s the longer the silence the more loudly it will be broken. 990807
nice dream standing next to you in silent lucidity 990910
spikey-ho Silence says more words than can ever be vocalised 991214
deb my consciousness
slows to a drip
splashing silent
on the ocean of
candace how chilling it can be, when accompanied by a pause in a feud. how comforting it can be, when accompanied by the embrace of a loved one. how empty it can be, when accompanied by your own thoughts, on a day you'd like not to be alone. 000106
andrea i'm not silent because i have
nothing to say
nor because i'm at a loss for words
and it's not because i'm so mixed up
that i can't think straight

i just haven't been to a damn computer
since tuesday

and i probably won't be back to one until monday
anchor baby you're silent because you are sylvia 000108
Tess aww, jeez. stinky luck. 000108
marjorie When I am silent,
I am being polite and considerate of you.
I will speak if it is truly important,
but even then,
not always.
You should be thankful.
Who wants to hear everything someone thinks?
Wouldn't it just cause problems.
jake silent majority
so blind, that i cannot see
Commander Keen bob 010117
Robin I am.. .
only because I am scared of you
I'm afraid. . .
afraid to touch you
you're so fragile
If I speak, you might shatter
can't whisper,
silence. . . .
SShhhhhhUUsh .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 010523
carden i want the chinese character for silent tattooed on my shoulder blade 010523
umm.. why? 010524
Amy H. shh...
There is silents all around us. You just have to know where to look. All the quietness has somehow dissappered to the sound of cars and computers.
You might thing that it is silent in the classroom or where you are, but is it really? Can you hear the AC or you can hear the sound of pencils? You are making alot of nosie just by typing. Where it was silent it is now takin' over by the sound of cars and computers. If your lucky you might hear the sound of nature once more.
That is if you know where to look.
Casey oh my god carden, I have always wanted the chinese symbol for kindness tatooed on MY shoulder blade. We have something else in common YES! 010610
unhinged i think i should take a vow to be on all matters religious and political 010826
translucent I know you hate it when I am totally silent and just sit there, not saying anything. I dont mean to, and it is definitely nothing personal, just I am a silent person. Most of the time I am thinking about how much you mean to me... how very beautiful you are... and how much I love you. But you can tell when I am silent because I am somewhat angry, and that is usually because of John. But today, I just felt shitty and was silent because you were so mad at me. But when we got into class, and you kept touching me and you said you loved me... I felt so much better. I hope you did as well. I love you more than you know... 011010
Rhinna me. 011031
cryingalone it hate always being the silent one 011119
bloodjetpoetry cold crocodile tears. i could eat them. 011119
ilikefood there's an amazing piece by Eric Knechtges (i am not sure how you spell his last name) arranged for wind ensemble called "Broken Silents".. it's about composers or musicians who were ever ostracized or hurt for being different, be that homosexual or just weird. it's so wonderful. 020423
the composer There's a dual meaning in that title, you know. "Broken Silents"... because those who were made silent (lesbians, gays, bisexuals, trannies) were "broken" in hate crimes... and yet, in the Stonewall Riots of the 1960's, the "silence" imposed upon LGBT people was "broken".

Silence = Death
Mahayana thinking
sinking into myself

[holding me | hoarding me]
god she's filing her nails while they're dragging the lake 020619
melissah you look at me and your silent screams
tear my heart apart.
my head starts to ache in the raging quiet. i cant take your pain. i look away but i see your face underneath my eyelids.
ambermoon i dont want to sit here silently any more i want to scream, i want to be heard, i want every one to know just how i feel.
silence dose nothing but hurt and confuse me. tell me what your thinking cuz though your mouth is silent i know your mind is not.
have you ever told me how you really feel? or have you sat there silently, knowing that the words you do not say are the ones i want to hear most.
Nikita I was silent because I wasn't here. Remember when you said you were leaving and that I waste too much time? You said I talk and write things about you when you're not around... so I was being silent.
Silent for you, silent because of you.
Radhi Silent is how I feel, listening to the rain at the beginning of spring. Another season has passed, and nothing has changed within me. I am still the same person, who will still pretend to be someone else. Silent is the noise I make, when I try not to show how I feel, sitting here, watching my friends be friends, as I am forced to watch instead of interact 040301
stray i wish my name had some silent letter in it. like a silent d. or some weird one that no one would suspect. i could throw an A on my last name, if my last name was jacoba, people would be like jay-cob-ah, and i'd be like no, its jay-cob and they'd be like theres an A, and i'd be like its a silent A. 050207
no reason is it because you don't have anything to say to me?

no it can't be that it can't it can't it can't be that.
mandin6ostar i can't remain silent anymore...
renee hush 050803
psynthe We FALL to PIECES over our SILENT dreams...
we DREAM over the FUTURE and sob over the PAST..
yet WE all wish FOR someTHING differet
A DIFFERENT future, a SILENT path.
*~K Now it's too late, too late for me
this town will eventually take me
too late, too late for me, this town will win.
hee hee what town are you in may i ask?


count your underwear girl, they will smell it the first chance they get!
In_Bloom I can feel you though
Reaching out and occasionally moving through me
my name it means nothing I liked to believe that there was something there in that silence and that distance. That there was a wordless, voiceless, motionless connection in our vacant stares. That we were silent together and thus that we were, in fact, together.
but, the truth is yet to be seen.
sadly it just seems silent here 100117
what's it to you?
who go