sheryl without it I am lost

I am finding it again

it is who I am

it is what makes me beautiful.

Sonya Spirituality is this essence of my life that will help me to ignore the negative, embrace the positive, and live for another day. My spirituality helps me to stand strong each time someone has to stoop to hatred to try and get at me. I've embraced the arts of compassion and tolerance, and for some this is a lethal combination, but they learn. "She's so nice it makes me sick!" Gotta love Buddhism for that. 011019
DaMon. All these posts about the heart sutra, and that meditation and this theory...
Most of those terms are Indian. Or at least Asian.
I am Indian.
All those things mean nothing without their base.
The world is trying to look for that base, through all the various types of yogas, the spools of yarn...
I'd like to think I have found it.
solace there ways for gauging one's spiritual strength...

find out how often you become disturbed
in the course of a single day.
solace there are ways for gauging one's spiritual strength...

find out how often you become disturbed
in the course of a single day.
Whoo Hoo! Dooobe doo be doooo... be dooobe do be do! 061113
what's it to you?
who go