matt when a boy likes another boy.
or when your really happy.
Homer I like my beer cold
My TV loud
and my homosexuals
- Homer Simpson
steven a classification that's supposed to determine whether or not you like to wear dresses or listen to barbra streisand. however, we know that classifications aren't always accurate. i personally prefer madonna. 991204
jennifer There once was a little girl. And she was followed home from school everyday by a puppy dog. She loved the puppy, and the puppy loved her. But in her heart the little girl wanted a kitty cat. She loved the puppy very much, but the puppy just wasn't a kitty cat. So, one day, she took a stick a beat the puppy so furiously that he almost died, just because he wasn't a cat. By the time the little girl realized what she had done, the puppy had gone away. And she realized that hurting the puppy wasn't going to make him change into a catit was just going to cause the little girl to be all alone.
She was content with the puppy, but she wanted to have everything perfect from her standpoint. But she pushed it too far, and now she is alone.
troy ..when a dude likes another dude.
What's the big-deal?
[C'mon guys, think about it;
-when you're on the beach and you see a bikini-girl, do you *really* stop and think to yourself: "I now CHOOSE to be aroused by the sight of this gorgeous girl."..?
-Nah, I didn't think-so. It's AUTOMATIC!].
It works the same-way for everyone, regardless of which gender they AUTOMATICALLY get aroused-by.

--(And PLEASE, don't bring-up the *ENTIRELY* unrelated 'point' of individuals who are aroused-by animals or children; -The 1st isn't a human; and the 2nd isn't an adult; -and *BOTH* are engaged-in by Heterosexuals.
An irrelevant 'point' having nothing to do with being Straight or Gay)--

The ONLY 'choice' is whether to be celebate or not. At least if Heterosexual/"Straight"-people 'choose' to have sex, they also have the CHOICE of getting married. Why condemn gay people to having NO sexuality and NO Spouse?

...God certainly doesn't.
nameless i love your stories, jennifer 000105
MollyGoLightly "me and mis-us jones.." 000531
WingedSerpent from personal experience
i'm going to (gasp) actually agree with (shudder) Howard Stern about something:

you can't go wrong with lesbians
moonshine How do you know your NOT gay? Especially when you ve never been intimate with the same sex =]? 000601
youla No way! way...
but... what about the jade stalk?
shyeah, yeah, yeah...
benjamin oliver is it a coincidence that gay means both homosexual and happy? I couldn't say... 000609
raven nothing wrong with the person..
just don't like their habits.
gwyllynne heh
I find it odd
that here I am at 21
been on my own since 17
and my bio-mother
approaches me with the idea
that she is thoroughly convinced
and I only date guys to spite her.

hmmmmmmmm........she just doesn't get it.
I love my men.
I love my women.
Some people are doomed to never know where they belong.

Perhaps one day I will be that crazy old lady down the street with 47 cats.
silentbob Raven:

Its good that you actually like the gay person. good for you. you took the step.
meanwhile it isn't for you or anyone to pass judgement on anyone else's private life, now is it?
Sorry if that sounded hurtful, but i hear all the time, "Nothing against the person, just their actions." it just gets tiring.
Barrett "Marge, there's only two kinds of people that wear hawaian print shirts...
Fat old party animals, and homosexuals. And Bart doesn't look like a fat old party animal to me.
datura i got into a fight with a fundamentalist at the state fair
not a fight.
he was too dignified for that
but i wasn't.
it was an argument.
he said it was a sin. he kept on saying that. a sin, a sin. i said i didn't think so. he didn't care. he did and that meant everybody else should. apparently.

and then as i left he put his hand on my shoulder and said he hoped Jesus came into my heart.
god religion 001202
moonshine Straight until proven guilty 001205
startfires i dated this guy for awhile and it was like he was so cool to hang out with and we got along really well but there was no chemistry at all. i stayed at his house one night and we just went to sleep. he turned out to be gay. 001205
startfires i hate dating. 001205
silentbob straight until proven guilty

I'll never be gay, erin, we can date forever!
jennifer guilty until proven straight 001205
Glory Box I know, I know, you've heard it before:

I'm not gay, but my girlfriend is.

Why can't that be me?
V.P.B.P.A. 3/4 straight, which makes me guilty on 1/4 of all counts. I guess that would make me guilocent! 001205
Rhin Okay...60-40! 001206
silentbob 80% of all backrubs, of any gender, lead to a slap in the face. AND!

46.7% of all statistics are made up on the spot.
j_blue throbbing man member is cool

if it werent for winkies, i'd be vegetarian
startfires j, that just made me laugh out loud in the middle of the library. 001206
hypocrite Why they tell me I'm going to hell. 001218
j_blue i know im cute 001218
john from michigan but lost in L.A. my father finally accepted me as me and my lover, but my lover hasn't accepted himself and has gone off to hurt another innocent women and try once again for the millionth time to make himself straight. Good luck . 001228
j_blue eewwww

sucks to be him
alex311swim is the good feeling that guys get when they are with other guys. Dispite what everyone says, we all have "gay tendicies and we all want what we cant have. But remember...boys suck and so do you. 010203
bloke what i am. 010502
j_blue but not all you are 010502
lougee I know this guy he is short not so smart. He likes to call women "bitches". He uses them for there money then sneaks off to suck old mens dicks for money. I know he secretly enjoys it. He was meant to be a homosexual. The reason I know is that he sucked my dick (I'm 20 and still in the closet)after we smoked an ounce. Hey MATT E. if you can read this come over to em isle and suck my dick again..
Your really good man
P.S. I got another ounce
anyone Why are those types of homosexuals always named Matt?

There's something in names.
amanda woodward hehe. remember Matt from Melrose? come to think of it, my friend's gay brother is named Matt. that's just odd. 010502
chaotic_poet a part of my identity. Part of who I am. Wouldn't change it if I could. Love... ultimate goal. Disciple of eros. 010517
nemo HAPPY :o) 010613
Toxic_Kisses The way my guy likes to act kuz he thinks it's funny.
It's not
Saint for my midlife crisis i'm slipping into full-on disco queen mode.

is 33 too soon to have a mid-life crisis?
bahia queer culture 011010
insanity i try to hit on girls when im drunk


but they dont do anything for me.
(but i want them to)
. : * p s y b o r g * : . Are gay people attracted to themselves? 011024
Norm thats a good fucking question. are gay people attracted to themselves? I guess we'll never know. What if 2 people switched bodies, you know like in the movies, and one was a guy and one was a girl, if I were the guy in the girls body? I'd just stay in my room all day playing with myself. 011024
bandaids go to: my_story 011218
ClairE hate fear tears love joy and sex
all wrapped up into one word

Mahayana: Zakah: Sangha Jewels of Refuge i ponder if
is really
as in:
ya g
as in:
yaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! Guuuurrrrrrllll's

¿[what do you think]?
Saint we're no more attracted to ourselves than anyone else is

homosexuality is not necessarily autoerotic narcissism

although i did know one guy once who was so self absorbed i think he used to kiss his cock goodnight (makes me wonder why he ever left the house sometimes)
nonsense found a cure. 011231
lucid 'No'
He took my word,
discarded it.
I want to escape.
He is still. Hurt. But
i'm a hedonist. And
he crawls on the inside,
a thousand times
And i hurt
Can't wash him
off. He is
under my skin.

For him, i've given
my pain
And i am his
I want his pain
to hear him
cube Revelation time. I tried the homosexual experience as a teenager. Actually, i was seduced, but that is not to imply that i wasn't aware of the situation. I was drunk on freedom and curiosity found me a willing participant.

It was an enlightening experience for it at least taught me that i was definitely heterosexual - no small revelation at that insecure age.

In my mind, the battle for gay rights has already been won. A person's sexual preferences are their own business so long as children are safe.

The gay community is in danger of alienating this hard won faction of society because they don't know when to stop campaigning. It's beginning to look as if stardom has the better of their sensibilities. Much more of this in-your-face 'take me as i am' rhetoric and they may find themselves being treated with the same distain reserved for insurance salespeople.

Shunned again, due not to sexual preferences, but because being too pushy is in poor taste...
lucid speak for yourself, cube. that is the approach the gay american community takes to finding acceptance. but as again, it is an american who does write. can you see your reflection? is it clear. 020101
a friend this


a friend you want to know why its gay? cause people have conversations with each other in the blather. And I mean gay purely in the negative, derogetory sense.


Qryssi Gay is boring. Everybody should simply admit themselves as being bisexual. Everybody is partially bisexual. Nobody can say that they've never had a thought about someone of the sex that they're not normally attracted to. I'm about 30% gay, so I say I'm bisexual. Then people look at me funny or insist that I'm a lesbian who doesn't want to admit it.

Sigh. Some people. And others ask me if I find them attractive, when they find out. One person even had the nerve to ask, "Well if you're bi, does that mean you can never get married, because then you can only have one?" Being bisexual doesn't mean that you will die without somebody from each gender. It means you can pick and choose. Excellent.

And that is why I say "gay is boring"! Spread it out! Gay people are pretty fucking awesome themselves, but being gay is as boring as being straight. We should admit to being bi. The world would be a whole lot simpler then.
sweetheart of the song tra bong I admit it.

But no one believes me because I've never had a serious girlfriend.

People say I'm straight and just looking for attention.

I'm much gayer than I look.
Dafremen Happy and..?
Not if society has anything to say about it. Sigh.
Saint i don't know, Daffy.

i'm pretty happy.

i am, as an old drag queen who used who used to live in my building once said, "gay as a carnival"

i'm at peace enough with myself and my surroundings that i don't have all the angst about it anymore that i used to. but it did take time, boy did it ever take time.

and now, in a similar vein, i describe one of my younger acquaintences as being "about as gay as a tree full of monkeys on laughing gas"

i worry about the younger lot sometimes, it's as if they forgot about what things were like in the 80's. a little too fearless for their own good sometimes, but then again, maybe i'm just being an old mother hen
Versatile mind Opinions opinions...
Fuck you all, gay is shit i had it up to my neck, this is going too far, i dont care what you say (HOMO) cause according to the first fucking human beings werent gay and god isnt either, thats why we have pretty ladies, its god's present to men, people who think straight anyway, lets not be crooks.
Its like a crime, doing the opposite of normal favors.
silentbob women weren't made as gifts for men.
i'm sorry that you think so. go up to every woman you see and tell them "You were created as a gift for a man." See what she says
Casey My teacher is gay. But we live in a small town so this person doesn't open divulge this information. However, I got hints at it and I asked her and she told me she was. But nothing changed between us. I get along famously with both her and her partner. I like the way that turned out. 020523
eklektic it bothers me when people start to get upset when they find out someones gay. i know a lot of gay people. and there's nothing wrong with them, for the most part. and there are people who are gay that a lot of people who call themselves "homophobic" are good friends with - if they only knew. 020523
Saint a name like Versatile Mind and then a blathe like that. whoo! now THAT, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls (and all points in between) is IRONY.

and what about that marvelous (no, FAAAABulous) use of the english language.

it wasn't the anti-gay rhetoric that offended me, i hear shit like that all the time from some of my relatives...what really pissed me of was the atrocious grammar
silentbob as if having a blathe in support of a preference is "Going too far" 020523
somedaysam i think gay is ok
the best man is a gay man, i always say
jesus was a cross-dresser and mary was an unwed teenage mother
you know what? my mother is gay and her and her girlfriend have a book on their shelf called Lesbian Bedtime Stories and you know what else? i could be gay, i'd rather look at a naked woman than a naked man. naked women are beautiful, naked men are awkward looking.
in high school i had this boyfriend and i found out that he gave some guy head at this party and so at school when he was standing at his locker and all of the jocks were standing around i went up to him and said i heard you give better head than me and you know what he said? he said i don't know about that you give good head yourself and if those dumb jocks weren't shocked enough by what i said they suddenly took notice of the girl dressed in all black with the piercings like she was a shiny new sportscar or something sha, like i'd ever give them the time of day, just like they'd never give me the time of day before and god, it's like a fucked up version of she's all that and all of this has nothing to do with being gay, i guess. except, oh yeah...that my boyfriend from high school is gay. which is ok, cause i love him anyway and he is still one of my best friends.
Ivonna H. It's the prototype of the perfect person. A person that has most of the virtues of both sexes and lacks most of the negative aspects of each sex. Not to say that they're perfect, but they are better, they're less judgemental. I've always wanted to have a gay best friend (preferibly male), although it sounds quite clichè. Marginated people are always better because they develop all of the best features of people much more than ordinary people. Such as their knowledge, their sense of humor, their compasion, their rage, etc, etc. And I really DO NOT agree with the prototype of gays listening to barbra striesand, etc. That's a typical north american assumption. A generalization that does not include many many homosexual and lesbian people. 020524
marq I don't want to be that old fag (queen) living at the top of a hill...all alone with his 75 cats. That doesn't sound appetizing to me. I'd rather have an Amaretto Sour! 020610
somewhere between gay and str8 Sometimes I wonder... I identify as gay, but I want to be single. Does sexual orientation even matter that much if it's not "exercised"? And why do I feel more comfortable playing around with my female friends' hair, etc., than I do my male friends, even my gay male friends? Is that a social construction? Or am I afraid the guys will think I'm flirting with them? Is it possible to be emotionally straight, but sexually gay? Is that "healthy"?
But then again, gay wasn't "healthy" until the late 1970's. So, screw it. I guess as long as I'm happy, nothing else matters...
joe being happy? 021112
Ant - emotionally straight, but sexually gay? yeah, that kinda makes sense.. i think 021112
jane was his last name...
man, i felt sorry for him.
i'd marry him

[but...just so he could take my surname]

other people: yeah, right.
; ... 021113
; .. 021114
eclecticsynesthesia i should say im i afraid you think im gay
but i dont want to raise the subject in case hes not thinking that yet

why if i want to be delicate and pretty like a flower am i gay?

i put most of it aside but not the disposition (like i won't laugh at the phag or cuss about the jugs) but thats enough you know they probably do say that i am

then im nervous with girls so silent
cause i dont want to hurt anyofthem
cause i know what thats like

silentflowerboy you are gay
but im not

i should ask why am i afraid but im really not that strong
its not my fight is not the right answer

i want to explore but you know i come home and close the door alone safe
Douggins Well, you know what? Here's what this heterosexual Doug thinks (in response to bisexual affiliation (I guess I should write this in the bisexual blather, but Im already camped out here, so why not stay)) ...I feel that I am bisexual in the way that I want a lover person to think as I do and know where I am going when I try the whole communication thing (which, if you havent noticed, I am not so swell at) and usually guys are better at understanding my masculine thoughts, probably because they are male. But Ive thought about the whole male on male thing fairly deeply and dont see myself able to make any sort of love with a man other than the brotherly type of love. I have strong desire for females, and not just because Im "supposed to"... So anyways and like always Ive lost what my point was supposed to be, so here is what my new point is: I think that we should think about all the possibilities about anything and do what feels best, so even if its the worst solution, at least you gave it some thought..?...(I dont really think that I mean what I say and would rather not, because I didnt invent words and probably wouldnt have, although it helps me to think in complete sentences, but is that a good thing? Id rather be an animal. I think we should all deevolutionize, or reevolutionize back to animals or even bacteria, for they know where its at) 030220
sisterfawn i hate it when people say something's 'gay'. like shirts can lead alternative lifestyles? well, that IS an intriguing thought... 030221
phil you're gay you stupid fag 030221
Magdalena Okay, this isn't *me* that said this, it's a friend of mine.
"thinks....I have nothing interesting to say. I am eating lunch with Becca today because Clay
is fixing up his new car. I thought I should save her from all of her friends and how they all
of a sudden decided that they are gay. She always says she doesn't mind it at lunch because
there are guys there, well she doesn't know this yet but all the guys are going out to lunch. I
can understand how it might be alittle creepy to her to hang out with most of these people all
of your life and then find out they are gay. what even funnier about the whole thing is some
of them seem proud of it. What a laugh. If I was gay....I think I would kill myself. people
like that should not be on society. they should find some Island far away where they can all
go and have their mad crazy gay sex where noone else has to see that trash. I hate gay
people! Lunch will be fine though. I am going to see if Becca wants to walk
to..somewhere...with me instead of going down stairs.
funny funny. there are these three bitchy black chicks in my P.E. class. they are so fucking
dumb. you laugh everytime they say one word. the story team and I spend more time
kicking the ball then hitting it like it should be hit. Their ball rolls into our court and we kick it
back. one really ignoant bitch screams " THIS AIN"T NO SOCCER." let me just say she
would have made a better point if she used proper grammer. We all burst into a laughter
and go on playing. These girls have been making fun of my friends and myself all semester.
What funnier about it is it's dumb shit too. shit that noone else would say. So how dare these
fucking niggers sit here and make fun of me when they probaly are the ones who fail every
class, will get pregnany or were pergnant, live in a box, have to work at McDonalds just so
they can support their 8 member family, and go home every day from school wondering if
they are going to eat that night. so how dare those nigger bitchs sit there and make fun of
me. they can go to hell for all I care...or better yet go back to africa where they belong.
Becca and I's fun week has come to an end. It was a blast. Myparents came home last
night and I told my mom everything. She didn't even care they Beca and I took the Van out.
but she was only cool with it because Becca has her license. It was great haning out with

Anyone else want to beat the shit out of her?
phil It has excellent ass-kiss grammer.
I would just leave her alone; it seems like a lot of people are going to be leaving her alone alone.
EddieWill according to Kurt Vonnegut, someone cannot be born without a male homosexual...but they can be born without a female homosexual. Don't ask me. I didn't write it. About the girl above...someone should take that stick out of her ass and hand it to me so i can beat her over the head with it. It's THOSE kinds of people that should be sent to an island away from society, NOT homosexuals. 030311
Eowithien I read about half of the blathers in this topic, sorry guys at the bottom, I got tired...

Hm... My ultimate question: Am I a lesbian? Its difficult for me to answer, I've always been very neutral to everything, which is good actually, I like to think of myself as a peace maker. Maybe I'm bi, that would be kind of nice I think actually because then I could love everyone around me.

Oh wow, the weird thoughts that stream through my mind. I love people, they are just so queer. Take it the way you want...
Eowithien The bible forbids it, geez... Sex is for reproduction (as is marriage). My sister made the point of saying that homosexuals have sex that is a sin and that they don't marry for reproduction. Well I say that God is being to hypercritical. 030312
phil the bible sounds ludicrous. 030312
this is me now a tidbit of queer history for all you "straight"" folks who may not know

the term "faggot", used against queer people, comes from the name that was given to the bundle of sticks that was once used to burn people at the stake.

also, many queer people today use a pink triangle as a show of pride. this pink triangle actualy came from Hitler. During the holocaust, pink triangles were pinned to queer people so they could be "rightly dealt with", much like the yellow star. queer people in the holocaust were actually treated the same as jewish. "Paragraph 175" is a really good documentary about this if anyone is interesting.

hmmm, anything else? maybe i'll get back to ya
silentbob i assumed everyone who wasn't white german was treated the same as the jews. including gypsies, elderly, handicapped, homosexuals, and uh....yeah....everyone. 030313
beautiful as i am actually that isn't entirely precise gays and lesbians were (not) treated the same as Jewish people nor as any other seized groups of people. they were actually treated very differently, even from the other violated groups of people did they receive unsympathetic and insensitive treatment, to be gay and lesbian in a concentration camp meant that not only by your detainer's were you treated as dirt but also by your fellow detainee's were you treated atrociously. for example, to be Jewish and gay was an even more troublesome time for yourself.

think about this topic in now-a-day terms does the overall population treat gay and lesbian people the same as any other discriminated group of people... some would say yes but I most definitely say no (gay and lesbian couples do not have the same legal rights as any other group of discriminated people in this country do- even if you are a tax paying- law biding citizen- you still do not, even if you were born here you do not have the same legal rights and benefits that heterosexual and some bisexual individuals do as well), and if you are of minority status and also GLBTQ than that's just all the more difficult for you, and if you also happen to be a woman on top of that and/or poor ... etc etc...
this is me now i stand corrected

and while i do think what you are saying is very true and prevelant. how far we've come should not be overlooked. yes, we are still oppressed, yes we are still judged, and yes we are still persecuted. but so much has changed in the past 40 years.

i volunteer for a youth LGBTQQI organization here in the bay area, and there is SO much more support ofr youth than there ever was.

its a great feeling, but we still have a long way to go

did you know that according to US govt policy, you can be a gay assistant secretary of defense, or a gay CIA agent serving in the same foxhole as a special forces officer in afghanistan, sometimes a gay service member can even stay in, as long as his commanding officer considers him butch enough to avoid routine harassement, but the one thing a gay man can NEVER an army-trained Arabic linguist!! geez louise
Lindsey i was holding him so close i could feel his heart beating against my chest, the car wet from the rain against my back.

remember when you said some of your friends were gay and just too afraid to say anything?

and my breath stopped. literally. and i wrapped my arms tighter around that body i have loved since the first grade and whispered in the ear of my prom date, my leading man, my best friend,


and then we sat on my front porch, holding hands, his head on my shoulder.

we've been together every night this week. people have started to think we're dating, and i can't tell them that we will never be together like that. that he will never love me. that we can't be a couple.

and i can't tell him how much i love his eyes, his words, his ever fiber. i can't tell him how much i love him.
ferret most of the stuff against gays was written in the old testament. i don't know about the new testament. but the old testament is like, old laws and stuff. and i think that gay marriages should be legal, you can't help it if you're gay, lesbian, or bi. it's like, if the entire world was gay, but you were straight. would you like to be looked down upon? treated like dirt? discriminated against? told that your marriage doesn't count for annything? no, the answer is a big fat NO. i had a friend who commited suicide because he couldn't stand all the hate for gay people. this shouldn't have to happen. the government is freakin' homophobic. it's stupid really. think about it. why do you hate gays? why? don't say "'cause it's not right" or "it's dirty" or anything stupid like that. take a good long 10 mins. to actually think about it. i have a friend who is gay who doesn't want to be. i've talked to him about it alot. he says that he doesn't want to be gay because he wants to be accepted, to not have to fake it, to not have to adopt, and he just WANTS to like women, gays can't help it. it's not a disease, or maybe it is, but if it is, you don't go around saying "oh, you have a disease, you can't get married" or anything like that. ok, that's all i have to say. 030419
ferret oh yeah, one more thing, what's glbtqqr or whatever stand for? 030419
celestias shadow The Bible is entirely open to interpretation. How else do you think you end up with groups as different as Baptists, Anglicans, Roman Catholics, and Jehovah's Witnesses? They're reading from the SAME Bible, people! Therefore, what the Bible means depends completely on who is reading it.

In reply to 2 things mentioned earlier:

I know a really hot guy who is gay. He also happens to be an asshole, but that's not really relevant. It just makes this that much more amusing. Apparently he masturbates to his own reflection. This is not a judgment of all gay people. Not at all, as you will see in my next anecdote. I just felt like mentioning it because I think it's hilarious that ANYONE could be that narcissistic. Then again, if anyone could, it would be him.

Story #2: My very good male friend, who shall remain nameless, recently told his girlfriend he was bi. She broke up with him, though I'm not sure it was entirely because of this. I've had a crush on him on and off for over a year, and just managed to stop last week. I forced myself to stop because I was driving myself crazy over him. I'd tried 3 times before but......never mind, this is also irrelevant. The POINT was that the advantage to being bi is, and I quote, "I have so many more options." Damn true! Lucky him. I'm not sure I WANT to be bi if I have a choice, but I don't think I would actually mind.
User24 Gay couples now have the same rights as ungay couples. in the UK

about fuckin' time too.
bengay ungay? 030701
User24 better than 'hetrosexual', no? 030701
a thimble in time what about metrosexual? 030702
Matt O the straight 1 420 canada never forget it this is my 2 cents as a guy talkin about u fruits.
gay ppl are fucked fucked in the head gay is not ok not right and fuck all u ppl who think it is and all u gays and bi's fuck u 2 its alright if a girl is bi or lez im chill with that but as a guy u r straight fuck i dont believe in god neccessarily but shit think about this u little queers man and woman born into this world sumhow the mans got a dick the womans got a pussy the 2 go together theres no dicks up asses its JUST NOT RIGHT IT JUST DOESNT WORK U CANT FUCKING MAKE BABIES all this gay talk just pisses me off all this bs ur friends are gay and u dont know it well sure sure and when i find out im gonna deck that friend 4 knuckles right across his fuckin face punches to the gut and rabbit punches as the fruitcake runs GAY is WRONG STRAIGHT is right think of it this way parents ever say shit like it varies in how u say it but same thing as "stay on the straight and narrow" "the right road or path in life" well i can tell u 1 thing the fucking road is straight for a reason gay and lez curves off to the side lead u nowhere right to fuckign hell face it all u queers ur wrong maybe u cant help being fucked in the head but i donno shoot urself jump off a bridge ..die make the world a better place now u might say HATE? well if u see like in the bible and in history gays were burned and will burn "forever" in that great place of hell liek shit if u gays arnt straight by now listenin to this hear this wats to like about a guy u fags girls got the boobs no man got those soft warm tities girls got the pretty face pussy shit when i see a pussy my body just tenses up all my muscles flex includin that 3rd leg theres just sumthing about it when a woman raps her legs aroudn ur waist and sticks her tongue down ur throat ur alive its something to live for to go on everyday lifes a bunch of bs the bs in schools high schools colleges downtowns where ever u live the gangs the drugs the weed the booze the hash the hardcore drugs for fucked up ppl coke crack meth crystal meth acid all tha shit lifes a bunch of bs find a girl fall in love give u somethin to live 4 its wat majkes my clock tick that woman i can look forward to seein now shit im only in high school grd 10 man i failed last year skipped out a lot got kicked out suspended for smoking weed round the school came back this year i partyed a whole shit lot was a poor fuck living with my mom no money no gf went for the drugs partying downtown ruff area then i met a girl a party i was too tanked too do anything i hadnt eaten anything all day and drank a 2 6 down of r and r whiskey and passed out by a cactus up in the bush where the party was at sum park houses and shit up there 2 anyways for all u readers thsi is CANADA yeah we got cactus believe it or not u fuckign americans only shit i got against USA is there knowledge of other fuckign countries u dont knwo shti about canada crackin all ur jokes n shit its always been known stupid shit americans every1 knows it other countries sayin it thats why when u travel u put that fuckign sticker CANADIAN FLAG so other countries dont treat ya liek shit im all with the fuckign war kill all those fuckin arabs osama, saddam all those fruits eh and while ur at it kill all them fuckign faggots in US and Canada but shit back to the story drinkin up in the bush musta been around 500 ppl by the time i was tanked we still hadnt met every1 we were partying with our friends we didnt knwo the other ppl and i was tanked met this girl jessica but point of this BLATHER thats goin on and on is that after that i needed a woman so bad i useto just hook up at partys and be gone but this was diff i started dating girls and stayin with em thsi girl karly dated her fucked her loved her so much then she dumps me after 4 months for sum other guy that shit hurts only thing i came out of the relationship was her virginity :D i havent been the same since that break up back to dating for pussy and gone if i meet sum special girl ill change sum girl i think thats soo fine its like datign all over again when its hard to talk to em like grade 2 all over again thats the when u know its a girl u wanna hold onto back to u faggots i cant relate to u losers if uve managed to read this without losing it and crying ur face off and ur stil gay then i dont know wat else i can do to help go away to an island liek other ppl said go there live there die there rot there and dont be remembered might be sayin im homophobic good whoever u r think that i probly am fuck u here to end it off little about me all i want in life this a girl to love that will love me back a house a job a kid at a later age im fuckign 17 right now i want my health i want my car a nice ride bag of weed a 24 pack of bud my friends and most importantly a woman by myside thats what makes shit worth livin for me and if it dont for u then why dont u need ur life like i said earlier MAKE THE WORLD A BETTER PLACE u faggots are wrong girl on girl action is good to watch but id never want to date a girl thats bi seriosuly date to get serious with cuz i would fucking die when she was with her girlfriends thinkin theyre fuckin n shit just like how i cant stand my gf goin to partys cuz theres other guys there and i cant stand my gf chillin with other guys she deems friends cuz i dont trust em and dont trust her lol when u find a girl u can trust uve found 1 u can love and when uve foudn 1 u can love hold her tight and never let her go best advice in the world to any straight man hope ive caused as much mental pain as i can to the queers who may have read this and maybe have gave the girls and straights reading a laugh party hard with ur friends go to school grad go to college or university these days u hafto to get a half descent job my dad dropped out of school grd 10 grd im in and hes rich caddillac 750 grand house 7 car garages all together a shop bigger than my moms house a tv bigger than my room i useto sleep in u may say im a rich fuck but im not at all like that mentality ive been ghetto if u wanna say ive lived the shit life not any food thinkin if ur gonna eat when u get home from school or not sleepin on the couch or a matress on the floor passin out outside on a chair sumtimes after blazing j's till u forget ur hunger no clothes u wanna be seen in so u hang with ur poor friends like u in ur house only thing u can look forward to is that shower in the morning anyways this will never end so ima end it I LOVE THE WOMAN GOD GAVE US IF THERE IS A GOD NOBODY KNOWS i love the WEED canada grows the best u americans probly laughin but its true HA hells angels BC BUD powerful chron sticky sticky bud i can still roll good joints with it tho ive smoked a lot of weed in the last 5 years i love pussy canada and the USA fuck the rest of the world
i tohught id never say it in this site i found sumhow i never look on the internet for this shit but sumhow i stayed and looked at this site fucked how things like this happen and here it is
PEACE been wrting for 1hr 40 min haha
whome Now that's a blather if I ever heard one.

The acronym GLBTQAI:

G - gay

L - lesbian

B - bisexual

T - transsexual (a biologically female man or biologically male woman) OR transgendered (umbrella term for transsexuals, cross-dressers, and anyone else who doesn't conform to gender roles)

Q - Queern (umbrella term for all the others, or an alternative label for people who don't fit into the other boxes) OR Questioning (as in, unsure of sexual orientation/gender identity)

A - asexual (no desire for sex) OR ally (a supporter of GLBTQAI people and rights)

I - intersexed (born with ambiguous genitalia or both male and female genitalia)

Famous quote on the acronym: "GLBT? Is that some kind of sandwhich, like a BLT?
A really gay person Somebody said the Bible is against people being "gay."

What's wrong with being "extremely happy"?
x beautiful logic. if beer, weed, and a girl, doesn't make you happy, then you don't like life. i'll take that to heart for sure. 031111
internet-Troll gay ppl get humped by goats and horses and everything else, OH! and they like to touch little boys where they're not supposed to as well! 031120
homo_boy Does it really make sense to these "straight" people that a gay man who lives a good life will go to hell simply for that which he does in his bedroom, where as annother man can rape, steal, and murder, then repent and go to heaven as long as he's straight???? 031123
anon When I was a teenager I used to think that you could choose to be gay or straight. I thought I only liked men because I was raised to feel that way.

So in my late teens I thought, "well, I'm rebellious. I'm going to go become a bisexual". So I found a woman and slept with her.

It was the most boring sexual experience of my life. It was like sleeping with a man you are not attracted to. Like kissing a dead fish. Making love to a houseplant. I know some people will say that I just didn't pick the right woman. But I don't know who the right woman would be. I just haven't ever met any who made my knees go weak.

Because of this experience, I stopped believing that sexuality was a "CHOICE" or something that could be taught or learned. I _tried_ to become attracted to women and couldn't. I have no reason to think that a gay person would be any more successful trying to become straight.

P.S. Doesn't it seem like the people who always write the most vitriolic diatribes against homosexuality are also the ones who use the worst grammar, etc... Seems like there's a correlation between uneducated ignorance and homophobia... just an observation.
o_O gay men bother me. ill be honest. i find it gross. And i find lesbian action attractive. but what if i explain it?
The female body is beautiful...not even women can deny that...its smooth and soft, and...aerodynamic.
The male body is disgusting!Its bulky, hairy, and its got shit hanging off it...hairy shit at that.
so can you blame me for not appreciating gay intercourse? its ugly...its looking at vomit in a bucket, while the lesbian action
ant guys 031211
you I think the male body is hot! Strong, and fit, very sexy! 031211
reue its not that i'm insecure with my sexuality, i'm quite secure... and if it changes, okay fine. in fact, i'm probobly a little more than bicurious.
i know the reason why it pisses me off so much when someone calls me gay, even jokingly. the other people in my grade, oh so fucking young. those little pieces of shit always calling me names, always tormenting me while i kept to myself. no, i didn't have many friends. i was a goddamn loner. a fucking reject from my loser peers. i can't say i hated them. no, i don't want to hate them... but i have this resentment, churning. i did have people i talked to. others like me, others that wern't 'popular' or athletic, or any of that shit. yes i knew they were the nerds, the dorks, the geeks that cried when they got a bad grade on a test. but you see, i was comfortable with those people. i pretty much kept to myself. there were a couple of those 'athletic' and 'popular' people that tried to make good with me, and i let them. i can say they were friends. in the least they were nice. maybe these are all the reasons i know so many people now, talk to everybody. want people to like me so much. i can't stand it when someone doesn't like me for some stupid reason. if it was something i said, sure. i'm not going to change me for them and if they don't like me... fine. but all those others, i can't stand it and it might be a flaw but its me. i still consider myself a geek, a dork, one of those 'not cool'. but its alright now. i wouldn't consider myself a loner anymore. i might not be the most talkative in my classes anymore, don't make everyone my friend and laugh about every little thing. but i don't want to be that way. i don't want to wear a fucking mask covering who i am. i wish i wouldn't be so pissed over things that have happened to me. i dont like resentment and being angry. its a waste of time, what does it bring to the table? happiness? obviously not. contentment? not worth my time, i'd rather be constructive than destructive. being happy is so much better. the_blue_bird_of_happiness

theres always someone that was picked last for teams... but time changes people, for good and bad. hope mine was for good.
Deal For all you people who don't agree with the "gay thing", or think it is wrong and we are all going to hell because of it, fuck off. I dident ask to be brought into this world nor did I ask to be gay, but u know what shit happens, DEAL with it. If you disagree, that's fine it is your right, however you are the one with the problem then, not me. I know who I am, and if you don't like me, once again fuck off. 031213
phil shutup queer 031218
BI girl i think you should be a little more open minded phil, although that if being gay is wrong, that is your opinion and i respect that. however you dont have to insult ppl you dont agree with or just be a fucking bastard to them just coz they're different. 040101
t shutup phil 040101
cocoon i use the term 'gay' alot. its part of my vocabulary, and to me, its just another adjective. it just another way to describe stuff.
i just thought i should say that, cause theres people who get really upset about it, and its just like 'fuck' in the sense that to me its just another way to describe something.
other than that, i dont get what the big deal is. why the fuck should you care about who someone else is sleeping with? its their lives, who are you to judge what they should do? and what makes you better than them?
young mafia fuck you queers, this is no place on this world for faggots. you ass ramming cock suckers are all the same. two fags cant get married, guys are meant to like girls. what the fuck is wrong with you queers? when i see a fag i kick his ass. dicks are for chicks you little pussy bitches. fuck all of you faggots in the world, and fuck what you say, cus it doesnt matter. 040118
BIgirl what the fuck is wrong with you?!

you might not give a shit what anyone else has to say, but i bet the reason you're a gaybasher is because you have experienced homosexual feelings or the like, it's psychology.
who i see 040131
"stright" Any stright guy who beats up gay guys is afrade. Afrade they them selves might be gay, and I would hope for the gay community they arent. We dont need that scum 040131
cj I met a sweet, quiet guy at camp one summer
He saw my red, white and blue toenails, and asked if I would paint his
I went with a friend
They were dark blue, and sparkly
And he said he was gay
And I was scared

...not of him
But that I'd say something idiotic, like
"so what's it like"?
u hmm 040208
kermits_perfect_rainbow_/^\ I think that I may be gay. Or maybe bi. I love guys, but I find myself staring at women sometimes. And lesbian porn kind of gets me off.

P.S This name has nothing to do with my orientation. Its that song
kimberley i hate it when straight people tell me im going to hell.
my response is that im not gay as in happy, but queer as in fuck you.
and i do not believe in sin.
i feel sad for people who think that queers are wrong. i feel sad, too, for people who thing straights are wrong.
i love girls. i love boys a little less. but it is still love.
and even though i am a bi girl, gay man porn is still the best kind.
oldephebe it's not for me..but what two consenting folk of equal standing (ie..minors to adult, boss to secretary or constrained and exploited underling..etc. quid pro quo stuff) is their thing..personally i think some gay people with kind hearts..will probably make it to heaven quicker than the so-called sanctified and seperated super christian types that go around task tsking everything and yet do not have an ounce of compassion within them..

and yeah what's wrong with being extrememly happy?..heh heh
blather maybe 040215
Butchette Hey! I'm gonna take Bart (the train) to
SF city hall tommarow (Monday) and see if I can find somebody to marry.He needs to be beautiful, loving, and fun.
Anybody gayme?
828 Lost in this world or "Right and Wrong" 040229
noynat i wish i had a choice. it would be so much easier 040308
Kurt Cobain God is gay. 040406
ninguna gayyyyyyyy 040417
ferret "fuck you queers, this is no place on this world for faggots. you ass ramming cock suckers are all the same. two fags cant get married, guys are meant to like girls. what the fuck is wrong with you queers? when i see a fag i kick his ass. dicks are for chicks you little pussy bitches. fuck all of you faggots in the world, and fuck what you say, cus it doesnt matter. "

has anyone ever noticed how all (or at least most)"anti-gay" posts are all like that?
cablex It takes more balls to stand up and say i am gay then to walk and say i am straight. To tell the truth sometiems hurts , but it is still the right thing to do. 040426
.... Blather Link:-

* Free_same_sex_marriage_operations
goosh gay 040427
a girl like me i am gay but i have never told anyone. 040502
llamekcuf to be honest i dont think its anybody elses business what sexuality you are, what the fuck has it to do with them? so fuckemall!!!!
be what you want to be and dont care what other people think, its your life not theirs, dont be dictated by their opinions.
Kyle2 30% of the population is gay... how can something "affecting" so many people be "wrong"? its like smokers: "i hate smokers.. smoking is wrong, all you cigartte sucking mother fuckers suck all of you can go to hell" WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT? I'm bi, and pretty open about it. Only one person that i told wasn't trustworthy about it, but i don't care she is a slut that got pregnant and moved to Texas with her ugly boyfriend... anyway I'm very happy with my girlfriend, I love her to death, and she knows i'm bi... i told her that i'll probably marry her some day, but i still wanna suck a cock, and i'm going to this summer :) ya... so one of my best friends is a homophobe... he absolutely hates gay people, and he doesn't even know that i'm bi... i find it hilarious, he tells me that i'm his best friend, and he hates gay people... yet i'm half gay!!! lol i love the cock but i also love the poon... anyways enough sex talk now... i'm startin to get horny... have to go see some porn... ohhh but what should i look at? 040525
Puppy-liker JENNIFER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You puppy-basher!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove puppies!!!!!!! Cats are EVIL. They should get eaten by goats! All of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I like puppies.
Puppy-liker JENNIFER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You puppy-basher!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove puppies!!!!!!! Cats are EVIL. They should get eaten by goats! All of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I like puppies.
bork gays dont vomit!!! They're very clean people. really..they are. And theyve been that way since they cam over to this country from France. 040818
thunderbuck ram She was the most beautiful creature I had ever seen. The most delicious pair of little titties you could ever imagine. She blew my mind then blew my dick like no one has done before. Then I sucked her dick. We were so wonderfully gay in a very special way. 040820
me i am 041024
andru235 (that is the word
that i'm best of to use
though i cannot say much
for the happiness part)

my queer comrades take heart
for we come from afar
there's another dimension
where all the gays are

and no, it's not hell
for some, hell is earth:
when your mind knows great sadness
and your spirit, great mirth
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl This is a conversation that actually happened in my house. This makes me sick.

DAD:'I don't want you sleeping over there.'

ME:'Why? What's wrong with staying there? Don't you like her?'

DAD:'She's one of them...queers...'

ME:'What? What's wrong with being gay? They're no different from normal people. In fact, most of the time, they're better. This narrow mindedness makes me sick.'

DAD:'I don't want you going over there. Bad influence.'

ME:'My being bi/gay has nothing to do with her!!!! It's not like it's a choice!'

DAD:'I don't want you going over there! she's a danger we have to keep you away from.'

This unreasoning dislike is something that makes me very annoyed. It's fucking stupid and completely unnaccepting. *rants and rants*
andru235 i've said it before, i'll say it again

we have nukes, but no gay marriage

what a 'civilization'
Third EYE Is this the gayest I will ever be?
waiting to die so high on life.
will it be by gun shot or knife?
take flight tonight rememder the good and foget what makes you sad.
fisherman gay 050226
dreamer Some homosexuals argue that heterosexuals shouldn't be called straight because that implies that homosexuals are somehow crooked. I argue that homosexuals shouldn't be called gay because that somehow implies that heterosexuals aren't happy. 050227
the real fisherman i am 050228
BLATHER When two guys love each other. They also like to wear leather and slap each other on the ass. 050801
caresscoffee--EbilSporkMonkey gay or not it's not right telling people they can't get married because of a sexual preference that's like saying someone can't get a job because of their skin color it's just unjust besides the president shouldn't be allowed to take part in any actions involving churches it's called a seperation of church and state... duh!! 051005
. I always thought I was straight, until I met this beautiful girl and discovered she had the most gorgeous cock hiding in her panties. I've never looked back. 060323
. I always thought I was straight, until I met this beautiful girl and discovered she had the most gorgeous cock nestling in her panties. I've never looked back. 060323
moss I've never seen a gay man in a Hawaiian shirt.....? 060813
Ptolom Olotp This is the word deemed politically correct for men like me .... An irony is created. For while I am fully gay, definition two, I am seldom gay, definition one (merry). 060813
Niggerace LOL UR GAY

Me too. Yiff?
?.... confusion hatred suffering these things make me what i am. i cannot change, die life live death contradict it all i will not find one like me 061110
phil I'm afraid of sex. 061110
mr song i have many friends who are gay. i'm engaged and i have a son. 070608
mr song a no th er problem i have is that many people mistake me for gay just because i occasionaly wear satin shirts with my suits, i collct faerie stuff (so does my feonce). my voice is semi-feminine, this i cant help. i don't like "manly" things to me it's boring. i often wonder what the fuck is wrong with society 070608
ferdenan PRIDE! 070620
Mr.P i am gay i am insane i conduct crime sentence me to death GOD 071119
lyric me this people who are gay should have the same rights as everyone else in THIS world. i don't care if you think god has a problem with gay people or not. it's not a human's job to sentence them, so they shouldn't be punished until they die. if god would punish his children at all for something they can't even help.

seriously, americans are such hypocrites, because most of us believe that it's god's job to judge, not ours, and we still do it. gay people can't get married, or ever be together without being ridiculed. if they're "going to hell" anyway, they might as well be able to do whatever they want to until then. at least they'll be able to revel in the fact that someone else is going to hell with them.

not that i believe gay people are going to hell. o.o oh, jebus, no!
khun i wish you would just hold my face and kiss me deeply, kiss me like you did

right after i gave you a blow job

and you said you weren't gay
your mama I am gay. if you don't like it, piss off! 140326
dafremen I'm tired of the notion that a man can't be both heterosexual and masculine while still being sensitive. We have SO few positive male role models who provide a traditionally "macho" image (minus bigotry) while also being emotionally empathetic human beings.

Just because you're sensitive does NOT mean you're gay. Too many sluts out there are taking advantage of the confusion society creates in the minds of sensitive young men..who may or may NOT be gay.

I've met exactly TWO people in my 46 years who were OBVIOUSLY trapped in the wrong gender. I DO believe that homosexuality is a real phenomenon. But in every other case that I could confirm, there was either a single mom raising a sensitive son by herself, a neglected young person whose first real positive interaction with another human being involved homosexual contact, or their parents had switch gender roles, ie. mother was very masculine, critical and forceful and dad was more of a sensitive, passive nurturer. (Then the pressure cooker of society and its judgments did the rest.)

Identifying these individuals as genetic homosexuals diminishes everyone involved..and is ESPECIALLY dismissive of those who were born with this rare condition.

Given strong, but sensitive enough role models, and a more accepting environment among heterosexuals, the sensitive among our young people would be more capable of distinguishing whether they are genetically predisposed to homosexuality or simply not a typical member of their gender.

Imagine if all of the sensitive guys found that strong, forceful woman they were REALLY looking for.. Imagine if she came across her nurturing little knight.

Too late, they're both at "The Pitcher & Catcher" checking out bulge and camel toe respectively.
unhinged he sent me a picture of himself wearing a fanny pack (which in and of itself is annoying because i havent spoken to him for four months) with some caption about how it is possible to wear a fanny pack and not look gay...

first of all, i dont know a single gay man that would be caught dead wearing a fanny pack. second of all, using the word gay in a deragatory manner is childish and pisses me off. i STILL dontwant to talk to you asshole
flowerock What's bad OR gay about a fanny_pack?
I'm a woman and my male partner wears fanny packs, nice ones too!
; P
Unwanted Co tact can be shitty though, sorry.
shpaaaaaaaaaaaa shpaaaaaaaaaaaa 141205
what's it to you?
who go