god hey, how ya like my new word?
what does it mean??
daxle nil
you think you're getting something from me? no way, you get squillo!
god kool! hey kx21, here's squillo. it means nil! 010116
lost a round of squillo on me. 010425
the voice concentration of energy providing pentrating power of voices in high position 010528
mato edwards new food succbus enjoys free touch foodsquillo nil is a biggest part olliuqs yeeeeee 010604
spider from mars HA!
nil, naught, zilch, zero, zip, nix!
pontifier don't act like you made that word up, because I have a squillo. It's a jar that you put things like boogers, dead skin, and scabs and stuff in. My squillo is almost full. Mostly boogers. 011219
cube Since squill is the Mediterranean herb (Urginea maritima), then squillo must be the Italian strain
squillo al dente Mama Mia!
and all this time i thought i was a rabbit!
god his italian squillo??

full of boogers!
squillo antipasto damn this congestion 011220
ClairE yum chicken_soup 011220
screwing for virgintiy im not sure what it is, but it sounds like it is definatly a small object, and probably inanimate. 021223
User24 I think squillo sounds like what wire wool is. 030410
squillo am i daed yet? 030425
bobthebumb squillo should b a small furry aminal (not animal, AMINAL!)covered in puss and garbage. and it should smell like sweaty gym socks. it should look like a porcupine\rat hybrid...yea...ummm...thats all i have to say...(at least about ssquillo) 040109
obviously bobthebumb scared every1 away... 040204
wax tadpole not quite

just issues between me, stryper_upon_cactus and those damned tiny_apes again
harrison this is harrison's link 040219
harrison harrison 040219
horny1 SEX 040225
open ...i think it means squirrel in portuguese 060207
TheJunketeer a rare breed of spiny hedgehog. 071119
poppy we both have a squillo. he keeps his nail_clippings in his. mine is nail clippings also, but with dog_whiskers as well. 110506
what's it to you?
who go