Foxy Grandma as opposed to me, clean, belongs to them, and i belong to the d word. only two posts away from the f word. 000819
Shugarhi I feel so dirty for reading something I had no purpose reading, but it was posted, so isn't it ok? 010511
birdmad to_have_and_to_hold



sEth My favorite song from Korn is "Dirty." Um, I have dirty thoughts all the time about my girlfriend (CheapVodka), but she doesnt mind, because she has them about me. = ) She kicks ass. I love her more than myself. 011110
psychobabe fuck yea sEth i was just gonna come in here and write the lyrics cuz i love the song to. Tiz a great one, a great makeout kinda song

*smiles from memories*


Keep knocking
No ones there
Pouring down

My head
By myself
All alone
Ripping my head off!
I hurt so bad inside!
At least you can see
The wealth in my eyes!
It stays the same
I just wanna live again!!

Keep hoping
Nothing to spare
So my life
Isn't quite there
Feel like a whore
A dirty whore
Such a whore

My head
By myself
All alone
Ripping my head off!
I hurt so bad inside!
wish you could see
The wealth in my eyes!
It stays the same!
I just wanna live again
(I just wanna live again)

I'll die again...
I'll die again...
I'll wilt again...
Into you
You dirty little FUCK!
Dirty little FUCK!
You dirty little FUCK!
Dirty little FUCK!

You dirty little FUCK!
I will take it
dirty little FUCK!
I will take it
you dirty little FUCK!
I will take it
dirty little FUCK!
I will take it
I hurt so bad inside!
I wish you could see
The wealth in my eyes!
It stays the same!
I just wanna live again
I just wanna live again
I just wanna live again
I just wanna live again
just wanna live again...
psychobabe *smiles* 011112
ilovepatsajak ...fingernails and crooked teeth. lincoln is the homeless man who has one crutch. i see him when i walk to the bank for dr. chang. i want to be his friend. he hangs out at denny's with the cool kids. 011112
yummyC kingsuperspecial

but i am too, so whatever.
birdmad a dirty mind is a terrible thing to waste

cliché perhaps, but true
pontifier isn't clenliness really next to dirtiness? C'mon, lets be real for a minute, eh? 011211
betherin why bother being clean? it way more fun just to be dirty!!!! 020328
Freak One of my nicknames is "dirty"

Its all in fun. They're not being mean.

Sometimes I wonder if they call me that just because they don't remember my real name.

No one ever remembers me.
Daria No, they are just refering to your mind.
that's why I always get called dirty, even though I'm a clean freak.
Freak Im the same way Daria 020522
melissah im such a corrupted being. 020808
J ooooooooooooooooh, i need a dirty woman 020826
devalis jaded, the dirty that doesn't wash off. 020826
:in.your.eyes: wish that dirtiness and lust didn't turn into innocent, childlike adoration over night. 021015
jane he said that he liked to talk to me always before he took a shower because
he likes to feel dirty before he feels clean
andrew i feel so dirty right now... but i got to remember that i can shower tomorrow 030309
Mandijabster I would like to tell you all about my friend. Her name is DIRTY Becky #9. And she's a wizard. As any good wizard, she knows not to leave this infromation out into the open, and tends to keep it on the DL as much as possible. But, Theo and I, we discovered the truth some time ago..and let's just say we were shocked! We new that she was obsessed with HArry Potter, but this obsession was just too much!!! It's quite scary having your best friend as a wizard. ALl the lil death eaters are after her, HER OWN SISTER IS TRYING TO KILL HER!!!! And now, we are always in danger, as me and THeo now know the truth, none of us are safe. Gnats sit and examine our every move. And when the time is right, a bee, who may I add can only sting ONE person, attack Theo and Becky, and I am forced to hide under the water, for I am too smart for the wizarding world. But hexes have been coming at Becky, since she was a baby...she falls down a lot, but that is to avoid being cast into a spell of some sort. OH DEAR! I feel I have said too much, and right now the Love of my life, Bill Gates is reading this and planning on BEcky's demise! THE MIDGETS ARE AFTER YOU ALL! GET ON YOUR CHAIRS!!! TALL PEOPLE UNITE! WE CAN STOP THEM! 031007
misstree is not a pretentious dirty girl i want a boi to make me feel wicked and deliciously dirty
instead of me having to step up to their level
so they don't get skittish and bolt.

(and i will forever carry the midget war cry above close to some organ or other)
jezabel i don't want to wash my hair
because the smell of smoke,
from wood, from stale cigarettes,
twines thoughts of you through each curl.
falling_alone someone bought a dirty magazine today at work and it took all of my self control not to snicker. 040329
thunderbuck ram I feel so dirty. My body's clean and spotless. It's in my head. It's in my soul. Yes, I have a dirty soul. 040823
god well, sure. 041010
Hajera not clean for sure 041204
applegirl like grunge
like a pretty boy who is pretty
and he doesn't care because he is in a garage band and i want to kiss him
acidshank last night there was a very hot boy. i wanted to fuck him. all of them. hahahaha. so close to him
nodded the next day. good things happen. all i have to do is step alittle
mimsy bat i can't stand dirty as in greasy food and grimy gas station restroom. but i like dirt when it is clean. roll in the mud, slippery like a slippery thing. but to be covered in dirt doesn't mean you are dirty. 060630
youknowme i'm not dirty
but i can't scrub it off
can't scrub him away

and yet
i try
devilbunny I hate waking up in the morning to see a sink full of dirty dishes waiting for me. 061108
anythingbutcryptic i hate leaving dirty dishes over night. i got it from my mum.

some teenage girls think all old men are dirty but i always say good morning to them.

i like the morning sun.

i left my dirty underwear on the floor.

my feet were dirty and sore from running on the hot pavement.
what's it to you?
who go