daanuh when i was in junior high, i got caught with pot. i didnt even know what it was or capable of doing to my life...
exposure at such a young age
Er It broke me and my boyfriend up and it will determine if we get back together .. aint it a bitch 010118
fishinabowl aint such a big deal, it dont kill nobody unless you smoke too much or too strong. i dont do it but mates of mine do. its sad i know but its their choice. 010402
unhinged i don't think it's harmless at all. it may not kill a person but it can sure do it's share to fuck things up. my friend got away from it for awhile and was really starting to rock at the violin and now he's back into using every day. but i can't tell him to stop. when he asks, i go smoke with him. 90% of the kids in the music school have smoked. damn musicians.....stanton says he refuses to buy it, will only smoke someone elses weed. hell man, you start to feel bad after awhile. at least i did. 010402
as need some more soon!! 010405
nemerfaD calling the kettle black 010405
mer sweet herb of the blathers fill my mind with the blather of the blather consusious teach the nothing of free 010604
bob i want some pot right now, i want to get high and feel so good 011022
Dafremen Unhinged...you hit the nail on the head do0d.
Smoking too much pot WILL kill you, but not through toxic poisoning. It'll leave your life as it has left so many lives before yours: wasted.

Escape into apathy, escape with weed....fool:

Roger Dafremen
1968 - 1981
Rest In Peace

Roger DaPothead
1981 - PRESENT
Celebrating 20 years of wasted human existence.

If you know what's good for you, you'll wait til retirement to start. Don't try it, not because it is bad for you....but because you will LIKE it and it is bad for you.
insanity .....
wrecked my mind
i got off
then did worse
my mind is still broken
it would of been without it
but it has just been made worse
by the lovely green leaf.
Effingham Fish Ah, Kyle.

"Here, dude."
"I don't smoke, Kyle."
"C'mon, man, it's harmless! It's not even addictive! Just one puff, dude!"
"If it's harmless, then why are you so fucking stupid? If it's not addictive, why don't you ever stop smoking it?"

I swear, when they made Half Baked, they made it about him.
needsensenockedintome I wish I didnt like it as much as I did....said "naah, I'll only do it once in a while, Im not one to be easily influenced"... God Im sucha stoner, still pretty inteligent, but heading down the wrong path...when will I learn... "no way dude, Im a pot-head not a 'druggie'"... why do i have midrin, and codeine on me, why am I just coming down from adderal??? 011104
ClairE I said it smells beautiful and Sarah looked at me as if I were crazy because she knows I don't smoke and told me she likes the smell because she likes pot and my ex_boyfriend totally agreed with me and went off into orgasmic description and I'm just thinking it really beautifies your room, to have that lingering over your bed, like the way he stroked my hair. 011218
Annie111 i got in his car the other night, and it smelled real nice (unlike it usually does, he is such a mess). And I exclaimed so. He laughed (god i wanted him then), and said it was weed.

He doesn't do weed, he was helping these other kids buy it. He's a strange boy. He makes me think of drive-ins and the 1950's, and 'going steady'.
lizard Some say it's killing my brain. Some say it's killing my body, and yet some more say it's killing my friends. But I find that everthing is so much more beautiful when you're stoned. A pigeon becomes a peacock. 020408
Syrope Effingham Fish, i dont think you're the only one... 020408
yoink i love herb, but nasa doesn't....i already fucked up my dream

oh well, let's go smoke a bowl
click i like the word 'pot' so much better than any other slang for the herb, i think it's so much more direct and old-styled, and i don't care when my friends or people who are familiar make fun of me for saying it. 020521
Jo dude you dumb fuckers that think it can totally fuck you up, go screw ur selves. Smoking weed won't kill you, being stupid kills you. Weed is great. I wish I had some right now, I want to get stoned. 020523
unhinged oh my well grown friend it has been too long. but soon, soon. 020523
good people i smoke almost every day now. we have gone through a quarter in 2 days and its during the week. we are probably getting an ounce this weekend. im sure we will smoke most of it, too. hoorya for being a crazy hippy stoner. 020523
j_blue wish i could afford that habit 020523
no reason we smoked some that was a year and a half old two nights ago. 020528
unhinged always goes well with the les_claypool. the joy of hanging out with jazzer (s). 020528
Dafremen Back with MAry again...dammit. 020806
good people I HAVE A SEVEN INCH SPROUT!!!!!!!!!!!!

its sooooo cool. i hope it buds huge, super potent, and female.
meesh psychologically addicting. pot is my self medication. there are more. 030605
the game It's just a shame 4:20 comes just twice a day. 030711
thecatisold yum 030730
Bizzar fuck 4:20 ha.

I need no specified time. Especially when I was given a nice fat bag for my birthday! :-D

Im gonna go get stoned, and come back and post more.
bandersnatch a little pot is like a little alchohol: it relaxes you, make you feel better, and dont hurt a bit (hell, is probably good for ya).

a little more pot is like a little more alchohol: it makes you "zoomed in" on one thing at a time, makes you feel cool, and makes you look like an ass.

a lot of pot is like alot of alchohol: gets expensive, gets you in trouble with the law, makes your family worry, drives people away, and consumes your every waking moment (sober or not)
thinkertinker but a lot of pot is also not like a lot of alcohol. when you get super mashed you have some of the most awesome conversations in the world, you become philosophical and light hearted, you don't fight (unless he starts it) and you don't take anything personally 030805
la cabrona This is the first day in five months that I haven't had any pot to smoke. My bank account ran dry because I kept buying eighths and now rent is due and I don't have any money. And I don't have any pot. I guess weed isn't bad for some people, but if you're like me and don't have any self-control whatsofuckingever, then it can kick your ass. 030922
realistic optimist mary jane, the second to last of my vices that i have had to kick to regain control of myself, ofmy lifepath. i still love her, and think that she's greta. but i don't have control. if she is around, i want her. and therefore must limit my ability to consume. i have become one of those who smoke but do not buy because it is the only way i can continue my love affair with such a dazzling queen and not be completely consumed by her. 030922
tif amen 031026
blown cherry It makes me dumb, and I really don't need to be any dumber than I already am. 031027
Lemon_Soda To each their own. 031027
Fully Aware used to hate it, I was absolutely terrified when anyone smoked pot around me, in the same place as I was, or even at all when the person wasn't around me. I thought that people who smoked were somehow different than I was. I guess I thought they were more free than I was. I wouldn't touch the stuff - ever! I am very upset with myself for flushing so much pot that I found down the toilet for 5 years. I could have smoked it. But, it is true, what I thought, that I would like to smoke pot and I would want to all the time and then eventually I would want to do something else. I do smoke now, steadily since Feb of 2003. Of course I have taken breaks but I always get back into it. It makes me feel better than I do ordinarily. I think people who don't have any life experience, negative life experience to be exact, don't understand the reason behind why people smoke pot. It takes the edge off for me, of all the bad shit that has occured in my life in the last 5 years. I have spent so much time running away from pot and the people who smoke it, that I never got to know those people. It took my husband committing suicide for me to realize that I had taken the entire "Say No To Drugs" spiel to a dangerous level. BUT - I AM DOING MUCH BETTER N O W! Yeah right! 031119
ToastiePunk If you smoke pot, is your life wasted?
It depends on your perspective. It is wasted in the sense that you are not a productive member of your society. But is society productive? With its pollution and brain-washing propoganda... If the drug industry were mainstream I think the planet would be much healthier.

Better than the way things are. I don't think your life is wasted. You don't have to sell your soul to your nation or some corporation. You can live life your way, and enjoy it.

You're born.

You die.

You ought to enjoy yourself in the middle. It doesn't matter to me what I accomplish... I could create the most fucking amazing thing ever and leave a legacy.. but I'll be dead dammit. I just want to be amused and amuse others. Pot will aid me in my quest. And, pot, I salute you.
runninrunnin so much to say about pot...its all mental you say you will do it once, but it is such a wonderful fabulous exciting experience even when you make an ass of yourself its still a really good time..good times being blazed never do pot because you will become mentally addicted you will want it again more and more and more and more all for that feeling, the feeling of being HIGH 040114
zoe yeah i know some people who've become pschologically addicted and its not pretty but i have to say that they're still a lot more fun than charlieheads. now there are some fucking pschotic wankers. 040211
Tenebrous Earth Uh I like it, but my parents get so angry! .. It may have contributed to my freind being schizophrenic. Schizophrenia doesn't just go away... 040413
misunderstood people that have never done it think its so crazy and so bad ya know? i mean at least thats what i thought before i tryed it and now its so great. theres nothing bad. I'm losing my best friend..but she just doesnt understand. it makes me so relaxed like im in another world and nothing can go wrong 040413
boo cocaine and meth wow 040420
me someone said that people who dont understand pot or dont smoke havent had any life experiences, negative to be exact. i dont smoke. and for negative life experiences. i once spent 5 hours locked in a bathroom scared shitless because i knew that if i left that room i would kill my self. i once found myself doing 80mph down a back road at night looking at every tree as a way out. i lost two close relatives back to back. do you know the thngs you think when you're girlfriend of three years cheats on you with your best friend? i'm lucky i'm not in prison. the list goes on...

negative life experiences. shit kid. you prolly smoke weed to get away dont you. to leave your issues behind in a cloud of smoke. well i never did. i took it all on and in the head. i took it face first. it sucked in way i hope you never have to experience. negative life experiences. ha.

i did all myself. ya know how i got out? one day, i was messed up more than ever. end of my rope. truly. i hit a rock bottom that i never knew i had. wanting to die but not having the motivation to do so, not having the mental strength to think of how. i looked out the door while i was sitting on the carpet. i saw the dark green trees, dark purple sky (it was dusk). felt the warmbeeze on my face and arms. smelled smells. heard birds chirp. simple. and i was so fucking gorgeous compared to what i was. everything was. and i could appreciate that, so i smiled. and thats how i got through.

thats something i never lost, ya know. that ability to smile at very nearly everything. its something you dont have because you smoked pot to get away, and weren't strong enough or were too scared to take it on the head. and you've lost the only opportunity in your life to achieve such a high as smiling at everyhting, death, darkness, and most importantly, yourself. that last one is one i still have trouble doing. and that one bird i heard that day, its a thrush of some kind, everytime i hear that bird, i want to cry, smile, scream for joy and sadness, and i know i can do it again. can you? oh wait...you never did it in the first place.
me LOOK. you're saying waste of life is all abutn the perspective. get a fucking life, what the fuck do you think it means? stop beating around the goddamn bush and accept that fact that you dont know how to live without pot. you are a waste. suck it up, deal, and fucking stop. 050302
. marihuana 050302
Mister Brightside when it starts calling the kettle black is when things get ridiculous 050302
STAHL-EEEEE i get these huge nugs and i give them names. 050723
94Saturn I always quit for a couple weeks and then start again, it feels even better when you haven't done it in awhile. It's taught me alot about how to look at things from different perspectives, how not to get stuck in one mindset, to see from every conceivable angle. But after you've learned these lessons it can become a problem in itself, and it fucks up your brain chemistry. For me, quitting is easy, but I don't always want to. 051214
loner stoner sweet herb.
i guess it's got different effects in different people. i have smoked around people that get totally comfortable and can just let go and be ... i guess happy. these people crack jokes and laugh at everything, they can think in real time and you could hardly notice they're stoned. then there are the others that seem to plunge into the deep sea of their own minds. they are the quiet ones that may seem "retarded" and totally abstracted from reality. i fall into the second category which is why i do not smoke with other people. i'm a loner stoner if you will although i don't really smoke THAT often anymore.
the thing for me is that i become too counsious of myself and how other might see me, mostly how i see myself (like a self examination). now, i know that is just paranoia talking but the truth is cannot control it or i might be able to but then my high is wasted and useless.
i do not want to feel repressed. for years i stuggled with this problem, always the quiet guy who seems to be thinking about his own shit problems instead of having a good time and laugh with the rest. i withdraw. the interesting thing is that i don't have a bad time, nor do i think unpleasant things all the time. in fact, most highs are very rewarding - the problem is i'm having trouble relating that to others.

now, i don't smoke with people only when i'm alone, and the experience is a million times better. i love the expansion of my mind and self whitout having to worry about other's presence. i love that there are no boundaries and that i can explore the different questions and wonderings that frequent my mind, i am ofetn involved in a deep trnace of thought and that to me is the whole idea behind smoking pot. the search of self. it truly is the most psychodelic experience i have felt while high on weed. i use the effects of marijuana to think critically, to explore the inside world and the ideas and events of the outside world, and to exploit my creativity.
no reason today i had someone stop talking to me abruptly because they found out i occasionally (VERY occasionally, as of late) smoke pot. yay!
we were getting along really well before that, too.
monkey out in space i must say, "what's up with that?"
it's true, i find that most of the people that are opposed to smoking pot are those same people who have never tried it! and then they feel they have the right to get pissed off @ those of us who enjoy the occasional..(or not so occasional) mellow?

won't you at least experience something before you fabricate opinions?
angie god id love some 060626
Roaul Duke i have my medicinal recommendation. see physiciansrecomendationfortherapueaticcanabis 060626
ag if you smoke to get stoned everyday, you're fucking retarded. It'll take a while for you to realize it, but that's just because when you're stoned, it takes a while for you to realize ANYTHING.

Please, show me a pothead, and I'll show you someone with... potential.
dreamer of the dreams when I graduate as valedictorian of Harvard University...my speech will end with "and I'm a pothead..and what bitch?!" not to mention Harvard has plenty of stoners. I'm sick of stereotypes. 060909
one thanks guys 060909
deformed by reform though these days i smoke it not, i cannot say i am consequently much for the better. 060910
Soma terra_cotta 060910
Twitch no more during college (err until I get a loong break.)
Really helped to make my summer a lot more fun.
flowerock. I vaporize flowers every night while I walk our doggie. I enjoy this, breathing the taste, nostalgia, comforting and relaxing especially living in this city.
I miss really dreaming though, for most of us smoking/vaporizing changing our sleep cycles and as I understand we get more "deep_sleep" and less "REM_sleep", so we remember less of our dreams, or do we just dream less? Either way, dreams_are_healing and I've been missing them, needing them, so I'm taking a break from potted_flowers.
Unfortunately day two into this "break ripped my finger open and tore the nail partially off and it hurts so bad. So when I really need the help relieving pain... I guess it's all by choice, but I can't help but feel that this is necessary to endure sober, it's just too much to be simply a coincidence.
flowerock. 4 days in and I shared my vaporizer with a neighbor. It was good to socialize, but I think I'll more of less still stick to my break best I can. It was nice to enjoy, but I ended up staying up until 530 am eating potato chips and pistachios and various other snacks. I'm ok with snacks, but this was too much for my already sleepless, stressed, worried, imbalanced body. Plus the cigarette smoke and having hit slept much at all the previous night.
Today I woke to my lover making too strong a tea and feeling unwell, I ended up driving him to a fire station and a doctor. He's ok, but I feel like I am better off being mostly sober incase something serious were to happen and need my full attention and ability. His hands got so cold and sweaty.
I need to put my mind back together a d recollect my heart, reccomend to myself and the whole. I need to run away less through escapist habits like pot and food. I need to take care of myself so that I can take care of others too, especially him.
If I do indulge, I need to do so lightly, with respect, not desperation.
flowerock. Reconnect not reccomend. I won't be reccomend ing myself much until I'm a little more stable, unless you need me for something, then I'll do my best to be of service, but I think I need more than I can give right now, so I'm avoiding being a needy energy sapped until I have that balanced out. 160902
flowerock. Not a true break by now, but less than once a week is pretty good I think. Should avoid doing it late at night as last night I just ate a pint of cashew milk ice cream and passed out... that's ok I guess, but not for my tummy or quality of sleep.
Earlier and I may have opted to go for a walk instead..
what's it to you?
who go