Quintessensual Amazing, totally amazing, blathing has not been blathed before!

Come on, blathers, those present participles are important.

They do gerunds make, and that's not all.
valis why do such erudite folks insist on screwing up the tense of blather?

not that i'm complaining, mind you. it's got character. and rhymes with scathing.
Sintina Blather is one of the few words in our language that can be used in any tense. I like that.
Very versitle, looks great on a resume.
bobthebumb blathing is another word for FUCKING...
ex:that BLATHING mother fucker...
this has been another broadcast of bobthebumb...aka HARRISON...aka bullethole...aka assgrabbing jackass
bobthebumb i live in a box 040113
barbara harrison lives in a box!! 040113
bobthebumb ...can i have a quarter? 040113
bobthebumb barbera just hates me cuz i'm prettier than her! 040113
bob horf farky squillo harrison pfrosny 040225
littlemiss bossywossy bob, shut up. 040225
bobthebumb meow 040420
bobthebumb i'm going insane...meow 040420
three words blather_is_blather blathing enslaved 050308
thieums Blathing random trails of nothingness from 10 years ago 140128
what's it to you?
who go