typhoid Nazi Germany, n. A state existing in Northern Europe between 1933 and 1945 in which the government was elected to office on the basis of patriotic and nationalist appeals; the head of state was a pathalogical liar who attempted to present a folksy image; the government operated for the benefit of big business; the mass media was subservient to the government oeprated for the benefit of big business; the mass media was subervient to the governmet and to big business, and essentially operated as the government's propoganda arm; a huge military machine was constructed and was glorified as the embodiment of the higheset values of the nation; small, helpless countries were the objects of invasion; a majority of the people enthusiastically supported those military adventures; there were huge disparities in the distribution of wealth and income; the rights of working people to organize were severely restricted; the unions were tools of the government; the government routinely intruded into individuals' private lives; abortion was outlawed; the government embarked on a massive prison-building spree, while locking up millions of its own citizens; and logic, skepticism and rationality were ridiculed, while mysticism, spirituality, patriotism, and obedience ("loyalty") were considered the highest virtues.
In other words, a country bearing no discernible resemblace to the United States.
tourist .......................................
Alexander Beetle *yawn* 011029
misaligned points me to the point. 020131
Toxic_Kisses I heard this on the radio the other day and it freaked me out!!! 031006
what's it to you?
who go