jennifer the act of writing is nothing spectacular.
placing pen to paper
(or, in this case, fingers to keys)
is not a miracle in any instance.
there is no special "thing" to writing.

Edgar Allan Poe used words, one after another, to write

but, what makes him different from others is that he knew how to mold the words around his thoughts
he knew how to force the reader to take his perspective on things, and how to plunge the reader deep into his subconscious

we are all just writers
just purveyors of fine words
nothing glamourous
and nothing boastfull

and that's all we have ever been
amy comfortable with words. 000109
whack-o diddly-o Calvin: The purpose of writing is to inflate weak ideas, obscure pure reasoning, and inhibit clarity. With a little practice, writing can be an intimidating and impenetrable fog! Acemedmia here I come! 000119
phil Writing is a way to cleanse yourself.
And if you are a bad person. You will never speak from the heart. Becuase you can't stand to hear the truth. And be forced to follow others footsteps. The ultimate truth. The things it is hard ot right about sometimes. Are jsut silly nonsense, this has a truth all in itself. Get personal with yourself. Write to open your mind and heart.
phil hehe In other words, write like you want to fuck. 010424
futility Writings has always been for me the easiest and simplest form of expression. No eye contact, no tone of voice, no body language. All that sustain me are the words. Sometimes they flow from my fingers so that I can't type fast enough. Sometimes I agonize over each word. I am not always truthful, but I am much more honest that I ever am in speaking. I am a writer. Not a great or even a good one, but one who frees herself through catharsis. 010519
firefly effect There are times when my writing brings reason and hope, and is an escape from that which I know is reality. It is what lights my path and the whole damn reason that I am going to school, and half the time I honestly wonder if it is all worth it. Or good enough for somebody other than me to give a damn.... 010805
DannyH Scares the shit out of me. 010806
TalviFatin I would rather type. 011105
foolonthehill is becoming another roadblock. words move at breakneck speed through neural fibers and never find their way out. a roadmap might be nice. maybe they're stuck at a tollbooth. i wish i could give them these spare pennies in my pocket but i'm not sure they could use them. 011105
sad girl gets me in trouble 020124
kmontso the only way I can get through all this mess is by writing. Writing to myself has never let me down. 021001
Freak helps me unclutter the thoughts that are in my head and clear my mind. 021001
*silent screams i write what the soundless voices in my head tell me to. For I am what these are made of. And even if I, myself don't always agree with them, i atleast know that they speak sum truth , even if it's double meaning or just plain insane 021206
Cicero I will heal myself with words. Let the creative blood flow and clean out these veins. Good writing has some of the qualities of good sex: originality, passion and intimacy. 030204
di luce Now the dark pen will flow. 030204
pipedream writing is me better than i am myself; me on paper, on a screen, in a word is more than i can express in spokenness.
writing is a very private thing.
don't you dare laugh.
not just any idiot can write.
me "That's not writing, that's just typing." [Truman Capote on Jack Kerouac] 030624
Perplexlypuzzled I agree PD, writing is a private thing, but I think that all people can do it. It just takes a special person to be able to do it well.

I also prefer typing, simply because it is faster. But writing has its own essence.. it's own.. wonder and excitement. Putting pen to paper can exhilirate and make ones mind soar as no keyboard and screan can do.
nonsensical escape. spinning magic in your hands. 031123
jonez As I began to understand some things here, I must have come with the idea to write about the people I know. Just as you were thinking or reflecting, but the flow of thoughts is directly passed on to the neuronic system that controls the pen in your hand, without a filter. 040105
pipers hmm..point, perpexly, point.

writing...i don't want to do anything else with myself but write. i have no speech left to me. words keep me company. paper hears the cry of my soul because i cannot speak of my abyss; my pen becomes my lifeline. why should i waste my time doing anything but write?
dondeestanlosjaguares no matter how good people say you are at it, it is never enough. . . 040114
bandersnatch i consider myself a good writer, when it comes to longish papers or some such, but my freggin english teacher is a stupid... i dont know what she is trying to do. we had a descriptive paper outline and rough draft due this week (its college mind you), which she then looked over and "corrected".

i handed her my paper, which, like the rest of my writing, was full of detail, in this case, making it seem like you were really there in the room looking at the painting.

she took my paper and crossed out almost all of the flavor text and said to stick to the painting not the surounding (i can understand that) and to try to keep sentences down to subject verb and preposition. wtf is that? how is a discriptive paper (what i think is the most basic type of paper) paper suposed to be interesting without flavor text?

only 2 posibilities i can think of: A. she is doing the whole "start everyone out at the basics so i can build them up the "right" (her) way." the problem is that the ppl in that class are in college and should have the basics down, so there is no need for the tedious work shen she can be teaching us new tips and tricks.

or B. she is teaching to the "lowest common denominator", the ppl who need the most help, which is fine, but why bother making everyone else writing the same level they are?

after i typed the "revised" copy, i spell checked it and looked at the writing level... 9th grade. 9th grade? i was typing "9th rade" level stuff sence like 6th or 7th grade. i know it doesnt matter, it doesnt mean a thing, but it is still a pain in the ass.

god i hate her.
djstar its my outlet.. sometimes i have no inspiration.. i get scared when that happens but i'm usually content with my life at that point, or am i? i ask alot of questions.. i'm young. 040212
djstar its my outlet.. sometimes i have no inspiration.. i get scared when that happens but i'm usually content with my life at that point, or am i? i ask alot of questions.. i'm young. 040212
djstar its my outlet.. sometimes i have no inspiration.. i get scared when that happens but i'm usually content with my life at that point, or am i? i ask alot of questions.. i'm young. 040212
djstar its my outlet.. sometimes i have no inspiration.. i get scared when that happens but i'm usually content with my life at that point, or am i? i ask alot of questions.. i'm young. 040212
djstar its my outlet.. sometimes i have no inspiration.. i get scared when that happens but i'm usually content with my life at that point, or am i? i ask alot of questions.. i'm young. 040212
djstar its my outlet.. sometimes i have no inspiration.. i get scared when that happens but i'm usually content with my life at that point, or am i? i ask alot of questions.. i'm young. 040212
quotree "Poetry is just the evidence of life. If your life is burning well, poetry is just the ash." -Leonard Cohen 040412
peaceSleepfully Typing *is* faster.

But sometimes I love the slow, physical constraints of making marks on paper. The sound of it, the smell and feel of it. The illusion of permanence. The commitment. The demands of the paper, it's vulnerability. The different coloured and textured inks.

When writing, I sign my name into every word.
It makes a different kind of thinking.
estarocks this is a great place for writers block. i can just write nonsense! lol lol lol. it is also good for writer's flood. 040713
damn , i hate everything i write 040713
estarocks is 2 months older and wiser now oh, jeez. don't worry. i don't blathe things like that anymore; i say them out loud! :)). but really, writing is a miracle. just to see your words in a visible form, out there in the open 4 any eyes 2 see! 040909
minnesota_chris hooray for two months! 040910
aM i DiStUrBeD? Writing is the doorway to my heart, the movements of my brain and the whispers of my soul.
I write what I see, think and hear. What inspires me is life and people. The world as we know it, the way I see it. What happens to me and the way I feel.
These words buried deep, just need to be discovered. Put on display on the paper in my hands.
kx21 Matrix Evolution and Revolution of

Past and Present Random_Dot(s)...
epitome_of_incomprehensibility See whack-o's entry: quoting cartoons is always amusing. Yeah Calvin!
Anyway, I love writing but I generally abhor non-creative English assignments. Is this just some rebellion instinct or what? Because I do sometimes write essay-type stuff for fun... In conclusion, I would like to conclusively conclude that repetion is poor writing technique. I sacrifice myself as an object lesson to lessen objectivity. The author's point was clearly defined. The crystal pencil writes in invisible ink.
tessa i don't know what i'm going to write
until i've written it
f yeah, a writters block or an artist block is jsut when you think too much.

just do it and something will come out of you, if you try too hard with anything, it will become stale.
yup yup deleting
it's more effective than writing
what's it to you?
who go