slinks through forest shadows is a fucking lie. 030904
thy by pink floyd 111213
flowerock fearlessness is terrifying from the outside. 140812
unhinged groundlessness

it was the only thing that made this last round of depression bearable.

you never touch bottom when you float
unhinged .

it is not that i NEED another person to complete me. i have taken on a lot in life all by myself. i know i will survive. it is the need (or want) to get above the point of every decision being one of survival. to have a partner in which to investigate the wonders of the world with; i keep finding all these wonderful things i want to show to someone else.
epitome of incomprehensibility A series of teen books I encountered at bookstores a few times but never bought. Too scared? 150803
nr you mean the ones by francine pascal? i actually liked those and have looked in YA sections of bookstores to see if any are still on sale (they're not). the main character is interesting even if the concept is kind of silly and far-fetched. 150803
nr it's actually got some pretty good fantasy elements, and the main character is a kind of a buffy/veronica mars-ish ass-kicking girl who is smart, resourceful, genuine, and doesn't really care what other people think.

francine pascal is clearly at her best writing real characters and plots with some darkness. which must be why, when she writes about the sweet valley twins as adults, it ends up being up there with the most hilariously atrocious writing you'll ever read. it's hard to believe this stuff was written by the same person.
flowerock Awake. Having a purpose, something to protect, a message to deliver, wonder_to_behold, a sunrise to greet. When we are meshed into the flow of allove life. Fear becomes funny, becomes fuel, becomes a friend. 150804
flowerock Awake. Having a purpose, something to protect, a message to deliver, wonder_to_behold, a sunrise to greet. When we are meshed into the flow of allove life. Fear becomes funny, becomes fuel, becomes a friend. 150804
flowerock Awake. Having a purpose, something to protect, a message to deliver, wonder_to_behold, a sunrise to greet. When we are meshed into the flow of allove life. Fear becomes funny, becomes fuel, becomes a friend. 150804
flowerock Awake. Having a purpose, something to protect, a message to deliver, wonder_to_behold, a sunrise to greet. When we are meshed into the flow of allove life. Fear becomes funny, becomes fuel, becomes a friend. 150804
flowerock Awake. Having a purpose, something to protect, a message to deliver, wonder_to_behold, a sunrise to greet. When we are meshed into the flow of allove life. Fear becomes funny, becomes fuel, becomes a friend. 150804
flowerock Awake. Having a purpose, something to protect, a message to deliver, wonder_to_behold, a sunrise to greet. When we are meshed into the flow of allove life. Fear becomes funny, becomes fuel, becomes a friend. 150804
flowerock Sorry... no idea why it replicated my blathe so many times. 150804
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