stephen a prelude to goodbye 990523
emma a really classy word, too. really. 990524
fruitypants pickleshits 990806
deb comes so slowly
after the first
Words This is nothing to me. 000421
crimson piles such a simple thing to say that can make someone smile. more people need to say hello to strangers. it's the first step.

but sometimes it isn't so easy. because he walks by and your head says "now's the perfect time don't let him get away, say hi!" but he's so close and big and his aura overwhelms you and then he's past you-far away-gone. and you didn't say hello.
Spete Ta da. 000505
Zoe they say that in the first ten seconds you meet someone you form an poinion about them that you will usually keep. so, i guess how you say hello is important. 000717
Barrett hello... hello...
is there anybody in there?
a distant birdmad on the horizon i am receding 001127
Barrett i am only coming through in waves. 001127
Snakeyes In this blue wave
I am sinking
monadh hi 010312
florescent light shalom 010312
dafremen I'm Daffy...want to touch my naughty place? 010312
johnny west (Running away violently)
No! Aaaaaaah! Please no! Noooo!!!
mikey one time i hired a monkey to take notes for me in class. i would just sit there my mind a complete blank while the monkey scribbled on lil pieces of paper.

at the end of the week the teacher said "class i want you to write a paper using yer notes"

so i wrote a paper that said:

"hello my name is Bingo, i like to climb on things...can i have a banana?"
"eek eek"

...i got an F. when i told my mom about it she said "I TOLD YA NEVER TRUST THE MONKEY!"

the end
johnny west :::applause::: 010312
mikey its from SPace Ghost its funny as hell! 010312
Sol Hello, How are you, i have not spoken with you in a loong time, oh, how youve changed, you must have been this tall last time, oh really, you didnt, no!? anyway i must dash, lovely speaking to you bye.

Think of something more original to say
lali hello 010706
casey I always have to say it first, no one ever says it to me. I always have to get the attention of others before they notice me. I am so envious of the people that can just sit on a couch and people will come up and talk to them or sit on their lap. sigh 010706
Weed Eater Good bye...

We will miss you...
:..S e e d S.:...o f...:.L i g h T..: Good Bye.

Our work here is done...
The Truth Good bye...

Remember us always...
god catcha later guys! 010902
daking hello belly - my, you've gotten big these days. Have you been doing anything but drinking martinis and eating take out thai food? 010914
A legged three years old prostitute Hello...every body hates me...my teachers sucks and wants to fuck me...help me please!!!aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!!!hello.... 010918
a legged three years old prostitute my name is nicole and I'm a three legged prostitute and i'm wondering if anyone could help me you see... I have a kid and I don't get to much money cause I'm not too beautiful so send youre donations to 44o1 oxford street in montreal, quebec! please!!!! help me!!! 010918
grendels only coming thru in waves just nod if you can hear me 010918
how U doin
G'day mate
kx21 The_Spice_of_Synchronicity of Human String or U_Whole... 011003
Fire&Roses Hello...
Hey. What's up?
Not much I just wanted to talk to you.

There is silence on both sides of the phone. I am quiet because I just wanted to hear his voice.

I'm here.
I love you...
Toxic_Kisses greetings
hi there
i am telltale 011022
god your lips move, but i can't hear... 011031
ClairE and goodbye 011128
peyton Hello. I'm not new here, are you? Have you been here before? Shall I show you around? It's very pretty. Have you come here to stay? It's very pretty. You sure picked a day to come, it's my birthday. There having a party for me down the hall. It's very pretty.

What's new? How's the weather? I'm so close to you, if you knew me. You don't know what I'm imagining. You don't know what I'm thinking, but you can if you ask me. I know you've thought about me before, but you didn't know. I know you can't stay long, but come leave a present down the hall. They have it decorated very nicely. It's very pretty.

If you feel you have to go, just let me know. I'll get your coat. The bathrooms are on the right.

Did you know we both cry? Did you know we both hurt and mourn? I bet you didn't. There's cake and cookies with the punch down the hall. They have a party going on down there. They'll be up late. Can't you hear them laughing.

I'm trying to explain to you. What's wrong? I know you don't understand, but we speak the same language. Can you draw? Can you paint? Can you play an instrument?

A dark room is as empty for me as it is for anyone else. I wish there were more lights.

Abusus non tollit usum.

When you leave I hope you think of me. I'll be thinking of you. If you ever call up, I'll wait for your ring. And I'll look up

I see the light shining on you and I think to myself, a fronte praecipitium a tergo lupi. And then I fall.

I'll miss you. Good night.
Norm Hi... 020103
TK Greetings and Salutations my good friend
hehe I like saying that kuz it makes ppl look @ me strange
little wonder "might i ask you how old you are?"

girl_jane Oh, sorry-wrong number. 020528
mae just wanted to say "hi" 021116
delial I always thought that if i held you tightly
you would always love me like you did back then
then I fell asleep, and the city kept blinking
what was I thinking when I let you back in?

I am trying to break your heart
I am trying to break your heart
and still, I'd be lying if I said it wasn't easy
I am trying to break your heart.
tryyoga I am tryyoga! Hear me roar!!!
tryyoga I am tryyoga! Hear me roar!!!
pete hello, it has been a while. how are you? how have you been?

Danny hello 040710
puredream When I say hello to you it's like restarting everything again. Within seconds I'm back to loving you...



I could restart the day with you forever.
JdAwG Hello
spiffy hello, my name is spiffy.

i am addicted to the internet. i have the social skills of a walnut. i am depressed. i need someone to talk to.

what, you're leaving me? already? ok, alright. sigh. goodbye then.
Borealis hello spiffy. :)

I don't have any problems with walnuts
spiffy hello borealis 040713
Electrik Silence i might be caught saying after the goodbye 041116
andru235 that's what i'm sayin' 050312
Amy _`Hello, I`m your mind giving you someone to talk to.ยด sometimes I wish she stop driving me crazy. 050312
belly fire hestitantly, hello blather blue
bringing you my poetry
my open-ended thoughts
a new place
to lay myself down
neesh phew, looking on red, i thought we'd lost you. hi, belly fire. 050501
Twitch its slowly being replaced by hey and the ever popular "sup" 050501
redcanadiancamel HI+HELLO=HILLO
redcanadiancamel HI+HELLO=HILLO
Sarolioma MevacorLamisil OralEffexor XRSynthroidCiproClomidKamagraBreast SuccessNeurontinCozaarXenicalUltramLasixProtonixLevitraFlomaxZyrtecTadalis SXED Trial PackIsoptin 061023
pirate 'ello poppet 070122
Toxic_Kisses yea, that about covers it ^.^ 070330
snook hello again 071012
pirate girl hello hallo hallo, whys your parrot so fat ? 071013
:) can i come on your pirate boat yet ?

well i always new that i was a nutter, i just didn't think ......ummmmm..... that there might be a possiblility that i could go on ya boat.
what's it to you?
who go