Brad some thoughts feel great as they massage our brains, but deserve to be kept to ourselves. 000527
miniver S/W/F seeking diversion from too much ontological time. Likes food, sleep, sex, romantic walks down the middle of busy highways, mountains, oceans, and conscious self-inhibition. 000825
santy claws M/W/M seeks part-time partner for weekend excursions to tropical paradises. must appreciate excessive facial hair and "jolly" figure. 001207
Rhin S(W)/W/F seeking S/W/M who's into S & M, CD's, DVD's & cream cheese, a good-standing member of BVP, drives a BMW, resides in the USA, and loves VP's. 001207
florescent light girl with issues.
one girl with ISSUES, here.
Any takers?

I didn't think so.
qwertyuiop what most blathes seem to be. that or chatter. 040107
notme i'm_sorry 040107
no reason it's hard not to take it personally 080221
what's it to you?
who go