~~~~ :) pure beauty 010818
Aimee As the nurse came at me with the needle... my eyes filled with tears of fright. "Don't worry sugar, this will just feel like a bee sting" Well last I checked... a bee sting still made me cry. 010818
~~~~ he's profoundly cool 010819
sarah every little thing HE does is magic 010820
Gollum the wretched blade of that nasty hobbit 010820
transatlantic Sharp pain, lasting for a second.

Eternal beauty living forever in a line of notes & words.
TalviFatin the hiss of my tounge and the ripple of my skin lets me know my masachism stings 010821
volante the desire to feel her nails along my skin 010821
sos Gordon Matthew Sumner. case closed. 010822
yes I LOVE HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!! 010823
kill rhythm the_police 020614
kerry i went to this wedding of my dad's friends'. Linda and Roger. And her hair was red like Nicole Kidman because that's who she always reminded me of, and i could spent hours in her bedroom looking at her hat collection when i was little. she wore pearls all over her dress and dripping from her hair at the wedding.
i don't remember roger because he was never really important to anyone.
but my dad was the photographer for the wedding. and the reason i'm blathing this is because when she walked down the aisle they were playing "Fields of Gold." that was the night the older kids chased me and Peter with the slugs they found on the side of the farmhouse. i must have been about five. and i've been terrified of slugs ever since.
illustrious Watching puffed sleeves blow in the breeze
they take their leave and evaporate.
simply floating
floating on a whim
the air swirls in grays and creams and white.
ivory, coffee-stained teeth and buttermilk
Dead skin cells slide to the floor
And I am naked
trixie his brand new day cd is incredibly theraputic for me 030511
pobodys nerfect Right after that "fields of gold" song first came out,I started to have some rather nice fantasies of dancing(and cuddling)in a field of gold(be it dandelions, with a significant other. I've yet to make that fantasy a reality. Oh well,maybe someday.

I like his "my funny friend and me" song from the "Emperor's New Groove" movie. The man has a very soothing voice.
joda He was really sexy. 030511
amy his new album is so full of hearts, you wouldn't even believe. 031113
charlie i need to take my contacts out. my eyes are burning. 031202
yyyo mansturbate 031223
oo mansturbation 031223
deb sharp

skin after the
duct tape is removed

inexplicable pain
when he says
"it's over"
what's it to you?
who go