sphinxradio are far too distracting.
and days, too disorienting.
but both have their advantages.
and both have their dreams.
ClairE cars and rap
or rivers and talks
or magical hiking
or in bed

(the best)

or waiting up for you

once I got to watch the moon
through my dad's camera

that was when the early morning was night
pritheemydear and the nights like this
remind me
that its three a.m.
and id be
ignorant to think
youll really call
me nights are suposed to be beautiful.
but right now I feel like I could die and I don't know why.
Jess are the best time to text you cos Im in tartan and you're in invisible PJs!
I like that thought!
I love Damien Rice!
You love Damien Rice!
I love Dave Gorman!
I don't know if you love Dave Gorman!
I love texting you!
I don't know if you love texting me!
I love you!
I'm sure you don't love me!
Lisa on nights like these I feel empty. and I struggle so hard against myself like never before in my life.

no sleep.

just tears. in my silent corner where you won't find me.

I don't know what's wrong with me..
what's it to you?
who go