me? is any creative noise music?
will i find out?
and after listening to john cage, aren't all noises music? sure, go ahead, but most noises aren't imprinted the same way solid tones are.
lokkust noise is abrasive sound which can be creatively manipulated into music if used rhythmically or simply to create
a mood or ambience of great intensity.
or the result of stripping music entirely of it's rhythm and melody.
Quintessensual why signal takes energy 991124
amy silence's relative 000209
miniver Despeckle.
Remove moiré.
emily will it ever stop?? 000522
stan In the 1920's Bartok wrote that the because of the rudeness of cetain people, the spread of things like the phonograph would prove to be a plague worse than the seven plagues descended on Egypt.

We used to live lives of quiet it seem many lead lives of noisy desperation
stan you know it when you hear it 000801
alula Damage not necessarily always bad. 000808
filia There was a terrible ghastly silence.
There was a terrible ghastly noise.
There was a terrible ghastly silence.
Brad Definitely has its place in music, from time to time. I openly admit to being a fan of Sonic Youth. Also... late Trane. 000907
Brad Oh, yes, and I must cite an example. Ligeti's "Poeme Electronique." 000907
tourist The Residents.
Fred Frith.
These people belive
the music is seperated
from noise
in the "Phrasing" of the
Listen and Understand
punk the noise is my head is driving me mad. no matter what i do to sedate it, it comes back with a vengance. when i want to go to sleep, the noise doesn't always want to stop. i think it's starting to control the way i think, the way i act, the way i LIVE. i have one question to ask though. what happens when the noise becomes unbearable? 010915
kingsuperspecial punk - I can relate. I take medicine now, that helps. Not sure what else to tell you, but I can relate. If you're worried about what will happen, maybe you should take steps so that won't happen. can you make friends with the noise. understand it, own it, deflect it, use it for creativity? just some ideas. you're at the wheel, the ship is yours. sail it where you will. 010915
red crested birdmad it's funny how noticeable it was to hear the jetliners overhead again.

i live near the flight path of the airport and on this side of town, we've neither the money or the influence to get the noise abated like they do on the other side of the airport

the sound, it's just a way of life around here, to be honest

i missed it while it was gone
ilovepatsajak can you imagine how silent a plane crash would be if you were deaf?

how unbearably loud a rape?- jewel kilcher
TK Would you just stop makeing any!
(Not ment to blaterers but the ppl around me)
nomme is silence is noise
the wind my labour the sunshine my rest
gnome shhh 040505
ethereal You make a terrible noise here within my head. 040505
twiz the sound of noise can blot out the noise in my head 050215
z signal_and_noise 050215
z noises demark the silence that lie between them 050216
oops demarcate 050216
dickey just doin my best to avoid the noise
the ripping searing sensation of sonic acid destroying my will
sgtnoise .estOy en la búsqueda de un cantO nuevO. mis cuerdas, mis OídOs y mis dedOs están cOnvulsiOnandOse sin remediO y mis llantOs, que cabe decir sOn pOcOs, me maldicen y engullen lOs acOrdes... sin pérdidas entrañables, mi cantO saldrá libre tarde o tempranO y mi nOstalgia, que es tuerta, sembrará la semilla para OtrO cantO, en el cíclicO envejecimientO de mi vida. 060430
z cognitive dissonance 060501
niska too loud.
apathy isn't setting in. i just stopped caring, that's all.
sadly chipped away at the silence and won 100117
mighty noise A mighty noise was made 120819
what's it to you?
who go