felt like days. It was so easy to
love him and to be loved by him.
I can't imagine ever topping this!
I try to tell myself, "Feel blessed that
I've known it, alot of people never really experience the real thing!"
You see, if you do experience true love, you think that nobody else in the world is really experiencing it. You don't try to explain, (even if you could) because you know that they just
wouldn't understand...Love makes you feel chosen!

Others say It's better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at

I want to tell you of the pain,
when you have truly loved and had
it snatched away, leaving it as only
a memory...
I just can't, there are no words!
I am soul-sick for life!
I guess I could say, I am empty...
If you could imagine the pain of that split second when I first wake-up and feel normal, and then it comes crashing down on me like nothing I've ever felt, that it takes my breath away! I think
to myself - here I go again, another
fucking day, #189, just breathe!!!
I really feel amazed that I'm living,
but am I?

In the end, to those who haven't known,
I will simply say: When love finds you,
grab it and run with it and deal with the consequences later...

It's always present...
I love you, Tony(6-14-66 to 9-5-99)
Midnight Bliss love is one of the most painful things in hurts worse then the knife or the bullet. it hurts when you love someone and you know they don't feel the same or they show that they don't, but say that they do. love is something that just HAS to be present, why? why does it all have to be so painful? even if you love someone they still take themselves out of this world. why did he have to do it? why did he take the bullet...why did he shoot himself? i hate life...i hate love...especially when you find out it's there...but it's too late. 000319
empty The memory of someone i used to know. I suppose, perhaps, she did not know that the heat of my touch was the only indication that i was blushing.

The memory of her greeting me as i woke up on her couch. We had drunk ourselves stupid. Less tipsy than i, she threw a blanket over me and let me sleep it off.

The first rays found her talking me out of my hangover haze, she was wearing nothing but one of those long t-shirts as she sat on the coffee table in front of me.

She must not have known that i could see her through it, I listened to her words, trying not to stare, watching her as she smiled and laughed.

I knew before then that i loved her,
i knew before then that i had never known desire to such an extent,

it was the sight of her through that threadbare t-shirt on a saturday morning, her small, firm breasts, the curve of her hips.


i have always wondered if she knew.
gaudior is it so odd that this idea thrills me and confuses me and and scares the living shit outta me all at the same time? cause i'm scared of giving myself away...i'm afraid of not getting anything back. 000323
girl will tear us apart... 000326
magic mushroom is stina nordengstam,a marlboro first thing in the morning,water,a fingernail,
geraldine nesko,green triangles,the white ones with the yellow specks,guinness,the big blue,j.buckely,coffee,strangers,travelling ladies,risk,without protection,with protection and me
girl is the fear of losing that which u cannot live without... 000327
narcocide what a cruel joke. 000401
souljah In this torn desert world there is no love because pleasure and disire play the greatest roles, yet without love your daily life has no meaning. And you can not have love if there is no beauty. Beauty is not somthing you see-not a beautifull tree, a beautifull picture, or a beautifull woman. There is beauty only When your heart and mind know What love is. 000404
souljah What is love? We use the word so loosely. It has become merely sensuous, sexual; love is identified with pleasure. And to find that perfume one must go into what is not love. Love is not hate, that is obvious. Love is not vanity, arrogance. Love is not in the hand of power: wanting power, whether over a small child or over a group of people or a nation, surly is not love. Love is not pleasure. Love is not desire. Love is certainly not thought. When your are ambitious, aggressive-as you are all brought up to be successful, to be famous, to be known, which is all so utterly childish-how can there be love? 000404
Terence Sucks 000405
Free I think most people just love themseves. 000405
Ziggey Love is the only law to obey. 000406
Tink HAH! wish i knew.... 000407
Tink REALLY wish i knew.... 000407
medea I thought I knew what it was once. but I was just young + desperate. lonely. now I'm smarter, though the loneliness has not disintegrated... 000407
ghost love is everything and nothing.

love IS desire (but maybe not always according to our narrow perception of desire) love is pain and pleasure and ecstasy and despair love is life and sometimes it is death

it is worth dying for and sometimes it is the only reason to live
ghost love is everything and nothing.

love IS desire (but maybe not always according to our narrow perception of desire) love is pain and pleasure and ecstasy and despair love is life and sometimes it is death

it is worth dying for and sometimes it is the only reason to live...
spamboy it is the worst and best experience that i have ever gone through. being beaten down, and coming back for more; all because you want more of that indescribable feeling in your gut. you can't define love. but it seems when you talk about it everyone seems to know exactly what you're talking about. 000408
DiamondJim If you could see
all of the faces
of all of the people
who ever lived before
what would their eyes say?
what would their faces tell us?

If you could see
every tear that has been cried
rise like an ocean
before your very eyes
every tear
every single tear

One river flows. from the mother
One river flows, from the father
All rivers go to the ocean
And one comes to know
Unconditional love, unconditional love
Betsy True Love doesn't have a happy Ending.
It doesn't have an Ending.
Wild Bill If love is so great, Why do wwe spend all of our time looking for it in all the wrong places. I found mine after 20 years of looking. I look forward to the next 20 with anticipation and joy.

Love is truly, for eternity and a month.
Free can you have love for only one person? Is that love? Someone gives us pleasure, makes us feel good, gives us a sense of security, ect. and we say " I love this person". Do you realy or is it that you are useing that person? Is love nothing but self gratification or mutual exploitation at best? This kind of love is not love at all. It is like if you realy like pizza, it realy tasts good, and you say "I Love this pizza". Love comes when you have no self. You see, not "I Love", just love, that's all. When you are selfless you are love. 000414
birdmad in an ideal world this would be so, but we are frail creatures and our selfish desires are really what motivate even our most noble actions.

we are all to aware of the concept of reward, even if we do not always live to enjoy it
Free I am not intirested in ideals. I am only interested in actuality. I agrea that most people are motivated by there selfish disires, and that is my whole point. A nobile action is never done with your self in mind. Do you rescue a drowning child from the river for want of reward, and if so is that nobility? A selfish person does not know love, only pleasure. 000414
Free When you know how to love one, you know how to love the whole world. Because we don't know how to love one, our love for humanity is nonexistent. When you love , there is neither one nore many, there is only love. It is only when there is Love that all our problems can be solved and the we shall know its bliss and happiness. 000414
Bob Old man river, don't you cry for me. Cause I've got a roaring stream of Love you see. 000418
Words Is all the world needs more of. 000421
syncratic love changes things...
when you love someone, the world tilts on its axis just a fraction of an inch, but you feel it. it is being newly conscious of every breath you take, and wondering if the molecules your breath pushes reach the tendrils of hair, now so far away, that fell in your face the last time he was with you. it is seeing someone in a new light, and being scared and afraid, and every other fearful word..but the need to pursue overtakes any dread you could have..all there is. love is not being able to say "i love you" for fear of the hurt that could and probably will inevitably come. love is going blinded and bound into a dark and lonely cavern of thought, and saying "lead me, take everything i have..i am yours to love, yours to hate, yours to cherish, yours to hurt...yours."
amy let's face it. all i really need is love. i don't know why that seems to be so incompatible with everything else. 000425
Squall It's ineffable. So why try? Unfortunately, this is how I feel about most things. 000425
a-team Mary Joy...the only one for me... 000516
gregg i love this girl that is so far away, she lives in my dreams and she makes the sunrise and the stars pulse on the darkest nights, she is power, she is freedom, and she is the reason i laugh softly as i lay in my bed and drift into sleep 000516
Tiffa My Love

I don't know why I do
Just that I do now
And that I do
I do

A seed planted into my skin
Knowledge the water
A natural occurance
It grew and grows
I do

Not unlike the concept of time
Ambiguous description
Only the effects are tangible
Just a thought is shared
I do

How do I explain it?
My language is my emotion
My vision - my speach
The physical pain - my proof
I do
I do
Don't doubt my love
I do
silent bob say it if you mean it. keep silent if you dont. i'm still trying to figure out whether im in love. so what do i say in the meantime? i THINK i love you? I may just be in love with you, alicia. what do i say? so i'm pretty sure i am in love, so i just tell her i do love her. and im afraid that i might not. 000601
Rummy oh yes, i know the feeling.
its better than getting high, and its better than any rush out there. it lasts a lot longer too.
moonshine Remeber the last day i saw you? You came home and picked me up and we drove to a diner. You had an english muffin with blueberry and i sipped a coke. I wanted to slap you. You dropped me off at bus station, you kissed me at the red light. I bounded out of the car and ran off to the bus in the rain. Id never see you again, I never looked back. Its been two years. You never could drive me the whole way. Never. and i remeber the time i hit you with golf club, and you called me a bitch. That still makes me those two years of dusty memories. 000602
perish something some lonely human race made up to fill an empty void in there already pathetic enough lives...
destined only to lead us into tragedy...
josie can fill you and hurt you in the same moment. To say you love them is to see inside their heart. And when you can see that there is no other that can do what they do,like they do, they've found their way into your heart, and you're in love. I suppose that would explain why open minded people fall in love more often. But being scarred and learning a few more things every time, each time, you kind of value it more often . Remember the first time you fell in love? What did you really know? You'll dream of the person you know you love, who has all the traits you could worship, but it's possible to love everybody..if you just look inside their hearts, find their meaning behind their words and cherish their reason you'll love every moment of it.

Believe me, be selfless,it's something you can do...
josie I was once the one who knows you, and I do.
but because I wasn't selfless enough i lost him.
i 'm sorry for all the hurt i caused you, i was so wrapped up me i forgot you.
but i see you now...and i know i love you. I'll be forever sorry, although i'm trying my hardest to move on.
Don't say you forgive me, there's only way I'll know that.. if we were ever one again. All i can do is hold you in my heart, embrace this sorrow and learn to love again, Selflessly.
& Danny.
alexis everyone loves another person at one point in her or his life. and not just erotic soul-mate love. love for a friend or an animal.

"Love, /
the middle child, was Beauty's / companion. /
Love could not look away from Beauty. /
But when Beauty smiled, /
Love was filled with a dizzy madness, /
and felt overwhelmed, /
and ran away."
ashley******* i think that love is taken for granted. Wjen someone says those three words they often don't mean it. Only say them if you mean them. That is what i think but don't get me wrong you can say tham and than someone can fuck up totaly and you can not mean them anymore. I think that when love is taken for granted it can hurt. If you have someone who loves you don't take their love for granted give it back it doesn't mean that you have to say the three words it just means you have to show you care. If you aren't carefull you can cause i person to never want to love again trust me it has happened to me someone broke my heart so badly that i feel like i can never love again that person would happen to be a guy named ben morin a guy who i now dispise for breaking my heart in a million peices and than blaming me for breaking his when it was him from the start who lied to the person he claimed he loved more than anyone in the world than how could he lie to me strait in the face all i have to say is that to all f you assholes out there i hope that if you ever cause someone pain like he caused me i hope you all go to hell 000619
Matthew Sweet innosense garbed in a cloak of mischief. A tender thought that lies at the forefront of the emotion, but in reality contains so much more. I with a wanderers heart have felt it only in glimpses but the intensity and waves of raw emotion that accompanied made me learn fast. Then they sail away to their homes, and I to mine, and I have only the memory and the emotions I have not yet learned to handle left.
And I start away from home again....
ERIC-n-CHRISTIE is wicked. is awesome.
is fun. is sometimes cruel.
is hard to find. could be right beside you and you dont know it. can feel good in bed. can go on forever. can be forgiven. can cost a lot of money.
is understanding. is trusting. is sharing. is unbelievable.
is not caring how far you have to drive to see it. can hurt like a bitch.
is waking up and looking it right in the face. is a deep hole.

Thats what i think love is, well most of it anyway.

Dont be mean to the person you love.
you never know when it will end.
you never know if they will forgive you.

Al is when you can accept a person for who they are and overlook their mistakes. 000703
gigaphairy love is...
in your head.
But does that mean it doesn't exist...?
i think not.
grendel sounds like several species of mental illness 000705
genyus01 i don't know if it actually exists...

i've never been in love, although people have told me that they love me (although i chalk that up to being half naked and them hoping for a blow job). is it possible to love without being loved in return?

someone once told me that love is a combination of good conversation and good, does that make love nothing more than a friendship gone awry?

maybe it's a pattern that people fall into. friends that become accustomed to each other and eventually get so used to being together that if one was taken away, life as it was known would end immediately.

or maybe it's just lust with a nicer, more socially acceptable name
Mary Love is a confusing's hard to know whether it's better to endure the pain of living without it or the pain of being hurt by it. I decided to risk it and love my "family." They were taken away from me, and it feels like my
heart is broken. But even that pain will never take away the love I have for
them. So now I know from experience...
it's worth it to love people. Love never dies.
Minstrel Love,
You are dreams and inspiration.
You are the still path I stroll upon in evening's soft embrace -
The wind, your breath in whispers falling across my face, my limbs.
You are the spring rain in the garden of my heart
The summer sun these wild vines long to reach,
To touch -
To bask in the glory
That is you.

Oh how I’ve longed
To see your face,
My ghost!
I am your disciple, your fool.
I trace your footsteps in search of a part of you -
The all of you-
The whole, the everything.

Forever I will search for all that is you.
Forever I have waited, my life,
My years.
Without you, I know I am only half alive-
Yet still I breathe.
For the very thought of your existence -
It is that which sustains me!
Benjamin when you can hurt the other by hurting yourself 000713
Tank it's strange to me sometimes, (mostly when i am in one of my callous moods), that something that is so common can be valued so highly. contradicts the entire way we generally operate. but then again, such is the meaning of life... 000713
jeffrey if I tell you
you have to promise to keep it a secret
the older boy stares back blankly at his brother. Just turned four and he is already telling secrets
secrets were not what bothered me
it was the reason why things were not out in the open to begin
Like profound things
the stuff that happens to evryone
why must it all be so "secret"
whispers in the dark about what it means
like the game that goes around the room til it gets passed back to you
and it is not what you said at all
the world cheats us some how
that is why I am agianst secrets
the boy leans toward his little brother
his breath tickling his ear as the words slide into his brain infecting his mind forever
Seraphim Love is all we can hope for
Love is all we can endure

To endure love is to achieve the ultimate.

I hope it's worth it because this pool at my feet grows everyday as the crack in my heart widens.

My fingers are slick and it looks like oil, tastes so sweet yet the bitterness of truth will taint it like some universal menses exposed to the air of experience.

Love is a four letter word.
birdmad amen 000721
josie No man/woman is worth your tears and the only one who is will never make you cry. 000726
stan forget it 000730
and also try not to remember the smurfs, or the truth of the planet of the apes.
nooneyouknow who is Lisa Bisa 000810
diskobox Love love is a is a doing word 000812
diskobox Love love is a verb,love is a doing word 000812
turmoil . 000819
jennifer how can anyone say they love another? one never really loves just one?
can you love just one, or can there be many?
do you have feelings and when you do how do you know what it is? are you able to tell love from lust?
i dont understand love.
its so simple but so hard
love is kind and can be so mean
love is gentle and rough.
will you do anything for it ... will i
will it find me or do i have to go look for it?
where is love?
nonameneeded how do you expect me to be able to do so again if i've been hurt this many times.. damn, this sucks! i really don't understand love. thats why i don't plan on marriage. right now i'm in love with someone that says he loves me but how am i supposed to know hes not just throwing the word around and hes not full of crap like all the rest of them. theres too many of these questions that fill my mind and as of right now i'm about to explode. is there even such a thing as love? how would you feel if you had fallen in love, totally head over heels for this person in about an hour, and gotten totally ditched like a dog? is love the answer? if god is love, and love is noexistant, does that mean god isn't real? i am confused.. 000826
nonameneeded how do you expect me to be able to do so again if i've been hurt this many times.. damn, this sucks! i really don't understand love. thats why i don't plan on marriage. right now i'm in love with someone that says he loves me but how am i supposed to know hes not just throwing the word around and hes not full of crap like all the rest of them. theres too many of these questions that fill my mind and as of right now i'm about to explode. is there even such a thing as love? how would you feel if you had fallen in love, totally head over heels for this person in about an hour, and gotten totally ditched like a dog? is love the answer? if god is love, and love is noexistant, does that mean god isn't real? i am confused.. 000826
nonameneeded how do you expect me to be able to do so again if i've been hurt this many times.. damn, this sucks! i really don't understand love. thats why i don't plan on marriage. right now i'm in love with someone that says he loves me but how am i supposed to know hes not just throwing the word around and hes not full of crap like all the rest of them. theres too many of these questions that fill my mind and as of right now i'm about to explode. is there even such a thing as love? how would you feel if you had fallen in love, totally head over heels for this person in about an hour, and gotten totally ditched like a dog? is love the answer? if god is love, and love is noexistant, does that mean god isn't real? i am confused.. 000826
ubliss Its effect is unpreditabe...nothing something, anything or everything.
The WAY is to get everything for doing nothing???
ubliss Its effect is unpreditabe...nothing something, anything or everything.
The WAY is to get everything by doing nothing...
Morgan Le Fay can conquer and kill. can save and destroy. can be the best and the worst. can be as strong as oak and as fragile as glass. can be fulfilling and shattering. love can be all these things but is always worth it. 000917
DJAshton somthing i have yet to experience,
somthing i have not found,
_SweetestRevenge_ The Velcro of your chin
Against my soft curly hair
Disgusts me.
How can I love you
When that touch...
And your breath
Is not sweet perfume
It reeks of smoke and stagnant words
How can I love you
When you...

But I think I do.
Barrett Does hearing this word from anothers lips mean quite as much as from your own? 000924
*dreamer* if love is supposed to be so great and make you so happy.. than *why* does it hurt so much. is it love when the pain i feel when you're not around is unbearable.. does the fact that i feel like less of a person without you make it love? why is it that love makes you feel ontop of the world one minute, and the next feel like the whole world has come crashing down on you? i don't understand love.. i don't understand how if you're not careful your entire world could crumble, your dreams shatter, and your heart break into pieces. why do love and heartache always have to go hand in hand? why can't i truly be happy, and stay that way? why does someone always have to take that happiness away from me? love leaves too many questions unanswered... *and too many hearts broken* 000925
kx21 hurt / hate is the Mother of Love / Like. 000925
Raina raina has no idea what the fuck the word means. help her. 000926
Al Love, is more than an emotion.
It is the very essence of our being.
Without love, it is true there is no life.
To love and not have that love returned is painful.
To love and be loved is fantastic.
To love and be loved but to be torn apart by circumstances is life shattering.
To love and be loved but to be torn apart by circumstances you may have been able to control is soul destroying.
Why, did it have to happen?
Could it not have been erased from all memory?
Why did that fatal mistake come back to haunt me?
He says we can be separated and come back together stronger.
Is there really anything stronger than this love I feel for him?
But the situation I find myself in now is more impossible.
To see and not be able to touch.
To gaze and not be able to kiss.
To love and not be able to hold.
To love and to no definite end.....
Just to touch, kiss and hold him once again, and for the rest of etenity would be my love fufilled.
ubliss ***Ubliss: The Ultimate Bliss***


Your Love is equal to
Yourself - Your Selfishness.

Love can be Negative, ZERO or Positive.
It can change, increse and decrease over times, and
its range could be from negative infinity to positive infinity.

AS possible Steps to increase your love is to
- minimise your selfishness
(i.e.Greed, Hatred and Ignoranc) as
Selfishness =
Greed + Hatred + gnorance; and
- maximise Yourself(i.e. Your Positive
Love); and

- Maximise GIVE OUT and
Minimise TAKE IN.

Who are able to reach the state of Positive Infinity's LOVE?
'GOD' or
You if Your LOVE is as Great as the 'GOD', which is phyisically impossible judging from any scientific findings and theories, but logically possible by our imagination, illusion or illogical thinking???

Copyright 2000.
ubliss ***Ubliss: The Ultimate Bliss***


Your Love is equal to
Yourself - Your Selfishness.

Love can be Negative, ZERO or Positive.
It can change, increase and decrease over times, and
its range could be from negative infinity to positive infinity.

The possible Steps to increase your love are to
- minimise your selfishness
(i.e.Greed, Hatred and Ignorance) as
Selfishness =
Greed + Hatred + ignorance;

- Maximise GIVE OUT and
Minimise TAKE IN; and
- maximise Yourself/ Your Positive

Who are able to reach the state of Positive Infinity's LOVE?
'GOD' or
You if Your Positive LOVE is as Great as the 'GOD', which is phyisically impossible judging from any scientific reasoning, findings and theories, but logically possible with our imagination, illusion or illogical thinking???

Copyright 2000.
ubliss ***ubliss: The Ultimate Bliss***

Subject: ABSENCE & LOVE v1.1

Absence is the ART of Love
Presence is the SCIENCE of Love.

Frustration is the START of Love
Fulfilment is the END of Love.

'TAKE' is the Nature of Love.
'GIVE" is the Nurture of Love.

Attachment is the Hell of Love.
Detachment is the Heaven of Love.

'Feel' is the CHAOS of Love.
'Think' is the ORDER of Love.


'CHAOS' is the BEAUTY of Love.
'ORDER' is the BEAST of Love...

Copyright 2000.
psychedelic retard magical migetry tour 001016
stephen the future is beautiful. 001029
squirrel is it better to love one who does not love you or not love one who loves you true? 001105
kx21 ***ubliss: The Ultimate Bliss***

Subject : Love & Desires

True Self = Self - desires for Self

True Love = Love - desires for Love

Desires for Love = TOUCH, KISS, SEX, ...

Copyright 2000.
ubliss ***ubliss: The Ultimate Bliss***

Subject : Love & Desire v2

True Self = Self - Desire for Self (e.g. Material, Wealth, Power, ...)

True Love = Love - Desire for Love
(e.g. TOUCH, KISS, SEX, ...)

Those who know True Love, do not desire for Love.
Those who desire for Love, do not know True Love.

Copyright 2000.
you i am going to die 001107
kx21 A final reminder for you:

Give all your LOVE to the Universe before you go to HEAVEN, HELL, ...
marissa is when you would die for someone. when you think of them first. when you are second. it's hard and confusing, but can be the best time ever. i love someone and he loves me. i have spent a year and a half with him. sometimes i think i put him first too much. is it possible to love too much? 001111
squirrel Don't forget to love yourself. When you really do, the rest will take care of itself. In that place, there is no such thing as too much.

Embrace your love and embrace your Self.
Becca what is said to be a many splendored thing is the single cause of so much pain 001112
chanaka look at all these people talking about love. i have never felt love. i have never known love. i have never been love, except for the wishy-washy sorta kinda love that you stir like soup and pour down the "soul connection" no "lifelong match" just shit. why me? what have i done to the gods of love to deserve such a fate? they say that someone will come when i'm not looking. they say good thinks come to those who wait. they say a watched pot never boils. what do they know? who is they? my neighbors? i hope not. i have given up can have it. i don't want it. fuck love and fuck each other. just don't tell me about it, because no one will fuck me.... 001113
kx21 What is the probability of
A Love B = B Love A
given that
A Trust B not = B Trust A?
Emawin matt i love you so much but i kno this is wrong, but i want to hold you and run my fingers through your hair and over your face and feel how you havent shaved in about 3 days, and i love the thought that maybe some day we will get married and live in that garage near eli's house, and everything will be ok. but it wont, because i'll keep fucking up, and this fucking love will put me in a mental institution. i wish you would kiss me the way that you did this first time, when niether of us knew how to, and i was so nervous i thought i'd either throw up or pass out, but instead i fell in love with you, and i wish that i could explain to you how much, i wish that i had the words, or you could see me crying now and understand through my tears...Fuck i wish i could believe you wen you tell me that you love me 001118
akira is overrated 001120
snakeyes is exxxtremely overrated 001121
snakeyes once snakeyes was in love....maybe he had lost his eyes.... 001121
carrie i'm in love with mary. m a r y 001127
lizard i love her, i love him.


it doesn't really matter.. they both ignore me anyway.
Katie Rose It's hard to explain exactly what love is.. but the smile on my face is a pretty good indication of what it's all about. 001127
kx21 Dear Katie Rose,

... if your smile is a true reflection
of your BODY, HEART, MIND, ...; AND your LOVE!!!.
Brown little glimpses days apart help us realize why we are and what we search for 001130
birdmad leaves too soon 001201
miniver never arrives


takes the wrong bus
SnAkEyEs Love comes in two aspects: mundane and selfish; or, higher and selfless. The former fosters emptiness, loneliness and falsity. The latter creates harmony, unification, and peace. If the premise that Love is the Secret of Life is accepted, then one can see why the world is in the state it finds itself. it can only be altered one individual at a time. After all, you and only you are responsible for your actions and thoughts. Love, True Love, can neither be imposed, nor legislated; it must come from within to the external by willing and peaceful means. 001208
kx21 Dear SnAkEyEs,

Given that LOVE is about HE or SHE.

What is your definition of EXTERNAL, and its linkage with HE or SHE?
unhinged it pouring out of me like a fucking river. it's leaving me empty and hollow. someone please fill me up.

i'm so proud of jeff singler. he kicked so much ass in the concerto competition. it was so truimphant and beautiful that i was moved to tears. i can't wait to perform the dvorak cello concerto...aaahhh...dvorak...the first beautiful czech man. i'm sure that's a lie.

and it's times like these that i wish i could drive so i could be here for steve. it strikes so close to home now. i don't think i can honestly say i ever knew a person that has aids. i'm not sure if steve does but it's bad enough that he has to think he does. he is so honestly pure and nice and wonderful. there is so much behind his bald-headed smile. i want to be there for him when he gets the results...i should get tested. who knows there that asshole had been before he decided to rape me. no idea. god. maybe i look in the mirror everyday at someone who has aids...then i would have to tell my parents...aaahhh

it's pouring out of me...i'm almost totally fucking hollow
Megan Love is pain in a world like this... Where people hide their feelings for fear of being rejected. Where friends twist minds..... where minds twist minds. Where friends aren't really friends but you pretend so you don't lose the friendship. On a day like today, on a day like any other day, I wonder if you're thinking of me in a way even remotely similar to the way in which I am thinking of you. 001210
kx21 Do you really want to live in a monotonous Universe without any Twists & Turns in your LIFE, THOUGHT, EMOTION, ACTION, REACTION, LANGUAGE,... and LOVE? 001210
chanaka just a song
nothing more
all right now baby its all right now she said "love? lord above..." 001213
tazfab love is built on the fact that the things that drive you nuts about someone are the things you appreciate and adore. they are not something you “overlook.” 001213
kx21 What is the probability of

1)A Trust B = B Trust A
2)A Love B = B Love A
3)1) and 2)?

Hint: 3) = 1) * 2)
kx21 True Love: 3) = 100%

"True Love" or "Genuine Love" can only be found in fictions...?
chanaka and yet, i wonder.
does love work both ways? i must be able to love someone in order to recieve love in return. is that correct? the realization floods over me, soaking my socks: i love no one. i shiver in the cold, as the chill seeps into my bones. think! do you have one person whom you love? that you KNOW you love?

have an answer yet?

don't watch me as i stumble over my own question, as i strain to come up with one person that i love. pity me. i am a failure. one of the greatest capacities of the human soul is to love, and i have somehow gone wrong. arrogant, aren't i? to think that i deserve love of any kind...i know that some people love me, on some level. but humans are self-centered by their very nature. does that mean that i am less than human? (though i admit i never get sick)


it is, of course, all my fault. never anyone else's. all your fault! how i wish i could place the blame on someone else, hide under the "it's not my fault" blanket. cry me a river.

i noticed that i have posted 3 times in this word now. love does mean something to me, even if i don't want to admit it.
so there.
allaboutme I love a lot of things, but I've never been in love. I'm scared of it. 001223
john from michigan but lost in L.A. It's really bad when you tell somebody that you have fallen in love with them and their reply is that they don't feel the same about you, BUT they would be in love with you if they would let themself be themself and admit that they were gay. 001228
cazzi i am scared that no one will love me 001228
scottyboy Is it love?
Is it that awful beast that dwells in the heart?
Ajuna I see your face every where when i turn to talk to someone there u r, when i go to 7-11 there u r. U r always with me but never in person, u r the love i never had but always feel, u r the love i long for but never gets,u r the love that i would die for, u r MY LOVE. 010101
Quiggz Wow...
Uhm... I thought about rambling on and on about it, but it wouldn't be coherent, and I don't think that's what it's about... I think love is the word we use to describe what we cannot use any other words to do justice to. And it's what we make of it. At least, that's what I make of it
kx21 The commonest word used to maintain the inappropriate relationship(s). 010102
birdmad the state i now know i was never meant to inhabit 010102
kx21 The commonest word used to justify the inappropriate relationship(s). 010102
sammy say it one million times. 010103
kx21 The commonest word used to create the inappropriate relationship(s). 010103
unhinged now everytime i smoke a turkish gold...i'm so in love with the way you smell..the way you laugh and talk..but it's all over..that reality anyways. i watched you slip through my fingers as if you were mine to slip through. you had that quicksilver sheen to you that no one could hold. i can't ever love someone else the way i loved you. that's just the fact. and you would just laugh and jerk away from my touch. i should have told you. what i did say wasn't enough. it's just another weight i'll carry around with me. so much more complete and heavy than you were the last time. just find her and tell her how much you love her and that you are glad she is alive. i think you were wrong. jesus does want you two to be together he just doesn't want to do your dirty work for you. even when you said it, said the one thing that i always thought i would be happy to hear, it left a hole. the usual hole. the little window i use to peek in on the world. but i can cling to your prayer. i wanted you to lead me through the bible. but i'll always have that verse and those bitter bitter tears. i think i should pay more attention to the omens in my life. but i never knew anything more solidly than that the kingdom of heaven was inside me. my heart cries. my eyes are too weary to mourn your passing. go to her. your muse. 010103
alkalinepixie i love him. and. he hates me. and i feel. like im looking at myself. from under water. 010103
pathwrat are we talking love here, or luff? (aka luv or even, god forbid, wuv)

this page takes a long time to load, so there are currently lots of theories.

i used to be a great little advice giver when i had no experience and no frame of reference. now that i've been down there and contemplated murder/suicide like the rest of you, i have no glib expressions or pat answers.

when folks ask me if i think they are "in wuv" here is what i say....

love is knowing that the person you "love" will hurt you worse than anyone, anywhere, anytime, has ever hurt you before... it is inevitable, even if you've found the true love of your life, you will be devastated when they leave you. (and they will, unless you've found an immprtal... but what use have they for love?) Knowing that, love is wanting to be with them anyway, and hating yourself for it.
Wiley coyote The feeling of you under my skin
Ripping, tearing at what makes me whole
Causing all the pain I swore I'd never feel again. And here I am again, praying that you'll stay.
kx21 The commonest word used to beautify the inappropriate relationship(s)... 010107
peyton Why Aphrodite, must you bleed me so?

Have I not bled enough in your name?
claw273 what everyone wants to hear, but will run in fear if not ready.

what you want, but not from me. girl run
*CatMeow* is a lot like the hot pot full of stagnant, noodle-filled, slowly evaporating water that has been sitting on my dresser for over 3 weeks now, that everyone keeps bumping into, threatening to spill the greezy contents onto my brand new microwave... i might want to do something about it, but i probably won't 010108
kx21 The commonest word used to escape from the inappropriate relationship(s)... 010108
thomas when love leaves for connecticut,
follow it. but if you already made
that mistake, i won't need to tell
you not to make that mistake again. you'll already know.
kx21 The commonest word used to save YOU from the inappropriate relationship(s)... 010115
Erin I took your hand
And I pulled you as hard as I could
For you didn't quite comprehend
Where I might be taking you
We charged down the stairs
You were taken back by concern
I opened the door
To the most pleasing sight on earth
The sky shaded pale blue
The drops drizzling to the muddy ground
Yeilding you followed
Trusting my odd request
I took both of your hands
I looked into your playful eyes
we rain barefoot
as the rain drenched our clothes
It felt so cooling
It felt so comforting
Knowing neither of us did not care
I had never experienced so much passion
I had never felt you understood me
Until the day we danced in the rain.
Colleen STINKS! 010121
heather even when you've found it you're scared you might lose it. you don't want this even though you think you do. when you have it you don't fully appreciate it and when you lose it you wonder why you missed out. nothing hurts as much. nothing makes you feel like this... you need it to breathe. you think about it day and night until you eat, drink, sleep, breathe, and cry love, love, love, love is what will make the sun rise tomorrow and the birds sing in the branches. but by then it's too late. 010123
*Colleen* is wonderful, beautiful, terrifying, and completely painful all at the same time 010129
kx21 The commonest word used to destroy the beauty of VIRGIN or VIRGINITY... 010129
crest she is within me across the sea and i am bleeding fire. 010201
Cat ^.^ I'd like to quote Adam Sandler in the Wedding Singer, "He loves her, and she loves this guy right here, and he loves somebody else. You just can't win, and so it goes until the day you die, this thing called love will make you cry. Love stinks. Yeah, Yeah. Love stinks? LOVE STINKS!! Yeah, Yeah." By the way, I'm wearinng all black on Valintines day! Yippi! 010201
kx21 The commonest word used to complete a transaction of VIRGIN or VIRGINITY at the Least Possible PRICE... 010201
lalala she knows i'm here but will she ever read it. i mean who is it you would most like to hear on the phone as you just hear it ring, i know and she knows but what we want are two different things. 010205
T love is the subject.
truth and lie the objects.
Ajuna Is a warm Friday afternoon, after the exams,
Sitting in a warm liburary chatting with ur high school buddies,
then it hits u "this is perfect" u think to ur self then ur filled with sadness,
as this moment won't last forever and ur trying to remeber every single detail of it,
as if by that it would stay a while longer, now looking back to it when youth still linger in our hearts i smile and cry in side as its the happiest day of my life although its over,
the perfect memory will lasst foever in my heart and i will cherish and LOVE it.
Nikolette Why do the young think Love is licensed to them only? When we grow old, does Love grow old as well? No one is happy growing old. Because they know death is coming. Isn't there life after death? If not, you might as well die now. Why do people continue to live? Because we are hoping there is something more after life. And because during life, there is something more than youth. Love is not only for young lives. How can we truly appreciate love when we have not gone through life? When this moment passes, we are sad. Will we not have another moment? Is Love rationed out to us, like food stamps? Or is it given generously when we need it, like . . . well, not like Social Security. Or increases in salary. Or . . . But, that's a different story. Love is given at just the right moment, like the smiles on my little boys' faces. Because they know their mother, and they Love her. And will continue to do so, even when they are old. 010208
kx21 The commonest word used to justify the greatest contribution to U, in particular You, from the pretty and poor MOTHER....

From The_THEORY_of_Everything.
Karen Look into my eyes and fill me with your light,let me wade in the crystal blue waters of your soul, invite me and I will explore all of your splendor with an open heart, let us become one and cherish each other until our time is done, although my fear consumes me, one invitation and I will be free. Say that you Love me... 010209
sooz we are born into this world with tears in our eyes, and only after we have cried do we learn how to laugh. 010210
Dafremen REAL, it's out there. Just stop looking for that sticky gooey sweet Disneyland fairytale drama. That's not love, that's drivel that Disneyland cooked up to sell tickets to movies and toys to little girls.

Real love is like a war movie, with ups and downs and a thousand happy endings. real love is hard work and it makes you old, while it keeps you young.

Real love is neverendingly short.
kx21 The commonest word used to justify the greatest MISTAKE / SIN ever made by the pretty and poor Woman... 010216
danger boy 101 When I think of your love,
I smile from within my heart,
When I think of being with you,
I wish we would never part,
Your love is my companion,
When days are long n cold,
Your love is my destiny,
When our lives grow old,
To be your love forever,
Is my life's intent,
Your love is my endeavor,
For you are my heaven sent!!!
raechel You know I was about to tell you that I loved you but I stopped right before it came out of my mouth. LOVE. How hollow that word is. What a low gas mileage vehicle love is. What I feel for you is beyong words. Words fall short. Words get taken into a room and get fucked in the ass by one thousand lonely convicts before they get anywhere near what I feel for you. Words get their brains bashed out of their heads and get left in the woods to be eaten by bears so the cops will never find their bodies. I guess I'm really into you. I wish I could sing like that guy in Boston. They rock like fuck.

[Henry Rollins, EYE SCREAM]
unhinged i keep you around in all your emotional and physical abuse because i'm looking for love. i just keep hoping that after the 19th and the 20th and the 21st chance i give you things will be different. but the weak and the selfish aren't capable of giving love they are only capable of taking it. 010217
kx21 The commonest word used to justify the greatest MISTAKE / SIN ever made by the handsome and ignorant Man... 010220
kitty and the only thing that can forgive it 010220
Dr. Ogenki to give love is completing and satisfying

to receive it is divine suffocation
Dafremen I have no pity for someone that is hurt by love. I mean when you go INTO this love thing, you KNOW the potential it has to take you, twist you, bite you and leave you aching from the inside out.

So how could you possibly walk into it, setting yourself up to be HURT?!

Then what's worse is the incessant blubbering and whining about how much love HUUURTS you. How horrible LOVE is to have made you feel this way.

It's like walking into a room full of rattlers with no boots on, knowing full well that others have been bit by these snakes before. Then you come out of the room with black, swollen ankles, frothing at the mouth and screaming about those stupid snakes.

Keep a little distance from love, or at least prepare to get hurt.

Because when it comes to love, if you don't wear boots, that's yer own damned fault.
wei love in desperation comes without combed hair and clean faces 010228
wei it comes without an explanation yet you completely understand. 010228
kx21 The commonest word used to associate GOD with Man... 010228
KKF In the beginning its beautiful.
A good reason to live.
A good reason to die.
Beautiful, yet painful.
Completes you, only sometimes to tear you apart.
Cant live without, yet it is hard to find in its purity and honesty.
A Rose with many thorns.
And in the end its beautiful.
birdmad we always expect the snakes,
it's just that every so often the joker at the controls randomly springs a trapdoor which drops you into a shrk tank and none of us ever knows which, when, where or even IF we'll be the ones to meet that end.

and funnier still is the survivors are always willing to do it all over again

"Let's go
to the sporting goods store
and i'll buy you
a really big baseball bat...

...beat me 'til i'm black and blue
and i'm
very nearly dead
then i can get back up
and we can do it all over again"

--The Refreshments
ellen love...oh how I would love to love him, suround him with my love..that I would love.. 010302
johnny west Love is remarkably similar to dental floss, in that it can draw blood (if used properly). Allow me to elaborate:

You can throw your love around me anytime...but don't touch my hair.
spirallyn cold lifeless gripping emptiness
... this is what it feels like living without your love
Dark Rifter X
the only reason to live and die.
The only time your really alive.
The only pain I can't deal with.
The only chance for real happiness.
The only thing I’ve ever wanted.
And then it's over when it shouldn’t be and it's pain beyond belief.
mikey love. word which brought me here. love..and hate. 2 most missused words in the english language. always misunderstood many times not true to each words definition...yet we all say them. love is a double edge sword. love is a person who can walk in the face of hardship and still smile. love is being able to look your partner into the eyes and not say one single word..yet know without a shadow of doubt what the other is thinking. compromise. compassion. patience. 010306
kx21 The commonest word used to associate GOD with Man:- i.e. God's love for MAN..., which is coined by someone, for the sake of God... 010306
bubble Bubbles from inside, tingling, sometimes painful. When released through the mouth a whisper; I love you... breath tickling the neck, bubbles released to the world, to the source. I feel them travel through my ear, into my brain, down to my heart, to mingle with the bubbles inside of me, only to be released again, and again, and again; a game that I never tire of... I love you... 010308
dumphy a wave. but better than water, a wave of breath and for that whom you love its not like anyone else's. there all missing out because they are not in love with her.
a cure. happiness evry second but afraid that it will leave
dumphy a wave. but better than water, a wave of breath and for that whom you love its not like anyone else's. they're all missing out because they are not in love with her.
a cure. happiness evry second but afraid that it will leave
we're laughing like a bastard
kx21 Morality less Money? 010319
mmm becky 010325
vampers me for who i am....a fake, a fraud, lonely, hopeful, needy...just love me 010325
kx21 The Open Secret Weapon of GOD... 010325
kx21 Is it possible to devote yourself to something / someone (e.g. God) WITHOUT knowing it exists or WITHOUT being convinced of its existence? 010325
kx21 Given that the Love between MEN / WOMEN would somehow weaken their devotion to God...

kx21 Given that the KISS, an expression of Love between MEN / WOMEN would somehow dilute their devotion to God...

KISS is SIN? 010325
kx21 Given that the SEX, exoticness of Love between MEN / WOMEN would certainly pollute their devotion to God...

superslutstar i hAd nevEr beEn so confUsed.... i hAd nevEr been so lOst........ untiL.... untiL i foUnd hiM.... the moSt perfEct beIng... the mOst beAutifUl of all creAtions... soMeone Who lovEs me foR whO i Am... anD someoNe i lOve moRe thAn lifE itSelf........... 010326
someone death 010328
someoneeles death 010328
the_wanna_be_mascara_snake vagina 010328
the_wanna_be_mascara_snake wellllllllllll

I COULD go into



but I won't,

Love is Evil spelled

Lindsey Love is the prickly sensation on the bottoms of my feet when I walk you to the car barefoot, and you carry me over the grass. 010328
Zoe Aric. 010328
daylitedreamer love is the most confusing thing i have ever experienced in my life. how to know when you are in love and how to know when to let go are the hardest things i have ever had to decide. 010329
vessel been in love for so many years. a good place to be. love life. love death. love beauty. love abomination. love it all. can't love an other. can't love self. ain't got a say - just love. ad infinitum. 010329
birdmad i realize that what i feel about her now is no longer love.

i would love her
i could love her

if she let me.

but all i have left from those days is the hunger for an explanation that i know will never come.

it keeps me frozen
it keeps me bound
it made me hesitate when i might have had a chance to start again with someone new...but now i guess i'll never know.
DanetteTN915 I went to the Garden of Love,
And saw what I never had seen;
A Chapel was built in the midst,
Where I used to play on the green.

And the gates of this Chapel were shut,
And 'Thou shalt not' writ over the door;
So I turned to the Garden of Love
That so many sweet flowers bore.

And I saw it was filled with graves,
And tombstones where flowers should be;
And priests in black gowns were walking their rounds,
And binding with briars my joys and desires.
(THE GARDEN OF LOVE by William Blake)
as i think was wrong about it 010403
daylitedreamer he told me he loved me
and that he never stopped caring
his feelings were 'always the same, and they never changed'
i believed him once
i dont know if i should believe him now
i told him that he's lying to me
he asked if i trusted him
and i do.
whats love?
i knew once, but i think i forgot
someone needs to teach me again
my heart will never forget you..
whats a girl to do?
lyst1519 makes you forget you are empty... 010405
Nerbus Maximus Love simply means putting someone else's needs before your own! Putting their life before yours. What is so selfish about that! 010406
Princess Lola too unrequited for words 010408
Chrity go to:
elisabeth my fiends do not know what love is anymore they lost the meaning. and think something is love when it is not 010411
elisabeth my fiends do not know what love is anymore they lost the meaning. and think something is love when it is not. They are just fooling them selfs and then i will pick up the pieces when they realize the truth 010411
uglyduckling at first sight. What a joke. I keep thinking now.
Who can I blame for this tragedy? The world? The media? People.
I'm bitter about people and relationships. I'm ugly, does that mean I can't be loved? Can I ever have a romantic relationship with someone? How can I believe in anything anymore. None of it matters. We grow old, we get ugly, we die. How can I ever see past that and the aesthetic cancer that is in each of us. I'm disgusting on the inside and out, who can love me?
uglyduckling I love you, Why do I love you? I cannot understand why I should feel this way for a complete stranger. Can I understand what love is if I have never experienced it. Perhaps, mine is just simple infatuation with her beauty and aesthetics. so how can I live with myself if all I crave it is her body. I hate myself for loving her. Because I know that this love is not true nor pure. that is why I cannot believe in true love because I understand that no such thing exists. I'm tired. 010415
aeiou is silly and wonderful and unreal and everything.
its the purpose and its the end.
its sanity and the impetus of my insanity.
i want it and i hate it.
i shut it out but it creeps in and consumes us.
what is a girl to do?
i still love you.
keeper love me, as a friend, if nothing more

and, there are no ifs, just love me as a friend
johnny west I was once in love with myself, and that relationship was doomed right from the start.

There was no communication; I rarely talked to myself, and I never called myself (unless you count that one time on the cell phone and the regular phone, but the delay was too distracting and the conversation lasted less than a minute). There wasn't much intimacy to the relationship, physically or mentally. And I didn't show enough appreciation for myself.

Withdrawing further into myself didn't help, because I didn't think very much of myself. We were just a great pair, me and myself. Even a little sadistic, in a frozen kinda way.

The only solution was to get rid of myself and become someone else. Praise Jesus! That squirrel just about took my head off.
sapphire_ is. simply because you exist.

a miracle.
eternity's sweet kiss.

it is not lost, nor snatched away, nor faded like pictures of sunset across your evening sky.

it is beauty. truth.

and that of which when you are once with, can never henceforth be without

love. what people spend lifetimes searching for, and fall to a dictatorship of pain when they forget its meaning

a universal language.

love... what my living memories are made of, and what you are slowly forgetting
danger boy Love is what get's people in to trubble and brakes peoples hearts... it creats all these bad feelings that no one likes, but some times in the middle of all that, there is love in your heart for one or maybe more. Their is always two in my life fore they are my MOM and my girl whom I'll always love... 010420
danger boy Love is what get's people in to trouble and brakes peoples hearts... it creates all these bad feelings that no one likes, but some times in the middle of all that, there is love in your heart for one or maybe more. Their is always two in my life fore they are my MOM and my girl whom I'll always love... 010420
imitator what can make us
most human
yet also,
most like God.
Erin Pulse races, mind spins, heart aches. Connection. Devotion... love. 010426
flo i have loved three women
and at least that number have loved me back
i use to think that it was a finite resource, and then i had children and found out that there is no line long enough to plumb the depths. so, if i am not just passing my love from one woman to the next why can't they all be in my life at once?
marek is evil 010426
nix0r something so paradoxically unfamiliar to so many 010427
c1 I write about love, wanting to understand, why it exists. It's a masochistic infatuation with ourselves, some would say. Some of us love claiming that it hurts us more than it helps us, and yet we keep coming back to it over, and over, begging to be spanked by love's paddle. Some of us would be believe that it's about maintaining a balance that makes existence possible because of the duality of reality. Love only exists because Hate exists.
And finally there's me, who believes that it's the whole world at the tip of your eyelash. The cow, the cake, and the fat lady who sings, is perhaps a better analogy than anything else for what love is. It's the yearning, to express your fears, hopes, wants and needs, in a frenzy of emotion.
So why haven't I ever experienced it,
I dunno...
Roybeast One of the few words in the language of humanity that needs, desperately, an enema, of sorts. It is clogged to the throat with similes, metaphors, poems, movies, songs, martyrs, and other poor blather. 010502
Cybrmystiq Maybe I was more in love with the illusion of her. Than the person behind that illusion. 010506
Allie is all i want right now
why don't you want to give it?
when will you want to give it?
Will you ever want to give it? me?
redspark Anna is always there to lift me up when i am down and to help me see which way to go in life and gives me the best advice ever, shes my 1-800-advicegirl
i love her so much and could never ask for a better friend
go to you (click on it)
redspark ok i take that back it wouldnt let me write anything in it so click on my (click) 010509
SaxyWeed is wrong and girls are fucking evil
phil Infalliable, unbelievable, forgetable, controlling. Unemotional, effortless, questionable, but scary. Instant butterflys and wizard charm and that other thing that she sees in me. Cute I think that's what she'd say. Does she love me, what a silly question, it always gets answered the same way. Yes. I haven't bent love yet, I wonder what I can do with it. Take it with me and give it to the nearest person. A pretty nice one. Why? Let's not ask this question, some things just look like answers even though there not. It will make love go away until it is retaught. But I have no fear for us, I know what love is and it will be the last thought to leave me. Your love has to be with you, or you will be lonely. 010521
Dafremen Love is like the funny feeling of scratching yourself and realizing that you've finally scratched through the last thread in your underwear. So you go to grab a fresh new pair out of the drawer and change your mind because they aren't as comfortable as the ones with the scratch holes around the anal and genital region. Why? Well sh*T how do you think they got so worn in the first place? TIME, familiarity and fondness baby, nothing more, nothing less. Just like real LOVE.

P.S. I'll get back to lecturing you googley-eyed hormonally turbocharged teen f*ck machines later! Love...yeaa right.
. hah
what was that?
try leap frog?
i saw a frog under the table cloth once.
it looked like little heart
don't know what happened to it.
then I stepped on a hedgehog.
uppsse silly animals
they bloody fuck to much
the baby birds wake me up the whole time bloody hell.
The Truth L O V E

Love is so misunderstood by so many people.

What Love is NOT:
Love is not one-sided.
Love is not pain, it is the seperation of love that is painful.
Love is not sex.
Love is not something you want to recieve (it grows when you give it).
Love is not to be confused with affection, lust, or a even a long, durable, comfortable romance (but are byproducts of it).
Love is not imagined.
Love is not infatuation, passion or obsession (but these things are associated with Love).
Love is not the result of "liking someone a lot, for a long period of time."
Love is not to be used for inanimate objects...that's passion and obsession.

What Love IS:

Love is Selflessness, generous compassion.
Love reciprocates.
Love is something you want to Give (it withers when you get greedy with it).
Love is a connection to a higher power.
Love is a dynamic phenomenon which, in it's all encompassing glory, will enhance your senses, re-define your viewpoints, and affects you not only pyschologically, but physically as well.
Love is more than an emotion, it's spiritually based.
Love is a bond. (double covalent)
Love is (+) energy.
Love is the seventh sense.
God IS Love, so Love is the substance that God is made out of.
Love and Life are symbiotic forces.
Love is what separates, elevates us from the animals.
Love is cultivated by our souls.
Love is eternal.

When you experience love, you'll know it. There will not be a single doubt in your mind. Sure, it takes a bit of hope, and a tinge of faith, but you definately won't ask, "Is this Love?" because you'll know for sure, without question.

People who have been bitter for long periods of time will try to discourage you from love, many of those types are listed above. That's because they did not forgive whoever it was that hurt them. Odds are, especially in America, you WILL be hurt eventually by someone you love, but you will heal in time, and live to love again. Never EVER give up...and you'll find TRUE LOVE.
erin am i pretending
doing everything you expect
am i not letting you in
or are u already in?
are these new feelings a sign?
A sign of love
A sign of nothing
Total Confusion
Yet so clear
You are standing in front of me
Arms outstretched
I can't help but to collapse into them
No more pretending
I need You

( i realized I loved you as I wrote this)
erin something in the way he never looks my way im in love.
something in the way he doesnt hear a word I say Im in love
But people say we're not the same
Hes out of my league im insane
Im wasting my life waiting for you
Is it true
am I wasting my life on you?
Something in the way he looked at me today Im in love
Something in the way he said for me to get away im in love
Am I wasintg my life waiting for you
Is it true?
Am I wasting my life on you?

--the hippos
mushroomman Lips as red as a rose, face as pale as the moon
she whispered the sweet things into my ear that made me swoon, falling
and falling, she caught me in her arms and let me gently down,I whispered,i
want to fly, and so we did, across the starry sky, Soon, she said soon,
and as she kissed me i woke up.
Dafremen Once again, my good The Truth misses the mark ever so slightly.

This time he blames some of those "listed above" for being cycnical loners who don't trust love and won't let love into their hearts because they have been hurt.

What a bunch of crap! I MYSELF recommend that you folx avoid love as long as you can. It's a time killer and a life waster. Yea, sure it's nice when you're with the person you love and all that sh*t, but it sucks when yer not. You spend sooo much time dealing with soap opera-like feelings and crap that you have to actually schedule that sh*t into your day somehow. Stay away from love until you're ready to settle down. Stay away from it altogether if you can.

Roger Dafremen lives in a mid sized Midwestern city(population about 500,000). He is the proud and loving father of 4 children ages 6 to 14, devoted husband of 11 years to his beautiful wife "Monica". They are VERY much in love.
nocturnal at work don't wanna fall into love till I'm 35
-smoking popes
"not that kind of girlfriend"
mushroomman And you think love is to pray, but I'm sorry if I don't pray that way..

Soft Cell
The Truth "Just One Year of Love Is better than a lifetime alone."

-Queen, "One year of Love"
The Truth "Those that speak out against Love have obviously never known it."

-A quote actually, I just made it up!
Fallen unattainable 010601
marissa "And all I loved, I loved alone." 010603
baby satan love is a dead bear's penis covered in coffee crisp wrappers. 010604
Dafremen Amen. Couldn'tve said it better myself, and I've tried. 010604
Fallen maybe i am not good at it, love.
the crooked smile from a crooked man.
gave me life in my lips,
gave me life between the hips.
and now maybe he is gone
his torture, his cruelty that he bestowed upon me
the heart he wished to run with
the soul he wished to monopolize
and I ask you now, why?
what do I hold that you couldn't
what life could be in me that you could take from me?
you untasteful desire, my wreckened ship
You took, what they gave and ran far from what we could see
You stupid boy, too think that love was grand
and in the end it will eat you
suck you up into its mouth to devour your cruelty
your shameless humanity
I scorn the ones who make me fall and scorn myself for ones I let go
But you must think me dumb, you must think me blind
Too ever let you be in your life, with mine.
I do not hesistate my will, to wrath upon your mind.
I do not wish to disturb my sleep when you come in at 3.
So fuck off and die with the rest in my heart
that left me dead and pick at the scars.
Amy H. love is a wonderful thing.
do u think not?
kingsuperspecial I love taking a shit.

I play 'sub-hunt' on my Palm Vx, scoring points by dropping depth charges on lurking submarines, chuckling all the while at the
perverse irony of this
while my client pays $180/hr
for my time.

I make about $50-$90 a day this way.

when I get a high score, I write
'Mr.Poop' on the high score list.
Then I go back to work
and nobody knows.

That's my story about love.
thank you.

unhinged this love is like a razorblade
it cuts me and only
sometimes does it soothe
and i can't make it leave
or i would
trust me
i would get rid of you
if i could
your smile full of knives
your hands painfully warm
the bitter truth choked on my
need for you
apathy would be a wonderful tool
but one i can't find
it just cuts me
The Truth But first...

Your retort has now provoked me to a further retort. You seem to be an expert in this skill of provacation. I wonder about your interior motives. "I was going to write a bunch of stuff here, but then I erased it and wrote this instead." :)

You wrote, in a previous post, that love is to be stayed away from....and yackity schmackity...bla bla bla (in a slightly more eloquent fashion, of course. (Of course!))
Then you mentioned that you are a "loving" Father, (which is great!). I am curious if you think of the two "loves" that you mentioned, loving a mate and loving your kids as different ?
Are they not the same? Love is the same ("stuff" - for lack of a better word) reguardless of whether you're speaking about strenghthening relationships (bonding)with your family, caring and affection for your spouse, or when you have genuine concern for a person in need. Its all part of the same network of Love that flows through us in waves of light and life.
The Truth oops...that is supposed to say "Dafremen" up there where it says, "but first....". 010615
Sheena love is more than 4 letters. love is not just loving someone but also being loved by someone. love is something u dont want to lose! u can be afraid of love but never not want it. if ur lost and need somewhere to go always turn to love! if u have a comment on my input please email me at
THANX -sheena
Sheena i love josh!!! 010618
J$# Have you ever loved someone so much that when they are hurting you can feel their pain or when they are happy, your happy too? When you know that no matter what happens, you'll be ok as long as your with them? The best thing in life is telling a person that you love them and meaning it from the bottom of your heart. Take every chance you get, because it might be your last.
i luv ya sheena
J$# Have you ever loved someone so much that when they are hurting you can feel their pain or when they are happy, your happy too? When you know that no matter what happens, you'll be ok as long as your with them? The best thing in life is telling a person that you love them and meaning it from the bottom of your heart. Take every chance you get, because it might be your last.
i luv ya sheena
J$# Have you ever loved someone so much that when they are hurting you can feel their pain or when they are happy, your happy too? When you know that no matter what happens, you'll be ok as long as your with them? The best thing in life is telling a person that you love them and meaning it from the bottom of your heart. Take every chance you get, because it might be your last.i luv ya sheena 010618
mixedbag why do i love him? he smells, vents bodily gases at the most inappropriate times and, is an unremarkable person. but at the same time he is gentle and sweet. bound by his insecurities, he says that he wants to hear me say that i love him. he's not your type, he's wrong for you. but, "useless are the winds to a heart in port". i find things that i would normally find annoying, endearing. have i been blinded?? never the less, i look forward to our weekends together, lazy mornings in bed and on the couch. its probably not going to be forever, but now is forever. 010620
fallenangel oh, cant you see how i want to be in your eyes again. in your enbrace. how sorry i am for turning from your kiss and how sorry i am for not saying yes to you when i had the chance. i love you with all i am and everything in me. i wish i didnt. because we will never be together. i wish i didnt feel the way i do but i cant make my heart stop loving you. 010620
tears in the night why does love hurt so bad. why does it hurt why does it have to hurt like a big black it becuase you love him to. but nothign will come inbetween us. and if you love him tell him come forward becuase if you do then he is all you. it is not worth loving him if it hurts you. so please just tell me 010621
black-dyed gel product "What you two need is a little comic strip called LOVE IS. It about a couple of naked eight year-olds who are married."

The Truth We can thank television for infusing this dramatic flare into teenage love.

Know this:

Love = True Positive Energy.
drama = soap opera pickle feathers on a magnet.

If you must overdramatize your "heartache" situation, that only means you need to be more patient and wait for the real deal, kiddies!
baby satan i had a good shit this morning. 010623
Jezbass Is the most painful thing I think I've had to experience. 010629
David Byrne Sometimes, dear, you tell me I'm an asshole
Well, sometimes, you're an asshole, too
Even though we're filled with imperfections
I don't think any less of you
Lola blar
this is kind of a foggy page hah.
what left is there to say?
maybe we all just live to be loved and live to love.
is love the core of our existence?
bowen I love the song Sheena is a punk rocker 010705
tiny snapdragon fools rush in where angels fear to tread 010710
Matt Love is the most dangerous thing of all. Be careful with it. I think that's why most people don't open up, so they don't get hurt, but I think that's what ruins a lot of relationships, lack of trust and real love. People won't let themselves love others.
Ever since I lost my love, my one true love has been music. Of course music has always been there for me. And it always will.

Don't worry about love, just be happy. That way, you can enjoy yourselves and if you ever lose it, you'll have real, true love to look back on and you will be happy forever. Because even if you lose love, it stays with you. You might not be with the one you love, but you'll always be with the love, as long as you accept that before it's too late.

Don't ever hold back.
LiToTwD4 sadistic, fool's overture, but the melody, so sweet. I listen, and i find it wanting, but, i have to know if i can help it along. So, i love her, but saying this does not do it justice, living with and working through all this sadistic bullshit makes me believe,
but it sure is one fucked up game.
La Simcoecita You got to get the family farm back, before you can think about that.

If then.
claudia what i feel for myself and almost nobody else.

another reason why i'm sick.
illya23b and why not? humanity is saturation. i will join my voice with that of the masses; a drop or two in the communal river. such is the allegory: each life is infinite, and there are infinity lives. i am one. she is one. we are one. for you, isra. 010719
GrayWolf hard to look for; HARDER to find. 010721
GrayWolf I met a girl who loved me so....
then turned around and let me go.
GrayWolf I met a girl who loved me so....
then turned around and let me go.
stauf Like water, you can drown in it, feel it suffocating you, but without it you are ever-thirsty, and needing it to survive. Love is the loaded gun, with a hair-trigger. Never point it at someone unless you intend to use it. It is a gift for giving, and not for taking. So offer it without expectation of reciprocation, and if the object of your desires be worthy, the reward will come un-bidden. 010721
Fire&Roses Magic...
fairy tales, innocence, smiles, kisses
Stolen moments together
Allison My true and only love lives many states away. I can't wait to see him. Waiting sucks... 010723
Verloren One loves what cannot be had, however, once the object of desire is had does that love remain as sweet? 010729
kx21 A special knot of

Is this knot Real or Phantom?
Skalar is who you are. 010803
girl its been two years we've been together. love isnt spectacular anymore. i dont get butterflies or warm fuzzies or permagrin. we have lived together for 2 years. we dont go on dates. sometimes we'll go see an afternoon movie or have lunch. mostly we go to work and coexist. sometimes we have sex. the phrase "i love you" is old and tired. this doesnt mean that we love less it means the phrase by itself has lost a lot of meaning. we've said it to eachother millions of times in 2 years. this love is mellower. this love is more easily taken for granted because its been here for such a long time because i see him every day because we share a lease, a cat, a bed, bills, a computer, money.
i try to count my blessings. i have a more comfortable kind of love.
kijima the big lie
the worst of all emotions
an excuse to die
the one thing promised to all yet only allowed to some
plagues the heart
plagues the mind
plagues the body
plagues the soul
it IS hell
hell is earth
therefore love really does make the world go around
turning all of our lives to shit
making us all co-dependant
and of course dead
love kills more than any hatred ever did.
Timmy Jesus Christ, kijima...
What chick took a bite out of YOUR left nut?
Inanna In the whole symbolic yin yang of things some people call this world, love could not exist without hate. I wish it could, but how could there be balance?
Love is all everyone needs. It is your free will to choose to love or hate.
The struggle between good and evil is a classic archetype. Love is more powerful than hate. I am in love right now.
kx21 Listen to your mother, the poor Woman_nag... 010816
kx21 Talk to your father, the profound
Dafremen Are you people STILL yakking about love?! Sheesh...give it a rest already!

Besides I think the blathers you REALLY wanted are:
Fire&Roses ...

being left speechless. smiling at the new day. dancing in the rain. the sensations rippling through you. dizziness. togetherness. hope. trust. magic. desire. JOY.
sweetheart of the song tra bong you gave it to me softly. 010817
enok pisses me off when i love and i am not loved back. 010819
Zack farce 010819
Skalar Wake up! Know It, Live It, Be It. Love is Who You Are! 010820
translucent being in love is wholly awesome. it is the greatest feeling, because i know she loves me back. i only wish she was here right now, at this very moment so i could tell her i love her again and again. i miss her as soon as i leave, and as soon as i see her because i know i will have to leave. this is real. i am in love. 010820
pralines&cream : Abraham and Adriana 010826
pralines&cream : Abraham&Adriana 010826
pralines&cream me, Abe!!! I love you. 010826
rain it hurts me to know i can't tell you i've loved you all along... 010830
Norm Beautiful... We've been together for a while now... You know, I think I've fallen in love with you. Seriously, I want to show you how much I love you... Do you love me? I think we should express our love. I really love you.


Good bye
fallen hero Empahthy
That warm feeling
Common bonds
Sex appeal
Consuming thoughts
Physical attraction
Butterflies in the stomach
Increases heart rate
kraken how can you not see what you mean to me. You brighten my day with a simple smile my way. 010904
Inanna Pure love is a weapon
So are guns
Genius intellect
And creativity
wary that's because god (our blather god excepted)

has a nasty mean streak and likes pulling these exact sort of stunts

for some, love is the carrot on the end of the stick

and we are but the mules who follow it, unaware that we are not getting any closer as we go

Everyone loves me.
paigeamalaige you don't get to choose, you just fall in love & you get this person who is all wrong & all right at the same time & you know that you love them so much except sometimes they just drive you completely insane & no one can explain it & the reason its so confusing is because its love but if love didnt have any challenges what would be the point?!?!

We all want to fall in love. Why? Because that experience makes us feel completely alive. Where every sense is heightened, every emotion is magnified, our everyday reality is shattered and we are flying into the heavens. It may only last a moment, an hour, an afternoon. But that doesn't diminish its value. Because we are left with memories that we treasure for the rest of our lives.

...Well, it was a million tiny little things that, when you added them all up, they meant we were supposed to be together... and I knew it. I knew it the very first time I touched him. It was like coming home... the only real home I'd ever was like...*magic*

love is the most indescribable feeling in the world it floods your entire body with the warmest feeling in the world & youre half unsure if its real or if youre just trippin the fuck out but youre addicted the moment you get just a taste of it & you keep running back for more & more hoping that itll never go away bc. you could never do without it. you have no control over yourself whatsoever youre so absorbed in this other person - youre entire heart belongs to them & they can rip it out or make you the happiest person in the WORLD. but you wouldnt want it any other way...chris i love you...
Pythagorus Love is the one thing that science can't explain...


(Ok, so there's a million things that science can't explain...but still, love is a mystery, and that makes it wonderful.)
kx21 Quantum Vibration(s) of Emotion... 010907
paigeamalaige everytime i see him i think it can't get better than way..but it does & i just stand on my roof and yell to the world how much i love him i want to tell every person i see how great life is & how i am so in love with this perfect guy..everytime i look at him i just want to hold him forever..& everytime i kiss him, it's because words fail me...what my lips mean to do is say i love you... 010907
november rain fuck you fuck her i hate myself 010908
nanny i believe that i am one of the unlovables. i fear commitment, therefore i fear love. i can't love others and can't be loved. i think i need help. 010909
afraid? what the hell do i care? 010909
afraid? what the hell do i care? 010909
coda dont know what to do . i open my heart but i dont see anything from HER she says she feels but i dont see her actin . i tell her . theres a difference between actin and just sayin it . i get very frustrated and impatient !!!!! but then i calm down and look at how much i care bout her and tell my self ther must be a reason y she iz lyke this why she iz so closed sometimes . why she cant trust . i dont get it . she iz CONFUSING . but i care bout her and im going to stay wit her . and keep on tryin to get into her head. i have her somewhat now but i want her 100% i want her to be mine and me to be herz . thats how i want . maybe im a lil to demandin and want to much but its my heart not me .

im just confused
ilovepatsajak i was with this little boy in a doctor's office once and he was playing with one of those model hearts.
"so, where's the part with the love?"
everybody aww
Veronica Love....
Words to say about it....
Once he wrote to me:

" I love you so much sometimes I get scared. You the most beautiful women I have ever met. You love me, and that is wonderful. I knew you would love me, just somethings you know. I have you now ant thats all I will ever need.
To be your husband
To be your friend
To be the one to Admire you
To be your confindant
To be your "baby"
Your Hero at times ... Your everything..
You are wonderful in my eyes please hold on to that...
It feels so good to be all yours and to know you're all mine---
To have you to trust in and to be the one you turn to, sharing late night kisses and early morning whispers, to have this love so storng, so sure, so sweet---
Just Josh & Veronica"

Now that is Love...

I love you Josh!
erin yeah 010925
sage girl something that i have never experienced how do you know when it's true love can you love someone who you've never been with and only talk to in letters 010925
silentbob honestly, how can you have so much patience to be able to write something like that? 010925
thedunator what is love?
baby don't hurt me
don't hurt me
no more
what is love?
baby don't hurt me
don't hurt me
no more
oh yeah
oompah oompah oompah


WHAT is love? A mix of wild emotions the people always tend to get confused. Love is great when it's the hands of those who are responsible. When it's not, things turn to shit. Trust me, there are too many irresposible people who love at this point and time.
youll find out "Love--we think about it, sing about it, dream about it, lose sleep worrying about it. When we don't have it, we search for it; when we discover it, we don't know what to do with it; when we have it, we fear losing it. It's a constant source of pleasure and pain, but we can't predict from one minute to the next which it's going to be today. It takes on many shapes and many disguises: We love our parentes, our brothers and sisters, our boyfriends and girlfriends, our cats and dogs, our comfortable shoes, and our baseball gloves. Love---it's a short word, easy to spell, difficult to define, impossible to live with out."~~from my English book 010929

we are never in love but only in 'like'
actually i was inlove still am and as long as you are around i will be.. so piss off already
Glennaieve HOLLY I LOVE YOU!!!! 011003
Understudy A great man once said ……..
Love will always lead to hate.
The very things that endear a person to you; their smile, their laugh, the way they look deep into your eyes when you talkall those things that make that special person seem so very specialthey will all become jaded in time. It might take months it might take yearsbut eventually one day you’ll thinkif I have to see that stupid smile, hear that inane laugh, or if I get stared at like a retard one more time I’m going to pick up this fork and stab that oh so very special person in the neck.’
Some people have longer attention spans than others. That’s the killer
matt is the only way to describe how I feel for Gina 011005
LiToTwD4 It has fucked me. But the pleasure was nice.
Raped my innocence, but at least now i can see better since the veil's been lifted. No, i'm not bitter. I think i'm just ready to move on.
Sonya A single star in the night sky
shared by you and me.
A song melding tangibles and intangibles, playing at just the right moment.
Words exchanged in every way except from our hands, and maybe our hearts.
Kisses that couldn't be felt on my lips, but somehow reached me in my dreams.
A smile on your face that I cannot see, yet I know I've caused it.
A hug I've given to you and refuse to take back.
Tears of joy, sadness, anguish, anger.
Tears that flow down my cheeks as you anguish in your own world beyond my reach.
Tears that want to flow when I haven't the energy to cry.
This is my love. A love that I'd die for, and a love that I struggle to live for.
sizemore14 Love is a legend... But it's one that we create. Only we can find it; it can find us. It is beautiful. It is mystical and magical, and its not of this earth, it's all apart of the earth and everything in this universe. It's something to call our own 'cause each love is different and special between two people, or more. 011011
ghettobitch something so strong that is shared between two people not something you just throw around i love george barroso 011011
Toxic_Kisses "You mortals call it love when you feel completely attached to another person," Merlin said. "Your fantasy is either to possess someone completely or to be completely possessed. But wizards call it love when they feel no attachment, no possession." 011013
rain do you know what hurts most...when the person who loves you loves someone else because he's always been to shy to approach you on the subject...and then to top it off he acts like he never cared about you to begin with... 011015
jane i can't believe i just read all of that

you all are saying the same things in different words

yet most of it is unwise and says nothing at all
Toxic_Kisses who are you to judge what we say? 011017
spokey dokey In tennis, love means nothing. 011020
laceydiane you know, someday, when i find the right boy, i'm very much looking forward to being in love this time of year. 011021
Fire&Roses the funny thing about L-O-V-E it's so different. What I feel for Boy... is so much different than what I feel for King. I LOVE them both. One with all the passion at my command, the other with all the tenderness I posess. If i had to measure that love, maybe Boy would come out on top, but not by as much as he would hope. I would never hurt him, but I didn't want to hurt you either... I'm so sorry, so very sorry... love, L-O-V-E, it's so mudling. It really messes you up. 011023
ejo i swear, by the moon and the stars in the skies, and i swear like the shadow thats by your side...i see the questions in your eyes i know whats weighing on your mind you can be sure i know my part cause i stand beside you through the years, you'll only cry those happy tears and though i make mistakes ill never break your heart and i swear, by the moon and the stars in the skies ill be there i swear like the shadow thats by your side, ill be there for better or worse, till death do us par, ill love you with every beat of my heart and i swear...i'll give you everything i can, ill build your dreams with peace to have, we'll hang some memories on the wall.and when theres silver in your hair, you wont have to ask if i still care though we will age my love wont age at all...
thats how it is with my boyfriend...its so scary and yet wonderful at the same time...i didnt know a guy could ever do this to me
jane who said i was judging anything? 011028
Chrissy I love you John with all my heart, I did rite from the start. I want to be with not just as friends, bust as lovers until the end. its is so hard just being your best friend, but I can deal with it but I want you to know that I love you and i will forever but I can never tell you... so i write here will you will never see this is something that must stay with me...
I lvoe you John
Chrissy I love you John with all my heart, I did rite from the start. I want to be with not just as friends, bust as lovers until the end. its is so hard just being your best friend, but I can deal with it but I want you to know that I love you and i will forever but I can never tell you... so i write here will you will never see this is something that must stay with me...
I love you John
Understudy To Abby Grey I'll write you a love song. With heartache twine and ink, I'll lace the life I love together, for you to string around your neck. In time to come, and time long gone it will be a jeweler's story that you won't soon forget. I will gather in a broken bundle everything I feel for you and I'll place it there for you to find it. Everything you tried so hard not to hear. Look out to the rising night sky and console myself in tomorrow. Blow you a kiss. Collapse in defeat. Sing myself to sleep with bittersweet songs of regret. I'll write you a love song. Shower you with music, words, and kisses. It's my only revenge. It's my only defence against you so beautiful and strong. I'll write you a love song. And I remember just a little to much. And I remember just enough to hear your voice, to taste your lips, to feel your touch, to scream with pain at the difference between loneliness and love. I remember you and me as us. 011101
crystal its more than just sex... 011113
pralines&cream it is your face on my bosom, your hand in mine, your tears on my cheek, your lips on my hand. It's your words in my ear as i fall asleep. It's your tender reassurances that you're not just an apparition. It's your tight embrace when you thought you were losing me - and you were. It's your "are these lips mine?" when i sought you out again. It's your heart in my hand and your words in my mind. It's the image in my head before i fall asleep, of you, holding our child, watching our daughter play on the lawn, protected from the traffic by our white picket fence; and all the while you look at me with eyes that could be content never looking away. 011117
Geek a connection 011118
Freak something you were afraid to let yourself do again but glad you did even if it means only being able to see each other on weekends because in the end you know its all worth it 011118
Freak is coming home to me 011119
blushingpoppies is like a stranger 011119
blushingpoppies is a stranger to me 011119
blushingpoppies is a stranger to me 011119
blushingpoppies a stranger 011119
chaos Love is the most beautiful word in any language. 011119
bloodjetpoetry are you willing to die? for your heart, are you willing have it torn out? for what's in it, would you have your blood spill? for what it's worth, would you sell yourself? 011120
me YES 011120
Bizzar is something I once had, and will probably never find again. I held love in m arms everyday, but I was too stupid to realize I ha it, and now its gone. I miss you love. If I wasnt so blind I could have been with him forever. Im sorry, Sean. Ill love you forever. 011121
nobody a mirage.. only lustful wishes and pain ready to stab you in the back at any given moment. its only disguised as something more. 011123
stringbeanjean i asked this person if we would ever be together again and this person told me "no." so i asked this person to tell me they did not love me anymore and this person said "i cannot do that." 011124
Claire I am tired of this word. Go away, I have a headache.
Love can stab and do many more things than humans can. Like, for example, disappear.
Claire "Love...I get so lost...sometimes."
Yeah, people are negative about it. Duh, every reason to be. But if you are in it--if you are lucky you can still embrace it. I've seen self-love looked down upon here. But true self-love...not just indulgence...that is the key.
I love blather. And I might just love you.
007 well- like everyone I've been in it, been out of it, seen it, experienced it, felt it, lived it, hated it, and most of all been made vounerable because of it. But I think that its the first bit of lust that is the most exhilirating and entising to us. Its after we've made it through that that we can finally believe it is true love, and even then, we NEVER know. 011126
ClairE spelt backwards is "evol".

Think about that one.
ClairE spelt backwards is "evol".

Think about that one.

("Blather" is a good verb to use in conjunction with "love", in my opinion.)
Pati :) Two different eyes were given me,
to view the bad & good I see
I did not know that love brought pain,
for without sunlight who'd know rain?
In the darkness of my day,
the sun I see yet look away...
when nighttime falls the sea is black
When I see love, I'll turn my back.
Annie111 I don't understand why love seems to be the only thing that matters. Some people need only love to be fulfilled. I need so much more to be fulfilled. A slick foggy day, ghetto jokes, a hot shower, jeans straight out of the dryer, rumors, the smell of money, cold hands on the back of my neck, rap music, kitten feet, wet boots, dumb substitute teachers, the sun smothered on the flesh of my back in July, Tootsie pop centers, being boss, my hair in its transitory wet/dry stage, waking up at 11am, lights on the river, curling irons, chalk, feeling like THE shit for just being me, hangin' with the boys, reclining movie seats, sno caps, kermit, red nail polish, Australian Rules Football, mud, alex's brother, driving, perfume, chopping wood in the dark, getting drunk, nyack hoppin' on friday nights, grand union raydee-o, new pens, curriculum days, AIM, a clean room, U2, your mom jokes, hot cups of tea.

I think for once, the Beatles were wrong. All you need is not just love.
jim the word that means nothing and all. maybe a kind of addiction, maybe sickness... 011201
ClairE What I feel for Annie. 011201
frankieboy is when the thumping in your chest becomes audible to the person next to you and you sweat at the thought of her approach. 011203
Chels Do you know how much you mean to me?
I'm not sure that you do....
So I'll fill you in,
And explain "me" to you...

I've wished on the stars
For you all my life
And i finally have you
Right here by my side

For me to finally be happy
Seems so unreal
But that's what I am...
That's how you've made me feel

You are so special
And so real to me
It's amazing sometimes
Just how wonderful you can be

Whenever you hold me
You let me know that you're mine
And everytime that you kiss me
Chills are sent down my spine

You touch me, I tremble
You look at me, I feel weak
It's hard for me to breathe...
And difficult to speak.

I can see your face
Each time i close my eyes
I never think of anyone else...
A very nice surprise

I can't stop dreaming of you
Although i've never really tried
You know me inside and out,
Like a book open wide

I want to be by your side forever
Me being yours and you being mine
And if it were up to me....
Forever would last a thousand lifetimes

You're the one I look to when i'm lost
The one to catch me when i fall
You are my past, present, and future
You........are my all

You are my everything
My heart, my soul, my depth
And i have fallen in love with you....
Without taking a step....
birdmad possibility 011203
Me From reading and seeing: Those who intimately love less, are happier and those who love intimately more than the norm, get lost in the intimacy itself and lose the love: God is love: Along with true love, comes inner joy. If you've got that inner joy, you've got it all and can find yourself happy in any situation: God is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness and self-control (is that right?) It seems it all fits. God is love. 011203
broken Where is the man when his love is beyond the rose garden to the depth of daisies? What road should he take when they all point in the wrong direction? Is seeing believing in ones own dismay, or is it the way out? When love is gone, is the heart frozen? I wish she were still at our rose garden. 011204
optic discretion I shall always be for there for you my love. Love is the one thing that uplifts the soul, the one thing that can change your destiny and your life forever.

True love is the greatest medicine ever. To love and to be loved is the best gift God has ever bestowed on us.

Love means complete trust, the kind of trust which reintroduces innocence into the world, the kind of trust that breathes new life into you.

I love you X ...
willow9880 love makes you feel chosen even whien things don't seem to be going right...
even when you mess up or say the wrong'll always know and feel that love will always remain between the two person.

love is being able to see the other person's point of view...
putting them first...before yourself.

love is when you think of that someone or when you look at them, you feel this undescriable more than wonderful feeling inside...
everytime you think of them or see them, they light the fire of happiness inside and brightens the mile on your face.

love makes you feel like you can rise to a new day...
it makes you feel important

love is neither right or wrong, it takes no sides...

love is priceless...
you don't have to do anything or give anything to receive it...
it should just be given freely with no strings attached and not expect anything in return...
optic discretion The problem isn't dying for love, it's finding love worth dying for.

Forever yours ... wherever you may be ...
bit I had come so far.
but the door was ajar.
And i got distracted by a star.
I'll take a ride in my car.
and try to forget who you are.
ClairE Love is scaring me tonight.

Scaring me.
warnika i think i hate love
because every time i read about it
i feel bitter and angry and hurt
and my stomach clenches tightly
at least me feeling this way
leads me to believe that i hate it
pre-cast concrete birdmad love_buries_itself_in_me

and damned if the little winged bastard isn't using a jackhammer this time
ME CAME HOME! 011216
Matt is all i feel anymore 011223
bittersweet What a mixed feeling! The most wonderful event of nature, yet such pain is caused. I suppose with something so beautiful, there shall always be a cost.

Love is exception making--and you have made me make the biggest exception of all--I shall not love again for all the tears you have made me weep, for all the pain you have inflicted upon me.

Even for all that you have done to me, I have made the biggest exception I ever would make and the biggest sacrifice I have ever made ... I had thought I would always love but you have proved me wrong ...

Why did you do this to me? WHY?
Lil J Love is eternal
Lust is a sin
Miffey The Greatest Riddle 020102
Paramour The saddest word....... 020103
James T. McRae You take the prospect of love when it appears

You will take the consequences later.
molly to see you when i wake up
is a gift i didnt think could be real
to know that you feel the same as i do is a threefold utopian dream
you do something to me that i cant explain
so would it be out of line if i said i miss you?
Freak I see your picture I smell your skin on the empty pillow next to mine, you have only been gone 10 days but already im wasting away, I know Ill see you again whether far or soon, but I need you to know that I care and I miss you. 020106
no inventory on love is like goggles on a housecat 020112
panacea te quiero, corazon 020117
tonya i wear goggles when i go skydiving with the rabbits 020118
krobby nothing to me. Everytime some says they love me, its a lie. This is the truth that I have to live with. Why even love? In the end it won't even matter. Love is nothing but a way to the destruction of the soul. 020120
Rebecca I love You, Jim...
I want to bathe in the sunshine of your love...
Miffey And if you can't be with the one you love, Honey, Love the one you're with. 020127
Scarlet Get it while you can....

Don’t you know when you’re loving anybody, baby,
You’re taking a gamble on a little sorrow,
But then who cares, baby,
Cause we may not be here tomorrow, no.
And if anybody should come along,
He gonna give you any love and affection,
I’d say get it while you can, yeah!

Janis knows what she was talking about.
Happy TK She said Love!
Can you believe it?!
I'm just so happy!
-Granted she didn’t say "I Love you" or some crap like that
Nope she said "Love from the one and only"
I guess the words not so bad when it comes from some one you've crushed on a while, thank goodness she doesn’t know bout the crush, heck I'm not even sure she swings that way, but that’s not the point, even if she doesn’t I can still crush as long as she doesn’t know about it right?
And any way she probably just said "Love from the one and only" from a perspective of being really good friends
Actually not even probably,
I knoW that’s the perspective she meant it from, but nonetheless it still makes me all happy and smile like some silly lil girl
Eeeee! I'm just so happy happy happy!
She just makes me so happy!
Yes I know I'm being redundant and sound like I've lsot it all in the head
butcha know what?
I don't care!!! ^.^
K squared I love Hot Mike 020201
I love Gunther as he looks into my eyes I feel that he is searching my soul. Ever bit of him is taking me away from the world, all there will ever be is me and him, forever. I may have only known him for 3 days but the connections we have made are amazing. When he penetrates my body I feel us conncect the wayb I have done with so many others, byut for some reason it is different? Is it love, maybe, is it lust, I pray everynight that will will always be deeply in love just like tonight. Tonight, I descovered my God. 020201
I love Gunther as he looks into my eyes I feel that he is searching my soul. Ever bit of him is taking me away from the world, all there will ever be is me and him, forever. I may have only known him for 3 days but the connections we have made are amazing. When he penetrates my body I feel us conncect the way I have done with so many others, but for some reason it is different? Is it love, maybe, is it lust, I pray everynight that will will always be deeply in love just like tonight. Tonight, I descovered my God. 020201
I love Gunther as he looks into my eyes I feel that he is searching my soul. Ever bit of him is taking me away from the world, all there will ever be is me and him, forever. I may have only known him for 3 days but the connections we have made are amazing. When he penetrates my body I feel us conncect the way I have done with so many others, but for some reason it is different? Is it love, maybe, is it lust, I pray everynight that will will always be deeply in love just like tonight. Tonight, I descovered my God. 020201
krys all you need is love 020201
Mahayana i have for all
even those whom
have none for me

[especially for those whom have none at all] [sometimes i wish this was I ... but than I realize how truly blessed I am][blessed be & see]
onceidid I love lust is that such a sin 020201
boy is it possible that i can only identify it after the fact?

because, if so, i am fucked.
mcdougall makes me.
my entire life,
everything in it,
becomes a paradox
because of love.
i love love.
i loath love.
meowsinthewind I not sure how to descibe love but i need it like the earth needs rain. 020205
carne de metal Love is a burning thing
and it makes a fiery ring
bound by wild desire
I fell into a ringo of fire.
Mateo y love my cigarettes 020212
knp i cant understand it
this guy tells me all the time
babe, i love you, you mean everything, you are my world.
then ignores me.
then acts as if it is my fault that i get upset that he pays more attention to his ex girlfriend
fuck love.
it doesnt exist.
jon consumes you ridicules you taunts you tortures you...........awards you secures you....comforts either on your side or not....fuck it love fucks everything up 020220
Madeleine he says he knows what she's feeling,
and that akward emotion makes her cry...
because she knows what he says is
nothing but the complete opposite of a lie.
it scares her more than death does,
she never realized the love she yearned to feel,
so she screamed with silence;
thats the one way she knew how to deal...
blown cherry No one will ever read this - this page is way too long!

We used to be in love.
I just found some emails from 1998.
I loved you then.
I was so excited by you,
but then you became too familiar to me.
Too much a part of the everyday.
Too much a part of me.
I don't always look after me the way I should.

I want to love you like that again, but it would be different this time because you are a part of me.
I'm sure you know what this is like, trying to give up a massive part of yourself.
I know I'm a fool. A great big one.
And I know I've hurt you, I probably can't conceive how much.

As soon as I feel I can promise, will you take me back?
Thought the fact that I can't promise, even now when I miss you so badly, is plenty enough reason for you never to want me again.

Geez, I've fucked up so badly this time.

Thank you love, thank you very bloody much. You've ruined two, maybe even three peoples lives in one swift blow.
birdmad "like the heat
from a thousand suns
it burns on
a phoenix from a pyre"
kandy love can be a dangerous thing. only until you have found the right one. but to find that one you must try and fail, then only will you know if it is true :) 020304
adelaide oh how i wish i knew how it felt to be in love... to really be in love

have i been in love?

i dont think so

i always thought it would be something unsaid... something that i could just feel... i dont think i've had that feeling yet... but oh how i long for it

someday... someday
sideburns shiny soldiers smoked seven shells shy scones scurvy scrape spam sobbing 3 020319
Deusmachine is a thing which cannot be explained, The girl that I talk with everyday, the girl who I met only three months ago but has changed me in oh so many ways. There are others, others who do not love her as much as me. What do I do, but love. 020321
Deusmachine She is the one that I cannot stop thinking about, I love her and hate her to love. I embrace the feeling yet I push it away in fear of mutual rejection. The thick walls of society keep me from the shadows in her eyes. Every breath is holding back the flood of emotion which I hold within me. Passion is a thing which can only exist in lawless worlds. 020321
Syrope love is just a mixture of dopemine and adrenaline surging through the why is it such a big deal? why cant i convince myself to get rid of you. there's a flaw in my logic, i want you to change but i cant change the fact that i want you to change, and i guess thats because the change i want for you would let me closer to you, but i know if i changed i would push myself away. i just want us. you dont seem any different on the days you smoke pot than on the ones you dont. why is it so important to get away from me? to forget that im here and that i need you? i know we're not meant to be, i know it will never work. i am perfectly aware of that and yes, i know i've been through this over and over and everyone HAS to be tired of hearing about it...but it just doesnt feel right. the tears streaming down my face are more bitter and more acrid than any tears i've ever cried. they sting and burn. love is having someone think about you constantly, love is having someone stroke your hair and tell you things will be ok, love is someone looking into your eyes and understanding, and giving everything... you can't love me...i refuse to let you love me. what i want to know is how can i love you after all you've put me through? its wrong, i have to make myself forget everything about you. you have your escape. where the fuck is mine? 020324
you know who I know I'm a fool. A great big one.
And I know I've hurt you, I probably can't conceive how much.

yup. you're right. You'll never know, because I'll never tell.

Funny that i want to hurt you so badly, but by doing so i'm making you happy. You sick twisted bitch
blown cherry You hurting me doesn't make me happy.
How the fuck did you get that idea?
Norm What's love anyway? But a reason to get married. What's the difference between say getting a girl pregnant, money, or a marriage being set up for 2 goats and a bag of rice?

I'd say love is the reason most marriages end in divorce.
Julie* Love is a many spendor thing, love lifts us up where we belong. all you need is love. 020328
lotusmagic i love this site 020331
lotusmagic Like twin stars in the galaxy you dance with each other. Sometimes one becomes heavier than the other and the lighter one would orbit around the other one. Helping and lifting each other. You are so close together and so far from this earth that to the rest of the world you seem to be one single star. Twinkling. 020331
Casey All you need is love.

Love is just a game.

I was ment for loving you baby, you were ment for loving me.

The only way you're loving me baby is to pay a lovely fee.
pralines&cream You Bastard, Casey!!! (in a good way!)
If i was standing next to you right now, i'd push you hard (in a good way!).

I love that song, i love that movie, you made my minute!!
J a path which parallels those of healing and happiness 020407
reitoei define love.
define true love.
lucky? simply, bittersweet. 020417
helll loww is a kind of disease, a virus.
it infects anyone and is fatal .

so see your love docter aka hell master for help.
kill rhythm it's a cold and it's a broken hallelujah 020423
girl_jane but my mom is in the other room... 020423
t* he hurt me so badly and so deeply but seeing him in pain hurts me more then dealing with that hurt he indirectly inflicted on me -
subside my pain to make him feel better-to be there for him-
to love him-
expecting nothing in return-
other then to make him strong again- subside my pain-
hide my agony-
pretend to be-
be strong-
no judgement-
no condeming-
no sarcasm-
just love-
forget the fact that he hurt me-
forget the fact that he isn't mine to love-
forget that my heart keeps breaking-
forget that time doesn't cease for my pain-
forget my pan-
just forget the facts-
blindly listen-
blindly listen and follow-
my heart-
be there -
and hope, wish and pray-
that one day-
he'll understand-
that he'll-
feel that way... for me
is that what love truly is? or is that what stupidity truly is?
unhinged she was the only one that could have ever understood what i meant
but i will never get to love her the way i want to
the way i need to
because she has so many boys willing to love her first
there is always someone more willing and capable to love them first
and i am pushed to the side
"you are so sweet; you will find someone someday; you really will"
he taught me that love
was the ability to sacrifice anything for the people you cared about
giving giving giving
if it was beyond your means
then you created the means
and that is how i have always loved
i have created the means
to care
when there was no reason to
because that's what love is
without a mite in return
all i want is for her to be happy
and i know that won't be with me
i want him to be happy too
i barely know him but i know he would die for her
like i would
i have created my means
but there is no one left to receive it
when you find the means
mine could very well be dryed up
in pursuit of nonhuman things to give them endurance
i could endure anything but losing one more person
that was more willing and capable first
my life has created a habit
of becoming second place
but i cannot stop myself from loving you
someday i might find someone
but i am so afraid that i will have lost myself first
i have created the means
for a wonderful silver medal
sirflaccid1 a never-ending connection between two identities, being real or fictional. 020429
sirflaccid a never-ending connection between two identities, being real or fictional. 020429
crysnica love is amazing. as soon as you think you have control of it, it takes on a life of its own. love envelops your soul. it becomes your very being. you begin to breathe love. speak love. live love. nothing is better. 020430
Nick I wonder if its one of those grand notions that will get too big for me to comprehend. My idealism kills even the purest of things. I don't know how to say I'm scared. we've maybe come too far for me to change my mind now. I should close my eyes and ignore all the nervous uncomfortable squirming in my head. 020501
god you'll grow out of it. 020501
Geek loving Freak I see that my love has been blathering
;-) My Freak loving Geek. My sirflaccid.
kill rhythm love is bullshit 020504
Tiffa Yeah, I admit it. I love him. Not just what I thought it was the first time, but when he haunts my dreams, becomes my ideal... and I forgive him. I love him. I don't fight it away, I don't let it consume me. I'm content just to talk to him once in a while. No more of the lustful shit. I dont care who I'm wth... it's him I love. And I WILL get him back. That's it. That's all that matters. It's the 'truth' of life. He is mine. 020504
Freak The problem isn't dying for love, its finding love worth dying for. 020508
i am jack i concur, love IS bullshit, but like any number of other drugs, it's some dangerously addictive bullshit and like many addicts, we don't grasp how fucked we are (and i don't mean in that good way) until it is far too late 020508
cheer-up-emo-kid you know that feeling you get when you just step out of a warm bath? all warm and refreshed.... 020516
Deborah From The Devil's Dictionary:

LOVE, n.
A temporary insanity curable by marriage or by removal of the patient from the influences under which he incurred the disorder. This disease, like caries and many other ailments, is prevalent only among civilized races living under artificial conditions; barbarous nations breathing pure air and eating simple food enjoy immunity from its ravages. It is sometimes fatal, but more frequently to the physician than to the patient.
d You'll be given love
You'll be taken care of
You'll be given love
You have to trust it

Maybe not from the sources
You have poured yours
Maybe not from the directions
You are staring at

Trust your head around
It's all around you
All is full of love
All around you

All is full of love
You just ain't receiving
All is full of love
Your phone is off the hook
All is full of love
Your doors are all shut
All is full of love!
sarah who knew i'd dine on love
i miss you
i am addicted to vines in my tummy
silly game girl

go to sleep
and eat love

ReD is the feeling that can almost come close to what i feel for you 020526
Lovesick The only reason why I'm still alive is because someone still loves me. 020526
red i can see your face 020527
ReD that runs through my veins everytime that you touch my skin 020527
erinicolejax It's not that I can't find someone to love. It's that I don't have the streanght to love the one I do. 020528
erinicolejax It's not that I can't find someone to love. It's that I don't have the strength to love the one I do. 020528
CJ now this is a word that should not be said easily it has so much meaning behind it that is why it is very hard for me to say to someone every time I hear it I think does the person that said it really mean it is that person truly in love or are they just saying that they love something in a friendly love thy neighbor sort of way love is a very complicated thing and should not be taken lightly

or may bee I just over analyze everything
Mahayana ...shall endure
[no matter how long the silence remains]

[:: two braches caught between a vine ::][:: two bricked buildings ... narrow escape 'tween... growing ivy ... far enough not to intermingle ...
close enough to reach ... just close enough ::][:: two fireflies caught & admired in seperate yet touching jars ::]

[i can still hear you through the silence]
aero i don't know what it is, but it's all i have to give. love is all i've got to give to you. 020613
jane i think it's time for a new link
this takes way too long to download
bartek in polish you say mi³oœæ. 020618
Cicero I'll get back to you. 020627
gelfling I will wait 020628
missliss the worst idea to cross my brain, is one you put in there. you said that you would love me true, but lies you only dared. love's a lie created. by desperate human life. so please tell me you love me, and want me as your wife. 020629
CrAzYpInKmOnKeY you dont love me back and
i know
you dont,your in love with
you have been for way too
years even after what she did
to you
does she not see what she kicked
you have the greatest personality
n-e-body i have ever known but
dont love me, but rather you know
refuse to see it i will always be
you dont love me and i dont love
that way thats what ill keep
myself and ill give you what we
want and youll be on your way
always. god does love always
to hurt this bad?
tess Falling in love is really the only thing I live for. I just hope that I will experience "the real thing" and it is as good as i imagine. 020630
Sailor Jupiter Why! Why do I try to love you? Try to love you when you really don't want me to? Why! Why do I try to love you? Try to love you when you really don't want me to?
-- Narcissus
This is my situation almost exactly. I always gotta fall for the ones I can't have.
Ryan Love is like a box of chocolates, you never know whatcha gonna get. 020702
squigglybee 3 love is: trust, communication, friendship, commitment, companionship, partnership, feeling, touching, being together...

...kisses and hugs, laughing, smiling, crying when things are difficult, hard work, overcoming obstacles....

...being with your best friend and soul mate...making decisions together...accepting each other for who you your lives together
intimate stranger if you asked me to make love to you right now,
I would probably
ponder the
possibility of
prolonging the
prospect for
nearly nine seconds, before the practical Tay would take over and I would decline.
ExiriaMalice i love her and i can't say it

i love her and the words just won't come to my lips

beautiful, like all that i am not
and never will be
or can be
or am even sure i want to be

and i can just stand there and watch it happen, as she slips away, b/c i'm too fucking scared to just shout it to the goddamn treetops that without her i'm slime.

fuck it

it's not like anything else go's right either.

it's disgusting that i understand suicide now

when i used to hate it so much

it makes me want to.... well....

nevermind that
phil still holding on to
every piece given to me
until they fill me up
with negotiable intensity
unnatural and scary, quivering
like a lawn mower nearby
shaking the ground
my eyes flickering objects
phil real axation
each sense, sight, smell, insight
all viewing together, like one eye
love unbroken
together inside
tisha you hurt me so much but i can't stop thinking about you 020713
tisha im a hopeless romantic 020714
jessicafletcher i will give you the world, most importantly i will give you myself and my love. 020714
Dj Red the one day i woke up
and you were gone
i spent the whole day wondering
what i did wrong

i looked to the sky
to see if you returned to where you came from
i looked to the east
to see if you were rising with the sun

are you purposly hiding from me?
you were always good at playing games
you know i am not good at playing hide-n-go-seek
where are you my love?

i am feeling love for the first time
is that why i cant find you?
are you feeling invincible?
werent we all before we felt love for the first time?

well then if thats it
this is the last time
eklektic i realized on monday at that concert that i loved kate.

and i realized this past week at camp that i love whitney.

at this very moment, they are the two most important people in my life.
eklektic and God. most definitely God. 020722
eddie monster my burning heart of love
depleting all it's fuel
trying to make me
express it's feelings
but they're too complex
and too simple
and i make myself sick sometimes
becouse of who i'm not
or who i am or was
who i might be
being myself
just doesn't seem right sometimes
so i dislocate
that's where i go
when my eyes are empty
in a void with you
we could be empty and nothing
a moment
if you want
i know what it is
and want it so bad
i could make it happen
if you'll let me

to make a woman feel
like i envision
like no other man can
holding her orgasm
in my hand
opening like a rose
at her first demand
licking her soul
with my swollen tongue
i'm engrossed
with the taste of your cum
the color of your skin
every mole and freckle
is adored
that's why i know
you could be everything
to me
melissah is heaven and hell at the same fucked up wonderful moment. love is a stupid eternal paradox that nobody understands but everyone is caught up in understanding. cant you bastards understand love is and isnt and will be but wont!?!?! AHHHHH!!!!!!!!! 020801
melissah cannot fix my life. 020802
Boymansonbowie i'm not allowed to love you...i think that's why i do so much. 020804
broken was a joy in life. now death looms and soon all that is left will be memory. i fear for her soul. her faith is her comfort. my faith offers me none. to die is to enter the unknown. there is no solace for children of the unknown. 020805
DanMan Love to me is like building a house. It's hard shit sometimes. The first floor is like a friendship, and you work your way up. You can't build a house without a foundation right? 020806
december true love is like an eclipse...
rare and beautiful
Beth let me give you some thoughts on love...straight from the heart of a 16 year old girl in the thick of it.

Love is selfless. It's giving up the best of me for the sake of helping him grow. Love is the way I look at him when danger is near, my only thought his safety. Love is crying because he's hurting and there's almost nothing I can do. Love is the way I touch him, trying to ease away the dissapointment of daily life with sitting with him each in our own chair, watching the world age, perfectly content to be in his company. Love is the way I let him know so that he can take some of my strength with him. Love is the absence of my defenses from him. Love is forgiving him whenever an imperfection shows. Love is cherishing him as the most precious thing to me. Love simply is.
eddie monster deep
five years ago
i thought i knew a girl
i hope she felt that way
just for a second
cause i did
and it hurts to remember
because of what happened
i believe those same words
and feelings slept on her
broken heart
once or twice
what a fucking shame
the innocent beauty
our disgusting bodies

anyone want to talk dirty
no fucking gay shit either motherfuckers
Ahmad i must say this thought b4 it goes,
the oter day, i saw a boy standing in a supermarket que, he had a bag of shoping in one hand, a book in the other, and music in his ears. i wonderd, why is this kid so rushed? why are all the people i see so rushed. this kid that i saw was doing three things at once.
there aint no more time in this world, there is no time for emotions or being discreet about things, everything is digital, its on or off, there is no place for the emotions which are in between.

what i mean is, love is not just an action, it can not be seen, and thats why its is not doing somthing, or not doing somthing.

That, is what is being lost, it is being human which is going, people are not beleaving that somthing is there if they cant prove it. this is a tragedy.

we must keep loving, Love is not sex, a touch of ones hand could be as sensual as lovemaking, but there is not much to prove it untill one has tryed it.
we muct not let this go.

to some people this may have not made much sence, but it is a very dificult point to get across, if sum1 can put it better, plz do. thankyou
eddie monster what a romantic
you are
eddie monster love is the name of a demon 020808
eddie monster i could talk about her for days
i'll spare you the details
jane and what about you 020814
good people i always think of how life is sooo fucked up
and how there are no good people left in the world
and how much i hate my life
and how much i want out
how much pain everyone goes through
for what?
and then
i think about you
i forget
i forget all of the pain
and the sadness
and how much i hurt
your smile makes it all go away
all of it
everything that hurts me
just by you looking at me
i cant think about love without thinking about you

oh my god, i love you elyse.
eddiesbleedingfingers loving women and spitfull men
turned me into a monster
i can't stand my thinking patterns
but i refuse to change
jane you are beginning to piss me off
jane fuck off then 020817
*nat* The last one was good, but compared to this one its VERY bad, i just hope that there wil not be a next one, as this one is as good as it gets 020820
thea i think i was in love once. still am maybe. i was standing in front of this sprinkler/reading my dirty book of short stories/enjoying rain/looking at the pale undersides of my arm. fuck. i know he didn't like me, probably hates me now, but everything's about him. it sucks. i remember the last thing he said to me and how i walked away beaming. he's not the same in print because he has this voice... 020821
tavos angel I remember my first love. He was a lil thug. We weren't together long but I had these strong feelings towards him. He made me feel loved. He was so sweet even in front of his homeboys. I was stupid to think that we would last because we never acted like we were together. I think we went out like 3 times. Stupid me. The last time I was with him was Junior year in high school. We broke up b/c he played me just like every other guy I've gone out with. I saw him recently and I got those feelings back. At first I tried to avoid him and blow him off like he was nobody but I couldn't. I know I still have feelings for him but there's nothing I can do about them b/c he was a girl and is about to be a father too; so I hear. 020826
eddie monster what a joke 020827
josie When someone else's happiness is essential to your own 020827
thats so true I'd been a bit stressed and a bit down all day. We went to have lunch in my favourite resaurant, and eventually I cracked a smile, then this beautiful broad smile appeared on his face and brightened the room, then I smiled more, then he smiled more, and we were two silly people sitting there smiling and in love. 020828
PPG305 ...if you have everything, then die. For you have nothing to gain, and everything to lose...
"This is the place where I sit, this is the part where I love you too much. This is as hard as it gets, cause I'm getting tired of pretending I'm tough. I'm here if you want me, I'm your's you can hold me. I'm empty and shaken and tumbling and breaking cause you don't see me, and you don't need me, and you don't love me the way I wish you would...the way I know you could..." ~Josie and the Pussycats
firejdl I have fallen in love once. It was not the best experience.

Sure, love can lift people up, but it can also slam them back into the dirt just as easily.

Why are people so cruel with matters of the heart?

All I want is someone to hold...
red the way i feel towards you 020909
jayseehc I don't understand a lot about love. Ever since I was a child it has been misconstrued to me by people in one way or another... I've never understood why people feel the need to lie about love... or make cheap substitutes for love, but I do know one thing about love. I know what love is to me, and love's name is

sct devastatingly immersively throatclasping weak, weak, weak... it makes me weak, weak, weak, holiness.

oh the loneliness
punkjunky2 finds us in all the wrong places 020913
jessica michelle is my everyday
is the everything
Shane it's a void in your soul. When you're alone oh you wish it was filled, with this wonderful, caring, everything person who will make you happy. When you're happy, you want it to last forever, and you make promises that this will be forever
that there will be no other
and ever
and ever
to the end of time
but, the clock is always ticking
getting closer to the inevitable end and you know it
I know it
She knows it
I wish with all my heart for something, someone to tell me what to do to stop this fucking clock and I even ask her to tell me what should I do anything just tell me and it's done but-
there is nothing.
eddie monster if i could only take this word
that means so much
stick it in my mouth
and chew it up
if i could only rule the world
you live in
i could end everything
i could make destiny bend
stacey I thought I could never stop loving you.
That is untill I tried.
It took me a while to get here,
But now I will say goodbye.
Looking back it hurts to think of you,
and all the things you put me through.
Every word that came of you, was nothing but a lie.
I believed you, and everything you said,
Only to find myself in tears, wishing I were dead.
If only you could feel the pain, just a little bit.
Maybe you would have treated me better,
But I seriousley doubt it.
I told you time and time again,
How you hurt me, and how sad you made me feel.
My words must not have gotten threw,
You never changed the things you would do.
I know now, thats not what loves about,
I took a step back, I finally figured you out.
I used to love you, thats the truth,
But my love no longer has a place for you.
~gez~ love is not wanting to leave her, and the second that i do missing her and never wanting to be parted again. love is the feeling i get when i think of her, and no feeling, mental or physical can beat it. my love for you is infinite, and if it ever runs out i will know it was not true love. that is why i plan to stay with you forever

i love you, nat
FreedBella ephemeral summer dribbled down to this simple explanation... what comes will go what’s born will die and what rises will fall... so what am i possibly supposed to do with your nonsensical pride and childish denial? Don’t tell me about transience, I can’t stand to look at your eyes for another minute. Next thing I know they’ll swallow me again and I’ll be even more captivated then I am now. Next thing I know you’ll smile again and I’ll smile too and I’ll laugh for the first time in four weeks and forget why my defenses are upI’ll let them down and you’ll draw me in and I’ll just keep sinking with certain pain ahead 021003
stacey What is true love? That's nothing but pain! What is true love? It's loving the person you love even when you get rejected. Staying true when you are no longer wanted anymore. Expressing your love even when you know it won't be returned. Or worst, getting no response at all. Love is the fact that you still hold on for hope even though you are hanging on by the limb. 021009
star crossed i tried to hard to pick myself off the ground and tell you to be careful because my words are forever.
instead i buried my face further into the concrete and fed the sidewalk with salt.
i picked my head up for a second and asked you why you left me.
you told me "because you left yerself"
then you walked away with words on lips
and heart in hands
Guido-buzz-cut I love that movie, Search fo Saque 021012
peaharp the heart has reasons which reason does not know 021014
misunderstood is everything, and nothing 021014
bencvt IGNORE EVERYTHING that has been written above and below; I will tell you what love truly is. There you have it. Blind to the many, focused on the one. 021015
gc Since we were young lovers
we've played the same game
I've missed you
and still felt your touch
time slipped away yet never seemed lost
cost was the love that never became
dreams of forever were never as much
as the pain of you called
by another man's name
god love is like eating someone's ass.
do i lie?
eddie monster only if you get the anal sex 021025
counterentity writhing . tumultuous . unknown

still a stranger ...
just a bystander ...
looking in ...
with no one looking back ...
nufan i am in LOVE with you. it's you i adore. no one else. just you. you alone make me feel like when i'm with you there's no tomorrow. not that i care because i feel so complete sharing this air with you. you are the one for me. i mean that. just you. no one else. 021026
wish~ here's a photo i've been looking for
it's a picture of the boy next door
and i loved him more than words can say
never knew it till he moved away
faded pictures in my scrapbook
just thought i'd take one more look
and recall when we were all
in the neighbourhood
-vonda shepard, neighbourhood
phillip i used to love freely.
after once being bitten by a poison arrow through the heart, i no longer love as openly as i have in the past.
it is sad, though it is life and it is living life in reality; no one ever said that love had to make sense. and no one ever said that love had to become a realizion within your grand scheme of things.
bethany i'm scared 021031
i_love_you_Clare Love is putting yourself in harm's way, to protect the one you love. Love is feeling pain that belongs to someone else. Love is letting someone tear your heart so that you don't tear theirs. 021101
Jeca how do you know if it'll last? 021102
gay gizmo if it is true'll never have to ask that question 021103
Jeca surely, you've never been in a relationship where you've never once asked yourself that question? can we take a poll? who here HAS been in one? 021103
eddie not i 021103
gay gizmo I'll be honest. I haven't. But personally, my definition of real love is something that you dont haveto doubt andyou wont doubt. Maybe I'm naive. Actually yes, I think thats it. A hopless romantic. I hope I can find that love. 021104
some random guy words are only words when it comes to can describe the greatest painting, you can respond to the lengthiest post ... or perhaps druzzle out forth the measurements of a hem, but love, love cannot be described. For if it could, would love, could love, should love, be so worth our loving?
Love. I almost knew.

I do not know love. I profess its stronghold upon my heart I simply not know. So close. Fleeting. Oh to only know!
What pain I feel when i look into your eyes, and I know that not words, nor the most beautiful music could ever do justice to the feelings I think I could have. I will compose my music, for the rest of my life, just thinking, hoping to catch that moment after I cum, when I look into your eyes. Is that love?

If I ever know love, will it make my music better? Fucking people, does this make me closer to finding this winged beast. fleeting in her impressions, taunting me with a sly hand raised as if to say "I am here for a minute but not yet". If I dont wear a condom, and feel the heat close to your crotch. Is that love? :( Perhaps I will never know. But who says I cant try? I try in my music .. or do I try to explain and capture this butterfly? I dont even know myself. The dreams of a junkie.

I walk the cold concrete streets of the city, hoping, wishing, for that beautiful gift, that hot breeze which brings about blue butterflies to my tummy, that slim creature .. purple with velvet sash .. wings construde and arrow in hand.
to come swiftly upon me and shake me out of this dull reality. But how do I know what is love if I only can define it by its negative? Because when I feel your skin I feel those blue butterflies in their flutter and when I look into your eyes, I see, hidden deep inside, that velvet creature with wings and arrow.

But alas, this slim creature does not greet me .. kiss me, hug me, but in my dreams. And those butterflies simply flutter away. fleeting. Like the dreams of a junkie.

But for that one moment, in ectasy. In your arms. My negatives go away and I am so close .. so close to knowing. Love.
sandy i was in love once.
then i fucked it up.
doesn't life suck somestimes?
to mine hurry up and get here! 021121
IKC 56-80 my mom listens to one of those 80's stations all the time (and you wonder why i am obsessed with the era?)

so i'll take the bait and quote pat benatar here and say (dum dum DUMMMM!)

--- is a battlefield
eddie monster amen bro 021124
Matt Every night i look into your eyes.
I can sometimes hear your screams and crys.
Sometimes i wish i could take it all away.
The pain of which people cause you every day.

I try to make it up to you by giving you my heart.
But latley it seemed like we were drifting apart.
Ive never really known what to say.

But last night you summed it up in a really different way
The words i never thought i would hear you say.
The words ive felt in my heart for so long.

When you wispered it in my ear, I could feel the tears.
I didn't know what to say, But i've always felt the same way.
I waited for that day so long, It now that its came and gone.

I just want you to know, I'll always be with you.
no matter where you go. You'll always be in my heart.
even when my life is dark.

At the end of the night i just want you to know.
the words you said to me that night will never grow old.
Because i want you to know ill always "love you too".
A.J. love can be good and terible. for me its usually terrible 021130
megan if i speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, i am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. if i have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if i have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, i am nothing. if i give all i possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, i am nothing.
love is patient, love is kind. it does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. it is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. love does not delight in evil but rejoices in the truth. it always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. love never fails. :-)
kori The first time we spoke you said we were soul mates. Your soul died, let me ask you daniel, what about my soul? The last letter i wrote you, the paper fibers laced with tears, Signified the end. The tears that at this very moment pour from my eyes, taste like salt. The bitter-sweet taste of truth. getting over you was the hardest thing i have ever done. Danny, I miss your soul. 021203
krimilda love... take it and have it everywhere 021203
scuzz For those of you searching for the honest, full meaning of the concept of love, you will never be able to understand it as a single feeling, because it can never be. Love is a structured (the thought of structure leads to time and patience in the building process, true for any artwork) combination of different emotions and expressions toward something or someone. Over the course of a relationshp, there is a precise level of animosity, pain, anxiety, attraction, even a sense of obsession, no matter the quantity of each amount used to come to love. When you love, you feel the resulting balance of these and countless other feelings associated with whatever you love. You look into their eyes at that memorable point, the perfect night maybe, and see your history together, everything you've gone through, hope to become together, and HOW YOU GOT THERE. That is love. 021204
Josh To the one I could never have:
Have you ever know that feeling when you close your eyes and the blackness from the inside of your eyelids completly embraces your entire body and you try to reach out but there is nothing there...your alone...and every time a tear falls from your eyes it seems like it kills you, and no matter what you do the pain won't go away and it eats at you until your whole body is hollow...and cold....yea you know, when there is only one thing that could save you and she is not there...Yet you are thinking she would come to hold your hand you are hollow....
Hollow shell
are there but not things that can only be explained when others aren't around 021207
Cicero damn it all. 021207
socialretard had it once, too young, concrete, set in stone.
we held hands while walking tight ropes.
we escaped from the wilderness together and peices of us melted into one........... but i was having no fun.
but i needed solitude. but i needed myself. i needed to find the answer to a question that i now, finally, know does not exist..........and there's no way to mend he figurine that we once were....graceful and smiling. will there ever be another?
His lap was just a vary nice place to rest my legs upon whilst we talked about how crap the music was.
He shook my hand! we were not holding hands, OK??????
Lime Rider the word written most frequently to I think... look at the dates...

Most important thing of life. True love.

How boring life would be. Without (you)...

Universal... and different every time...

Wish there was a way to experience all loves at once.

I hope it doesn't kill me... But... what would it matter then anyway...
kait i loved him more than anyone and i wanted him to love me more than anything but then he got a girlfriend 021208
kait i loved him more than anyone
i wanted him to love me more than anything

but then he got a girlfriend
elimeny why oh why is this so fragile?
everything has to be delicate.
the problem with love is that it is pure undiluted emotion.
and there is nothing logcial you can do with an emotion.

you can't tell an emotion to get lost, because you have to do homework.
or to get over it, because it's not gonna happen.

And on the same wavelength, you can't order a raw emotion to exist in yourself. It's fickle, it does what it wants. it has no discipline, no sense of time.

and you can't not hurt someone when love is a factor. there's just no way. you can't not get hurt, you can't not hurt another. the problem with raw emotion is that it's like your insides are outside, like clothing. and no one can touch you without scraping that emotion.

and there are two sides to everything.

You are in love. And I am not. I hurt because i hurt you. You hurt because i don't love you.

I am in love. And you are not. You hurt because you hurt me. And i hurt because you don't love me.

And yet such a painful emotion can bring such joy at times. Some people may say love is not an emotion, its a feeling. I say it is the root of all emotions. and thus in itself, it is the ultimate emotion.

im sorry you didn't love me, Tim. That hurt me beyond your knowledge. And I;m sorry I didn't love you, Chad. That hurt me in a way you cannot understand.

Because people who are in love, but not loved back think the other person feels nothing. But so often the other person wants to badly to love you. It hurts everyone involved.

So why do we continue to get involved?
argmaster love can be more than emotion. It can be a decision, informed by the rational and integrated with the emotional and spiritual. or something. 021211
specialK i hate it
it's just a word but it equals everything bad and everything good. and we would all be better off without it.
but then we would be nothing at all.
IWishICouldGoWithDavid Said in jest, but meant a little bit too. 021212
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!KEEP ON FUCKIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!
krimilda again and again... i always end up here 021213
andrea yeah, love the word. eat it up. 021218
Kristopher Every great writer or poet, Hell, any writer or poet, has something to say about love.

Some say it's the greatest thing in the world, light and free, the most wondrous of wonders. Others pierce it down with steely blades, chide it, scold it, make it feel bad inside.

I can honestly say that I love my friends, but I don't think I've ever taken that word any farther than that. Sometimes that's all what it can be; a word.

But, then again, I'm just one writer. . .
me Love is the sensation you get when someone there for you holds you close, looks into your eyes, and knows youre problems. It baffles me, this whole love thing. I get confused, happy, then sad...then after that, happy again. Oh my love, how he hurts me so... 021221
c.o.r.e. i used to think that love's the greatest thing, but everytime i love, everytime i'm in love, i get hurt. in the end love makes me sad, love nearly kills me and still my whole life i'm desperately gonna be seeking for love! 021222
yo how do you know what love is? how do you know when hes the right one? i dont know if i could ever know for sure. maybe thats because ive never been in love before. love is so confusing. but i love it. i love the thought of falling in love and i really want to experience it. 021223
Rickster This term was lost to me for a long time, my heart enclosed itself in a box welded it shut. Many years of repair, and perhaps with the right person it only took one stare. Maybe love is something that's just a myth, but from what I understand now it's more then that. Few people in my life have ever gained my love, the ones that now do are all I think of. Perhaps I am selfish with my actions but it makes me content. Love is but a torch you wield when darkness comes in, perhaps your have to first open your eyes to see it commence. 021225
Rickster This term was lost to me for a long time, my heart enclosed itself in a box welded it shut. Many years of repair, and perhaps with the right person it only took one stare. Maybe love is something that's just a myth, but from what I understand now it's more then that. Few people in my life have ever gained my love, the ones that now do are all I think of. Perhaps I am selfish with my actions but it makes me content. Love is but a torch you wield when darkness comes in, perhaps your have to first open your eyes to see it commence. Much to be gained from someone who knows how to love but lacks confidence. 021225
Sarahs friend What is love? Always wanting and never finding? Wanderng these lost plains of lust? The word used so often has it lost it's meaning? 021227
medede Love is annoying. To adore someone, that you want to constantly be with them. To have it hurt when they are away, to feel the constant need to touch them, hear their voice, feel their presence. It's straining on the mind.. and annoying. But annoying in a lovely way, for the few moments you have with them makes up for the moments of pain when they are away. 030101
walaby Love is annoying. To adore someone, that you want to constantly be with them. To have it hurt when they are away, to feel the constant need to touch them, hear their voice, feel their presence. It's straining on the mind.. and annoying. But annoying in a lovely way, for the few moments you have with them makes up for the moments of pain when they are away. 030101
Reverend Lough when i hate, i can feel.
but when i love, i know it's not real.
so i've decided that i'm not in love, but i'll fuck you until something better comes along.
Clarey Love is horrible. It can only ever end in tears, with people getting hurt. Love breaks families, destryos friendship, crumbles lives. In this day & age, all I can say is love is not neccesary. At all, & if you think it is, love your goldfish fo christs sake, not another person, that's just stupid xx 030104
Clarey Love is horrible. It can only ever end in tears, with people getting hurt. Love breaks families, destryos friendship, crumbles lives. In this day & age, all I can say is love is not neccesary. At all, & if you think it is, love your goldfish for christs sake, not another person, that's just stupid xx 030104
ratch to love, and to be in love, are not the same thing
to love means you respect that person, you provide and protect that person, you would do anything for that person,
not a feeling but an action of love that means more than words.
to be in love means you can fall out, it is to be blinded by something thats not there...seeing only what you want to see,hearing only what wants to be heard, then you're struck with realality and as you fall from the sky, the blindfold that had kept you from seeing is now floating away, the love that was is no more, and before you hit the ground you wonder how bad it's going to hurt
Sleepy-one With it, reality is as sweet as a dream.
Without it, reality is meaningless.
Without believing in it, reality is a nightmare.
Nathan88 we had to define this in groups last fall for a course i was answer was undefinable...everyone laughed thinkin i was joking and the professor asked if i was kiddin...before long the class was on my side...for it is undefinable, what gives a person a right to define it because it is different for everyone...unfortunatley however my arguments did not work on the exam...ah well it was worth the argument i started in the class muhahahahah 030106
tricia i love the way you touch me,
the feel of you against my skin
i love to fall asleep in your arms
and wake up next to you
i love the fact
that i have your love
and no one else on earth
could be as lucky as me
MDogMA my answer is chemical 030109
xsilverg0ddessx How do you know when your really in love? I've figured it out. You know your really in love when you have sex with the person you feel like your a part of them. When you not in love.. its just all about lust. It has nothing to do with the other person. 030112
henslee the word can mean one thing the word can mean a bunch but all the meanings of the word can only say so much the word can make you happy the word can hurt so much but in the end the word is still the same when you get so much 030116
devalis Like nothing I've never felt before and hope never to feel again. 030117
Andrew why is love so possessive? well... maybe that's just its affect on me... 030118
angie It is worth everything 030125
dragon_knightshade there is this girl that i cant tell if i love her because i have these feelings for here but i cant tell and i dont know why i cant but its eating me up inside and i cant help but not to tell here. 030129
Insat To me, being told "I love you" doesn't have as much meaning than being shown you are loved. The actions/reactions to come from feeling/showing love for someone, for me, is far more important. 030203
Jake Of this, I know nothing. 030204
erica i loved you, but then i hated you
i loved me, but then i hated who i am
i cant love, im a monster, i destroy love when it starts to boil, it overflows from my head and causes wild worldly damage. i just want to give up.
venus demila its all about love.

love not hate.
peace not war.

love will save the day.

Venus Demila It's all about Love.

Venus Demila It's all about Love. 030205
me. love means not being afraid.and not being so damn means waiting up when the person you love needs to tie their means sharing your last icecream means tingles in your stomach and laughter filling up your mouth like cold water after a five day crawl through the means comfortable means looking out for someone's needs besides your own.apparently you do not agree with this seem to be firmly convinced that love is something conjured and then forgotten at your means self-interest and means not only eating your entire last icecream sandwich,but also eating mine while i'm not looking. to you love means sprinting ahead without looking back while i tie my shoe. it's a transitory condition good only for making you feel comfortable and cared about. love to you is a one-way street that ends at your house. and i am stupid because i have been happy to play along.
my insides hurt to think about it.but i suppose i will slip quietly out the door while you're busy checking yourself out in the mirror. i'll give myself the love i used to waste on you,like trying to water a plastic plant. i will love myself until i find someone with eyes that sparkle back, with lips that return kisses like fire. someone who will bring me flowers and ask what i want for a change.
Tay Parker "You see, this happened a few months ago, but it's still going on right now, and it ought to make us feel ashamed when we talk like we know what we're talking about when we talk about love."

--Raymond Carver
Venus ---it's all about love------ 030211
dragon_knightshade I've had my heart
Torn apart
I've had my pride
Thrown aside
I've begged for mercy
But have instead gotten misery
Had men only wishing to break their skin
Instead of looking to me from within
And through the times I cried
I thought of suicide
Only finding
I had already died
Tears falling from my cheek
Only earning me the title as "weak."
But as I held the tears
It would mend my fears
With the sorry excuse of life
Finding myself being torment's wife
Raped once again
Scars that would never mend
Tears that would never dry
A truth always turning out lie
A life that people would always consider freaky
BabyJeebus Many times I thought I could blame my broken heart on the other person. I thought it ruined my life, and made the impact that would forever change me. Life is full of the infinite changes, they bind you to what you interperit as existence. Your pain lasts so long, it hurts like nothing you've ever known. It's just something your causing yourself, your simply teaching yourself to better yourself. In a way, it hurts and feels like it could never be repaired, but looking at it from every angle shows you what's really there. It can be seen as cruel and injust, yet it taught you something that you'll never soon forget.

The lessons we teach ourselves as we let our emotions take the best of us, we allow it to move forward and call it anything but lust. It is so hard to see the tyranny now, like I once had. It's all but a school where you never need not attend, it applies itself to you always, and never needs to mend. The path you choose after and how long you choose to be weak, is entirely up to you for you must remember you don't know shit.

The pain and suffering you think your old lover has caused, can't hold a candle to half the things that has happened to people all around you, yet you cry for your lost cause. You must wake up and look for yourself, and see what you need to see. Look upon the mirror and ask yourself, why am I doing this to me. It is but something that you wake up and think about, regarding it and controlling it are something that will soon be enroute.

The existence of love has always been there, yet so many that have been hurt by it continue to avert their stare. Blinded by your own ambition and gaining vision to your solice, love is lost to you, so you think, yet meak you are, when you are showing that you are weak. Every emotion can be controlled, it's simply coming to terms with that, that has taken it's toll. Crying over spilt milk is but a shame, for in the end it's the person that hurt you winning the game.
di luce I know a deep love, a pure and everlasting love immune to the decadence of the society around me. It is infinite and beautiful, but sadly unreciprocated. 030212
Matt i have to clear my conscience, before i said love is the only way i could feel about gina, well it turns out shes a giant bitch who's trying to get people to jump me now so it'd be great if she just realized what a tramp she was, i'd laugh so hard if she saw ok thanks 030213
andrew long awaited.
From the start
Seen, wanted, needed.
Where does love lie?
catherine love is everything; it's all around us (or at least it should be). it's pointless to try to encode it, to put it into words, though.

the world owes us nothing, and we owe each other the world.
Eowithien something that i have never been given or offered for that matter.

something that i need as a human being and as a lost soul.

the one thing that can bind us or tear us all apart.
bettie is being stupid together 030220
stardust love is the most amazing feeling in the world...nothing can surpass it, nothing can even compare to it. Love is this indescribable's complete bliss,'s the drive of human existence, the happiness and pleasure of life. love isn't the big romantic valentine's day dinners and engagement rings, it's the little things. love is cuddling and getting an incredible warmth from it. it's finding joy in everything you do. it's making brownies together at 5am, going to playgrounds and having more fun than you ever did when you were young enough to go to a playground. love is caring enough about someone that you would do anything for them, even give your life. they're your first thought in the morning, and your last before you drift off to sleep at night. people who say they hate love are simply afraid of it...i used to be that way. but they'll find love again, and it'll be the most incredible feeling they've ever felt every time.

"All you need is love"
april if you have reasons for loving someone the you are using your mind, if you have no reasons for loving someone then you are using your heart. 030225
Jimmycheesepopguy Time is only a short-existence, while death is forever, yet existence is but a loss of character, and yet death is but the admirable definition of character, and yet, the definition of death and admiration has none-to-do, it holds sly. 030226
niska The word is love; Not love-less, not love-lost, not lonely... Losers.

Love is wonderful. It reminds us we are good; that we can make someone else feel loved. Love is real and regardless of what happens in the journey from the beginning of the love to the end of it - if it should end - you will feel the same pang in your heart for them, with nary a bitter thought of your scorn pride. It's called caring and wanting someone you love to be happy. Truly happy, not i-want-you-to-be-happy-because-i'm-doing-my-best-to-be-a-bigger-person-about-this-shitty-teenage-torture happy.
I'm not saying it doesn't hurt - I'm saying it shouldn't.
Love is continuous and it is reciprocal.
If you are sad, hurting, misused, abused, distrought and left with your heart lying on the cold, hard floor in a bloddy pulp - you were never in love.
You were crushed. Maybe even tricked, or lied to.

Maybe even, *gasp* used...

Crushes nevr turn into love. Too many unrealistic expectations in a crush. Once you truly allow your crush to open up to you, you will find things you didn't want to. You will find a human being with real emotions, ideals and concrete beliefs that may not match yours. You see them closer and realise they are not perfect. You find every daydream spent on a person that was not in your heart, but consuming your mind. It's ok. That shit happens.
It's not over, it's not tragic, it's not lamentable, because it was never love - just an unrealized infatuation wasting your time while real love could be right behind you; tapping you on the shoulder, speaking so meekly you can't hear it in your pathetic, self -destructive vortex of disillusionment.

Open up your eyes. Love is everyehere. Just fo you. So, turn around and quit falling 'in love' with people you don't know, save for on the outside (he drives a cool car, she has pretty hair - :P whatever...) and get to know love better. After all, if you knew them that well, you'd know they if were going to do this to you, because good people don't do bad things. Just stupid things - and for this they will be truly sorry. People are always sorry when they hurt the people they care about. Haven't you hurt someone you didn't love? I'll bet you also dind't care...

Love would never be that cruel. So chin up! Go! Find love. And come back to tell us all about it.
.-. wow, that condescending. 030304
niska well come on. let's all get ourselves out of these dark holes. why does everyone feel so hard done by? it's so one sided here. Love is a good thing. Doesn't anyone have anything good to say about it?

say: I'm in love. In love with a boy. He's fun, he's sweet and he's perfect for me. for now.

there, was that so hard?

you try it.
phil great abilities within and he went on and on following even if we don't wish without fear a marred mess of 030308
trixi it's hard to know if this is love when the fucking is so good..

it's fucking love! And it is fantastic..

i hope this part lasts forever
shot thru my <3 with every passing moment it just keeps getting worse.

i love him..but he doesnt kno..but then again he really does. hes confused,he doesnt think he can do any better than what he has..but he can.shes no good for him.i dont want to sound full of myself but im better than her,in ways like the way i can treat him, like a king. being with me is better than being with a girlfriend that treats you like absolute shit and makes u look like a fool. so why is he the only one that doesnt see that? i hate guys.

association - never my love
Ryan I love you like you would not believe
And I hope that you soon not leave

Everytime I see you
I can't help but wanna kiss you
Everytime I'm away
I can't help but wanna miss you

I will love you always KT!
V.G.K OUR SOULS ARE DESIGNED FOR ''AGAPE LOVE'' Feeling the pain of others as I scroll down....I can't explain...I guess its in the small things...Like when a girl grins or when Mom and Dads fight....Or the moment you realize how small this planet really is and yet that one person completes your universe.I have discovered you cannot keep love must let it go to grow. 030331
aflippoet is that thing that makes someones faults and imperfections go away, is the thing that when properly founded can create multitudes of beutiful memories, is that one thing that you cant really grasp but lasts a lifetime, its that feeling u get everytime the one walks away, is wat makes ur heart jump, and ur life going, love is everything 030405
Hurricane Eye how can i tell you, that i love you...i love you, but i can't think of right words to say...i long to tell you, that i'm always thinking of you, i'm always thinking of you, but my words just blow away, just blow always ends up to one thing and i can't think of right words to say...wherever i am girl, i'm always walkin with you, i'm always walkin with you, but i look and you're not there...whoever i'm with, i'm always talking to you, i'm always thinking of you and i'm sad that you can't always ends to one thing when i look and you're not there...I NEED TO KNOW YOU...NEED TO FEEL MY ARMS AROUND YOU, FEEL MY ARMS SURROUND YOU, LIKE SEA AROUND THE SHORE....each night and day, i pray in hope that i might find you, in hope that i might find you because hearts can do no always ends up to one thing, still i kneel upon the floor 030418
maybe baby it's sad really, but i've lost hope. how can anyone love someone who doesn't love themselves? i want my hero to come rescue me from all of this pain. never going to happen though. no one can rescue me from myself. 030422
maybe baby it's sad really, but i've lost hope. how can a person love someone who doesn't love themselves? i want my hero to come rescue me from all of this pain. its never going to happen though. no one can rescue me from myself. 030422
Rhonda Is figurative
and intangible
love to one is not to another
experience alone lets us decide
what it means to us

love does not exist in my mind
humans are too selfish to love
destination? I have fallen out of falling in love with love
I have fallen out of falling in love with loving
I have fallen out of falling in love with loving you
I once only saw myself in your eyes, your lines, your movement within my time
I knew only myself as yours, inside your arms, along your perimeter, what you were within me
And than one day while walking along the sidewalk of the imprint you left upon me i tripped, stumbled, and fell out of love with you
I am no longer in love with love
I am no longer in love with loving
I am no longer in love with loving you
z i live for love 030423
Grace the church bells rang

"..Full stomaches have no tale to tell about an Autumn sweet.
Noses so intoxicated,crazy running feet..

-Heavy laden with your mind-
Bough it down and let it spill..

-Let the crystal coloured contents
drop baubles down the hill..

-Crystal baubles, white jet beads-
the contents precious fresh.

Don't let them lie saying love's unreal
and Life's an awful mess.."

GraceandGlory ©2003
akenbosche being a boy, i can say they're all the same

i am made abysmal and am nothing but satire because of hormones, so take that
ever dumbening . 030501
Grace aken

Give it time..
it'll change:)
murderd by sex way to many times all i wanted was i hate to love it and i love to hate it 030503
murdered by sex all i wanted was love why can't we have stores to get love or something with a money back gurantee
i'm sick of getting my heart broken
When I heard the words "I'd love to date you," my heart stood still.

When I heard the words "I love you" I stared in amazement.

When I heard the words "You are the only one who truly understands me" I was filled with warmth.

When I heard the words "You are the only one that truly cares about me" I was filled with love.

When I heard the words "I could marry you" I was filled with boundless joy.

When I heard the words "I will be in your life forever" I fell on my knees and thanked God for his most wonderful blessing ever.

When I heard the word "but..." I became afraid.

When I heard the words "Although he doesn’t treat me as good as you I love him so much" I knew my heart would be broken yet again.

When I heard "but you and I will always be best friends" I knew that I was foolish to forget that I will always be destined to fulfill my lot in life

- That of a second place love

- That of a second rate man
endless desire is something i love. words cannot describe such a beautiful thing. just like any beautiful thing, it comes with the bad. ive come to accept that now with everything. i am in love. i never truly have been before. every morning i rise, it is the first thign that comes to mind. it fills my chest, body, soul, mind, and (cliche) heart.

i guess the best part is that every morning i awake, and think of him doing so also, i know he is thinking the same thing. that is the best part.
Alex in wonderland What are little girls made of?
Suger and spice and every thing nice
Thats what little girls are made of.

What are little boys made of?
Snips nd snails and puppy dog tails
Thats what little boys are made of.

What is all my love made of?
The dancing of the stars up high,
The sparkle in my lovers eyes,
The Energy and Joy that makes me sing,
And the crystals of a dragonfly's wing,
Thats what all my love is made of.

Alexandra Wingren
( copyright 2003 )

It seems that every one on this site has problems with getting their hearts broken (this includes me, mind you) See, I have the problem of attracting the assholes that lie to the extreams to have sex with me, now if EVERY guy I have encountered dose this and all you sweeties dont... than where do I find some guys like you?
I need some one who can love me back,
but so far i've found every one who can't (i assume its because thay arnt capable, but who knows?)but any way...back to the point...I think that all the cutties on this site should hook up and we wouldnt have such a problem with all the assholes (and bitches, for the boys w/ problems w/ chicks) on the out there.

Jimc, i especially like your piece, i went through that same thing (except w/a boy and a slight twist in the end) see this boy, lets call him josh (because that was his name)said all that and stupid me went along with every part cause i was sooo in love with him ...but to break it off he lied to me about how he didnt want a g/f right then blah blah blah...Only for me to find out that he was cheeting on me with this (excuess me girls) Fat assed ugly fucking bitch who he is now currently dating if my "current events people" are correct.
Any way I dedicated this poem to him:

Rip my heart out, chew it up and spit it on the ground,
I don't care,now I'll never share with any one else around,
I swear to God i loved you, i cared with all my heart,
but you just had to drag me down and tear it all apart,
now i'll never trust,the way i did with you, because the day you raped me my trust is fully through,
I long again to trust and I long so much to love,
But it will take so long to mend the damage you have caused.

Alexandra Wingren
Copyright 2003

"Whats love?" we ask,well if any of you find out please feel free to e-mail me and let me know.
Call me Alex
this place is great
a very good place to vent and some times if your lucky; get feedback
Alex in wonderland And by-the-way Jimc, your not a second rate man your first rate to any 1 smart enough to look at you, and really see you

Thats what love is; when your lover looks into your eyes and truly sees you
endless desire i agree. jimc is most definately not a second rate man. i say him and alex get together, eh?

anywho, all i can do, alex, is sympathize and hope that things get better. i feel for you in always-pick-ass-hole-guys deal. i finally lucked out. and life is wonderful. stick it out and the perfect one will come your way. i still think you should get together with the second-rate man who is really very first-rate in my book if he treats girls right.

somtimes guys can be so oblivious tho.
Secret Mystic [nora] love

is quite a marketable product
no money back guaranteed
new and improved
not like those other, cheap substitutes
Shalom love, the strongest force in the world, love made us, love builds us, love is greater than anything, love is more than you can ever do, all good comes from love, love is from god and is therefore good. 030511
Steve i love you so much but you dont feel the same way, or do you? i can never tell you my secret for that is what's stopping me.when you fell asleep in my arms i knew that no drug could make me feel that way.were drifting apart and you will only be my happiest and saddest memory.i wished on that shooting star,but my wish didnt come true.i will always love you. 030512
carlita love is the best and the worst
all at once
pain and joy go so well together
niska tonight i know he is feeling,
what he's feeling i'm wish i don't know,
but he's feeling and that's all that matters,
it's the feeling he just can't let go.

he's feeling a pain that he asked for,
he's feelign a pain that he craved,
he's feeling what i can't bring to him,
he's feeling that he can't be saved.

he wants to feel all he was promised,
he crys when there's no feeling now,
he hopes for an end that is coming,
but to find it he doesn't know how.

he wants to believe in sad endings,
he truly believes it is done,
but he feels that there could still be time yet,
he knows that there's no time like this one.

but he bides and denies all his feelings,
he hides and pretends he's a stone,
he trembles in knowing they're watcing,
he'd die if they'd know he's alone.

he asks for forgiveness in secret,
he prays for some help from above,
this has nothing to do with my lover,
but everything to do with my love.
Ganymede Elegy I've been in love before.
Love's a huge white room with someone who says you're a whore.

He says you've been played.
And he can't believe how long you stayed.

The rooom turns red as your heart starts to bleed.
Then he says he'll never give you what you need.

Instead he tells you how blind you've been.
And he'll never hold your or kiss your lips again.

He walks out of the room and turns off the light.
And leaves you in Love for an endless night.
Ganymede Elegy I've been in love before.
Love's a huge white room with someone who says you're a whore.

He says you've been played.
And he can't believe how long you stayed.

The room turns red as your heart starts to bleed.
Then he says he'll never give you what you need.

Instead he tells you how blind you've been.
And he'll never hold your or kiss your lips again.

He walks out of the room and turns off the light.
And leaves you in Love for an endless night.
pobodys nerfect This is something I wrote years ago back in highschool. I still like it. It's the best poem I've ever written.

"Love is.."
Love is like an open fire,
you sometimes get burned in the heat of desire...

Love has no eyes, it cannot see
Love can sometimes corner you, where it knows you cannot flee.

Love is a clock with missing hands,
It knows no time, love isn't planned

Love has strength to last forever,
Love brings opposite people together.

In short, love is paradise.
But remember, you have to give to get--
Love is also sacrifice.
smurfus rex Robin: That's why you were in prison?? Because of a woman???
Azim: ...
Robin: Tell me, was she worth it?
Azim: Worth dying for...

It's taken 8 years for me to realize what a fine line separates love and friendship. And I mean, REAL love and REAL friendship. On that line is the question..."Do you love her so much that you can let her go?"

Am I such a good friend that I can look her in the eye and honestly say that I'm happy that she has found someone she has fallen in love with? I've done it before...and I've let her soak my shoulder with her tears when the bastard broke her heart later on. Can I do it again? Would I do it again? Or would it be a lie this time? I don't think so.

Am I such a good friend that any possibility for a romantic shift in our relationship would make it too awkward to be friends anymore? Am I so foolhardy as to risk one of the closest friendships I have for such a tenuous and ambiguous condition as love? I don't know yet.

Would I drive to Georgia to change her tire if no one else could help her? Sure would, just not sure where the gas money would come from. Would I stay up four hours past my bedtime and lose precious sleep on the night before the early shift because she needs to talk? Absolutely...fuck work, this is important. Does that mean I love her? I'm pretty sure it does.

All she has to do is say it. I can let her go (I think) if she wants me to. If she asks me to. If she needs me to. But she hasn't said it yet.

I've asked her about my chances of being more than best friends with her (then inwardly cursed my wandering tongue), and the best answer I got was, "whatever happens, happens. I don't know right now." That's good enough for me. I'd rather be the one man (who's not her father) she can count on when she really needs it and not have to worry about being disappointed or shot down or heartbroken.

Would I die for her? That's a heavy question. Would she live well and be happy if I did? Then I would. Would she live in despair and sorrow if I died in place of her? Selfish part of me says I still would because then she'd remember me. Practical me says I'd still do it because then the world could continue to enjoy her presence.

It's true that the world stops turning when she calls. My life runs on a new tangent when she visits. She is the catalyst that changes my routine. Every time. Is that love? I'd have to get back with you on that after we had lived together for eight years.

Some people say "love" when they mean "obsession".
Some people say "love" when they mean "dependence".
Some people say "love" when they mean "lust".
Some people say "love" when they mean "regret".
Some people say "love" when they mean "bitterness".
Some people say "love" when they mean "hurt".
Some people say "love" when they mean "joy".
Some people say "love" when they mean "comfort".
Some people say "love" when they mean "safety".
Some people say "love" when they mean "complete".

For me, love is that feeling I get when I come home from work on a Friday, she greets me at the door, we change into play clothes and walk around downtown in the evening. We don't even have to say anything. Love is walking together, whether you know your destination or not.
pikelet maybe we'll live in a castle with servants and a pool 030601
Fire&Roses you know when you are... you know when you aren't... but it's hard to define the difference... and you can love and you can be in love but the difference is subtle... who knows... DOn't worrie about it. It'll just drive you nuts 030608
ivelearnedmylesson it's the snow flakes on ur cheeckes
it's soking wet
it sucks you in
you can't get out
it swirling and taking you in
you can't stop ur selves
your ruined but he's not
trip love is a long day that never ends 030612
p2 love
is a many splintered thing
p2 A Love Divided

Everytime I think of it
It tears me up inside
That you could still feel for him
What you tried to hide

Don't tell me things will be ok
In truth, it's all unknown
Emotions are a ruly thing
Not easily disowned

A heart divided cannot love
The way I feel for you
I love you with all my being
Your passion's split in two

But you say that things are fine
And act as if it's so
And for you, I do so too
Hiding that I know

The knowledge is a nasty wound
It cuts in very deep
And every night as we lay down
I die myself to sleep
micky jo an abused word at best

i've used the word love to describe my feelings about anything from crunchy peanut butter to that worn pair of jeans with the hole on the knee

so it isn't enough to describe the way i feel about you - it's lost it's most important meaning

I'd like to use another word that has more meaning to me, even if it seems lesser to someone else

I adore you
kyle2 love makes me cry, love makes me happy, love makes me sick to my stomach, love makes me hate, love makes me want to die, love makes me everything that i am against. I LOVE her and she only sees me as a friend. How depressing... how pathetic for me... i can't get over her. I'm only 16 and i've been hurt so badly that i don't kno if i will ever find anyone, i'm not sure i can handle this. somebody please help me. I LOVE YOU ALL, i'm about to cry. when will it all end? 030620
kss 2.3 mbs of throbbing wood 030623
Ambience Preach to me
of all the ways you cannot love,
the reasons why love is for the weak,
-and all the logic behind how it cannot exist.
Then go
and so easily admit
to your past love for her.
No, really...
go ahead and make me feel like dirt
Clarey Is it real when you feel so close to hate? When you want to slap the person you love because they won't return it the way you need? I don't understand!!! xx 030624
carlita last night, my boyfriend was helping me clean my new house, and he was shampooing the carpets. when i looked in my bedroom, he had written "I LOVE YOU" with the carpet shampooer. he's such a dork sometimes, but that's what makes me love him. 030624
Ambience Im so jealous of you.

Youd think after one year of ebing with me 24-7, love would be easy to admit to...
Ambience Im so jealous of you.

Youd think after one year of being with me 24-7, love would be easy to admit to...
starjewel ever wanted to escape
felt the sof breeze
watched the sun disapear
blue fade
black appear
Diamonds rain down
into the black night
and you wanted to escape

ever wanted to fly
heard the call from
other places
wanted to touch
other faces
gaze into another's eyes
see their soul
make you whole
and you just wanted to fly

Ever wanted to love
felt the spray of wetness
caress your cheeks
felt the rain
compared to your
burning tears
wantred to kiss away
another's fears
and just wanted to love

wanted to escape
fade with the indigo
into black night
wanted to fly
heard the breez call'n
another language you want to learn

at least you've loved
starjewel ever wanted to escape
felt the soft breeze
watched the sun disapear
blue fade
black appear
diamonds rain down
into the black night
and you wanted to escape

ever wanted to fly
heard the call from
other places
wanted to touch
other faces
gaze into another's eyes
see their soul
make you whole
and you just wanted to fly

Ever wanted to love
felt the spray of wetness
caress your cheeks
felt the rain
compared to your
burning tears
wanted to kiss away
another's fears
and just wanted to love

wanted to escape
fade with the indigo
into black night
wanted to fly
heard the breez call'n
another language

at least you've loved
delial "and I've finally found that everybody loves to love you when you're far away," 030627
not important love can be quite deceptive sometimes
friends can leave you
lovers fool you
and you left alone, afraid
if you think the love that matters
bonds you to one alone
Queen of the Wrench I could have loved you
if you had let me.
girl can you be alone and in love at the same time 030705
not important Of course you can. Personally, I am not fond of the state. Then again, I am even less fond of being around a person I am supposed to love when I find myself stuggling with it. 030706
alexis I heard somewhere that being in love is the greatest feeling in the world.

I also heard that since it's all chemical, being in love can only last about 18 months.

but don't take my word for it...i really wouldnt know
freak love is a word used to often and sometimes mistaken for the real is messes you around...fucks you doesnt exist 030716
alexis love has to. 030717
scifininja there needs to be more words like love. i love a stranger, my family, my friends. i love someone who i have seen before. i love my garden and boy do i love soda. i think i love puppy, but of course i love puppy. it depends what you mean. so many things, so many loves. all different. 030720
davidss the reason i wake up 030725
not important I had a Spanish teacher awhile back who chastized a student for saying "Yo quiero Taco Bell" Something like "No, no, no... we only like objects in Spanish. You in America! You love everything!" 030725
glissade Yo quiero really translates to I want...
Wierd how "I want you" really means "I love you" in spanish
hipshaka Love love love just ain't a game I play. 030727
tinka Don't say love me ryan and then change your mind - love isn't like picking what movie you want to watch 030801
delial te_amo 030801
karl the weed betrayal 030802
Bloody Trail love is a bitch.

or has been to me.

but love's just a word. one said too easily. it's an excuse. it's a way to hide. you can't argue when someone says "i loved you yesterday but today i dont". love is what you feel right before the one you love rips you apart.

At least that's what her love is.

We all know her love.
oldephebe I have loved, and I have lost, and I have nursed some charmed iron flowers back from the black, and I have breathed softly on their bruised petals, set their wings in a sling, and set them back on course, I have said I'm am not here to extort a kiss or some illicit bliss just to placate my roaring loins. Love is a many splintered thing - and I doubt if a soul can last long in this world without it 030806
oldephebe I have loved and I have lost and I have brought charmed iron flowers back from the black, and I have said I'm not here to extort a kiss, or some illicit bliss to placate my roaring loins. I have set their tender wings in a sling and set them back on course, I have breathed softly upon their bruised petals. Love is a many splintered thing. I doubt if a soul can last long in this world in this world. Call me Icarus or idiot - Love has raised the red curtain of rage that descends or falls over my eyes
love can redeem the darkest souls reared in the fire red womb of hell
maybe i should have put this under the blathepage love
my bad
oldephebe okay cognitive dissonance here
In my penultimate comment to the last post I said maybe I should have put this under the blathepage love - I thought I was in red - my hard drive has caught a cold a I guess.
and now..really
my bad
icy i was trying to wait up for you...
i didn't succeed - i fell asleep.
you didn't come home anyway
that little four-letter word you used with me
used for another...
care to add anyone else to the list?
yes, i am bitter and petty
but what did you really expect?
isn't this supposed to be
the most euphoric of feelings,
the highest emotion,
from which the fall is ghastly and long

i could ask why, but you wouldn't answer anyway.
you don't care.
your only response would to be inflict even more pain -
all the more b/c you don't have to feel it.

and now i have what i want...
just the opposite.
Sarah Michelle: ill just type the paragraph lmao Everything about Maury was just as mislaid. With his sheltered youth he'd barely known how to talk to her, or any girl, for that matter. He was so ridiculous, it was funny.
Then the date she'd made with him last semester for a joke made her humor warm. She felt that warmth again in the memory of his size between her legs. It was ridiculous that she had been his first woman, but she was glad for it,
me: WHAT?!
Michelle: anyway. "I love you too," She moaned when he laid his soft hands on her stomach.
Michelle: if you take out "Then the date she'd made with him last semester for a joke made her humor warm. She felt that warmth again in the memory of his size between her legs."
Michelle: and "I love you too," She moaned when"
Michelle: the rest is like me and kyle lmao
me: .... you just took our the majority of the paragraph leaving a few measly sentences and said that its just like you and Kyle!.... you really are in love when you think like that
starmouse remember_when_they_danced_against_me? 030821
kiwibird this love is that love is all love.
the only resource that multiplies the more we divide it.
XanderPrice Love is perfect, and flawed at the same time.
It is a whisper, to a scream.
Love exists only when we seek it out, but only experienced when it chooses to find us. It is chaotic, but contains perfect logic.
Love is the hardest easy thing you'll have experience.
It is perfect joy, and perfect pain.
It makes wiser fools of all of us.
crimson is suicide 030830
Ydalmi LOVE is almost like a drug
that is needed to feel the ecstacy
they both let us have felicity,
they both let us have misery,
but that emotion isn't magical all the time, its a fantasy gone wrong,
it brings on even more fears and when its gone it should be understood why, because it makes us wiser and gives us yet another sign on how to survive in this bitter world.
voodoo i really thought i loved him
but that was before i knew
what real love is

real love is
what i feel with you
i miss you when we're apart
i crave your touch

you say you love me
and i think it's true
sometimes i wonder
and worry it's not

can i trust you?
that question fills my mind
whenever you're gone
i hope by now i really can

i love you
with all my heart
once again is a motherfucker."

~Old School
Bizzar Means nothing anymore. Its said and believed with the very first twinge of butterflies. Nobody means it... its now just a word.

One Ive only said once. And meant it. But the one who returned it now says it to every girl he dates... after just weeks. How special am I now? To be in love with every fucking person you date? Fuck that. This world sickens me.

No wonder Tom wont say it. Its as common as mosquitoes.
Siren Is better felt than said. 030909
acy is gone 030910
acy is gone 030910
acy is gone 030910
acy is gone 030910
i.n.f.i.n.i.t.e. sometimes it's too hard to let go... 030910
carlos all 030912
carlos all 030912
three mouths why do they always want to shit on your head? 030912
will never ...ruined me 030913
will never ruin me 030913
Miers bittersweet
sweet and sour
heaven and hell

love is what all humans live for.
nobody i don't think i've ever really experienced love. i thought i did, but i guess i was wrong. i was nothing but a pawn in her web of deceit and lies. lies....lies....lies. how could i have been so ignorant, thinking that someone like her could possibly fall for someone like me. i am nothng but nothing. yes, that's what i am. nothing.....nothing.....nothing.......... 030921
nobody i don't think i've ever really experienced love. i thought i did, but i guess i was wrong. i was nothing but a pawn in her web of deceit and lies. lies....lies....lies. how could i have been so ignorant, thinking that someone like her could possibly fall for someone like me. i am nothng but nothing. yes, that's what i am. nothing.....nothing.....nothing.......... 030921
nobody i don't think i've ever really experienced love. i thought i did, but i guess i was wrong. i was nothing but a pawn in her web of deceit and lies. lies....lies....lies. how could i have been so ignorant, thinking that someone like her could possibly fall for someone like me. i am nothng but nothing. yes, that's what i am. nothing.....nothing.....nothing.......... 030921
nobody i don't think i've ever really experienced love. i thought i did, but i guess i was wrong. i was nothing but a pawn in her web of deceit and lies. lies....lies....lies. how could i have been so ignorant, thinking that someone like her could possibly fall for someone like me. i am nothng but nothing. yes, that's what i am. nothing.....nothing.....nothing.......... 030921
nobody sorry about the tripple post :( 030921
violet it's so easy for me.
to fall in love.
my heart is an endless pool of shadowy cadmium blue water. for anybody to have a drink.

so many different manifestations. friendship, erotic infatuation, [ romantic ] love, so many feelings for so many people.
it is a beautiful agony.
violet to fall in love.
my heart is an endless pool of shadowy cadmium blue water. for anybody to have a drink.

so many different manifestations. friendship, erotic infatuation, [ romantic ] love, so many feelings for so many people.
it is a beautiful agony.
violet Nightwish- Sleeping Sun
The sun is sleeping quietly
Once upon a century
Wistful oceans calm and red
Ardent caresses laid to rest
For my dreams I hold my life
For wishes I behold my night
The truth at the end of time
Losing faith makes a crime
I wish for this night-time
to last for a lifetime
The darkness around me
Shores of a solar sea
Oh how I wish to go down with the sun
With you
Sorrow has a human heart
From my god it will depart
I'd sail before a thousand moons
Never finding where to go
Two hundred twenty-two days of light
Will be desired by a night
A moment for the poet's play
Until there's nothing left to say
I wish for this night-time...
I wish for this night-time...
Ni love
a simple word for a complicated thing
is love even real?
or is it just chemicals telling us things, making us feel things that are not even real?
perhaps it is real because we can feel it
either way i wish i could not feel it
all it has done is brought pain
not just to me but to the one i love
at least he says as much
why is it i still believe his words?
will i nnot learn?
perhaps it is not possible
how is it that people write poems about love and revere love so much
when all it does is cause pain?
true, it may bring joy for a time
but when it leaves it brings more pain than ever was before
they say it is better to have loved and lost than never loved at all
perhaps the one that wrote that had never loved
but then i am glad for the love i felt, for the love i still feel
at times anyway
other times the pain is too great and i wish it was all, wish it had never happened
i do not know what love really is
but i believe it is true, real
i believe i have felt it and still do
but i wish i never had
Ni love
a simple word for a complicated thing
is love even real?
or is it just chemicals telling us things, making us feel things that are not even real?
perhaps it is real because we can feel it
either way i wish i could not feel it
all it has done is brought pain
not just to me but to the one i love
at least he says as much
why is it i still believe his words?
will i nnot learn?
perhaps it is not possible
how is it that people write poems about love and revere love so much
when all it does is cause pain?
true, it may bring joy for a time
but when it leaves it brings more pain than ever was before
they say it is better to have loved and lost than never loved at all
perhaps the one that wrote that had never loved
but then i am glad for the love i felt, for the love i still feel
at times anyway
other times the pain is too great and i wish it was all, wish it had never happened
i do not know what love really is
but i believe it is true, real
i believe i have felt it and still do
but i wish i never had
Robin I don't trust those words anymore. 030925
misstree there are so many things in this world that i love,
so many concepts, so many sights, so many
places and things and even some people,
so many ideas, so many events.

i love the sound of cats purring, i love
thoughts and tongues untamed, i
love songs that make my heart soar, i love
the potential in people, even more when it is realized,
i love turns of phrase that give me shivers,
i love the quest and possibility for freedom
from all things, in all people, i love
night breezes and day's harsh gaze. i love
playground swings and i love
hope and kindness and acceptance in human hearts.

romantic love is only the most publicized,
the most tearing and wounding, the wildest
ride, unpredictable and dangerous.

every person that i have loved in that way
lives on, in a small part of my heart, in a
small part of my love.

love is desire for union.
sex is not love. sex is meat.
infatution is love on basest level,
corrupted and irrational.

love is the glue that holds together
that which belongs together,
like kittens and purring and soft fur,
like playgrounds and moonlight and breezes,
like water_brothers and tender smiles,
like myself and my self.
jewelz I do it for the drugs
I do it just to feel alive
I do it for the love
That I get from the bottom of a bottle
- smile empty soul ; bottom of a bottle
jewelZ i love you on saturdays, but monday it starts over again 030926
jewelZ i love you on saturdays, but monday it starts over again 030926
pleb 1 - is the manifestation of the (irrational) fear of dying alone, surely when you die you ARE on your own

2 - makes the world go round

3 - is a real feeling, just too difficult to explain
mj i love you and sometimes i dont know why, but i do anyway. i love you, i love you, i love you. and i don't know how many people i will love after you or if you will be the only one i love but now i know i love you and that makes life sweet. 030926
metamantrg LOVE it's just A four letter word anyone can or will say to obtatain what they want but when she said it to me I knew she truely ment it I realy felt it from her heart and soul
Devin I love you
misstree is NOT limited to feelings between two meatbags

will sacrifice babies to make her fucking point, because she is drunk and wily.
kelly is my bleeding heart 030929
lostinthelandofblue can be a word used against you so they can get what they want and when you don't let them they don't understand that you don't play with love they don't understand that you're still broken up about the fact that your parents showed you just how fucked up and nonexistent it can be even though they made vows and it lasted for 15 years and I want to believe it and feel it but I'm scared and it makes me cry sometimes because in the end it's love that causes my ache and I can't seem to figure out how I need to/have to fix it 030930
phil and if I had something to say
it would slowly die away
because it was absurd
Priscilla love is real.

i want so badly to believe that there is truth, that love is real.
and i want life in every word to the point that it's absurd.
Death of a Rose with more to come "Love is not"

Love is not just a function of the eyes.
Beautiful objects will, of course, inspire.
Possessive urges - you need not despise.
Your taste. But when insatiable desire,
Inflames you for a girl who's out of fashion,
Lacking in glamour-plain, in fact -
that fire
Is genuine; that's the authentic passion.
Beauty, though, any critic can admire"

Marcus Argentarus (20Bc - 30Ad)

Or how about this;

I taste your lips slowly and share ou heat. I want, no I need this warmth to last longer than this existence.
I free my hand to slowly slide softly down your leg and make it's return journey, full of moments incomprehensible to those who have not experienced this, to a gliding back, arched and taut.
I spend hours along this side, memorizing each downfall and curved rise, gliding to the other side to begin again.

I draw my gaze to your eyes,
now here is an addiction.

You can be my new found journal
and I am your pen.

Now I ask,
Will you love?



You, I love,
You, I breathe,
You, I stargaze,
You, I enfold,
You, I explode,
You, I hypnotize,
You, I delve,
You, I explore,
You, I claim,
You, I come to peace,
You, I depend,
You, I crumble,
You, I fly towards meaning,
You, I ink in a stroke,
You, I view with compassion,
You, I close my memories forever,
You, I have never wanted for drink,
You, I have saved millions,
You, I have walked,
You, I have rested.

nodata love is never the same. love is never accepted by two people as the same. love is the way we cope with the reality of things. love will fuck you over. a beautiful girl will turn your world to dust. 031011
lenore i said it. he didnt. i wasted it just because i couldnt say it to the one i truly felt it for. the one whos gone. makes me ill never be loved. 031015
misstree i am presented with two choices.

i can either abandon the labeling of love as i know it, or i can continue waving my fists and screaming that you don't understand. in my oh so fucking humble opinion, love is not the thing that fucks you over, love is not the thing that makes you want to rub plumbings and share desserts, love is what makes you cling to other people, yes, but not just people you're bumping uglies with, love is what makes you gasp in wonder, love is what makes you feel and live and dance and *laugh*. if such a vaunted concept is to be treated with such bitterness, such drooling infatuation, it must be something different than what i know it as, because damage and loss of the self is what happens without love, because screaming at night is what happens when attachments wind their way into our needs and wants and fears. there is such a thing as pure love, but as our definition of love differs, i withdraw my defense of the concept from this page.

i hope that someday you understand.
a girl with nothing to say love is over-rated so are friends someone says they love you when its all a lie 031017
Spare Change Love is hope and love is laughter. Love is tears and love is trial. Love is passion, and contentment. Love is all and nothing at all. Love is snows and love is rain. Love is pleasure and love is pain. Love is infinite and entirely mortal. Love is tender, Love is rough. It's love that makes you what you are. Love is God's grace and love is sin. It's all the truth you'll ever need. Love is whatever you need it to be. 031017
mysticspiral I think I never loved you
I am wrong
All I know of love i learned from you

I use to say I never loved you
I always told lies
But my nights are spent longing for you

You use to say you loved me
But never really meant it
It was so easy to loose me

You say you never loved me
I pray it is a lie
All your thoughts on love, you didn't learn from me
The Analyst Cause of greatest happiness
Cause of torturous pain

Makes me leap in circles and feel like a kid again and also puts me in the worst of moods I've ever been in.

For as great as it makes me feel, I sometimes wonder if actually having it is worth losing it.
jane love is real, real is love
love is feeling, feeling love
love is wanting to be loved

love is touch, touch is love
love is reaching, reaching out
love is asking to be loved

love is you, you and me
love is knowing we can be

love is free, free is love
love is living, living love
love is needed to be loved

Mandijabster Love between a love like no other.

is ur cell phone near it?
i think.. it's horny.
yes, my cellphone is arousing my computer screen and making it vibrate
power trip i'm over the precedent of a false security 031027
Shayla Tell me now or never. cause im leaving and if you dont say it i will never come back. you said it once but that was when you didnt mean it you dont know how you betrayed me like that but now that i know i understand why but dont care cause it was wrong told me you liked me you told me you cared for me now tell me what i want to hear but if you can and its a lie then dont but if its..
if its the truth then say it quickly or lose me forever now tell me you love me.
0of46 dont do that
i dont
you know you can't

nothing good can come of this....
kirsty love is revenge 031111
lover evol 031112
Caxton Is it something I can hold onto?
Is it something I can bear?
Everytime I turn around, will you be standing there?
Will your soft gaze penetrate my body, will your soft lips graze mine?
I've always thought a love like this was impossible to find.
I love just being with you, and standing by your side..
I'll be here with you until the day I have died..
in pain Terrifying streaks of pain...
The heart screams to tear free,
to leave it's long-time home -
to fly to where it knows it belongs
Jen head over feet completely tuned out to everything. Hurts so bad but leaves you wanting more. Once youve experienced it, you'll never go back 031117
mc somethig that does not come from the heart, but from you hole body... like magic. 031119
mc somethig that does not come from the heart, but from your whole body... like magic. 031119
sean Why cant a sophmore bot LOVE a freshman boy and just be left alone?????? 031122
sean Why Cant I be in love with mike, and live happily ever after? 031122
SeAn SEAN LOVES MIKEY sean loves mikey SEAN LOVES MIKEY sean loves mikey SEAN LOVES MIKEY sean loves mikey SEAN LOVES MIKEY sean loves mikey!!!!! 031122
EmptySouls go away
no don't go stay
what the fuck am i going to do
why the fuck am i still with you
who are you anyway?
krazykat needing love and being far from it is the worst possible human condition. 031123
*cathy* being from two different ways of life, backgrounds yet still feeling the same united in this wonderous feeling.
and even though it hurts or drags you down roads you'd rather not travel, you know you're not alone.
Love is a drug, an addiction that lonely people and insecure people have not yet had to deal with. It is a very bad habit difficult to break.
clockwork Ladies and Gentlemen

Lets hear it for love!!
Lets hear it for shattered hearts
Lets hear it for broken promises
Lets hear it for pain
Lets hear it for love...
VoiceofDeus Blind devotion.
Blind trust.
Whatever she says,
He knows he must
Believe her.
outpatient love is tragedy. the creation of life. it's core. the center of the circle. the first step to the long stairway which has led humanity to where it is and what it has become. where love has brought us to...that is the tragic part. we create, we teach, we grow because of love. however we also hate, we also destroy, we also kill. love and hate. they are the fists that are tied together behind our backs. we struggle to get one hand free to break away from our struggles. which hand has "freed" each individual from bondage? it depends on how you view the world in which we live in today. what have we done in the past that reveals any evidence of our love for mankind and it's surroundings? that's easy to answer if you look at the individual rather than the entire population. each of us and those before us have loved another life in one way or another. if those that have not, they must have tried and failed. which brings me to my many have tried to love? everyone. how many were hurt from their effort. opening their hearts to only be ripped apart? more than you or i could imagine. many people have tried to hate? and out of those who show their hate have failed? not many. i understand this emotion ot be the easiest and most satisfying (at the time) to feel without fear of loss. When I say "loss" i mean something you risk losing in result of trying to love. What evidence do we have that reveals that we as a global community shows love? that's easy to answer too. look at mankind as a whole rather than the individual. what do you find? what do you realize? HATE. lack of respect, knowledge, forethought and far too much greed. GREED is the grandson of hate. greed is the inheritor of what hate leaves behind. just walk around and look. witness where we are today and where we could be if our individual love shown through as a whole. if we had respect for the other living things around us. the knowledge of how these things are the wooden planks we walk on to avoid falling into the fire. if we had forethought of what would happen to our future generations if there were no wood to make the planks to walk across. if you feel hate, you are merely part of the WHOLE. if you love, you stand out as the individual. unfortunately, that's how it stands. what will the future hold for mankind? will the tables turn and roles reverse? that is not up to the whole but up to the 031129
arielle "...there is no definition of love. There are just mere references. I'll be truthful with you, love is like music from another room. You know the song, but you can't identify how exactly it got there and where it came from. And even years from then, when you're sitting on the benches, waiting for a subway, you hear the music still playing in your head. It never eludes you because when you're caught up in the music, it won't go away as long as you still let it go on in your mind." 031130
marina is confusing me to no end. 031201
violet beautiful torture 031201
Lionkitara I never used to believe in the word "Love." I mean, its just a four letter word. However, as with most words, love is associated with a feeling that I have, and well, I have that feeling. There are three levels,

1. Friendship
2. Family
3. "Signifigant" other

I have now experienced all three levels, and I have experienced the pain that number 3 brings. I do believe, with all my heart, that I will always Love Clarence Mitts. I am thankful that he showed me what love was, because to tell you the truth, I don't think I would have been able to show MYSELF that much needed love.

~sighs contently~

Me and him are still together to this day, and I love him more and more.

I Hope we stay together( Even though as unrealisticaly as that sounds)

-Holly Helena Heskett
extra makeup I love the little bit of tear that gathers in someone's eye just before they cry 031202
lovelorn what is it
good for?
lovelorn what is it
good for?
lovelorn what is it
good for?
fairbecca I stink at love.
I will never get it.
Fly Free I LOVE YOU Tyla Emm! 031212
floralieca Love is something I'm not allowed to have right now. The date is settle for this relation to end and I don't know how to live with that. If I say I love you, you run, if I don't say anything, I run. Why is it so complicated when it could be so simple. I wish you'd love me back but I'm not the one for you so I'm busted. 031214
Josh I read everyones words that have been hurt, I feel their pain, I'm here for anyone anytime, if I can help I'm always there....Isn't that what love is? Isn't pain and hradship a part of love? I mean if you really love someone shouldn't you be able to endure the pain...but then when do you draw the line....when is it all to much? When you look for a friend to cry to, but you can't even do that...why some may ask...and the why is no one would or could ever know...This is to everyone
To the one I could never have:
Have you ever know that feeling when you close your eyes and the blackness from the inside of your eyelids completly embraces your entire body and you try to reach out but there is nothing there...your alone...and every time a tear falls from your eyes it seems like it kills you, and no matter what you do the pain won't go away and it eats at you until your whole body is hollow...and cold....yea you know, when there is only one thing that could save you and she is not there...Yet you are thinking she would come to hold your hand you are hollow....
Hollow shell
Josh I read everyones words that have been hurt, I feel their pain, I'm here for anyone anytime, if I can help I'm always there....Isn't that what love is? Isn't pain and hradship a part of love? I mean if you really love someone shouldn't you be able to endure the pain...but then when do you draw the line....when is it all to much? When you look for a friend to cry to, but you can't even do that...why some may ask...and the why is no one would or could ever know...This is to everyone
To the one I could never have:
Have you ever know that feeling when you close your eyes and the blackness from the inside of your eyelids completly embraces your entire body and you try to reach out but there is nothing there...your alone...and every time a tear falls from your eyes it seems like it kills you, and no matter what you do the pain won't go away and it eats at you until your whole body is hollow...and cold....yea you know, when there is only one thing that could save you and she is not there...Yet you are thinking she would come to hold your hand you are hollow....
Hollow shell
Josh I read everyones words that have been hurt, I feel their pain, I'm here for anyone anytime, if I can help I'm always there....Isn't that what love is? Isn't pain and hradship a part of love? I mean if you really love someone shouldn't you be able to endure the pain...but then when do you draw the line....when is it all to much? When you look for a friend to cry to, but you can't even do that...why some may ask...and the why is no one would or could ever know...This is to everyone
To the one I could never have:
Have you ever know that feeling when you close your eyes and the blackness from the inside of your eyelids completly embraces your entire body and you try to reach out but there is nothing there...your alone...and every time a tear falls from your eyes it seems like it kills you, and no matter what you do the pain won't go away and it eats at you until your whole body is hollow...and cold....yea you know, when there is only one thing that could save you and she is not there...Yet you are thinking she would come to hold your hand you are hollow....
Hollow shell
Shannon hurts,scars, and truly can be the greatest and hardest moments of a lifetime 040103
Elly_Jane Don't you understand??
The way you look me in the eyes.. and say you don't know..
How do you not know?!
It's right here before us..
Just open your eyes and stop looking past what you've got..

All I meant to say is..
I love you.
Misery There's alot to say on love. But what I sit and contemplate is how much love draws you in, and breaks you down, and ultimately destroys you.
I met him 8 or 9 years ago and he was pretty. he had feminine features and a lack of self esteem.
i had abandonment issues and a superiority complex.
He says he loved me from the start and never stopped.
Years passed and off and on again, we'd meet, just friends. Best friends. But he wanted more, and it started to turn into more, until another came along and stole my heart.
Within a few years we had married, I and the other. 2 kids and a mortgage later, the pretty one comes into my life.
I'm still married. And now I'm pregnant again. It's not the other's. This is the child of the pretty one. Love has gotten me this far, love and the ridiculousness that comes with it, realized all too late, here i am in love, and loving, loved and in love with, and I don't know what to do. Just don't fall for love.
Jane Doe Only when I stop to think
About you, I know
Only when you stop to think
About me, do you know?

I hate everything about you
Why do I love you
You hate everything about me
Why do you love me

I hate
You hate
I hate
You love me

I hate everything about you
Why do I love you

- three days grace
amanda tears you down while building you up. Confuses you while strangly making everything clear at the same time. And while it makes you experience this unbelieveable happiness it makes you incredibly depressed. 040110
ashely polly love sux thats all anyone should know 040112
divine madness His silence,
my intensified pressure.
The swirling of our minds as one,
unafraid of imperfections
in catastrophic episodes
spiritualizing our anxious expressions
intoxicated by celestial temptations
of passions with the vigor
of the fires of a thousand suns
under one incandescent moon.
A hunger that overwhelms our judgment
and exists between both souls
Psychological drama is unheard of
for our devotion to the moment
and our obvious oblivion
engulfs us from anything else…….

that is amour...
Brandy Have you ever loved somebody so much it makes you cry? 040115
hurt_consumer L*o*V*e bites it bites big time there is no such thing as love in my eyez & u can take that 4 what it's worth ....* 040116
hurt_consumer L*o*V*e bites it bites big time there is no such thing as love in my eyez & u can take that 4 what it's worth ....* 040116
hurt_consumer ~~~~~~*Don't cry becuz it'z over*~~~~~~
~~~~~*Smile becuz it happened*~~~~~
hurt_consumer ~~~~~~*Don't cry becuz it'z over*~~~~~~
~~~~~*Smile becuz it happened*~~~~~
hurt_consumer ~~~~~~*Don't cry becuz it'z over*~~~~~~
~~~~~*Smile becuz it happened*~~~~~
*darkstar* Fuck you in the a hole
because love left me behind
poseidon Something profound
mingling, tickling on periphery
something unfound
courses the hidden width of me

Love is... foreign, alien
we are captains of possession
our orders fall upon the choppy ground
of self and want and empty
liason to the wither wind
power seekers

We barely love, and to this slope
we fiercely break our feet
running into the darkest valley
simply to hate and suck on hate

we fear to breaking, and empty
die to go cracking

I barely see glimmers of something sweeter
a pleading, dying, commanding fool
the one only to have loved among men
he dared to be tender among us villains
we who make a business out of hate
and war
and the self-is-great
immortality breaks on our door
with hands holding
working, extoling
so we spear him to a tree
and leave him hanging between theives

and yet, his dawn came again
the free pulse of love greater than death

what have we on love,
the faintest of guesses
and the Godman's eternal promise
mj you will always love again, and each time you'll claim it was different from the last.

love ain't looking in each other's eyes, love's looking together at what's to be.
Mo0NVixEn19 Love has pained me too much to actually believe that it is better to have not loved at all 040126
Blinded*by*Me In my eyez love isnt worth recalling on in fact it isnt even worth letting in . Thats how i feel & if someone asked me if i would do it all again i would say "love left my behind once, why take another chance?" 040127
taintedluv LOVE........people do things for it....they kill, they rape, they pillage. All this since before history was written.Such a strong force it is. But is it a matter of CHOICE? or is it from the gods? There must be balance in then there must be a man for each woman...Guess it makes sense...or is tis merely what i CHOOSE to believe? I have thought for many a days...maybe I am one of of the people not meant to have LOVE in that form.....then I think, is this grandiose? No, I think not, has been evident in my life....saddens me deeply but I also know that maybe I am just meant for MORE.I just hope I know what is more...soon :(

This to you, you liar!!

You come to me, crying...
once, not even
not even once did I ask for you in my life
I never ask....I am afraid of what I will get
You talk one thing then you do another
I was never fooled by you or what we "had"
But I did expect you to keep your word to me
the ONLY thing I EVER asked of u
but I guess it was too much
I hope you feel this same pain in ur heart one day
and SOON I will laugh when I look back and see you
for i will have learned and become wiser
through the mortal folly
of expecting you to keep your word to me
the only thing i ever asked of you
NOW i send you my heartache, i do NOT own it anymore
I thank my goddess that the universe sees to justice
may your heart bleed as mine has
soullinguist A state of mind. A combination of physiological and emotional arousal. Something selfish that makes us selfless. A connection with - and a dependence on - someone who despite their all too frail humanity, can seem hard and beautiful as diamond. The best emotion to have, because hope is a major part of love, and even when your love is unrequited, you can feel that just around the corner of the road you are on there is nirvana, heaven, bliss, etc. I loved a girl. she didn't love me. But life was both beautiful and painful because I believed for a time that all that kept us apart was fear and pride and shyness. It didn't last, but it was an amazing way to live. 040127
pansy petal by petal
you take off my skin
kissing my every limb
you make me surrender
into your arms
like a child I’m helpless
you take my heart
into your hands
to protect it
and I’m no longer
separate from you
I’m in you
being you
and I’m crying
so hold me tight
and don’t let me go away
pansy I’m terrified to open for love and I do not want you to be my first victim. I want to protect you form myself. 040127
syn u cant tell me that u love me. o well. if u cant say it then i guess u dont feel it. thats what they say. it hurts to know that u waste years of ur life with someone and they cant stick with u all that time. be loyal but never say those words. life is full of experiences but this one i wish i couldve left unknown 040128
syn u cant tell me that u love me. o well. if u cant say it then i guess u dont feel it. thats what they say. it hurts to know that u waste years of ur life with someone and they can stick with u all that time. be loyal but never say those words. life is full of experiences but this one i wish i couldve left unknown 040128
syn u cant tell me that u love me. o well. if u cant say it then i guess u dont feel it. thats what they say. it hurts to know that u waste years of ur life with someone and they can stick with u all that time. be loyal but never say those words. life is full of experiences but this one i wish i couldve left unknown 040128
syn u cant tell me that u love me. o well. if u cant say it then i guess u dont feel it. thats what they say. it hurts to know that u waste years of ur life with someone and they can stick with u all that time. be loyal but never say those words. life is full of experiences but this one i wish i couldve left unknown 040128
syn u cant tell me that u love me. o well. if u cant say it then i guess u dont feel it. thats what they say. it hurts to know that u waste years of ur life with someone and they can stick with u all that time. be loyal but never say those words. life is full of experiences but this one i wish i couldve left unknown 040128
... That heavy thing in the back of your stomach when you look at him, and he doesn't look back, and your self-confidence dissapears, lost somewhere, never to be found again. He just smiles at you, wraps his arms around someone else, and you clench your stomach hoping next time around it will be different. 040130
just some girl fuck the bullshit already.. seriously.
------------the blood pumping through your veins and the goddamn need to breathe. can't get rid of it.. even if you want to.
witchesrequiem Love: 1. An intense affectionate concern for or passionate attraction to another person. 2. A beloved person. 3. A strong liking for something.

Websters dictionary

I say tradgic.
Lady venus and Hanniel need to help.
witchesrequiem Love: 1. An intense affectionate concern for or passionate attraction to another person. 2. A beloved person. 3. A strong liking for something.

Websters dictionary

I say tradgic.
Lady venus and Hanniel need to help.
witchesrequiem Love: 1. An intense affectionate concern for or passionate attraction to another person. 2. A beloved person. 3. A strong liking for something.

Websters dictionary

I say tradgic.
Lady venus and Hanniel need to help.
witchesrequiem Love: 1. An intense affectionate concern for or passionate attraction to another person. 2. A beloved person. 3. A strong liking for something.

Websters dictionary

I say tradgic.
Lady venus and Hanniel need to help.
star_jewel Don't know what it is but sometimes I think I'm in it. 040205
Alpha_Shell ***
she's a 99p whore
a bargain basement come
fuck me on the floor

[love is (reassuringly cheap)]
GIRismyhero88 so i dont know what i am saposed to say exactly. i was in love and now dont no if i am anymore actually i dont think i am so anyway yeah 040210
bethany i love you just a million times i love you even thought it isnt fair _ the used

for to breathe used to be another wayi'd take you in _Chevelle

(love is grand)
cigarettes and open air hand in hand..

the definition of love cant be defined.

love is twisted

love is the butterflies you get in your shomach when he calls or the way he smiles and pulls you closer to him. the way he looks into your eyes and says those three words. he has you in his giant web of deception and he uses that against you..uses it in his favor. love is being taken advantage of in more ways than one. love is lies. love is ...sigh
emily love is one of the most blather words... 040214
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl ......
actually is all around us.

that seems to be the problem.
her royal highness the quirk *squeals* love actually is the best movie i've seen in a while! i'm completely obsessed. i saw it about 5 times, and the very minute it comes out on dvd, it's gonna be mine :-) 040216

I once had a crush on an older man named Andy.

He teated me badly and took all my candy.

Now I have therapy three times a week.

So why is it still love that seek?

no one. Love is something you give up easily, but never stop feeling. 040218
drink it down jumping to conclusions.
afraid of something undeniably nice.
i just want some wine.
to cleanse my palette.
to get drunk.
to make love.
to have the sheets in a mess at the foot of the bed.
your curves. my curves. wrapped up into one.
jumping to conclusions.
all i want is lust.
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl oh shit
can it really be?
im fucking IN LOVE!!!!!

onemoretogo an emptiness needed to live.
the only thing worth fighting for and against.
i tried to fight it
but now i can't live with out.
makes me nothing.
Lisa ~ it's all you need. ~ 040222
girl_jane It's very human, and I refuse to be human right now. 040223
Kiefer Andrew Kale i love you babe, i really love you ... your soft skin, your hot lips, your soft hair ... Your name is Love baby ... 040227
Justine<3 never-never land isnt just in Peter Pan. its such an awsome place. makes you want to dance. i cant describe it to you... but when you get there youll know where you are. ive been- its magic. 040227
Fierce Pointless.
Not real.
It's sick.
eri eri I would smile, laugh, change, feel, resist, hurt, cry, sacrifice, kill, exist, die, and live...because, I love you... 040311
jane great band from the seventies 040311
me it may seem though no one cares but there will always be someone behind you even if you never know their name. life passes by as a minute blip in the world, and then there is nothing. I just want you to be happy. and it isnt easy, and it never will be. but click your fingers and you are gone. I dont care if you cut or not but enjoy what life you have because in the end there is no heaven 040313
oldephebe yep 040313
DaughteroftheMoon if i could write
I would write my heart out
in a work titled:
Requiem for a lost love
betrayal barely begins to describe
the feeling I felt when I realized I had lost him
anger was the first
the second
who loves company, but could find none to relate with.
"For I have sworn thee fair and thought thee bright, thou art as black as hell and as dark as night."
I would have said
If I had not already realized that he had not been lost,
but stolen.
seduced by one,
the kelpie, I now call her.
I know that she will kill his emotions and all that will come back to me is a strange face with the same emotions I now feel.
sorry if this doesnt make sense.
maggie i am happy :) 040316
zanna i love how your eyes close
whenever you kiss me
and when i'm away from you
i love how you miss me
i love the way your kiss is always heavenly
but darling most of all
i love how you love me

i love how your heart beats
whenever i hold you
i love how you think of me
without being told to
i love the way your touch is always tenderly
but darling most of all
i love how you love me

i love how your eyes close
each time that you kiss me
and when i'm away from you
i love how you miss me
i love the way your kiss is always heavenly
but darling most of all
i love how you love me
f love is cruel, why is that? why is it never easy? why does it leave you without a care in the world?
what's the point?
Substance true love can be kinda depressing, once you've found it what else is there in life? 040328
Jaca Perhaps, love is all there is. There are moments when I feel "God" and all I can do to explain it is... God is Love. And we can all agree that God is everything, can we not? Therefore, love is everything. 040401
swingsetsinfall "What ruins can be found in me
By him not ruin'd? Then he is the ground of
My defeatures. My decayed fair
A sunny look of his would soon repair."

William Shakespeare
matthalen spread happiness 040408
shh melting in to one, a union of minds, confusing, beautiful microcosm created by two minds and hearts that feel the same, urgent, blurred time, drink their tears,breathe their breath, its not theirs, its ours. our mind. our face. our place in the universe. 040411
somerandomguy isn't love weird? love knows the difference. like how when you have a short lived crush on someone, they never like you back. but when you really love someone, they almost always tend to feel the same way about you. or how i sit around all day, with that pain in the heart feeling that everyone who has been in love feels, and when i finally have the woman i love, the feeling only grows. it doesn't fade. 040411
somerandomguy isn't love weird? love knows the difference. like how when you have a short lived crush on someone, they never like you back. but when you really love someone, they almost always tend to feel the same way about you. or how i sit around all day, with that pain in the heart feeling that everyone who has been in love feels, and when i finally have the woman i love, the feeling only grows. it doesn't fade. 040411
pete the winds are summoned from the deep,
the waters divided above and below,
they whirl across the lands between
driving a light upon the three words.

the spoken smiles heard but not seen,
those moments of energy through words,
they light up the darkest night twice
first for her, second for me.

the lightening strikes the tree,
the two phenomena embrace becoming one,
they explode in light and the passion
that fans higher each time we meet.

the rythmic beating of the drums,
the melodic singing from iceland,
they mix and converge together
in a voice full of paradoxical sighs.

the world narrows in her eyes,
the source of her mysterious light,
they dance like lovers long seperated
merging together in acts of beauty.

the breathes taken between,
those lost moments treasured dearly,
they feel a new dawn rising within
her hands mark the sky a crimson red.

the friendship that blossomed,
those thorns that struck so deep,
time healed and let a new bloom
in the mind of two spinning beings.

the new laughter growing again,
that long forgotten memory shared,
together alone and together always
by the power of an open heart.

the childish giggles sounding loud,
the chuckles of the stream flowing by,
they dance tonight amid the stars
resting in her celestial home.

the physical attraction smiles down,
the minds join and remain so free,
those hours slip into the span of seconds
sweet laughter of the waterfalls!

the moment is found again and atlast,
their arms open welcomingly,
there in the clearing they dance anew
as the shooting stars observe silently.

the kisses are passionately shared,
their hands learn the others body,
together at last beneath the full moon
sensual love is shared and treasured.

the river keeps a patient rhythm,
that natural clock within all hearts,
they moan against the others attentions
forever entwined within the instant.

the stars smile upon this bed of love,
this isolated corner of the universe,
they smile as the two lie hand in hand
speaking like minds long familiar.

the sweetness of the air is ripe,
there the flowers grow tall,
the long glances and easy grins
are a testament to this tested love.
pete the winds are summoned from the deep,
the waters divided above and below,
they whirl across the lands between
driving a light upon the three words.

the spoken smiles heard but not seen,
those moments of energy through words,
they light up the darkest night twice
first for her, second for me.

the lightening strikes the tree,
the two phenomena embrace becoming one,
they explode in light and the passion
that fans higher each time we meet.

the rhythmic beating of the drums,
the melodic singing from iceland,
they mix and converge together
in a voice full of paradoxical sighs.

the world narrows in her eyes,
the source of her mysterious light,
they dance like lovers long separated
merging together in acts of beauty.

the breathes taken between,
those lost moments treasured dearly,
they feel a new dawn rising within
her hands mark the sky a crimson red.

the friendship that blossomed,
those thorns that struck so deep,
time healed and let a new bloom
in the mind of two spinning beings.

the new laughter growing again,
that long forgotten memory shared,
together alone and together always
by the power of an open heart.

the childish giggles sounding loud,
the chuckles of the stream flowing by,
they dance tonight amid the stars
resting in her celestial home.

the physical attraction smiles down,
the minds join and remain so free,
those hours slip into the span of seconds
sweet laughter of the waterfalls!

the moment is found again and at last,
their arms open welcomingly,
there in the clearing they dance anew
as the shooting stars observe silently.

the kisses are passionately shared,
their hands learn the others body,
together at last beneath the full moon
sensual love is shared and treasured.

the river keeps a patient rhythm,
that natural clock within all hearts,
they moan against the others attentions
forever entwined within the instant.

the stars smile upon this bed of love,
this isolated corner of the universe,
they smile as the two lie hand in hand
speaking like minds long familiar.

the sweetness of the air is ripe,
there the flowers grow tall,
the long glances and easy grins
are a testament to this tested love.
maatsby most beautiful thing in the world, most precious, the only thing worth dying for and the only thing that everybody wants. everybody can't be wrong.
love rules all thought and action, especially when in it. and without love we would not have each other or the things that matter most because what matters is love and those who you love and love you!
all you need is love, doobedoobedoo
maatsby most beautiful thing in the world, most precious, the only thing worth dying for and the only thing that everybody wants. everybody can't be wrong.
love rules all thought and action, especially when in it. and without love we would not have each other or the things that matter most because what matters is love and those who you love and love you!
all you need is love, doobedoobedoo
quotree "We say we love flowers, yet we pick them; we say we love trees, yet we cut them down. And people still wonder why some are afraid when told they are loved." -A.

"There'll be others, but every time you feel love, it's different. Every time, it's different." -Guinan {ST:TNG}
Kevin Once here then gone, hold on tightly let go lightly. 040426
Babyblue Can anybody tell me what the hell love is? 040428
Babyblue Can anybody tell me what the hell love is? 040428
Babyblue Can anybody tell me what the hell love is? 040428
Babyblue Can anybody tell me what the hell love is? 040428
ofsuch nothing else is needed 040430
jane is completely unpredictable, usually uncalled for, totally out of nowhere, everything you never thought you wanted, a breath of fresh air when you didnt realize you neede one. deeper than deep but lighter than light. crazy fun. and mine started--and ended--with one kiss. 040430
jane is completely unpredictable, usually uncalled for, totally out of nowhere, everything you never thought you wanted, a breath of fresh air when you didnt realize you neede one. deeper than deep but lighter than light. crazy fun. and mine started--and ended--with one kiss. 040430
jane is completely unpredictable, usually uncalled for, totally out of nowhere, everything you never thought you wanted, a breath of fresh air when you didnt realize you neede one. deeper than deep but lighter than light. crazy fun. and mine started--and ended--with one kiss. 040430
jane its a boy named chris. 040430
jane its a boy named chris. 040430
minnesota_chris hmm, something smells funny about this blathe 040430
lost love Tell me the whole store, But leave parts out of it.
Tell me the truth, nothing but the truth, But tell me lies to keep me interested.
Tell me you love me, But can live with out me.
Tell me you want me, But on the other side on the room.
Tell me you can’t live with out me, But never want to see me again.
Tell me what I what to here, But in your own words.
And I’ll do the same for you.
why me The feeling of your heart pounding with in your chest, rising in your throat, is never going to go way but sometimes it feels like it has been beating so slow and then just stops and jumps a beat and keeps right on track. Just like everything else in life just like the words that one can say to another.... they may slow them down, slur them together, and then just pick up in the middle of their conversation again. 040430
photographed by the human eye Have you ever met a person who you can’t forget about? Someone you just can’t let go. Have you ever let something go that you knew you would regret. When letting go is good. Have you ever said something that you knew was wrong? But said it anyways. Have you ever arouse from a good dream? Only to realize that it wasn’t a dream at all and your life is just that good. Have you ever had that one conversation with that one special person all night long? To realize that the sun had rose and you missed it. Have you ever cried so hard you thought you would never catch your breath again? But with every tear you felt so much better. Have you ever had something you knew would hurt you? But you couldn't live without it. Have you ever lived a life? But you new it wasn’t yours. Have you ever wanted to say something but it wouldn’t come out, or it just came out wrong. But the person knew what you were trying to say. Have you ever saidI love youand truly mean it. But you weren’t sure if you said it to that person everyday if it would lose meaning. Have you ever loved someone thinking that they love you too? Only to realize that they care for someone else. 040430
photographed by the human eye My heart was shaped young and only a few words can hurt it... my love is strong enough for you to not understand. 040430
mr sensitivo it hurts,
the pain the ripping pain,
it bleeds happyness,
the love the ripping love,
it tears at hearts,
keeps "meant to be's" together,
all while never giving a chance to that nice guy in the back,
he wants her, she notices him, she points, she laughs, he points, he aims he fires, and suddenly, all of his anger is

g o n e .
oldephebe damn...yeah.. 040501
karamula love my life. really, i do.
but the line between love and hate is very thin.
hate my life. really, i do.
karamula love life. really do.
but the line between love and hate is very thin.
hate life. really do.
Truthseeker I want to hold her in my arms forever, never let go. I want to look deeply into her eyes and see her looking straight back into mine. I want time to stop, the world to cease spinning and the sun to freeze in the sky jst so I can spend a single second more by her side. I want every day to be spent nearby her, every minute to be thinking, every moment to be happy simply because she is. I don't want her to leave, I don't need time away, I never asked for her back to be turned to me or for her perfect smile to fade. I only want her in my life, in my thoughts, in my arms. I hate every hour I cannot behold her and every ticking of the clock she isn't here. I have so much to say to her, so much to tell but I can't. Will she ever know how I feel? Will I ever break my heart open to her and impart to her how I long for her touch, her smile, her love? I don't know. She's too high for me, too high for my grasing fingers to ever brush. I want so much but I know so little will happen. Love is being able to sit next to her for an hour without saying a word and leave feeling like it was the best conversation ever experienced. I hate it how things turn out and how, although I need her so, I can never hold her in my embrace and tell her so. 040510
f how can this great love be inside me?
Look at your eyes. They are small,
but they see enormous things.

if love is the universe
then you must be an infinate part of of it.

I spread your love everywhere. x
JdAwG What is love? A feeling? An empty word? I don't know. Maybe I'm afraid to say it, or maybe I don't feel the need. Perhaps the consequences aren't worth it. Perhaps everything will wilt away with the spoken word "love". I don't know. I'm uninformed. New to the field, but not unwilling to test the waters...but I think I need a push. 040510
Milla My love grows stronger every minute and it won't ever die.. Love you Alfons.. You are my lovely pussycat!! 040513
Jess What do you do when you love the person who is madly in love with one of your best friends? Anybody? 040515
f protected by a mysterious bond,
that will unbreak forever,
round and round each other's abyss skirting
we happily scarred each other
with each others hurting.

we drifted armlocked into the rain
and after and episode of unbearable gentleness
you wore my t-shirt and I wore your pain
noname to love is to live
to not love is not to live


to lose love is to die
mood ring Love comes with a price, it comes with pain.
Like stale heavy air comes with light summer rains.
Sometimes it comes slowly, other times with great haste,
Yet I am always left with a cruel aftertaste.

He starts to grow on me, quite unawares,
So I then play it off like nobody cares.
But then I fall in love, though it may be fleeting,
Is that rolling thunder? No, just my heart beating.

Rally the nation!
Time for celebration,
His glance toward me causes much jubilation.

Sadness supreme,
Need to let off steam,
He smiled at her!” I shockedly scream.

But sometimes in the midst of the roller coaster ride,
something i've always known deep inside.
this isnt forever,
not some wait and see game,
For in a short while,
we'll be nothing but names.

Cuz now i am leaving,
Cuz now it is over,
My whole heart is grieving,
My dear four leafed clover.

You were one in a million,
And my best good luck charm.
Now you’ll be one in a trillion,
And its time to disarm.

I’ll take down the walls,
For one last minute romance.
I’ll entice you with beauty,
I’ll wow you with dance.

But inside I realize-this just cannot be,
Nothing I can do will keep you here with me.
But I’ll still regret it, what I didn’t say,
Maybe things wouldn’t have ended this way.

I guess that’s the issue
That’s what makes me wince,
That you’ll end up a memory,
A never seen since.
Jess A bit ago I didn't know what to do! Thats it! Scroll up! Yes! That "Jess" is me!
I now can answer my own question...
Hang in there!
He's mine now! My best friend told him she didn't like him, and now I text him every night! He wears invisible PJs and I love it!
scarface The way one places the life of another before oneself. To forgive the betrayal of love? Difficult, painful, vengeful and more powerful than the greatest volcano. Can one endure? 040610
estarocks what is love? who needs love? why do we need it?

i have no love, or even a fantasy love, but i want love!!!
phil I don't care about walking
I don't care about cars
I don't care if she wants me
...nobody else ever did

I'm running out of fantasies
my heart is closing in on me
I don't know what she thinks
waiting in her car for me

I don't care about love
I just care about you
I don't know what you want me to say
but no one would call that truth
jac i love you so much that it even has me looking around for something sharp enough to slit my throat with. 040619
Special K If every word
I said could
Make you laugh
I'd talk forever
(Together my love)
I asked the sky
Just what we had
It shone forever
(Together my love)
If the song
I sing to you
Could fill your
Heart with joy
I'd sing forever
(Together my love)
Forever, forever
I've been so
Happy loving you
Let the love
I have for you
Live in your heart
And be forever
(Together my love)
Forever, forever
I've been so
Happy loving you
If every word
I said could
Make you laugh
I'd talk forever
Forever, forever
I'll be so
Happy loving you
somebody In faith, I do not love thee with mine eyes,
For they in thee a thousand errors note,
But tis my heart that loves what they despise,
Who in despite of view is pleased to dote.
Nor are mine eares with thy tongues tune delighted,
Nor tender feeling to base touches prone,
Nor taste, nor smell-desire to be invited
To any sensual feast with thee alone;

But my five wits, nor my five senses can
Dissuade my foolish heart from serving thee,
Who leaves unswayed the likeness of a man,
Thy proud hearts slave and vassal wretch to be:

Only my plague, thus far I count my gain,
That she that makes me sin-awards me pain,

somebody In faith, I do not love thee with mine eyes,
For they in thee a thousand errors note,
But tis my heart that loves what they despise,
Who in despite of view is pleased to dote.
Nor are mine eares with thy tongues tune delighted,
Nor tender feeling to base touches prone,
Nor taste, nor smell-desire to be invited
To any sensual feast with thee alone;

But my five wits, nor my five senses can
Dissuade my foolish heart from serving thee,
Who leaves unswayed the likeness of a man,
Thy proud hearts slave and vassal wretch to be:

Only my plague, thus far I count my gain,
That she that makes me sin-awards me pain,

laced was brown hair, green eyes, olive skin
so it seems I was
in love or
fooling myself again
laced was brown hair, green eyes, olive skin
so it seems I was
in love or
loving a woman again or
fooling myself again
laced was brown hair, green eyes, olive skin
so it seems I was
in love or
loving a woman again
or fooling myself again
laced you see i've said it twice
and only because
these words come to me
when I would have them let me go
specialk specialk my best friend of 5 years has this little brother, who i always embarassed in front of his friends (like the way little kids pick on each other when they like each other), well we were just hanging out at the movies one night and he kissed me... it was amazing! i have never been so in-sync with someone in my entire life... he gave me my nickname...SpecialK because his sister's name is Cristy and mine is Kristy so he said that i'm specailk because i'm so special to him and my name starts with a k! he is the sweetest person i think i will ever know... i love him with all of my heart and i hope that everything continues to be as magical as the first time we kissed and the first time we really looked each other in the eye... i knew it from the first time i layed eyes on him... he was taking my hand to help me out of the car, and i knew, it was like coming hime, only to no home i'd ever known, it was like magic. i've known and loved him for 5 years and i've only been able to date him for 4 months. when i look into his eyes his constant stare melts me into a puddle of pure love, ambition, care, and deep deep passion. i love him wiht all of my heart and i always will... cody, my one TRUE love.... I LOVE YOU! your SpecialK 040626
Ariel alls fair in love and war 040629
imaginary Ed Perhaps these words go unsung, but I have spoken them and that is enough for me.

Love is the reason I am alive.
I am not afraid to admit that once, a long time ago, I went through a suicidal phase. The highs were rock bottom, the lows even lower. I lay with knives in my hands, I sttod on the edges of cliffs. And every time, I was held back because I couldn't inflict my pain on others in this way.

Since then my pain has ebbed as I grew, but the message stayed and has grown stronger. I love very easily, and I cannot bear to see a friend hurt. I live for my friends, and the people I know, and I love every one of them with all my being.
I would die to save my friends. I would do anything for any one of them, not because I owe them or because I want them to owe me, but because they are who I live for. Perhaps I cannot change the world for the better, but I can make a small group of people smile. And that is enough for me.

In my humblest of opinions, that is love.
depressed man all that is love to me resides in the most oblivious but beautiful person in the world, Natalie McGregor 040702
laced Sarah & I
we share a fear of sex
pete love is what is both beautiful and sad 040707
Miss Kaycie Rose You get fluttery inside. You hold each other close. You smile until your cheeks hurt. You're best friends. You believe you will forever. You want to be with them 24/7. It's something great. Once you have it, you don't want it to go away. If it does, you miss it, and you want it back. It hurts when it's gone. 040707
elyse i love Jacob with the deepest love i have in my heart. 040709
Jess Do I dare to love?
What will happen when i utter those small words?
Will i be swept off my feet and taken to a fairytale place of fairies and castles where everything is beautiful and sweet to be shared with the one I love
Or will I be left alone...

Do I dare to take that leap
depressed man how are you supposed to kNow what love is when no one else cAn explain iT to you? whAt is the boundary between a crush and Love? love Is supposEd to be when you want someone more than anything, but what if you want their happiness more than anything and you know they’d be better off without you? love is supposed to be the best thing in the world, but to me its the saddest. to wake up everyday and see someone you love not even notice you is the worst torture. literaly,it is! she could do so much better than me and I know it. to be honest, no guy on this earth could ever be good enough for her. she is the most perfect girl I could ever ask for but she'll never be in love with me the way i love her. i don’t know how i can ever love someone else. anyone else would be a step down from perfect. i mean, perfect is perfect so no one else could ever be as good as her. the safety i can hope to have is that fate, which i never believed in, exists. the only refuge i can seek is that there is someone out there for everyone and that she is my someone. i keep hoping some divine chance will come along where i can show her she means the world to me. to be the knight in shining amour so to speak. im a dreamer though, a romantic, even if i don’t appear as one as soon as you meet me. this chance that i keep hoping for though is never going to come. i mean for the love of god, this is life, not a fairy tale or a movie! this is reality, and reality hurts! a lot! for anyone who has read this far, you really need to find something better to do than read about my pathetic problems. but im not one to speak! im writing a essay on how much my life sucks thanks to love! but don’t get me wrong, im not blaming her in the least. its my fault that i cant just tell her how much i love her. the main reason i don’t though is that whenever im around her i cant even speak let alone tell her im crazy for her. also that would be pretty creepy, me telling her that i love her as much as i do. not that im a stalker or any thing, its just that....i don’t know how to say it. to put it simply, im horribly in love. When im going to sleep at night and i close my eyes i can only picture her. her long brown hair, soft blue eyes, her caring nature. at this point your most likely thinking im a little weird, well i can assure im not. the only reason I have written this much is because i need to get my thoughts together. there all tangled up in my head like spider webs. Anyways, one of the things I am trying to say is that one of my worst fears is that she'll never learn the way i feel about her. one of the quotes i like to use to describe my depressing situation is that she is the best and worst thing to come into to my life. the best because, well, whats above, ^, the worst becuse i am so dpressed that she will never like me, and i mean never. so in short, concerned and obviously bored reader, there is no solution to my problem except to deal with the inevitable fact that she will never love me. with that said, i can finaly say that i have no more to say except that she is my world, she is my.............all. 040719
mshorey why do the easiest questions always have the most difficult answers? 040812
who me 040821
pete a collection of quotes:

"thought that maybe we'd fall in love on the phone
thought that maybe i'd like being alone"

"i remember you well at the chelsea hotel
but i don't think of you that often"

"nothin aint nothin but its free
and good enough for me and bobby mcgee"

"now dont you go and turn on that light
the one ive never knowned
now dont you go and turn on that light
i'm on the dark side of the road"

"where was i the day before i saw your lovely face?
now i see it, every day"

"what if ive been born fifty years before you
in a house on a street where you live
maybe id be outside when you passed on your bike
would i know?"

"you saw her bathing on the roof
her beauty in the moonlight over threw ya
she tied you to the kitchen chair
she broke your throne and cut your hair
and from her lips you drew your hallejulah"

these songs will definitely remind me of her after she goes, thanks... 10 days
hopeless_dreams dead inside 040822
voodoowitchwoman R unning from things past
U sing excuses to keep a safe distance
S eeing things from a new perspective
S urrendering to your LOVE:)
shelly loves a bitch. It comes and goes as it pleases. It toys with your emotions den gets bored adn moves on. 040911
shelly loves a bitch. It comes and goes as it pleases. It toys with your emotions den gets bored and moves on. 040911
you fell in love with a girl fell in love once and almost completly but shes in love with the world and sometimes these feeling can be so misleading she falls i say "are you alright?" she says "I must be fine cause my heart's still beating. come and kiss me by the riverside, bobby says it's fine, he don't consider it cheating." red hair with a curl mellow roll for the flavr and the eyes for peeping can't get away from the girl, cause two sides of my brain need to have a meeting. shes just looking for something new. i said it once before but it bears repeating fell in love with a girl i fell in love once and almost completly.

it can't be love... for there is NO TRUE LOVE.
it can't be love... for there is NO TRUE LOVE.
you fell in love with a girl fell in love once and almost completly but shes in love with the world and sometimes these feeling can be so misleading she falls i say "are you alright?" she says "I must be fine cause my heart's still beating. come and kiss me by the riverside, bobby says it's fine, he don't consider it cheating." red hair with a curl mellow roll for the flavr and the eyes for peeping can't get away from the girl, cause two sides of my brain need to have a meeting. shes just looking for something new. i said it once before but it bears repeating fell in love with a girl i fell in love once and almost completly.

it can't be love... for there is NO TRUE LOVE.
it can't be love... for there is NO TRUE LOVE.
you fell in love with a girl fell in love once and almost completly but shes in love with the world and sometimes these feeling can be so misleading she falls i say "are you alright?" she says "I must be fine cause my heart's still beating. come and kiss me by the riverside, bobby says it's fine, he don't consider it cheating." red hair with a curl mellow roll for the flavr and the eyes for peeping can't get away from the girl, cause two sides of my brain need to have a meeting. can't think of anything to do well my left brain knows that ALL LOVE IS FLEETING. shes just looking for something new. i said it once before but it bears repeating fell in love with a girl i fell in love once and almost completly.

it can't be love... for there is NO TRUE LOVE.
it can't be love... for there is NO TRUE LOVE.
i hate it i love mauricio but he doesn't love me he loves aileen she love mikey, though (so does amy) but mikey loves lexie who hates him shes in love with jason but jasons in love with chanse who loves sarah but she hates him and she loves mary but mary is crazy about dalton who loves me but i cant stand him. 040912
hsg less than three 040915
buetifuldyzaster Cut me so I can bleed
let me feel the pain
that I won't give to you
I don't want to hurt you
don't want to hurt anyone
why can't you understand
I like the pain
but I don't like it in your eyes
I hate it in your eyes
can't stand to see it staring back at me
a reflection of my own
so I give it myself
cutting myself to pieces
to make sure I can still bleed
because when I find out I can
I have to remember
I am still alive
Blue Eyes He loves me as a best friend. But he fucks her. We're close, and he says that if he had to choose between us, he'd pick me, hands down. No thinking required. But it tears me up to see them acting all couple-y. Because with all of his faults, I want him.

I love him. But he doesn't love me the way I want him to.

They say the worst way to miss someone is to be right near them and know you can't have them. But infinately worse is to be next to him, know you can't have him, but that the girl on his other side wants him, has him, and that he wants her.
mona loves you now matter how you love someone it all hurts the same 040926
missus I'm not sure if love really exists...actually I hate love so much that I avoided this word for a long time...but I was curious to see if it would be the longest page...ha... 040929
Eye-lined Black-haired Beauties The thing nature makes us fall into in order to keep us reproducing. The animals do it by no trix are needed. But humans have reason, if they want sex they know offspring need not to be the result. But if they are in love, they want a family. A sort of bond showing their love for another... 040930
magicforest listed in blather above solitude
how fucking appropriate

hsg . 040930
hsg your_only_chance_forever 041001
pjontoast so she's moved on
that was fast
and in love too
good for her
i'm glad
cause i met someone too
kait damnit why is it every time i try to get over you
you come over again to watch a movie or something
and i remember why i love you all over again
i thought it was gone.
i liked Natalya, right?
I mean screw being bi, i could become a lesbian.
but no.... you wont let me let go.
stop being so godamn beautiful.
every day i consider slashing your face
so i wont love you so damn much.
fuck you mauricio. fuck you and your boyfriend. and fuck you for being so happy and beautiful and for not realizing it. fuck you a hundred times.
damn i want to fuck you....
hobbit_Anarchist love is not painful. its not hard. love is not a broken heart at the end of a realtionship, or a ring on a finger. its a moment in time, shared with someone or something. its a collection of moments in time. if people you've loved have hurt you, and left you alone, then you've learned, and should be grateful that they enriched your soul and given you wisdom. pain, is part of life, its a neccesary part. without it, we dont grow as beings. when i look back to the people i've loved, i realize that from everything they've done, every single action, i've gained something positive. its not about what happens in the situation, but how you look at the incident, and what you expect to get. if you expect pain, you will see it. but if you expect to find something positive, you will find it.

love is revoloutionary. TRULY experiencing love is anarchy in its purest form.

see, that underneath everyone, there is love in everything they do.

i love you
minnesota_chris love is not a board with a nail in it, with which someone hits you in the face. Love is not a broken bottle lying in the street that you accidentally step on with your bare foot. Love is not a dumpster with maggots. Love is not Osama Bin Laden. Love is not dirty diapers. 041017
magicforest sighs and lets it slip into the ocean

looks around with curious happiness
Tea love is suicide 041018
m What is it really? 041023
BitterSweetDream What a fickel word. Is it true? Can it last that long? Something that is a craving, or just something you want, and can't get, because I'm that much further away. That small space, reah further, touch me. Hold me. NEVER LET GO. 041025
Staind_And_Souless It is pain. It is wanting someone who hates you. And enjoying every curse they send you, because at least then it shows they know who you are 041026
Staind_And_Souless It is pain. It is wanting someone who hates you. And enjoying every curse they send you, because at least then it shows they know who you are 041026
Staind_And_Souless It is pain. It is wanting someone who hates you. And enjoying every curse they send you, because at least then it shows they know who you are 041026
Little Miss Wet i bet Love is the most popular word is this web of words, and why is that? 041101
scott because love is the least popular when it comes to poplar trees 041116
ilovemycons ~*~If Love Were Easy Life Would Be Too Simple~*~ 041119
birdmad whatever belief i had in it, i renounce 041119
LadyDeath900 I wish I had it. 041120
jitterbug grrrrr!! 041130
Freak Love, Like rain, can nourish from above, drenching couples with a soaking joy. But sometimes, under the angry heat of life, love dries on the surface and must nourish from below, tending to its roots, keeping itself alive. -- Mitch Albom 041130
phil-osopher'll never be able to explain it...even if you're in it...sometimes that just makes things harder to you're lucky if you feel're also just depends on... 041201
phil-osopher'll never be able to explain it...even if you're in it...sometimes that just makes things harder to you're lucky if you feel're also just depends on... 041201
phil-osopher'll never be able to explain it...even if you're in it...sometimes that just makes things harder to you're lucky if you feel're also just depends on... 041201
CC Baby you don't know how hard I cried when you moved. You don't know how many times I've wanted to go home sick. I love you forever and always will, but there's something inside me that makes me ill. It may be that I know you won't love me forever, or that the smile you gave me will stay forever. The pain I feel now and forever will never change. When I was with you...I loved it and they were the best days of my life. When you were here by my side I felt like I couldn't cry. But now it's all gone so I sit all alone...and baby I want/need you back. 041202
ninecat is the world's greatest contradiction. 041205
jessica He doesnt love my anymore....doesnt want me...but i only want him....need him....he was my first love....will i ever get over him? 041206
aww fetish He said he loved me, I said I knew,
He said he loved me, I said I love you.

He said he loved me, I felt so wrong,
He said he loved me, the night drug on.

He said he loved me, but I knew better,
He said he loved me, as he ripped my sweater.

He said he loved me, I tried to flee,
He said he loved me, his hand hit me.

He said he loved me, my pants were down,
He said he loved me, my head spun 'round.

He said he loved me, I began to cry,
He said he loved me, the night I died....
lost and fogotten i know a story about a little boy who loved this little girl very dearly. they became the best of friends and it seemed like all the little boy ever had was that little girl. his fmaily was in shambles. his friends all laughed at him. no one seemed to care, except for that little girl. then they grew up, no longer little. the boy still loved her, yet after all the years he never told her. he didnt want to mess up what he had already. the girl was the only good thing in his life.
he finally had the guts to tell her how he felt. i love you, he told her. but instead of saying it back, she stood there. the boy felt a twinge of pain sadness and fear. did she love him back? suddenly, the girl started crying.
lovekilledlove i need some love so that i won't
i'm still alive.

yet, there is none
and so much
but nothing for me.

why is that?
i ask
to god
as he replies: hahahaha!

is it cause i'm always so sad?
'cause i stutter when i talk...
laced This is me, maintaining, soul by the pound
at the end of my little rope about love,
tired of trying to flood my lungs with screaming,
“Love me because love does not exist,
and I have tried everything that does
laced This is me, maintaining, soul by the pound
at the end of my little rope about love,
tired of trying to flood my lungs with screaming,
“Love me because love does not exist,
and I have tried everything that does
andru235 greater than all forces known
no things like to be alone
thus the force of gravity
cancels out depravity

"but black holes release no light!"
perhaps thats where things snuggle tight
after thourough fucking bouts,
many cuddle with lights out

"but i've never known true love!"
well, i've never seen a dove
does that mean dove's don't exist?
let's not be ridicu-list

true love in this life i've not
often i feel utterly distraught
yet, then i have dreams and see
that some life he will be with me
and in that life i'll be with he
andru235 it_all_exists 050102
Pirate Delco Pirsig once defined quality as a pervasive forceinherent in everything, the glue that holds existence together, as God. This force is not quality; it is love. 050105
sirflaccid The reason I choose not to believe in love is because I still connect it to you.

Even after all of these things, I think there's a part of me that would still invite you in. I am not for sure whether it is the memory of things that have been. Or maybe it is simply you.

I don't want anyone like you not because they are like you. Rather, I don't want a generic version thereof.

In all of this I miss...... yeah. But you will not be here and it is a masocistic thing to want.

Bitterness is not the road I would choose to travel. But for now it is the safe road. I do not hate you, and I am not as angry as one one think.

Just.......... disappointed.
timba When you have it it is the most unberable thing on this planet...and when you dont have it, it is as well. 050107
cedar oh man, I heard a good one, "Lovin life, and lovin lovin life" good old Johnny, I miss him. there's been a lot of love in my life. oh man, I love it! sometimes I meet someone and just bam! friends. that's a beautiful connection, like our spirits meet and dance. A friend said, love is when you are old and you fish your husband's dentures out of the toilet when they fall in because he's vomiting... oh man... she's mad! so romantic. Yeah, everyone has lots to say about love, you could talk about love on a walk from here to mexico and still have more to say. I like deep love, love in your roots that connects you to something. love for the earth, love for friends, beauty and magic, and swimming in the moonlight naked.... waking up with your love's breath on your face.. oh, love's great. it can hurt, but it's still great! 050107
cedar oh man, I heard a good one, "Lovin life, and lovin lovin life" good old Johnny, I miss him. there's been a lot of love in my life. oh man, I love it! sometimes I meet someone and just bam! friends. that's a beautiful connection, like our spirits meet and dance. A friend said, love is when you are old and you fish your husband's dentures out of the toilet when they fall in because he's vomiting... oh man... she's mad! so romantic. Yeah, everyone has lots to say about love, you could talk about love on a walk from here to mexico and still have more to say. I like deep love, love in your roots that connects you to something. love for the earth, love for friends, beauty and magic, and swimming in the moonlight naked.... waking up with your love's breath on your face.. oh, love's great. it can hurt, but it's still great! 050107
refracted i don't want him to find out
that i don't love him
florescent light I keep awake every night thinking about you
as a tear slips past my guard
at the thought of never being able to tell you
that I want you next to me
I want your hands touching
clutching hungrily, needing, expecting, desiring
my eyes in yours
inhaling your sweat
tasting your soul
just once more
I want to put my mark on you
LessonsFromAngels I always wonder about love. My definitions of it are everchanging. Wonder if I am feeling it, or how I will know when I am. This continues until I convince myself that it is what I always believed it was; that I will just know that it is love. Yet here I am, knowing it is love, and still wondering the definition of it.

I always ask about love. I ask everyone, everything. I ask if they are in love. I ask if they love me, or who they do love. I ask if they have ever been in love, and how they knew/know it is true. You can tell so much about a person from their love life. You can really get to know someone. I don't think there is any subject deeper than that of love, for it always seems to lead to that of heartache and pain.

I am never asked about love. People don't seem to care about my definition of it, how I see it, how those around me have impacted it. They don't care who I love, maybe assuming that whomever I talk about must be closest to me. The more I talk, the more I love. But it is quite the opposite. The one I love, is the one I don't talk about, for fear of annoyance..
Orange Lover There's a locker down the hall that smells like oranges. That's, babe. There's nothing more to life than that. Lovin the orange. 050113
heather that is lost is the worst,.you have that sinking feeling in your chest and it seems like everytime i turn the corner your there and for a second, when we make eye contact and i know i can never have you again, the whole world goes silent and all i can hear is my own breath echoing inside my hollow throat that should be filled with words to say to you,...something to make u miss me, something, anything..but all i can do is stare past you again with glazed over eyes and pretend that you dont exist anymore... 050113
dreamer love is a pleasant fiction 050121
jaclynn i love you so much that it even has me looking around for something sharp enough to slit my throat with. 050124
Your agony as bitter as a cold cup of coffee 050124
Sterling625 I had no idea that something so completely pure and wonderful could cause so much pain until I fell in it. But every ounce of pain that I feel is worth it because of all the good times that I share with him. I have a bad day, walk through the door, and know that he will be waiting for me, loving me for who I am and what I stand for. I don't have to pretend to be something that I am not when I am with him and that is a blessing all in itself. Everytime he tells me he loves me I feel myself lose a breath. It's amazing and I am so blessed to have found something like this. I only hope that I am able to hold onto this feeling for the rest of my life, and if by chance I should lose it I am happy that I have at least known it. 050127
furtdawg dreading the loss of you which results in my own death 050129
jists how can i be i love with one guy yet want another? not really want....but just be curious about how it would be to be with him. why do i have to feel this way... why cant i just be completely happy with what i have? i just have to make things difficult i guess. 050129
Jay I love her so much it makes me have butterflies in my heart, but she doesn't love me, I wish she did, I would do anything for her and she knows this, it makes me have pain to be away from her for just a day,I love her, I love her, I love her, please be gentle with my heart Sharon who was Sarah,
J xxx
Chelsea i personally dont believe that one person can be in love with another person forever. love just like everything else fades, the only thing that is left is lust. Too many people confuse the two, lust will never, as muich as one might try, become love. 050204
jane forever_changes 050222
hidden by unanimity i love you = i want to fuck you
i like you = at least suck my dick
hidden by unanimity i love you = i want to fuck you
i like you = at least suck my dick
dreamer "Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot...who calls you back when you hang up on him...who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat... or will stay awake just to watch you sleep. Wait for the boy who kisses your forehead...who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats... who holds your hand in front of his friends... who thinks you're just as pretty without makeup... one who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have you... the one who turns to his friends and says "that's her."

No woman wants this; they thrive on conflict, not love.
dreamer "Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot...who calls you back when you hang up on him...who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat... or will stay awake just to watch you sleep. Wait for the boy who kisses your forehead...who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats... who holds your hand in front of his friends... who thinks you're just as pretty without makeup... one who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have you... the one who turns to his friends and says "that's her."

No woman wants this; they thrive on conflict, not love.
dreamer "Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot...who calls you back when you hang up on him...who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat... or will stay awake just to watch you sleep. Wait for the boy who kisses your forehead...who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats... who holds your hand in front of his friends... who thinks you're just as pretty without makeup... one who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have you... the one who turns to his friends and says "that's her."

No woman wants this; they thrive on conflict, not love.
dreamer "Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot...who calls you back when you hang up on him...who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat... or will stay awake just to watch you sleep. Wait for the boy who kisses your forehead...who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats... who holds your hand in front of his friends... who thinks you're just as pretty without makeup... one who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have you... the one who turns to his friends and says "that's her."

No woman wants this; they thrive on conflict, not love.
dreamer "Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot...who calls you back when you hang up on him...who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat... or will stay awake just to watch you sleep. Wait for the boy who kisses your forehead...who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats... who holds your hand in front of his friends... who thinks you're just as pretty without makeup... one who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have you... the one who turns to his friends and says "that's her."

No woman wants this; they thrive on conflict, not love.
me i have a new love. tim. he is 17, 3 years older than me. i hope we stay together for awhile. he makes me feel so nice inside, like i have no problems and that i can stay with him forever. i hope he comes to see me soon. he met my friends last night. he thinks they're funny. they think the same about him. he has pretty much the same kind of thinking as me, but he's more sporty. we can talk about anything... that's the difference between him and conner. conner is shy and quiet. he can't think of things to say that would make good conversation or make me laugh. he doesnt get my jokes that i like to tell. they require a good memory. tim has a good memory. he doesn't just get my jokes, he makes good ones of his own. i wish he would come and see me. 050228
angelur To feel and squeal with excitment and joy like the first time you saw them. To feel the way you felt when they first touched your heart. To know that without them you would die because there is nobody else more perfect for you. Nobody else you will love. 050303
Liz Sucks 050303
elle is confusing, is hard... i loved him... still do, but does it make sense that i wanna get away, I care so deeply for him that his sadness has pushed me away? theres a void, a vast void, and ohh so many mixed loved? loves? loving? 050304
stacey i hate love, love sucks. it can be wonderful if u are loved back. but if ur not then it sucks. i gave my all to my love and in return i spent christmas alone because he ditched nothing from him at all... and got no respect and i was too stupid to realize that he didnt give a shit about about me. but i guess in the long run it made me stronger.... but now that he's gone and i know he's gone, it hurts. and love isn't supposed to make u hurt. thats why it sucks. 050304
jane oh, people - it's love. can we not think of any other word to say about it other than "sucks?" 050304
emo_torment Love doesn't suck... yes, a contradiction in itself, full of pain, angst, but once you realize it's real, it's a triumph incapable of expression. Why can't I tell you I'm falling in love with you? When you hold me, when you kiss me, all I can see is you. You make me feel like I'm the only one in your world, and when we lie in bed, as you watch me sleep, I've never felt so fully content. Why can't I tell you I love you? 050315
DaMon. Why don't I have any? 050320
concha you-
it's night, not afternoon and this is different because the sun has always been shining when i think these things.
i might have trespassed. i thinkknowascertain that i have. i stumbled across your words and i couldn't stop devouring them, hunched in my chair while my fingers slowly morphed into blocks of ice from the cold breeze that clashes through my frozen window.
they weren't given but i took them.
i took them and made them mine and i wondered and exclaimed.
there's so much more to you, so much that i don't understand. i want to curl up on your couch and hear the same words pour from your mouth like rivers of gold. i want to open you like a pomegrante to discover your secrets.
would you stain my clothes and my skin?
would you be tart and sweet and soft and crunchy?
would you shock and delight?
i have no doubt, love, that all of these things you would do. your soul is such that it cannot help but leave an indeliable impression on all who know you.
or, like me, all who only think they know you.
four lettered name love is such an un-beautiful word. overated and dumb. this four lettered word can not describe the meaning of what it means. 050328
four lettered name love is such an un-beautiful word. overated and dumb. this four lettered word can not describe the meaning of what it means. 050328
Angel love is a feelin of contentment. It is the security of knowing that you are cared for no matter how bad u fuck up.
It has a sense of belonging in it. Its a comfort to you when you find yourself alone. It is not butterflies in your tummy and its not to be used as a parachute when you want to escape from the world. Love should be your ally you strong hold, let it be your backbone. You can use it as a shield against the hate in the world. Dont be shy about it.Be proud , bost that you have it. Its a glorious thing. Love does conquer all.
so the question is.....
Why don't i have love?
yourangel love is a feelin of contentment. It is the security of knowing that you are cared for no matter how bad u fuck up.
It has a sense of belonging in it. Its a comfort to you when you find yourself alone. It is not butterflies in your tummy and its not to be used as a parachute when you want to escape from the world. Love should be your ally you strong hold, let it be your backbone. You can use it as a shield against the hate in the world. Dont be shy about it.Be proud , bost that you have it. Its a glorious thing. Love does conquer all.
so the question is.....
Why don't i have love?
her royal highness the quirk i found a paper full of quotes from the last beach trip, written on the back of the directions to her condo. when we were laughing over the bathrooms in the movie theater. when we couldnt keep our hands off each other. when you still wanted me and only me forever. when we were still in love. i guess i should use past tense on that last one. i dont know if there is any love left on your end. i don't know how you feel about me. i don't know anything any more. i dont think you do either.

i need to stop finding things
Blue Eyes Love is giving the most that you can in the best way you know how. And recognizing that certain people in my life love me the best that they can, even if it's not ideal for me. And accepting it, and loving them for it. 050405
laurah The great mystery... 050410
luke f t y if love was tangible people would kill eachother to find it. because it is intangible people kill themselves looking for it. 050411
keito There's such a difference between a casual "love you" as you get out of the car and an "I love you".

I've never felt like this - I've never really had what I'd consider an adult relationship before.

Waking up next to him is the most beautiful feeling in the world.
emmi you have to believe in love to be in love. i don't know why i've become so skeptical. 050420
sorgfliet no never, no never no more 050420
sorgfliet no never, no never no moer 050420
carina All love dose is an emotion that eventually leads to SEX 050423
Sirius Love is confusion
Love is pain
Love is illusion
to me Love is in vain
Bettyisntme Crazy Galore!
I have a heart beat.. !!
bettyisntme Crazy Galore!
.. I have a heart beat .. !!
holly i still love him, but he will never really know. 050603
holly i still love him, but he will never really know. 050603
holly i still love him, but he will never really know. 050603
snarl. getting caught up on people is dumb.
love objects, love life.
love things you can count on.
thing that wont let you down.
after that,
just dance.
snarl. getting caught up on people is dumb.
love objects, love life.
love things you can count on.
thing that wont let you down.
after that,
just dance.
snarl getting caught up on people is dumb.
love objects, love life.
love things you can count on.
thing that wont let you down.
after that,
just dance.
bettyisntme and it was BLISS looking into his eyes. the sun making them brighter than they already are.

or he was making the sun brighter. enlightening every spec of existence. and i love him. his hand on my back. i'm breathing. staring.. wishing i were prettier even then. even when he's starring as if i am. he is so

h a n d s o m e.

The park is for lovers. free wind. free air. free flowers. free grass. laying in the middle of no where. ..


super sonic lovers.
Bernadette I want to go to the Olio Academy. 050617
spacecowboy you experience love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly 050704
ryan love is the most painfull thing that you can ever go through. especially if u give all the love you have in you, and do not recieve any in return. You are left cold, lonely, and most of all....empty. Its the worst feeling in the world to love someone and know that they do not love you back. 050713
ryan love is the most painfull thing that you can ever go through. especially if u give all the love you have in you, and do not recieve any in return. You are left cold, lonely, and most of all....empty. Its the worst feeling in the world to love someone and know that they do not love you back. 050713
me is mighty 050720
Xeneth Can be expierienced at different degrees, like lust. One person can be hotter than another, much like you can love one more than another. I've never heard of it expierienced at a weak level, only as a very powerful force. Is not indivisible, can be destroyed by a force expierienced at a higher degree. I am currently expieriencing a very high degree of love, one such I haven't seen anyone expierience, so high as to make me doubt any other love... Brainstorm: can destroy weaker love. And considering my lack of fear, there isn't a current forseeable destruction of my love. Love has caused the developement of my first fear, although already destroyed (the fear). The first time having fear? Almost like other forces have a defence mechanism of forming themselves to stand up against the new powerful force, possibly why people get a bunch of other shit along with love. All I care about, all that matters anymore, is her, and that's strange, because I don't care about anything or believe anything matters. Funny, I never even considered looking up love on blather before. The first word I ever purposely looked up was fuck. Symbolic, huh? 050723
Anja such a hard way to learn the things that are worth to be learnt 050803
Anja such a hard way to learn the things that are worth to be learnt 050803
tales from a 14 year old wiseman for those of you who have not experienced not an emotion rather it can be many emotions at one time or a chain of emotions one might feel should be summed up by the word "love", like joy, passion, serenety, sorrow, anger, jealousy, affection, spite, rage, pity, and feel love is to feel not one of those emotions but ALL of them...maybe not all at the same time...but defenitely once each...for love can truly be bitter,sweet, and sour...i know for i have loved and i have truly hated the one i loved, at times simply because they made me love them so, and i still yearn to be with the one who i have loved, still love and always will love through no choice of my own (though i would make no other if i had the option)...but that said i can still conclude that it is widely underrated and i encourage you to love each other the way some of us were meant to be loved...and so now i will fall silent, to walk the earth a lonely shell of a man only to wander through life forever searching for my beloved who will forever stray ever further just beyond my grasp...

-Harry V.-
Princess Olive Love is the best and worst thing i've ever experienced. i guess even though sometimes u love the person so much it hurts u just can't bare to think about what your life would be like without them . i know the one i love sometimes does not really see how much i love him and thinks i am straying from him but when we're apart thats when i love him the most. i think he does knoe that i love him with all my heart and couldnt love him anymore than i do. but i think he feels that after what happened the feeling he feels of me strying and not loving him will be there for what seems like forever but really it is just slowly fading away. and although we both feel like we cant forgive me for what hapened i think he already has although he doesnt want to. he doesnt think so and doesnt know so but I can never and will never forgive myself for what happened . it may not seem that way too him but that really is the way it is for me. although he thinks im straying i never want us too be apart. and i do not beileve in DEATH DO US PART death wouldnt even be able to keep us apart since one of us cannot be without the other in ther lives.these are the feelings i have toward my soul mate. and he's right u should BEWARE its one o f the hardest things u will ever go through. i know that no one could love any one any morte than the two of us love eachother. 050812
pete 3:33 i've lived this moment twice today. half of me cries while the other half yells at you to leave me alone, even in thought... i miss your eyes, though i don't think of you that much, except when time aligns in your numbers 050813
REAListic.optimIST Love it all; unconditionally and unattached. Keep practicing until you can Be_Love. 050813
lost and found if and after romance(dopamine turns to desire to merge with your mate) gets old, creates emotion (dependence, fear of withdrawal). love is keep the balance somehow. 050815
noone special Look at the stars
Look how they shine for you
And everything you do
Yeah they were all yellow

I came along
I wrote a song for you
And all the things you do
And it was called yellow

So then I took my turn
Oh what a thing to've done
And it was all yellow

Your skin
Oh yeah your skin and bones
Turn into something beautiful
D'you know
You know I love you so
You know I love you so

I swam across
I jumped across for you
Oh what a thing to do
Cause you were all yellow

I drew a line
I drew a line for you
Oh all the things you do
And it was all yellow

Your skin
Oh yeah your skin and bones
Turn into something beautiful
D'you know
For you i bleed myself dry
For you i bleed myself dry

Its true
Look how they shine for you
Look how they shine for you
Look how they shine for you
Look how they shine for you
Look how they shine for you
Look how they shine

Look at the stars
Look how they shine for you
And all the things that you do

Coldplay - Yellow

sums things up just right i'd say ;)
laurah that mysterious sought-after thing, not like a disney movie

it's like hot chocolate, it's like choking on absinthe

singing dancing chokey-happy-painful burning in my forearms, and i will run on the gravel and jump in puddles and get my clothes soaking wet because it is the only thing i need

cream there is never a happy ending when two people love eachother. And love just makes you emotionally weak. We all need some kind of love. 050829
me what is... 050908
smiths tape birdmad "that joke isn't funny anymore" 050908
sleepless the most remembered emotion 050915
BiNjBrickChick Love is that split second when your heart stops beating, when the blood stops flowing, and it feels like our mind has been paused to slow motion - and you blink - and realize - that the love you feel is the air you breathe - and unless you gasp in now, you might die in a pit of agony knowing all you had to do was part your lips, take a risk, inhale, and let your soul feed on a light brighter then the light of the sun, and softer then the shadows of the moon 050920
paranoia I'm tired of loveeeeeee I can't take any moreeeee 051107
paranoia loveeeeeeeeeeeeeee
it's a piosoonnnn
me does any one want some monkey love? gyhaan is ready to get her furry ass fucked an 0293987654 051109
elle i wish for you. I_miss_you more than anything. 051110
elle i wish for you. I_miss_you more than anything. 051110
elle i wish for you. I_miss_you more than anything. 051110
elle i wish for you. I_miss_you more than anything. 051110
ph 63655338 for manly love on the phone for free 051120
ph 63655338 for manly love on the phone for free 051120
diogo gomes how can people dare to say anything? 051218
diogo gomes how can people dare to say anything? 051218
diogo gomes how can people dare to say anything? 051218
diogo g. m. gomes how can people dare to say anything? 051218
am i wouldn't know anything about it.
it's something that i ache for, but i won't allow myself to acutally feel. the only thing i know is that it can make things wonderful, but then all too quickly destroy you. and i'm just not ready for that. i dont know when i ever will be either.
but hopefully, someday soon, i will find someone who will inspire such faith, in myself and in him, that i'll allow myself to embark on the adventure.
amm i dont know anything about it.
but hopefully, if im lucky, i'll learn soon.
taffy i love you.
did you know?
im giving you everything
please dont hurt me again.
Tainted Love is a puddle..... don't fall in it. 060101
M What happens when you fall out of love (and then get pregnant and stay for the sake of the baby)?
He didnt like hearing that i havent really loved him in almost two years.
It seems I still have to stay for the sake of our child....
It means i'll never know that romantic kind of love we all require.
I feel guilty because, as a mother, doing the best thing for my daughter and knowing she is happy and healthy should be all the happiness i need....
stephanie love is like a go out with some one and end up breaking up towards the end everyone looses towards the end. 060115
mananana poignant 060207
mananana poignant 060207
mananana poignant 060207
*SuPeR^ChIcK* Agape - the only way to love. 060218
Maple Tree how many times have you found my hand on your leg? 060219
Dareon i seek it,i want it...i found it once and i was crushed by it mercilessly.Why have i never found the kind of love where i was trusted with everthing? why have i never been loved with the same devotion and passion i have shown for her,why? 060225
Trendkiller Is the ultimate source of Anger, Hatred, and man-made destruction. It is a thing that causes so much pain. It can mess up a person's whole life. Love can result in death, or things that are worse.

Yet we cannot deny it, we cannot suppress it, we cannot live without it.
stiffanny i fell in love once. and then he fell in love with my best friend. and it hurt. like a bitch. so then i let someone else fall in love with me. and i broke up with him. and it probably hurt. like a bitch. and then i finally fell in love again with a violent schizophrenic. and he hurt me more than i ever knew possible. i'm starting to think i have issues choosing appropriate partners. but now ive found someone knew and if he lets me, i will fall in love again. love is so fucking extreme. it is such a powerful emotion. it makes you feel so good. and then when someone takes it away from you your whole body cries. so my question is, should i fall in love again even if it will ultimately leave me crying on the bathroom floor in the fetal position for hours?? yes. it is not something you have much control over. unless i become a hermit. but i dont like my house enough. damn i wish i was unbreakable. 060415
Rugida i think about you all the time and when i go to sleep you are in my dreams. fuck off. i can't believe how much i let myself love you. and then you threw me away. 060415
jim means so much to soo many,
something i had once upon a time,
something i dont want to feel again,
but want it again so badly?
DARKWAVEDEMON LOVE= The Sum of the Pieces of the Heart, minus all Sanity, Divided by Bullshit Squared! 060423
jhjh penis 060428
Seraphmodel.03 Abackdropisnotateardrop
atyoubecauseyoulaughatthemwithoutduecauseor withoutthepersonaorpopularitytocarryitoffandcomeoutunscathed


were not funny at all in any way.
Kilt-Man People all around embrace their desires

Leaving me in funkytown

Chunder inducing

But then I'm jealous

Perhaps one day

I won't be alone anymore
brooks this word says lies to me... doubt and confusion with no hope of release. it only happens once, but thats all it takes. taking u from ur once carefree world to a world of lonliness and seclusion. everything that you used to be is gone now and all thats left is a wanting for them? if love was real, i wouldnt have written this. 060504
stephen I feel like death
though i know i am alive.
Not really living just beying alive. Climing out of lifes sewers to try to get out of this trap.
Only to end up neack-high in worse krap.
A maze of turmoil and shit does sorround.
Climing out of lifes sewers to liein shit on the ground.

This is life and so is love....!or?
JustMe "When you're weary
Feeling small
When tears are in your eyes
I will dry them all

I'm on your side
When times get rough
And friends just can't be found
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down
Like a bridge over troubled water
I will lay me down"

In my opinion the best love song ever written.

"I will lay me down..."
jordie dammit! 060517
bean dip love is the worst word in the entire english dictionary.
it is overused and abused by guys to get girls into the sack and girls use it as a way to tie guys down. the whole idea of love is ridiculous. most of the time its only lust or infatuation that people mistake as love. love is worse than saying "burn in hell" because people might actually believe you when you say you love them.
Emptyness Alive is good and evil
happiness and sadness
life and death
yin and yang
black and white
and sometimes Grey
katherine. is the shimmer glancing off his eyelashes as we walk in the park just before dusk and the pain of the cement floor when i refuse to fall sleep next to him because we have not resolved our differences. it is everything in between and everything that lays ahead. 060524
Barefoot Revolutionary im in love. and nothing else seems to matter to me. she makes me feel something that ive never felt. true love. its so corny and cliche and overdone but its so true. i smile when i talk to her. a smile thats so broad and wide that it hurts my face. and it doesnt matter that shes a girl. because thats not the way i see it. im in love. i love her. and thats all that matters. 060525
L0v3 Is Fr3 Love, which allows no loved one not to love, seized me with such a strong delight in him that, as you see, it will not leave me yet.
~Dante's Inferno

About the love of Paolo and Francesca
Emptyness Alive why?
Emptyness Alive love can break us into a million pieces
tear us apart like toliet paper.
love is the greastest thing on this planet. i cannot be beaten. nor shall i try. follow ur heart who knos where it will lead
theamazingbender aw man, this sucks, every time i get it, i get too nervous to ask her, and i end up regretting it. CURSE MY LACK OF SELF-CONFIDENCE 060623
theamazingbender aw man, this sucks, every time i get it, i get too nervous to ask her, and i end up regretting it. CURSE MY LACK OF SELF-CONFIDENCE 060623
theamazingbender aw man, this sucks, every time i get it, i get too nervous to ask her, and i end up regretting it. CURSE MY LACK OF SELF-CONFIDENCE 060623
spartawinsthewar he was on the 8 foot wall on the other side of the road, sitting.
i was on the fence.
9:30 PM
yelled i love you
yelled i love you too
yelled i love you more
yelled no i love you more
yelled no i really love you more
kissed, loved.
GreshenhiggerreggihnehserG Well now, you already are aware of this, are you not? And so, what good would my reiterating do for you? I love you still... 060704
Seraphmodel02 what's the point of Israel and Hezbollah's violence? innocent people are dying, and innocent people can't stop crying, this has to be stopped, regardless of polical opinion, PEOPLE ARE DYING. Love has gone to pot.

Life is for living, not dying
Barefoot Revolutionary love.
i put all my hopes and dreams and faith into this simply ridiculous 4 letter word. and why? to get my fucking heart trampled on time after time? who needs love when all it does is cause pain? and isnt love supposed to make you happy? "make your heart sing"? well if that is the case my friends, then i have yet to find it. but im finished looking.
whispering shadows people say hate is a strong word- but love is just as srtong- and hurts more. but people throw it around like its nothing. 060723
denial i love youu 060726
Briar~Rose I LOVE COREY 060727
beautiful love is b a beautiful thing isnt it? 060810
beauty love is so beautiful isnt it? 060810
me love is beautiful 060810
Christ without the cross luv 060926
Topherpusa As long as you speak from your heart, you can never go wrong talking about love. 061002
IO1011 love is a cruise ship made of bricks and powered by solar flares 061003
E to me love will always be the most powerful thing in the world. i have spent my life following my heart through darkness and the light. i have had my heart broken but that will not be the end of me. i can fall in love again an indeed i know i can. those who think they cannot love again are wrong. let me show you. love is always being tossed around like a piece of scap paper. do not look for but do not EVER close your eyes to it when it happens when its there grab it, follow your heart and enjoy the ride while it lasts because who knows wen u'll feel like that again, that alive, that close tho one person that can be no other than them. im sorry i get very passionate about love. the feeling that you can just smile wen u see that person. your whole body shivers when there hands brushs your. the kiss that holds you there no matter how soft it is no matter how quick it holds you heart draws out your soul. feel tears fall not from the eyes and cover the face, but from the heart and cover the soul ~ some guy 061010
Emptyness Alive to me love will always be the most powerful thing in the world. i have spent my life following my heart through darkness and the light. i have had my heart broken but that will not be the end of me. i can fall in love again an indeed i know i can. those who think they cannot love again are wrong. let me show you. love is always being tossed around like a piece of scap paper. do not look for but do not EVER close your eyes to it when it happens when its there grab it, follow your heart and enjoy the ride while it lasts because who knows wen u'll feel like that again, that alive, that close tho one person that can be no other than them. im sorry i get very passionate about love. the feeling that you can just smile wen u see that person. your whole body shivers when there hands brushs your. the kiss that holds you there no matter how soft it is no matter how quick it holds you heart draws out your soul 061010
Emptyness Alive to me love will always be the most powerful thing in the world. i have spent my life following my heart through darkness and the light. i have had my heart broken but that will not be the end of me. i can fall in love again an indeed i know i can. those who think they cannot love again are wrong. let me show you. love is always being tossed around like a piece of scap paper. do not look for but do not EVER close your eyes to it when it happens when its there grab it, follow your heart and enjoy the ride while it lasts because who knows wen u'll feel like that again, that alive, that close tho one person that can be no other than them. im sorry i get very passionate about love. the feeling that you can just smile wen u see that person. your whole body shivers when there hands brushs your. the kiss that holds you there no matter how soft it is no matter how quick it holds you heart draws out your soul. 061010
Emptyness Alive E did not write the above i just forgot to put empyness alive in the one above this one that is why it is in twice 061010
katebear it is my_biggest_downfall 061012
happynesshatesme Love i sit
Love i stand
Love i hold in my right hand
Love thy hanging in yonder tree
Answer this riddle then hang me
estrellita They're dancing onthe tip of my tongueRejoicing intheir own fullnessWaiting...for the opportunity...To jump you...They arethe wordsI love you 061023
sevav2 radical acceptance found you found me eye that does not see
and its = opposite u
that does see eye/u
believe not to believe
bahia Love is what I see everyday since I met the man I married. 070228
question what did it mean to you ?
having a piece of paper ?
QuietChaos A feeling worth having,
But describing, not.
You dont know what it is,
Until it is what you got.
TrueMe Love is fickle
Love is strange
Love is aweful
Love is amazing
Love is change





















evilpunkrawker everlasting. 070418
12512 tired of telling you i love you and you telling me you don't want to lie 070422
nobody. X guess what ! 070422
Isaou what?! 070422
. it's not just. 070423
! a question mark would have been better. 070423
! a question mark would have been better.

i might not be a DJ with a Ferrari.
! a question mark would have been better.

i might not be a DJ with a Ferrari.

no need for another glass of wine right now...
music is the same as any drug... 1,2,3,4

don't look for it... it's already infront of you.

(it ain't wrong to love everyone - i'm not jealous if you're not)
craftygurl is...wonderful...spotaneous...amazing..and belive it or's not the end of the wold if your not in it... 070529
9 It took me 28 years and a failed marriage before I found it...
...when I did, he was 3816 miles away...
but love exists.
9 It took me 28 years and a failed marriage before I found it...
...when I did, he was 3816 miles away...
but love exists.
9 It took me 28 years and a failed marriage before I found it...
...when I did, he was 3816 miles away...
but love exists.
Aw-shucks don't you think it is a bit funny how people put names on everything... brands, religions, phycological problems.... i'm really questioning that at the moment...

what is your religion ? have you been to the ceremony to confirm it ?

"i am a Buddhist"
"i was born a Jew"
"i am a Muslem"

why do you want to tell me what you are ?
to confirm to me that you are a good person ?
why do people argue over a name ?
why do people demand and separate themselves from human to human ?

it's like two different brands of chocolate bars having a competition. when really at the end of the day, they are pretty much the same thing, they both want to be accepted, liked and loved.

To undersatnd that you have do a PHD and prove that you are cleaver.

long words and mature conversations !

if everyone just wore MORE colour it would have a huge effect on a whole society (i mean that literally) bugs catch even positive ones.

break with the past, make a clean break,
break into 1 !

break the bank !

give the world a break or wait for judgement day, which one would YOU prefer ?

craftygurl I LOVE BRENTLEY C. PFEIFER!!!!!!!! 070622
arbitor557 is the feeling of warmth from within, like butterflies, in ur stomach, the feeling u get whenever u r around that special someone, most people take a decade or 2 to find that special someone, i however have found that person she is the love of my my one and only, the only thing in this world that keeps me going, i want to spend the rest of my life with her, and i will, i would easily right this moment give my life for her if i had 2. I 3 u so much baby 070622
craftygurl I LOVE BRENTLEY C. PFEIFER 070622
Sk8erboy is the feeling of warmth from within, like butterflies, in ur stomach, the feeling u get whenever u r around that special someone, most people take a decade or 2 to find that special someone, i however have found that person she is the love of my my one and only, the only thing in this world that keeps me going, i want to spend the rest of my life with her, and i will, i would easily right this moment give my life for her if i had 2. I 3 u so much baby 070622
arbitor557 Love is the feeling of warmth from within, like butterflies, in ur stomach, the feeling u get whenever u r around that special someone, most people take a decade or 2 to find that special someone, i however have found that person she is the love of my my one and only, the only thing in this world that keeps me going, i want to spend the rest of my life with her, and i will, i would easily right this moment give my life for her if i had 2. I 3 u so much baby 070622
. fashion is not your soul. 070825
. fashion is not your soul. 070825
zeta ...but it could be.

Love is for 2 people or is that 3 and/or 4?
broken & shattered it found me one day.

and it slowly killed me on this inside.
broken & shattered it found me one day.

and it slowly killed me on the inside.
minnesota_chris I'm not sure what people mean, when they say it. I have no idea what love is. 070915
happynesshatesme it is dead and yet it lives.
then am i love.
can one be love not in love not drenched or coverd but drounding suffercating.
this is my deep cond and yet compleet oblivion.
help me help myself and u will dround unsted of me or because me!
happynesshatesme it is dead and yet it lives.
then am i love.
can one be love not in love not drenched or coverd but drounding suffercating.
this is my deep cold and yet compleet oblivion. but is it compleet oblivion or simply oblivion thit is compleet

help me help myself and u will dround unsted of me or because me!
happyness hates me klil me 4 i lvoe u!
lvoe me be4 i klil u!
but lvoe to klil and i lvie!
lvie to klil and i cnat lvoe!
crazy_hope i loved cory.
but i dont anymore.
he disgusts me now.
but it was love,
for a while.

neekahn is not love.
but i don't need love.
i just need his thoughts
to be sweet, and of me.
Nix Should be perfect, but it isn't. I should be happy for you - out there, having fun. But I'm sitting here alone, so sick with love that half my waking hours are spent on the verge of vomit. My nights are spent half awake in nightmares. I wake up sobbing and wonder where you are. I resent your ability to have fun. If you don't love me, can't you at least care that I'm in hell for you? 071102
Krissy Kriss love is a cancer, a deadly disease that enters you, and corrupts every single cell of your body, mind and finally soul. I hate love, i fear love, but ultimately, i love being able to love. 071118
sydan its overwhelming.
its confusing.
its painful.
its fun.
its beautiful.
krupt love is the reason im so depressed,
love is the reason im so repressed,
love is the reason i clecnch my fists,
love is the reason i cut my wrists,
love is the reason i hate her thought,
love is the reason that we faught,
love is the reason i feel pain,
love is the reason she's my bain,
love is the reason im on drugs;a fact,
love is the reason i want her back...
krupt love is the reason im so depressed,
love is the reason im so repressed,
love is the reason i clecnch my fists,
love is the reason i cut my wrists,
love is the reason i hate her thought,
love is the reason that we faught,
love is the reason i feel pain,
love is the reason she's my bain,
love is the reason im on drugs,
love is the reason i pass out on the rug,
love is the reason it's become a fact,
love is the reason i want her back...
krupt love is the reason im so depressed,
love is the reason im so repressed,
love is the reason i clecnch my fists,
love is the reason i cut my wrists,
love is the reason i hate her thought,
love is the reason that we faught,
love is the reason i feel pain,
love is the reason she's my bain,
love is the reason im on drugs,
love is the reason i pass out on the rug,
love is the reason it's become a fact,
love is the reason i want her back...
it hurts
little wonder i am slowly coming around...i never knew these things could take so long. 080211
falling_alone love is starting to mean growing up,
and realizing a world that involves responsibility to one another.
acceptance of our faults and forgiveness.
looking ahead to our futures and while nothing else is clear, you and me together, we've made it along.
love is giving up myself completely to you, even if i receive nothing in return.
love is the surprise when in turn you do the same.
knowing what each other will say even with the ocean separating us.
love lets you fight about art, and not about each other.
love has heightened my emotions.

love is waiting for one more kiss after a thousand have already taken place.
soluccion x-122s love is selfless, love to live in the moment. 080423
niecespieces is over done.

Look above this... see?

What a rampaging, furious emotion. So beautiful, but always surrounded by so much terror, worriment, dissapointment, and crushing blows.
This four letter word can probably beat things thought unbeatable. It drives us to both ends of the spectrum, and increases everything. It heightens us to our highest abilities, or drives us down until we are lower than the mud.

Love is this trecherous pit of loathing that we all quest to reach out from.
In_Bloom It ebbs and flows
Around us, through us
Apart we are together
Together they are alone
Greedy to touch what we have without touching
In love and life
You and I
Again and again
We go on
Lindsey i am desperate to feel his love 080928
herr-fuchs She is masterful in her evasions
As much as I can tame her to rest in my arms awhile and give her safety to laugh, drink and sleep
In the morning I'm always alone

The little thief is gone save for a lilting echo
An audible smirk. Is there such a thing?
I'm taunted to wonder if she's real at all
And so off I go to look for traces

There are a few strands of her hair under the perfectly fluffed pillow where she lay
On the sheets, I think I've caught her scent!
But the sheets are now un creased and cool
This house mocks me each time she doesn't stay
skalix I want to hate it forever
I want to hold it forever

gee i feel crazy =)
In_Bloom Oh, vzz bzz! 090205
starjewel is cool 090217
. who designed trees?
curse that person!
i just want to be a normal.
niecespieces Has condemed me in the past.
Now I try to embrace it once more.
I do not believe that I will ever love again as much as I did that once. If you trace me you can find it. That deep, soulful, naive connection.
I planned my life on this word, in an instant.
It overcame me, made me weak and stupid.
Now I have to find it once more. I have to find the deep-rooted passion of it, but leave the immaturity behind.
I will never hate a word so much as this one.

But it is so fucking worth it.
Priscilla i guess you're right, it's just the fight i love.
and when i said i loved you i was just trying
to find all the things i've always been afraid of.
Jossary He said there is someone better for me. But I fell for him. Why would I want someone else? So now all I can do is wait...For the pain to re-direct...For this love to go away. Does love just fade away? If not. I'll just have to stand here alone and laugh at myself. 090615
the lights child is there anything more beautiful than when two people find salvation in one another? 090615
nothingsafe love is nothing 091106
nandita Love is the cause. 091108
hsg Leo_Buscaglia has the copyright on L_O_V_E 091108
crocheting_heart All and everything 091109
hsg I gave it away. It didn't make sense to cling to it. Besides, the traveller in the coffee_shop next to me showed an interest. She didn't put it down when I handed it to her. I mean, if I couldn't let her borrow it or keep it if I didn't get it back then what could have that book taught me even if I had finished reading it? 091116
armando When two people fall in love and suspect they are made for each other, the thing is to have the courage to break it off, for by continuing they have everything to lose and nothing to gain. 091125
susan a beautiful lie. 100406
minnie i love kevin 100729
derrick doesnt really measure up. or atleast has big shoes to fill. everyone says its such a mindblowing thing that changes your life, consumes you, etc, put it however you want. but ive experienced some pretty awesome things, things other than love, things that fit that description of changing your perspective, blowing your mind, etc. if love is supposed to be so much better...well for one, i'm not sure anything can BE much better. it might not hold a candle to everything else, or be just kind of like "oh...thats it?", and even if it IS that much better...something that good might just kill me anyway. i need to see this love thing to believe it.

i'm banking on the chance i just havent been in love yet. otherwise its not really all its cracked up to be, and there are things on this earth that are a hell of a lot better.
Xeneth Could mean so many things, really.

You can't really love someone more than someone else, per_se.

MOST IMPORTANTLY: rhymes with shove.
maya mistaken love for pity 101206
petals I still think about him often. I still dream about him. And sometimes I think about him and it makes me cry. It shouldn’t make me cry. But it does because the desire to see him becomes so intense. His memory rushes back into my mind and I see his smile. I hear his voice and smell his cologne. I feel his arms wrapping around me and I lose it. I am married and shouldn’t think about him. But I can’t seem to forget about him. No matter how long its been he doesn’t fade from my mind. It makes me so sad that I might never see him again. I would do anything to talk to him again. Just see him one more time. Just once more. And maybe my brain would stop thinking about him. But even if my brain stops it doesn’t mean that my heart ever will. And that’s the problem 101217
heartfeltsuperego john 111026
heartfeltsuperego john 111026
a clever disguise How is it that I can simultaneously fear falling to pieces if we were to part and have my whole life planned without you if you were to leave? 111216
hIsIg love_is_awake 120507
f ok, i was just trying to work out, how something that isn't love can exist in a physical form.

can you come up with your own theory and give me an answer that isn't silly please.


(by working things out and by being productive, it is possible to see a future)
unhinged sharing affection and insecurity with someone and expecting nothing in return 121113
Bespeckled Remember when this page took whole minutes to load?

I loved yet dreaded seeing "love" in the today_yesterday columns. Something about blatherskites makes us an emotional bunch, and I was always eager to read your thoughts on this elusive, obsessive thing called love.

But I dreaded knowing that I'd have to wait so long to wait for the most recent blathe to finally load.

It never stopped me though.
Lisa Is A Well Intentioned Lie 150119
another Lisa love cannot lie.

such is not love.
another Lisa love cannot lie.

such is not love.
fidgetspinnerssuck kay here it goes...

I have feelings for someone I shouldn't have feelings for and, the truth is, I like thinking about him.

I think about him all the time.

It hurts that I can't touch him and I hold onto the few moments I have touched him. Little things, like holding hands for a moment or rubbing his back.
I imagine him getting close to me, not saying a word, but letting me know that he feelings the same way. I think he might. I want him to touch my fingers or wrap his arms around me. Something that will fulfill my need to be around him.

I want him to know that I miss him. Right now. And I am waiting, eagerly, until the next time we meet.

I am hoping that by getting it out and into the world I will get over it. I can't talk about it with anyone. Especially since everybody knows how much I love my SO and how serious we are.

I don't want to hurt my current and I love him too. A lot.

Love is a very complicated thing.
Z is a verb. 170814
z is a verb. 170814
Bespeckled The benefit of revisiting this world in 2017? "Love" took a mere millionth of a millisecond to load, as opposed to the longest minute of my life from the dial-up days. 171205
gili i wanted to touch you. i wanted to feel you. (a human certainty by saccharine trust) 220419
Phil You think you may have felt it once
Or you may have felt it your whole life
This force, of thought, devastating when done right
Able to turn your entire life on the head of a pin
h painless, unhinged.. when your spirit is in the right place 230621
what's it to you?
who go