moxie ten perfect fingers
ten tiny toes
those eyes almond shaped like mine
the curve of his nose
for something so precious
something so dear, shining with innocence
how can this be so wrong?
dallas nothing is as it seems. 990110
jen what is unattainable like that rainbow the seems so near but yet is far 990215
Kirstin and Chad 990330
suzan was when he said "i want to make love to your mind" and he didn't mean fucking my ear. 990604
emma it's not that you're perfect it's that perfection like turns into you and everything you are is transformed into a shimmering image of complete perfection in my eyes and it is beauty and i just have to secretly cherish how perfect and beautiful you are because it's just me. who sees you as such. 990615
groovinkim is when you run outside and you feel
like you are going to burst with
happiness and you are in love with
the world and you realize how lucky
you are to be breathing and how
beautiful it is, even if sometimes
shit sucks. so you dance and you
sing and you look like you are a lunatic
or maybe just high and people stare
at you, and you smile at them brilliantly and for the first time
in a long time, you have hope.
marjorie what was... until we took a closer look. 991221
nameless like that song im listening to right now, i cant listen to it! its just too perfect! 000116
lotusflower being hopelessly flawed. 000222
amy hahaha
calliope love. perfectly fucked up to fuck up your life. 000402
jocelyn like a life full of tenderness you are perfection sweet and tender.. 000511
aradia sweet dreams in a world full of nightmares 000512
MollyGoLightly He says I am. Sometimes he even uses it as a pet name. I sat and thought about that for at least fifteen minutes today. 000523
platonist the perfect...
the neo-platonic one...
perfect truth, perfect goodness...
perfect beauty.

the eternal
from which all the myriad good things
all the myriad beautiful things
silentbob all my life i'm told no one is perfect. everyone can fail, everyone makes mistakes. you just rebuild and go on. i liked this idea, that no one was perfect, (though i've met many women i was SURE were perfect...)
but now that i've exposed myself to people who teach me about their religious beliefs, they tell me that the god they believe in is perfect.
that contradicts everything i came to understand about life. so i'm turned off again.
Tank everything, everyone is perfect, even if that means perfectly flawed... 000702
MollyGoLightly watch out for the woman with the golden ratio.

that last step is a doozy.
Lizymae something never attainable, yet always pushed toward. 000901
madmac imperfection is beautiful 001201
blackentlilly perfect is the way his hair is long
and the way his broken fingers swell
and despite the pain
he gently slips his ring off
to show me how much he loves me
Jolie aperfectCirlce is the shit.
maynard knows what the hell he is singin about
unlike this backstreet boys N'sync Britney spears (not sure if I spelled her name right but she isnt important enought for me to care) Kristina aguhoochie (same goes for her too) who sings about love, over and over and over again
the music is lies
they themselves have never loved. Anyone can sing a love song and have it mean notheing
but not everyone can sing of pain and love and longing and lust and helplessness and have it mean something
pop music is boring to listen to because it puts the meaning of the song right out into the open
it removes all artistic quality music is ment to posess
i myself am an artist, so I suppose it may be a natural thing to be drawn to the real art
how dare I?
how dare I insult other peoples music?
How dare I love the truth?
their happiness is a lie.
Long Live Maynard James Keenan
(and if ne of you dont know who he is, he is the singer for to ass kicking bands...Tool...and....a perfect circle)
Jolie and if u mail is and I am not was my softball jersy number in 8th grade. everyone always asks me if I'm thirteen. and when i tell them no, they dont beleive me. then some people want to know if I'm eighteen or ninteen or of the sort, and when I say fifteen they dont belive me. so i dont know if I look younger or older. screw it 001210
twiggie all he said was "here". and i watched, and i listened. and everything was perfect until the car drove away and i had it, forever, to keep the memory in my mind. 001210
123 ehh... don't go jumping to conclusions! 001212
kx21 1. Nothing in the UNIVERSE(s) (including GOD?) is perfect.

2. Any measure for Perfectness is
jolie (little joile) hey, my name is Jolie too....weird. I havn'e met alot of people with my name...and I too, also share your opinion. Its so parallel its almost paradoxical. maybe i should write a book about it 001218
kx21 3. Nobody is perfect for Everybody.

4. Any measure for Perfectness by Anybody is imperfect.

5. Like you and the Universe(s), Perfectness is evolving.

6. And Measure for Perfectness is evolving.

7. Once you got your PERFECT object, the desire for your next PERFECT object arises.
unhinged nothing is perfect

perfection is just expectations raised to an impossibly unattainable level.
get over it and then you can see how much happier you will really be cause it's cruel how everything can lead to short of the expected
kx21 7. Once you got your somehow PERFECT object, the desire for your more PERFECT object arises. 001218
kx21 8. And finally, you lost the somehow PERFECT object or ended up with having a less PERFECT object.

9. Perfection is an Illusion.

10. You are somewhat or somehow Perfect.
kx21 11. And You are also somewhat or somehow imperfect object.

12. A Somewhat or Somehow PERFECT and IMPERFECT object are connected to somewhat or somehow PERFECT and IMPERFECT Universe by
somewhat or somehow PERFECT and IMPERFECT Choice or Chance.

13. And this is so called the Beauty and Creativity of Nature, the creation of a new Somewhat or Somehow PERFECT and IMPERFECT CONNECTION / INTERCONNECTION / RELATIONSHIP/ INTERDEPENCY Universe.

Copyright 2000.
Rhin I am not perfect, but I am always striving for it. The perfectionist in me can be emotionally cruel. Sometimes, it bothers me, that I stress myself out over every minute detail. However, that goal of perfection, sitting unreachable in front of me, is what keeps me pushing myself hard, to always give 100% in everything I do. I have always been grateful that I do not possess one of those, 'I don't give a shit' attitudes. Maybe I should get one... 001219
JBauer Perfection can be found the most imperfect of things, the number pi for example, endless and confusing but as far as perfection goes, one of the closest things. 001219
tourist It's not really "don't give a shit.", it's more like" just be content." 001219
kx21 The statements made by so called Perfectionist are always not PERFECT:

1) ... The perfectionist in me...

2) ... I stress myself out over every minute detail ...

3) ... goal of perfection...

4) ..., sitting unreachable in front of me, is what keeps me pushing myself...

5) ....always give 100% in everything I do...

The most PERFECT opinion for PERFECTIONIST is:
And please get rid of your emotional DESIRES for PERFECTION.
between opportunity 010101
caite his nose is crooked
you only notice it if you stare at him long enough
that makes him perfect too
he knows it
Rhin 'so called perfectionist'?
No one is surely referring to me, because I never claimed to be perfect. However, I will assume the comments were meant to be directed toward me, because my opinions were quoted. I must say that my emotional desires are what would keep me farther away from perfection, than most people, if perfection did even exist, in the first place. An 'I don't give a shit attitude', is my way of saying that, I never let myself be content with the status quo' - of which I will admit, is not always a good thing. I need to clearly practice more, the fine art of 'chilling out'! I believe the way I look at my goal/fantasy of perfection, is different to me, than it would be to you. Everyone's idea of perfect, is unique all in it's own. What's perfect to one person, is imperfect to another. That said, I don't see any point, in elaborating further. It's like someone saying, 'I know what your thinking!', and no one knows what I am 'truly' thinking...except for me. That's the way it should be.
Erin It grasps your neck
follows to the back
I just want to wrap my fingertips
around your neck
and hold on to you forever
Your hooded sweatshirt
orange, blue, red
Makes you look like a utterly perfect human being.
Its so odd how something so simple
Can make you go wild.
Erin he is not perfect, which makes him perfect 010118
kx21 Dear RHIN,

Only one UNIQUE Creature / UFO / supernatural being in this World/ Universe has the Power and Capability of NOT giving or creating any SHIT(s) or SHIT attitude over time.

It is called NOTHING.

Please refer to


for more infomation about NOTHING and its relationshp with you.
stupidpunkgirl the time that i came over to your house
and you were asleep on the couch
it was at that time when you didn't mind that i didn't knock
and i sat with you on the couch
and tried to get you to wake up
i don't remember where we were going
and why it was important for you to get up
you're kind of cranky when you first get up
like the little boy that you really are
i touched your face and you held my hands
it was a perfect memory i have of you
now we only talk and you get a little mad when i come over and walk right in your house
dean-bean I found one. Or it found me. I thought I lost it, but it was where it was when I last saw it. 'cept it's going to the down under place. 010128
Deniedu I'm only perfect, when I lie. 010326
13lueee i'm always second no matter what i mean, to him i'm always second or i'm nothing at all... 010327
Tai C. is yet to show its face in my life. 010404
florescent light I am perfect.

Everything is perfect.

Just the way it is.
Chrity go to:
The Truth Perfection does exist, or else we wouldn't be aware of it... 010411
elisabeth do i have to be perfect to be your friend. I just ask "don't laugh at me" is that to much 010411
kx21 In U, there is one and only one perfect entity / object / item / thing...

It is none other than NOTHING....
florescent light we're not perfect
So why am
trying to be?
nocturnal "perfect...well, not entirely perfect."
-Lucas (yes, another empire quote)
I am I am my own perfect, 010429
kx21 It's more than I...

Are you perfect with the absence everything else?
kx21 Can you move towards Perfection with the absence everything else? 010429
The Truth Perfection would require all things at once to be one. An exact alignment of everything together all at the same time(without time). Infinite Pure Unity. 010430
kx21 i.e.

In U, there is one and only one perfect entity / object / item / thing...

It is none other than NOTHING....

And this may be the reason / answer of why God uses NOTHING to create Everything / U.
The Truth I would argue that Pure infinite unity is not nothing.

Nothing would be equal to zero

Perfection must equal one



perfection (p) equals (infinity) to the first power.

or maybe...

perfection equals one to the infinite power.
(that just sounds right?)

p = 1 ^ (infinity)
Dafremen Ahhh but don't forget that if:

p = 1 ^ (infinity)

then in fact perfection is ALSO equal to
infinity to the power of nothing or:

p = 1 ^ (infinity) = (infinity) ^ n

So in reality, you can't describe perfection without taking into account the power of nothing and it's relationship to infinity.
kx21 Given that God uses Nothing to create U and Everything.

Which of the followings is true:-

U is Perfect.

U is the Most Perfect entity among Everything.

U is more perfect than You.

U is as Good as Everything else.

U is not perfect.

U is less perfect than You.

U is the least perfect entity among Everything.
nemo i wouldnt be able to handle "perfect" 010612
misssssssnake he says im perfect. im so far from it that i cry everytime he says it damn him 010612
BrittStar when i smile,
you should know its fake,
cause this silence i cannot break,
i am a reflection of someone strange,
an image of me i can never change,
i can't speak of how i feel,
i can't elaborate on what is real,
no one understands this hurt inside,
in someone i wish to confide,
this pain that lives deep within,
this burden is wearing me thin,
to be happy is all wish,
to be alive is what i miss.
kx21 Whole... 010718
forever The softball feild is perfect just eh way it is, a smile is perfection. "those sixty feet inbetween the base is the most perfect thing in the world" 010721
-opiate_womb_ is MAYNARD 010805
Dafremen While eating a cookieI saw in it's eyes that to a Milano cookie...I am a GOD. 010805
Weed Eater you did not create the cookie, nor the atoms which composed the cookie, you merely exchanged your hours of slavery for a package of marketing.

The cookie owns you.
chocolate bootay everyone is human..

if one human likes to eat people for pleasure

and another likes to listen to MJK scream his infinite soul within the music of TOOL

and another likes to dance to boy bands

and another likes to be obsessed with flowers

and another likes to create new wallets


whos the standard of what one should and should not like?
some of you judge others.
its written on this website *a kiss on the hand to the makers, btw, this is cool* specially musically. the whole world is out to like the greatest music. who's to say kurt cobain is greater than britney spears? you fucking looney shit heads. you make me hate this world.

I hate sin. its restricting.
chocolate bootay btw-I dont like your narrow heads and noone should like your narrow heads.

I know this to be good.
Norm :) 010828
kx21 Termal Equilibrium? 010829
kx21 State of Termal Equilibrium? 010829
kx21 State of Thermal Equilibrium? 010829
xxx him 011026
monadh here i am

running on the surface

i'm in my sleep

painted on a cloud
Sonya We always believed that love was perfect like the petals of a rose unfurled. We believed in a love that seemed so perfect it was untouched by the sun's rays or the cold hand of winter. We never fathomed that same perfection was a myth that could destroy us. And as you said it was always the flaws that made things perfect. Maybe you were right. 011027
psychobabe The Perfect Drug

I got my head, but my head is on half of me
Cant keep control cant keep track of where its traveling
I got my heart but my heart is no good
And your the only thing thats understood
I'd come along, but i dont know where your takeing me
I shouldnt go, but your riching, dragging, shakeing me
Turn out the sun, pull the stunners out the sky
The more I give to you, the more I die!

oOh and i want you,
oOh and I want you,
Ooh and I want you,
Ooh and I want you!
You are the perfect drug,
the perfect drug,
the perfect drug
You are the perfect drug,
the perfect drug,
the perfect drug
You make me hard, when i'm all stuffed inside
I see the truth, when i'm all stupid I
The arrow went strait through my heart, without you everything just falls apart
My god wants to say hello to you!
My feelings want to get inside of you!
My soul is so afraid to realize,
every little good is left behind
oOh and i want you,
oOh and I want you,
Ooh and I want you,
Ooh and I want you!
You are the perfect drug,
the perfect drug,
the perfect drug
You are the perfect drug,
the perfect drug,
the perfect drug
You are the perfect drug,
the perfect drug,
the perfect drug
You are the perfect drug,
the perfect drug,
the perfect drug
You are the perfect drug,
the perfect drug,
the perfect drug
You are the perfect drug,
the perfect drug,
the perfect drug
You are the perfect drug,
the perfect drug,
the perfect drug
You are the perfect drug,
the perfect drug,
the perfect drug
You are the perfect drug,
the perfect drug,
the perfect drug
Take me....with you....
take me......with you......
take me......with you...
take me..with you
take me...(without you) with you (without you everything falls apart)
take me...(without you) with you (its not as much fun to pick on)
take me...(without you) with you(without you everything falls apart)
take me...(without you) with you (its not as much fun to pick on)
with out you, without you everything falls apart, without you its not as much fun to pick on
ilovepatsajak the truth, anything that is real 011027
kx21 The world is imperfect with the absence of wars, terrorist_acts, etc...


Will more wars, terrorist_acts, etc. help to build a more perfect universe?
kx21 The world is imperfect with the absence of wars, terrorist_acts, etc.


Will more wars, terrorist_acts, etc. help to build a more perfect universe?
Toxic_Kisses What I’ve been called by those who don’t know me well enough to know better. 011107
Casey No one is perfect until you fall in love with them. 011107
Miffey I never loved you because I thought you were perfect.

I loved you because you were perfect for me.
ClairE I never said you were "the most perfect boy ever".

I forgive you for putting words in my mouth.

reitoei the perfect life
the perfect figure
the perfect house
the perfect children
the perfect job
the perfect wine
the perfect dinner
the perfect cup of coffee
the perfect perfect perfectperfectperf...

dreams of those whop are far from 'perfect' those who live outside of life living instead in a realm of self-help books, broken dreams swept under the carpet, 6 digit salaries, catalogs and bliss never stpping fro their perfect threshold to the flaws
lady lunchbox we've said so many times that we are perfect for each other
and in the bottom of my heart, i know it's true
lady lunchbox i just hope you know it, too 020216
bethany no one is perfekt

yet everyone is a perfect them, ahhhh, yes, on tuesdays
kx21 Intelligence = Rationality? 020217
blown cherry Something I glimpsed in him, for a moment perhaps, through all the flaws.
Something I held in my hand for a split sliver of time, before it ran away like the purest of water.
Something I doubt I will ever see again.
EECP I know I'm not, but I want to be.
I know I can't, but I will strive to be.
I know we aren't, but we are a close as it gets.
I know my love is, and I know yours is too.
I know you are hiding, but its time to be strong.
I know you can, and I will be with you.
kx21 M_question:-

Is Nature still Perfect if

your Logical World is exactly the same as the Physical Universe?

Any Good_point(s)?
mahayana you are so perfect in all your
naturally complicated precious ways
there is no other as you are

there is *something* so inexplicable about her, seemingly so thin, so rarefied, breathless-that it is like
no air at all

you breath her without feeling it,
you cant look through her without consciousness of her presence
saharas air is very easily recognized
by the eyes alone
optic discretion when there's nothing left 020520
god perfect per diem too! 020620
cheer-up-emo-kid When things are perfect, we will be able to fall alseep in each other's arms. And we will only get up when you have to pee, because you do that a lot. 020728
trin pain. 020729
poeticmisfit nothing is perfect, prefect is a fantasy 020729
phil perfect is a fantasy

nah. not really.

perfect. it is what it means.
dondeestanlosjaguares . . .is what I see her as.

I believe life is perfect, and in my humble opinion there are two kinds of perfection:

1)Ultimate Perfection
Meaning that things have no mistakes and are error-proof.

2)Universal Perfection
Meaning things are meant to have a certain balance and in order to have that balance you need an error ratio and mistakes are allowed, to make things the way they are meant to be.

If Anybody can add on to the list, that would be great! I'd appreciate it, but that is my piece of mind on it.

She is perfect and that is why I lover her so much!!!
dondeestanlosjaguares correction on the last phrase. . . that is why i LOVE her so much! 020813
~gez~ she is
and im so grateful
* what is perfect? 030128
erica my imperfections are my perfections 030213
niska I know...
we're just like old friends
we just can't pretend
that lovers make amends

we are...
reasons so unreal
we can't help but feel
that something has been lost

but please...
you know you're just like me

next time...
I promise we'll be

strangers down the line
lovers out of time
memories unwind

so far...
I still know who you are

but now...
I wonder who I've lost...

you know it's not the end
we'll always be good friends
the letters have been sent on

so please...
you always were so free

you'll see...
I promise we'll be

strangers when we meet
strangers on the street
lovers while we sleep

you know this has to be
we always we're so free
we promised that we'd be

-- smashing pumpkins
jester .......................................
flipchrist jester sux, with all ur peace signs, i actually went and look at ur other postings and ur a perfect 4-4 peace sign. i guess my postings are not much better, but ur peace signs still suck 030322
jester _____________888888888888______________
brain stew perfect...nothing is perfect...will i ever find perfect, will i have enough time to? will i ever...
yesterday should have been perfect.
should have.
ought to.
could you, would you,
will you, won't you, will you, won't you, won't you join the dance? or will you just stand there on the periphery and watch, and throw me a few crumbs when YOU feel like a cuddle?
i keep wishing my life away on stars and eyelashes and ladybirds and full moons and cling to what, hope? oh, DO tell! what a joke...what a really sad joke...
ute Your presence is like being bathed in the light of a thousand suns, until I get burned by you.
Hearing your voice is like hearing music, until you change the station on me.
Seeing you is like seeing a family member after years of separation, until you spit in my eyes.
Your touch is like a hot shower after being in fridgid weather all day, until someone flushes the toilet and you scald me.
You couldn't be more perfect...
jane i_want_a_perfect_body_i_want_a_perfect_soul 030616
squishedtoes she is perfect
and he won't forget her

i'm afraid
i'll never be
for him.

so is he.
the game MR. PERFECT rest in peace, Curt, you were one of the of the reasons I started to watch. You will be missed... 030714
ferret or perhaps i just hit my head on the nightstand 030714
mel perfect ending to another perfect illusion. hidden agendas are sometimes masked in the most deceivingly beautiful packages. next time i'm in a desert of discontent, maybe i'll stumble upon an oasis that doesn't turn to dust as soon as i embrace it. 030728
Sarah Did you know if you click on the last word in each of my comment things it will bring you to something else I have said. Kinda like a story line. It's not perfect though, just like my life isn't perfect. I'm not perfect. I'm not really much of anything really. Well, I'm not sure. But I really think that you, Michelle, are the closest to perfect that I have ever seen. 030817
queen of darkness you know someone thinks you're perfect when they even love your imperfections...
you said i was perfect, but i thought you were the only one...
tortuous perfect emotion.
when the only thing felt is pure.
without the cloud of everyday trials and trivials.
without question and reason, thats when its perfect.
nomatter that's not even a word. 031003
Death of a Rose I've used've used it....they've used it.....let's either recycle it...or give it a band aid. 031011
ferret FUCK perfection 031011
Perplexlypuzzled There is no I in perfect. Of course... there is no We in there either. Only

P - Please
E - Endlessly
R - Remember
F -"Friends"
E - Effect
C - Certian
T - Temptations

Wee what fun! Well, it makes almost no sense if you're not a perverted little dipshit like me, but hey, I thought it was nifty..

On a more serious note: I belive, with all my heart, that nothing is perfect, aside from the imperfection that I find in all things. That is what I love. That is what I adore with all my sould.
Perplexlypuzzled There is no I in perfect. Of course... there is no We in there either. Only

P - Please
E - Endlessly
R - Remember
F -"Friends"
E - Effect
C - Certian
T - Temptations

Wee what fun! Well, it makes almost no sense if you're not a perverted little dipshit like me, but hey, I thought it was nifty..

On a more serious note: I belive, with all my heart, that nothing is perfect, aside from the imperfection that I find in all things. That is what I love. That is what I adore with all my soul.
Perplexlypuzzled And now I feel even more like a dipshit for posting that twice.. Please accept my apology. :-) 031014
onemanarmy she exceeds perfection she is otherworldly and I hate HER she sparked fire in every boy at school and now they all have it the Hilda Fever it was a mess they all cannot stop staring and doing like slaves in awe of a more than perfect creature/// without even trying she ripped from my weak hands the man i love and never acknowledged him as even a human being but still somehow took him for her own and whatever was holding me together before i had ever seen her was raped from me and now i cannot repair my crumbling existence has anyone ever seen something like this, i mean a girl so captivatingly perfect 031103
seeker a simple word
yet so much more
holds the power of my world

i wish to be perfect for you
i want you to want me
to dream of my smile
to desire my mind
to fall in love with my words
to crave my voice

because you are so perfect for me
all i want is to be that perfection for you
dying embers We lost it all
Nothing lasts forever
I'm sorry
I can't be perfect
Now it's just too late and
We can't go back
I'm sorry
I can't be perfect

I try not to think
About the pain I feel inside
Did you know you used to be my hero?
All the days you spend with me
Now seem so far away
And it feels like you don't care anymore

And now I try hard to make it
I just want to make you proud
I'm never gonna be good enough for you
I can't stand another fight
And nothing's alright
~Simple Plan

We were never perfect not alone and not together. It was right, yes, even you would not deny it. But it's gone, all gone, maybe not forever, but for long enough. And it hurts, deep inside, hurts in the place where you learn humility... humble because I loved you enough to let you hurt me this badly. Humble, because I still love you, as foolish as it is. We were never perfect, no, but we were something. You and me... we're gonna go places.
someguy i found someone perfect...
her eyes and their sparkle,
her lips and their smile,
the way she walked, the way she laughed and the way she made love.
an angel.

then one day i woke up bored.

PrincessParanoia we are perfect in our imperfection 040506
kookaburra one day you wont be perfect...and i'll be there
o yes! i will be there! and i will make sure to note that you were imperfect today. and somehow this makes my flaws seems just a bit smaller and a bit less insurmountable...
see: it_aint_fair
ewwwww...i put a link to my own page(shameless_self_promotion)
it really is a direct link to what I said though
tr i never wanted to be... perfect 040603
clementine somedays i think we are for eachother. but then i wonder if i would be settling- for my best friend- not a bad thing to settle for, I'll admit. but you aren't what i thought you would be. and i know i am not what you thought i would be. and we are both so imperfect. so brutely flawed, even in our decisions about eachother, that i wonder, who else can understand us, but us. 040604
spiffy if practice makes perfect, and there's no such thing a sperfect, why practice?

and then theres:

i am nobody. nobody is perfect. therefore, i am perfect.

but i don't think there is a such thing as perfect. it is the flaws in things that make then unique, make them what they are... make them beautiful...
New Zealand girl death my best friend is perfect, some wont say thet but i think he is, i love him but he loves another girl. why does he have to be so damn perfect?! 040802
love & hate Perfect,
What we were together,
they were jelouse you know.
What we still could be,
if you stop caring what they will think.
What we will be again,
the day that we are together once more.
Its sooner than you think...
Love lasts a lifetime... specially my love for you.
kookaburra ha! i'd settle for okay 040803
hsg 262 040920
Syrope you looked down at me at one point tonight when i was laying on your chest

and i've never been that happy

you were perfect
you made me feel perfect

and don't ever expect me to tell you to stop :)
peachmelba a state of mind where nightmares fly through your head and kittens dying in their sleep all the colors of darkness are puzzled into a perfected time of the year with, paradoxaly, monsters sitting next to our saviours wishing us a merry christmas 041105
pumpkins "you'll be perfect just like me..." 050123
Me. The therapists and people all said I was "anorexic" because I was trying to be perfect. I think they're reading way to far into it... looking for meaning where there isn't any. I wasn't trying to be perfect, I was trying to be skinny. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. 050123
peyton when I sleep
standing there
open arms
one night
last forever
asked her
she would never
let go
and I could
stay forever
flowerbed on a cloud That one special person...^^

Blather, for being able to blab aout him ^^
falling_alone a night with no work to think of
early bedtime with a cuppa
chamomile with lime and honey
singing along to "praise chorus"
jordie when everything has fallen into place and nothing can shatter the surface of the peace which makes you.
the moment when you know that the future will be alright - that something will always be with you, someone will always be interested in your good health, your place in the world.
the moment when you think 'you know, I like my life' the moment when the only emotion you notice is bliss. happiness.
this is perfection.
when darkness falls she doesn't think so. the relationship won't happen, no matter how much you want it to. no matter what you do and what you are at this point in time, all you can do is wait indefinitely or give up. in essence, aren't those two the same thing? what does that mean?

cannot play this game anymore, i am sick of the game. i am tired of being someone else because being myself has gotten me nowhere. if nothing was perfect then, chances are nothing will be perfect now.
Loving observer named Chris i think you are right. Be yourself. 061023
dessiahs_song a perfect mockery of it all. doubts creep in, and when i face them, i'd rather not mention it.
six days.

what if...?
Christ without the cross IN your perfect state you are yourself and nothing else . You are you and you are unashamed. You are speaking truth and you are not afraid.

That is perfection. That is knowing who you are and loving it. It is changing the game. It is ending the game all together. it is finally clear and crisp and easy to see. It is not hidden. It is not a secret. It is not filled with hesitancy and ego.

It is pure and humble because it owns itself and not another. it speaks of its tendencies and habits and negative thoughts and ceases to point at others. It uses these thoughts to help it grow to help it discover something about itself.

Yes the self is perfect. The true self is without fault. And honesty about one's self is the path to enlightenment.


How can you measure something as good or bad or perfect or not perfect when those concepts are infinite. Perfection is infinite just as God's love is without end. So how can you measure perfection if you can always be more perfect?

You can't.

So strive to be more perfect. Strive to be better than you once were. the truth is you have nothing to do. Just by being created you are perfect. Just by existing you are eternal and all powerful. And in truth you are everything that you are and infinitely more. So you are really just trying to be better than you THINK you are.

Believe in that truth and you will set yourself free. Truly believe and you will not struggle against yourself but move with yourself and guide yourself where you would like to go.

No doubt i am self righteous and with the words i use i prove myself as such. But i do not know all the answers. I only know MY answers. And i do not possess all knowledge but i possess MY knowledge.

That's why I can afford to be preachy because in truth I am really only speaking to myself.
starboy Your breath is sweet
Your eyes are like two jewels in the sky
Your back is straight your hair is smooth
On the pillow where you lie
But I don't sense affection
No gratitude or love
Your loyalty is not to me
But to the stars above
who i am doesnt matter anymore im not sure if ill ever be able to 'have' you.

but i know that you are it.

i would like to think thats enough to let us live happily ever after.

but i guess even if we cant, atleast i know where you are and who you are.

and there is no doubt in my mind that itll be you for the rest of my life.

its up to us to do something about it.

and im just on the waiting end, as soon as your ready to acknoledge this, im down to do whatever it takes.

but until then ill be doing my thing.

i hate waiting when i know what i want.

but unlike anything else in my life, ive got patientce with you. one reason i know this is the real deal.

i have a long list on how i know, ive been pin pointing them for years.

i dont need anymore convincing.

and i dont care how silly it sounds.
Saara something I'm the least of. 070717
up yours! what the duck is peerrrfect a crap education that confuses you ? 070718
up yours! what the duck is peerrrfect a crap education that confuses you ? 070718
one of many Nobody's perfect.

Everybody's perfect.
Risen I'm not perfect, but I'm getting better. I'm getting healthier and happier and I am learning that Catherine is a good person to know and love 150117
what's it to you?
who go