Emma TS Two points connected by a path. This path may curve, or not. Also a place to stand when waiting. You can line up objects or line up people. Line is an odd word and I'm going to stop trying to expllain it. 990323
coldtea If I could rewrite the alphabet, I'd put I next to U. 990324
marjorie she was standing in line in front of me
pulling her gum out of her mouth in strings and chewing it back up
she twirled her hair into knots
burgundy, auburn, swirling colours
that made my eyes stare
they called her name.
i wish i could remember it.
but you know how i am with names.
if i don't know your name,
i won't know your face.
and all i can remember is the back of her head
and the way she blinked
as though she could afford to miss what was happening around her
amy this 000404
valis say baby,
where's the line start to buy you a drink?
startfires you're standin in the line

and then you wait in line

and then it's almost time

to get back on the ride

and then you're on the ride.....


get back in the line....
tourist One third standing in line
One third sleeping
One third working
(to earn the money
to pay
at the end of the line)
Such is life
In the Modern World

NearPerfecTheory absract theory.
...Amazing? no line can be proven as a real line. what is the definition of line?
line is a theory. Like an artist, rehashing, resketching, retraceing, constantly trying to define his line. The real line. In his head. the perfect one, in total Completeness. This is why I draw so many lines...To help me better understand the parrells between line and life. To be or not to be?
To fight produce the Idealism we seek, or to roll with the punches of Realism. Yet, in the end, line is never so perfect as Idealism, never so flawed to be seen as real. Where are our lines going? what is their symbolism?
Piso Mojado i faintly remember some argument about everything being whole/complete, based on the idea that if you take a line and then cut it in half, you dont have two incomplete parts: instead you have two new (whole) lines. i dont know if that revolutionizes the way i think about the world, but it stuck in my mind 030216
Cathexis A line
drawn in chalk
one group
from another.
the questions
in my mind
from the answers
that I crave.
Stops me.
It stretches
much farther
than the eye can see.
A thin line
that can create
a barrier
with underestimated strength.

Erase the line
to find
the nothing
it has been guarding.
nomme unbroken path the point returns to itself going in single direction it is the motion of light 030801
_ Lines kick ass

_ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
_ _
Meow This is my line, this is eternal... 040106
randomly recent line down.
lying down.
lie and down.
lay and own.
fish and spice.

bum bum olivia back to school soon, less than a month. everything in lines again.

lunch lines
desks in rows
choirs in lines on the risers
lines on the staircases because we're overcrowded
lines at teacher's desks

i think i've spent most of these 2 years of high school so far waiting for something.
pete i drew a straight line in the sky,
from my perch untop the roof,
through the beer bottle (empty) placed so perfeclty on the tree branch
into the eternity of the crimson clouds,
harassed so perfectly
by the city haze
P the D It's fit to be toed. 061203
FA113N There is a line, that we dance around.

Neither of us trying to cross it. Neither of us willing to. Or able.

But oh my god how close we get.

Finding new and inventive ways of not doing what we want to do so badly we can almost taste it. Almost taste each other.

Dancing outside this line with her is sexier than anything I have ever known, and I never, ever want to stop.
what's it to you?
who go