drew a trick of the eye that incapacitates the mind's ability to count 980826
fluze is what gets in the way 990604
amy not many opportunities to see really important people i don't usually get to see. also been attracted to the Ashland vibe for quite some time, before even blather. 000313
kaskarkaminski from the paintings on the oldest cave walls, "they" deciphered the most ancient form of counting: One, Two,.......many! And ~poof~ you were done studying math. 000805
Chrity go to:
veris many of what?
say many ways to get out of stereotypes and feel to be creative
cube "many are tested, but few chosen"
where does that quote come from? i can't recall
wind & rain much 020209
god "see that building over there?" 020306
ferret how many people have yet to eat a fish?
how many people have yet to make a wish?
illusionary_reality many many years ago there lived dragons. and an assortment of magical creature. but they went away. where...i do not pretend to know. it happened many many years ago, you see. 040612
ugo "more than one" 050714
therimon distinct to me postulated unique 060308
what's it to you?
who go