drew i didn't think there would be any good shows here in tucson, but i just saw maynard with 'a perfect circle'... and let me say that, if there was any previous doubt as to the beautiful power that emanates from his vocal cords, well, there is no more doubt. 991018
let the rabbits wear glasses "the cries of the carrots...
you see, tomorrow is harvest day, and for them it is...the Holocaust..."

does maynard still live up in Jerome?
Barrett His voice, my tattered childhood.
His words, what my drunk girlfriend let me do to her last night!
gregg if we are speaking of maynard from the band tool, what a loser! the music sucks, the lyrics suck, and the guy is just a whining little bitch that needs a pacifier and maybe some candy (rammed up his asshole)

"fuck maynard and all of his clones"
vipryn67 maynard is incredible.. i just saw him on the NIN/ APC tour.. and his voice... its the most powerful in the music business. he is other-worldly. just when i thought tool was the most amazing band.. maynard proved me wrong. he has so much talent.. just being in his presence knocks your senses out. you could just feel the energy in the arena when he sang. it was the most beautiful, mind altering experiance of my life... 000528
Barrett Having a bad day? Maybe your "'N Synch " CD will cheer you up. 000602
jennifer his voice is so pleaful
gawd, I love it
wingedserpent going to see APC/NIN sunday.

emily my boyfriend's going to that concert on sunday as well......he is so excited about it...i would like to go to it to, but i wasn't invited...... blah 000602
Marc Whoever makes fun of Maynard obviously isa fag and doesn't seem to know what the hell talent is... Maynard is an awesome singer and APC is an awesome band and all those people who think apc sux can go listen to whatever shit music they want...

Reason i wrote his is cuz i saw hat fag gregg's message and i dont see how someone can think of so many gay things to say i think he comes up with all this shoving pacifiers up someones ass from his past experiences with his apc hating friends...

So gregg keep your hobbies out of your messages cuz thats pretty gross and no one wants to hear that shit...

And if you read this gregg dont even try to retaliate it wont work...

doktor eeevil ** Disclaimer: the above post was obviously the work of some beer-swilling teenage jock or frat-boy with unaddressed issues of his own latent homosexuality. the above post in no way reflects the opinion of all maynard/tool/apc fans and should not be otherwised construed to.

(especially not if you know and understand the lyrics to stinkfist)
doktor eeevil or the lyrics to "prison Sex" 000605
poison angel After the close of "three libras" last night

MAYNARD: "If that song sounds kind of bitter, that's because, well, it is"
Marc D Well doctor evil

I really hope you arent one of Gregg's homosexual friends who likes to sound intelligent by using big words it obviously seems like you are trying to defend him for another night in his bed... im sorry but that type of homosexual thought makes me ill...

So please dr evil dont say those types of things. You must think you're cool by stereotyping people. but you were way off except for the teenage part.

I don't really care about your opinion but in my opinion people like you are the ones who should be used as a human bullet shield...

Just my thoughts

Your message was very amusing thought

Thanx for the comedy
Marc D And i was not calling myself all of tool/apc fans in any way...

Sorry but i don't have unreasolved issues...

This must be very dissapointing for you since i guess you wanted there to be more homosexual mates for you but i am not that way...

So sorry Dr Evil
dyabolos ok, i'll speak on your level
(i just hope i can manage WITHOUT a lobotomy)

i personally don't give a rat's ass about gregg.

never met him, don't care

whether or not i'm gay
(and i'm not...but if i was i'd admit it quite proudly)

you should thank that worthless christian god of yours that you will likely never meet me or the arsenal i keep in my coat on a dark street

inbred republican fuck

oh, and say hello to your mother.
Marc D
I sense some hostility...

a lobotomy would be quite nice...

and good for you that you arent gay...

I sure as hell am not inbred unless of course that adam and eve junk is right and if it is then everyone is inbred...

but anyway im not republican...

and really i dont care about religious beliefs so if you were trying to anger me in some way (which you probobly were with your feeble attempts) i am no where close to being hurt...

damn you gotta be a comedian you're pretty funny

Anyway i dont see why you would really need an arsenal in your coat to defend yourself but my impression of you isnt a very good one at the moment...

(you sound like one of those columbine punks right now, im sorry to say)

And whats funniest of all is in your last message you described a "swilling teenage jock or frat-boy with unaddressed issues of his own latent homosexuality.(almost forgot the influence of beer)"

Well it kind of seems you are describing yourself in some way. so are you describing yourself? all i need is a yes or no answer.

And as soon as you started talking about my mother that obviously seemed to make you sound like a teenager...

anyway if these messages seem to anger you in any way then you should calm down all this is, is a joke and if you take them seriously and become angry then that is just showing how weak you are...

(oh yea and do you keep your arsenal in your coat whe the street is dark only or at all times(in your last message it was unclear))

Your friend
Silent Bob im trying to explain this to myself..
maynard is the singer of tool, right? and and and he has a band that has an A and a P in it right? and the C stands for Circle? right?
Santos actually, i used to work for a pair of gay italian coke dealers and made a large number of enemies back in the eighties

if you had my enemies, you'd keep a few items handy at all times as well

old grudges never die
i have mine, they have theirs

Funny, though... they were republicans
cactus demon a perfect circle 000607
jennifer what ever happened to maynard? 000607
emily ...what do you mean?... 000607
jennifer I thought this page was a maynard page, not a fight about who's gay and who hates gays and who loves gays and etc etc etc.

in the words of Pooh the Bartender
"take it outside, boys"
gregg wow, someone has definitely got some issues if they attack someone personally for their opinion of a band...let's clear some things up. 1. i'm not homosexual, and at the same time, i find nothing wrong with it, so don't feel scared about admitting it to'll feel better, you really will..2. i do not drink beer, nor am i a frat boy...if i were to be labelled, "artist" may be in there as well as "soldier" and "scientologist". and whoever it was that attacked me for uttering my humble opinion of the singer of a group, YOU are the embodiment of religious intolerance and racism, as well as other blisters on the genetalia of society.
thank you and may bjork bless
b--dm-d i heard on the radio last night that Maynard and Tool will be back in the studio sometime in the fall also that this should result in some new Tool by early next year.

And for anybody who still has a chance to catch APC on tour with it!

i ran out and bought "Mer de Noms" the next day
madwingedserpentbird hell, i have it playing on my computer here in the office right now 000607
Marc D i have no prob with that greg anyway i was extremely bored that day and was looking for something to laugh at...

Thats cool you got your opinion even though mine seems to differ just for the hell of it i got a question who of what band do you think is a good singer?

Damn those Gay republican italian coke dealers...

So sorry you have to deal with them...
Barrett Gosh, I,m sorry I said anything. BACK STREET ROCKS! See what you started Greg? 000608
Marc D aaaaaaaaaaaa

Not the backdoor boys!!!
Barrett G. Krebbs? 000614
silentbob I saw an A Perfect Circle video yesterday...i was not left unimpressed.
Did i say that right?
Splinken My favorite character on Dobie Gillis. Now I know that there are some die-hard Tuesdat Weld fans on here, and that said Tuesday Weld fans and their Dobie loving counterparts may call me a "fag," but that's okay. Different strokes for different folks. Gary Coleman rules. Over and out. Beep. 000614
Santos i didn't mind that they were gay or that they were drug dealers... i minded more that they were republicans.

They were never the problem though.
the people i pissed off when i worked for them have been the problem all along.

my list of favourite lead rock vocalists is pretty diverse... Robert Smith, Jim Morrison, Bono (pre "fat-elvis" period as he calls it)...Ian Astbury of The Cult... Robert Plant (but only as part of Zeppelin)... David Lee Roth (but only as part of Van Halen -- he sux without them, they mostly suck without him)..Morrissey...and of course Maynard..but to list any further would take too much space and time and might venture into the obscure and the ridiculous
Splinken I have never heard a perfect circle. I like the name a lot, but from what I've heard about them they are an angry-boy band. I think I'll steer clear. 000616
willing slave of Paz Lenchantin far from it.

and if you saw the delicate beauty of the bass player as it stands
in stark contrast to the power she wrings from her instrument...

oh my.

Her name means "Peace", but their music frequently suggests otherwise.
silentbob Paz is angelic, what other bands has she been in? 000714
Tiffa Wow, um, is this the "chat with Marc D" arena? *clpas her hands* i have been looking for this for-ever! not. marc hunny, i seriously hope you get a kick from this. cause if you do: cool. we all have our homicidal tendencies and that you get them out here is alright, because after all, you dont personally know who you are bashing, cause, well, if you did, you wouldnt bash them. or at least, certain people. Btw, who the hell is maynard? i really dont know. 000727
Jesus Hendrix i have a ticket to see APC in Minneapolis aug29, Im praying fate doesnt,in some way,keep me from seeing them, as shit happens to often in my small little destitute world. Ive never seen Tool, but Ive heard Maynards voice fills the place like no other singer around. Ive heard hes into acting as well, I read that he appeared on the Ben Stiller show as Charles Manson, and got rave reviews of his performance. A person would have to be deaf not to acknowledge that he has one of the strongest voices in rock, as well as writing some of the most beautiful lyrics out there, with depth and substance not seen anywhere else in our anemic happy Hollywood-ending culture. " Id sell my soul, my selfesteam, a dollar at a time, for one chance, one kiss, one taste of you my Magdalena!" I defy anyone to come up with a more beatiful plea. Maynard James Keenan, true rock icon for the new millenia!!! 000805
i HAVEmoonshine I have a troll. 000923
silentbob ok, that was pretty fucking annoying

But he's right. maynard was simply selected for his beautiful voice, and because him and .......dare i say it... "The bald guy" are friends.
twiggie maynard doesn't take the credit for writing anything for a perfect circle. he's acknowledged that he came after it was all written, and what he contributes is his voice. ahhh that voice. 010130
silentbob does he? thast good. hes probbly a good guy 010304
twiggie you know i was reading that over and i realized something...didn't he write the lyrics to most of the music but he didn't write the music? AHHH i confused the hell out of myself!! "Brena" is about his fiance or he obviously wrote that...someone please clarify! this is going to bother me until i figure it out. bobby? comments? anyone? 010304
birdmad songs that do seem to be written by him are 3 libras, sleeping beauty and bren~a, especially if you've seen them live and he precedes 3 libras with the sentence, if this next one sounds a little bitter, that's because it is, and i am, which he then explained afterward on the lead into sleeping beauty

at least this was how it happened last summer when they opened for NIN
twiggie thank you birdmad. thank you thank you thank you 010305
jem so what's this site anyways?
i'm new

on the topic of maynard, he's an amazing musician/vocalist/writer i know of. tool has been one of my favourite bands since i was 11 or 12. they are amazing musically, emotionally, commercially...
i cant wait until the new album
mikey blathering. its a site for random thoughts. let your mind flow. 010311
jolie jolie likes intensely maynard 010329
fed up of your bullshit I thought apc were a pseudo-christian rock band. I bought their CD and it only had one good track on it, so I took it back and swapped it for Rage Against the Machine - now there's a band to get enthused about - not this NIN/APC bullshit. 010426
nikky i use maynard. i get inspired from his madness. im always collecting freaking stuff cause mine apparently seems not to be enought.i love the way he breaths...the way he says -fuck all of you- . still he´s waiting for us to buy next album .he doesn´t give a shit, so we buy our own emphaty. he is mad with religion and cant stops attacking god.
he has so much violence.. but between lines you can understand he´s afraid.
chocolate bootay yeah he is afraid. he knows. eulogy shows his self-deception. he doesnt want to face God. he makes excuses like I and the world does. Jesus wasnt surprised. where would he even get that? God is the answer. 010823
kuleilani ::squints eyes at fed up with your bullshit:: 010823
chocolate bootay aww poor baby

lemme touch your pussy
guess who Id sell my soul, my self esteem a dollar at a time, for just one taste of you my Magdelena...

now thats sayin something its not just 'i love you' its much more than that. Not like the pop bands that dont know what the hell their talking about. LONG LIVE MAYNARD
nakita molita shakita feeling so vulnerable, but it's alright 010911
little wonder i loved and appreciated him as a musician, but didn't understand how all of these girls were attracted to him. he just didn't do anything for me.
but then i saw a_perfect_circle live, and i have never wanted to fuck someone so badly.
nemo sexy tool singer 020305
no reason "we've been...we've been trying something a little different this tour. We've been looking at one of our songs from a different angle, under a different we can hopefully kind of...see it almost for the first time. we'd like to try that for you tonight, is that ok?
we're gonna need your help, though. we're gonna need your help, and your permission. so we need you to find a comfortable space, that's not only comfortable, but vulnerable. i want you to shut your eyes and go there, and we'll meet you on the other side."
no reason sigh...he's so amazing...everything he says, and stands for, the way he talks, the jokes he makes, the looks he gives...and oh, that voice...i've never felt such a warm, hopeful, healing feeling from someone i've never met before...i think i am now officially unhealthily infatuated. 020913
Destination? No Reason....Come find me.....
"Hands are on my back again, survuval is my only friend, terrified of what may come...."
jolie so deep
and so vast
maynard has the voice of a god
who could cause the angles to tremble
um hmm...a trembling 90 degree angle? 021114
freakizh after listening to him, lou reed sounds like if he was dead. 021114
no reason my favourite wine gums are named maynard. 030126
blue star this is what my parents called me when I was in utero... I feel this strange connection with someone else who has this strange name. 030126
... maynard is amazing, he has made all the songs he sung in real good, i have all the tool cds and the APC cds plus also all of deaftones, where he sung in the song passenger along with chino, i think if you click on the word passenger the lyrics will show up. NIN is amazing too but tool shall always be my favorite (well probably not concidering i still have a long life but the way i feel now, its going to be my favorite for ever)
by the way fell free to e-mail me.
rulph mmm.... 030312
lost james maynard keenan 030312
een stomme kind well, about the apc thing - i heard he wrote all the lyrics, but the music was already done when he joined. so yeah. man, its driving me crazy that i cant find the mer de noms cd anywhere, and the prices for me to get it online are crazy. so yeah. apc all the way baby. maynard rocks. 030320
silentbob Made a cameo on the first episode of Mr_show with bob and david 030320

Choices always were a problem for you. What you need is someone strong to guide you. Deaf and blind and dumb and born to follow, what you need is someone strong to use you.. like me...
jolie Choices always were a problem for you. What you need is someone strong to guide you. Deaf and blind and dumb and born to follow, what you need is someone strong to use you.. like me... 030404
jessicaheartsmaynard sounds like gregg is pathetic... and i feel the need to cause him pain.
you are a dumb ass belligerent fucker and i hope it sucks you down.
maynard is the king.
neo some people say elvis is the king, i say that oreos are good and bush is bad and that tony blay is a suck up 030504
The Sell-Out He's over-inspiring.
Seriously I can't write, sing or even think with out constantly being reminded that he's already thought, sung or write what I'm creating. It pissess me off, but I love his words, I love his voice, I love Tool.
I can't seem to write with out saying something that reminds me of a Tool lyric. I can't seem to sing with out sounding a little like Maynard, he's a definite inspiration and sometimes I feel that I might have to stop listening to Tool if I ever hope to be original again, simply because he's such a HUGE fucking inspiration for me and I relate so well.
For the most part I hate Tool fans, and I'm stealing this reason from someone I know- the reason I hate Tool fans is because the music is so special and so private to me, and I'm selfish. My meanings belong to me.
superstrings The "bald guy" has a name:
Billy Howardell
thank you.
no reason yes, he does have a name, but it's actually howerdel 030513
celestias shadow I love Maynard. And I've only just started to appreciate Tool and APC. So there you go. He's that powerful. You could die for a voice like that. I'd love to see APC live, it sounds amazing. My friend went to see Tool in October and said it was one of the most incredible experiences of his life. I think I'd like to touch something like that. 030629
contrabenevolence maynard is absolutely brilliant and those who cant realize this. If you think the lyrics are bad you obviously arent listening hard enough. the way tool puts a philisophical aspect to their music is amazing. you'd be pretty shocked at the messages in their music. 040403
unhinged he hurts me; i'd so fragilely been hanging on. and i knew i kept secretly hoping to see him there, but instead we drove down mahoning past the cemetery listening to the_noose and it hurt me so much that even through the haze i had spent all night placing myself in, the tears poured down. he hurts me in a way that makes me crazed and obsessed and fanatic. words are so hot. it doesn't matter what you meant, only what i thought you meant. and i thought you meant for me to melt into helpless tears. his words are so hot. it could become a hopeless compulsion. i love a man that can talk me into puddles. even the thought of the slightest touch makes me shiver. a few minutes invested makes it better in the end. talk me into puddles baby. i can already hear your_voice in my head. 040629
the patient i_must_keep_reminding_myself_of_this 040629
kronoptic The most talented front man in rock and roll history. A dynamic, powerful voice that delivers lyrics capable of awakening the listener to the miracle of consciousness. 040813
Roaul Duke well put, couldnt put it better myself. 060607
jane tell me everything...

alright then.
jane on the new album, i heard that you can put tracks 3 & 4 together end to end & overlap track 11 they fit perfectly.
i guess thats what you get when you sit in front of a computer for 5 years
what's it to you?
who go