groovinkim "We are not evolution's ultimate product. There's something coming after us, and I imagine it is something wonderful. But we may never be able to comprehend it, any more than a caterpillar can comprehend turning into a butterfly." - unknown.. from january 98 wired magazine 990618
Quintessensual evolution is the true solution
to the mystery that is history
lion Chasing the wind back to it's source 991224
bane everyone says that the small toe is the next thing to go on our evolutionary journey. well if that's so, why don't i just let some crack doctor chop it off and earn a cool two grand? 000124
anastacia pick at my brain
can you feel it?
silentbob i was told that on his death bed, charles darwin admitted to his friend that he didn't believe in anything he had researched about evolution.

i told the guy that he was full of shit, that he couldn't possibly know what charles darwins friend was told. and he told me that he didnt believe in charles darwains theory about the evolution of man. but charles darwin never had any theories on the evoultion of man. and if he did, it wasnt about apes. people associate darwin with that chart showing monkeys evolving into humans. he never had that idea. he wasnt even the original guy to think up evolution, so people should lay off him, kinda. or at least investigate further.
i heard once that Lauren Hill said that if she knew white people were going to buy her cds, she never would have made it.........
that just sounds absurd. she never said that.
just like Tommy Hilfiger never said that he would have never made his clothes if he knew black people were going to buy them.

people like to make up rumors to ruin peoples reputations. people suck.
tourist RE: Evolution and English
I've noticed Swipe no longer means to steal. It is the way you access your own money with a card.
kx21 A Logical Observation / Description of Physical Transformation of the Universe. 001103
billy bass evolution is infinite 001103
mmm i would like an evolution linsence, or maybe a darwin linsence, then i could help nature along with evolution by means of natural selection. 010326
katie fragments:

so above, so below

morning light cracking through the wall
morning light spirit

nocturnal I know people who honestly do not believe in evoulution. Actually refuse to accept its existence in any form. damn do they piss me off when they talk about it. I never bother trying to argue with them about it though, because if they are so buried in their religion that they've been driven to deny actual, physical, scientific evidence, I can't think of a single thing I could possibly come up with to say that would make them consider that their precious bible might have within its pages the slightest untruth. 010327
Chrity Science people think we evolved. I don't. Evolution is bull-crap. If it were true, we would have come from some single-celled organism, billions of years ago. Chromosomes can't do that. And then, where did that single-celled organism come from? Nothing? Chemicals? No way. That's called spontaneous generation. geez, my high school science teacher taught me about that. It's IMPOSSIBLE. I know why we're here, just ask any Christian. They've had it right all the while! 010408
psychobabe This is evolution the monkey the man, then the gun...
if christ was in texas, the sicko the hammer, the only son
This is your creation, the adam of eden was a bomb...
If jack was a baptist, we'd drink wine from his head.
This is evolution the monkey the man, then the gun...
This is evolution the monkey the man, then the gun...
I am a revolation, Pull my knuckles down if i could...
I am a revolation, and i melt to the bullet wood...
This is evolution the monkey the man, then the gun...
This is evolution the monkey the man, then the gun...
We are dead and tomarrows kids are, crucified in our space
We are dead and tomarrows kids are, crucified in our space
In our space...in out space...in out space
This is evolution the monkey the man, then the gun...
This is evolution the monkey the man, then the gun...
This is evolution the monkey the man, then the gun...
This is evolution the monkey the man, then the gun...
This is evolution the monkey the man, then the gun...
The Truth Natural Selection for Natural Beings.
Supernatural_Selection for Supernatural Beings.

Since humans are a hybrid species (having both biological AND spiritual components) then both apply to us.

Natural selection applies to our natural (earth-based)life.

Supernatural_selection applies to our supernatural (eternal) life (which begins at the end of our natural life).
prodda-g first off, there are so many great and substantial holes in the evolutionary theory, its absurd and insulting to place your faith of your species history in it. If you don't believe me, read "Darwin's Black Box". second, people are so quick to say there's no god, but, just for a minute, pretend that you DONT know everything, and just pretend there is a god, wouldn't it make sense that all these physical laws and properties of space and time are there because they've been placed there by someone greater. I mean, really does it make sense that there is "space" and "time" and "light" and all the other things that make up our universe. Why is everything the way it is? Just because...or is there a purpose? 010725
sabbie however-many millions of years of evolution

and here i sit working for the nestle of tel.co.s.

nice one, god. ive always admired your sense of humour.
TalviFatin --Warning-- the following is just a humble opinion.

Seriously, I'm starting to believe in evolutional theories. If you look at the animals, including humans, we are slowly evolving and adapting to our world.

What about the dinosaurs and such? We have fossils. They evolved from small tadpole-like creatures, and kept growing until the catastrophic meteor hit earth. (I would use more correct terms and scientific language, but i'm too tired.) We are doing the same thing. Evolution is purely the way of life. It is the way to survive.

Also, the issue about other life on other planets. Life over there will evolve too. I am possitive there is much more other life out there. Not necessarily the green alien men ppl always invision. But diseases, microorganisms, bcteria of sorts, are sure to exist in dirt, rocks, water, and air out there. It will all evolve eventually and we wont be alone.

Now, monkeys. I sure hope to hell we didnt evolve from those mangey flea infested retards.But...i guess we did. Ohwell.

I just lost what I was trying to get at...hmmm....
The Truth I believe it's possible for all of the life on Earth to have originated from one seed (a seed in the form of a comet, complete with genetic instructions on HOW life was designed to evolove) except, however, humans. I can't find (and believe me, I've looked) a single shred of evidence that supports the possiblilty that humans evolved. Even when I think about it logically, it doesn't make a bit of sense that humans are to be included with the rest of the planet. We are way too different, our mastery and dominative control of our environment, creative and musical arts, and many other things_that_seperate_humans_from_the_animals (no, that's too long, see: created_in_God's_image )make it crystal clear that humans are seemingly not a part of this evolving chain of life. We are above it.

I am not saying it's a big lie to believe in human evolution, but we are still "children" as a species, very young compared to other lifeforms, and we are bound to make many cognitive mistakes.

But when we look back at our recorded history (something the apes don't have) we notice that we as humans haven't really changed much.

We are still eating and drinking and marrying and giving away in marriage, working, partying. We've still got our wild bands of people that just don't give a kcuf and we still have our tender sweethearts. Kings, national borders, slaves, fishing, agriculture, and on and on and on...

What has changed, what has actually evolved, is our ideas, I.E. our technology. There are no new ideas, however every day one of us puts together a new COMBINATION of ideas that works out to benefit our society as a whole. So our technology and society may evolve, by we as a species have not. It us based upon our level of creation,

We have the ability to create, i.e. our creative process, that renders us superior and alien to all forms of life on this planet.
prodda-g Ok, for all you "experts" on the evolutionary theory that like to downgrade creationists as ignorant, weak, religousts...a challenge. Ever heard of "irreducible complexity?" It's this little trait that encompasses just about every living thing we know. For example, an eye, a cell... What it means is, "can not be made less complex," or in other words "could not have evolved by small, gradual, steps over billions of years." It's just impossible.
For instance, the cell. A cell will not function if you remove say, the nucleus, or the mitochondia, or the golgi complex, or the cell wall, or any other part of the cell. The cell will not function. Also, no part of the cell can function on its own. All the parts of the cell are interdependent and all the parts of the cell contribute to the cell's overall function.
Now let's take a step back. Evolution occurs because some element or trait makes the species or organism better adapted to it's environment than other organisms, and the other organisms will die off, but the organisms containing the desired trait wil live and produce offspring until all organisms contain the desired trait.
Then how does an irreducibly compex system evolve? How do all the parts of the cell evolve in small gradual steps, when none of the parts contribute anything to the organism until all the parts are fully developed. In other words, say an organism somehow "gets" a nucleus, or more precisely, a partially developed nucleus. Why would natural selection give this organism an advantage over other organisms that don't contain a nucleus. The only purpose of a nucleus without a cell is to suck energy from the organism, therefore giving it a disadvantage, and consequently, the organism would die off.
This scenario is the same with all irreducibly complex systems, basically all of life. The answer is...it's impossible. Evolution between species is impossible. Yes, a species can develop small changes that help it survive, but can not develop into a new species. It's impossible.

You may think I'm a scientist or something, but I'm a 14 year old Christian boy who goes to a public school. This isn't biased information. It's scientific fact.
If you want more information on how evolution is wrong, read Darwins Black Box by Dr. Behe. It talks all about irreducible complexity in much more depth. Even if you disagree with my argument, you should read it to have a better understanding of the arguments against evolution.
The Truth 14?

What if the system of "single-celled" life forms evolved all at once, instead of one cell at a time, the whole system at the same time?

I am not trying to argue with your profound words, I just want your opinion. I also think that it takes more faith to believe in evolution as it does to believe in Creation.

If anything, I believe that the study of Evolution is just the study of God's workmanship.

How He built life doesn't necessarily impact WHY He built (created) life.
prodda-g Evolution is such a successful theory because of the fact that it is very easthetically pleasing. Small, gradual changes are easy to visualize as long as its not looked at scientifically on a microscopic level. But, IF... somehow evolution occured to bring us to the present day, I think there's still no doubt that it must have originated with a "Creation." A catylyst so to speak, to begin life.
Evolution between species, as I've already stated, is surely impossible, but even if it wasn't, and even if species could evolve into other species, there would be no doubt in my mind that a Creator was involved. Life is the essence of God that makes any theory outside of God completely impossible and downright absurd. I mean its almost wrong to claim discovery of a theory that "explains" life. How arrogant of them. But yes I agree with you, even if evolution did happen, it should still be attributed to God.
kx21 A Beautiful String of the past, present and future of the Universe /
Virtual_Universe; and
a Sub_string of
kx21 Tell me who is the creator / designer of such magnificent String...
skin pops the evolution revolution wasn't nothing but a bunch of chimps 011101
Dafremen The key to the next stage of human social evolution, lies not within the mind, but outside of it.
Only by letting go of the notion that we and our wants and desires are central to our own purpose, will we find that purpose.
Syrope where in the world did people come up with the "humans came from monkeys" thing...have any of you even read Darwin's work? he said nothing about man coming from monkey. he said we had a common ancestor...
*sigh* if you're gonna argue with evolution at least know what evolution MEANS.
silentbob true dat
my friend tried to argue with me that the monkey theory was darwins and i was like, "No."

he also said that on his death bed, which is, ya know, the most reliable source of information, charles darwin said he never believed in evolution.
grendel darwin was a proponent of the theory o fnatural selection which is in itself a component of the theory of evolution.

if you look at the way some people jump about scream and pull their hair when you disagree with their politics or religions how could we come from anything other than monkeys?
jezabel he ruined me, the one that awoke me. i run through streets, panting, pouncing on strangers in search of his scent. i catch parts, at times. never enough. never the pinnacles again. toys, catnip mice, occasionally another cat, but nothing like the shadowed corners come alive, the fresh fangs being tested and boundaries existing only to be pushed, swelling and deforming until all is possible. but such fruit flourishes only in the gardens of the gods, and i have met unfair exile. the taste will always haunt me. in my search, i become closer, hearing words of origin through my lips. it matters not if blessing or curse; it is inevitable as the snake's slow swallow after a strike. 031231
bloodybrit One of the biggest debates known to man. 040101
jane you know you're drunk when you're referring to yourself as evolution in the third person. & you know the other two with you are drunk if they are also calling you evolution 040111
tyger I just don't see why the theory of evolution and the theory of creationism are incompatible.

God is wonderful, beautiful, mysterious and all powerful. Why do we always assume that he is too stupid to create life in a way that allows it to continually survive in a changing environment???
decoded feedback I've seen the world in its creation
Oceans blue shining in perfection
Time will destroy this illusion
Atomic bombs in waves of mutilation

I've felt the cold technology injection
I've seen my children losing their emotions
I've lost control of my creation
Self-destruct by its evolution

I wish I could be there
To protect my children
From the nightmare
That will steal their dreams

marked . 040326
1of NOAHS sons A falable and rasict theory that has been the stealthy bain of man kinds EXISTANCE 040630
peyton one day i thought i knew it all
then i turned around and realized
i don't know anything
zeke yes. the origin of species. 050812
jimmyjoe corndog if youve got a boneless chicken breast
you must flip it
to cook the other side
you must flip it
pluck that chicken is pretty far removed so i guess it is ok to eat it, it doesn't even speak your own language anyway. 100821
ergo Manga? 100821
ergo Damn! I thought I was saying eat in Italian. 100821
ergo If the evolution of a technological civilization requires competition/war... no wonder we are alone in this universe. 170126
ergo ...not for long 170126
phil Evolution is not needing, spending, nor wanting us, it is conflicting and succeeding, forcing us, loving and killing us, with no obligation beyond want or will.

A destructive host that ravels each umbilical chord.

A spring of disheveled and disposing desires, filling suits of garbage with ample winged servants, like blades of grass sensing one final senseless state of being, lying secretly beneath its fantastic masks.

A lounging spirit chased by dogs and metamorphised into escape room pockets, flooded with gravestone light; born, living, dying, churning in rocky piles of flashing, special maggot programming, touched by its own soaked hands.

Dancing in its own pools of stained worship, unable to carry the flame of being through the treasure door, racing us nowhere.

Jumping toward the small same inevitable end, as all rotten things.
Am I the Only One? Eat me

Do it and do it again
what's it to you?
who go