dallas me 980913
amy me too. 990214
mareberry everyone tells me who i am. everyone assumes they know just how i feel, what i want, and what i have done. they don't seem to realize how wrong they are, that they'll never know who i am unless they look beyond their blinding image of me, past the lies, past the pain, to the soul that lies buried deep within the mask. they say they know. i say they're wrong. 990505
sillyelly the group who stands there looking so smug. you, standing there, as a feeling of lonliness comes over you. part of you wishes to join. while the rest knows there are better ways to make your way in the world. 990505
daxle once and for all, it should be noted that there isn't a single person who can say what "everybody" thinks or does
maybe we all breathe, but not in the same way
Lamont all people and animals that have ever existed and left some form of evidence to show that they were in fact here and not some strange figments humans have made up to prove their own importance 990625
*nicole* who is everyone anyway?? 990827
amy is not here, so i guess i'll go home too... 000106
nicedream is lonely 000311
ted to hell with everyone 000529
stan where is her k'ness? She is a world
class epistomagician
stan make that e-pistomagician 000806
Barrett Everyone sucks, except for you and I.
And I'm not so sure about you.
pETAH us 001115
isntthathowyouspellit? I think everyone is everyone. It just matters who you're reference is. 010128
the repeater For sure!
Have you ever heard the quote, "I want to have your abortion." ? Yeah, you know what I'm talking about. I'd share a private laugh with you right about now, but I'm gone....solid gone.
monadh is a poor excuse for someone 010313
Chrity go to:
SaxyWeed But, but ,but...
what about me???
Gillian there is no everyone.. 010614
nemo no one 010614
evolutionending the streets smell like beer and exhaust this christmas 010715
elana they feel the same but act diffirently. we are everyone. 020107
ClairE Everyone is singular. Think about that one. 020107
ilovepatsajak i hate everyone who teases me by not being you 020108
Sintina is a fool and a genius.
has flaws.
freakizh if everyone is something
but i'm not everyone
then, am i not something?

syllogism stupidity.
pokemyeyesout being singular all the time really sucks. i like to try plural for a while. from what i see from a distance, plural rox! 020523
Beth bleeds, cries, loves, needs, hurts, wonders, dreams, feels, breathes, thinks, worries, tries, fails, succeeds, regrets, aspires, and the one you may not have guessed...EVERYONE has beautful eyes. 020804
Perspective_Of_Soul They are all against me.
They ride on their horses so high, looking down at me, believing that i wish to be there as well.
I do not.
I would rather be down here looking up to you.Down with the filthy, flowing river of self destruction that you need protection from.
Do not look down at me for what i am.
Do not look down at your fears.
For if you fall, i shall be there to catch you.
Rickster Who are you to tell me I am one of them? Who are you to judge my actions? Do you think you know me, do you think you want to know me? Where do you get the greater authority to be my superior figure? You are nothing more then I, we are all equal here. No matter how smart you may be, no matter how many things you may know, you will always still be just a stupid monkey like the rest of us. Get off your bandwagon and ride the fucking light, teach yourself the ways and take off to flight. You have nothing to lose by accepting the truth, you only have the the comfort of that to to sooth you. Never let the light take over all the dark, you must understand theres a working amidst with its mark. The only thing we are all the same, is merely on the edge of something far greater then we have ever been able to comprehend. We are barely understanding the basics of our existence, yet we survive and thrive here on this planet like a plague, of sorts. Are we the darkness that has come to take over the good, or is it the ways of mankind that has warped and twisted the views of life. Can we be so precious to the God's that created us, yet we cry over one man's mercy, and then another man's tyranny. I think not, we were more then that, we have to find the way to it, but we are not close yet. We are each individuals with our own mind and spirit, yet we each close our eyes and look to others to hear it. Speak to yourself through your dreams if you must, find what makes you tick, and what creates your lust. Look deep, look hard find what makes you, you. Understand yourself for what you are and anything will do. 021225
jome misinterprets 030412
a girl with nothing to say everyone is so stupid i hate you all!! 031017
Priscilla what have i become
my sweetest friend?
everyone i know goes away
in the end.
Ida... Note. to all* It doesnt matter what "Everyone" says Just live your life Screw "everyone" i gave up one everyone a long time ago so stop stressing over everyone and stress over you what you want what you think!! AND have your OWN words!! you dont even have to listen to me BUT im not "everyone" im ME!!=] 040125
young pretender such an unreliable word

"But Mom! Why can't I get a tatoo/drop out of school/insert action here? Everyone else does!"
"Oh really? Does [insert name here] have one?"
"Well no... but everyone else!"
is it french? has crap 040215
Tara Langford please. communicating visually is such inspiring work. i adore it. so good to be able to adore something. i adore him as well. 040220
IO1011 Hear me, God!
"Pop pop, please don't take my Radio Flyer wagon!"
cantstand in this sea i'll find you all and we'll have another of those days that make me smile while im picking used napkins off the floor . I need those days they keep me alive and remind me that someone is there who'll hold me in the darkest of nights and never let go. Someone who wont shy away knowing what there is to know in this head of mine and i'll see you there. 040627
yeah everyone says they know me, and yet i feel no one knows me.

perhaps I just don't know myself.
what's it to you?
who go