me? touch my face.
go on.
i won't bite.
smooth or stubble, always warm skin.
andrea suddenly
i don't recognize
who exactly i am
and am unaware of
the way to get back
to the other side
of the mirror

copyright 2000
marjorie well, let's face it.
you're never going to graduate.
you will have no degree.
you will have wasted a lot of money.
you will be nothing.
except yourself, of course.
you will have no money.
so you will be free.
and why are you complaining?
don't look at me.
Brad What the romance languages call a side of a vinyl record *scratch* *pop*. I like this better than "side." It's much more personal and happy. Hooray for vinyl records, and hooray for romance languages. Incidentally, a question.. If you are listening to classical or jazz music on an old scratchy record, does it then become POP music? Molly may know the answer... 000310
Brad _ _
Brad that didnt quite work out as planned... 000419
birdmad i wish i could steal someone else's and get away with it 000501
neville warm and sticky
I touch it
none of the others were smooth
can't hear you--
I'm breakin gup
Katie Rose I'm spinning in a world of confusion..destined to be nowhere until I turn around and we are face to face, and once again I'm safe. 000601
gwyllynne your life's path and all you've encountered has been plainly painted on your face......you present your beauty.....unhidden by silly masks or games...kissing away your tears....I see your sweet pain and your delicate rose-bud of happiness.....yes this I will protect as your eyes fill with that glow...that amber-green glow of...relief?...and the door slams shut as quickly as you opened to me.....I delight in the brief but powerful moment when our souls touched.......I turn to leave as you beg me to stay.....my face riddled with emotions not half realized looking down as my heart beats out of rhythm with yours.....the two do not compare....my random, pulsing, thunderous heart to your gentle, flurtering, tender beats...no they do not compare and it does not matter.....your beauty shown through for me to savour once.....leaving me breathless and worldess...my eyes meet yours and a simple understanding passes just before I shut your thoughts out of my head..... 000717
birdmad argh.

i still hate my face
nobody they are faces
i like the faces
i like this face
i like face
moonshine give me head 000907
marissa i look in the mirror
the girl i see
cant be me
those dark circles around dark brown eyes
they are angry.
tear streaks all over
her cheeks.
its not me.
it cant be.
no smile, just a dull glare.
knotted eyebrows...
wrinkled forehead...
where did i go?
what about the girl with the shining brown eyes with the sparkle in them..
with the big grin?
what happened to her?
Meara I look in the mirror and think the same thing about my own reflection. I wish I still lived back home so that sometimes we could be miserable together. 001116
heel turn my face_turn was short lived

i didn't get_over

no one was convinced

it didn't pop the crowd

so once again,
in all my spiteful glory

i become a full-fledged heel

so what!
Barrett Fuck you... and your untouchable face. 001117
silentbob and fuck you
for existing in the first place
justme but,
in the first place,
we all did exist.
and is it the face
that really counts?
Sahara helpful for telling your friends
from your pets

no matter what you do
you'll always be friends
with the dog
micro why are you so beautiful?
why do you steal my dreams?
my heart is for you to cherish
my hands are for you to take
my body is for you to embrace
would you love me?
vampers face my fears, face my mistakes, face the consequences........i cant 010324
skg i place your hand on my face...
and feel the warmth of you
i inhale your scent
and feel satiety...
mmm i could stare into her eyes for hours. not saying a word just staring, thats how beautiful she is 010413
no one i hate it when people look at my face. i always seem to have my hands over it so no one can see what i look like. i wish no one could see me. 010531
Miffey It's funny how she thinks that a little bit of acne could ever make her ugly. 020102
ClairE Lisa said Face on Nickelodeon used to scare her.

I didn't have cable when I was young.
kerry don't hate your face!!!!!

it is, after all, important...
i don't LIKE mine but i don't HATE it.
erosisdoll Makupe can do wonders. 020223
erosisdoll Makeup can do wonders. 020223
Jen I am so unhappy
so many other people look good, why do the pretty girls get an easy ride,
why do the ugly ones not?
people should get ahead in life for their talents and merits,
things they have learned and worked at,
not what they were born with,
I walk around and want to hide my face,
I wear sunglasses and extravagent makeup,
all for nothing, it doesnt help my mind.
im still crying inside.
I am not shallow, or self absorbed,
I love poeple and life,
I just want to self improve.
Jen I am so unhappy
so many other people look good, why do the pretty girls get an easy ride,
why do the ugly ones not?
people should get ahead in life for their talents and merits,
things they have learned and worked at,
not what they were born with,
I walk around and want to hide my face,
I wear sunglasses and extravagent makeup,
all for nothing, it doesnt help my mind.
im still crying inside.
I am not shallow, or self absorbed,
I love poeple and life,
I just want to self improve.
Brandy You know that his kisses
Will sizzle with passion
Though he's never kissed
You before
You know his touch will
Set you on fire
And leave you
Begging for more
When he flirts with his eyes
And touches your face
You're fooled by his confident grin
Though deep inside you
Try to deny
That in front of you
Lies sin
You try very hard
Not to fall in love
For you know you mean
Nothing to him
Though try as you may
And try as you might
He tears you apart from within
He is sin
Bagshi Mine's fuzzy! 021023
squint face me like a pirate! 021023
ceorl I'd often catch her
eyes half closed
touching her cheek
with her fingertips

She'd smile and purr "Soft"
nick I saw your face in the dark
I cried your name silently
hundreds of times
she knew
but she let me try again

I see her face now
it's beautiful
and I love her

I only wish it was yours
I wish I was yours
scorpion heart your fears
Substance When i used to have "problems" as the people used to call it I used to hate my face.
I used to hate everything about myself. I even thought I could hate my soul. I hated every piece of myself, it disgusted me.
But now I dont, so you guys who are having "problems", just hold on. We can always talk. But you need your faace to do it :)
Death of a Rose off in the corner 040331
estarocks you can tell a lot about a person from their face. what do you look like? 040612
witchesrequiem Wish that band hadn't broke up...but I guess all things transform. 040613
valen wipe the smile off your face. its getting in the way. 050409
laurah face up and sing.
A face is what you show the world yet to touch one is still so intimate...
dreamer can people save face anymore? 050411
andru235 he faced decaf, eh? 050411
Stuff Kristin 051215
xxxx to face 060318
emmi tear stains and pale headaches, the hollowed panicky eyes of a lost child. the face is transparent...i dont care for covering things up. 060415
IO1011 big face. 060718
epitome of incomprehensibility F.A.C.E. is a high school in Montreal. It stands for Formation Artistique au Coeur de l'Education or Fine Arts Core Education. They have a very nice auditorium for plays and things and the starcases are notoriously littered and messy--the lack of order in general is exaggerated, though. I'm just feeling strangely nostalgic, that's all. 080426
epitome bemoans spelling staircases, I mean. Though "starcases" is an interesting concept. 080426
olive YOU have a face. 081016
what's it to you?
who go