emma I'm surprised I'm the first to say it. 980913
fjodr in food. not good. 981021
k are they mad? 981121
cusses like a sailor my favorite word. 990130
jacob ...when you have to, how do you say it? There is no way to announe it without sounding rude, childish, or just funny. I'm open to any suggestions. 990210
ween don't shit where you eat, my friend 990224
in the john Was it Einstein who said it [errr, taking one] was one of the most underrated human activities? Or is that just an urban legend? 990530
Some suggestions for Jacob ...You say I'm going to have a brown baby or I'm going to make some gravy. 991212
Lyndsay the stuff fate hands you when your life already sucks 991212
R.A.I.N. as in "Have you got all your shit" 991216
deb jenni looked at the clock
last night
and said "oh shit"
when she said what time it was
i said it too, as did jen
and josh just sat there for a moment
and, not to be the only silent one,
he said it too
without really knowing why

no point really... i just found it amusing
Tess there's been a lot of Alice around here.

but i had a slow internet connection and used "who" a little too much.
reggie shit or get off the pot
or get the shit off pot
bane i often sit on my head and eat my thoughts and by the end of the day all i have is shit. 000122
Tess don't give me that crap! 000122
camille they say the grass is greener on the otherside because of this... 000217
Verdulum happens. 000221
Acuhymen has never been mistyped as this 000225
lotusflower shit! i left my sketchbook behind! 000306
marq I'm not insecure. I've been through way too much fucking shit to be insecure. I've got huge balls. But I've been humbled. That makes you grateful for every day you have.

Drew Barrymore
Max you smoke it,
you breathe it,
you can see it all around you floating.
you are the all singing, all dancing shit of the earth.
daanuh weve all got to duck, when the shit hits the fan 001112
mka here I sit and hesitate, should I shit or masturbate 001113
HappinessHereNeverMore did someone say sex? 001210
kx21 ***The POWER of Shit***

I am shit. There is a close relationship between you and me.
In you,
I see a specific Purpose of my existence. And I try every possible effort to use my magic POWER to light up you LIFE.

You one of the culprits or more precisely, my Fathers or Mothers or Ancestors who created me.

My contribtions are helping you to regulate the health and balance the warmness of your body; and to consolidate and clear toxic substances in your body.

And because of you, I slowly understand the Wisdom of LIFE, or so called

The Theory of the UNIVERSE:-

If you are NOTHING, You value me like EVERYTHING.

If you are EVERYTHING, you treat me like NOTHING.

From NOTHING to EVERYTHING, my only expectation of YOU is:-
Please don't shit on me anymore.

A Partner of Your LIFE,

Copyright 2001.
kx21 In You. Sound GOOD... 010207
birdmad this whole line of discussion threatens to give a whole new meaning to the phrase "holy shit" 010207
kx21 Outside You, Smell Bad... 010207
johnny west It's just a state of mind, baby. Or, as Lou Reed would have it: "You would eat shit and say it tasted good." How about that! 010304
It's also a state of Matter...

and probably

The Staff of Life...
kx21 Basic element of Bullshit... 010305
Bock I'm just bombing Tokyo...
I'm just dropping a friend at the lake...
My brain is falling out!
Bock The solid you hit when you think you're just going to fart. 010420
pinkish holy_shit 010422
Persona Don't forget to remember ..... everybody shits's a common bond between matter how far in the air a nose may be 010531
nocturnal so persona, are you saying that we cannot consider ourselves human if we are constipated? 010531
Aimee first you say it, then you do it? 010531
kx21 dark, unenlightened,
miserable, angry, nasty, evil, wicked...
phil any final words? 010719
kx21 ugly... 010719
Allie "you better wipe that shit eating grin off your face....and if your eating shit and grinning, then today prolly isn't your day anyway..." 010720
kx21 A Spice of Woman_nag... 010731
kx21 A Curse from Man_Talk... 010802
tommy shit 010828
alex I feel shitty!!!my teacher in my computer's class and it's so boring...this guy is a gay...a pedophile...oh my god...he wants to fuck name is Alexandre Porras and i'm sucking him...i go to college notre-dame.... 010918
timster12 shit wrong page sorry. 011011
. : * p s y b o r g * : . holy freaking shit muffins...that's my saying 011024
Alexander Beetle Ugly word. Personal preference leans towards "damn" or "hellfire" in times of frustration. 011028
Claire Fun to say. 011126
optic discretion another one of those words that Americans have become so engrossed with that they don't realize its obscenity ... 020127
Ivonna H. (1) semi solid waste material of any living thing
(2)slang for damn!
unpublished lyric machine you shit on my love
when i give it to you
hit me in the face
cause you don't like the colour of my eyes
melissah something that can be applied to anything, in the verbal and physical sense. 020801
milly molly mandy where i live we say shite. 021004
adumb dookie 021012
Mr. Mam drown some huxtables 021012
phil I can't believe this is my life 021013
cresentwhench Saying shit while sitting in a church seems to piss everyone off. Not that I go to church for the *spiritualness* of it....I just like going and saying shit while the pastor trys to read the bible. 021014
cresentwhench Saying DAMN does the same thing, but with a different effect. 021018
cresentwhench Saying DAMN does the same thing, but with a different effect. Try it sometime. 021018
cresentwhench SHIT I didn't mean to put that there twice. 021021
mona loves you there is so much shit right now. you can also refer to shit as drama, or anything that is so stupid its just shit. 030116
creetch butterflies are in your stomach,
u think "i will never"
u cannot muster the courage
u run away on a lame excuse

and yet . . .

that beautiful woman. . .

must shit too,

just like you
Poo Shit head 030311
tom you eat shit 030325
Kottonmouth king The SHIT will eat YOU 030428
Dustin* what the? 030606
me i don't wanna eat ur shit u wanna eat mine. why? cuz i said and my shit smells like shit 030608
chris i have nothing to say about it. 030709
the game if some shit was the shit, would it stop being shit? 030722
crimson she made lemonade out of shit 030724
shit Me 030915
no reason yeah i know
shit shit shit blarg spoo
but right now it just feels good to talk
to blather
on and fucking on
and i'm so sorry but there's nowhere else and this is a place of inspiration and how ironic is that, this is all so fucking inspired
and i wonder why it's so satisfying to say fuck
i really fucking wonder

Fuck. Fuck the fuck out of this shit.
Nukemall Now, now me boyos, what's all this shit about? Are ya up the creek withouth your wetsuit?

Must be a different pile same day thing.
User24 fuck, shit, arse, bollocks.

t'was my brother's birthday on the 16th of sept, and, while I -was- aware, I neglected to phone or email him.. and now I've got to see him tonight after a few months of absence (and roughly 9 years of distance, in all forms of the word). I don't have a present, but I do have a card, so I can write some verbage in that, and hopefully get a chance to chat with him alone (as in minus parents, for their house is the arranged venue of this fabled meeting (ahem..)) because then we'll be able to talk about all sorts of interesting stuff; it seems that while we were living seperate lives for several years, we still were more alike than our surface appearance.

isn't particularly looking forward to it, it'll be uncomfortable, esp if he's pissed off, coz that'll piss my parents off, lalala.. grin and bear it, it'll only last a few hours..

(don't know why I felt like sharing that)
Death of a Rose well, shit on a stick.

Doesn't sound that bad user24.

You'll make it through.
hangthedj it smells 031030
User24 as you guessed, DoaR, t'wasn't that bad at all, in fact, muchly enjoyable. 031030
Death of a Rose i knew it....(hindsight being 40/40)

Have a great night or day Mr.24
a girl with nothing to say i have to take a shit 031123
kx21 CP_Violation... 031123
bobthebumb u guys talk about shit A LOTT 040109
Boogie I want to shit on my mother. 040226
imaskitzo I just want to have all my shit together. I want to put it all in a little box and have it neatly organized inside. I want to know exactly where everything is. I want to sit with my box in my lap, and look down at all the neatness that will be me, and smile real big. 040323
realistic optimist OH SHIT, man! 040406
kx21 Under Fires... 040407
kx21 Time & Causality of Fires on Earth, specifically in the Human Spaces... 040407
geezer I'd rather not leave my shit in a box 040501
Fierce All in my head
I am so confused
Patty even the pope must wipe his own ass

if you are full of yourself, then you are full of shit
kevinddr Kevin is a fucking god 040621
frd You have to wonder if the Virgin Mary did it. Of course she did, but is it blasphemous to imagine it? 040622
cherise in sixth grade lunch was going on and i was walking silently with my new friend. and then we saw someone walking toward[s] us that i didn't like. "OH SHIT!" was my exclamation and i ran away and i don't really know why.
anyway, i didn't keep that friend. i don't think we ever talked after that, even though i guess it wasn't the most definitive of events.
minnesota_chris junior high schoolers are so cute, gawky and gangly, all emotions and no ability to express them. 040628
Dan Moyer -+-
I want your damage
so I can remember who I want to be.
My disconnection
from you
The beauty cries out
being crushed between the details
It can't move, but
when I look,
she escapes focus.
Retaliation spoils the air
and I can't think of
a tastier vision than you.
phil I feel like shit. 050219
anulah nothing special 050409
^_^ shit's fucked.
fuck that shit.
krupt SHIT-
eat shit, take shit, leave shit, eat shit, throw shit. make shit, do shit, tase like shit, smell like shit, go to the shit, drive the shit, walk the shit, and just plain shit... but the real question is has anyone actually done that shit to the shit to see how shit works?
zzzz simply, poopies 060208
L. one pup Cash pooped in hubby's and i bedroom, or it could of been Bleu or Coco's poop...but next thing I know Cash is eating something that is akin to peanut butter effect on dawgs, needless to say it wasn't peanut butter. 070517
Pooooooooooojjjjjjjiiiiiiiaaaaaaaammmmmmmmmaaaaaaa I tend to blurt this out from time to time.... SHHHHHHHHHIIIIIITTTTTTTT 070530
silent bob əəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəəss 070530
w psyki _
nobody will ever see this.
nobody will know i've been here. 000221
fucked i have. i know. 000221
marjorie Ich sehe. 000221
Brad i loaded this page, and immediately thought it looked like the alien ship beaming you up in the old arcade game Galaga. Was i a child of the video generation or what? 000330
mika Yay steps! 000420
birdmad the last readout of my electro-cardiogram 000420
silent bob :)







Ahhhhh!!! 000604
wInGeDsErPeNt |
----______-----C)- |

(i hope this comes out right) 000604
WiNgEdSeRpEnT dammit 000604
The Schleiffen Man I
I d
I di
I did
I did t
I did th
I did thi
I did this
I did this t
I did this to
I did this to t
I did this to ta
I did this to tak
I did this to take
I did this to take u
I did this to take up
I did this to take up s
I did this to take up sp
I did this to take up spa
I did this to take up spac
I did this to take up space
I did this to take up space!
I did this to take up space
I did this to take up spac
I did this to take up spa
I did this to take up sp
I did this to take up s
I did this to take up
I did this to take u
I did this to take
I did this to tak
I did this to ta
I did this to t
I did this to
I did this t
I did this
I did thi
I did th
I did t
I did
I di
I d

boredom s
boredom su
boredom suc
boredom suck
boredom sucks.... 000605
EECP Hmmmmmm. I don't know about this one, but it has a strange power over me. What an interesting thing. The strangest thing is that I am so depressed right now that this almost makes me cry. 001213
: ) guess ;-)~~~~~~~~~~~ 001214
chanaka *ahem*

akl;fhja;oerufa903rjk;lfnmapiefh0-[4E81E4UIPOALAKJFOAIFJILAIKFJaojaodjf02ujkljfao;euifa0934u43ki;jsfosijf0a943urailmo;fa;pfa;oeiruw034ru=34103iw4juils;jmf;aoeu0qu-ajlkjfapoiejlk jaoiejalkj ioaejoi ajoija joih ohaoiheaohj04uiaj

*bow* 001214
sajak sound effects (general applause and rejoicing) 001214
EECP Excuse me,


What do you think of me now????

*smile* 001221
illya23b illy-b/jrc
(consider yourself tagged.) 010727
OuT (¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸.- F u c k I t ! -.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯) 010727
....... (¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸.-[_]-.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯) 010821
JL A-HA! 011105
cole unlike ee, i laughed my ass off when i read this. fuckin hilarious, folks. thanks. 020112
kelli crane #
$ 020112
ClairE *sigh*

8============D~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 020113
][][ (phil) ////////////////////////////////
\\\\\\\\ 021016
angie )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((()))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Get Swept Away 021016
jgf )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 021020
jgf ?][:'..:']]";.:".[:";{][}][;";';?":}\'';''".?;';:.,..?::?{/']';?"?"'/}":"
""'""'"'';';::":;"[[}.; 021020
o0o0o0o :.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.
:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:. 021020
fuck you. !@#$%^*&^IUYIUY^^%^&%$&^%&#$%#%$#%*(*&(*&*****______________________________________________________________________________________________________________&^%&%&^%&^%&^%&^%&%^#$#@$#@$#$^%&*(O*&^%$^&*(&^%$#@%^&*()*&^%$#%^&*()(*&^%$#@%^&*( 021020
0o0 -_-----------------------
-----------------------_- 021020
llllllllll. lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 021021
_ GoodGod! this is the best part of the website yet! 031120
ferret ~~~~

i aggree with the sky
morning fetus
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 031120
_ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
_ 031122
a girl with nothing to say you know what you look like..?

(¯`·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸.-[SHIT ON A STICK]-.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯) 031123
sdfgsdfgsdfg .¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯´·.¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.·´¯

.......SHIT! 070603

what's it to you?
who go blather
somebody gotta go 070606
fuckinupthepage fuckinupthepagefuckinupthepagefuckinupthepagefuckinupthepagefuckinupthepagefuckinupthepagefuckinupthepage 070806
wawa wha 081008
s s 081022
Caroline 452 word written on a piece of paper over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over from the top to the bottom and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over it made me feel better 090306
floaterr mmm fuck me hardcore, till i cant move anymore. leave me shaking, make me scream! hard and fast oh make me dream. 090802
frank i'm busy with that now 141212
what's it to you?
who go