blather i blather and bluster almost incessantly. it invariably makes me look silly, but oh well. 980819
dallas all I can do anymore is sit and type and sit and read and there's really nothing going on in my head anymore. 980906
charley is alive. Conscious. Always reinventing itself. Sage. More than Sage. You. Me. Emotions, Thoughts, Ideas, Actions.. Blather is the beginning. Blather likes us. We like Blather. That's how it started. 980907
villier ptarmigan am 376 i have sit here so long that my blather is full so i have go now by 980908
amy one might blather for selfish reasons, to discover the associations in your mind. 980908
eric did sage really know what this was going to be when he started, or was it just another act of random genius?'s funny how even though most of the words are well known and familiar its so much like exploring to see what other people put to them. like, the words just seem to have absolute meaning in my own head without regard to any context but my own familiarity with them. but in this shared place i can see them more as symbols that i unconciously bring my own subjective colorings to. 980909
sage it was dallas' idea, i just wrote it. 980912
eric Dallas is DA MAN! 980912
Emma this thing really fucking rocks, Sage and Dallas. 980913
Pete as if see/speak could really keep me from the ceaseless wonder on the cathode-ray tube alone. 980916
sage new look! go us! 990114
luap how do transient electrons on a glass screen make a community? 990208
Danny I try not to. It tends to be accidental. A spillage. Sometimes disaster, always unwanted. Overflow of thought, not always thought out, escapes, awkwardly, squeezing its way out. 990209
Asylum blather, blunder, fall down drunk sober up rise again why the hell must I blather again? 990616
andrew pure lunacy, this blather, how did i stumble upon it? ah, but with lunacy comes brilliance, and of course, amusement 990624
Dillon malan Oh this is so ridiculous with a wet blather. 990625
TrickMaster it sounds much of a bladder. 990911
David gutteral graffiti, somtimes meaningful, somtimes no, either way it's a sign that something is amiss, either inside or out. One speaks to be heard not to be understood, if we all speak at once we can't hear ourselfes. 990920
Paultopia Weird. Very weird. 990927
THEBEST this is bullsh*t you guys are crazy 991015
h8r (diggety dot com) i wanted to do dis on my webpage, but with my words, and my definitions. i don't know if i'll ever do it now. this one seems so much better. that's just so fucked up. 991018
me much better when said with your tounge. 991028
Nate Higgins Listen rather than just wait for your turn to speak. 991030
Nate Higgins See babble. 991031
lokkust i think it's great because it can be done orally or written and sometimes both at once. 991107
me? abrahadabra: thus spoke zarathustra 991110
kimberly assault with incessant, incoherent, nauseum. 991111
ricmariem um, well, is it important? 991119
seattle -- aka blether? 991119
Alexander Beetle I have forgotten how to speak, I can only blather. How frustrating. 991120
trakie blather is addicting. i come back day after day. can't get enough. prolly cause no one else will shut up long enough for me to speak. here i can write what i think. 991129
amy oh blather oracle, what's with pam houston already, please tell me because it's driving me nuts and i've got stuff to do.

i'll be looking for your omniscience among the random words.
jennifer stupid clown

now I have to go back into therapy
Maq Dreqan It's strange. I sit at my computer for a half hour trying to find a picture of a damn screaming monkey, and where do I end up? Here. Maybe it's cosmic. My urge for screaming monkeys has led me a place where people "blather" about things that have nothing to do with screaming monkeys. How ironic. Or not. yea... not... either way, I still need a damn screaming monkey, bastards. 991208
deb is life

voyuristic, beautiful life

::smiles and tilts her head to the side::
chris i have a little heart it can only hold so much love 991211
susan I still don't get it. 991213
Quintessensual oh, believe me,
you are not alone
kevin adams i am but a man in seek of a love, unlike any i have or every will dream again. i want to have my wings returned, where they we changed for hands. i need to hold again. walk on the blazing sun to see her eyes again.
i need to discover who i am, in the arms of another.
nameless is not in the dictionary 991224
Rob rabbit, rabbit. I know you're there. Yes, I'm sleepy but it's all right because it's better safe than syphillis, right? 000113
bellee it reminds me of when my mother used to tell me not to babble...babbling and blathering seem to go hand in hand. 000121
Q You mean you didn't do as soon as possible everything your parents told you not to? If so, it's never too late to start. (The voice of experience SHOUTS, in case you had a little trouble hearing over all the noise!) 000121
bob speech: therein lies falsehood 000122
lir I like to be a happy lir. It boggles me so but that is fun fun fun. 000124
drew i have not read it in over a month.
since the very beginning, i read it every damn day... until now.

why, then, have i not missed it?
(he asked rhetorically)
lotusflower i blabber, therefore i blather. 000212
amy touches, tantalizes, and it is rather uncertain that it helps anyone at all...
i believe email is better...
Acuhymen i feel the urge to sift through this so thoroughly that it becomes sensical. As with God, the complexity doesnt seem to be ours to make sense of, but only to wonder at and interact with.

then again, its just a bunch of links.
Rachel life, a dream, saying everything you couldn't say. Sitting alone but so close to others. Expressing, wondering. The cold the warmth, the fire that burns within you. 000302
dizzy blather= blah blah blah... 000302
spamboy this is what we are. we compile sentences that we persume have meaning. all in the hope that someone will benifit from our misfortunes. but is it really about helping others? or is it just another way to deal with our grief? 000307
daniel i love blather
there's nothing to get
you just do it naturally
dean-bean What fun! An experiment of syntax. Beautiful. 000330
souljah To Blather or not to Blather? That is the question. 000403
sage works again! sorry everybody, my bad. 000407
sage for reals! 000407
typhoid does it now? 000408
The Schleiffen Man Blather the days away my child
But reap what you shall sow.
Find the way to heaven
If you know which way to go
SomeoneElse I suppose one should have a go...
Yada, yada, yada...
Bla, bla. bla...
The importance stems from the asinine nature of it all.
It's irrelevance stems from the import we all feel in ourselves.
me is a total waste of time. 000412
somebody something somebody says 000417
camille Jimmy Stewart ~Blather

Enjoy :o)
amybeary I was reading the dictionary. I thought it was a poem about everything.
-- SW
Lovely In this state of being, I am aware of you. I see, hear, feel what you have done. Your words are meaningless pieces of trash that dance around my ears, and pollute my mind. What I would give to stop you. Unconscience. Blather 000502
Yoda Here is one of my many RANDOM THOUGHTS....
If you sit down and take a break during work then your not working... if your not working your boss will see you and fire you... if you get fired then you won't get a paycheck... if you don't get a paycheck then you won't have money to pay the bills... if you can't pay the bills you will have no life insurance... if you get hit by a bus on your way to a job interview and are killed.. your family will get no money... if your family gets no money then they will starve and die... PLEASE SIT RESPONSIBLY!!!! By, James Yoder :^)
James Yoder What do i care if you care about anyhing? Why should I stick my neck out for you when you don't even want me to on the first place... Any yet, i still get the feeling that I need to make you become more like me, to make you care... I really wouldn't need to help you if no one cared... But until then, or if there ever is a then... Hello I am, Yoda 000511
Yoda I sit here a computer typing away pouring my thoughts into a site when i should be doing a project for school... What would it mean if i got the project done? what would it mean if I did type whatever i thought into a website... Nothing, I will die eventually and my words and project would be gone forever... Meaningless, a meaningless void which is all our lives. :^) 000511
mungo The gnomes dropped Huck & Finn like just another tree in the forest and the parking lot circus peanut vendor lost his list of cages and he said, “What's new?” Daily-go! What goes on and what changes Billy? I’ll tell you! Cribbage, it's been a funny old game since 1990 when Erik & the cow pits spoke of ancient things long into the night with their underworld drawl of the Puerto Ricans. Mickey strikes Las Vegas but it’s not summer yet and his sister Candy gets married to a land lubber when she found out that the Trout lost members… deaths in the family slumber thump the happy weed. “Golly,” exclaims Mickey as he sets the controls for the war of man’s treasure and he makes a proclamation of his war paradigm that came to him during a mental experience during slumber in an undelecate poetry reading entitledThe Thinner Report: a Sick Display of Wealthwhich was about random and killings. John's toe is busy & stuff. On the big old road, my silly songs stop time with a collage python spouting the words, “I am what I am! Yes!” Rapid eye movement sees John’s two books: “Dark Side of OzandSuicide Freaks Meddling with Fantasia’s Chief of Chieftains.” It’s a catch-22. 000513
Yoda If i get caught here typing into blather, then I get kicked off the school computers for the rest of the year... If I can't use the computer then I won't be able to do reports for classes... If i don't turn in those report's then i'll fail my classes... If I fail my classes i won't get through High School, If I don't graduate I'll be cooking your burgers... I'll spit in those burgers... And Then I will hope that the creaters of "blather" eats one of my burgers... Hungry? :^) 000516
gregg this is pure genius and i love it.. :-) 000516
MollyCule how did this site start, anyway? I just found it 2 weeks ago.

applause, Sage, and whoever else did create it . .
orb this site is blather interesting in the way it stimulates my use of my mind while writing and brainstorming. Like Lewis Carrol and his JabberWok words appear and dissapear to reappear and lead to something more than just the word's original meaning. what is this site?! ;) 000601
moonshine My babysitter owned a crow. 000601
silent bob blather is brilliant. blather is beautiful. i LOVE blather. Blather is my new best friend. i have spread the word of blather. When i was sitting in the hospital after my most recent heart attack from which a polish sausage was lodged in the inner lining of my heart, blather was the only thing keeping me going. i worship blather because blather is my lord and savior. i pray to blather and hope to be accepted as an elitist in the kingdom of blather. ah! 000601
Silent Bob how long has blather been in play? 000603
heather meow 000628
Judeman Uhhh... Yeah! Maybe a monkey. A monkey with one eye. A monkey that says, "I AM THE CRICKET WHAT KNOCKS!" (which is funny 'coz crickets don't knocks, they explode too much; silly!) 000630
dekadent a hypertext done right. a semiotic enterprise. infinite possibilities with finite amount of elements! 000703
bownan blather is graffiti for the modern age... the joy of making your mark in a public place (without legal repercussion)... staking out your territory, just like a dog pissing on a tree but so much nicer... joyously unrestrained mental chatter... 000703
jabbathehut someone help me. my testicles are iching.

moi moi tastes good, even though it cost 7 wupi. those are the first words out of my mouth after i wake up. dynamic hi fi. nailed neil. crayola. what the fuck, im slurpy.
just a good way of taking the piss out of everyone
kim all trapped words come out to blather 000712
eruth be dearest are a genius
dearset are a prophet, but what is selfish according to you...are words not now taken as seen through the eye of a beholder? why is selfish given such a negative connotation in todays world...what ever do you mean?

in response
eruth be i blather hoping to one day find myself inside a certain arrangement of letters and sentences...the beauty of numbers...the glory of the pattern...mabye ill be discoveren inside the screen of the silly man anyone out there...can you hear me...what do you think when you read this poem? do you wonder where i am? imagine what i look like? what baffels my mind? which woman holds my fancy? how my clock ticks? there are only a few of you and i am tired of the arrogance of america...who gives a shit if you are white and are no different them anyone else...and so selfishly, amy, i use this beautiful website to vent my i even belong here? is this even poetry? what is poetry anyway? this is where you choose to use your mind...

is still alive
martin Ruminate at my expense. Missions into distraction. Are these words? Do i have words? These are but words, but these are words. 000712
amy eruth be, what i meant, i think, was that you can play a selfish little game of word association with blather. meaning, you take a word, and see what comes up in your mind associated with that word, blathe about it, and discover connections in your own head you might not have known about before. as opposed to thinking your regular thoughts about the world and yourself in it, finding a word, and then blathing about it. that game would be more of a communicative thing. selfish is probably too negative a word for it, though. anyway, it was prompted when i discovered the word "like" was associated with spiders crawling across my bed (at the time). this is obviously rather self-referential, and nobody would know what i meant at all. and neither do i, really, but now i know that my psyche consists of such word associations.
but really, you can do whatever the hell you want. :)
kim i think it's more addictive than anything recreational that i've ever

Kreeyiss The fact that blather is addicting should be proof enough that the mind-locking phenomona does not exist outside of the SELF...a self could possibly become addicted to anything...

wait... if the "addictive focus" is a force that rewards the mind/body/soul, either chemically or physically, then the phenomonon is an "Addiction," in the western view of the sex or drugs,etc...
but, if the "focus" is a more "petty" thing, such as, say making sure a persons shirt cuffs are straight... there is no "reward" at all... the focus is a mere crutch for a mind unable to deal with the varieties of "reality".... in the dominant Western view, this is dubbed "obsession" and is frowned upon... even though petty obsessions probably keep these people from going Columbine on us "normals"...
just think a moment about how many mentally unstable people there are in the US.... now think what would happen if , one day, these people gave in to the psychiatrists and suddenly ceased their cumpulsive behaviors...

...yeah... OH SHIT.. is right....

i'm glad i smoke cannabis to relax, that way I forget about making sure all the cows on the side of the road are facing the same direction i'm driving...
i get to where i'm going a lot faster when i drive baked...wait, maybe it just seems like it!... at any rate, i know the cows are happier, and i always seem to be smiling....



klarchen Message to cows everwhere:





Best wishes,


PS to Kreeyiss: The cows are not smiling, they are just paralyzed with intense fear.
kreeyis no no no...
i can FEEL what they feel.... i REALLY do, i swear... and they are loving creatures, who KNOW that my intentions are pure, and that i do whatever i must to get through this tangled maze we call LIFE

you should take a drive with me some time... there's nothing in the world like seeing dozens of cows whizzing by at 100 mph, while the car actually doesn't move at all.... if you do it right, the feeling of complete stillness sets in, while the entire world outside the smoke-filled car whirls around, the whole time eyesight is completely double and twisted, mixing with tangential emotional associations....
it really is quite overwhelming...

but, still, the rush isn't at all comparable to the ecstacy of BLATHER!
jeffrey to eruthbe with love:

some people say
when I gotta go
see what I mean did
ya know that the cross wa smade of spit and metal
could have been a microwave if I was not so tall
did I tell you the on about
Mr Ohara
his fancy for oranges and sardines
or the one with an
eddie of meaning
over here now
no still over
here ha ha
the joker was in love with batman but the riddler got in the way
if I go to school and drink my milk like a good boy
then good old andy and his opy with aunt bee
would you like to kiss me ann marie
did not see what the car did in the dark garrage
but I bet the
cows are ok people
you Bastard
you called all
the black people and left
out me
Allen I too am America
I too will howl
stand back
Olsen the maximas of my soul is overflowing
into a timeless rage pouring on a phenmenomical word game
It is all about the benjamens baby
Did you see Icarus fall
I am spent but still horny
I would have got there by noon
but the hookers
Damn the hookers and the cows
We will walk slowly from now on
do not be so sad
I was here after you and on
the cliff I dive from for fun at lake
or on the park asleep in a pillow case
I see my feet
I see my hair in my eyes
with new shoes the original Jordans
The sultan of the air
now for my climatic summation
don't go there
don't jump
don't smoke pot
well hell they have prosac
the damn middle class
I was once Marx in another life
and I invented the bourgeois
but in India they took it seriously
now I am dead
and I AM A COW
amanda no, the word blather has a lot of meaning to me. all i have to say is you people don't understand the power of blather. i don't know where you got that word but you don't know what you're fucking with. 000722
stan Blather: to talk nonsensically. Foolish or nonsensical talk.

Blatherskite: Balderdash; nonsense. A talkative, foolish person.

kreeyiss ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ if you read the dictionary straight through as a book, the effect is not unlike reading the stuff up above...^^^^ 000804
Sava Razors pain you, rivers are damp, acids stain you and drugs cause cramp. Guns aren't lawful, nooses give, gas smells awful, you might as well live.
That was from Dorothy Parker. I like her a lot. Blather.... one of these days I will have something to say.
eruth be you know what?
it is a dern shame that so many of you pollute the spring of language with your terrible written accounts of what has happened. yes i just used passive voice you anal judgemental english majors. what are you gonna do about it? huh?

it stinks that i am so hypocrital because the words i have used should have never been used because you used words in ways they should not have been used in the first place.

that bothers me.

i expect feedback.
kreeyiss the focal point of criticism should not be aimed at the written symbols of the language we use and how these symbols are arranged... but what ideas, thoughts, opinions, observations, and (for the most part) WHAT is being communicated.....
the "best" way to write is the way that conveys bestest WHAT IT IS your words represent....
so much more than just the tense, spelling, and formation of sentences go into successful communication via written symbols....
YES.... i am an english major (by default)
but i'm like, fUck traditional views of how we should speak and write... there is only so many words and ways to use them, and anybody that tells me that my range of thoughtforms and communication are limited to my vocabulary is full of shit.
i would agree that an extensive vocabulary can improve thinking capacity, but thinking itself, (and communicating as well) is independent of language...
kreeyiss hEll, just look at eecummings....
to anyone judging his writing from a more "traditional" view of language, he is shit...
bUt... to someone who is not afraid to toss out all that enculturedclosedmindedb.s. that was stuffed into our heads for years; to one who learns how to speak and read and think, feel, and see his language, it quickly becomes blatant that cummings' take on written language comes eons closer to expressing pure thought than anything written in "english" symbols before.
me again in closing, i would like to point out... for the sake of "fEEdback"....
that words can and shOUld be used in anyway that serves communicating thoughts best...mixem around , fuck with em, sling em cross the r o o m.
do whatever you damnwelL please withem, just don't believe that language has any right or wrong way.
its my zumnin brane and i'll lang any way i flaunt .... don't be jealous
Mandi All I have to do is blather because blather is all I have. If I didn't blather I'd do nothing. So I blather. Blather here. Blather there. Blather in my underwear. I like underwear. I call them gitchies. Not itchy gitchies but comfy gitchies. Colourful, wonderful gitchies. My gitchies blather. They blather with me. My gitch and I blather. Together. As one. Me and my gitch. Blah. 000819
kreeyiss i don't completely believe you when you say that blather is all you have to do.... although your blathering gitchies sound fascinating! 000820
Q Blather was officially two years old on August 18. At one year of age, about 1500 "words" had been blathed on. At two, about 7400. I wonder if it will make it to 14,000 by three? 000820
Q Corrections: Blather was 2 on August 19, 2000, not August 18, and the approximate number of words blathed on by then was 7430, not 7400. The question still stands, though. 000820
splinken how come we're putting e.e. cummings on the same playing field with some fluffy bullshit?

wakka wakka.
cathy cow slobber 000911
Indigo ...What is the shape of the universe? Round like anything else, like a ball, a planet or an apple, wherefore art thou thinkinkinking, turning over the possibilities, that's called thinking, if i say "I know" I stop thinking and wouldn't that be terrible...blather be swimming and blather my face before the ultimate shave THAT is the shape of the universe-peaceout. 000924
moo INDIGO !
Not Barrett maybe Barrett POOP! 000924
ryanthered I stumbled on to this blathering looking for song layrics. but i stayed for the brillant conversation. 000925
Raina babble on 000926
shiva i stumbled onto here looking for something (which i don't think i ever found), and now i'm stuck and i can't get out. 000930
kreeyiss AHHH but is anyboby different from anybody? and if so, who is the wiser?

everybody cannot exist independently of anybody,.... so, although the volume and, perhaps thoroughness and quality of everybody's knowledge maybe greater than anybody's, it is no more special than anybody, and probably anyboby as well
is "special" really anything more than a couple syllables we like to associate with an individual to keep from plummetting into an abyss depressing self-reflection?
i mean, everybody knows (but not anybody) that no two things are EXACTLY alike.... everything is unique, anythinh is unique... so if anything is unique, what's the use in reacknowledging the characteristics that predetermine WHAT that thing is...
"She is SO SPECIAL to me because she understands and loves me..."
...well, she wouldn't be your girlfriend if she wasn't any of those things, so shut up....

"this dirt is special, it is suitable for growing cannabis and raspberries.."
well, if the land were not conducive to growing plantlife, it would be more like cement; then we would be complimenting its smotthness, greyness, and sturdiness
anything and everithing that IS is not SPECIAL
valis just blather.
it's all the wandering tribes, coming back to the new tower of babel

if you ask me.
... there is nothing like a joy to move the lips around the tongue in order to perform the ultimate oral manipulation of moving energy from the stomach muscles inward in the attempt to force the lungs to exhale air through the voicebox in order, ask. 001005
Indigo blather about what may may consider sin...murder, homosexuality, theft blather about life-sex, love, happiness and did the dog get the newspaper this morning. 001005
Indigo ...I'd blather about what one may consider sin...murder, homosexuality, theft blather about life-sex, love, happiness and did the dog get the newspaper this morning. Never really knowing it was always mesh and lace... 001005
Indigo oops!! 001005
ass facely i've seen the difference and it's getting... OUCH! STOP THAT! 001021
kreeyis ..... and its getting PAINFUL
....too many people these days are afraid to give in to instinct (as you are)....

it is only natural when one realizes they are in pain to scream out in confusion and wish the source of their disharmony be banished from reality
alon thi sblat heris area lbl under 001030
ass facely i got a cat named tonya. 001030
moonshine Seems as if all blather has become is an Anne landers column. Bleh 001031
ass facely i gave it to anne landers in the ol' browneye! 001031
anne landers and oh was it exciting!

moonshine- do you need any advice?
thebashfulboast Can anyone understand the ebb and flow of my status quo? 001031
thebashfulboast My life outside, I'm an Agorraphobe.
The binary pride is easy to probe.
Here I'm free, My e-life.
alas, life for real, froght with strife.

Are you my parallel, can you relate?
A grey lonely hell, full of mental masterbate.
god i am here for you, my child. ask me anything. 001031
PiRho to blather is to live (life is blathering but in more of a quasi-organized manner) Or is blathering a public declairation of something subconciously manifested in our actions without finding a final resting place other than on a server in whoknowswhere read by whoknowswho

atleast it is shared with those who will find it amusing (or annoying)

god i am the god who is going to cancun for a couple weeks. you can be god if you like (you certainly don't need my permission). satan will be in charge while i'm gone.
peace, out!
glass If I opened like a flower, and showed you all my delicate petals, would you stop to take a picture, or crush me like a bug? 001102
not god well, sweetness. i'd stop to take a picture. 001102
not_barrett how 'bout video? 001102
not god what i'd really like is some high quality audio. 001103
not god but i'd be happy with even a vague representation in any medium 001103
kreeyis (notgodeither) Maybe something done in pastels?
Could that be the medium you crave proper- to depict the likeness of your fondness on a pedestal?
What you really need is BLOOD, something to offer to the deity that distracts you, Beauty's slave
not god just a high-bias cassette would be fine. 001113
kreeyis Just remember... don't leave it on your dashboard on a hot day! 001117
snakeyes WHO is blather, what is this place where we come and share ourselves so openly!! who is the creater? who is the caretaker? is this a trap?? it is good or is it bad......please tell me 001121
insolence a zipline, where she sends me flowers and candy,
and i send her wrappers, chewed up cigarette butts, and a foul stench in return...
i hope my ambition is enough to save me?...
kitten on drugs BLATHERING BLATHERSKITES!!!!!! 001121
Glory Box is a word that I keep trying to spread, but who listens to a flaky teenager with a literary bent? Certainly not her flaky friends. Only those others with the literary bend, and boy-o, are they difficult to find. 001125
- Blathering is an artform which is rarley understood. I lets me express my feelings and emotions in ways which otherwise would be impossible. It lets me talk to those who i have never known without fear of exclusion and lets me confuse those who i hate. 001125
Indigo something that could never be said in an out of the way place, or put to the test without ever being introduced verbally. My mind sorts out the many possibilities of the words and the perceptions of them by others, there seems to be no hope in getting a point across the wobbly and endless bridge that stretches between human beings. So I close my eyes and let the silvery air passing through my lips flow like putrid and meaningless vomit, hoping that someone may find a diamond, or a ruby-maybe even a fucking stone. In the end there is no sense, just...blather. 001125
John Sitting alone in my own transformations caught in between my own babbling, just one more time I swear i'll listen, just one more time please don't leave. It's difficult to keep quiet when you are all alone, it's hard to be boisterous when everyone's around, it's hard to say thee emotions when I'm crying all alone it's hard to keep on going like this when I know this all along 001126
rache Do not listen to a word I say, just listen to what I can keep silent.

It still amazes me the complexties of our lives. Reading so much, that is all so utterly different, and realising it was all sparked off by a single word. I guess that shows all the intricate webs and links that we all spin between everything under the sun. Its the same with dreams. It is impossible to analyse someone's dream for them. Impossible. Even the smallest object can mean so much to one person, and nothing to the next. The meaning also can be drastically different.

It makes me smile to find again all those different interpretations here, the conscious this time rather than unconscious. Reading all the different reactions created by a single word. So much can develop, from nothing.(reminds me of a certain situation close to my heart...!)

One finds oneself,(appropriatly perhaps) blathering. Or maybe blather is not the right word. Its not about nothing is it? Maybe everything is about nothing.

Nah, it can't simply be nothing. before you study chemistry, you believe solids to be solids. A pure substance. You then discover that it is all wrong. Solids are made up of particles, atoms. These atoms, though very close, have tiny spaces between them. The atoms are made up of protons and neutrons found in the centre. Around this spins electrons, which are structured on shells. But what is between the electons? I can't believe it's nothing. Nothing simply can't exsist. Because it has no exsistence, so therefore there must be Something.

Does that make sense? I'm not sure. I don't reckon I'm here to see that things make sense. Its much more interesting to keep pondering, to analyse your own self and everything around closer and closer than ever before.

Gosh. You see. Blather.

Strange. Some people can go really deep and explore everything around them when only prommted by a single word. Others keeping nodding and smiling through life, Riiight....okay! they say. Others shrug it all off with a casual "fuck this".

Interesting innit?
pat sajak yas it is. 001127
Barrett I like peanutbutter. 001127
mike hawk a language spoken primarily by politicians. 001129
Dessert Rat A form of toblave, which as you all know meens to bluff, not true love.
Betsy loves true blather.
kreeyis whirr-nirr-wrey-knew... wrahh nah blah-nahh........ whunununuhnournahnahh...

all we do is say what sounds pretty to is like Icarrus rusting thru sandwhich's nothing we evah sah befah...

ice is my necklice crawling walls of skin to inhahbit my hair
do you care
my my my all this ice and no liquor!
mymymy all this time and no tupperware to save it in.... time has a shelf life of about a moment,
maybe two....... ahhh but t,
fUck, wUht, iS
a moment....
subjective or OB
real or really illUsion
i do not know,
or maybe i do and there's no way to know for certain if i really do
fo-pah & $poopoo
plastic smiles erupt from talking heads
they all vote "y" for superhero-cloning beds
make a take on thirty biznizscandals
and all the children wait for the scraps leftover from the eXpressO cArt of high class goodietooshu-pie
whipped cream in submarinally transmitted diseased dolphins
Pacman Yessssssssss, I think some of you have been visiting this site a bit too much........ 001201
Chris Something I have found.

To try and conquer it is an exercise in futility.

I shall leave or risk suffering the same fate as those who endlessly type trying to make their mark, as I do now.

Shit! Bye...
rache I'm bored. my head hurts. my head is spinning, everyone is annoying me. Every get those days? When just everyone is annoying and irksome. Blha lllhab blah ....moanomonamomnamoanomonaonamo
I hate mocks.just got all my marks back.
is it true if you do well in the mocks then you do crap in the real GCSEs, hope not. I;ve done OK. Niicelyy.
My bastard of a father still yelled at me for not gettin g straight A's. He's so mean. i was really proud with my B's. He has to go an spoil it!

Hmmmmpppppppphhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!I'm going to drink tea. Oh man tea, that deserves a hold link to it'self, if there isn;t on already! yeaaaa.....go visit TEA....
Indigo I...I remember the day,
I thought we couldn't lose,
rRunning round the garden,
In your mother's shoes,
Playing silly sisters,
And drinking green TEA,
'Twas on a cold autumn day,
That someone's car had broken down,
The best of summer ends
When you give a celebration,
We can leave but really can't go,
It would ruin the celebration!

wexlerrrrrrrr fuck blather! 001209
Megan This site rocks. 001211
kx21 BLATHER A to Z:

Q: Q&A
X: X2Y
LeVi click the name, sarah. 001225
tweedle is a shitload of incomplete sentences. 010103
Daily Allowance blather.html is now a fucking huge file - 373k 010103
green_demon_1 Once upon a midnight dreary, while i pondered weak and weary,

over many a quaint and curious volume of frogotten lore--- while i nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
as of someone gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.

"'T is some visitor'" said I' "tapping at my chamber door---

Only this and nothing more."
Zeroshin Obstreperous. 010118
johnboy poop 010122
squirrel free association
-er, it is free, right?
this tastes like 010125
Seth I love playing word games. This is one of the most fun I've seen. Thanks to all who've provided it. For your time. 010128
cletus what advice would you give to someone who is not very good at expressing themselves through words? 010128
cletus P.S.
Who here likes the movie "sixteen candles"? Cause I,m watching it right now.
cletus Anyone? 010128
cletus Seriously, I don't mind being condecended to, just talk to me.
I'm very lonely.
cletus Awww.....Screw you guys, I'm turning off this fucking machine. 010128
cletus And don't say anything mean about me while I'm gone. 010128
cletus If you're real lucky I might even come back. 010128
cletus I'm a person too, you know! 010128
cletus I,m not the type of person who gets my kicks just sitting around talking to myself. 010128
cletus I have other interests, you know.
I'm not just going to sit here and wait for someone to respond. My wife is sitting in the next room and I have more constructive ways to spend my time.
BitchRich disjointed epic dialog
entertains me thoroughly
kx21 what advice would you give to someone who is not very good at expressing themselves through words?

Conventional Advice from
Perfectionist / Unconventional Advice from Idiot: Keep away from words

Conventional Advice from Idiot / Unconventional Advice from Perfectionist: Blather more with words.

What are Conventional and Unconventional Advices from practitioner?

Are you the perfectionist or idiot or practitioner?

Copyright 2001
kx21 Answer:

Advices from Idiot & perfectionist divided by Two, and
Conventional = Unconventional...

It implied that the advice from the practitioner is somehow confusing...

And thus, Wise man could be a fool &
vice versa.

Copyright 2001.
SCOTT darkened dreams
blather seams
good way to vent
alex311swim the ever constant changing minds of millions that converge in one place to be interpreted as one.

Its the constant change that we all go throug, just as we change. We "blanther" our emotions, problems and ideas, and yet we still have more to "blanther" about...
cletus Stop it!!
You're making my brain hurt!
cletus Oh!
and by the way,
the answer is,
I'm the practitioner of idiotic perfectionism, that is, I've perfected the practice of idiocy, or in other words, I've got a P.H.D. and I've just opened up a practice in which I assist my client in the persuit of the perfection of ultimate dipshittery.
kx21 Dear cletus,

Who is the IDIOT of US' 2000 Presidential Election,

George W. Bush or Al Gore:-

a) Before the Election

b) During the Election and

c) After the Election?

What are your professional advices for the Idiot(s) at stages a), b) and c)?
carey talking and blathering he peared through the tiny hole and saw what the big picture really was... 010207
kx21 from zero to infinity,
from SHIT(s) to STAR(s),
me pervert 010208
cletus Dear kx21,
If you don't already know the answer to that question, then I'm just stupid enough to answer it. The answer, which I believe is obvious to at least 50% of the population of this country, is good ol' Dubya. The only advice I have for him and the other half of America is to suck on Janet Reno's waddle while John Ashcroft along with Pat Robetson and all his other little 700 club buddies cram fourteenth century governmental mind control scare tactics up your poop shoots
cletus Dear kx21,
If you don't already know the answer to that question, then I'm just stupid enough to answer it. The answer, which I believe is obvious to at least 50% of the population of this country, is good ol' Dubya. The only advice I have for him and the other half of America is to suck on Janet Reno's waddle while John Ashcroft along with Pat Robetson and all his other little 700 club buddies cram fourteenth century governmental mind control scare tactics up your poop shoots.
cletus it was such a good point, I had to make it twice. 010208
... Hey, just out of curiosity, how do you Americans feel about your from of "Democrasy". You have only 2 candidates, 2 parties. Is this an accurate representation of you as a nation? A democracy should be made up of many parties, so that everyone gets to represent their people in government. But then if you did it that way, ol Dubya, (or whatever his name is, that dude from texas) wouldn't be playing God in the White Building thingy right now. 010211
... The NZBC would like to take a moment to make a general apology. In the last statement/question(s) put forward by the NZBC a typing error was made. The word "Form" was spelled "From", which is a totally different words altogether. We would liek to apologise for thos mistake. WE are sorry. We are so, so terrebly sorry. 010211
... Oh, crap. Ma', I dun it again. 010211
kx21 Such a profound thought!!!

A right Structure for so called Good Democartic Nation, i.e. US:--

No. of Prime in political parties should be more than No. of major religions (four?) and less than no. of main languages (seven?) in the World,

i.e. Five or six prime political parties.

This conculded that US is not a Good Reference for Democracy...
And probably all Countries are bad reference for Democracy...
And Democracy is only a buzzword created & used by some renowned political leaders / scientist to justify their existence ...
... Well thought answer. I suppose that there is no real difference between governments, or political parties. Things go on regardless. You may have a good president (not that you do), but is his assistant a good man? Because he is president to. And the cabinet officials? They are president as well. 010211
speaknoevil blather is artful,
like the schizophrenic.
premises but no arguments,
nothing to interrupt the flow,
and nothing to force it.
Kevin I felt for the light switch and stubbed my toe on the doorjamb, naked, alone (I think) and completely in the dark there was no way of knowing, no way of guessing... A slight howl as I grabbed for my foot and lost my balance. there was no pain, no way of knowing. A few hours later as I lay face down on an operating table, I could hear them whispering about me and the muscles in my shoulders clenched in shame. Silently I wept as I listented to the "major debate" between the members of the staff as to discern, uncover or rather to even EXTRACT the real that "'oiled up boy'" in op room 12C had a potato lodged in his rectum.

the secret was not 'how' but rather, that it felt-GOOD...
firehunden ice cream





Erin All of us here think into things to makes me feel that im not the only deep person in the world 010225
erin the luftwaffe yeah like a puddle 010301
surreal the waters of my mind begin to muddle, that shirt smells like sausage,
your breath like frozen language. i will choak on your shirt.
surreal before you choak on my skirt 010301
johnny west always remember to shave your navel. 010304
borint is this a true experiment or just another example of how bored people are that they have to trawl the internet contributing to this kind of crap 010307
nocturnal hey, you don't like it? let me show you the door. 010308
monadh please make me a home in here
I have to rest somewhere
and this place seems to have such
fine phrases
calming expressions
I need to wake and rise
and feel the fresh spring rains
if only I could sleep in here a while
perhaps I may find a sanctuary
of thoughts and words
to carry my heart
erase my longing
quiet my sorrow
mikey thank you for being here. for giving me something to do thats constructive. for giving me the chance to maybe make a my life or in that of another.

for giving me a place to rant, share, cry, vent, indulge, hate, love, laugh, smile, debate, object to, make friends, make enemies, express myself, kill time
kx21 The Spice of Mind,
The Soup of Brain...
Kass Oliver. I hate you. 010312
cheeze blather is fun

and don't say i hate you to oliver
kx21 It's nothing more than Q_As... 010316
laura what a creative idea. it's great.
i have no idea how i got here,
but i will be back.
Chrity I need people to create meaning for the word, "eny". It's a CONTEST! :) 010408
Chrity Mikki is my best_friend,
and I blathered her in!
Chrity mnbvcxzlkjhgfdsapoiuytrewq

Chrity I_have_words 010408
Tim!!! tim blathers at you 010411
eagzehnzarys ayg 010418
pinkish all search engines lead here. 010419
flo who has words?
do you?
there is less space in here than there used to be.
i remember when i could run.
now i seem to be sitting hunched, the ceiling forced down upon my back, the walls pinning my arms and knees.
ther are no words anymore.
there simply isn't the space.
Sol modeerf snaem rehtalb 010422
MercynRe virtual crack for pseudo - intellectuals... and college kids with no sleep and papers due. 010427
syd I don't think language could never let me forgetting myself but I'm getting lost in all the words that I wanted to say or that I would say, or that I will say soon, or all the words that I've said - maybe thay are taking the control in my mind, thay could go out of me without any control, without any discussion, and I can't help leaving them freee, of an explosive freedom that could fuck and blow up my brain ,so that I don't know really what I'm saying, and I'm trying to forget, and the only I could is... blather 010427
yoink Spilling his materia all over the keys in such a slapdash manner that even the Gods would be jealous. Honor, morality, and fear are thrown out the ventana. Stop trying to sell me this shit, and stop calling my fucking house. I KNOW IT'S A COURTESY CALL, SO STOP BEING SO DAMNED UNCOURTEOUS!
i once ate a cricket
blindforyou insignificance of their words is lost on finger can't hold the weight of ignorance...but must be subjected...too much pride...swimming in an empty pool...too much nepitism...carved into your sides... 010508
Miner Oh dear, I really hate this word, for some reason it makes my mind fall to pieces every time I try and put something for it…… doesn’t it?

Yup really messes with our mind, we really have no idea why, but at least it makes for an interesting(ish) conversation when nobody is on and we haven’t got a book to read or have had enough practice playing instruments we are no good at or anything else.

You’ll have to excuse him; he tends to babble on a bit

No I don’t you stupid fool, all because you cant think of anything to say, just sit there all quiet and looking stupid while everybody else has fun.

He also tends to be a little dumb, and aggressive, poor fellow.

Yeah well at least I’m not a poncy pratt. You spend all your time being nice to everybody else, and then putting me down when nobody is looking, what does that say about you, you two f aced bastard.

Now that is just not true, you know I’m only trying to look out for you, give you advice when you need it, and point you in the right direction when your unsure.

Oh, well in that case, hiya, how are you doing, and umm can we be off now I need a drink.

Hello, imp fine thanks, come on lets go get a drink, I think we could both use one after that.
nocturnal that was creepy. that sounded exactly like the conversations that go on between two of the voices in my head. one's always saying how stupid the other one is, and the second one's always telling the first to shut the hell up. it just goes on and on. it's awful to have to sit through, but one can never escape their own mind. 010508
ReapersBlade2001 Empty Lives

rever scarred without repair
I stand atone
Too depressed to care

Insults plague my soul.
Killing it one. piece at a time,
I tried fighting it
But it is Such a crime

My mind ishaunted by
mistakes and voices
I'm in a room
Dark with no choices

I'm at the end of the pope
there is no where to go
My death is near
I just know
snow_angel sometimes I talk and no one listens. but I dont care because Im so crazy that its just a bunch of nonsense and it doesnt make any sense anyways. I want people to know that I have the funniest outlook on life and I will never get mad if you ignore me cuz Im damn happy in my own little world. 010511
DannyH blather, v. orig. dial. [variant of BLETHER v.] intr.

To talk foolishly, talk nonsense. Often in ppl. a. Hence 'blatherer, a foolish talker (1866 in E.D.D).

1825 BROCKETT Gloss. N. Country Words 18
He blathes and talks, is a common phrase where much is said to little purpose. A person of this kind is .. styled a blathering hash.

1891 KIPLING Light That Failed iv. 59 If you were only a mass of blathering vanity,..I wouldn't mind

1920 D H LAWRENCE Touch & Go III. i. 76 They've got a set of loud-mouthed blatherers and agitators among them.

1951 J WYNDHAM Day of The Triffids i. 15
Gentlemanly tones which blathered about this 'magnificent spectacle' and 'unique phenomenon'

The Oxford English Dictionary 2nd Edition 1989
ladybird This is a very beautiful place. Language amazes me: the sheer impossiblity of it. I think this site is just gorgeous.
My ex-boyfriend quoted at me on Thursday: "art is what makes you proud to be human." (I know he nicked it from someone else, I just don't know who)
My conclusion: this site is art.
melvinwang my mind does it anyway, why be ashamed of my own thoughts? that would be fake, you know 010515
Jesse there was once a girl i knew named Jolie, her hair was pink and her cheeks werent rosy. one day she turned to me and said with a grin lets go drink some gin...i apologise everyone....that was dumb 010516
just another one of them people you worry about yes it is Jolie who has the green ball of flem... 010516
Jesse jolie is not a person 010516
frozen a habit that's too easy to leave behind.
change your identity daily, and no one will care.
the repeater

lovely-ugly dancers
floating downstream
carelessly sinking into the new-dream
wes the machine gone bazerk due to overload of input resulting in the the mass slaughter of languistics reflected by a bloody mess of puzzle pieces that probably made sense before they were disected into the shreds of nothing that they now are. 010522
mer the refreshing breeze of the altered senses smellingwith the eye hearing with the skin touching with blather 010603
zeegirl I'd blather be silent than live in a zoo. 010608
User24 do you ever wonder if
a) fate brings us to blather
b) there is non-one but yourself on blather, and the rest of it is either

a)your subconsciuos spelt incorrectly, or
b)a super elite team of a global government, tracking your every move?

No, i dont either.
black-dyed gel product BLAH BLAH BLAH!! I'm sick of everybody whining on blather. "Ooh, my boyfriend doesn't love me, my arm hurts, my dog spot ran away. " BLAH BLAH BLAH!! Stop whining on blather and get a therapist, or better yet get a carton of Cherry Garcia. I'm gonna stop posting for tonight, and hope there's less whining tomorrow. (OOH, LOOK WHOSE BEING INSENSITIVE. JUST KEEP WHINING ABOUT IT!) 010610
Allison I don't understand it. It's so mixed up. No one can explain it to me. What is blather? 010611
Dafremen Blather IS. That's really all you need to know. 010611
Pythagorus Hey, user24, your "what ifs" are close to home. I am the Janitor/Prisoner at an underground military mega-fortress in the Alaskan mountains. I created blather within the A.I. corridor on sub level 26 in my spare time, you know, in between mop-strokes. It somehow "leaked" onto the internet by unknown methods. I suspect it became sentient and figured it all out, or perhaps it was discovered by the Military Scientists, anyway - now they will know that it was me, so please help me to escape! Oh no! What was that? I Heard some- no ... no... NOOOOOOO!

Uh...just simulating, ignore that previous post by him, He was just kidding, we will be watching you.
kodakrome if blather you'd rather
that's fine
but a pitchfork in the pork
is not my idea of anything to do
with my time
personally i'm partial to rhyme

as long as it is deft and not bereft
of the reasonable and the sublime
kodakrome if blather you'd rather
that's fine
meeshie jolie blathers all the time 010617
Sheena the one word that can confuse but yet make so much sense to one simple mind. i take it this site was created for that purpose. some will get it and some will go away confused. hopefully ull get it cause it took me awhile! 010618
josh blather---well its good to write out how certain words make u feel. it helps u releave tention and it could help other people who read what u wrote. weither u think so or not, your opinion will influence others. Some people struggle with putting their emotions into words..if they feel the same way towards a subject as you do, you could really give them comfort because they know that someone out there understands their point of view. 010618
sgsdg this is tight 010618
dB Why is it here? Who created it and for what reason? I know that the home page kinda tells us a little.
I think maybe this is kinda like a mini text based version of the matrix. What if the creator is there watching us?
Or what if it's like the ruler of the universe in the Hitch-hikers_Guide_to_the_galaxy?
black-dyed gel product why is no one ever on at 2am? 010618
nocturnal I feel ya. this place gets kinda slow right around this time. it sucks. 010618
toga jolie plays this game alot 010623
mygestalt the collectivity of conscious thought brought to you by the minds of the internet.... 010623
mushroomman Blather is anything you make it to be 010625
User24 black dyed gel product:

oh fuck i totally forgot what i was going to say....

be right back.
boner blather is cool, but bleating would have been better. So all the fat cows of the world could also join in. And don't forget your daily sucky and fucky. Now it's Chabba time.. 010717
st3fan for me blather is a very beautiful piece of code and it defininetely belongs to a new art of writing!!!
Sometimes I feel like it´s a mr.j´s for people who mostly like to read and sometimes write but long to experience a new way of conversational interaction. Not comparable to a chat or a forum.
I just wished it would have been made more "opensourced" :)
black-dyed gel product I hate blather 010717
black-dyed gel product I love blather 010717
illya23b more! more!
abstraction is the key here.
and i should hardly be here.
associations, at last:
raw materials for a Glass Bead Game.
now let us make some culture.
gretje blathering fools
like oatmeal on smack
my brain is cracked
blither, blather,
words twist into nothingness
pixels blather into imagery
i peer at the shaded pixels of
others moving silently
kx21 Tell me how to create and build a Whole
I will tell you how wonder you are...
kx21 Specifically
how to create and build the Whole
in Blather...
I will tell you how wonder you are...
Fire&Roses when you talk... things start out making sense. Your sane. Then suddenly it all goes wrong... something slipped. That fine line between reality and illusion has shattered and broken. You grasp desprately try to hold on. Trying to make sense. but your thoughs continue to tumble forth randomly... without purpose. 010723
melda jolie had a little quacked upon her knee 010725
jacobcansk8 felling smooth feeling something new not feeling for you liking my new style liking the new wild i have inside i guess i am changed for the better she hurt me and i don't care anymore jah live jah work jah die jah music make you feel high rember songs of redemption rude boys are living bob marley was right everything little thing is gonna be alright 010728
seg what? whither blather which i stumble upon? what mindframe is this? which project fun? good words have you? good words have anyone? morphine speaks slowly but oh so clear............ 010803
TaterHead have it or you don't... be perceived with the mind...
...its all in your head...
...everything about blathering can be described by one thing...
...listen to clint eastwood by the gorillaz... sums it all up...
deanne blather like the wind does as it hits my umbrella on my picnic table 010808
The Editor blather is twisty tangly delight.
but really it will take your mercy.
let us know who blathes
victor godot just as mr. Beckett bla-bla-blatches still today sitten in slight bothering pains yet unvanished e/e/cummingly re-arranging pastiche of what others quite demanding sign-researchers call semiosis-which-is-life, here it came and comes self-stretching to the goal in lust and luxury which other call sin the so-fascinating nouveau regime of great romance bla-blathered.

excitement penetrates the Gates of Achievement.
lost is a good safe place for me. 010817
you im trying to find zack. 010819
kx21 It's a flavor of The_string_between_stupid_and_Q_As... 010819
innermountingflame slather
like jely
on my belly
wordy terdy
hurdy gurdy
Dance little monkey
chocolate bootay I know a female who never blathers..

it makes her beautiful.
ghettobitch nerd 010917
wetdream lost is extreamly gay... soo... WHATCH OUT!!!!!! 010918
Norm what's it to you? blather
where go from
Wicket water, as crystal as tears, as fluently as thoughts...drown in it, never coming back... 010922
a girl we throw our words out here
but they don't end up too far away
always at our fingertips
just reach in a pull them out
in conversation
why is it so much easier to express ourselves here?
Juve WHAT THE FUCK IS THE POINT OF THIS THING??? AM UP TO HEAR WITH IT. JUST QUIT THE FRIGGIN SITE AIIGHT??? hEY THAT RYMES. OOOPS WHADDA'YA KNOW...MY CAPS ARE ON. LOL. sorry for that. for what? shut up! Leave me alone, i wanna be alone. I am schiz·o·phren·ic but we are okay now. Very funny. Well you aren't at all funny yourself.
So what?! I drive to skool...i rode the little bus today! Wait! We are the same people. How can you ride a bus if i drive. who cares, just stop typing. OKAY YOU BOSSY SONABITCH. hey kuitchyabichen!!! Huh?!?!
Laura Sweet heroin(e)
Cuts euphoric
You devour truth
zaycontessa japeers craypers, and I thought it twas blither all this time! 011009
tate Jesse is weirder than a gang of drunken mimes 011010
nanny i was sure that i had said my peace about this before, but i guess not. well, i have now. 011011
Juve see juve
see ebonics
see black_english
see slang
see nigga
Juve see juve
see ebonics
see black_english
see slang
see nigga
see haters
jenniferAB convoluted daydreams drift through my mind...unbidden, and with no thoughts of leaving 011014
blather alus yes...Jesse is like that 011015
blather alus yes... Jesse is like that 011015
Ladakh Buddhess I stay up half the night
listening to the crazy, mad
thoughts glistening in this
empty, sad cavity of a mind-
These questions
of universe
Scribbles incontinent
Flowing prayers
Flowering visions
sjy65ugshj blather: a pity fuck for the masses 011029
Alexander Beetle To create (a) blath(e). 011029
anti-social butterfly i happened upon this site by accident in a search for jem and the hollograms videos (don't make fun), and it is the best accident that's happened to me in a long time. i love this place. 011030
AnGelA I came across this site because I was looking for or for the free mp3 download site. Anyway one of the site's is someone's homepage called webfreaks and they have a link to this site. I love it! 011030
Jol I stumbled onto this site looking for
bootlegs of "the Doors"

now I keep coming back.

It jumps out so I speak/write it

I wish it to jump in as well so I read
anthony broomfield confused thoughts ramble clear in purpose, oblivious to home
typing senselessly and spewing forth nonsense believing there is truth outside
look within and see the blather of home
there is your purpose
remain still
can you hear it?
blather at its best
Solstice Is this heaven? Where everyone can speak their mind, about anything. Even if it isn't important. If you have news you just HAVE to tell someone, or just think aloud, whatever. Sharing your thoughts with other people, sometimes it helps to organize your thoughts (sometimes it makes it worse). But finally I have found a place to talk about my new boyfriend, and all my feelings and thoughts about it. I think I am finally home. 011104
Josh Lamb Blither Blather 011105
gooooooooooooooo my fairy tale queen...insomniastic dreams and chlorine-filled chimes...spingling timmy shams and goblets of rabbalams. shimmer and blow for this is the end 011113
smirk mwahaha smelly cat...:) catty smell catty smell feeding what you are they? smatty cell smatty cell fault not your its..... 011113
blushingpoppies love 011119
nataya danielle hastings ...endless words dancing around in my head... beginning... end...
...have no discretion...
jealousy kitten hooray.
blathering is fun.
CJ it's what i do every day
in my little carlyjo way

my soul is love and I am me
life is only bad if evil clouds pass over
good will prevail and freedom will take it's rightful place.
Bide time well it will run out.
Annie111 i just discovered this and it is amazing. Like the end of the internet, but better. I love that there is no explanation, just words. all we have are words, and sometimes looks. 011127
ClairE I heart blather.

Isn't everything anyone has ever said or is saying or ever will say blather, anyway?

There's no true commnunication.

That's why it's so fun to try.
ClairE Fuck, Annie beat me to it because *I* took the time to read everything.

I have to write a five-page paper on the ode. Tonight. Nothing doing.
ClairE Shit, I still haven't started. Now 10:25. Ick. 011127
ClairE Sounds like "slather".

Which makes me think of butter or suntan lotion.

Same diff.
ClairE Hey, what happened to my "rhymes with "slather" comment"? Fuck.

Anyway, I said slather makes me think of butter and suntan lotion, and that there's not much difference.
ClairE Anthony: so what up

ClairE: eh
C: blather
C: but i am going soon

Anthony: blather lol dude man
RAH RAH 011205
ClairE Sometimes I_fucking_hate_you. 011205
Youre Too Loose 011205
Schmoo want to live, want to love, want to kiss, want to sleep. Instead type. Maybe tomorrow. 011206
S.D. There I travel, and the only worthwhile challenge is to traverse its full length. And there I travel, looking, loking breathlessly. 011207
jon I found this site by accident. The accident was serious. We're talking fatal and stuff!

This site proves the old axiom:
"Someone always comes up with a brilliant idea before you do."

Okay, you got me. I just made up that axiom.
Joe Corneli I have been looking up words
for a couple of years. Filled
about 25 pages of a an A4 notebook
made by Claire-Foutaine, both sides,
usually one word per line, sometimes
more lines if needed.

Not a whole lot of words to
show for 2 years, but I've learned
a lot - and besides, it isn't all I
do. Why do it at all? I'm a mathematics
student and in this trade (being a
mathematics student and part-time
mathematician) I've come to appreciate
how good it can be to know the definition of something. Say "homotopy".

But I grew up reading books, and a
big goal of mine is to be able to understand what I read well, and to be
able to express my ideas well. I figured, if you know the definitions
of the words you do, you have some hope of being able to write good sentences. If you know this, then you move on to
paragraphs. It is hard, of course. There
is a lot more to words than their definitions. Etymology. Which words are like which other words? Put a few together and you can get Rhyme. Alliteration. These aren't only poetic
techniques; they frequently really mean something. Why else? I had a fascination with hip hop, which hasn't gone away, although it has been transmuted into a fascination with music more generally; that had something to do with it; I read this magazine story about French kids who would look up tons of words in the dictionary, finding Rhymes and definitions to compose rap. That sounded
pretty cool, so I was disposed to try it
myself too. But I just stuck to looking
up the words, not composing. I would
look up every word in a passage by
Shakespeare to see if I could understand
more of what he was saying. (I tried
to use this to generate essay topics in
my Shakespeare class, and similarly in
a class on sociology and the writings of
people like Marx. The profs didn't like
that so well, and I just barely managed
to pass (the Shakespeare class -- I dropped the Social Theory class)).

When I read parts of this site, I noticed part of the truth of the title
-- words stuck together are definitely
blather, especially in hypertext. You
click on one word and get teleported
to a different subject area that is
wildly different. You can't click on
a phrase and find out more about that.
You might have two words stuck together
like "french fries"; you click on "french" and you don't get anything like "fries". Did you want fries with that?
Tough luck. But life is kind of like that.

In high school my AP English teacher gave the class the assignment of submiting reports that were inspired by
something that came from our previous
reports. Only half of them were allowed
to be written prose, the other half had
to be something, anything, else. That
is sort of like this site. (Although my
girlfriend at the time, who took the class the year before me, managed to make all of her reports about different
aspects of photograph. Mine ranged all
over, I hadn't even imagined trying to do something that focused until I found
out what she had done.) Around the same
time I found a webpage by Laurie Anderson that had all of the most frequently used words on it that you could play with (It was called "The Green Room"). It would be kind of interesting to compare that list to the
stuff people have written on this page. A good project for someone interested in
Information Theory and Linguistics.

Two other wor(l)d(l)y inspirations have been the books of Russell Hoban and William Faulkner (well, actually, Falkner inspired my punctuation more than my words -- but I do really like his stuff). Someone else up above had
a very funny Hobanesque quote "I've sat
here so long, my blather is full" which
I enjoyed. This kind of prose exemplifies how words run together, and
the consequences are really great.
Just recently I grabbed a book by Derrida to read (on the toilet). I liked his word-play, as a friend of mine had
promised I would a couple years ago. In
this book "The Other Heading", he makes
lots of serious fun with the word "head". I thought it was quite clever.

Anyway, gosh, this site provokes some
new questions in my mind about reading
words, about the verbal landscape in which we find ourselves. The words you
all have written make new definitions -
I found that Mozart, for example, was
defined partially in terms of Coltrane.
And other crazy things like that. I
stumbled onto the site trying to find a method for manufacturing seratonin in
the brain without drugs (to recommend to a friend of mine who takes Paxil) - Google led me onto your page about Exctacy. Not quite what I had in mind,
but words are like that, and I can't complain. Also kind of interesting that
the writers (not unlike graffiti writers) define themselves in terms
of the words they use. Many of you
have written things much more sparingly
and subtly that I have. The many-voiced
poetry of this site is weird and striking. Conversations are not frequently between people but directed
at the words themselves, that is another
weird and interesting thing.

My main question for right now is, how
much server space does this site take up? Thanks for making the site, I'm impressed and at least for the moment
quite fascinated. Good luck with everything--
Schmoo Here's mine for the day...why is it that number key pads on phones go (top to bottom) small to big, while those on adding machines and computers go big to small? Who's brilliant idea was this? 011210
blather hey look it's me 011217
god to me?
shopping for nuts
little idiot twist, turn, thrash in the water. fight, resist, scream, shout, what's it all mean? who's got this outcome calculated and ready to go? twist, turn, sink, float, the density is changing and i can't make up my mind. inevitable enigma's coated in sugar, surrounded by a dream, by failing memories; false in purity and mocking with wit and wisdom i don't understand. 011218
ilovepatsajak blather is inspiring. you are all inspiring. 011218
ilovepatsajak i print things out from here so i can keep then forever and i read them when i don't know how i feel. 011218
ilovepatsajak them* 011218
ClairE Aw. ::grin::

I like happiness.
meh pitches, falling... craters seeing.. with eyes of silver, hares and two.... see you without ears, feel you without lips, but your eyes are shown through my tongues, the multiple and the ripe... spiky these tongues fall on loosened crimson, cheeks and bone... stick with lime... fall with thyme.... ply wide open, pull to the touch. when my mind is off crazy, on sane, with my line upside down and the window pane.. closing... up.. down... right.... wrong... chip the top fall right up again 011218
ClairE "Dude, blather changed your life."

Should I get down on my hands and knees and pray in jeweled churches

or should I just do some weeding instead and look up and smile and be thankful for the sun?
bandaids go to: my_story 011218
stuff i didn't know you needed a title 011222
no reason why does it disappear? quickly and it goes quickly...but i just want it to be quicker. sunshine in a bag? how? is it plastic, or paper, or Maybe Satin?

evil backwards is live backwards is evil.
devil backwards is lived backwards is devil.
"the greatest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist."

is addictive.

reminds me of automatic writing.
never could...
no emptying the mind...

is that even possible?

too many plants and colours and water and fish and vegetarian sharks speeding around there. no no...sister's aquarium.
ALL mixing together. what if people and things don't WANT to have meaning? i think so

Love. Music. I LOOOOOOOVE Music. O's put together. O's put together. :)

This all makes me smile. with the whole face, eyes and everything.

giving birth to a pterodactyl do they have knees?
flabbeRGaStiNG af-FID-avits

but never. ever. EVER. a doily.

never all there. one foot across. one hanging back..always, always hanging back.. bring it forward. you need it. bring it forward!!! come on...just once...please...

we're coming. we're getting there. slowly. just give us time, enough time.

-and thank you.
Ant "Forget regret, or life is yours to miss!" Regret sucks, we all have regrets, but what to do... 011228
little idiot spinning with centripetal force into a world which doesn't really exist. 011229
natureboy i heart blather 020104
little idiot blather hearts you 020106
lilst kilu when i'm sound to two and all is you, you're waiting....your inflating the chance is invisibly converging into one confusion and i cant stop taking....a breath. a slight, little nack of a left turn dive scurvy turvy chivy shizzy........peek 020107
no reason tired delirium
drainage of blood and water
masochistic curiosity
unrequited love
empathetic babies
survival reflexes
a perfect balance of talking and listening

miles of stones
wavy, blurred, unclear
lost in winds and fog
never black and white

paradigms and paradoxes
i have a pair o' docs
it's too hot
fuck way off
weather changes you
little idiot what a strange day, encoded in strange memories and calculated with a certain sweetness. i can almost see it ending, coming home on a train without my backpack wondering what the hell i am still doing; oscillating back and forth and back and forth and none of the blanks seem to be filled in, and none of the questions will ever really be answered; like failing an exam because of a biased teacher. and what am i to do, where i am to go? i think maybe i'll just chillax here for a while and deny you access altogether. 020112
kellicrane blathering is cool 020112
littleidiot it was a cold sunday, a dry sunday, and i didnt feel right, i felt strange, something was wrong. spent the day running, i did, round and round, it made me dizzy and my thoughts were all upsidedown. i couldnt hear you, couldnt see you, you were out of reach and telephones everywhere seemed empty. i remember your words on paper; took them for what they were worth and it made me wonder, your words, and once i thought i had it all worked out but off you went; out of reach and so my thoughts went backwards, went cryptic and connected, but then the music stopped and it all slipped away.
next sunday was better, things were warmer, telephones were still empty and i wish they hadnt been, but i wasnt alone - i had my dreams with me, and we danced together in the sun for hours and hours, and it got dark but i still had my dreams, and i dont know what you had but im sure they werent dreams. youre not that kind of person anyway. i aimed for twelve hours but only made it through ten, it was august fourth, the weather was perfect, everything was perfect, and my biggest concern was keeping the back wheel aligned and whether or not i could learn squeakers before sun-up, and i met some people and it all seemed so very epic. i had all the essentials as if i might not come back. i moved from spot to spot so as not to disturb the neighbours, i watched paper boys operate in the dark, and i hid from sprinklers on automatic timers, and i peaked around two, and i yawned around three, but on i went. i had discipline then and could see everything so clearly. i took breaks, sure i did, and just admired the earth when it wasnt disturbed, and planned out time frames for music and even followed through, and nobody could bother me cuz they were all asleep. but i was riding and sitting and listening and fixing and thinking and it was peaceful and medicated: there was no staring, or honking just stars, and the moon, and sweat, and emotion, and bliss
fully i danced over and across. it was all so perfect till i walked in with a damaged axle. you thought maybe i had come for the tv, but it was just me. after that sundays all melded together and nothing changed. i shouldnt have waited. i shouldnt have spent one year that way. it was strange and in the end it just fell apart, and i just became uncomfortable in a different way. i don’t understand, damnit, i cant even realize my own thoughts anymore and i write more and more, but it just oscillates back and forth, and back and forth and its entombed in secrecy, and it means nothing, and it means everything, but its me, its all me, its all littleidiot.
ever dumbening Blather is the writer's sleeping hour,
Of nightmare or of dream it is unclear.
The censorcreeps in to stop the thoughts.
I alone can cease my doubts of night time.

She sent the flyer, should I follow this
Path? A not-cheap journey into what-ness.
How could I have seen this day from many
Days before? Those tons of bricks may leave now.

After all, you are qi wen. That cannot
Change. Name and form. Conform is not your way,
And yet your way will not be new to us.
We together sink into the waters.
ever dumbening (erratum. blathers fault) The censor (fear) creeps in to stop the thoughts. 020123
phil PDS! 020127
no reason ooh my eye
people who hold the door open for those few extra seconds to let you grab hold of it...the thank you that follows...good covers of songs...i know what diatonic means now...sitting at a piano...she has such a rich voice, perfect for an unsuperficial...relaxing, calming, enjoyment without worry...
friends emotionally attracted to women but physically attracted to men...
abstract introvert/extrovert feeler...
pacing, pacing, pacing...when does he expect me?...can i ever expect him? do i want to?...blurry, dreamlike friend is like a drug whose presence makes everything all right...creating melodies...a warm smile...same wavelengths of humour...subjective and arbitrary
lilac_air to keep the door open and never know when to let it close 020131
lilacair let it all IN and let it all OUT and keep it going on and on and on...I love to blather don't you? 020131
jess Jesse is not here. 020208
nooneissincere i dont feel like writing 020210
manzinator someday you'll wish today was tomorrow, even if today was horrible terrible, but by that time, it'll be too late, blather your way through it. 020211
no reason why is it that i can't even organize my own thoughts until i write them? nothing is clear until it's on paper, has to be set in stone, black and white, all there for the affected, the impressionable. 020225
jolie my name is jolie. 020228
User24 I've heard evil rumors that you're 'deleting' or 'editing' blather, please, archieve it on CD before you do, I know for sure I'd be willing to pay say £5 to use blather for the year (not a lot per person, but lots if everyone payed it)

I just think blather is so great I'd hate to see it go!!

PS: If you do make a CD anyway, I'd buy it!

Or print it off in a book.

Or.. erm - Audio! Yeah! Audio CD - listen to blather on cd, cool!!

(I better go now..)

(a copy of an email I sent to
. . 020302
acid burn the horse is at it again. i want to rip her eyes out. the sentiment is unbearable. you must die now, you must. i have fallen off again. i want to eat you. may i eat you? you are a pregnant thought. you are a stupid girl. 020303
guess how do i join blather? 020303
little idiot you just did. 020305
confused how do you make your own blather title? 020306
Mahayana confused
welcome friend

you make your own blather title by clicking on the term [blather] at the lower right-hand portion of each page and you can delete the word[s] in the white box titled "word" ... and create your own title and then type what you have to contribute in the bigger white box that is titled "says"


+ you can use more than one word in a title but must use this _ for spaces, or no spaces at all

the only other symbol that i know of that you can use in titles is this symbol '

dont know if i confused you more
helped you out

welcome again confused
not confused anymore thanks to you. :) 020307
phil helps you to see how important your writing is. 020308
mr trying this blather seems to be serious, like life is serious and writing is serious.

i just want to be good.
still confused... uh...i've tried putting in my own title in the "word" box, but it always says "ummmm...what kind of word is that?" Any ideas? 020312
MollyCule confused -

are you using spaces between the words? You have to either runthemalltogether or use_underscores_like_this.
fli Wouldn't you rather......blather? 020313
Syrope aw im at the bottom of this huge page, no ones ever gonna read this...oh well...

the universe is in the shape of a torque, so it (and thought) truly is infinite in every dimension. and i love is sort of a big intellectual orgy...only more like intellectual masturbation because no one is every truly satisfied, else we'd all visit once and never come back...and you can just click on my name to see if *i* did that lol...then again i do have my rep as being sexually insatiable..
shnork jesse has been gone for a while now... 020317
Mikey Fresharoo cold fries! the bane of a toads existence!--Im eating from my wallet! its goos. Its verrrrry good!==6B or not 2B"=="That burns like anything"=="Frozen screen bunnies"=="Take it off granny"=="Motalifo"
Each a direct thought from a baked mind. Some serious baked idealology.
Mikey Fresharoo Pick it pack it dire it up, its the thorazine shuffle..GOVT MULE 020329
Mikey Fresharoo Fire it up. Liberace fires
out piano riffs from
the forest-Liars!
C Bronson pullin pistols
for unpaid treats
Pay the money he will keep
while he dismisses
Dopey :-}> Aloof there are gots and bengals 020329
Leroy Adey In the screaming silence,
I try to lose myself
There is no hiding place
No hiding place
For you
With your cartoon savior by your side
Joey Joey Joe Jr. Shabadu Poop is good for eating and car fuel 020330
Norm Thats not as bad as the Anal Rape. 020330
god hey hey, i'm the monkees! 020331
Beniamino Alles ist Gerede 020331
HappyPipe Drunk and feelin good. Not done by the nature, but by the drink. Itsallgood. 10 Months. I Love It 020402
Monsoon If there was an ape with a chest of soap, he would have 2 chairs to use for conquest. Move your piece to the outer ring. Trust in finding jokes brought under cavernous dandelions engulfed with yoke. 020408
Boulez The red caravan at the prisons edge
and the corpse in the blanket
and the work horses in the horseshoe
I dream of Peru with my head on the point of my knife
god i can't believe the albatross has dug them trenches with just that sickle and tongs 020411
zubin mehta i can't believe the albatross has dug them trenches with just that sickle and tongs 020411
ncon i came across this site years ago

it caused me bliss to read what real people were really thinking

and now i realize that i had a small part in that

kx21 Small is beautiful...

Very small is wonderful...

Zero or Nothing is perfect...
no reason Fade far away, dissolve, and quite forget
What thou among the leaves hast never known
MXD Just Some Thoughts:

Ya Know Whos High? The Guy From The Rock Of Gilbraltar Is!!

I'm Takin 1 More Ride On This Goat. On The Whammy Side! The Whammy Side!

30 Minute Half Childs

Allright Then, Lets take the Fuck Off!
little idiot what to do and where to go.. decisions and outcomes all enrolled into a package of nothingness. 020512
enrico I do not like commands !
Do not command me !
recycledfunk blather= a drunked stupor on a saterday night before i need to be tested for lifeguard profeciency... oh well f it 020525
little idiot don't know don't know don't know.

feeling empty.. like a wide eyed giant with no where to go and nothing to do... thoughts and realizations slipping and second-guessing themselves, and nothing is what it seems to be. nothing is solid.
JanieG ever admantly fought something off, waiting for it to stop, or preventing from happening, and then when its gone, realize you missed might have lost a chance in life? The chance for love? or for a new start? 020607
heather dangerous we are here. 020611
mish this is quite curious. blather to me is spam, junk email, senseless crap that nobody needs. 020624
poeticmisfit an empty chasm of thoughts, thrown into a pit of confusion, mystery and words that mean so little...but at the same time can mean so much. asking " what is this?" "why is this?" and "where did this come from?" leads only to the minds own answer where you are left to decide for yourself what you can trust. 020722
Daria This is undeniably the longest blather page in all of the blather kingdom. I am waiting for someone to prove me wrong. But, it should be the longest, since we all obviously spend so much time blathering. It is an imporstant subject in our lives as soon as it enters, and we have a lot to say about it...or maybe its just me. I always have a lot to say, even though nobody ever listens, and by blathering I have the idea that out there somewhere someone just might possibly care. or not. But at least I have a chance. Not so in real life. Maybe i should just quit typing now. 020722
newton When I was maybe 3 or 4 years old, I remember being under the impression that firemen started fires. Someone eventually pointed out my misconception, and told me that the firemen in fact put out the fires. That made me wonder who did start the fires (I guess I assumed arson was the only way a fire could start). After that, I pictured groups of silent, mysterious men in black masks, who would sneak into your house and set it on fire. 020722
littleidiot i'm listening, daria.

blather is a wonderful sea of emotion and nonsense. and i love it.
so please, don't quit typing. ever.

that goes for all of you.
jake pondering blather vs. blither - idiots blither, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. perhaps add-a-lots blather, never separating the grain from the chaff. 020808
ahlahlahlah on and on it loves to go
and you'll never find me in here
Adreann Wingren (Bubbas girl) yes i have..... words so many that, in time thay chase me in circles, until eventuly... thay pour out of my mouth,my mind,my heart. the other day he told me that he loved me,a charm,i return his feelings ten fold,blather..... a new meaning to my mixed up thoughts,my crazy,yet brilient ideas,and my reaction..... blather..... so many words jumble to get out of my mouth,to be spoken first,last this way or that....... only..... im not typing... but to the same effect..... blather.i 'll be back to un-scramble the scrambled,to make sence of the un-senceable.... but if i do that it might only be un-scrambled or senceable to me, hence... why should i even try?... blather.... so much meaning in a incignificant word.... but if you think about it... they're all incignifcant little words with no meaning,the meaning lies only in our heads,its what thay tought us,thay tought us... the meaning of words,thus enableling us to speak, thus , we can comunicate hence...... we have ....blather. so thanks to them, we can do this,by this i mean sit here for hours, reading other peoples nonsence and writing our own, but its good nonsence non-the-less,its nonsence we need to ready our minds and stimulate our hearts,to prepare us for some enormous thing that every one says will come,witch probably wont, not for this genoration,or the next.... beacause genorations befor us have waited all their lives,only to find out,in the end that its never coming....... blather..... i want words of advice frome a dead woman, someone that lived a long full life,tought and learned in return , so her words would wisper in my ear sweet wisdom of long lifes past..... but it all would be just more words,words to make sence of,but ive hade 15 long years of practice for that and for... blather... i think i shall go now,im going to pull myself out of this twisted,yet un-cominly usfull world of words... ill be back to blather some more..but now other family members need the computer... blather.... live life to its fullest people ,remember that,live life to its fullest... blather... 020814
object of lust(Bubbas girl) i had to come blathering back again,but not for long my fellow blatherers,because i have to go blathering off again.

i'll be back

I Fling Poo ;)

sombody talk to me

Blah blah blaher blather

im issb ub ba
ilo vebl ath erin g.

blather helps release all the nonsense words that get traped in my brain. Thanks founders of blather!

o shit! i gotta blather off again!
and for any really stupid people out there (if there are any in blather, wich i doubt)1 g2g

BLATHER ON GOOD MEN(and women,never forget the women,i happen to be an excelent one myself:))
little idiot it is such a strange connection we feel, twisted and turning and tumbling and rising back up to twist and turn all over again.

i cant feel my legs i cant feel anything why is it so cold here i want nothing more than to dance under the sun for hours on end without any interruptions or questions.. no strangers with peculier looks, no encouragement, no criticism, just the sound of metal whipping around in the air.. of harmony and complete understanding. is that too much to ask? i think not. terrible expected normalities are killing me. goddamnit.
slip For fucks sakes - blather 020816
blah blather, i think, saved my soul, and my heart.

And possibly my wrists.
Lith blather: genius: mastermind: head honcho: boss: cool: chilly: chillin': hanging out: slang: sling: broken arm: roller skates: scary: me

I love the trains of thought this site encourages. I bow down before the lords of blather, whomever they may be.
Wiggum If you are the police, and you police the police, who will police the police? 020828
~gez~ is everyone that blathers a freak?

time to make my addition to the kings name
MrPete An insight into millions of minds 020908
doownosiop .sluos fo gniruoptuo na 020914
... Under the perfect day: produced by some trees, a comedy about the greatest love story told over a cup of coffee, a secret tested in the ocean, an investigation in the playground, a new special about losing your hair, a body chemical responsible for children of all ages and a chance to make a difference in autumn sunlight wearing swim trunks and sleeping in a blue boathouse that will last a lifetime. 020915
LeVi smoke 020918
sic yada yada yada 020927
xeni when i was last in the darkness, it would never occur to me that you stood by my side 020929
mike uh 021004
littleidiot god
sole it's a great feeling when you blather and people understand. They start to blather and then you blather to a higher level. It's pretty rare though. 021012
Jeca blather=the most loaded word in a place that is the embodiment of loaded words... or loadING words... 021013
Rhin Sage, i love your dream book! after reading only a few entries, i wanted to fall asleep and wait for my own dreams to come...

Dallas (do you still read here?), for some reason i imagined you as being older...well, older than me anyway. hmmmmmm. nice pic by the way. not bad...not bad at all. also, the dream/color concept is cool.

what prompted me to visit headquarters is for no other reason than blather having a hang-over of sorts. it was the first time that i have actually browsed your home base extensively. i wasn't disappointed. everything happens for a reason, doesn't it...
Mike Aitch My roomate Biller is a fucking retard-I want to piss on his face sometimes, but if I did that he would get mad. I guess, I'll just have to rub my balls all over his pillow from now on. 021019
Mule warren haynes is way better than santana 021019
littleidiot blather blather blather blather...i feel so empty. 5.17 p.m. on a stupid lonely sunday. empty conversations without you, drifting simply... wondering where you are... why you arent with me.

sinking and spinning.
minnesota_chris is broken! Or worse than broken, just coasting along like a dilapated jalopy. I blame you yokels who were typing in "blah blah" for 16 pages. 021020
no reason illusions of brightness
reveries and dreams
blissful incomprehension
unconditional acceptance

grasping at reality
finding focus
as fingers graze
at truth by fleeting truth
littleidiot thoughts paralleled with inconsistencies- creeping sideways, and wondering about...

slipping through a reality of nonsensical experiences. trust, faith, disarmament, questions, insanity, patience, more questions, disillusionment, denial.

"is this a test? it has to be..otherwise i can't go on."
small boy This is a cool concept, what the hell does it do? 021027
Jeca nothing. it runs around in circles until it's impressed with itself. at it's best, its a comfort to the lonely, bored, intelligent, and those bursting at the seams with something they have to get out SOMEWHERE, at its worst its a substitute for going out and answering the hard questions yourself. it's as addictive as hearing your own voice say something intelligent or checking the mirror when you think you look good.

but sometimes, just sometimes, you catch a glimpse of a treasure; something that changes the way you see everything else. and then you have no choice but to keep coming back.
cartographer Is the source code for blather available anywhere, anyhow? 021028
Kleh Ver ~

From I Don't Know
And A Brainstorm
Comes I Wonder
And Takes A Forme

Kleh Ver ~

Starts from I don't know
It is conceived in a brainstorm
Now it will take forme

krimilda i've seen in this page lots of names i hadn't seen before (am i blathering right?)... anyway lots of people say they lover blather and are addicted... how come their names are gone? have you changed names? is there an answer? can i ask "blather god"? is there a "blather god"? 021030
googlism blather is predictable indoctrination crap
blather is another one's progress
blather is recipe for pie in the sky
blather is just
blather is a part of life
blather is taking some time off
blather is ireland's online contribution to the world of weird and wacky goings
blather is two things
blather is considered "ready or rapid talk"
blather is updated? sign up by sending an email with blather subscribe in the subject
blather is published online on a pseudo
blather is a creative writing mailing list based at egroups
blather is a mailing list for the creative writer in all of us
blather is an on
blather is words
blather is representative of the new breed of online media
blather is back i was going to write something extremely pithy here
blather is
blather is a very strange but intriguing irish webzine dedicated to 'paranormal agent
blather is a celebration of a web site
blather is all i read on this post miky merlin owens re
blather is so large
blather is proud to present a lengthy and in
blather is aggravating for another reason
blather is an admin for kcgeek
blather is quite similar to oolite limestone
blather is my
blather is aggressive marketing
blather is most unfortunate
blather is perfected speech? plain language
blather is brought to you by the letter "b"
blather is a weekly 500ish word article which follows the basic tenets of fortean thinking by examining strange news stories
blather is afforded corporation
blather is almost beyond belief
blather is enough to send any self
blather is only that
blather is sneaking out from under the university doors and probably off the streets where the druggers trade
blather is far more interesting than most people's studied discourse
blather is dead
blather is still not enough to deter some schlump from legal action
blather is that stuart little 2 might be a much better film that i thought it was because i was
blather is a simple truth
blather is hieratic
blather is the rhetoric of the day in an election year
blather is as
blather is such a trotting krip
blather is worth it
blather is about
blather is that
blather is hardly what one would consider legitimate reporting of news
blather is holland's thorough reporting
blather is not what you could really call "art
blather is not persuasive
blather is quickening
blather is showing a little wear?
blather is a recipe for paralysis
blather is designed to encourage investors to buy the blizzard of new treasuries
blather is mostly phony
blather is the counter
blather is immediately followed by outlandish carnage
blather is rarely fun
blather is another's interesting point
blather is bunk
blather is just too tedious
blather is usually made by someone who's never actually listened to a rap song all the way
blather is just a high diving board
blather is no excuse for not recognizing the real thing when we see it
blather is simply
blather is all about anyway
blather is twofold
blather is simply to say that i think it perfectly credible that
blather is going to be an icon
blather is fueled by comic books
blather is a weekly 500ish word article which follows the basic tenets of fortean thinking by
blather is an
blather is likely to drown out the howler mon
blather is hushed
bl a th e r blather bl_a_th_e_r blather 021030
no reason blather blither blizzard but blue though i wish you could blather straight onto a blue screen why is everything so hazy today i just want some clarity some straightforwardness something set in stone instead of everything only coming out in little parts and getting lost in the others

mental puzzle
so much fun it would be
if i didn't hate puzzles

hands reaching in, fingers touching me and pulling me in and taking me, all the while leaving the remains and putting them back in leftover empty and confused spaces
you're not lost that's good that's excellent in fact i'm not lost either but what to hold onto is lost on me
Jeca don't you mean oolith, googlite? 021103
zimeron blather is the name for all the little people that dont have the courage to voice their opinion!!! 021107
littleidiot it was a nice saturday, actually. grey sweeping sky, but warm, and raking the leaves wasn't so bad, and i even fell backwards into the pile i raked, and just sort of appreciated it all...blankets and bedclothes a child of the mountains...and things sort of made sense then, in the leaves, and i couldnt even see the sky--only leaves, and it was nice...

but now.. another sunday, droning silently in apathy with nothing but emptiness to cradle me, and how the hell am i supposed to write a paper on young werther and his incredible fall for charlotte in this state? i'd like to know. i really, really would.
tt friends 021112
Rummy Oh man I really gotta take a stanley steemer 021115
thelollapaloosa things we have to swallow
how silent is this place the brilliant sunshine shining on ononon hell is the dark side of paradise
me i have no fucking clue as to what this fucking word means. i dont know where it can from but if you canb find it in the dictionary let me know 021125
me blather is the place where i go if i have nothing to say to anyone in person but wish i vent amd not worry anout any consequences that may result from my expression! 021125
minnesota_chris ...drives my bosses crazy!

One lawyer boss said "Don't look at that... it looks weird!"

Another boss said it had very bad language!
jess jesse is here 021128
me i quite like this place. its a like diary for me, and theres less chance someone i know will read it. and even if they do, theres nothing too damaging ive said. all that might happen is my 'friends' end up hating me. but i dont care about that at this point in time.

i can just come here, and talk about whatever's on my mind. granted that most of the time when i come here, im feeling fairly depressed, its a good outlet.
scuzz Ahh, the world's endless expanse of knowledge from every conceivable background and my own foreground, coming to one place where random emotions are heard... and clicked on. I have thus found my international burrito of love! 021203
the hogfather is uber addictive. but hey, at least it gives me something to do. the problem is, i already have things to do, i just tend to forget about that, and spend my time going through blather. damn the physics test. 021215
Reverend Lough blather_is_being_slaughtered 021215
littleidiot little_idiot_does_not_understand 021216
Reverend Lough is becoming an addiction...... 021217
dsd tsdgasgasdg 021218
phil i really like the route blather is taking 021219
smokey mcpot wller mcsteinburg homanald. Squitelity post mongus. rabbit in the pie cake. 021219
littleidiot isn't it nice to look back at some of the first blathes on blather and just smile at people's reactions?

i forgot about how blather made me so curious the first time i came upon it...
daja fly me to the moon
and let me play among the stars
daja fly me to the moon
and let me play among the stars...
Rickster Word's have no meaning anymore,
It seems so many have forgotten what they are for,
So many people blind themselves to the obvious,
They lock themselves away being overcautious,
These walls we build around ourselves our so strong,
Yet it seems at times they could be wrong,
We allow some people to break down those walls,
Yet they attack us where it hurts to everyone it shows,
We hide ourselves behinds the creation of others,
We lose sight of the fact that we are one another,
Shall we share the same fate as the rest,
Or will it life's answer or god's given test.
Clarey Blather..... what a kool, kool word. When I get really tired I just start blathering about anything, usually about how I want to die. I usually am stoney silent, but when I'm tired I blather, alot. I'm tired now, so I guess I'm blatering. Which is pantz, & nobody really wants to read me blathering anout the word blather xx 021229
blather historian i am mirabara11 talking to my friend on aim

mirabara11: im looking through the first days of blather
mirabara11: and i am in awe of what i am seeing
Balls o Tin: why?
mirabara11: y am i doing it
mirabara11: or y am in awe
Balls o Tin: y in awe
mirabara11: there were days back then when no one posted any blaths
mirabara11: to any words
mirabara11: and im trying to immagine what it was like
mirabara11: to
mirabara11: not have most of the words bold
Balls o Tin: lol,
mirabara11: and to find it a treasure when they lead to a page
mirabara11: as opposed to how it is now
mirabara11: ...that it is a treasure when it doesnt
Balls o Tin: uuuh, surely, :-)

and i found that it all started on august 19, 1998 with the entry on "time" (i was suprised to find that it wasnt on this page)

also, the first hyphenated word, which we have now grown to know and love, was done on september 18 of that same fateful year.

and one more anomily: even though on day 1 there were numerus posts made, on day 2 there were none, and very few for the next few months.
spatula There were quite a few posts on the 20th:;day=980820
blather historian not when you compare it to yesterdays, or a few weeks ago. 021230
Sarah i can't even add, you mad man. i have words that madonna would fuck, but you are absent.
i say life is precious, yet you hide behind this shit-i am tired of people's mouths wandering off like donkeys- give it up!
LET THE REVOLUTION LIVE! talk like there's no tomorrow- and fuck like the world will end in a heartbeat...
because when it all comes down to it..all you need is love.
All you need is love.
All ANYONE needs is love.
megan i can't stop, although i'm not quite sure how i started. it's my best friend, it's my enemy, it's my love, it's my passion, it's my hate, it's my horrible reaction. but whatever it is, it is words for sure, and they're all alright with me. 030104
ratch to love, and to be in love, are not the same thing
to love means you respect that person, you provide and protect that person, you would do anything for that person,
not a feeling but an action of love that means more than words.
to be in love means you can fall out, it is to be blinded by something thats not there...seeing only what you want to see,hearing only what wants to be heard, then you're struck with realality and as you fall from the sky, the blindfold that had kept you from seeing is now floating away, the love that was is no more, and before you hit the ground you wonder how bad it's going to hurt
ferret blather: what i do when talking to girls 030105
ali i come to blather when im depressed or feeling low. and of course when i'm the opposite.

blather is good.
rehtalb all this blather is filling my head with emptiness...or confusion...or sumthing...


littleidiot i have a paper to write tonight, on van gogh, because i am a procrastinating bum. and all i ever do is blather in these papers. no, literally, i find some way i can relate to them and that's how i fill the pages. it's odd, and revealing, but it works. at least, for now. 030108
dragon blath·er -
To talk nonsensically.
margadant11 I have only done a few drugs in my time, I am not a fan of pot... but if I had the chance to do acid again I would do it in a heart beat. I was perhaps the best experience of my life. 030109
shoe81 blather is a word that has a plethora of meanings 030109
BlatherMeDown Blather is like masturbating! It gets you nowhere socially. Losers!! 030109
no reason Let us breathe blue,
Let us breathe
Sapphire azure & aquamarine
Paint our skins on the inside deepest blue.
deepest blue.

This is from a song we're singing in choir, words by Elliot Rose. Fits, doesn't it? :)
entropy callipygian 030126
loki blather is what the lady sputters when she can't really cognate mid coitus 030128
doug walp aka eclipse ...I, at the end of my journey, could think as one who, upon seeing God, learned of His genius and spoke of his ways... 030129
MDogMA Him, are you sure. Yes I guess according to the toxicity levels in his blood at the time of his autopsy I may conclude that there was recently a death in his family, along with his knowledge of his degenerative conjunctivitis, no wonder he forgot to change the litter box in his waning hours of decrepitude. 030205
edenmoon what is a blather...
a bundling of words melded one with another expressing visions of the soul that controls the metabolic substances used to feel,create and express.

what is a blather....
an expulsion...
a release
insight into a being yet unfound

what is a blather.....
a unify connection
a common ground
a safe haven
cellardoor nothing 030227
cellardoor don't i wish i could 030227
DevilsLyric WOW it leaned in and took me when I saw its face. An eye red like blood clearing my mind and making my world white. It was BLATHER. 030308
Devils Lyric cut hurt depressed depression suicide death 030308
deiter kill anime akira spike nail cow moo 030309
forken cutting cutter 030310
alice come as you are
as you were
as i want you to be
as a friend as a friend
as an old memory
u_shup_u this is my first time.. here we go.. 030316
email rain 030319
Neo Godless Did you hear that? He said "To blathe" which of course everyone knows means "to bluff". he probably cheated at a game of poker. 030320
jess shelda doesnt appreciate my blatherness 030321
samael I blather because blathering is what i do and God put me on his green earth to do so 030405
samael I blather because blathering is what i do and God put me on his green earth to do so 030405
sd word rain 030411
Mike its times like these that I am glad that I know somewhere in the world right now somebody is pooping 030420
ali blather is the coolest word. 030424
blather alus God... 030428
shivers is new, unique, something we can all conect with 030428
im not sure yet go to boys and girls 030506
endless desire where poets bloom
where people blath
where i am happy
emo The practice or condition of having a single sexual partner during a period of time.


he doesn't care if im not monogamous with him tonight.
he only wants to be between my thighs.
so pour it down your throat
and lets hit the club
spiked heels
spiked drinks
moshing to the music
singing to me on the dance floor
then go fuck around with her.
makes me mad but i still let him into me.

in the passengers seat of his
dirty old car
that smells like beer spilled on the carpet floor
and ciggarettes on my breath
moshing to our own music
twisted wrapped melting
he says,
into me.
It's wrong.
"Maybe we'll be friends. I guess we'll see. I'll never let you go."
drunkeemonkee i really want to blather.
it looks like so much fun.
and if you'd let me blather,
id try to become #1
/anon with such a poetic vioce I'm SURE that YOU'LL become #1!!

sorry i was just venting
/anon (correction with such poetic voice I'm SURE that YOU'LL become #1!!

sorry I was just venting

(wow I just made myself look st00pid)
Amithyst Sey Blade the oddest word i've ever heard
cross between banter
and laugh


maybe not...

just funky in itself...

like the word weasel... it just rolls off your tongue like spit.
micky jo i'm here because the blue is comforting to my eyes and anthony says i have to start writing something, no matter how small and let someone see it, everyday...
and anthony is the only male, or person, i've ever given consideration too...
so here i go
may I live like you blah blah BLEGH 030617
you know me. has been invaded by new people, or so it seems.

it's very disturbing. hopefully they'll all leave after a little while.
i know you you know me too. i feel the same. 030618
micky jo we try to reach out to someone because we feel unattached
then we find our niche
and become elitists
bullshit posturing
pobodys nerfect I think it's cowardly when someone makes up a new name to hide behind in order to say how they really feel.. *offers some white bedsheets* 030618
User24 I had something to say here, but by the time I'd scrolled down, I'd forgotten.. oh well.. I'd probally have regretted it anyway.

well, here's something to say;

I quite often find myself wanting a portable blather to carry around so I can blathe_at_the_bus_stop (don't know if that's a valid link, would be cool..)
hum It just striked me. this page is quite huge is it not? 030624
A Viking In Peru It is. But I've seen bigger ones.

I knew there was something fishy about the word "striked," but it took me an unnusually long time to remember that that was because it was supposed to be "struck." I couldn't figure out the right version.
cody blather, so that i can get my hands on a piece of the infinite 030718
just inky, pinky, ponky
daddy had a donkey.
Donkey died,
daddy cried.
Inky, pinky, ponky!
shamille fish11377slapper badtzmarubabe 1 : voluble nonsensical or inconsequential talk or writing

: to talk foolishly at lengthoften used with on

this blather is something i happened upon... some time... some day... and never really visited until now. really quite intriguing. do you *pay* for this? you webmasters? it must cost a lot for all these words. it's worth it though, it's an *amalgamation* of everyone's thoughts. people out there really DO think like you, don't they? NO. they're all blatherers. everyone is a blatherer. you me we i them they he she it is a blatherer. do you understand now?
beka I'm not a knight in shining armor .
                  nor am I your beloved prince  
       I am my own king  
                 love teaches to shoot
                 when someone outdraws you
crimson blither

"I fight fire with words
Words are hotter than flames
Words are wetter than water"
Sj Blather is a waterfall...or perhaps what goes on beneath one...

New ideas...tumbling down nonstop...

The force drags you under...
icy how wonderful to do this, to write and read, judging, being judged, not caring, or caring, getting angry, sad, reminded of things gone by, happy, warm and fuzzy, depressed, depleted, restored, uplifted, cast down, it goes on and on because there is always someone to fill each and every one. 030822
Strideo twaddle
queen of darkness just saying what i think 030829
tonightiscream Blather is but a dream for me,
To be elequent enough for someone else to want to read
Toxic_Kisses Maybe its just that my memory has added a lot of sweet frosting to this place, sadly though when ever I come here now I usually leave feeling depressed and oddly enough unable to write. I say Oddly bc this is the first place that has ever taught me HOW to write and express myself w/ more clarity then I ever thought possible, this place has helped de-clutter-fi my mind in so many ways, B4 blather there were things I wouldn’t ~allow~ myself to think about! Yes, that’s right I censored my own thoughts! or @ lest I did b4 I came to blather, there are so many things that this place has helped me explore w/n myself that I never knew existed, I use to like writing here bc I felt that I didn’t really have much if anything to say, and that was ok, it was ok if I only typed 5-10 word messages Blather had helped me build upon that so much though since I started coming here and yet I find it upsetting that most times when I leave or as I'm visiting blather that I now feel down and even if/when I want to write my mind just blanks out (Heck I'm haveing a hard time just writing -this- as a means of expressing myself) *sigh* I don't understand why this is happening what I do know is that after I leave the same feeling fallows me for a few hours to a few days. I wish I could understand how something that once made me feel so much joy and happiness now only makes me feel drained. 030904
blather blather 030924
misstree maybe it's the feeling of obligation.
maybe the new toy scent is gone.
maybe you don't have the proper sparks flying from your fingertips right at the moment to write.
maybe you've become jaded.
maybe someone secretly replaced your blather with blither, same gourmet taste without the gourmet price.
maybe the shifting continents of your Being have drifted away from here.
maybe... maybe i have no idea, and it's none of these things.
JRSofty To me the word blather is a relatively old word used to describe a way of talking that just doesn't have a point. I personally think that this is a great way to see what happens when people just get to say what they want and then it all get connected together. Is there a plan to release the findings of this? 031009
Death of a Rose I just finished reading this page. It took (I think) 94 minutes and 30 secs....ouch.....what can I say....I laughed, I cried, I pondered, I shook my head, I was stoopid, I opened the door and spotted monsters. I saw beauty, I saw cruelty, I saw searching and stillness. I think this is a big ole spider web, trapping us little bugs who only wanted to go feast on some roadkill. 031011
falling_alone this page took about 3 minutes to load... 031015
stu d 031028
evnarcadia the average american has a vocabulary of forty-thousand words.
to date 36,491 words have been blathered
we still have a lot of work to do.
Clooneman 2000 And then along come I and make a mess of everything by saying, "do-do-do-d'd'd'd'd'd'd'oooooooo-didley-doo". 031103
timestop is making me want to vomit up stars. 031110
atchi ...i dunno what to say... i don't understand... 031118
blather blather 031120
Lady Grey sometimes I truely wonder
if all light is really dark
and if every candle is only a star
hiding behind a flame
if i knew not truth
or the truth,
would I still know all things as they are
or as they will be?
and if i did know, would I ,s I am, truely care?
I wonder if it is possible to know, and to still care? i see all of time strecthed before me. Do I really need to worry?
no, I guess I don't...but still, I accept my limits and my unearing strengths. I doubt anyoneof you can see this relity o truth in my exspanse of a soul, for to know is to be reborn, and to be reborn is to understand.
that is our place. Truely told.
but now i hav blathered i this is your form,
nd now I , like so many before me, fade out and way, maddly swinging my latetren of light into the mists.

fade out,
followed by black out.
Clooneman 2000 blather
the Rembrandts
td@gfd.gds o0o

a girl with nothing to say blather is fucken awsome 031123
multiball anyone up for a game of pinball 031125
The creator/bracecell I just now discovered this blob. I had an idea like this once. I wanted to catagorize and catalog everyones ideas over time hoping that whenever someone had a problem they could go to my library and fix it. once everything had been said and done twice there would be no suprises. You would get lost and forget what originality was. Breaking free would be hopeless and only strengthen my cradle trap.A suprise would cause an orgasm of death. Your choices are not your own. They are someone elses. Enjoy your blob I'm gonna start a fire. 031126
thecreator/bracecell boo 031126
thecreator/bracecell boo 031126
coolstar I have words but I don't know where they are. These are the ones that I can find. Someday I'll find the ones I want. Then I'll give them to you. 031130
Hatameiwaku I am going to go figure out what to make for lunch in two minutes. 031204
Hatameiwaku Everyday realism. 031204
ugil 99o 031204
jerimiah finding nothingness in the blather of humanity 031206
Grabadora Ever notice how when people talk about blather they would never dare to say anything bad? it's like it's some unwritten rule where if you say something bad about blather blather will hate you, blather would make something bad happen. We all have ocd. I know I do...

Spiritual machine
sua rong hai Borromakot um... hi, my name is Forest.
this is my first time posting
i dunno what to say
Sua Rong Hai: Crying tiger
Borromakot: in the urn, awaiting creamation
if you really wanna contact me my AIM sn is StupidHoesINC
i never check my e-mail

Favorite Author: Orson Scott Card
Favorite Color: green
Favorite music: anything except contry pop and rap
im a freak, deal with it
MeKoy Hey 031227
MeKoy Hey ok this thing is my new addiction, and i dont know why it helps give me a reson to life this once meaninless life. 031227
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl true, its my new addiction too!
i love this site, and i wanted to ask;

how do you start a new thread with a word?

if im missing something obvious then im sorry.

i love this site
all these people
that i would never usually know
all brought together
to be able to talk and share
and now im not alone.
MeKoy Hey GOTH GIRL at the bottom of the page were it says blather click on it. when the whith box pops up were you write on the top were it says word just erease it and write the word you to talk about there. if people have already talked about it try adding some_. ok? 040104
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl Hey MeKoy thanks very much!
Nobody else said anything, you rule!
bobthebumb look what your experiment has turned into...u people have created a monster...u should b ashamed of yourselves for participating in this...hey, everybody click farky too...and horf...hey maybe this wasnt a bad idea 040113
bobthebumb look what your experiment has turned into...u people have created a monster...u should b ashamed of yourselves for participating in this...hey, everybody click farky too...and horf...hey maybe this wasnt a bad idea 040113
bobthebumb look what your experiment has turned into...u people have created a monster...u should b ashamed of yourselves for participating in this...hey, everybody click farky too...and horf...hey maybe this wasnt a bad idea 040113
bobthebumb look what your experiment has turned into...u people have created a monster...u should b ashamed of yourselves for participating in this...hey, everybody click farky too...and horf...hey maybe this wasnt a bad idea 040113
bobthebumb look what your experiment has turned into...u people have created a monster...u should b ashamed of yourselves for participating in this...hey, everybody click farky too...and horf...hey maybe this wasnt a bad idea 040113
bobthebumb look what your experiment has turned into...u people have created a monster...u should b ashamed of yourselves for participating in this...hey, everybody click farky too...and horf...hey maybe this wasnt a bad idea 040113
bobthebumb look what your experiment has turned into...u people have created a monster...u should b ashamed of yourselves for participating in this...hey, everybody click farky too...and horf...hey maybe this wasnt a bad idea 040113
bobthebumb look what your experiment has turned into...u people have created a monster...u should b ashamed of yourselves for participating in this...hey, everybody click farky too...and horf...hey maybe this wasnt a bad idea 040113
bobthebumb look what your experiment has turned into...u people have created a monster...u should b ashamed of yourselves for participating in this...hey, everybody click farky too...and horf...hey maybe this wasnt a bad idea 040113
dingleberry dan hmm hum humm hmm..stirring my stick in the mud making a real mud palace here.. 040113
u24 yeah, they should really sort the doublepost bug out.

welcome_to_blather all new dudes and dudettes
Chris: the new name for hate blather........what more can be said about the fire that is fed, by our fears and our tears and or hate and our, love..... 040118
Chris: the new name for hate blather........what more can be said about the fire that is fed, by our fears and our tears and our hate and our, love..... 040118
divine madness a delightful fascination;
irresistable sensation!
jenny enny dots like a motel where you check in but never check out. 040129
texacotowers "i guess" she said. "you guess" what "now i guess too" 040130
shivers a safe_haven
diary for those without pencils
shilohlives I spend my class time blathering...I guess I should be paying attention, but somehow I always end up back here... I always come back....It's odd...The blather addiction that runs in my mind... 040130
skalix you know i like this site alot... but my friend ally is a little weird, i don't know if she likes this site... I think i should ask her. 040201
Ryan Blather la ti da~*~ :) 040203
anonymous Early this morning it was discover that the words that once expressed themselves on the blather page are now missing! The massive public outcry for justice that soon followed has prompted local law enforcement to mount an around the clock hunt for any punctuation that might have seen the rhyme take place. On the federal lever a world wide web search for any suspicious sentences that might be harboring the missing words is now in progress. The people are calling for nothing less then Capital Pun-ishment! 040217
ee beep peep Her Majesty's a pretty nice girl,
But she doesn't have a lot to say
Her Majesty's a pretty nice girl,
But she changes from day to day

I want to tell her that I love her a lot
But I gotta get a bellyful of wine
Her Majesty's a pretty nice girl
Someday I'm gonna make her mine,
Oh yeah, someday I'm gonna make her mine
matt how the hell does this werk? 040221
bob horf farky squillo harrison pfrosny 040225
bob horf farky squillo harrison pfrosny 040225
..................... ...... 040228
paris ode to paris hilton
internet sex video pornstar
shaven silken delight
bliss in 37 minutes

found at
tryyoga I am tryyoga! Hear me roar!!!
tryyoga I am tryyoga! Hear me roar!!!
tryyoga I am tryyoga! Hear me roar!!!
tryyoga I am tryyoga! Hear me roar!!!
chiselmouth Skull-hammer fragment-fuck. 040317
ajvvs is blather self-referential? and if it's not, then what does blather refer to, if not infinitely to itself, as that's the whole point?
I never realised how inane blather could be so stress-relieving, although I'm somewhat concerned that overextending my initial visit might prejudice my future ability to converse with others here. that's if people converse. at all.
x twisted x blather. nonsense.
i absolutely love it.
minnesota_chris blather is good because we can all post here anonymously. Right? Right?

or maybe not minnesota_chris, I'm not sure anymore
pontificator blather is words. bunches of words, strewn about in a twisty tangly web of pontification, insight and nonsensical delight.
but really it's an experiment to see what shape this will take when left at your mercy. take a gander and let us know what you think.
Isaac it sounds fabricated, it sounds like blah... yea... very very fake sounding 040408
united gall ultimately the worst thing we could do is to yarn the grentalions into whatever green frost veranda they undertook upon itself to develope in stratum. responsibilty ields derivation in service to the zealot reverend pretending under the guise of ye sad nob kings to held police granger troop united gall. 040412
brett this blather that. who knows what to blather next. all the blathering blaths that ever blathed before soon will be blathing blaths blathely again. 040422
Youth meaningless blather, repeated millions of times, die, blathering again, meaning what, meaning only what you know, and what you think, blathering incesantly, forever in your mind, what does it mean, strings playing, blathering, closing your eyes, blather forming shapes, in your mind, you see blather, a language, of only my knowledge, blather it is. 040430
bl a th er blather is such random bullshit, mixed in with deep, meaningfull stories, abstract poems and anything else anyone has ever invented. BL A TH ER!!!
this must be the best site ever invented and the creators must be thanked.
??? Is that a

lilmomma iv never found anything like blather
and like so many i happened apon it when looking for something off the wall.
and well... here i am and here ill stay
just wanted to say hi to some of my favs.
goth girl
girl jane
stork daddy
theres so many more...
i know im forgeting alot
i love you all!!!

me rainbow_kiss is great 040527
Lila Pause I only started blathering 2 days ago, but already I blather too much.
...I'm scared they'll run out of hard drive space.
dudeinanigloo dead_blather 040625
Tyler Durden Blather is a really freaky website 040719
Tyler Durden Blather is a really freaky website 040719
Tyler Durden Blather is a really freaky website 040719
Tyler Durden Blather is a really freaky website 040719
shysteven wow...umm...hey hah...i think newdream is cool...i also think u are a dick... 040810
bine blather, more blath than you. more blath than could possibly be, contained in a random apporitious article. fine fine fine, hes the one you want. sorry? please say that again? i missed it i wasnt blath enough. blather the kingdom of yourself without any envolvement Whatsuevyer hu hu ore yuu hu ore yoww tettniss. 040814
earsocks happy birthday blather 040818
minnesota_chris DEAD DRY BONES

belle de jour Je blathe
Tu blathes
Il/Elle blathe
Nous blathons
Vous blathez
Ils/Elles blathent

We all blather, this is just proof of it.
hatameiwaku My son comes in here constantly to tell me things I don't really care about. Poor kid. He needs a friend. 040903
_bizun Sometimes you just like to talk, even if you don't have anything to tell. Blather is annoying, when done by others, yet so enjoyable, when done by oneself.... Don't ask, why. 041102
clarity miss longing 041102
Chrity I found this years ago - it is still here! 041217
Hypocrite patrol Blather is comprised of 10 creative intellectuals who have psuedo conversations with both their own and others alter egos, while using multiple aliases. 041222
Dreamer How did you find out about this place... 050104
Dreamer How did you find out about this place... 050104
emem blather is crazy crazy. but yet unexplainably addictive. i can't stop. it's a good thing in the end(if there is an end, which i doubt) but i guess crazy things for crazy people like myself works out well 050113
doyle illinois 050114
simplicite expression it took me forever to even sort of understand this place...I think I'll just stay here forever 050117
emem i think i have semi-officially gotten hooked on blather. i love it. i think i will move in and live at the site. it would work. 050118
u24 since when did the page stretch out like this?

it's a shame.
Nihiline Some times, after a few months, I come back here. And sometimes I am gone a year. But I always remember what to type in to get to this place. Because I like it here. 050126
Evilair this place reminds me of lain.. 050210
Alrick How did I find it?
One workday morning I just entered "o_o" into the google search... and it gave me a link to this page...
Nannerz Q To Blather Is To Be Beautiful
Your Own Words Heard
And Learned
Let People See
The Beauty Of Thee.
Find Your True Words
And Let Them Free
admiratrice C'est un monde étrange... 050405
trox hi anyone there i love to blather its my life all i can do is blather needlessly 050411
trox hi anyone there i love to blather its my life all i can do is blather needlessly 050411
trox i love to blather ok 050411
trox hi 050411
rose blather, chatter, prattle,
drivel, nonsense, noise,
speech, thought, genius,
maxMoment Blather is pure lyrics.
Life is pure lyrics.
Can we learn of it?
maxMoment Blather is pure lyrics.
Life is pure lyrics.
Can we learn from it?
Xeneth Sparda I swear Ive blathered on this page before. I cant seem to find it. What name was i going by? I will never know. All that matters is the present, and im blathering on this page now. blater is beutiful, amazing. 050530
eggory reading other people's seemingly genuine blaths makes me want to open up myself yet the thought of doing so felt pretentious 050710
scancode Blather is a waste of disk space and brandwith 050720
cherrycokeandcum Blather Blather Blather Blather Blather Blather Blather Blather Blather Blather Blather Blather Blather space control v 050803
Nuvix some blathers are roarks 050825
cherufin i heart blather with a passion 050826
sevenmorethaneight 051005
oren It's been years since I last visited this site. Wow. It's still going. The experiment continues. New blathes. New blatherskites. Will they ever pull the plug? 051009
my name it means nothin what is blather?...I'm really at a loss as to the answer of that question.... 051016
falling_alone has become a ticking timebomb of nerves 051026
IGG part of the reason
i love blather so much
is because i can be myself here
and cannot be rejected.

people can be nasty
but i cant be rejected to my face
cant be triggered into my depression as easily.
blather is my safety net.
my alternative to fully socialising
even though i have a social life.
i feel better here.
how sad
that so many lonely and sad words
and wacky, weird threads
can give me this feeling.
can give me the security (of sorts)
that no one else will.
IGG part of the reason
i love blather so much
is because i can be myself here
and cannot be rejected.

people can be nasty
but i cant be rejected to my face
cant be triggered into my depression as easily.
blather is my safety net.
my alternative to fully socialising
even though i have a social life.
i feel better here.
how sad
that so many lonely and sad words
and wacky, weird threads
can give me this feeling.
can give me the security (of sorts)
that no one else will.
flowerbed on a cloud Blather is Love! It's everything I want to scream out loud..cry out loud...without complaints ^^ 051203
Dozyn2 It is Poetry
It is Verse
It is Hate
It is Love
It is Passion
It is Childish
It is all we Need
It is Nothing but incessant rambling
It is Everything
It is a way to sow your Love
It is a way to sow your Hate
It is Beautiful
It is a Savior to some
It is a Curse to many
It is a Place that started long ago
It is something that we all Share
It is something that shouldn't be Controlled
What is it to you?
? Liana i think this must be one of the longest pages in all of

One day when i was reading in blather, clicking on one word and another and another and i came across some entry (of course i can't find it back now - it might have even been on this page-)that said something like "i wish i could just float around in blather forever." Well i'd come with you, whoever you are, wherever you are, no matter how old you are or what sex you are or what you look like. None of it matters. If only it weren't so hard to make it not matter in the real world.. Even if you can manage to not judge others, chances are they'll be judging you. but here it doesn't matter. the only things you have to judge are words, people's thoughts. and that's one thing that's not so bad to judge in my opinion. it's not a completely irrelevent thing. i believe that poetry is a peek at one's soul.i like that last entry (before this). this is a beautiful place, in spite of people who are so cool that they type a bunch of dirty words for the hack of it. i wish i was that cool. (j/k)words like that (not sensless slang, but other powerful words that are considered "bad") can be used, but only when you feel so srtongly about something to mean them. it's the same way for "good" powerful words. take love; love is more powerful than i even know. but i think it is used just as often as the "bad" words when people don't meaan it. love is so wonderful and perfect, but to use it all the time is to take away it's meaning.
meta META - "the places for blathes about Blather" 060222
u24 i'm so sad this page stretches out.
of all the pages...
st robin blather is the kid at the back of the room, drawing with light in the air, eyes on fire 060308
justanotherfaceinthecrowd it has been many moons since i blathered last, and now my gizzard is full of blathe. it now behooves me to blath in order to reverse this process. If i dont, it will consume me.

where were you when the fun stopped and things became deadly serious?

the world spirals into madness...beware coming of the great war...the stupid and vengeful and blind have taken the reigns of power across the we are to be made to pay the price...we are in the deep breath before the Final Plunge people, there will be no coming up from this one

When the Great Scorer comes to tally your record, where will you fall? dont let it be on your face, you dont want to expose your backside to that guy...just make sure you get up and run

a good man once said
"some pages in history will surely be burned, revisions are not always wrong. its time to discover whats really right instead of what makes us feel strong." solid advice, if you know how to take it.

who writes our history? nobody i know. probably some religious freak with a heart full of hate and a mind full of meth. super.

the last thing anyboy needs is religion. mark my blather. it is the doom of humanity.

why try to fix your own issues when you can just pick a fight with somebody different? revenge economics people.

Blood is on your hands, but it's what the part Demands.

The storm's about to rage......
Dr. DipSkipDittyDee It has been rumored for quite some time, but after exhaustive analysis, top doctors have conclusively proven that Feeling The Stomp DOES cause a hazard to your booty. 060328
el marcador blathe! 060329
In Terrest Ted there was a guy on the subway today who was singing and bobbing his head to the music in his earphones....nothing unusual...

until the train took a hard turn, and his earphone plug popped out of the bottom of his coat...nothing unusual...

but he kept singing.

and he kept bobbing his head.

i think i was the only one who noticed

ever had one of those situations where youre the only one laughing at something nobody else sees?
Ishutan A decidedly glamourous cacophony of language. 060331
me? Coca Cola and Tic Tacs really leave a bitter taste in your mouth. 060509
Herbie the Houseplant I came hear on a random bored search for the word spiffy (check out that page its the best) and now I feel so... so... at home... I want to cry... yes there are fellow blatherers in the world... my secret desire for weirdness is not alone... pop culture has not driven it fully from you yet... I love you, my brethren... shalom, shalom be unto you... 060509
Herbie the Houseplant I see the words, I feel them scream, within this our self-created dream. The whirling masses' desperate cry, the broken heart, the ancient lie. I hear within these words the cry of my soul, that lay dead so long, far too long to see or know. Tramontate estella, D'alba, Vincero!! These words, our petals, broken and spat upon by the loud, garish words of the World, now are turned, however awkwardly, towards the sunlight from whence we have sprung... Deep within the night I cried, my agony, my selfish pride, walked the floor and turned not twice, a hundred times within the night. Listening to the voice so still, deep within the night until I heard the voice so comforting, a candle to shine, a bell to ring, a face to see, a song to sing, this One who hears my blithering, who understands my everything, to whom I throw myself unmasked, all my thirsting, all my past, deep within the night I cried, I know not for what, I cannot lie, until at last I heard your cries, a thousand miles away or more, the distance of an ocean's roar reduced to specks of blue and white, a simberling cry within the night, and know the simmering fire grows, the fire that speaks from in my bones, the One who sees, the One who knows, the One who hears my awkward groans, my gasping barbaric words spat out I would shout yes I would shout but these letters cannot contain my soul, so I wisper them, if at all, lest their delicate forms should shatter, at the clatter of their ephemeral forms into the harsh light of my monitor. So I whisper, now, my secret, if you listen, then please keep it, I have blathered oft before, not on the internet's IM shores, but to a friend who is so near, who sees my sees, and hears my hears, who me's my me's and tears my tears, who is so close to me always, at all times and in all ways, my secret friend who whispers clear, who has heard your desperation here, and whispered these poems in my ear, this secret that burns in my soul, that took my lonely heart's sad hole, and now I know, now I know, my desperate cry is not alone, so let me please tell you this end, hear my desperate cry to you, I beg of you, I clasp your feet, hear my joy, my wine and meat, this Jesus who has heard my cold world's whimpering, between the simpering of the TV and the harsh light of reality, somewhere between reason and insanity, I whisper a secret to your ear, a secret I love, a secret dear, he is real, he is near, he has heard your sad cries here. Cry out to him, if yet you choose, what have you but got to lose but your sad heart that no one knows, where no one else lives and no one else goes, only your own self so far away, so you see I know of these things, I am not a stranger to these barren ways. Ho ho, hee hee, ha ha, hey hey!! it is a madman's riddle, a fool's choice, but to those who choose it, they will rejoice. 060509
kaven you blather to make my dreams better, so that i can sleep peacefully because i let your words fall around me like a blanket. to hear your voice. 060516
national hero what do you say when god sneezes? 060529
***r@|\|$c3|\|d3|\|@|_*** something that a person on hallucinogenic dreams and narcotic nightmares confronts on a receptacular normal day, while watching videos of headbangers attempting to reawaken the dead that are living under intellectual fences. 060601
The man of Wisdom really, you need to find something else to do in your sapre time, im sad and cannot be helped 060604
The man of Wisdom really, you need to find something else to do in your spare time, i am sad and can not be helped 060604
mimsy bat i really don't understand the whole lot. 060630
nick I blathered a few years ago. I was young and green. Fell in love, had a revelation and moved 1500 miles away from the place that I was born. I lost a baby, gained thirty pounds, and had several mild to moderate heart breaks. I miss the beach and I've cried in this state for the last time eleven hours ago. Soon I'll return home and remembering my old name. 060701
Glenn v3.infinite Only blather hyphy.
I know it's ridiculous, over and over again. It kinda never stops, because there's nothing stopping it. It's like the seagulls flying over my highschool, they have no predators there... they will never leave, Unless they get shot. But no one would ever shoot the only's... They are all so superior, on they're pedestals, and how do they punish those lowly of lows, by sitting, on their pedestals, and talking about how much better, and how much higher, they really are. Kings of their bubble, their little bubble of hate, i hate hate. I hate them, for they hate me. Why you ask, because they think i think i'm the shit, but i don't, they used to love me, all at different times, that has somehow changed. they've come together against me. odd tho, cuz i'd never shoot them.
:( anybody here plz say yes 060810
:( anybody? 060810
yoink like a rockstar 060817
CapnJackSparrow fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

I may be a little obsessive compulsive
Herbie the Houseplant yes

this site reminds me so much of a memory i have of high school... i was sitting at my desk in homeoroom, and someone had written something on the desk. I wrote something back, and so did they... however the conversation turned sour and they never wrote back again... the conversation was very acrid and about heaven and hell. however no one wrote anything but us. another time, i was walking down the hall, and from a certain angle the sunlight caught on a wall and i saw that someone wrote, no one loves me, why? on the wall with their bare finger, but you could only see it from a certain angle. so hello frowny face.
Herbie the Houseplant so here i am again, back on blather... i don't know why i stay away, its because i wrote things before i don't want to see neccessarily. I remember i had a diary/journal when i was young, i started it after reading "the diary of Anne Frank". I wrote all the stupid, beautiful, pointless, silly,... i'm trying to think of the right word for it... well anyways, it was like i just wrote everything i really, really, felt and had never admitted even to myself before. i used to be a very interesting kid, i made up a world called the nocturnal detectives and sprights... well anyways i was reading on blather again, and i read a beautiful poem by nonme on somebody_love_me, and it made me very happy, but also i wanted to throw up because i realized that so much of the original creativity and freedom i used to have in writing my diary was gone... i am a christian as you could tell from my other blathes... however sometimes we get so concerned about just being *correct* and spreading truth that we forget how to just see beauty in something for once. You guys are beautiful, all of you. Even the ones who write a line of nonsense and junk and leave it, and you have made me remember who i am in some way. 060829
liz i heart blather, and thats all there is to it 060901
whitney cheaper than therapy. and about as effective. if blather didn't make you feel better try 060913
frazer word association football..
i rule
Eye-gore Found in:
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
By Mark Twain
(end of chapter 7)

"It was good to have a rest-and peace. But nothing is quite perfect in this life, at any time. I had made a pipe a while back, and also some pretty fair tabacco; not the real thing, but what the Indians use: the inside bark of the willow, dried. These comforts had been in the helmet, and now I had them again, but no matches.
Gradually, as the time wore along, one annoying fact was borne in upon my understanding---that wa were weather-bound. An armed novice cannot mount his horse without help and plenty of it. Sandy was not enough for me, anyway. We had to wait until somebody should come along. Waiting, in silence, would have been agreeable enough, for I was full of matter for reflection, and wanted to give it a chance to work. I wanted to try and think out how it was that rational or even half-rational men could ever have learned to wear armor, considering its inconveniences; and how they had managed to keep up such a fashion for generations when it was plain that what I had suffered today they had had to suffer all the days of their lives. I wanted to think that out; and moreover I wanted to think out some way to reform this evil and persuade the people to let the foolish fashion die out; but thinking was out of the question in the circumstances. You couldn't think, where Sandy was. She was a quite biddable creature and good-hearted, but she had a flow of talk that was as steady as a mill, and made your head sore like the drays and wagons in a city. If she had had a cork she would have been a comfort. But you can't cork that kind; they would die. Her clack was going all day, and you would think somethingwould surely happen to her works, by and by; but no, they never got out of order; and she never had to slack up for words. She could grind, and pump, and churn and buzz by the week, and never stop to oil up or blow out. And yet the result was nothing but wind. She never had any ideas, any more than a fog has. She was a perfect blatherskite; I mean for jaw, jaw, jaw, talk, talk, talk, jabber, jabber, jabber; but just as good as she could be I hadn't minded her mill that morning, on account of having that hornet's nest of other troubles; but more than once in the afternoon I had to say--
"Take a rest, child; the way you are using up all the domestic air, the kingdom will have to go to importing it by tomorrow, and it's a low enough treasury without that." "

(no offense meant, only word association)
bettyisntme is talking worth anything in the end.
the world will soon only forget.
and you are only forgotten..
along with the blather.
bettyisntme is talking worth anything in the end.
the world will soon only forget.
and you are only forgotten..
along with the blather.
bettyisntme is talking worth anything in the end.
the world will soon only forget.
and you are only forgotten..
along with the blather.
devilbunny blather = wasting time 061110
triplesix Blather is where I share anything that pops into head. My opinions, thoughts, and prose. 061111
bad day wheres adam 070224
inocciduous systole I wrote a book.
"The Thetamatheia" (thetikos{positive} amatheia{ignorance})

The poet, which kept by his annectant and peloric and niveous station throughout the complete protension of his knowings and doings is invested of the eurhipidurous and inermous firmament, or the bird's pterylae and apteria, or the configuration of his plumage and upon all the carolitic and nidamental and epornitic edifice of the world's chrysanthemum which is proper for nesting; and which are those loving faces, verses, and bodies of an oscinian and trochilidine gentility, commands himself and is drawn hitherto by some interests retained of things like that splendid Altamira Cave, and it's intellectual paintings of bison, deer, and pigs; for it is most attracted to that art which is derived from biology, and zoology, and history: mythology, and architecture- as that station which by some incurrent and labent inundation of the poetry which is in those acroceraunian peaks of Albania and which performs by the resolution of psilopaedic and altricial birds of the first coming down, which by Summanus and Jupiter were graced; inspires the likes of Horace, and hitherto constitutes a new class of creator gods in that Intercessor of what most men are as a solvent through hemeralopia, or the failure to see with effectiveness in the brighter lights: the periapsis of our pittance- which are like reading and scribbling poems, some inconsequent fleas of ours- if flees were as aligerous, of course, or capable of flying and might elevate themselves occasionally from their host. But, if all men were acquainted with the taste of their pomarious hypocarpium, their newborn undergrowths, and first coming downs; the procumbent-fruits, which behind them always tread: those fleas, those disregarded portions of our daily effort which, by no common nature, might ever leave us. I have a funny little notion that the poet is as annotinous and untried, as I am by an infinitely durable despondency committed to assume some honest condolences on behalf of that poor dog Laika, the most venerable stray of Moscow, hence I to am convinced of our sensitivity to be as, experienced. You could see that emotional conflagration of "The Rape of the Sabine Women" in Nicolas Poussin and Jacques-Louis David's work, but the poetic class does it better, forthwith justice to presume. We visit the Aventine Hill, of which, rather then King Aventitus of the aboriginal Italians, I choose to believe is named under those birds which nested there after rising from the Tiber. As poets are of the wares of Mount Pentelicus, which was near Athens, and celebrated for the white marble quarries from which the Parthenon is built. O, we might also admit gratitude upon that particular scientist Louis Pasteur with regards to his means of annealing those, by the token of mutual benefit; haemocoelic and epontic nutriments of the cow: flowering lately, with the vegetarian method in our society- how it might provide a milk as the the Himalayan goji berry and Hemp seed; which by the Hindus is recognized as some Holy sustentacle, into those fires of the Hearth of Hestia and Vesta; thus ensuring it's quality as pure as Acheulean tool culture; and so why not thank the poet, concerning his means of preventing the souring of language, and art into the great lakes and forests of Masuria which, in the manner of milk, is like a continual, illimitable, nectary?- Etruria in Italy, of which D.H. Lawrence makes of in "Etruscan Places" might have expressed to a more distinguished taste of history that import of the growing of grapes, and the making of wine, also several architectural styles- and the Olympian Gods to the republic of Rome, but alas, the poet supplies us with such greater things, as those whom are to acquaint themselves with poiesis are of the Silurian era made, the first of the convalescent animals upon which the air made conferences with. IN what was that frondescent field becomes by the impestus of verses, which is some pycnaspidean and heliconian bird of the milks of the river Styx and like tempered metals by the hands of the great Hephaestus himself; what is that inchoate and crepusculous instance of peloria, that manufacturing process of the annealing soul upon which entomostracan and impennous angels rest in their weightless flying, as the Copepoda, or Daphnia. To write poetry is to vindicate nature, as Chukwa the ancient turtle whom supports the Earth, and happens further to perform his natation by Ksheera Sagara, that thalline ocean of milk from which all the organs of the universe are derived. And, like a testudineous and chelonian and remontant seminality, there is by the respectuous endorsement of a propensity which, by an olamic function; dwelling as some rudimentary organ within that marcescent and insipid testa of every man, an incipient Homunculus which is titled as being poetry, and which from that most obdurate seed permissively consents to be known a definite humility, and a particular species of Amaranth that is called perhaps, a poem- that diaspora which is that symbol of the inocciduous comport that is, with regards to the city-life, forever banished by the necessity of it's attractively insouciant conviction which causes to be equated in uneven proportions the scheme of differences between correctness and rightfulness, of labor and having experienced work: and from that hodiernal station one amongst many takes up his residence as osculant and appreciative of the cumulative dust; that most pruinous poet attains in modest increments what he is so disposed to, with immoderate passion, exemplify in the repertitious germ of the Holy which is his "pileus," and the statue of cernuous Man and his Universe- that plangent and abirritative contraction of the eternal heart, territoried by the edacity for those most spirituous liquors of the "asthenia" of reputation and document and profile which absolve one to this comfort- to this particular velleity of placid amusements, as the watching of those things which hold interest from a distance that can immortalize the moment only in it's self, as it was before being dilapidated in the participations of one's own verecundious amateurism- alas; this enlivening rhythm must be rendered into our principle homiletics as the implement of a certain diaphanous natation for our prayers and hymns, which by pluvial natures collect, and thusly upon the public be conferred for it's alimentative proreption; and the halituous and premunitive firmament that it rightly contains, beyond old - that inocciduous "systole and diastole" and "Euripus and Ampotis" of God himself- those infinitely veritable interpretations of the moment whose suppurative involution is foreordained to be made and remade indefinitely throughout the cantative parturition of inhalation and exhalation as produced of the Universe's "Coryphaeus" which is that susurrant ephemeron whom is called Poet, who is so disposed to develop his opus when no one in particular is paying him any degree of consideration- which, complacently manufactured in the operations of those most accomptable Monarchs of toreutic and encaustic versifiying, which provided in their arundineous hermitage, possess of that most tenuous proclivity of hammering delicate forms of meaning in the metal brands of men's speech; alas, for it is so complimentative of vendition and industry and thusly unfit for that nemorous velum of dense woodland and backcountry which the poet encourages to precipitate from it in torpid and gradual appeasement, to then by hortensial commitments becometh as lapidescent constructures before God's own verdures and opulent fruit gardens- stone and open to the considerations of the age, and no longer partial; lambent impermanence of beauty- and tempering the opertaneous commiseration which by the employments of the poet can be revealed as enchoric germs always in some visceral layer of the man at rest, and which is disseminated and in it's patulous body or ostium of transient creations possesses a various cosmogony of dematiaceous fungi and vegetation; segmented or meristic in the having of such a plenty of those somites of temporality which shine iridescent, setting alight the empty skies of being living; had inclineth the poet to resume his place amongst man as arborescent refuge, like an atavistic Tree to provide shelter, food, firewood, and more for merely the transient surveyors, which by various generation, migrate to that pulmonate adnascentia belonging to it in the hopes of determining some adient milks: which is readily able to digest both productions of a common element- as some earthworms prefer this delicatessen which the poet has attuned his dietary regime by as well, dependently within some sempiternal pensiveness and dexterity; for the day itself and the poet die together, so they are as commorient brothers. It is from this acclimation with the sanctity and poetic utility of the immediate, from which the poet- in subtle relevance like an amasthenic focus- uniting the chemical rays of light, embarks upon the considerations of his peculiar metamorphosis. What of that, which inspires the red in blood? The poet is like some alchemy to cause to change the element of nature into something able to be appreciated by those unacquainted with it's sense- some haematinic encouraging the pigments of the immediate and momentary. Call him also a shore-inhabiting fellow, or that limicoline bird that prefers some intermediate status in nature, and whom scouts out the various interstices of land and water and air. I often find that most hypenemian and emmenic station of "Euripus and Ampotis" in myself between the Boeotia and the Negroponte that I have, suggesting to me about how all philosophy and all that mesmeric corpus, entrepôt, or oriflamme of poetry- which kept by diameter of the greatest appraisable goods, are merely these limpid cliff notes, simplifications, and the commentaries of exceptional peoples; hence that sui generis, that inculpable region which is our personal lives and concurrently, those relationships with with we describe and circumscribe our meanings, our taciturn prerogatives. I hold true, the notion that solitude sharpens the wit and toughens the mind- this is unable to be disputed, and observed by most accomptable philosophers. But, the intellect is such a thing that it, by the recrementitious obvention of our daily experience, associates itself with beauties that must ultimately be communicated, even if only partially and by inchoate expressions. Those most conticent latitudes of our meditations, considerations, ponderous gradients: like incipient embryos, they open up and command themselves but in consequence of the power of intellect of which they bless us with, by our improved reason they must be consolidated of their distribution- they must be as dead upon the exceeding of their function. Man is mirror, man is propagator, man is voice when there is no voice. The philosophy of solipsism is the cruelest, the most inane of content and the quickest to devise ways of upsetting that allodial station. I feel the poet, with the most intimidating standard, characterizes this human necessity of love and talk, those things which above all are of value to us. The poet, from his alimonious and crenitic entertainments, who from time's impartial contract is exempt as the watchman Moai or the Gods of Mount Nemrut, or any pomarious ideal for that matter and of whom I understand were representative of their people's deceased ancestors, Gods, and living chiefs as, again, the poet: born of the Syrtis bogs and those munificent notations of Pippa; had he Ecnephia Sceptre; hence he inclineth the likes of the fruitfulness of obvention expressed in the manner of childhood: behaved in all it's procellous puerility, in all it's unsettled sediment as the plants Elecampane and Amrita conferring vitality, of the impediments of any sort he, in absentia, performs his commentary by noninvasive carriage as if he might have acquainted himself with the art of Ephialtes, and is so disposed to do so with the retention of being able to distinguish beauty, routine, life, and faith apart from one another. Life and the poem are, executed indistinguishably, as concerted synoecious and erinous upon each other; disproportionately inseparable like two prickly roses intertwined in growing. What person, betrayed of his own requisite proclivity, can not or would not engage them privately and force himself to withstand their separation, in the attendment of each thorn by consecutive thorn? Like Aeolus' Bath or Prothalamion Spring: withheld and matriculated to the air as Hyblaean Bees; these seeds skip all of time's various remark as a Neaera's trammel does, into those lengthy progenies of the ancestral Titan Iapetus; Father of Atlas, Epimetheus, and Prometheus: and like ongoing standards, the poet aspires to determine himself in circles of sacred quality such as these ones(1).

Within every man, by the asynartetic portion of the sovereignties determining him for the public there is the poetic vision; which is the obsolescent hypolimnion, that tenuitas or attenuating of his stock in sodality and the the flesh-pots of Egypt, and like that prospect from the geographer's Ultima Thule- that northernmost region of the world, it's peak: like the benignant aegis of a less-obstructed view of something lovely. Might we adjust ourselves to stiller depths and attune our relationships with a still-calmer subtlety, colder waters, our benthal germs; for is not the labor incurred in simply getting there, by nature of having to comprehend such ordal, worth as much- as to improve the character, or rather the durability of the character? For to retain that deepest portion of one's self which is poetry one must undergo, by some protracted iterations, the instance of his recollections, imaginations, intellects, and reasons. The durability of the character, that is the effectiveness of the consecution of one's more intimate nature and honesty, is consequent of the expression of the individual. And who is master of his expression; both the employer and developer of his word? Who can, with such an idoneous sincerity, proclaim to be the derelict keeper of his expression? To be forever misunderstood, from that day hence: no matter his manner of speaking, or his context. Who is that poet, with the Syconia, reclining beneath the fig? I heard him say he could relate himself to the insouciant prince of swine herders Eumaeus and felt something missing in antonomasia, or the use of epithets and proper names and, with the respective attitudes refused to acknowledge dignities, offices, and the like. Though he only respected the personal names, and the personal lives that much more. It is because the poet is by the employment of no adulterated cultures termed and otherwise free to become of the intermixing with a various stock that their is that homochiral relationship, or freedom of enatiomers and reflections between the adelphous poet and nature as much that he presides representative of the experimental antecedence of that nature, that is because he finds by the determination of his similarity to that oldest and more animal concern of living, he becomes the animal that speaks and that Amarant of historicity who's coalescent filaments are intermixed with the world's to which we travel to, upon the compunctions to renew our ancestries. The poet whom is that Saadia belonging to the common stock and as Tasso put it, performing as the syrens of the ditch, or rather they are the Levant and the Ponent winds to be as outwardly unappealing and disregarded treasures; those Phoenician frogs and traders and navigators. The Egyptians treated frogs as the symbols of fertility, as to their appearances concordantly with the inundation of the Nile.

The poet, whom might recall nature itself for us within some cinereous dust, is carried aloft by some sort of anamnestic magic to recite a star and who is sustained by those most reliable nests and the pinions of the vespertilian night-dwellers which persuade it to operation; like those bats observant to the world through a depth, deeper then sight and whom also are more likely to be the "Varuna" and "Argus Panoptes" of the animal kingdom- he whom performs indefinitely in concurrence with the instrumentality of eternal prudence; that judgmentally aperitive and ephoral citizen- kept by the common weeds and gramineous verdure, and by the pavonian and tumescent brain of nature from which he recites the poisonous vapors of Avernus and like Serbonis of Egypt, appears solid- but, is not. For it is to be said; the only human being which might illustrate the parturitive canticles of motherhood, is the poet- whom might come to enjoy and pasture his works and their equivalent seminals to odd degree, as if they were as some natal piglets by necessity fixed upon a fresh teat with stringent optation. There are but two creatures that give birth; they are the woman, and the poet- and all men must by interminable standard respect their natural ability to create with principle, instead of the "a priori" of artificial reproductions. The poet's writings, touch and tickle his soul, as the child to it's mother.

Take for instance, that pantheon of the Hindus which curiously draws such a considerable portion of the intellect to it, comprising the Gods as Ganesh, Shiva: or by that similar lineament, the Buddhist devices of reincarnation, karma and zen, and the like- I take these all as metaphorical constructures that are, as you might be inclined to put it, brought to life or "animated" by the mediums of: Iconography, Language, Interpretation, and Symbology- which are all those subjects mastered by the poets, so you might be able to find in them more divine fundamentality then in any priest or Brahman. The poets wrote those histories of the Gods, and the ancient metaphors of the Hellenic spheres, the unknown authors of the Vedic Testament were thus a class of them, the aboriginals of the tectonic enlightenments of our historically forgotten- these poets, wrote the Gods and the essential histories of our kind, which comes to us without terms and in these living Gods and Goddesses. The most intimate history was spoken or enumerated out of poets, it was not objectively documented by them, rather, it is the background substrate of history and is a part of them, thus to become a poet is to become history and uphold humanity as a living reckoning of it's various saecula.

Complacently, the succinous and auletic and nemoral Bards peregrinate their asterismal lands and rather curious moratoriums of experience, or ponder their insular genius; expressing the highest sphere of noematical meditation and the retention of knowledges by prudent comportment. To determine their relation to "terra incognita" they prescribe themselves to the rumination upon their own limited acquisitions of understanding, prolonging an intent consideration of their own aphelions, and in them relishing their indelible destiny; which is to wonder in constancy and to avoid the central evil, which is oscitant hunger, the stains of boredom which prohibit the ambulant spirit which has pardoned itself from rustic experience, the verdure, and baccaceous impletion on behalf of the being filled with meat, wine, and some odd-proportioned entertainments. These men, in some adequate performances, live as the shrew is so disposed to live. Some of those most considerable shrews, in their own common propensities, include the operation of the trees and acquaint themselves with higher altitudes, and some are yet inclined to take beneath the soil and rebuke the light and the surface Earth, from their own experiences. Even more so, some might comprehend venom as the snakes do, to execute a degree of superiority in killing and therefor, among their kindred, revolve themselves with best fulfillment of their nature in the thickness of combat and defense-, and some might, in manner of the bats and wales, perform a certain echolocation- employing the means, as we do, to describe amendments for a various demarcation, of sorts. A strange, constant hunger assumes itself to impel them towards restless lives, and even more interesting, they retain ten percent of their body mass in their brains, a rather odd proportion for such a thing as this creature. These versatilities assume, in my mind, a poetic expression for man.

The marshes do, with an honesty and volition, occupy themselves with poets, providing them conjointly those trenchant osculations with land and water that, when considered by humans, accommodate some temulentive babblings and distanced lore. Truly, that paludinous plane of the poet is not so hospitable towards it's auxiliaries, but someone told me once, of how a dictionary was something more then a document of reference, that it was some plenitudinous region of submonition for the poet and his histories to draw from; thus I have to think when writing and reading of some higher procedure of the universe.

Somewhere distant living there is this panoistic firmament reproducing itself by the noble heath of immaturity; it is this horotelic regularity of form and expression, of sorts; this sort of ichneumonidan and epornitic and oscinian "Koan," or "Terma" of which we might acquaint ourselves with, to examine hitherto that purulent manner of our thinking without the idea that, our self is retained in the residual effects of which our influences upon others has produced. All things which reside in the ear relate themselves to those epithumetic and sanguine birds, as the worms do. I recall now, with a great satisfaction, that I know less now then I did before I could read. He who participates in philosophy should at some point retain in himself no answers, yet know all the manifold potentiality of questions. Thus by this extension, I believe that the goal of philosophy, is to in subtle gradualism, inclineth the mind into the questioning of things to attune the point in which the mind is possessed no longer of anything, save questions; and hitherto let not the agonistical wisdoms prevail. It is suitable for the philosopher to question, and better to question those natures which are of the immediate class. Those philosophical spheres alternate the veritable intelligentsia in varying and reproducible conditions of prejudices, so as to perform the sublating of one from the world, and away from intellectual servility. The goal of the philosopher is to, in himself, contradict the world and present to it the inadequacies of those pertinent reasonings which attempt to obscure it's various discrepancy. He claims some respectable station for himself in that vespertine and galeate firmament, exacting his own stalwart running sticks through a chelonian and testudineous enclave of answers and resolution, for they are most orectic, or inspiring to the appetite; and they do not penetrate his shell, and the diminution of his seriousness exalts him perfectly, as the tortoise and hedgehog.

How stale answers are! How succulent is that meat of a good and acataleptic inquiry, or that enterprising temerity of some pysmatic and curious interloper, which in any conceivable case we might regard as the philosopher. That affordability, of the multiple expression of meaning, promotes a certain, commodious reclination, to which on behalf of the Soul's involution might be reserved with the exchangeability of ideas. Those formal objectifies; those whom desire answers, I tell them; the answers of which you concern yourself with afford no discussion, for they are impersonal and concrete. The temporal products of philosophy and poetry, these hermeneutic devices merely exaggerate one's acquaintance with himself, and strengthens the bonds he shares with his world, respectively.

Tame wild, Orbaneia's bird: Ichneumon's qualm when Muse, by orient shell, inclineth by it's thural Strain; Al Cauther as fragrant waters reign, all softer: so well the sense, the organ, moved to swell Chloris' vernal, vestal: the endearment, Gale. To hyaline brain, to that Dulcarnon Jail watching outside dim Cupid's Dulcinea needing; obstinate pulses, chained around long vernal hull- Long vernal pull, long vernal withdrawal; through that Farina meal devout parallel crawl. Écorcheurs-looted, stripped of vogue-fashion; Lerna, that mendacity betwixt all. Stolen from, Pagoda rationed and pawned, instead for this- My Phaedria lake, from which I absconded wanton to a crawling along some niveous diadems, as Haemos proves strong, that boreal throng. Petrels, Fulmars, Shearwaters; procellarian magnate! It is that bird, who's musing and coalescent pinions and him performing that assortment of caprioles above the open seas improves, ineluctably, my tempers as Encelados' apertions, gaping unlike Lachesis contract but that poet: priest of Canopus, a living depth- exceptional waters. His Mam Tor ague as Italy's merino; soft, as your on Campania's plains, but unlike the world in being as some plainer currencies, or that sort; as having escaped that circulation of impeccable and succinous truths; the sepelible poet engages himself to preserve the ages- to immure within himself that inquilinous and palustral One; marking the innominate, indefinite, soul. The atramentaceous Om which sings to himself in another's tomb and ceremonies, and bleeds like portative and aurigal Sun- hitherto describe Age in immortal communication- which hence constituted a maturation in our lineaments. I speak of, when that performer of society became, and was the Poet. Good society; he renewed himself to on behalf of, and to the administration of his caste- he began hence the development of all his prejudices, his tastes. But, in that lacking affordability of his complicit participations, with that ecumenic order, distances performed to limit his various correspondences with his subject; and like that lover, permitted never the poimenic calculations of the body of his love, he was made to becometh as plaintive and disconsolate.

The memory is the illimitable artery of the self; and the appendages of the self, and thusly retains any quantity of philosophy for the individual, and deserves to be treated within a degree of spirituality and reverence, as it possesses the individual-self. The insensible perspiration to which the diapnoic and ablutionary apertures of meditation; wherein properly executed in the manner of testamentary canonicity and scripture, animate our rudimentary organs has hence inclineth me towards a goal; to internally retain some architecture of my writing and philosophy, to effectively compartmentalize some chronology of my own religion, such to devise an anamnestic poetry of sorts. I understand the particular method to which I employ to be of a Latin origin, accounted for in the "Rhetorica ad Herennium." The author, unknown had composed the work around 85 BC. Cicero in his "De Oratore" also yields references to this, and it was adapted by incipient and ancient monks to be used as a tool in various meditation upon their sacred texts, such to intertwine themselves and their prayers. The consistence of the craft is of a most copacetic and imputative effectiveness, for one might; in the manner of someone composing, or reviewing a film or book, come to meander about in an infinite manner of directions, and patterns, in his manifold of recitation. As opposed to rote learning, which might go simply in some preconditioned formulas, this method of memorization predominantly encourages the rhetorician. One takes the Loci; which is a section of a mentally projected room or location, and associates it with distinct sections of his speech, thus affording him ample flexibility upon reciting it, allowing him to shuffle it and ponder, as if turning chapters in a book. My poetry is this place in my head. One might even extrapolate the possibilities of this, using “Locis” in the form of ancient temples, castles, monasteries, etc. This dimensionality of scripture has attracted me, and implemented me so as to share it's composures with my reader.

That personal life of ours, is amuletic and eremean and vimineous; as the various pilgrimage from life to death revolves in it's campodean and aposematic signatures, we wear them as a collection of Holy periapts and ornamental garb. The intellectual, by any given nature, will in opulent credulity, concern himself with nothing but the immediate, and the inexpedient remoteness of the applications of telestic contemplation tend to fail in the soothing of his appetency for various knowledges, which is insolvent and paraenetic in it's expression. For you have serenaded this world, to look upon it in these particular ways; that vacillant and aporetic uncertainty which affords the soul of a man a certain solacement in that tabescent and anemic erudition of Earthly wisdoms, which affords him a certain remordency and color in that unconsoling verisimilitude and epigaeous truth, who's fruits ripen best beneath the ground, unchecked by the higher utilities of the human soul.

It is most certainly true; that every particular age, in it's own extensive body, possesses a various assemblage of elite, figures, or representatives, and that these bodies of individual men serve to be therein attributed to the vocabulary of the various spectrum of our mortal expression and effort. Though, these men are certainly great, I have been inclined by no manner of evidence, as to believe that they were any more great then ourselves. It is the fault of that society, that it lacks the capacity to acknowledge the opulent fullness of it's constituency, and invests itself to the task of enumerating it's stock within a lazy stupor. The given society might incorporate only a limited portion of it's greatness to the historical canon, and so, the most worthy experience of humanity; which is the individual life, must go for the most part as some plangent yet recondite poetry, as "Ovid's Metamorphoses". That society is weak of mind, for it can only recall itself in miniature forms. Above all that I have seen, I appreciate; the meaningless, the meager, the incorrect, the imperfect, the abstract, the personal, and the illogical, the unanswerable, and those creatures unburdened with names; which are all the things which inhabit "Parnassus."

The lacustrine margin; if one were so disposed, as to take the world in manner of symbols, he might relate himself to that sative cadence. Standing, overlooking, the nitid lake; the individual corresponds in his branching, or ramellose citizenship with that sempiternal petrichor that forever; in it's papilionaceous and etesian and pactolian estate, amuses and assures the human spirit of it's supremacy in nature; as sure as God favors the unshaven man. All the vine of historicity, like an echinate and ampelideous spine, runs through and interminably connects these tribuloid and prothallial and epigean vastitudes of personality, so that history itself has invested in it's own identity, and in the case of the lake; I feel as though they are some sort of patulous opinion of sorts, correspondent with this Human. All action is immortal and converges eventually.

The poet, by that epeiric and tribuloid and ampelideous flower of Cataonia, engages a various piscatorial lifestyle as indefinitely sailing; becoming that essorant and provisionary intercessor that he is- wings spread, about to fly; but alas, that instance of flight has not yet been so as to occur upon this cachaemic creature who has inclineth his perichaetous body, or briary and lotic form to the various tentation of open water, as opposed to; open sky, though he still retains that hypaethral firmament to the skies for when it might be needed, this implement of flight. The poet is that sanguine and trenchant sumpter, or pack-animal; that aleatoric and elaphine audience of sorts, beholding the world in it's Styx by various pycnaspidean birds. The poimenic and homiletical beatitudes of which he invests himself in, tend to enrapture their beholders, encouraging a certain submission in them towards strange and stranger religions. He delivers his effulgent sermon like no other adept of "Paideia" or the refinement of Man into his more honest natures. This is the poet, and the parameter of his ardent vocation is in the adjective. He is a Stag which, by the proportion of chance you are met with.

I think that the hedgehog is the greatest, most virtuous and noble animal and that of the fishes the supreme rulers are most certainly the perches. I recall capturing lighting bugs as a child, and I have reserved myself to live; merely to ponder those thoughts again and revolve their kindness in my lonesome plazas, like a failing light in my breast. I recall the constellations of lambent vendors along the beaches, of which I last observed as some distant child. I recall when my parents were healthy. I recall when I was healthy. Alas, even so I recollect, I can only approximate these secular creations in the invasive blindness of my iniquity, incompassionately rendered on my account on various occasion, and I am by that insularism punished by myself, so that I have relieved God of his most operose work.

There is that implement of philosophy which we call "agnoiology;" that doctrine which deals with a sort of requisite and apodictic nescience; the rumination or studying of ignorance, and the now quite noticeable antithesis of that certain, indecent temulance, or being drunken of "unknowing" which has been quite rudely subjected to some sort of miscalculated prejudice, which I would presume to correct hitherto. I have my own introductory, or propaedeutical agnoiology, or this treatise on ignorance, of sorts; of the concerns with the various horticulture of artistic expression, which is that timeless and amaranthine evocation that is SOLELY dependent upon some thing your likely to not expect. Ignorance is that rudimental necessity of the poet and the artist; if their craft is indeed the study of appreciation, yet they act with this periculous thing unlike a more common man. Imagination affords him with that full capacity of human understanding, which is set by the terminal and desinent boundaries of; linger, like nominal mice to some opulence of cheese, like babes with their own astrology of sidereal arcanum; like the dust of a homiletic and pruinose asterism. The Count might have told us to maintain our postponements in the likes of some sort of vespertine esperance, though I feel my own modification suits my personal tastes a bit better. Genius is the compound of a configuration of ignorance and imagination, and it is that ignorance that affords poetry it's spirit, the wonder that breathes the halituous and animastic stuff of the song, is resultant from this uncomprehendingly rendered magic, or anoetic and sementine alloy of imagination and ignorance. But ignorance, it is the congeries of poetry!

How many hours, by that facile comportment invested in my pen, have hence come to unfold in such a way as to leave me divorced from the world? How many days prescribed to my way of this, insular apomecometry, have conducted me into unfamiliar currents, which in their own copasetic celerity and diligence, have obscured me from my fellow peoples and my family? Nay, it is this paying my respect from afar, that has prepared me for more estimable argumentation on the behalf of my various cause, and of which has prepared me in more worthy a reverence then that which I might have occupied my parents and friends with, in earlier times. I give my thanks to whatever God has commanded me thus far, for I do not know him. If I knew him at one time, I have hence forgotten his name, which is now disregarded to the place wherein oblivion and internecion diverge; no longer possessed of his acts, but rather their meanings, I know now what matters; not the truth, for it has been broken under the meaning. Not the math, not the science, and most certainly; not logic. I now recall something Bacon said, that a taste of contemplation betrays the man for atheism, but a full experience of philosophy inclines the student to direct himself in various, Godly ways, and thus returns the man to some peculiar Theosis of his own.

I believe, in part due to the leporid accentuation of my own anthophilous and ecbatic campanology, that the ethical and religious verity of our life might be forever restricted, to that eclectic and hermeneutic life; that life disposed to interpret and imagine, rather then to define and conquer. The world is concerned not with the interval of it's incipient constituents, but those will undoubtedly be the things that change it. That we move with these vast philosophies which are but parochial extrapolations, we become that plaintive amaritude of which through it's odd unfamiliarity and bitterness infinitely impresses the world. The twilight and the twilight only reveals the poet in various, cosmogyral peregrinations. To what recesses of that terminal and inane world will you go, to verify that element of which has no place therein to begin with, as you might live that crepusculous and tramontane life of the poet? For certainly, human life constitutes a class of it's own, forever having no participation in that essomenic and eclectic parsimony and "amarulence" of logical reasoning, instead the enumerating of it's own cambial rings and various ornamentations will tend to suffice, will tend to fulfill; in a greater effectiveness, the plangent and inquisitorial appetency of human nature. The ends of it are of no concern to me, the in betweens which are our lives, our epiphenomenons, are more valuable to me.

We read poems and live with dogs, only to configure our proportions with society. The man whom has not been accustomed to very many loyal fellows will seek for himself a dog, into which the commensal nurturing he has adopted for it might come to compensate for the work and time that, once invested in unassailable relationships of the likes of the "Argonauts", tend to unfold in premiant manners. Standing at the edges; at the membranes of society, is that Poet. He is Nature's vendor, his work his service, his love his blessings, his greatest possession, the greatest gift. The proceleusmatic and trochilidine scenery, the encouragement of the little birds and squirrels, the epulotic and aperient luminosity, the poet's ablutions from that annealing of his soul; the illimitable vocabulary of that heaven unfolds in his immaculate cartographies.

To tell you the truth, I believe that the anoetic seminal is forever common in all things. I believe that the zenith of experience is in that. I think, that if Raw Poetry, Raw Hate, Raw Ignorance and Incivility, Raw Love, Raw Time, The raw and aporetic acrimony of Atheism, and Raw Desire; were to all confront each other in one noumenal ampitheatre, that none of them would find themselves able to resolve the other. The poet is that paraenetic and cunctative admonition of various supplicatory canticles; the dissepimental and peirastic consortium of our ablutions, of a various quality and type; especially those of the parallactical "semiotics" of our mythologies and poetic works, we behold what it is that I hold as the volitient and supernal "Empyrean" or heavenly orbicle, upon which the surface of that resplendent sphere: the neanic fleshment of it's confederate pantheon, of a various consort- nomothetic and inenerrable is this suppliant company of unstudied Nuts, Berries, Birds, Men, Children, holethnic Poets and Philosophers, and amicable Dogs.

I have often made reference of a certain "sui genereis" or inculpable sanctity of the personal experience and all that is relative to the observer as like some incipient plant of wont to nourishment, and I'd like to think there are some nucumentaceous and tribuloid and adelphous fruits and berries there, or what may be that enchorial and incondite faculty therein enclosed as some sort of superficial vestibule of sorts; of the benefiting correspondence to some olamic antiquity or prototype of which the Universe, in it's picayune and nut-gathering creatures, to through that stochastic utility of our lives demonstrate a correspondence in our souls through some contingency or random occurrence that might osculate the insular honesty of our singular experience, the forsaken verity of our relationship; penetrating that hypogaean and halituous integument of the hidden truths of our daily activity, for whatever reasons. The inconsequent oddities of our subtle relevance, these are our more idoneous and pertinent connections to the universe, these are that entomical and autotelic constructure of the firmament which is the verisimilitudinous, or "practically true" undercurrent of our purpose. The voice of God is Irony; for that is the residues of his patrimonial seminality and presence. We must begin to acknowledge miracles as what they are! For coincidence is impossible! There is some higher and more valuable sphere of intellectualism then logic; esemplastic and concatenative in it's utility, unifying and elemental in it's various nomenclature, of which when traced through it's jovial and insouciant genealogies can be observed to allow the past to communicate with the future, of which can be observed to prioritize a various language of poetry; as each mythology stands as a singularly great poem.

What might we name that feeling of irony, but "apotheosis?" If you comprehended the languages of the winds, and perchance of wont of inquiry remarked upon the fomenting emollition and relaxant "psithurism," of that subtle remark of the elaphine leaf blowing in the experiments of it's peirastic and tempestive bosom, and it's Ganesa's most sarcotic spindles of samite; might it come to answer you in the peculiar "ecesis" of it's Irony, and the visitation of it's species in you and the renewal of your carnal textures, if it might find itself able to speak that various form? But it speaks for the nature which does not speak, and of which the poet has abstained from, for whatever reason; for it is as if you have been acknowledged by some god to behold it. It's momentary concession is like an assurance from above; the testimony of those incantatory and vernal vespers like God's recognition of you in some thelematic and theandric instant.

That we might treat our personal lives as our venerated and inviolable "epinicions" or songs of a sepaline triumph; as sure as the idea of Ovid's "Metamorphoses's" various transformations and Hesiod's "Theogonia" and Aristotle's "Prima Materia" all corresponding intimately, proportionately with ourselves; in the complementing of these various "aeons" or "saecula" of our lives. We all wear Herme's "talaria," we all know in our volant and polemic conation, our brute instinct, that which impels to effort our various kinds that our lives, our selves our together as some salient epiphenomenon of a nitid, or circumferential and caducous crepuscule of which can be said to hold more of an intrinsic value then it's predecessor, which when observed extends forever into an ambient remoteness of character, value, and credential. That we, in the body of "The Knight in the Panther's Skin," perform several European humanistic ideals as the "courtly love" which in the unconditioned contradicting of itself in some sort of moral elevation and paphian and illicit presentment; which is the "Hyperion" of John Keats and the "Titanomachia" of our life, we so come to assume the duality of man, which is this conflict of hate and love. That it is in this ambivalence, or mixture of emotions, which allows to appreciate true and utter depth.

I would compose myself in that sidereal and proleptic palliament of the immanent "ostent or ornament" and icarian macarism, or supplication of my verses, as awaiting the sororal and patible diapason and consoling of some pactolian and pabulous muse, the lotic magic of which is the standard for eating amongst the Gods. All creatures which come as nutant and apopemptic before this "corposant" of "Saint Elmo's Fire" and The Mekong River's "Naga fireballs" and also Terry Pratchett's "octarine" find themselves with a vitality renewed; as the undulations of a natricine and testaceous talion, or some fast-moving water-snake of a person now aware of his being cheated. Certainly the poet's social utility is specific, as to allow him to become Nature's speech. Thus his personal service to the society is a curious one, as he is the ecumenical intercessor, the temerarious and lochetic vendition of all those particular knowledges of nature, to him all other members of society; the whole of the community come to fulfill their suppressed and optative strains, to understand nature. The Poet's job and most obligatory service must be that vulpine and furtive transference of nature's sentiment and opinion.

I have never found myself to desire the distress of your indecent eye, the cost of which to sustain that benempt oath; that I avoid the ungainly and inept countenance of my speakers. I have never written in verses or in prose that which I had pleadged to speak to the soul of a Man, on behalf of a Man. My soul speaks to God and God only, the inference of the presumptions of the indolent and lurdan of their "typhus-stupor" are not worth as much as my own contiguous drunkenness. It is forever I, devotee of a crenitic and saltant Bacchus, idolater of some olent and pomarious Anacreon, forever presiding the cleidoic and emollient balsam of my more salsamentarious ocean springs of "oenomel" and vintage like.... an erative and temulent vesper; I'd never so much as leave the dregs their undeserved companies, that I, residing my recrementitious sentine disallow that, my singular estuary is my inordinate and potatory mouth where the atramentaceous and bitter are in closer quarters with the lacteal and vestal-candied then ever they were. It is forever I! It is forever I, of stupor; of the intercessor of lethe.

But it is the trochilidine and amphicelous creature, of trivial nature, of which finds himself to abscond with those velutinous and ecaudate Angels, of who's selachian vastitude of the consuming are as upon the choreutic fleshment of his meager velleity and his lack of ambition these fruits of the "durian" which are these victual goods so far from the destitution of sap and other vitalic juices; The poet! He is God's pornography! The poet is the other half of the man. The illimitable vocabulary and paradigm, the naissant appurtenance and lexicon and idiom of the coppice and parterre, of the olamic nectary; of nature, the poet excels as such. But an ornamental, alas; the ornaments are the best parts, as I have intimately forsaken the doctrines of unity, venerating the Holy Diversity of the "personal experience"! It reminds me of Fluff, this poetry stuff! This amasthenic and palustral balsam of some trochiline and oscine flight! This dulcet marzipan! The commentitious and esemplastic organ, all truth forever this "Fenrisulfr" and "Burgess Shale" of imagination and laughter, and fiction. To be eremitical and vagrant is to sacrifice yourself on behalf of the experience, utterly and thoroughly alone and homeless; is to be seated upon The Chair of Idris the Giant. Christ would have done better to leave his gnomic water in it's original state, that he had purloined from the bowl of a palamate Ganesh and that it's vedantic and cabiric atmospheres remain as emollient and balsamical we should be improved of the insuetude of cautelous and jentacular living and higher art; the preservation of it's symbolic concordance is like a certain sustenance for the mind; the principle and element that it represents, it's rudimentary organ and aromatic root of "Animism". What an intoxication it is! An intoxication of the spirit, so that in the trenchant and vertiginous "apotheosis" of it's pileous and vespertine ailerons we are comforted and whisked away, into higher societies and tastes, into higher consumption.

The poet, he is but a curious little animal with a hat; that "Grecian Coryphaeus" of the galericulate and pardine and nidamental animals of the poetic class which are these sort of whispering and susurrant vespers, the acroamatic and recondite beauty of those spirit-leopards, the sardanapalian and effeminate nest-makers, the sinuous and lanate listeners of all the various spheres of immorigerous and vecordious barbarianism and incivility; the incruental hares of war, the immortality and Athanasia of the animal-writer's epiphoric and epenetic current, his drunken release, the paraclete and intercessors of warrior spirits; the only real law-abiders. The poet is that limnetic murderer yet to be attended with expressible blood, he who immolates the spirit in some pastoral gulf of the name of enthetic sensations, and all these bodiless feelings. The poet is the limitless vocabulary of the Earth and Sky and Animals; all those pulchritudes and copesetic and papilionaceous creatures which without a voice are these eidetic cosmologies unheard of by our more or less, unexperienced brothers. May we become him, the poet; that we may become these nomothetic and appellative devices and representatives of the unnamed, and speak on behalf and from the Earth and it's various vestibules and lives. What is the poet's species and print, but the voice and tenor of Beauty herself, the voice of God, Herself.

What is the poet, but the voice and hyaline and vitreous brain of Nature and the fine glasswares of her vestal and velutinous carnality of forms, and like "The Cup of Jamshid" he reflects that pomarious and hortensial worlds, he is the nucleus and kernel of all animal intelligence which is an esemplastic and concatenative substance in his depths, the energies of the thaumaturgic transmutation of those generative vapors of the hermetic sciences and alchemy; oh how pure those schools were, for they parallel the poet entirely, indeed he is the alchemical geography of the irenic and henotic concord of tellurian fermentations, the breaking down of the un-named and the un-explored, the great change from the subtle idiosyncrasies of the human nature which are marvels pandemic and ecumenical and without the lack of correspondence in the interpersonal; to the dense and plangent acclimations of Shakespeare and Emerson and Thoreau? That I know their most dulcet flesh is as mine is, yet the various spice and the olitory herbs of which they choose and or prefer to adulterate and change their natural flavor are as a different type then my own, that we own the same biology I hope we meet each other in some higher sphere of intellectualism.

The impediment to the following ideas had met me with an admittance of which I could not reproduce in the likes of tentation and thoughtfulness, but alas, I have hence taken the appointment to describe it here; there is a sort of curious juxtaposition I have observed within the higher class of the art community. The poet is in many cases this morganatic and calliopean thing, that is, afforded a certain generosity of comfort in the lowly title of which he is assigned, in that he has become the Earth's inferior correspondence in matrimony. He is the sacrifice to his own prescribed ritualism. Those afforded the opulent and pecunious, the gilded and wealthy styles of living, often proclaim themselves as these individuals well-schooled in the arts, and empires of gustative and argute discernments on behalf of all it's various subtleties and vicissitude; though the producers of these same arts upon which the gratitude of the agencies of the higher class might be said to be originated from are in several ways completely foreign. What is this? Why do the rich and satisfied, admire and adore the works of the poor, meager, and wretched, the deplorable and rascal of character, title, reputation, and family? What is more esoteric then the poor, then the body of vagrancy, then the nameless and stateless and the insular residents of the World at large?

The "Teumessian fox" of those ephectic and insessorial philosophies has hitherto inspired the bulk of those nimious and talionic reprobations; the cold-hearted disapproval of the tralatitious Holethnos of the man, which are those velutinous and pelurious poets whom are far from epilated and tonsorial in their unshaven appearances; that most choleric talion of their unrealities and irrationalities. If our more cordial motives are aimed at the qualitative usurpation of our Tribe's insidious notorieties and encompasses a wide breadth and a concordance of various intellects of a respectable stature, not unlike the "Calydonian Hunt" then we might in propitiatory likeness become the halieutic and peripatetic members of our company, never-minding the "Ataraxia" of the "Outlines of Pyrrhonism" by Sextus Empiricus, we might find all the body of our tranquil atmospheres as we fish with the "phatic lineaments" the seas of each other in good conversation and like the hide of the "Nemean Lion" be unkept by the quivering standards of other men. I like to think of that incicurable and pantagruelian spirit as my own, a particular Genius that is to be acknowledged as the synergy of an abundance of imagination and a configured ignorance. All relations born to it's final and cosmic judgments are made infinitely better. The purely logical being has submerged himself into emarcid and cimmerian dormition in the affirmative sanctioning of his own ill-gotten "pleonexia" and avariciousness and cupidity on behalf of wisdom, which imperfectly constructed, has conducted him to me as indivisibly ornamental. Poetry, Conversation, Philosophy; and the pulchritudinous rudiment of the liberating and emancipative fictions of a creative soul; these are the agents employed by that enchorial and ecbolic verisimilitude of the intellectual's creative womb to bear to the world the introduction of a Holy Progeny and the proverbial "Ephebus". All the empyreal stars, trees, peculiar peoples, histories, mythologies, and entomical cities that you have read about are but the appendage of this soul and partial to the breadth of it's resplendence.

What more intimate longing is conversation born from? That the rudimentary organ from which it is derived has evaded the manuscripts I have written hitherto, and has yet to benefit the materials I have fostered with my attention; I have been met with impediments by the compunctions herein to be exausted. To converse with someone is to meet them in a sublime Heaven, is to intermingle with their mental substance and substrate, a property which is more so then their body animated with the portents of liveliness. It is to meet them departed from the Earth. The elevation to this immaterial correspondence is like a religious pretext for any philosophy I might infer to you. To me, conversation is a religious right.

A good conversation is like the vigorous interactions of Soul and the tabetic and sanguine hypernea of that respectively exhausted spirit, that "Sacrosanct Halidom" of a scintillating and sidereous sanctitude; is there a more palmary "Aspersorium" then the discourse; the Paraclete, the Consoler, the Intercessor of this colloquial interlocution upon which the mutual empowering of speech is expressed? Odin receives the souls of all the fallen Heroes in Valhalla, therein he must make room for the poets as well. That the poet is the greatest conversationalist, should we not model ourselves after him such that we might experience the greatness of the congenial arts of his ambrosial and mellific; honey-producing eventilation, for ourselves- if not only that we might install it upon others? The conversations had by most are destitute of sap and other juices vitalic and salient, like the unused portions of roasted Durian.

That copious honeycomb of optative discourse has dried up, without any succedaneous and surrogate potentials of which to erect it again in it's ancient splendor, excepting of course on behalf of a good poet or philosopher. The "Dog-praising and behavior" of Diogenes of Sinope has embedded itself into me, that I respect more then most humans the veridical and honest animalism and the virtues of the Dog, my only difference is my equal love for abstraction, that I take my differences in the assumption that the Dog lives within the abstractions that the poets speak of, and belongs to them, and they likewise are rendered unto him.

The face of God is unshaven and he goes by the name of "Pogoniasis". The real Monks never shave their heads in tonsure, but let themselves become like a feral animal in the comate and pileous gentility that the human body will come to produce when unkept by the standards of Man and acquainted with it's more honest forms. The Animal-Man is the poet, and if an animal might speak I feel it would come of wont to share a few verses with us, as they are more familiar with the Nature upon which the poet is but an inert commentary of sorts. Talk with your plants, talk with your dogs; your poets, your philosophers, your jesters- but forever hold your tongue before the more common; demotic and gregarian man and his concentric worlds. Do not trust his limited vernaculars, do not make yourself as a ignominious prodigality of sorts in this birthright of ours, of conversing. Learn many words and read many things, but more importantly write yourself and become a poet to fulfill the obligations that this zenith of the human experience within conversation has left for you to acknowledge.

That voraginous and telarian Napea of our spiritual meats; the Hellenic sphere of our history which like some ostial and nidamental conduit, conducts a various language of advice, and encouragement- of which we should begin to migrate to in the fashion of some nomadic pilgrimage, wearing our philosophies as an obedible and genesic Temenos of sorts, into which our personal and parochial existences correlate in a manifold degree with the nemoral intelligence that we have thusly come to encounter in those back countries of our history, as like the permanence of the Human's sedition with it's unappealing attendment.

Following a brief period of unfurnished verse, and conticent thought; I transcribed, in a certain ebullience of the opening of myself at last, a Koan, or rather an adage of my own sensibilities: it goes that "fashion must not derive from the cerement," as that less-then considered peculium, or that little deposit or stock of one's own, is most usually the meritorious instance to which upon, with some ludic inquietude as we dispose ourselves to taketh prideful and honored judgment, in later years- into which upon philosophy has encouraged the renewal of supplication, we elect as representatives of our life; what better, then those self-transcendent epochs of our- of our, own little-flames. Compunction, like the impartial man, opens me to know this- in the latest ranges of my defense, in it's potentiality being discovered. Thus, I am yet solicited to comprehend my friends and families as aforementioned proposed. That personal life is a symbol of the immediate, the irrelative to the age. We go there, to go back to the sky. There is a most dependable amenity of form that, immanent of the human dimension, pervades our various languages of judgment, circulation, and pretense. It is most certainly apposite of comicality, in the distinguished sense; how every family and it's members, by their own insular consonance, manage to determine themselves as being in that most contestable possession of the world's greatest dog, or progeny, or bodies of attendance of a various sort. Definition serves as the mark, or rather- the intercessor of the immediate, so it naturally follows that I depend upon it in the most punctilious accordances with my own choice of profession, as I am inclined to begin the aeolian tribes. There was a place in one time, when I was presented with a world into which the winds did not disrupt me, and the differences in puerility and decadence were ever present in my changing manners of expedience, as by wisdom. The difference is that, in children we are given a world as a temerarious God; made inspired by a certain artery of our corespondent nature in all we say that is understood, which is the entire world. But what is it that makes us so? Because of the proportions of our Answers and Questions, the former being the greater present in this state of living, we are to have admitted within our dispositions the presence of an illimitable and perfected retention of explanation and response. Though, in decadence- of the greater character then that manufactured by the industrial commitments, one has omitted from his prudent comportment the idea of the answer altogether. Instead, the occupation of his mind is questioning; and all he has retained in his generation of intelligence is but this infinite list of questions. May we all insure by that natural sphere our allopatric minds which are made insular and incapable of reproductions by the means of having to supply their own alimentation within intervals of famine, as being in the likeness of those called passerine birds: eolian and nomopelmous, to consume faithfully by the eager hallux all those many vitelline wisdoms of our Terma, the richest portion of our egg, of our secludedness; as the world, in all it's various space and aether, is forever our amanuensis or our scribe- which by the helminthic class is retained from a stranger death then I could know, from my canopic and eutectic station of poetry, of which is of wont to melt with a greater celerity before it's emporetical ingredients of the obventions of daily living and personal life, being relent and visceral. May we live preconditioned by the excess of the solicitous toes and the inchoation of the pollen tributaries, which are as manifold by the wind to see the worms in their own Cremona, Toledo, Etna, Montmartre, Cnidus, and Anshan. I heard by a more piquant Stentor the clamor of my backyard earthworms, then likely was that the public hears at the annual running of the bulls during the feast of San Fermin in Pamplona. So I thoroughly embarked, upon the request of my more disproportionate judgment a more substantial quantity of my own preferable stock of drug, which is cannabis: then as I am more accustomed to have of in indulging, and then walked into the other room to pet my dog. As I petted him, I realized that in the more simplistic, humble, natural, and authoritative perception of the dog I am as a member of it's pack, it's brother. It would, by the impediment of it's own protectiveness, resist a stranger, but not me. I have thus commanded a station in nature, and before my most loyal friend I began to weep. What of me? But a human, to interact at these manifold potentials with an animal, whom has not- and will never hear of religion, politics, talion. I recently removed myself of the institution of my school as well, and that one instant of realization felt to be of a more important species to me then anything I had ever heard in the schools before. I just think that in between all those inclinations for truth, fact, merit, reputation: one should, in the manner of a more gentle character, attain by the periapsis of a more ancient wisdom; the respect of something undying. I believe in the consecution of more resistant principles, derivative of the human and dominant in the poet, which is that which is nature's hypocorism: faith, honesty, loyalty, poetry, philosophy, art, expression, respect, intuition- and that they might prevail those angels of numbers; that the host of those whom hold me to be of a most comfortable agreement outweigh that proportion of those people whom do not participate in my own suggested employments. That the animals, which live as a greater number then humans, assure me of my correctness; for it is not mere verisimilitude that performs me. But if the world could but simply be understood in that, by nature of a poem's admonitive halitus, ponderous gradient of it's auxiliary and undulation; how we can premonish ourselves of some impending decampment of the client of our personal Homunculus which is epacmastic in it's function- the epacme; that diapedetic altitude of our intelligence by the judgment of the world in some various and ongoing sort of ambivalence- a common voice of personal sphere, that has become in many ways- excepting those simply unfamiliar- as the reciprocal investment for, by the invalid constancy of our polluting beauty with some manner of importance and degree, what it is that is this world: the world that is some importunate incline of moving peoples possessed by ghosts and angels in a strange acosmism, indistinct from which are those Gods they propose to conquer, and some to supplicate. That economy of the poet is above all else holopneustic and creolian; that is, being within the instrumentality of the open systole- which is the principle of both t
inocciduous systole Tame wild, Orbaneia's bird: an Ichneumon's qualm. (1)
When Muse, by orient shell and inocciduous balm, (2)
had inclineth by it's thural Strain; Typhon and Ecnephia. (3)
As fragrant waters curdled rain, hitherto becometh softer:
so well the sense, the organ, - moved to swell(4)
Chloris' vernal, vestal: the endearment, Gale. (5)
Frail allodium width, enriched Lampetia's Spire(6):
to the epontic and ampelideous Angel's firmament, (7)
by the illecebrous fire, such inferring it's deathless desires. (7b)
To hyaline brain, to that Dulcarnon Jail- faithfully (8)
Watching outside dim Alpheus' Dulcinea needing.... (9)
obstinate pulses, being chained about long vernal haul-
Long vernal pull, long vernal withdrawal;
Through that Farina meal devout parallel crawl.
We are as sussurant and calm, concerning with
articles of but the grasses, hills, trees, fruits, and bogs;
Pondering balsamical immanency, to release youth prolonged.
Écorcheurs-looted, depleted of vogue-fashion and (10)
of that Lerna of our pains; regarding that mendacity (11)
betwixt all, by the admission of larceny no; the incantations
have been rationed or pawned, - My commuting
for Phaedria lake, from which I absconded wanton: (12)
orderly, to perform a crawling along some assortment
of niveous diadems, as Haemos proves strong(13)-
that boreal throng. Respond to me!
Petrels, Fulmars, Shearwaters; procellarian magnate! (14)
It is that bird, who's musing and coalescent pinions
and him performing that assortment of caprioles above
the open seas improves!

(1) Orbaneia, painter of Ubeda, sometimes painted a cock so preposterously designed that he was obliged to write under it, “This is a cock.” (Cervantes: Don Quixote, pt. ii. bk. i. 3.)

Hence, taming his bird would be analogous with; the creative faculty, and the beatitude of the poet's ultimate insularity. The poet, being the implement of his expression, is most readily appreciated with a local pretension of various epochs, peoples, and relationships with which that life was developed, hence even the most adept scholar will admit to being unable to discern several elements to every masterpiece; and those obfuscations with which the demotic class is concerned, being even more numerous, serve to intensify the expression of this anomaly. Taming Orbaneia's bird then would be the acknowledgment, and embracing of this poetic element, or phenomenon even.

Ichneumon: An animal resembling a weasel, and well worthy of being defended by priest and prince in Egypt, as it feeds on serpents, mice, and other vermin, and is especially fond of crocodiles’ eggs, which it scratches out of the sand. According to legend, it steals into the mouths of crocodiles when they gape, and eats out their bowels. The ichneumon is calledPharaoh’s rat.”

Hence the meaning is that this taming of Orbaneia's bird is some thing that originates and eats outwards from the inside, indicating the ecumenical potential of the arts.

orient shell "The beauty of being insular, shy, and untried. Inocciduous- cited from The Poetical Works of John Pane:
"The glory of that innociduous light
Which burns at the heart of the Eternal's Throne."

thural -Poetical Miscellanies, Consisting of Original Poems and Translations: By the Best Hands - Page 242
edited by Sir Richard Steele - 1714 - 318 pages " (Fragrance of herbs, commonly used for the purposes of incense)

Typhon and Ecnephia " A sort of hurrieane, similar to the Typhon.

The circling Typhon, whirled from point to point….
And dire Ecnephia reign.”

Thomson: Summer."
The following verse, concerning Chloris, is an allusion to the wind and the mythos behind her being given control of spring by the west wind, to swell with fruit; or produce "Carpus"

(4) The poet, in his poesy, has surmounted and improved nature.

Chloris was a Nymph associated with spring, flowers and new growth. Her Roman equivalent was the goddess Flora. She was abducted by (and later married to) Zephyrus, the west wind, who gave her dominion over spring. Together they had a son, Carpus. Carpus means "fruit" in Ancient Greek, and the natural metaphor formed by the three can be seen in the following quote: "Zephyros... the personification of the West Wind which brings with it freshness and rain in the spring. He would unite with Chloris, goddess of the new vegetation, from which sprout the fresh fruits of the soil."[1

(6)In poetry, one's meager existence inherits the universe in it's "patrimonial seminality-Thetamatheia"
allodium-(n.) Freehold estate; land which is the absolute property of the owner; real estate held in absolute independence, without being subject to any rent, service, or acknowledgment to a superior. It is thus opposed to feud.
Lampetia-In Greek mythology, Lampetia ("shining") was the daughter of Helios and Neaera; she was the personification of light. With her sister, Phaethusa, she guarded the cattle of Thrinacia. She told her father when Odysseus' men slaughtered some of his cattle which were ageless and deathless, like a forbidden fruit. Her father asked the Gods to avenge his cattle's deaths. Zeus then sent a lightning bolt down and a storm, killing all of Odysseus'
men, while their doom was portended by the meat writhing and lowing on the spits.

(7) Epontic-growing on any surface, plant, animal, or mineral.
Ampelideous- a. of or like the vine.
Natural History of the Antarctic Peninsula - Page 63
by Sanford A. Moss, Lucia De Leiris - 1988 - 208 pages, Ecological Geography of the Sea - Page 136
by Alan R. Longhurst - 2006;

(7b) The following verses are about being in tune with nature and love, and describing the nature therein as being in tune with timeless forces, and comfortable in a meager occasion (Farina meal)

Vitaceae are a family of dicotyledonous flowering plants including the grape and Virginia creeper. The family name is derived from the genus Vitis. The name sometimes appears as Vitidaceae, but Vitaceae is a conserved name and therefore has priority over both Vitidaceae and another name sometimes found in the older literature, Ampelidaceae."
The horns of a dilemma. (or Syllogismum cornu’tum); at my wits’ and; a puzzling question. Dulcar’nein is the Arabic dhu’lkarnein (double-horned, having two horns). Hence the 47th proposition of the First Book of Euclid is called the Dulcarnon, as the 5th is the pons asinorum. Alexander the Great is called Iscander Dulcarnein, and the Macedonian æra the æra of Dulcarnein. Chaucer uses the word in Troylus and Cryseyde, book iii. 126, 127. 1
The horns of the 47th proposition are the two squares which contain the right angle. 2
To be in Dulcarnon. To be in a quandary, or on the horns of a dilemma. 3
To send one to Dulcarnon. To daze with puzzles.

(9)1. Alpheus as man. Hunting in the forests of Greece, Alpheus saw Artemis and desired her. He followed her across all of Greece until she came to Letrinoi. There, Artemis and her nymphs smeared their faces with mud. Alpheus, who had decided to rape Artemis could not distinguish between the Goddess and her nymphs. He fled. This episode stands out because Artemis is usually far more savage and lethal with would-be lovers.

A lady-love. Taken from Don Quixote’s amie du cœur. Her real name was Aldonza Lorenzo, but the knight dubbed her Dulcin’ea del Tobo’so. 1

I must ever have some Dulcinea in my head—it harmonises the soul.”—Sterne.

(10)Freebooters of the twelfth century, in France; so called because they stripped their victims of everything, even their clothes. (French, écorcher, to flay.)

A Lerna of ills (malo’rum Lerna). A very great evil. Lake Lerna is where Hercules destroyed the hydra which did incalculable evil to Argos. 1
Spain was a Lerna of ills to all Europe while it aspired to universal monarchy.”—P. Motteaux: Preface to Rabelais.
(12)Idle Lake- The lake on which Phædria or Wantonness cruised in her gondola. It led to Wandering Island. (Spenser: Faërie Queene, book ii.) "Phaedria-Handmaid of Acrasia the enchantress. She sails about Idle Lake in gondola. Seeing Sir Guyon she ferries him across the lake to the floating island, where Cymoch’les attacks him. Phædria interposes, the combatants desist, and the little wanton ferries the knight Temperance over the lake again. (Spenser: Faërie Queene, ii.)

(13)niveous(a.) Snowy; resembling snow; partaking of the qualities of snow.
A range of mountains separating Thrace and Mœ’sia, called by the classic writers Cold Hœmos. (Greek, cheimon, winter; Latin, hiems; Sanskrit, hima.) 1

O’er high Pier’ia thence her course she bore,
O’er fair Emath’ia’s ever-pleasing shore;
O’er Hæmus hills with snows eternal crown’d,
Nor once her flying foot approached the ground

Pope: Homer’s Iliad, xiv.

(14)petrel-noun: relatively small long-winged tube-nosed bird that flies far from land
Shearwater-noun: long-winged oceanic bird that in flight skims close to the waves
Fulmar-noun: heavy short-tailed oceanic bird of polar regions

Procellarian-(n.) One of a family of oceanic birds (Procellaridae) including the petrels, fulmars, and shearwaters. They are often seen in great abundance in stormy weather.
ihh I am writing a book I am calling the "Thetamatheia" (positive ignorance) to encourage the knowledge of porphyry, laccolith, granite, and breccia and all those tramontane winds which are like auspicial halitus and cord.
Chrity go to: hideously_beautiful

(just to keep with previous form)
phil the desire to be held and comforted, assisted, taken to a pleasurable place, carressed (before you dress) and basically broken fixed neutered and spayed
all come from this place
fix believe 070322
wondering who made up this thing called blather, anyways??? 070323
wondering who made up this thing called blather, anyways??? 070323
? yeah !

does any one know ?

i don't even remember how i found this web site either !

. in a decade, will all the blathes on the recent page be sentences with underscores? 070330
CT to blathe or not to blathe, thats not really the point, the point is what to blathe about...... 070331
mcdougall is gonzo 070422
starjewel hello 070507
Asylum Bound Blather is:
a need
a want
a rhythm

Blather is:

dao i would prefer a rocketship to a blather any day! 070814
de-fuffled You might have tought that playing games like that in a space shuttle was only in your imagination !

and you know what, when i press the switch down the light goes out, it's not what dreams are made of, it's the cake you've made.

and so we have it, illusion is the past not a battle with your shadow.
emily a long lost addiction... 080722
fuffle maybe it's what you want it to be :)
what is real what is not, it's up to you, just don't get confused at mid day!
hsg 080915
olive one day while i decided to look at this website at the library at my school.
i happened upon the word pantyhose, and was laughing at all the weird fetishs that people have with panty hose.
i didn't even know panty hose fetishes existed.
the screen went green.
no big deal.
we, my boy and i started writting a pantyhose fetish that was way more messed up than any of the others.
we go to a public highschool in denver colorado, and apparently the computers have key trackers or something.
because as soon at the entry started getting really messed up the computer went green and it said GET OFF OF THIS COMPUTER.
and the computer turned off.
thats just one of my experiences on blather.
ofsuch I love you! 081201
starjewel this is annoying 090217
Nikki i love to blather 090401
j you haven't even begun to blather like i have. 090401
words words 090416
niska "didn't you already say that?"
NO. I actually didn't... thanks anyway, for ensuring I can't, blatherfuck.
minnie i love blather, 100730
ShnizelCheese Wow! Still going huh? 110524
girl what is this? 110702
() (see: welcome_to_blather and meta) 110703
ofsuch i feel better just being here - seeing things in shades of blue. i can't say these things out loud to anyone, but i can blather and feel much better.

it seems like there aren't as many people blathering as there used to be. although it would be great to have more blatherers, it feels like my special quiet place that is only known by those that are exceptional.
ChristopherLevesque I wish I didn't ask the admin of this site to delete all of my writing one day... I miss this board. 111016
I.T.S. was the internet. The internet became something else, and blather lived on to watch the internet became many other things, and blather quietly laughed at how shallow and low the internet let itself became. And man was the same as always. 120430
ari whatever 120814
REAListic optimIST Oh, to be named so as to set expectations
such that they are attained with ease
and are exceeded with a rarity.

It is with this in mind that one declares
the lofty expectations the denizens of
these hallowed halls to be naught but bloviation.

Indeed, blather is as blather does,
and blather does inspire and listen,
expect and judge. Blather also waits
patiently for such trends to pass by.

Thank you, blather.
I receive you in gratitude.
Raina this place saved my life before and it will again, I am convinced. I will keep typing until I feel better 130530
starjewel I thought maybe... well
tabluex vevant is sexy but not a Tucson poem
flowerock some blathed remind me of the game telephone, a word is presented and from beginning to end the subjects and types of things typed about it change and change... it's a loose connection, but it made me smile. 140722
shpaaaaaaaaaaaa shpaaaaaaaaaaaa 141205
me blather is my new favourite word. 160714
toother I'm starting here because it helps 161217
() ( toother, see: welcome_to_blather blather_is_blather and meta ) 161219
DannyH6 Elegant antique
redundant genius
Rediscovered onion
ephemeralarcs blather was a home that I could be myself in
it's where i got complimented the most I probably ever will on my poetry
where my identity meant something deep to a few people
where curiosity was both grown but also sometimes, went to die.

I wish that I was back in 2001 and I just discovered this place. Maybe I wouldn't have made as many mistakes.
dafremen Guess timing's everything, slim.

If we were to rewind blather today, what would we write? How to begin to get into that head space? It does sound like a worthy goal. Not sure it'll undo any mistakes, but what's a mistake anyway? A chance to learn both a bit of humility and another way not to do something, as far as I'm concerned.

But how to get back to blather_blue as it used to were in 2001? Hmmm.

Maybe if I close my eyes and forget that the world is divided, and coming to get our veins, I could play a different character, you know? Maybe if I imagine that there wasn't so much judgement in the world..even here.

You know the kind..the sort that doesn't like the look of its own face when you hold up a mirror or look through a microscope. But maybe, just maybe, if I concentrate on a different blather_blue, a blather that amuses, intrigues and inspires me. Hold it a shot.

*closes eyes and concentrates really hard*

Done. *opens eyes*
Dang. Will you look at that? Blather_is_blather.
what's it to you?
who go