dondeestanlosjaguares for many life is passing by
living is not breathing
not opening your eyes
but cheating through everything
and telling lies

life can be so addicting
drinking romances
and shot after shot
of loose relationships
and oblivious adventures

smoking the air
of pleasurable companionship
smiles and giggles of confusion
as you distant yourself
from what is truth and right

but none of it matters
in the eyes of those around
because life is not seen
through open eyes
or heard through a beating heart

fall over and sink in your litter
perdition is that which
you've been making garbage angels in
not proud but unknowing
of what life could really be

so when you look in the mirror
you see a disgusting monster
but you do nothing to make it go away
you scream and shatter the mirror
but it doesn't disappear

an image has been engraved
your mind knows fear
your brain knows hate
your emotions know confusion
and you sink once again to forget

life can be so addicting
and when you're hooked
you get dragged down
but only if this life
is the one you never wanted to live
greywayfarer there is a difference between an addiction and a compulsion. i crave things i am addicted to while compulsion is having to follow some path or pattern whether i want to or noth 050202
greywayfarer there is a difference between an addiction and a compulsion. i crave things i am addicted to while compulsion is having to follow some path or pattern whether i want to or not 050202
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