djdown the essence of insanity hinges on the possibility that there may be something actually to all of this society stuff. 980826
Kai I save seen beautiful things and beautiful people. More than anything, I think they make me sad. Regretful. Mournful. Hopeful. I still wish more things were beautiful. 980828
emma wow! me too. 980920
caty more things can and will be beautiful. For some things there are only subjective standards.
That too, is unfortunate.
emma some things are so beautiful and brilliant they are just appalling, and I'm reduced to a little leaking blob on my bedspread. it's funny that i wasn't made to be able to handle it. or is it the same for everyone? 981112
stacey Beautiful hurts too much. 990129
meir the child of evil. 990226
jules when I was small my grandmother had a stroke. she came out of it alright except that she could only say 4 words. one of them was "beautiful" and when she said that, it meant so many different things but i understood. 990318
strange poet as i seen it...but had it took away what happened to me why did i sunshine went away..the quiet nights in love with you...are all have have to hold...such a child of beauty....or so i have been told. 990418
allie But its hard for him
To be around you

God he wants attention
But he can't follow
Petty twists
And senseless attrition

Behind the eyes
Of those he meets
He's looking for something else
But there's only judgement

Maybe in a year or two
He'll learn all the rules,
He'll lose his innocence,
And he'll lose his soul.
He'll lose all that is beautiful
About people like him.
aaron So much meaning, but meaningless. 990523
emsie No one has ever really told me I'm beutiful. If they have I've never felt like they actually meant it... 990608
dallas If any one person or thing could possibly be beautiful, then every other person and thing could possibly be beautiful as well. 990609
poot I've decided that when people ask me "does it always rain like this in Florida?", meaning everyday, I'm going to answer "That's how it got so beautiful." 990627
alida a picture. a tree. a sunset. a dirty sidewalk. a scar. a follower. a teacher, a mother, a secret lover. 990825
richyl somehing or someone to think about and ponder 991026
kr8 your door, broad strokes
oil pastels in mind's eye
memory serves your space in time
a corona

color and light and lines
reflecting your life
as you walk through doorways
and sun's rays
and rain

a dot of boundless energy you are
a sprite
and i tell you the truth
you are
Nate Higgins Beauty is not external: it is when something; a work of art, a car crash, a red dress triggers a sense memory and with it subjective associations that ascribe meaning to form. Beauty is truly in the eye of the beholder. 991030
|sCaRReD*disTrOyeD| Not enough is beautiful in the world. People are cold, their hearts are black, and their minds are blank. The one truly, completly, totally, and utterly beautiful person I have ever incountered, has floated away to someone else today. On this day, possibly the most depressing day of my life I lost the only beauty in my life. He will soon be dead in my mind, like all the others I've lost. Or maybe I'm wrong. Maybe He's not like all the others. Maybe. Just maybe, He will return, and bring the light and happiness back to my life. For my lost love to come back is all that I can hope for. All that I wanted in a person, I found in Him. There is no other like Him. He will always be with me. If not in my mind, then in my heart. My Shane. My beautiful beyond words Shane. My first, and only true love. 991127
deb i hate the saying
"beauty is in the eye of the beholder"

they call me beautiful
say i am gorgeous,
even with my punky purple hair

what is beauty?
the ability to still look pretty
with a substantial lack of hair?
well, if that's the case,
i must be stunning

yes, me, the chick of many
names and little hair
deb i hate the saying
"beauty is in the eye of the beholder"

they call me beautiful
say i am gorgeous,
even with my punky purple hair

what is beauty?
the ability to still look pretty
with a substantial lack of hair?
well, if that's the case,
i must be stunning

yes, me, the chick of many
names and little hair
deb ::smiles:: dare i say it again? 991209
marjorie (one beautiful girl. alicia)
Washing over me
The strength I heard from your eyes
That smooth resilience
That keeps you from breaking
And can only be taught
Without words
And can not be learned
Without pain
alicia marjorie is beautiful even if her loser ex-boy jeremy doesn't think so. and i hate it when she leads me on by writing that stuff. :P no. actually, i love it. hehe. 991229
mad madame mim Chacun sait que l'on vit dans un monde où l'on donne de sales noms aux belles choses
Chacun sait que l'on vit dans un monde où l'on ne sait pas regarder les choses qui sont belles
Dieu seul sait que nous vivons dans un monde où ce que l'on appelle beau
Est juste quelque chose à vendre
Et les feuilles roussies deviennent brunes
Puis sont piétinées
Puis sont piétinées
Et les feuilles roussies deviennent brunes
Tombent sur le sol
Tombent sur le sol
Nous n'avons pas à vivre dans un monde où l'on donne de sales noms aux belles choses
On devrait vivre dans un monde de beauté
On devrait mieux regarder les belles choses
Et les feuilles roussies deviennent brunes
Tombent sur le sol
Tombent sur le sol
Et les feuilles passent du vert au rouge puis au brun
Tombent sur le sol
Pour être éparpillées du pied
Tu es assez fort pour être…
As-tu le courage d'être…
As-tu la foi pour être…
Es-tu assez honnête pour dire
Qu'on est pas obligé d'être ainsi…
Qu'on est pas obligé d'être ainsi
Allez viens et signe
Es-tu assez sauvage pour rester beau ?
Beau Toutes les feuilles roussies deviennent brunes
Pour être piétinées
Pour être piétinées
Et nous tombons, du vert au rouge puis au brun
Pour être piétinés
Tu es assez fort pour être…
Pourquoi ne pas te lever et parler
Accorde-toi un répit
N'importe comment, ils se moqueront de toi
Alors pourquoi ne pas te lever et être Beau
dr0p what's the point. she doesent give a fuck about me anyways... 000109
alexit I see beauty in many things.
The contrast of a b/w film.
The drama of it all.
The colour of a nice shiraz.
The last drop in an empty glass.
A toast to alone...

Only the lonely drink alone
calliope beauty, to me
is not a thing
it isn't a part of something
you can't 'have' beauty
it's a mood
a mist, a smoke
that lurks and makes you sigh
it covers things,
surrounds with an aura
you can't describe it
like that quote i heard
'once you define it, it loses its power'
to be beautiful is to gain that mist
that sense
over time, so that you welcome it in, and it comes
so by and by
you can swirl it about you as you laugh
and it will laugh with you
you can chuckle together
because it's told you life is beautiful you just have to find it
gwendolyn he is laying there
snoring softly soundly sleeping
he is my beautiful
Brian be you tea full? 000416
Uqbar Beauty is common 000504
mungo I walked into the hallway and stopped at the beautiful Cherub Fountain. It was a sculpture of three little angels playing Tie the Kid to the Stake. There was a quiet trickle of water falling in an arc down to the basin on the floor. 000513
MollyCule There has only been one time in my life when I looked at myself and thought that I was actually beautiful. I as dating this boy who was completely unworthy of me, but I didn't know that yet. I got up from his bed, put on a shirt, and walked to the bathroom. Washing my hands, I glanced in the mirror and some combination of post-sex afterglow, the diffuse light from the window and my general state of mind combined to make me completely able to not see all the things I hate about my face. Crooked nose? Straight. Small eyes? Wide for once. Fat lips? Just like Naomi Campbell's. Then I blinked and it was gone, and I looked like me again. Thank God. 000518
The Schleiffen Man i see beautiful everytime i look at my better half. when i see her coming to get into my van, or lying asleep in my arms on the couch. no matter how her hair tosses or if she's forgottent o shave her legs...her eyes tell the tale of a beauty refined through time and bestowed to the dubious. she doubts me when i tell her she's beautiful. i hope some day she'll agree with me 000518
emily beauty is nothing more than disguised ugliness 000519
silentbob everything has an aura of beauty surrounding it. every sunset, every cloudy rainy gloom filled evening. i love it all in all its beauty 000608
the thing in the crate one of the girls i used to know once used the phrase "jolie-laide" to describe me...

"the beautiful ugly thing"

"I don't know why i like your face, but at the same time, i can't NOT look at it"

she was afraid she had offended me
but it was the most profound display of honesty anyone has shown me yet.
Zoe you are beautiful no matter who tells you you're not, they are selfish animals who only want to make you look bad. they know that they will never be able to compete with you, for you are a goddess. 000722
zavyman Canst thou see
Thy beauty be?
Tank is a friend who buys you 000809
claudia it's funny because i'm not exactly sure what beautiful means. i've never used it to describe anything. never in my whole life. i don't see things as beautiful. at least i haven't yet. 000810
sarpedon Can thou art see
Thy beauty be?
chanaka what is beautiful?
la belle sans merci
raw beauty in my civilized
beast brain
are you beautiful?
someone must think so
sleepless They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

This is something I really ought to remember, the next time I wake up with a hangover, myeyes covered in sleep, my mouth almost stuck together in dryness through a combination of cigarettes and alcohol, my bones aching, and my hair doing what the bloody hell it likes, frankly.

Oh Yes. I will approach the mirror, look myself square in the face, clear my throat and announce, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder".

And if you believe that, you believe anything.
Q cool and beautiful 000828
violet I have fallen in love with an insane yet brilliant boy. He is lost in 'the dark'

apathy ring

two bones wrapped around a thick finger
(perhaps you feel it is contagious)
tiny, it fits my index perfectly
(you are unaware of my defintion)
on an opposite hand completely
(if anything, not this)
Zane An inner battle of wills. One to eat and one to be thin. Does not matter what the weight is already but how much thinner you can become. The media, it says that thin is in. Is it really? Callista Flockhart are you happy? I am not. All to feel beautiful. 000912
darkseiken What everyone longs to be. 001102
Brown If I look up and to the right it helps to picture people that arn't here, then I can finish sifting through jelly beans dropping the yellow ones before they have a chancce to offer me a credit card I don't need because I spent all the money on things in my mind 001130
pat sajak yeh me too. 001130
Rhin "She walks in beauty, like the night, of cloudless climes and starry skies; and all that's best of dark and bright, meet in her aspect and her eyes;"
pat sajak too good to be true 001202
Megan Love is beautiful. Love is this perfect thing in an imperfect world. Love knows no bounds, no shame. You may not always want to admit to it, and sometimes there are others who see it more clearly than you ever could, but when love is fresh and new and wonderful, no matter how hard the heartbreak is that you know is coming, you wouldn't give up the feeling for the world. 001210
Romiette i wish i had someone like The Schleiffen Man... someone who could see past everything to the beauty i bestow. 001213
EECP Of all the things I have seen and believe to be beautiful, I believe "Dragonfly" is the most. 001213
lovers lament i've the seen the beauty in your desperation
felt frustrated by your separation
gone to bed with the dreams of your mind
only to wake and ponder what's mine
chased the rainbow of your range of emotion
felt the spectrum of your loyal devotion
what's mine, what's mine, all of you, just give me all, all of what's mine.
little boy blue and when the day arrives
i'll become the sky
and i'll become the sea
and the sea will come to kiss me
for i am going
stupidpunkgirl i never would have called you hot or cute, even though plenty of others did.

you were beautiful

when you were sleeping
i stayed awake and watched you
tried to memorize your face
and your smile
your pale skin, and black hair
i wanted to touch your face
but i feared in waking you
so i just held your hands
and watched your body breathe
you are so perfect
and beautiful in your own way

how do you react when you aren't allowed to watch someone so beautiful anymore?
Megan I wish I was beautiful.

I know that supposedly this culture's perception of beauty is superficial and I'm being brainwashed and all, but does that mean that my perception of beauty is wrong?
jessica clayton necrophilia is beautiful to me, just like deth. Blood is beautiful to me, just like suffering and misery. Hate is beautiful just like gray days. Love is something not so beautiful more like hate. but does not a hater have a tiny prick of love in him?surely every hater has a soft spot....atleast all the hates i know...but what does i know? ...hmm..... 001229
jessica clayton necrophilia is beautiful to me, just like deth. Blood is beautiful to me, just like suffering and misery. Hate is beautiful just like gray days. Love is something not so beautiful more like hate. but does not a hater have a tiny prick of love in him?surely every hater has a soft spot....atleast all the hates i know...but what does i know? ...hmm..... 001229
little boy blue Beauty is excrescence, superabundance, random ebulience, and sheer delightful waste to be enjoyed in its own right. 001230
babelfish Mad Madame Mim translated terribly

Each one know that one see in a world where one give some dirty name with beautiful thing
Each one know that one see in a world where one know not look at the thing which be beautiful God alone know that we live in a world where it that one call beautiful Be right something to sell And the sheet turn russet become brown Then be trample Then be trample And the sheet turn russet become brown Fall on the ground Fall on the ground We have not to live in a world where one give some dirty name with beautiful thing One must live in a world of beauty One must good look at the beautiful brown Fall on the ground Tombent on the ground And the sheets pass from the green to the red then to brown Tombent on the ground to be scattered foot You are enough strong to be... Have you courage to be... You have the faith to be... Enough honest Es you for saying... That one is not obliged to be thus... What one aren't you obliged to be thus Allez come and signs enough wild Es to remain beautiful? Beautiful All the turned russet sheets become brown to be trampled to be trampled And we fall, of the green to the red then with brown to be trampled You are enough strong to be... Why not to raise you and speak a respite Agrees Anyhow, they will make fun of you Alors why not to raise you and to be Beau
Erin Beauty is different to everyone
From the wrapping of a gift
To a feather scarf
From freckles on someones face
To a person you see in the hall
From a battered old pair of shoes
To a green tree against a pale blue sky
From a lilac scented candle
To the misty rain outside
From you
To me.....In everything, there is someone who calls it pure "beauty"
marissa It makes you uncomfortable when you catch me just watching you. And I have never told you. You are beautiful. You might think it's stupid. I watch your face, and i wonder what you're thinking, what's locked in your mind that i dont know. Lots, I know that. But my eyes are always drawn to your face. And i have a terrible time not watching you... and if i lose you, i fear that it will be terribly hard for me to stop watching you. You are beautiful. And I love you. And you don't know. 010126
coral its such a gift that beauty surrounds us. 010209
tara everthing is
when you want it to be
everything is
when see things the way i do
everything is
florescent light everything is beautiful.
Even, the red beads tying the black braids of the homeless woman sprawled out under the lonely dark sky's damp avenue - oozed in the thin trickles of red that was her life.

Disease,war, wonderment, amazement, childhood expressions of innocence, nature, every singing snowfall, every thunderstorm, every raindrop creating its path in raw circles of swirling confusion down the lush spike of an evergreen tree, every nine year old rocking, sobbing, rocking, feeling so much pain, yet numb, repeating until he can't speak anymore, repeating, repeating, "I wish I was dead", repeating; every fucking tear that falls off his face is beautiful. And every tear that falls off of mine is too.
superslutstar i never knEw beAtifUl.... i nevEr wAs beAutifUl.... i wAndered throUgh my thoUghts seArching.... bUt i foUnd it.... it's not an appeAranCe... it's foUnd inside... it's foUnd inside of mE... it's foUnd inside of yoU... it's foUnd inside everythiNg yoU feel pAssionAtely aboUt... 010326
dickflem Beauty is cheap, we pay more for that which disgusts us. 010327
bluechicken let's boil it! 010411
psychobabe "and i dont want ya, and i dont need ya, the world that you resist or i'll beat ya, its not your fault that your always wrong the weak ones are just there to follow the strong. The beauiful people, the beautiful people, its already teeterd to the size of your steeple, you cant see the forest full of trees, and you can smell your own shit on your knees!!!
Theres a time to discriminate! hate every mother fucker thats in your way!"
EuroBrew The beauty seen in something. Anything can be beautiful, it is all in the person watching, looking, hearing. Beauty is everywhere and is formed in your mind. 010419
silicia "Put your arms around me
Cause what you feel is what you are, and what you are is beautiful"

and this is nowhere near the end of what you'll hear from me this is just the beginning
crissa beautiful you say? oh, have you met Manuel? My Manny? 010424
jesus loves you What's beautiful? Hatred. Hating everything feels good, but self-hatred is infinitely more satisfying. So how do I go about hating myself? It's pretty simple. Initiating physical injury would take too much effort, so we play a little game called I Am Worthless. I always win, because I always lose. And it's beautiful. 010425
focus every thing she says is beatiful. the way she says things. the way she notices what i say. she is beatiful 010425
Tybay misused by many 010506
Pink Paint 69er just beautiful.
that's You.
johnny west She told me I was beautiful. That felt good. 010517
yoink she looked me in the eye and told me
that she liked it
she looked me in the eye and said
i want to hold you
she took my hand into hers
i broke
i floated to heaven for a millisecond
when i came back,

she was gone
__________oh wait, she's at work
unhinged he was the first one to say it
the first one to make me believe it
and i walked away
the last time we took a walk together i couldn't bare it
but he gave me something i never had
and now everytime i look in the mirror
i see the reflection of something
he used to look at
erin Crash into me...DMB....the most beautiful song ever created and the video is so surreal 010528
stiv "and evolving from the sea would not be too much time for me, to walk beside you in the sun"
black francis

growth is beauty is evolution is freedom is hope in your soul
John Keats Beauty is truth and truth is beauty 010530
nemo you are beautiful 010614
jane thanks! so are you. 010618
Joana. '... only slightly mental'
I secretely long to possess beauty
Chasing it through vast woods
Finding small glimpses of it above the trees
Yet it never rushed to me
It remained distant and unattainable
As all else in this existence
Apart from a time when its ghost teased me
As I watched him then staring into me
Scrutinising the lines of my expression
Gracing them with the gentle touch of his lips
And inside me swirled the praising song
That wasn't for me till such moment
The branches were content in their murmur
Sighing in pleasure, embraced by light
And compelled by it, I joined them
For days believing I could belong
Until I blinked again to reality
And haunted by the reflection
Was awakened to the world of the common.
rafters I had something so amazingly beautiful once and it filled my world. Why is it then that when I think of it all I feel is disappointment, sadness and a hole in my soul that I don't think I will ever be able to fill. 010618
//// i cant stop thinking about the other day and what you said to me. you kept calling me beautiful and gorgeous as you kissed my body, and telling me how much you just wanted to take me over and over. i cant forget your kisses, and i remember and can feel every single one. you made me feel amazing. made me feel wanted and alive. thank you so much for making me happy. for bringing me back. i love you. 010623
genevieve its the only thing worth pursuing...

i wish i could be beautiful.

everyone knows a person like that.

they just have that certain je ne sais quoi...its a quality of being, an aura

but i'm a late starter

so what i need to do is create something beautiful if i can't be it myself.

and thats just as good
Rainbow Everything is beautiful. Nothing is beautiful. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Can the blind man see beauty? I am beautiful. You are beautiful. We are all beautiful. We are all not beautiful. 010626
The Truth Beauty is a state of mind.

It's not beauty that you desire though, it's attraction.

Attraction is even more so a state of mind.
If you want to be vain and shallow:
Simply think to yourself, focus, "I am beautiful" "I am attractive" and watch their heads begin to turn towards you.

"All things are possible to those who believe."

But if it's an inner beauty you're after: This can only be accomplished by lovingkindness. Give instead of take. Help others instead of helping yourself, these kinds of good deeds will Force your inner beauty to shine through.
nocturnal but who wants to appear radioactive like that? it can't be a good look for anybody. personally, if something's shining through from my insides, I think I'd get myself to the emergency room pronto. 010626
*Ziima* beautiful....something I am not. 010626
black-dyed gel product I always found it ironic how girls, who according to what I've seen on television are supposed to like happy pretty things like pink pillows and unicorns, in the end (no pun intended) get an ugly hard cock. And guys, who according to Boy's Life magazine are supposed to be macho tough people who enjoy football and arm wrestling, receive something soft and pink. That's pretty funny if you ask me. 010626
blue_ash this is beauty: 010714
Casey Beauty can be found in anyone and anything. Al you have to do is take the time to look for it. 010714
panacea beautiful is perhaps the only word that still has magic. "love" has faded into a normal and insignificant word in our vocabulary. but the way people say beautiful, with awe. it's still special. 010714
Fire&Roses You said my words showed beauty... you told me I was beautiful. You tell me often again and again. And I never really believed... I always thought it was you. 010725
genevieve it hurts baby
all the real stuff does
Skalar is what you are. 010805
Inanna Beauty is so easy to recognize---yet so hard to define. Everyone has something beautiful about them. In some, you just have to look harder than others. Did you know that a beautiful woman is more likely to be judged by another woman as promiscuous than an average looking woman? 010815
translucent to me, beautiful is lying next to the girl you love, holding her in your arms, and then you wisper in her ear, "I love you" and kiss her on the forehead. And then she looks at you, and you can tell she loves you just by looking at her beautiful eyes. You stroke her hair, she closes her eyes. she opens them, and she says "I love you too." 010819
Erin God dammit hes so beautiful....I wish his thoughts would come out all at once and that would be the most beautiful words I would ever hear. 010827
Norm There's nothing more beautiful than the most beautiful thing through the eyes of a drunk. 010831
. butt 010908
nanny waking up early for the sunrise and waiting for the sun to set in the evening. loving yourself and letting yourself be loved by others. 010909
Qryssi It's easy to say that beauty is on the inside until somebody sees your picture and says that you're beautiful... then it's confusing. 010911
stay beautiful Find your faith in your security.
All broken up at seventeen.
Jam your brain with broken heroes.
Love your masks and adore your failure.
We're a mess of eyeliner and spray paint.
D.I.Y. destruction on chanel chic.
Deny your culture of consumption.
This is a culture of destruction.
Don't wanna see your face.
Don't wanna hear your words.
Why don't you just...
Aimee "beautiful, you're beautiful as beautiful as the sky...." -Beautiful

"..and we all want something beautiful, and I wish I was beautiful.." - Mr. Jones
birdmad i can keep telling you that you are, but you still won't believe me 010928
emawin PenguinRage : Its simple. i trust you and you're beautiful.

he told me this, and it keeps running through my head. i cant imagine the way his voice would sound if he said it, but thats ok, because i know that he meant it beyond words. I'm not beautiful, and i never thought that he trusted me, but these were the most real words i have ever seen. I'm crying now, remembering that he's gone now.
Grievance The world is beautiful, in some frail elegance, that's never really frail at all... it's my perception of the beauty that so often faulters and dreads both death and recognition.

Still, I hang all the beautiful things on the memory tree, to be recalled in rushes of needed passion. And yet, they most often come to callings not in my control.

Drifting towards enlightenment, i sometimes think I'm there, and at that instant I lose it.

To quote someone else "The thing with enlightenment is, if you think you got it, you don't got it."

Then...perceptions lead to all beauty. And that's what I trust.
mike i read all these entries, and i follow rivers of words through worlds of thought on these pages. personalities jump out at me and souls seek recognition in my eyes. i "feel" when i come here. blather is something real. not something we can touch in the physical sense, but something that touches us everytime we give our selves up to it. people want to think that beauty is also something you can touch. if beauty is out there in the world, then life is worth living. so we gather the world around ourselves, we dive down beneath the surface and hold our breaths, waiting for beauty to take us away. how many people hold their breaths all their lives, never to be swept up out of their revery. how many eyes are trapped in the arms of sangsara. the funny thing about beauty is you cant coax it out of the world. no matter how many objects you possess beauty will escape you. thats the key, its not in what you have, or what you looked for, or who even what you thought. beauty is outside all of that. its a feeling. when you look into a lovers' eyes and feel as though you might stay lost in their gaze for a million million years. when you struggle for understanding, through all the confusion and hardship and you are granted that one shining moment of enlightenment. when you stand in the breath of a clear dawn, and the sun stretches its rays across the miles to remind you that this day is new and cannot be foretold. when you find a place where people can share their minds, their thoughts, their souls with each other and build something so real it lives outside of all of us. well, maybe im just simple but to me thats beauty ... 011019
Erin Your swinging on a wooden swing with the wind blowing in your hair, Your saturated from the rain storm, your crying and holding your head, your staring from the corner of your eye, your pinks and yellows and blues all misxed together. Your dancing and have your mouth open widely, your sleeping with your hands tucked under your cheek, your walking far far away.....your jeans rythmically sway back and forth...your hands are slightly clenched your face turns solem....then your look back at left with your beautiful smile.....your beautiful 011022
erin b Your swinging on a wooden swing with the wind blowing in your hair, Your saturated from the rain storm, your crying and holding your head, your staring from the corner of your eye, your pinks and yellows and blues all misxed together. Your dancing and have your mouth open widely, your sleeping with your hands tucked under your cheek, your walking far far away.....your jeans rythmically sway back and forth...your hands are slightly clenched your face turns solem....then your look back at left with your beautiful smile.....your beautiful 011022
jane "everybody is beautiful, in their own way" -láuren 011028
ilika i love it when guys kiss my naked back... mmmmmmm 011028
nattasha reminds me of the eyes of a man who walked in and out of my box, briefly to deliver a package but eternally unforgotten. my God he was beautiful, but only to me.I can close my eyes and see him, i bet he doesn't remember me. 011029
Jol a bolt,
after thirty feet of run-out

stability, security.

skipping a bolt,
after thirty feet of run-out
(even more beautiful)

adrenaline, adventure.
ilovepatsajak the truth, anything that is real is beauty. 011029
ilovepatsajak a braid with the split ends that didn't quite make it. 011029
cerulean caelum there is so little beauty in the world... i see little glimpses of it sometimes, and it hurts horribly, because my life is so far from it... 011102
ilovepatsajak but it's the little things 011102
ilovepatsajak but i agree. it does hurt. 011102
flip flop what we do not see may kill us but our voyages can and will make us more beautiful and scary and frightening and fun and weird...the in-betweens are for pleasure 011113
Becky He calls me sexy..... but it feels forced and... not right. I'd rather he sit there and tell me I'm beautiful.. for some reason it sounds more sincere. I don't know why.. maybe it's because he used to call her that. Beautiful that is. maybe that's why he's never said it to me. well... he did once.. but it was before we were going out. 011210
ellen cherry charles he calls me both.
beautiful and sexy, that is.
ellen cherry charles its beautiful that Rachel can bitch about "those damn emo kids" 020106
sleepyconnie beauty. whats good of it anyways if everyone hates you for it. when i look into the mirror, i see someone attractive, but not beautiful. when i walk down the street,i get stared out but im so used to it it doesnt even bother me anymore. in fact, i loved the way i looked. but what good is it if the people that are closest to you hurt you the most because they are envy or jealous of your physical exterior. i cant help the way i look. yet its the way i loook which causes people to not like me. bc something in them drives them to jealousy or selfishness and in the end, im always hurt. what good is beauty if your best friend hates you for it. and she treats you like shit bc she thinks you are perfection. im not perfection. in fact, im far from it. no one is perfect. especially not me. i dont ask to be put on a pedestal, yet i am. in more ways than one. why do people look at me and see beauty and perfection. and they ask me how do i do it. how am i so perfect. well i dont know bc i dont feel that i am. and they think you lead the perfect life because you have something they think they dont have themselves. beauty. what good is it.. if i come home at nite and cry myself to sleep. what good is it, if i feel like an object, what good is it, if your best frens turn their back on you bc they envy you so much.

what good is it?

beauty is from within and when it shines through,
there is beauty on the exterior.

beauty is from the within.

but what good is it.
silly boy the way
she smells
when she
steps out
of the
unhinged see if_i_had_balls


i hate it when i'm stoned and i can't spell
jessica fletcher blown cherry said i was beautiful. what a great day.
anyway, ryan is beautiful, but i think if he knew it, he wouldn't be quite as much.
isn't it funny how pure honesty is the most beautiful thing? it hurts like hell but you can't help but appreciate it.
jane silentbob is beautiful 020607
Paramour There are such things that mean such things but these things can't hold that word...beautiful...a meaningless word...for things. 020608
PEACELOVESHEEP you called? 020627
Beth Love, pain, sacrafice, and tears. Sunlight, rain, lightening, eyes, affection, truth, confessions, grace, art, passion, compassion, dreams, smiles, touches, kisses, clouds, birds, water, oceans, sky, sand, shells, life, innocence, music, color, altruism, peace, kindness, expression, freedom. 020804
bethany i've been told for years that i'm beautiful
but i never beleive anyone
i guess i had to beleive it for myself
and now it's hard to look at people who dotn know it for themselves yet
kerry she told me i was the most beautiful person she'd ever seen, and that it was sad that i had no idea how beautiful i was.
and i looked in the mirror and wanted to cry and i couldn't answer her.
sixstringpoet to be beautiful is only to know what you are not
understand what you are
and believe the truth hidden in the lies
open your eyes
beuty is not in the eyes of the beholder, but in the holder of the eyes
hence all is everything
everything is beautiful
devalis I don't see what he sees. It drives him insane. He uses that word "beautiful" a lot and "gorgeous" and expects me to believe him. It hurts that I can't. 020818
eddieslugweed jane, your innocense is a beautiful thing
try to never lose it
your honesty is also beautiful
your skin is beautiful to someone
and your voice
and things about yourself
that you think are probably the furthest thing from someone else's mind

i tend to notice everything
alice beauty is in the eye of the beer holder 020819
jane i thank you
- honestly -
do you even know
Kate Today I saw the constancy of beautifulness in the overlook view at the Ledges, where we had cross-country practice and a speed workout. We were exhausted and out of breath, but we had conquered and perservered. Regardless of the pain, the view overlooking the trees, especially on a cloudy day, reminds me of all the beauty in the world. And the view is always beautiful, even in my mind when I imagine it. 020819
Kate Today I saw the constancy of beautiful in the overlook at the Ledges. We had finished cross-country practice - a speed workout - and we were tired and out of breath, but we had conquered. We frequent the Ledges quite often for practice. And every time, despite the season, despite any pain, the view is beautiful, reassuring me of goodness and innocence.

Jon tells me that Aristotle once said that beauty was fulfilling a purpose excellently. Knowing one's purpose is beautiful and comforting.
Kate So much for the reload button. Choices... version 1 or 2? 020819
amy elegantly, chaotically mathematic 020820
Spellchecker or version 1 and 2? 020820
thea once i was talking to this girl at camp who i kind of liked. she was so beautiful. she had the whitest skin and an upside-down-triangle sort of small face, and beautiful hair like the stuff from shucking corn. we both went into the bathroom and i looked at us in the big mirror. and... god. i was taller and darker and next to her i was even uglier than i already am. god. i think part of the reason i loved the boy so much later was that he was bigger than me and his skin was at least as bad. i didn't feel like i was polluting him by being in the same universe. 020821
julietlives my mood ring.
and i will never be that way.
myplasticmind I think pain is some perfectly strange way, it intriuges me. Maybe because it's what makes a person, what makes me. Maybe it's because it can breed such violent and raw emotion, and yet it can bring those small silent tears that grace the face of agony. (Crtystal water-droplets).
It's only laced deep inside the depths of pain, but I think that the beauty is there...if you can look down to see it. If you can see anymore...if you can breathe.
jayseehc A sunset... a babbling brook... a rainy day... lightning during a thunderstorm. Forests, mountains, the night sky when you're out in the country and street lights and noise don't spoil it. Dance. Paintings. Fire. A good book. Grassy fields. Coffee. Sitting outside on the porch of your cabin among the pine trees, sipping on your first cup of coffee for the morning, watching the sun rise, and reading a good book. Life... What could be more beautiful?

Sharing it all with someone who is more beautiful than any of it.
starryeyes .....thats what i want. i want to be thought of as more beautiful than all of those things. have i found someone that does, or that will? i think i might have.....i hope i have...... 021003
~gez~ nat = beauty incarnate 021004
0of46 i can find something beautiful in everyone and it is enough for me to completely fall in love with that person

of course the opposite is also true, there is something absolutely disgusting in everyone and that is enough to make me completely hate that person
chiocken Despite reassurance from the local authorities, I am alarmed to learn that a large area of downtown is to be bulldozed to make way for a new nuclear power plant. Distressing me further is the news that the facility will be run personally by two famous cartoon rivals, a feline and a rodent. My friends find this hilarious and gather round their television sets, gleefully anticipating the next episode of the well-known cartoon. Predicting the inevitable catastrophe that will follow, I pack what I can carry and head for the hills. Frustratingly, my friends ignore my warnings and remain quite calm.
When disaster strikes and the city and its citizens are destroyed by a raging nuclear fire, I am safely miles away. Looking down from the slopes surrounding the city, I shed many tears for the loss of my friends and family, but I have to admit that from up here, it looks quite beautiful.
nicc beauty is my matt. and even more beautiful how he doesn't know it. 021124
jessicafletcher don't tell me i'm not. don't tell me i am. just look and shut up. 021211
IWishICouldGoWithDavid Just blather, huh? Ok. Tag. You're it. 021212
Rickster Jackie vous êtes beau mon amour, vous êtes le plus de valeur inestimable à mon coeur.

-Jackie you are beautiful my dear, you are most precious to my heart.-
The Great Goddess So much beauty in this world, but nothing is perfect. So much uglyness either, so much that should be beautiful is just fake.
A raindrop can be beautiful on a particular moment, while on another moment it's just rain.
And I? Am I beautiful? Never? Always? Or just sometimes?
catherine only someone as beautiful as he is could make me be this way, could make me forget all pride. i'm a fool for him, but i don't really mind. 030218
catherine and beautiful is all i want to be, inside and out. 030218
mona loves you I have been told before that I am beautiful…

My mother told me I was beautiful, but she is my mom, she has to say that.

My friends told me I was beautiful, but they are my best friends, they are just being nice.

I had a co-worker tell me I was beautiful, but I suspect she was just being nice too.

I don’t see beauty when I look in the mirror every morning. I some times think I see this illusive beauty but then I realize it’s just all the make up. So why do theses people insist on telling me that I am beautiful? It just makes me feel uncomfortable and I never know what to say back. I don’t believe it, how can I?

I’m not beautiful.
Mr Pete Well, I feel the need to respond to that last post. I first need to say that there are few people who believe that they are beautiful. We look to closely for the bad parts and ignore the good parts.
My second point, or argument, is that beauty is not just physical. Someones beauty is a mix of the physical, as well as the energy they put out. if that makes any sense at all.
Who someone is is just as important to beauty as the physical.
Well, I hope that made sense.........
niska my mother. 030303
Alvarny I think everything can be beautiful if you love life enough. Miracles are there when you bother to look. 030304
phil beaty is the_end 030304
Eowithien I see beautiful things in everyday life. There is beauty in the smile of my brother, there is beauty in the trees beyond our fence. I see beauty in the true smiles of my friends and the people in the halls. I am able to discern beauty in a face from faces that are plastic and fake. I see beauty in true thoughts from the people that actually think about what they are saying. I see beauty in rollings tears and the eyes of anyone. I can see beauty... 030306
Eowithien is in the miracle of life. We may never find out why we are here or how we are here during our time in these bodies, but perhaps, there is a life beyond with more answers than questions that you have brought with you. Beauty is in a simple answer, a short question, things that are thought out, the tree in my front yard, the leaves above Mourka's grave, the picture of my street just after the rain during Spring, the smells of Spring and Autumn, Maine and the forests that I find there... I can see beauty... 030306
Lindsey sometimes i think no one will ever call me beautiful again. 030322
god always in my mind, you were so beautiful 030327
emo The only thing that i think people see about me sometimes.

The only thing that keeps them with me.
because i hate myself.

So how could anyone else really like me for who i am inside?

My personality.

It is fake most of what i tell them all.

Not genuine.
They think so but lies are so easy to tell.

They don't really know me. Don't really know who i am.
i love you joe. but i lie to you. u don't really love me. because u don't really know who i am. what i do behind your back. so you dont really love me.

beautiful is what he saw in me. when he told his friend," i don't care. i just want to have sex with her."

Beautiful. Beauty is only skin deep. Beauty keeps me from being lonely.

What if tomarrow i was in a car accident and destroyed my face?
No man could ever love me for the way that i look.
I could love a person for the things that they do. The help they give to other people.
The way that they show that they care.
beauty is only skin deep .
Its fleeting and

beautiful is as beautiful does.
had to type it so i could see the page like poetry 030506
megan am i still your girl? 030506
elocin i hear your words
they say i am beautiful
that look in your eyes
tells me you want me
and your words
your words tell me who i am
i am a look
a dream
the one you want in your bed
and not your heart
you beg me stay
that you don't want to see our love fade
but if you would open your eyes
and see more than my face
then you might see who i am
and what i am
i am not your dream
i am not your toy
i am not your joy
i am girl
whose dreams are beautiful
whose heart is beautiful
whose voice can not be compared to any other
i am me beautiful
i am me beautiful
i am beautiful
learning lifes greatest lessons whenever I think of beauty I automatically think of flowers, flowers in the morning with petals fresh with dew. I will always find that beautiful. 030507
Alexandra can i go to 100_facts_about_me please? 030508
tulip bruises everything is beautiful. everything is the most beautiful. there is nothing but beauty, being as it is makes everything beautiful. being as it is makes nothing beautiful as well. beauty is everything. its harder to see that in most people, especially in myself, but everything is beautiful, because beauty is all. 030523
niska ...dreams you bring me 030523
endless desire is a magical word.
just the way it is spelled
what an incredible spelling.
people take for granted things like spelling.
and the way words roll off the tongue.

as much as i think its an attractive word
and as much as i want to be beautiful for you
i can never stand it when you say it
and i dont know why.
there seems to be something wrong with that.
dont stop. no matter how much i ask you to
and not to say that you will
but just promise to
never change
about yourself.
you are so beautiful as you are.

and while change is exciting
there are some things just perfect how they are
like the sweetness of a peach on a warm day
or the smell of clothes straight from the dryer.
or you. and everything that you are.
sheli eric 030804
not important everything about you
everything about the world
your words
so perfect, so perfect
my love for you
you ask
why there is pain on my face
this beautiful love
has opened me
to a deluge of the beautiful
there is too much to bear
Gilraen (s.h.o.t.h) "There are so many ways of being beautiful." 030810
Zeross The best one is just to sit there. Be beautiful just being. And I mean "just" being, not being happy, not being excited... only being. Not being religious, not being deep or metaphysical. Being. Being a human; a human, being. Doesn't the word being seem strange after saying it so many times? Yet, we still know what it means. It means sitting there, being beautiful. 030910
Zed beautiful_girls 031014
Profound Pussy Conceited, arrogant and distasteful you may be, beauty is a state of mind.
To be beautiful from the inside out is perfection. I can find someone who is 'ugly' (in societies eyes) beautiful if they radiate inner wealth.
You have to have 'ugly' things to appreciate the contarst of beauty. Therefore which is more important?
Josie Fernandez and we were stuck in the dead of night on earth where no one could see no one so we talked to eachother to acknowledge existence and so when we fell in love it was not for the apparent beauty one would see in the light but for the beauty one would see inside the light of your heart.... 031103
skye that's what you are. 031107
schmerin theres an obvious difference between being beautiful and being a beautiful person. To be beautiful means that youre gorgeous physically. but if youre a beautiful person, then youre the type who intrigues people. the type that has the ability to quietly reserve themselves, or scream their opinion at the top of their lungs. Not sure about you, but i'd prefer to be a beautiful person. 031206
Shadowfax Ziima is... 031229
erin "you smell good."
"you smell better."
"no. you do."
"you are beautiful."
shine my love for a boy named blair 040207
jenny enny dots why do feel like the the most beautiful girl on earth some days and like a hairy beast on others?

it can be summed up in this:

how my curly/straight locks are behaving on that day.
niska because you're screaming, and freaky, and probably scare the shit out of him.

and you're right about everything, so fuck him - he's obviously not ready to live in world that's real.
intensebeet what is this?


but no beautiful?
change begins within yourself
kermits_perfect_rainbow_/^\ beautiful i just want you to know you're my favorite girl...

love somebody she is a beauty very special really and truly takes godd care of me like its her duty wants to ride my my side night and day...

two goooooood songs
adie sara is beautiful. 040315
...AntiqueClocks... I must say some of the things I read here are really beautiful...

I wish I could write...
r1y9a6n4 you are sitting on my bed. it seems as though it is the place where you should have been for the past while in my life. you study psychology. you get bored and talk. you try to get me to come over to the bed and say the things in your ears that I feel and struggle to put into speech sometimes. but its you. sitting there in my pants with my grundgy old grey sweatshirt on. its you trying to talk to me when i say no. its you who is the one. its you who is beautiful. 040316
bandersnatch] this is one of the most beautiful things i have ever heard...

"They probably hadn't been in the country long. Their clothes were mismatched and ill-fitting; he wore a tuxedo jacket, she a windbreaker. They walked hand in hand down the aisle in Mervyns, gawking at the merchandise and then smiling shyly at each other. Clearly there hadn't been anything like this whence they came. But they walked together under the flourescent lights, through the x-mas muzac and the mountains of merchandise-- and they were in love. "

sounds like the premise to a story.

te real ironioc thing is i got it from lowbrow (which is soon to be shut down btw)
ethereal Lee: "You're so beautiful."

Fuck you Lee. You took away all value beauty ever held. How can I ever hear that from anyone again? How could you lie?
Aimee most guys say "you're beautiful" just to ensure that they get laid. Only once has someone stopped me in the middle of running errands and said "you're beautiful" and just walked away. I've done it many times to both men and women alike. I just figure everyone can use a boost in their day, and besides, how can you resist telling someone something good about themselves, that they'll never see. 040323
stork daddy when someone goes out of their way to make you feel alive again, when they give you a surrogate heartbeat. when they make you wish you had known them in grammar school, when they leave you aching for the person you could've been and the years wasted. 040323
nemo you decide for me what it is 040323
teresa I am this word: beautiful. I am the girl with cornshucked hair and porcelin skin. Every day when I walk to class, people I don't know honk their horns and lean out their windows to greet me. Sales people give me free products and everyone laughes at my jokes. But it makes me so sad. Not a day passes that I don't cry at least one tear. I try not to cry, but at night there is no one to hold me. And when I walk to class there is no one by my side to protect me from those people in their cars. There is no one to buy me the things I want to be given, and there is no one who truly thinks I am funny. How can I be beautiful when I make people feel as if they contaminate the world just by being in it? 040326
exil Reminds me of an old time story which i wont tell here... maybe somewhere else( you might want to seek it tough).
As i said, comes to remind me of a girl. So beautiful ,as you, was she that everyone would always please her but never was she to be pleased in the way she really wanted because people were scared of her for she was simply too beautiful for them. Some day when she got really bored of being perfect she simply asked to be ugly like the other for a day, to share their world, to share their $pitance$. Not only was her dream realized but to teach her a lesson she wont forgot, she was to remain always dirty. Now what do you think? dont you like being beautiful for you might be ugly some day and then you'll wish to be as you were ago? Dont you think that the only think that maked her ugly was her own self centered mind? Why didnt she accepted the gift she so received for there are thousand of people who would, like her, ask for the chance to change? Just for a day, be beautiful, be admire, is it really worth sacrifiyng yourself to be another?
bryn so what is beautiful? I've seen people who, by conventional standards are ugly, but when you meet them, and their personality glows through, or you look at them through unbiased eyes and they are truly beautiful, and you wonder, why do they think themselves ugly? Because they arn't. 040329
confused I don't understand 040330
confused I don't understand 040330
Lemon_Soda Where the swamp meets the sky. 040330
matt clare 040412
love &hate Found myself just the other day
In the backyard of a friends place,
Thinkin' about you,
Thinkin' of the crowd you're in,
What you up too where you been?
(Just thinkin')

And all the clothes that you wear,
And the colors in your hair
Shouldn't change you
Now you tell me why it's so
You bigger than mighty Joe,
(At lest you think so)

God my fingers burn,
Now when I think of touching your hair
You have changed so much that I don't know,
If I can call you and tell you I care
And I would love to bring you down,
Plant your feet back on the ground

Throw my smoke down on the ground,
Turn my head and I heard the sound,
(That reminded me)
Of the days so young and sweet
Always so much fun to meet
(At lest I thought so)

Now you think your so damn fine

You can rule the world no not mine,
I don't think so

God my fingers burn,
Now when I think of touching your hair
You have changed so much that I don't know,
If I can call you and tell you I care

Now the scene that you're in,
And the people that you been with
Just get to me,
But you think I'm not as cool,
As you are so beautiful
Well here you fling

Well I'm here to tell you babe
The game your in is just a game
So damn pretentious

God my fingers burn,
Now when I think of touching your hair
You have changed so much that I don't know,
If I can call you and tell you I care
And I would love to bring you down,
Plant your feet back on the ground

You think you're so beautiful
(So beautiful)
lou_la_belle beauty is everywhere,
it's in everything
but in you...
it's overwhelming
the person you are
just Radiates
from within...
and to me,
thats beautiful.
ethereal there's always wishing, that someone, not like well...all of them...would see. 040525
clarity intimacy 040607
cloudy with a chance of meatballs in her song, christina aguilera said that we are beautiful.
but she needs makeup artists and such to look the way she does.
and we dont.
so she must be less beautiful than us.
if she is less beautiful than us, and we are beautiful, then she is less than beautiful.
therefore she is not beautiful.
but if she is not beautiful, then her original statement, we are beautiful (including her) is incorrect.
which means that we aren't beautiful.
lost_and_confused she is saying that everyone is beautiful
not necessarily on the outside.
she may have makeup artists, etc etc.
i felt the song as meaning that she was saying that everyone had inner beauty, not focussing superficially on the outer surface of us all, but rather seeing the radiating beauty from our personalities and souls. I know it sounds cheesy, but thats what i think she was saying.
pl anorexia 040615
pl anorexia 040615
schmerin I have seen beautiful people who use beautiful pills so they can stay beautifully happy because beautiful depression brings them down ... beautifully 040713
JustOnMonday A Mom of a good friend randomly came up to me once. She said, "You are one of the most beautiful girls I have ever known, but I bet you hear that a lot." I just blushed and thanked her and went on my way. I started thinking about it later and realized that no one has ever told me I was beautiful. Not even when I went to dances, dates, formal events. Never. I want to hear I am beautiful. Do me a favor and tell me I am beautiful. 040805
Doar You are beautiful. 040805
JustOnMonday thanks 040805
lucky You do don't you? 040806
Borealis yes 040808
Novice See b4 i said i wanted to be called pretty now that I've been called pretty I've never been called beautiful. I don't think thats fair, all I get is your pretty and you have a sweet and innocent face, thats not right. I mean I think I deserve a beautiful...don't you? 040808
metamantrg the one word thats you in and out 040831
.make it last my ex boyfriend once told my best friend, "kristina is so insecure about her body that sometimes you have to remind yourself that wait, this girl is beautiful. it messes with your head."

beautiful is best when it comes to you from someone else's lips.
blondie love & hate is a beautiful person in every way possible. 040918
;) like me 040924
Shakespeare Beauty is but a vain and doubtful good;
A shining gloss that vadeth suddenly;
A flower that dies when first it 'gins to bud;
A brittle glass that's broken presently:
A doubtful good, a gloss, a glass, a flower,
Lost, vaded, broken, dead within an hour.
And as goods lost are seld or never found,
As vaded gloss no rubbing will refresh,
As flowers dead lie wither'd on the ground,
As broken glass no cement can redress,
So beauty blemish'd once's for ever lost,
In spite of physic, painting, pain and cost.
eye madness 040924
clementine the other night when i said stop looking at me and you grabbed my arms and said no. i love looking at you. you're beautiful.
i felt how real this was, this is. and i wasn't afraid or anxious. i just was...there with you. i just breathed. and i didnt over analyse it. you help me do that.
twist like sunset on a saturday
rain at nighttime

city lights from faraway
a struggling child's eyes
smiling through it all
alus better than just pretty 041011
emmi if only i could believe i'm beautiful and feel beautiful all the time

but i know it would be more for your sake than mine
birdmad i've never been 041104
ornithologist but the bird IS beautiful!
very much so.
puff poetry is beautiful.
words, crafted perfectly- the kind that makes you drop your jaw in awe, the kind that makes your heart beat faster and your stomach flutter. That is beauty. Words, language, sentences, phrases, metaphors, poetry is beautiful.
guy hend is the most beautiful girl in the world 050215
guy hend is the most beautiful girl in the world 050215
.Q zrennaN Beautiful
You Dance Around
Feathers In Your Hair
Trying To Make All Of The Boys Stare.
You Walk Down The Street
Short Shorts
And Tiny Shirts
Trying To Avoid The Heat.
You Attract The Boys
Making No Noise.
You Hate People
You Are Rude
Your Beauty Flows Outside
But Inside he Knows
You Are Ugly.
laurah stretching shadows at the end of the day... the curve of a t-shirt slung across a chair... something so simple and so easy to find and yet no one really sees it.

"sometimes the beauty is easy, sometimes you don't have to try at all/ sometimes you can hear the wind blow in a handshake/ sometimes there's poetry written right on a bathroom wall."
laurah stretching shadows at the end of the day... the curve of a t-shirt slung across a chair... something so simple and so easy to find and yet no one really sees it.

"sometimes the beauty is easy, sometimes you don't have to try at all/ sometimes you can hear the wind blow in a handshake/ sometimes there's poetry written right on a bathroom wall."
Malkeezadek is most definately in the eye of the beholder. 050427
* elevatorconversation 050427
belle de jour I am 050823
RICKY ... is LIFE 050824
camille U R 051123
Q U 2 051124
flowerbed on a cloud Oh, gosh, of course! You! 051203
Lemon_Soda spattered_scarlet 051204
x twisted x i dont believe im beautiful, but at least i have my sister's smile... 060120
alakaz elegant, galant, poetry, art,
-somebody else
alakaz however in all of the afore mentioned ideas, beauty, galant, sadness, and elegance, it also comes to mind that beauty is no more than a House of Leaves 060130
alakaz however in all of the afore mentioned ideas of beauty, galantry, sadness, and elegance, it also comes to mind that beauty is no more than a House of Leaves 060130
KISA Every one on Blather 060426
KISA The sun glinting on that someone face the smile on their face knowing you put it there, they way they laugh making you smile, being in love this is true beauty 060427
KISA The sun glinting on that someone face the smile on their face knowing you put it there, they way they laugh making you smile, being in love this is true beauty 060427
danielle he sat across from me smiling and I couldn't divert my eyes he was just too beautiful and his smile was brilliant and dangerous and I was drawn to him but didn't want to be and couldn't turn away because I wanted to memorize his face and smile but I couldn't breathe like someone hit me and I was gasping for air and I wanted to really see him and memorize him and follow him to the ends of the earth but I looked away and now I can't see him ever again because I was too scared to tell him that I thought he was beautiful and he didn't think so so he swallowed his misery one night and no one will ever see him again. 060610
Cole I felt beautiful last night, something that rarely happens.
It's simple vanity,
but it's so infrequent,
I want to tell someone about it.
But what do I say and why?
"Please, come join in my obsession; revel in my triumph of yesterday..." not even today.
It felt so good, for no good reason. To be as shallow as possible, I assess myself as a 6, and I felt like a 7. maybe even an 8.

I guess I'm hoping for some reinforcement to keep the bubbling fantasy close, before it bursts into reality.
Really I think Andy Serkis is beautiful. 061113
I have no idea I think Andy Serkis is beautiful. 061113
phil people sure do write a lot of ugly shit about beauty. (pukes on page) 070228
gja Now, now phil, thats enough of that.
I once had a boss who had me work for one whole month on a formula for ascribing values to level of beauty.
Code for "how much is beauty worth?"
It was all in vain.
stephshine feeling your heart expand with love. 070302
veyeba beauty, one of the things i adore the most in life. i dont know why; ive thought about it, and i cant come up with a reasonable explanation.
as to a person--
love is a primal feeling, an attraction to one we find 'beautiful', or looks fit to carry on our genes.
but how then, does one feel so warm and happy once they see that beautiful someone?
Troy So many of you Claim to Despise this can do nothing but think about it....Beauty is so much deeper than a person can think...that Even when they claim to hate it....they cant get it out of their head....Every person is beautiful...Every Flower...Every inch of land that has been Set before us...and so..Like the are the people that Are part of it beautiful. 070416
a nice boy i crave beauty 070522
olive beautiful is the world if you look at it for what is it. a chaotic puzzle of imperfections, creating a forever unique interpretation of beauty. if your looking at it from up there it all works. it all doesn't work. its beautiful. its ugly. its smart. its stupid. trust me. i've seen it from up there and it seems a whole lot more beautiful. just let it be what it is. 070917
xevex All the leaves on this tree
have turned completely gold,
oh, it's beautiful
self Beauty makes me sigh. In all it's magnifisence, in all it's glory, and in all it's vast meanings. Beauty makes me cry. I've been told that I too am beautiful, and depending on it's meaning, I was truely flattered.
I do not wish to appear beautiful. Average is good enough for me. Although coming from someone who knows you deep down, you know they aren't speaking of your looks. And to be able so see a beautiful soul, is truely a beautiful thing.
I love you Momma. And It is you who is beautiful. Crazy Beautiful.
self Beauty makes me sigh. In all it's magnifisence, in all it's glory, and in all it's vast meanings. Beauty makes me cry. I've been told that I too am beautiful, and depending on it's meaning, I was truely flattered.
I do not wish to appear beautiful. Average is good enough for me. Although coming from someone who knows you deep down, you know they aren't speaking of your looks. And to be able so see a beautiful soul, is truely a beautiful thing.
I love you Momma. And It is you who is beautiful. Crazy Beautiful.
anythingbutcryptic the trials of
being beautiful
not being beautiful enough
not being beautiful
not feeling beautiful
nearly being beautiful
anythingbutcryptic that said.

there is also beauty in ugliness.
niecespieces is a word that makes pants fall down.
in its sincerity, i have lost my trust.
no reason a friend told me someone reminded her of me, and then she described that person as "beautifully awkward"

i'm not sure whether to take it as a compliment

i was at least flattered that she was reminded of me
no reason maybe i shoud've put this under "awkward" 080308
and maybe i should've spelled should've like this 080308
FUCK YOU. "Beauty is only skin-deep" said Brad Pitt. 080309
Isaou You.
Even though you cut your hair.
in love my Skie is always beautiful 080920
MyHeartIsOnYourSleeve Beautiful is when you find yourself in the arms of someone who makes you feel like you are what 'beautiful' is. Beautiful is when the miror's oppinion doesn't matter anymore. Beautiful is when I look in his eyes or listen to his voice, and I know, I'm all that he needs. 080920
MyHeartIsOnYourSleeve Beautiful is when you find yourself in the arms of someone who makes you feel like you are what 'beautiful' is. Beautiful is when the miror's oppinion doesn't matter anymore. Beautiful is when I look in his eyes or listen to his voice, and I know, I'm all that he needs. 080920
niecespieces has been redifined.
"I dont want to say things too quickly but... you are beautiful" he says.
"What do you mean too quickly? Its just a descriptor"
"No. You are beautiful. Its a big thing to say. I don't say it because I think you're attractive, but because your insides match your outsides"

completely and utterly smitten.
This word now means more than what I thought it could mean, and gives me a mild promise that in the past its use may not have been in vain.
You are beautiful too.
Naomi Be emotional, androgynous, uncouth
transcendental; innocent facade
underlying love

breaking, entering
and uncurling the intimacy
free, undying life
jio jio 100215
jio jio 100215
jio jio 100215
jio jio 100215
jio jio 100215
jio jio 100215
thy 'peace is always beautiful.'
- walt_whitman
Sleepy_TK "What Is Beautiful?"

The Answer
(whatever it my be)

simply farther Proof

our views being shaded
by our perceptions.

TK Blather References:




what's it to you?
who go