eric ...the windows of the soul. (i forgot who said that) 980905
k sometimes mine are fake. (contacts) 981120
emily Would you be lost without them? Could you pad to your bathroom in the middle of the night without stubling. 990130
angela e y e s. .wouldn't ever want to donate them to another person. grosses me out. you will never look through my eyes. get your own dude. 990207
[marissa] a consummation of identity;
invisibilty and the like.
a secret stolen and tucked
away, in the hidden vessels
of green iris. the simple
shift that erects connections,
that draws heaven from her berth,
to sit and perch in watchful
beauty just below your animated
brow, just above your smiling cheeks.

to swim in your eyes.
Chris i can't see without them 990307
daxle I hate when I can't see what everyone around me is seeing. I hate having to choose between contacts or glasses. How about nothing? How about not being defective? No choice. 990724
megan your's change with your mood
blue to green to hazel
i could stare at them for hours
even months
and never need to say a word
just smile
David My father used to say to me, "Don't mess with me boy, I'll burn holes through you with my eyes." I'm still scared of my fathers super powers. 990927
|sCaRReD*disTrOyeD| People with beautiful eyes have beautiful souls. 991127
valis breasts come in so many sizes and consistencies. legs and asses, put on display, move like gypsy snakes and take my breath away. but the eyes ... ah, a good pair of those can always turn me shy as a four-year old caught stealing zagnuts. all more or less the same shape, but they say so much without a word. i approve. 991216
deb i am told my eyes are gorgeous,
do i wear contacts?
am i sure?
::laughs:: hmmm, would i know if i wear contacts, do you think?

emerald green in early morning and late into the eve'
deep deep cobalt blue in midafternoon
grey-blue otherwise
dark upon their edges
with bursts of flame erupting from the pupil

they say my eyes are fire...

i'm just glad they're mine
jennifer I have this stupid fetish with eyes (and, for the record feet as well)

coffee-coloured sunflowers floating in a sea of freckles

I love them
lizard there's only one pair i can gaze in forever 991228
mad madame mim Couvrez mes yeux
La lumière tombe sur son visage
Des lignes dangereuses
Des formes et des couleurs dangereuses
Des intentions féroces féroces
Branchés et prêts à jouer
Boutonnés jusqu'en haut
Pourpre et blanc Halloween
Elle est comme la fille dans le film quand le Spitfire* s'écrase
Comme la fille sur la photo qu'il ne pouvait s'offrir
Elle est comme la fille qui souriait dans le hall d'hôpital
Comme la fille du roman dans le vent sur les landes
Douleur et paradis
Le sens de la vie
Un cheveu se détache
Couvrez mes yeux
Des formes et des couleurs dangereuses
Et quand elle bouge
Couvrez mes yeux
Elle est comme la fille de la télé avec la guitare rouge
Comme la fille et le dealer au bout du comptoir
Comme la fille qui sourit dans tes rêves nocturnes
Comme la fille qui te dépasse dans son cabriolet
Douleur et paradis
Couvrez mes yeux
La lumière tombe sur son visage
Des lignes dangereuses
Des formes et couleurs dangereuses
Couvrez mes yeux
Les cheveux se décoiffent

*Avion anglais de la seconde guerre mondiale
mad madame mim The Party
La fête
Elle a acheté une bouteille de cidre
Au magasin du coin
Ils ne l'ont en pas empêché
Ils la croyaient plus âgée
Elle a pris le bus
Vers un nom et un numéro
Une maison pleine de musique
Un chapeau plein de merveilles
Et certains de ceux qu'elle croyait connaître
Etaient bien différents de ce qu'ils étaient à l'école
Elle n'est jamais allée dans un tel endroit auparavant
Tout le monde est tellement déchaîné
Elle se retrouva dans une pièce retirée
Pleine d'arômes étranges
De bruits et de chandelles
C'est là qu'il l'a trouvée
Il l'a conduite dans un jardin
Plein de pluie et de silence
Et elle pouvait sentir l'odeur de la terre et des arbres
Elle y voyait la lumière succulente
De ses petits yeux enflammés qui imaginaient des formes de la nuit
Elle était enchantée
Puis minuit retentit
Et le dernier bus est parti
Ils seront furieux quand ils sauront ce qu'elle a fait
Et le haut devient le bas
Et le moins devient le plus
Elle n'a jamais ressenti quelque chose comme ça auparavant
Et puis c'était hier
Il lui a dit "Au fait, bienvenue à ta première fête"

No One Can
Personne ne peut
Tu as atterri dans ma vie
Comme une lumière nouvelle encore plus brillante
Obscurcissant mon passé
J'avais toujours cru
Que la beauté était à fleur de peau
Mais je cherche un mot nouveau pour te décrire
Le temps que ça a prit pour abattre le mur
C'était le temps qu'il a fallu pour ma chute
Désespérément faible
Personne ne peut désormais m'éloigner de toi
Ne t'inquiète pas si ils m'emmènent
Personne ne peut désormais m'éloigner de toi
Qu'importe le temps qu'il nous faudra attendre
Avant que tu viennes, les jours
Etaient tous semblables
Une grisaille qui je nommais liberté
Des nuits sans fin dehors avec les amis
Les fanfaronnades et le bruit
Quand je pense que j'ai cru à tout ça
Personne ne peut désormais m'éloigner de toi
Ne t'inquiète pas si ils m'emmènent
Personne ne peut désormais m'éloigner de toi
Qu'importe le temps qu'il nous faudra attendre
Je me moque de ce qu'ils pensent
Tu es tout ce en quoi je crois
Je te porte en moi
Et il y a quelque chose de toi
Dans tout ce que j'aime
Personne ne peut désormais m'éloigner de toi
Ne t'inquiète pas si ils m'emmènent
Personne ne peut désormais m'éloigner de toi
Qu'importe le temps qu'il nous faudra attendre

Holidays In Eden
Vacances au jardin d'Eden
Est-ce que tu t'imaginais
Qu'en sautant dans un avion
Tous tes soucis disparaîtraient
Et que tu allais naître à nouveau
Redevenir un enfant de la nature
Heureux, sauvage et libre
Mais l'oubli est un fleuve et tu sais où mènent les fleuves
Vacances au jardin d'Eden
La vie avant la chute
Ne voir, n'entendre, ne dire rien de mal
Ne plus sentir de culpabilité
Plus du tout de culpabilité
Nu dans la jungle
De la boue entre les orteils
En suivant le fleuve
Là où il coule
Les créatures de la forêt
T'ont souhaité la bienvenue dans les ténèbres
Ici rien ne peut te faire de mal
L'obscurité n'a pas de cœur
Des vacances au jardin d'Eden
Le Paradis retrouvé
Ne voir, n'entendre, ne dire rien de mal
Débarasse-toi de ton passé
Un beau matin tu te réveilles
Et te demande qui tu es
Sur le mur il y a la carte d'un nouveau pays
Et tes nouveaux amours se fondent en un seul
Tu as fait tout ce qui était possible sous le soleil
Il y a une date sur le billet d'avion
Et l'argent s'est envolé
De retour dans ton pays
Tout semble si différent
Personne ne vient la nuit
Personne n'utilise ton nouveau nom
On entend des chuchotements silencieux
Les vieux amis se comportent bizarrement
Plus personne ne veut te connaître désormais
Ils disent que tu as changé
Des vacances au jardin d'Eden
La vie avant la chute
Ne voir, n'entendre, ne dire rien de mal
Plus du tout de culpabilité
Vacances au jardin d'Eden
Paradis et lumière
Le paradis t'aliène de ce monde
Te laisse dans ta solitude
Donne un baiser d'adieu à ta maison
Dis adieu à ton chez toi

Dry Land
Terre ferme
Depuis que je te connais
Tu as toujours été si tendue et nerveuse
Je n'ai jamais voulu que tu m'appartiennes
Je me rendais compte du danger
De prétendre à tes faveurs
Tu es vraiment une étrangère née
Je me suis excusé et j'ai fui
Tu es une île, mais je ne peux
T'abandonner en pleine mer
Ton silence est si violent
Tu es une île et je ne peux dormir
Parle-moi s'il te plaît
J'ai mis pied sur la terre ferme
S'il te plaît aide moi
Depuis le temps que je te connais
Il y a toujours eu quelque chose entre nous
Je ne pense pas que ce soit mon imagination
J'avais l'impression de ne pas pouvoir te toucher
Mais j'avais l'impression que ça t'aurait plu
Dis moi la vérité si tu le peux
Je me suis excusé et j'ai fui
Tu es une île, mais je ne peux
T'abandonner en pleine mer
Ton silence est si violent
Tu es une île et je ne peux dormir
Parle moi s'il te plaît
J'ai mis pied sur le terre ferme
S'il te plaît aide moi

Waiting To Happen
Quelque chose sur le point de se produire
C'est la nuit, et je suis réveillé
Et j'écoute ton sommeil
J'entends la respiration de l'obscurité
Et la pluie contre la fenêtre
Après tout ce temps
Cynique et blasé
Toutes les pierres sont devenues des diamants
Et tous les bleus se sont estompés
Tout ce que j'ai vécu
Tout ce que j'ai vu et entendu
J'ai passé une si grande partie de ma vie
Dans un tiers monde spirituel
Mais tu es venue y apporter la pluie
Quelque chose qui va arriver
Quelque chose qui apprend à voler
On peut se parler sans parler
D'une âme à l'autre
J'ai attendu toute mon existence pour pour le ressentir
Nous nous sommes isolés
Nous avons parlé de nos visages
Tu m'as dit ne pas aimer le tien
Je t'ai dis que je n'étais pas d'accord
Je conserve les morceaux séparés
Je les tiens serrés dans mon manteau
Le puzzle d'un ange
Que je peux faire quand ça va mal
Du vide et de l'aridité
La famine de notre temps
Regarde les cieux s'ouvrir
Et nettoyer tout ça
Tu es venue apporter la pluie
Quelque chose qui va arriver
Quelque chose qui apprend à voler
Sur le point d'exploser
Quelque chose qui va arriver
Quelque chose finira bien par arriver
Quand tu le voudras
J'ai attendu toute mon existence pour ressentir cela
amy i can't help but think that eyes are windows to the soul because you can't help but be aware that you are looking at someone when you are. if you are seeing them, you are also seeing you. (unalone) 000102
andrea i used to wonder
what it all meant
looks & faces previously
unseen & unheard of
now my eyes
have been opened
all of my questions
are answered with
one look from a set
of eyes i've seen
so many times over
all these years
and yet, i've never
felt like this before

copyright 2000
deb i bite my lip and tilt my head
trying to remember
just what it was
i meant to say to you
but i got lost
in those eyes again
who me? your eyes are warning me to stay away but I don't think that's what you mean... 000114
FooLmOOn eyes, eyes to see, eyes to love, eyes to hate, but for me, tears come to mind, soft tears that move down your face, onto your lips, down your cheeks, leaving little trickles of dried salt, tears, gushing out like rivers each time you open your eye lids. clinging to your eye lashes making it sore to see. salty tears that make your skin raw and puffy, tears that choke you, warm tears. acid tears. all water makes a mark. its just like the moon... 000124
camille portholes of the soul 000125
oodles the first time I experienced that look--the one where your eyes stare into his then gaze longingly at his lips, then you look back at his eyes only to see them following the movement of your lips--that was my first clue that I would never in my life be able to say that I didn't believe in chemistry between two people 000127
greenjade I was once told that mine were sad. I didn't know how to respond. It's not exactly a compliment. But I'd rather have sad eyes than eyes with no depth in them. Perhaps they are merely thoughtful. 000217
Christy I couldn't look him in the eyes because I was afraid of what he would see. He has this stare that burns through every veil and knocks down every wall until he can wander unimpeded through my heart. 000301
boof_pixie@hotmail.com Think Rasputin. A good friend of mine has eyes like Rasputin. People pay attention when he talks, I think. 000321
MollyGoLightly D'oh! Put my email adress in the wrong slot! AAAAAAAAAA I feel dumb. 000321
kitti eyes are the window to the soul
always keep them open
i have have seen death and soon you will too
moonshine Peeeeeeek a BOO!Golly Jeeper whered you get those peepers? Peep show creep show, Where' d you get those eyes? 000529
emily "...Her eyes...watchful, achingly expressive, windows on a soul in torment, full of anger and fear and desperation..." 000530
kris and he says my poetry moves him well i wish it moved me i wish i could be up there with the stars in the sky with the stars and the light falls on his face and his eyes shine like cat's eyes in the night and he promised me the world on a night like this with the moon so round and bright and he kissed me sweetly and the light fell on his face and washed away the emptiness i felt and i smiled and smiled a great big bubblegum smile my toothy grin my paper dolls i loved him then and i cannot now even with the moon on his eyes and his lips and his smile and his eyes that i could almost drown in had i tried... 000607
kim liquid blue 000712
emily ...mine are brown, nothing special... but a boy named jake once told me that they reminded him of the color of teddy bears...i loved him for that... 000712
kim i have the eyes of a cat
or so i've been told
they change like happy and sad
gwyllynne explode when touched with a fire-hot rod 000713
misstree my eyes shift colors,
telling my mood to the world...

i got tinted contacts
so now they always look brighter,
a little unnatural
but somehow alluring.

but, being out of my little shields,
i'm back to baring my eyes
Zoe people sometimes are scarred to look me in the eyes. i used to think that they were the windows to the soul, but now i know better. he had incredible eyes. they were light blue and when he looked at me it was like he could see in me. i loved his eyes, then he betrayed me. 000716
cg525 His eyes reminded me of those of the ocean.. waves crashing against the sand in the night air, and moving so swiftly from land to water.
a clear night that cradles a glistening white moon that hears nothing but the sweet whispers of his voice.
and all I can think of are those eyes.
ChinoeCabron From place to place,
and time to time,
I often sit to reason and rhyme,
In my mind a stream of lines,
Deeply perplexing and intensely divine.
Each whimsical tale I tell myself
speaks of you and no one else
perhaps I'll think of you till I die
And never once will I ask myself why.
gigaphairy Every time I look in your eyes
I see myself
And feel like crying
You're too much
You're too deep
I'm gonna lock myself up now
So I can't feel
What you need me to
I'm sorry
One day I'll let it all out
I'm wondering what will happen
Adverse effects?
Nothing that hasn't been done before
You say you see eternity in my eyes
I see myself in yours
genericderek i met her eyes at the bottom of an 8oz. tumbler filled with the milk o' human unkindness. 000914
Lucien I pierced your soul=I saw the beauty in you=I can't stop holding you in my arms forever, in my head, do your eyes not see it?

You could never want me
Babylon Brother When from under your hair,
The fawn's eyes stare out,
They burn be deep in my solitaire.
lizard it's funny, how eyes grow on you, with you.

you can look at a person, and every other aspect of their beauty can be reasoned away, are recognized only because of expectations.

take his eyes.

at first, they struck me as unusual. i've never seen any other eyes that crystalline, that clear.

then he spoke, and i felt as though i could fall through them, and into forever.

they began to make me lightheaded, dizzy.

the memory of his eyes makes me tremble.

and to think - the first thing i noticed was the color.
lovers lament (with a cheesy brooklynn-ish accent)
they took my eyes! they took my eyes! and i've been living on a hill under a tree for a year!i gotta go back to the FBI and get my eyes back! don't let 'em take your eyes, sweety.

-(and in a later rant)(same accent)
you know my daughter, the one that wears the tiara? (---i think that was in reference to princess di). well they say she's dead but she's not really dead.

-(in another later rant) (same accent)
and my son, he's a jeweler. his last name is Klivan? he owns this jewelry store up the road. . .

copyright 2000
(all by "the crazy lady- no.1
i think her name might be Carol)
lovers lament explanation of "the crazy lady-no.1" for those of you who care.

she is a prostitute that frequents the Denny's in my town. she's about 5', maybe 125-150lbs., short, butch blond hair. she is also insane and homeless.
not knowing any of this, i voluntarily gave her a ride from Denny's to a local Speedway. Needless to say, when she got out of the car, i thought i had lost my mind. But on the up ( or down) side, she loves me now.
MollyCule i always want to walk up to her and say "I heard about your eyes. They took mine too. Do you want to go to the FBI and see if we can get them back?"

And her name is either Carol or Carolyn. But who knows if that's true, that's just what she tells people.

She has a friend now, Crazy Lady #2, AKA the crazy orange lady. They sit around in a booth at Denny's and talk. But not to each other.
Megan Eyes like a Siberian Husky. Not in a bad way.... they're like ice, but not cold. When I really saw those eyes for the first time, I fell in love. Our eyes met across rows and rows of bus seats and I knew that a new era had opened for me. I warmed inside, and my eyes must have shown it, because his smiled back at me. He was so beautiful, so confused, so spectacularly different from anything I'd ever encountered before. He was my first love, and my first heartbreak. 001210
twiggie what will stay with me forever is what i was told by that person who taught me so much about life. those who's eyes were grey were the people who had the 'souls of the deceased', they were the people who could deceive you most easily, the people who would play with you for years and then throw you away as if you never meant a thing. i never knew quite how to take this, but after observing the world and standing back for just a moment, i realized what that person meant. and i thank that person, even though we'll probably never speak again, for showing me so much. 001210
chanaka a conversation while wasting away the afternoon...we spend twenty minutes discussing her eyes...the wonderful mix of blue and green. his eyes...three different colors of blue. her eyes...brown with green pooled in the middle. and then mine. they are blackbrown. oh. NEXT
no matter how boring you might think my eyes are, they are facinating to me. sometimes you can't see my pupil, and i have flat black eyes. it's the only thing i have.
Ariadne my eyes are orbs swimming in tears.
drink my tears.
the water will sate you.
the salt dehydrate you.
i will water your garden with my sorrow. won't that be funny?
fuck your eyes meet mine
i turn away
how could i stand to look you in the eyes?
knowing what you did to me

your hands met mine and i pulled away
wanted to RUN away
wanted to FLY away
wanted to scream
but the only thing you could hear was the sound of your own fucking cock.

your lips met mine and i couldn't
the bed below me
you above me
your fucking body all over me

god what i'd give to wash you off
the month passed
far to many tears
the years passed, and the sadness turned to anger..

until it happened again..
you and your kind can burn in fucking hell.

and a week later..
another one of your kind attempted..

sabbie i had a friend,
jsut a friend,
who was the first person
to come so close
that i could see my reflection
in his eyes
his beautiful eyes
that plainly showed
his beautiful heart
and with his face so close to mine
i would marvel
that i could see all of me
so perfectly
reflected in his eyes
and now i look back
i think that maybe
i was gazing at my reflection
in his heart.
alkalinepixie i didnt kno the color of yer eyes.
because i was afraid to look at you.
i think yer beautiful.
and if i look at you.
i know you'll see right through me.
Lucien Was it his brown eyes? I know blue eyes get boring fast.... 010117
alkalinepixie he told me they were green. bcuz i asked. but my eyes are blue. and i guess they get pretty boring. 010117
er gorgeous esp green w/ yellow specks like a picture 010118
erin He didnt know the color of my eyes...He didnt know me... 010118
stupidpunkgirl your eyes were the darkest shade of brown i've ever seen.
the contrast between them and your pale skin was incredible.
when you were angry they could pierce right through me.
and when you were happy they were so beautiful.
i used to stare in your face when you talked, amazed by your gaze.
now i can't stand to look you in the eye.
it brings so much pain, i have to look at your feet instead.
alkalinepixie please. o please.
let me look you in the eye.
deb his eyes are the perfect
combination of colour
with that burst of
light brown in the center,
the dark grey-blue haze
circling the brimming edges,
that green splashing with blue
i get lost in there, you know~
god the fish, the fish, oh the fish. the fish, the fish, oh the fish. 010129
SCOTT sometimes, I can see other's eys shouting, blaring there opinions at me,
of me, about me
and i don't hear them
G_wiz13 if only i could gaze into her eyes and hold her in my arms. It feels like an eternity. every second passes by and i wish that i could be with her. I cant stand it anymore. is it just me or am i going crazy. I have finally found someone that means so much to me and i can't be with her for at least 6 months. even worse we are on opposite sides of the country. I LOVE YOU SUSIE 010130
danielle a lot of people ask whether i have contacts in.. there's a girl at my school who refuses to look at my eyes because she thinks they are scary...

my eyes change colour - yellow. hazel yellow, blue, green, bluegreen, light green, grey... the outer blue... the inner like a blue earth.. that changes like the wind.. they say.

jeff buckley has sad eyes....
so does esther canadas..
and a guy i met on the train home from the big day out.. his eyes were the saddest...
Lady Morgaine are one of the most beautiful body parts 010226
Yogijinn mine are just peeled grapes, its a bummer 010306
mikey mine are hazel 010306
dB Apparently the window to the soul. Hah. You think I have to see you to know what you really are. 010306
guitar_freak an eye is upon you 010311
nocturnal the eyes of texas are upon you. 010311
johnny west and you don't mess with texas! 010311
nocturnal that's what the bumber stickers say 010311
nocturnal holy shit, I wrote that forever ago and I just now realized I fucked it up. I meant (obviously) that's what the bumPer sticker says. man I'm a moron. 010324
psychobabe eyes, there are two of them, which is kool. eyes are us, its the first thing i look at when i see a guy, a chick, or anyone. Eyes (in the corny way) are the windows to our lives, which i dont understand cuz when i loook at someone in the eye, all i see is green, blue, brown, or some other color. But eyes are pretty kool, they are below your eyebrows, above your nose, so they make us who we are.

People worry me. Do they worry you? They dont scare me, or bother me, they just worry me. Is that wierd or unique? Is asking questions a bad thing? or a good thing? I have no clue, but i like to ask lots as you can tell. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ

whoa, where did that just come from?

I just realized, all this has nothing to do with eyes. So i will leave you with this advice.

make sure to blink~ lots of love, psychobabe~
tara mines are blue.. sometimes green... or gray. depends. 010330
lifeandlight Mine are different... one is Blue (from my father) and one is Brown (from my mother). When I was young kids thought it was magic... now they just think I've lost a contact.......... 010403
vampers allow you to look into someone, allow you to see their pain, their happiness, everything can be seen by looking at someone's eyes. they are the most beautiful part on a person 010403
green_tenedril i am blind in my right one
and i have been since birth, i guess.
but no one knew, not even me
until one day in 6th grade
i said to my mom during a conversation about being angry at someone
'like when you get so mad that your eyes flash silver at them!'
we found out later that it was the scar on my retina hemmoraging because of the blood pressure that rises when angry.
jolie You know you're in it when you can look in their eyes without fighting the urge to look away 010409
carden your eyes have me mesmerized. i can't stop looking at them. wondering what you're thinking. your beautiful eyes, speak aloud what they're saying 010409
elisabeth I can't look into your eyes i am afraid of what i might see. but there is no other way to your heart is there? I can't lie to you because my eyes show it. You look at my eyes and you know everything that is on my mind. how do you do it? 010411
unhinged they were glazed over from some early morning shots of ice 101 or hard and unsmiling and i wanted to hug him but there is always the sense that doesn't want me to be that close. 010411
StarGaze eyes are eyes
indeed they are...
But eyes with depth
tell stories, sing songs
psychobabe I was told i have beautiful eyes by john...I feel so attractive now :) 010417
Morelen Eyes drill into my head. Steal my heart and eat it away. Now you can see your reflection in my eyes. 010417
Sol my eyes are not windows they suck everything in, absobing the world around me, tired and sad or active and jubilant, you can read from them sure, but they read more from you.

Black brown
KFOX My Eyes are not a window to my soul, they are searchlights penetrating yours. 010504
Special K Windows to the soul? Hardly. I have often looked with (what I thought was) deepest intensity into the eyes of another and remained as uncertain as ever. Let us not forget the wise words of Rudy Clark, who said,
"Is it in his eyes?
Oh no you'll be deceived
Is it in his eyes?
Oh no he'll make believe
If you wanna know if he loves you so
It's in his kiss
That's where it is."
Dafremen Everyone who thinks the eyes hold the key to the heart signify by saying AYE.

It's settled then, the eyes have it.
blindforyou A dying breed,
I look in your eyes. Past their,
speckled green smiles,
and I see me.
I see me sitting there on
the rickety boarded porch parallel to
you, looking into my root beer smiling
sea foam eyes, hoping that
you not only only see me,
but you inside their carbonated gaze...
aidenn are windows 010504
Allie Their is a road from the eyes to the heart that does not go through intellect. 010506
.sunshine. i once asked him to look in my eyes and tell me what he sees. i can't remember what it was that lured me in. i can't remember what he said. all i remember is the nagging at my heart, the nagging, telling me to never look away. telling me to never leave him searching and alone.

instead, my eyes are wandering. looking for his green-blue pools of emotion to gaze into my soul.

instead. i am left without.
i was left searching and alone.
Dafremen Keep on Truckin!

Laura from my brown eye,
earth spews forth,
animal, mineral,
all in between.

from my green,
spawns hell,
pain and fury,
all the hate in my heart.

please look in my eyes,
both at once and find the equilibrium,
if you choose to see me one sided,
choose the side careful.

who's to say if either eye,
will show you who the real me is.
denzel ::letting out a drunken belch::
Hayzul. Harf!
Sol Out foul cherry out! 010520
erin an ocean rough at sea
calm and misty ocassionally
tiny sometimes with modesty
playfully following me
like two black darting bullets
ready to pursue willingly
Keeping composure gently
two pools of saphire engulf me
Every so gradually
I have become entirely
lost in your beautiful blue eyes...
nocturnal my eyes are all red. they burn like hell. they feel like they're about to come flying out of the sockets with flames trailing behind them. so one might think, "hmm, maybe you should stop staring at a damn computer screen all day and get some sleep. what your eyes really need is some rest." and they'd be right. but I'm not that smart, so I continue to make myself suffer for no good reason at all. 010618
black-dyed gel product don't sleep!! that's how they trick you. Trust me, it's much safer to sleep in the daytime. That way, when your up late at night, there are not children skateboarding in front of your house. Well I got my revenge on those little bastards. I poureda bag of sand out in the part of the street in front of my house. They all fell and scraped their knees. That'll teach 'em. I wouldn't mind them if they were good, but most of them can't even ollie.

PS - sleep is peels backwards
nocturnal I can't sleep in the daytime. I'd get fired. I have to blathe in the daytime. that's what I get paid to do most of the time. and it sure is a shame about the skating generation of today. I see little kids out there all the time, they're nowhere near as good as my friends were that skated at their age. tsk, tsk, tsk. 010618
Fire&Roses My private gazing pool. I told you that once. I don't own those chocolate eyes. coffee eyes. No adjective does them justice. I could call them brown for brown they are, but brown does not also describe the emotion they display it does not describe the shifting patterns the reflections. those eyes do not belong soley to me... however I am sure with a certainty I have never known I am certain that no one... no one sees what I see in those eyes 010723
genevieve my favorite feature.

it's why i haven't taken off my sunglasses except after nine in a month and a half.

interpret that however you want, baby
a ridiculous man I like her eyes. 010909
pinkish mine are burning.

damn headache
bizzar When i look into his eyes, all I see is my soul entwined with his. I see us holding hands at forever. I see us sharing the kiss that justifies our love. I see him, and I'll be satisfied... looking into his eyes forever. 010914
psychobabe yay :) brandon said i have beautiful eyes : ) 011015
billy idol without a face 011015
silentbob in_your_eyes 011015
niki i've been told i have lightning in my eyes
they said there are yellow lines running through out the blue gray color
mightbebipolar i told her she had miss piggy eyes. she got pissed and said mine were the color of puke. that's how i knew she was my true friend. 011016
ddd green eyes 011026
birdmad light sensitive from my deliberate avoidance of daylight 011026
ilovepatsajak i caught them looking at her when you were with your two kids and khaki pants and wife and mini-van. i'll wait for that flash of repentance, but it won't come. maybe if you just look down and to the side a little i'll try my hardest to see it. and then when i don't the anger will start and i'll wish i could stay behind your eyes forever. 011027
pat sajaks ghost the fish, the fish, oh the fish. 011027
ilovepatsajak i don't like how we both have pat sajak in our name. he's not that cool. 011027
Jol If the frequency
that I see them,
and the intensity
I find there in,
are real
Then I must conclude that
She enjoys looking at me
as much as
I enjoy looking at her...
pat sajak what are you trying to say? 011029
tiffany he had a fire in his eyes when they caught mine...that sort of glare that makes you forget your purpose for the moment...only for a second were our eyes investigating each other...but it seemed like years had washed over my body.. . . time didn't exist
not another soul in the galaxy...only his and mine for that moment...those eyes had something in them that i had never seen before something that was so indescribable...words escaped me...
he stole my breath and replaced it with a feeling so sharp that i to gasp for air. black orbs inside the blue circles something so timeless... something so alluring that i still recall those eyes in my thoughts from time to time...i seek that look from other eyes only to come up empty handed...i don't think those eyes belong to anyone else but me......
silly Please lift your head up,look into my eyes.
I think I remember them, although it has been years since the first and maybe last time I saw them for real. Since then I have only seen them in my dreams.
Everytime I tell myself this is over, and I will never feel or remember those things again. You just jump into my dreams. Someone who reminds me of you turns up,as someone with a voice almost like your voice. For the first time I understood how unike thet voice is to me. I'm possessed? What else? My heart still hammers when I see you, it's like I'm floating on a happy sky just having a glance of your face. What can I do?
ClairE "In your eyes..."
the second time
I've quoted this song
today. Here.

Eyes, mind, mother.
Quoting a story I love.
Too bad I don't have
in front of me.

When boys say
I have "dark brown"
instead of just brown

I know they are starting
to love me.
SweetasSugur I wear a mask, i smile and nod, i seem happy but i am not, but my eyes tell the truth, they are always there to give me away, they are always there to show my fears and my pain, if only you knew to look into my eyes more often 011209
jon It's only happened a couple of times in my life, but the impact has been powerful.

I'm walking along somewhere and I pass by a woman. Our eyes lock and the world bottoms out. In that instant, we have made love. We have given each other our innermost lusts and wants. We pass and never see each other again.

I have often wondered if I was supposed to do something about it. Was it a signal from God? "Hey, Jon! Wake up, you idiot! There she goes! That's her!"

Well, needless to say, I've never really been prepared when these encounters happen. I'm completely blindsided by them. It's probably for the best though. If I were to spend my days entranced by another's eyes, I'd be useless. Happy, but useless.
Snow White there's a boy in my class with beautiful brown eyes,eyes that stare through me into my soul, an honest stare that sends a thrill through my whole body, yet this boy does not speak to me, it's just a stare, with those beautiful brown eyes, but what does it mean?

Now the stare is gone and those beautiful eues i once knew only know saddness, what should i do? i miss the warm brown eyes i once knew...
JWarlocK The jewel of the body
and raining through
and striking with bolts
anger and brows
blue fire
the breath of the gods...
silentbob haley said i had pretty ones while she was drunk, but then again, she WAS drunk. 011213
wild staring birdmad awful, knowing eyes 011213
ellen cherry charles the only way that we can try to understand someone else
is if we learn to understand the language of their eyes

(I do not know what it is about you that closes and opens; only something in me understands
the voice of your eyes is deeper than all roses)
nobody, not even the rain, has such small hands

--ee cummings
Mahayana: Zakah: [eyes always first]
:::are the first things i notice:::

[[speak volumes]]
[[onto volumes]]
[with & only with]
[[your eyes]]
[& ill listen]
[[with mine]]
[[speak volumes]]
[[onto volumes]]

[{a soul *always* knows b4 a mind does}]
elana they found me in the darkness 020107
ClairE Mine aren't quite silent. They're mute. 020109
ravensfears Monica donated her eyes. Parts of her will be around forever. 020208
reitoei see
the eyes
green brown
blue grey
a tiny window
in a person's
watching.flickering side to side.


gateway to the world. foundation of our interactions.

and the story of a person. i look into your eyes and see beauty and cool green perfection. and wish i could always see them.
sotto voce like one end of a periscope used for spying on people's hearts. 020321
sleepytime i'll show you mine if you show me yours! eh? no? you-a scratcha my back-a i blow-a your job? no? 020321
lycanthrope thoughts on eyes...let's see
haha...it's like they suddenly opened and revealed something i'd never seen before, like no...look closer, look closer untill my eyes were closed and we were kissing.

and yours are gasping dark mirrors.
and i am humbled to see myself in them.

sometimes i like to blink them rapidly so it's like a strobe light....

i see you. how? what we see with is also so visible.
Syrope claire i think thats an excellent way to tell if someones falling in love with you :)
i think i'll be listening for adjectives besides "Green" on mine :) hehe you've inspired me!
spam eyes wide
shallow as a pan
field dream
open wavy form
never stop
spam eyes wide
shallow as a pan
field dream
open wavy form
never stop
clyde the endless doorway 020329
creep EYE will KIIIILL YOUUUUUUUU! 020329
girl_jane The windows of my soul
are made of one-way glass
don't bother looking to my eyes
there's something you wanna know-
just ask
green eyes i want to tell you about his eyes...
how they burn in to my sole
i can tell you, how good it feels to be lost in his eyes
even for a moment
screwing for virginaty one look deep into someones eyes tells you everything you will ever need to know about a person 020627
Perspective_Of_Soul Eyes are indeed the window to the soul.
Everynight i sleep, i close my soul off to those that search for it, and embrace it as my own.
Freak I stare into her deep brown eyes and wonder who she is. These eyes are so unfamiliar and it is hard for me to see who exist behind them. I stare and stare wondering who she is and what she is about. There is something about those eyes. So unfamiliar. I hear someone yell my name. I advert my gaze from the mirror and go see what they want. 020817
eddie monster do you know who i'm talking to?
do you love who your speaking threw?
where do you see yourself in ten years?
do you already have someone to silence all your fears?
eddie monster i always thought your eyes were brown
guess i should have understood
from your delicate features
your eyes are your emotion
your eyes are baby blue
simple things like these
often go unnoticed
gazing threw a loving daze
it's hard for me to focus
when every thing about you
is every thing i need
when time ceases to exist
i'll be on my hands and knees
eddie i always thought your eyes were brown
guess i should have understood
from your delicate features
your eyes are your emotion
your eyes are baby blue
simple things like these
often go unnoticed
gazing threw a loving daze
it's hard for me to focus
when every thing about you
is every thing i need
when time ceases to exist
i'll be on my hands and knees
Ahmad i have weird eye's,
in summer when its light they go realy green, and in winter when its darker, they go brown, and inbetween, they r hazell, at the moment, they r reddish brown near the pupil, and green at the outside and then on the border between the iris and the white, thers is a line of dark green.

i have very long eyelashes for a boy.

2 day sum1 payed me a complement about my eye's, she was a kitchen lady at a cafe. Thats all the ppl that complement me about them, checkout ladys, ppl behind counters, hair dressers, and all of them old.

dont ppl r my age dont notice these things, but old ladys do. and that, is a BITCH!!
huff, o well, thats life, when ime as old as the ppl who notice, ill b 44, with thin hair, and glasses.
devalis My best friends, both of more than 5 years, couldn't tell me what color my eyes were. Sean said they're captivating, but I can bet he doesn't know what color they are either. I think this all might have something to do with my heaving bosom. 020822
jane know the feeling, devalis 020822
jane these eyes are crying - these eyes have seen a lot of love but they're never gonna see another one like i had with you 020822
oak barrel you're eyes are brown and in the sunlight they shine and sparkle kind of. they are really captivating; even though most of the time I couldn't tell your pupil from you iris 020823
eddie monster these eyes are tired
from hiding the tears
i won't let them shed

these eyes are so tired
so heavy
the weight is dead

crimson streaks
that are visual to you
leaking weariness
into blue
december the soul behind them, lurking,
not believing or understanding what they see.
lo i can still remember his beautiful hazel eyes...it was about a month before we broke up and it musta been three years ago at least...he was coming out of the shower and water still clung to his lashes... they were bright and twinkiling and somehow shy and innocent....it is the most vivid memory i have of him... 020829
poeticmisfit i think you can look at anybodys eyes and they will always be beautiful. even if the person if the ugliest, fattest asshole in the world, or the skinniest nerd...their eyes are pretty.
sometimes i look around at everybody i see and think " Wow, everyone is so beautiful." Even if other days i think their ugly...maybe thats the days i can see into their minds and hearts, maybe i'm psyco. I dunno...but i think everyone has beautiful in them.
phil my eyes would make you cry 021013
please eye pictures, cmon! 021013
god i got a dog named ratcock 021014
nonnie another way to see yourself, in the reflection of someone else's 021014
eddie monster her eyes are beautiful 021124
Reverend Lough we all have three eyes. most people choose only to use two.
why sell yourself short?
:) tearing down windows and doors and i could not find eyes like yours 021220
lover i look into your eyes and i can see your soul 021220
megan bloodshot... yeah i've seen a lot of bloodshot eyes lately. but his are refreshing, the clearest blue. makes me feel like diving right in. so nice to know there are still men in this world of silly little boys. 021220
megan iris unfolding from the black hole. spreading pitiful butterfly wings in the pure world of white, hoping just to catch one thing worth hanging onto. 021220
Rickster Your eyes,
To me is everything,
They hold me at mercy,
They hear my plea's,
Yet only laugh at me,
Why me why me why me,
I am here begging,
Pleading for more,
Please don't walk out the door,
My heart is begging please,
You walk away into the fading light,
I cannot see you now,
I begin to fade away somehow,
Some part of me goes away with you,
Everytime I wake I think of who,
Brings me such delight in everyday life,
She is my burning candle in the dark fields of life,
She is my way around the obstacles that create the strife,
I love her now, then, and forever,
For all of time I hope we will be together.
Reverend Lough she likes mine. she says that she gets lost in them. she calls them "windows" and "oceans". her birthday is next month. maybe i should cut them out and give them to her. 021228
me I wouldn't mind giving someone else mine and perhaps taking theirs in exchange. but eyes don't look very good wrapped in tissue paper and ribbon. 021231
me I wouldn't mind giving mine to someone else. Perhaps taking theirs in exchange.
But eyes don't look very good wrapped in tissue and ribbon.
no logic to feeling Green eyes dont lie! 030117
andrew my eyes hurt all the time. They itch and they burn. I really don't understand it very much. everyone says my eyes are very nice looking and seductive. I hope nothing bad happens to them. hrm.... 030201
girl_jane My eyes are green. I'll have to force my eyese to lie...it's my job. 030202
girl_jane My eyes are green. I'll have to force my eyes to lie...it's my job. 030202
*nat* green eyes - coldplay 030202
theonegodforgot i have one blue eye and one green eye. am i a freak, or am i special? probably little bit of both. 030203
jane ooh my dream guy has one green eye and one brown eye...or something like that...i think it's fascinating 030203
girl_jane My cousin has one blue eye and one green eye, and the blue eye has a keyhole pupil. It's strange, but pretty. 030204
Insat I have two. 030204
kaite his eyes were never very attractive. 030210
Eowithien They sparkle when someone laughs or is happy. They sparkle when someone cries, tears of joy or sadness regardless. Crystals that have a color of their own, regardless of the owner's parent's own eyes. They tell the truth, smiling faces don't always mean smiling eyes. Windows to the soul, truth_tellers. 030306
qazual looks are deceiving so eye don't trust 'em. so i smoke enough to keep them close. 030317
carlita i've always had trouble really looking into someone's eyes... i guess because i was afraid the person would see the real me through them. he's the first one i've let into my eyes, and he loves me for it. i love him enough to let him look all day. 030526
Angie i have really bad eyes. glasses since i was 4. contacts now. very bad. got it from my mommy. 030605
m&m lucky me...20/20 vision..

i once had a dream about a huge green eye.. it ate all of these people.. then it ate my mom.. that was the scariest dream i have ever had!!
endless desire she wonders why the ground is so exciting. why she is always looking down. she pretends her feet amuse her. yes, that is better than saying she no longer wants to look at the world. chin up, her mother says. and she laughs. she never listens to her mother anyways. she looks at the floor instead. counts the cracks she steps on. and prays that one she will visit her mother in the hospital with a broken back. yes now that would bring her satisfaction. 030615
silentbob oblivious 030615
/anon all i do is sit around and draw the eyes on whatever paper i can find. i try to draw them as realistic as i can but they never turn out as good as i hoped. 030615
whatever that look in his eyes...what does it mean? so innocent, endearing, so simple yet it means so much. what does it mean? it's a look of passion, playfulness...whatever, i don't know what it means 030617
jill I's is u r me and we r everything at once in time and space and especially in memory and death and memory of death that hasn't occurred yet or maybe it has a godzillion times over but eyes don't know as much as i don't know what you are and why you think you can be so cruel because it does matter in the holograhic matter 030624
oblivia i have a deep obsession with eyes
i loved his eyes
to look into them
and see all the pain
all the joy
he was deep inside
my eyes change color with my mood
revealing my ever chaning heart
to the world
but everytime i look at him
they are the same grey blue
as the first time i saw him
the first time i kissed him
the last time i would ever gaze into them the same way again
crimson I'm the girl with the dead blue eyes. Maybe they are windows that boys pining for a glimpse at my soul crawl through. They must sneak in at unexpected moments, for I, knowing the secrets of my being, keep my windows heavily shaded.

In the words of Billy Corgan, "Dead eyes, her eyes were as vacant as the sea."
ashmanzhou if eyes are windows to thy soul
hide them not unless they be
a windowed portrayal nothing seen
a scape of fielded ash burned away
a hatred built of pyred self sacrifice
then scorn and hide thy soul away
for nothing may save thee bar hand of death
glissade Its repetative and slightly annoying
but, when i look at your eyes
i remember why we fell in love
was it really so long ago?
In your eyes i think sometimes i can see into your heart.
I can see the beautiful person inside
that you try to hide
Do not be afraid of the future
cuz when i look into your eyes
I see forever...
queen of darkness eyes hold the answer to all the mysteries of the world
they see all, they reveal alland they hold the key to a persons heart
just eyes

i think eyes are cool
and sometimes scary
nomatter I was always upset about my shit brown eyes. Always wanted purty green ones. He thought they looked like marbles. Creepy, yes but pleasant now. That was another lifetime, it seems. 030915
gReEn eYeS so he said, "don't look at me w/ those eyes... i just can't say no 2 you."
so i said "then don't say no"
and he looks up at the stars and says " i can't say no,only because, i see you everywhere"
no reason why can't i look at people... 030930
Death of a Rose in her eyes, my churches are in flames.
a slow bed chant can hurry an orange and pulsing light.
her action suspended my tilt,
the letter remained unwritten.
a wonder reclined, furtive strokes with musical games.
a loan of patience,
feather dusted, hidden from tape.
there were many mirrors in your eyes,
and with that heat you cooled my skin.
tonightIscream No one knows what it's like
To be the bad one
To be the sad one
Behind blue eyes~ The Who
crushed wrists he tells me my eyes are beautiful.. he doesn't realize they're only beautiful because i'm looking at him.. 031130
falling_alone the only part of me i like...they have no specific color for blue is dominant yet green and some brown can be seen... 031207
amanda "like the sea after a storm" 040118
xyz it's a shame you didn't have any behind that disguise you call a face. 040214
oldephebe "in her eyes my churches are in flames.." damn that's nice..i need some biscuits to sop up some a' this gravy..you should seriously consider getting some of your stuff published doar.. 040214
oldephebe crushed wrists - if anyone ever said that to me i'd respond with - "Oh no you musn't SAY things like that! What you just said me?..was sacred! Holy heart of grace..no..no..i don't want to inspire such perfect and holy love..no..because i know how fallen i really am...whisper anything but things like THAT into my ear.." 040214
shouldknowbetterthanthis tell you everything you need to know about someone. Somehow. When a person in the street has eyes you can't trust, but a body you'd love and then....magic... your eyes flash a glance at someone else and for a second you think they see it to...and look away and move on.

let it be known that they can decieve you...because beauty is in the EYE of the beholder as well
novathought sharp-time spaztic realization. drought to come with a hand. cast away. and to overcome my bleak future, must find your crying eyes. as this. your words so beautifully construct. spiked herion. needles. leave me loose. they say a captured vision is the one you give away. molting skin. acid. liquid sulfur im allowed to breath. but you deny this. and im left with your bloody diamonds in my palms. 040306
Bizzar beautiful. 040307
<3 there is so much to say about eyes,
but let them speak for themselves
imaskitzo take a step into my eyes and never look back 040323
lou_la_belle it was your eyes that got me
face to face
with noses touching
they both blurred into one
how i could i stop,
cry out and say no
when your blazing eyes
were not two inches from mine?
i saw in them,
the same thing i see in me.
both of us yearning
for what we don't have.
so i said yes.
i was afraid at first
wondering if you knew i was even there
but then i looked at you
and saw your eyes
and worried no more.
x twisted x eyes are beautiful.
yet looking into them makes me nervous. the last time i looked into his eyes..he kissed me. and i havent been the same..have i? i want to look into new eyes. i want to forget the old and look into the new. i know who...but does he feel the same about me? oh god i hope so.
NekoBaka If eyes are windows into the soul,
is the soul but a reflection of those who look into them?
Everyone is influenced by those they spend time with, so in a way those people who look into your eyes do reflect back on you.
Those who keep their eyes hidden
through silence
and loneliness
are those destined to be lost.
The sands of Time are falling slowly through these souls, through these eyes.
They are the eyes of the lost and broken, the tired, and those cold of heart.
The eyes are windows into your soul, and all windows should be opened sometime.
So open the curtains and let the light in, let in the fresh air and the inspiration life gives you.
Those who keep their eyes open,
those who let others see into their souls,
those are the people who can never truly be lost.
Memory holds onto the reflections of other people's souls, but if a soul has no reflection, then memory forgets.
Let your eyes be open windows to your soul, and life will reward you with all that she can give.
My eyes are open windows, so come
and add your reflection to my soul.
Borealis when you look into my eyes
what do you see?
obvious Retina 040520
JdAwG When I look into your eyes, I see the world. I can't stop staring. So much to see. So much to know. So much to tell. Beautiful eyes. 040520
out_of_it eyes, of a fallen angel, eyes, of a tragedy

eyes hurt, anything that can go that deep into you can tear you apart. eyes scar, there are deep sores left on my soul. eyes gave me away, eyes see the truth. eyes are secrets. i don't look at people anymore. I stopped crying a long time ago. my loss.
out_of_it i always thought i had cool eyes. No one else ever really noticed though. 040601
Zero "Your eyes are the same as mine, Sasuke. They have seen true solitude. They know that loneliness is this world's worst kind of pain." -Gaara 040621
chloeNtheSUN hehe i can't see living without them 040622
ferret this must have been said about a billion times, but i'm going to say it again anyway

"i see, said the blind man to his deaf wife"
person robert won't believe me, but he has gorgeous eyes.^_^ 040625
lou_la_belle when i dream about him, the only thing i thing i remember when i wake up are his brown eyes looking into my blue ones. 040626
pipiola te doy mis ojos 040626
someone beautiful. her eyes are sweet and loving and i get lost in them when i look at her. i love her so much. i want to be with her forever. 040629
emmi somewhere i have never travelled, gladly beyond
any experience; your eyes have their silence
hsg dreaming 040912
ebilsporkmonkey they say eyes are the window to the soul but you can tell how someone feels by looking into their eyes most of the time plus they're so beautiful specially when you're lookin' at them lookin' at you 040912
you it occurs to me reading this that I don't remember the color of his eyes... i'd like to say blue but I'n sure that was it... but aren't you supposed to remember their eyes? Isn't that one of those thigs your supposed to recall quickly? Maybe I don't remeber because he never let me get close enough. maybe I was distracted by his other features. I know I'll never forget his eyebrow. Saying that actually sound pretty funny, I mean, how many people can say that? The rest of him was normal, but his right eyebrow and eyelashes were white. It's a birthmark, he said. And I know even if I forgot what his face was like or how tall he was and even though I don't know what color his eyes were, I'll never forget his eyebrow. 040912
you it occurs to me reading this that I don't remember the color of his eyes... i'd like to say blue but I'n sure that was it... but aren't you supposed to remember their eyes? Isn't that one of those thigs your supposed to recall quickly? Maybe I don't remeber because he never let me get close enough. maybe I was distracted by his other features. I know I'll never forget his eyebrow. Saying that actually sound pretty funny, I mean, how many people can say that? The rest of him was normal, but his right eyebrow and eyelashes were white. It's a birthmark, he said. And I know even if I forgot what his face was like or how tall he was and even though I don't know what color his eyes were, I'll never forget that eyebrow. 040912
headover eyes are beauty

My eyes can see the rippled reflections of feeling in yours. Your beautiful sky blue eyes say so clearly, so beautifully,
so perfectly
I love you

and the tears in my eyes say so helplessly, unworthily, yet still
I love you, too
insert name here don't trust your eyes.
they can fool you.
play tricks on you.
sylverquiklight they make you seek foxes when you want chickens. 041022
oipolloi you've got it in your eyes you cuntcoffin 041114
Forming Mind Look into my eyes and you see his reflection.
You can't steal how something reflects.
.just a girl. Eyes arent the same everyones fake now..i like ur eyes where did u buy them?? 041224

I'm thinking it's a sign that the freckles in our eyes are mirror images ad when we kissed they're perfectly aligned

I'm thinking it's a sign that the freckles in our eyes are mirror images ad when we kiss they're perfectly aligned

I'm thinking it's a sign that the freckles in our eyes are mirror images ad when we kiss they're perfectly aligned
suicidalchinadoll I've never met anyone else who has extra dots in their eyes.
it really shows up over the green.
other kids called me a spider when I was little..
ely one of my biggest fears is having my eyes cut or poked out 050212
brand people like us have blue eyes.

but that's changing.
udayan pools of emotion... means of soundless contact... dispensers of love... 050628
udayan pools of emotion... means of soundless contact... dispensers of love... 050628
udayan pools of emotion... means of soundless contact... dispensers of love... 050628
udayan pools of emotion... means of soundless contact... dispensers of love... 050628
udayan pools of emotion... means of soundless contact... dispensers of love... 050628
highanddry "Eyes are the window to the soul" - Hemingway

It's the only thing Hemingway's written that I've ever liked.
highanddry Dark, mahogany-colored eyes are better than any other color,
even my color-changing greenbluegrayhazel eyes.
there's more depth and soul in those eyes
than in shallow blue reflections
ninecat my eyes feel you best. 050712
misstree lock the shutters
and draw the blinds
and hang the sign that says
"back in a few lifetimes"
and let's go home.
notsureofanything never really dare looking into them 050804
dunnohow noone ever told me how to look into someone`s eyes
don`t know how to do it
can`t tell the colour of anyone`s eyes
looking into someone`s eyes means deciding for one or am i mistaken
tell me
can`t find the way to learn it
laurah yours are the color of an avocado pit
an unbreakable gaze

mine are the color of a rainy day, and i swear i can smell it sometimes
laurah yours are the color of an avocado pit
unbreakable too

mine are like a rainy day, and i swear i can smell it sometimes
laurah mine are the color of a rainy day and i swear i can smell it sometimes 050910
tourniquet those sparkling grey eyes
lead me to believe
there's more to you
than there really is
fakeplasticjenn Yours are ever-changing water... icy and harsh or cool and inviting. 061011
concha "he's making eyes at you!" 061209
yaniv Her eyes are beautiful.
I love watching them as they close when she goes to sleep.
Good night my dear, I can't wait to see them again in the morning.
Mizpah Me has enseñado que dos penumbras hacen luz...

Hoy la brújula ha girado al sur,
se contempla tímida, vibrando en su encapsulamiento de estrellas...

Hoy, la historia se ha comido su ombligo, el ayer se destierra con mi llanto, y al final estás tú...

Hay un lugar sustancial en cada flama,
en el que el azul se vuelve fuego,
hay un lugar marino en cada nube,
en el que el viento hace silencio
y tu mirada se salpica en lluvia...

El primer paso ha sido dado,
mi ala se despliega en tu horizonte,
¿qué mares y qué cielos se dibujan?
cuando el abismo se ha guardado
en el prisma de nuestro borde...

Me has enseñado en tu mirada,
que el infinito habla, en dos pupilas...
krupt love...

realize...real eyes...real lies...
beesley he looked me in the face and lied with his eyes now burning wildly with ugly. 080603
In_Bloom Mine don't lie and each time you see them, you know
That's why you dread to see them, I know
thes it's great how they can let us talk without talking at all. 081231
olive ive always wondered what you would see if you didn't have eyeballs...
of course the first answer is that you would see nothing... if you didn't have eyeballs you wouldn't see anything.... duh?
but i was always under the impression that your eyes were just what brought the image to your brain that actually sees it.
so i asume... not being a neuroscientist or anything... that if you didn't have eyes you would still be able to see.
and to halucinate...
i don't know what you'd see...
but i don't think eyes are so important as we asume for sight.
tourist It is certain that Internal Mapping occurs in the unsighted just as in the sighted. Whether this takes the form of texture-sonic-olfactory Mapping exclusively, or bears some relation to the Visual Cortex Mapping of the sighted is a very interesting Question.
If the person had Never possessed Eyesight, would their Map of reality resemble anything remotely Visual?
I am at a Disatvantage to answer this question firsthand, being corrupted by the distraction of sight.
I could pose this question to someone Blind-from-birth, But I am Not sure how to Phrase it where it would make any sense.

We Are All Alone
Living inside our Minds
All Language lacks the certainty
Of direct Sensory Perception
lovers lament Reading through my old posts... I came upon the eyes. And although my memory is shot from too many years of alcohol and drugs (recreational and prescribed), I immediately knew it would be about the crazy eye lady from Denny's, and her friend. I even still have the visual of them sitting across from each other talking... but not to each other. Good times.

And I wish I was that person again. Before I was an alcoholic. Before I was an addict. I've been sober of all but my doctor prescriptions for 3 years now. But I'm such a different person. I'm socially awkward. Not even just awkward, hell I'm a mess when it comes to people and interacting with them. I talk to my husband, my mom and sister, and my girl I've known since first grade and her husband. That's literally it (besides online folks and I don't keep up with anyone regularly, I'm a forum junkie for certain sites is all). I can't seem to connect to people, I've tried. I'm not outgoing anymore. I've turned inward. Every time I try to grasp at past friendships I let them wither on the vine again. I'm not good at keeping up my end anymore. I'm not good at socializing. I get weird around people new and old. I feel... strange when I try to talk to them like I don't fit or belong. It's nothing they do or say either. They can be very friendly but.

I only leave my house to go see my mom, very infrequently my friends, shop for necessities, or go to like Mill Creek. I still don't drive. I stay the hell away from anywhere I'd have to speak to people at length. I wonder who I'd be now if I hadn't spent the past however many years messing up my life on purpose. I used to be fun. I used to know how to keep connections without even trying.

To Mollycule and Unhinged if you're ever still on here - I always look back on the times I spent with you guys as such awesome days of my life. If I could bring my life back to certain times to visit - "Denny's Time" would definitely be at the top of my list. I'm sorry I failed to reconnect with you guys.
what's it to you?
who go