There's something fishy about all those straight folk.
clundicus -- straight as a clothes hanger 991205
amy in real time, i take my coffee or maybe tea straight and black. but in my fantasies, there is cream and maybe sugar. 991208
Moravian Piglet What is the definition of straight? 000124
BoofPixie going from one place to another, looking off to the side but never taking the time to visit it. 000313
feelicks edge - it ain't a message to fall on death ears, it's a life so many love and hold so dear - doin' it for themselves and each other. sXe, unity, brother for brother 000621
Brad Straight, No Chaser --Thelonious Monk

Straight, No Filter --Hank Mobley

Apparently, Mr. Monk prefers alcohol and Mr. Mobley prefers cigarettes. both like their vices strong.
Mr. Wonderfully Fabulous Straight. Hetrosexual. Dirty folk. Common muck. Those who sexually involve themselves with people of the opposite sex. No sense of style, trends or matching colours. Living in the past. Usually no education and living of their country's welfare benifits. If u encounter such, such, eh, shall i dare say "people" - avoid. If your children go through a phase of curiousity, shake furiously until they see the harm that a straight lifestyle would bring. If they chose to live as a hetrosexual. disown them immediately.

Now i will go and throw up violently until the thought of being straight leaves my body.
missed tree I was about to post a really angry retort, until i caught the scent of sarcasm. Well done.

Let's go breeder bashing.
glenn Don't worry about Mr. Wonderfully Fabulous. He has issues. 020311
r hah,, all those homosexuals are what? crooked? 020317
tazfab i have straight tendencies..but i can be a big homo

is there conclusive evidence that all homos are crooked...?
je5icafletcher to no one in particular....
i'm straight or i'm gay and what the hell ever... who the fuck cares!?! just be you, and leave everyone alone to be themselves. everyone deserves just what they want in life.
megan WHOSE HOUSE???!!! C-HOUSE!!!! 021214
unhinged 'we prefer to be called unique'


damn straight
a girl with nothing to say strait well not the same meaning but its what guys call girls who wont do anything with them or sometimes its like strait as in not gay or strait like yeah im cool 031017
cupcake i really dont know if im straigt or not, i've never done all that much with a boy but i get along with girls real well but i dont even know what sex is like so how can i know who i want to have it with??? 031017
? straight woman = violated woman 031104
? gay woman = free spirit 031104
homo_boy im too Heterophobic to talk about such strange people 031123
ShnizelCheese Straight... what a thought... Yuck... Definately not!!! 031230
Doar as the ruler thats smacking your fingers. 031231
fisherman jesus said that only married straight people get to heaven who don't have no blemishes. the revrend said on sunday that just followin christ would get you into heaven if you just not be gay. 050219
what's it to you?
who go