silentbob What someone does on blather
a blather that is more than one. a mass of blathes! Run Kiddies!
ClairE Funny how we don't have much to say about this.

verb, third person singular

or noun, plural.
oren As sharp as razor_blathes. 011211
Norm You must take many blathes if you want to get clean after getting really dirty. 011211
... sehtalb 030707
nedwhoneverstopstalking isnt blathes like a verb...past tense of course...hey thats weird...of coarse...of coarse...''of coarse''...''of''...''coarse''...whoa i just forgot what that means...hey did u ever realize that when u sayy a word over and over again it starts to lose its meaning...meaning...''meaning''...''mean''...''ing''...WHOA...whoa...i could do this all 040716
ned again ''day'' 040716
ned again again ''day'' 040716
just ned...again ''d'' 040716
Doar read two blathes and call me in the morning. 040716
ned once more ''a'' 040716
neds friend hey Doar interrupted ned...what a bitch! 040716
ned4thelasttime ''y'' 040716
Doar sorry ned. 040721
shilohlives there are not many blathes so far today. Yesterday seems quiet as well in comparison to most other days. It's comforting knowing that blather can be still. 050421
andru235 is someone who posts regularily a
"blathe runner" ?

did anyone see that movie,
"the blathe of heaven?"
what's it to you?
who go