eagle not your, sometimes even in the ground 980831
jazaug not him 990220
kirstin gimmey, gimmey! 990330
Carolyn Be mine, say the Valentine hearts, those pure sugar, artifical coloring things that don't taste that great anyway, who'd want to eat them? Be mine. All mine. I want to possess you, because I must still not know myself. So I want you to define myself against. I love not for love's sake, but for the sake of myself. And our naive love can swallow us both whole. 990917
me now ours. 991028
|sCaRReD*disTrOyeD| I wish he was mine. I doubt he'll ever give himself to me. I guess I can never really miss him like that because he was never really mine. We were just so close it was almost like we were one. But, I guess I'm "too young" and he'll never want me. I sit and cry sometimes because it hurts so much knowing he's with someone. I often can't sleep at night because when I close my eyes and imagine he's with me the only thing I can see is him with her. The OTHER one. The one that is my enemy because she is what I want to be to him. She has my place. Because of her I am pushed aside time after time. When I need him he's no longer there because he is too busy doing things and going places with her. I wish it was different, but that's all it is... a wish. 991129
bob fish now everyones common knowledge 000102
lotusflower my generosity
and selflessness makes it difficult
to use this word completely.
Matt I wonder if I ever will get to a point when what is mine will not matter anymore. 000413
birdmad A change of context:

the scar cut deep into the earth in search of fuel or unrefined wealth.

re-shape it, make it something new.

diamond earrings and silver ankh pendant.
Free Yes Matt, I've given this a lot of thought also. To be free of possesions. I am Not talking about geting rid of everything, puting on a loin-cloth, and liveing in a cave. I am talking about not being attached to things, not thinking of anything as mine, as a part of me. If I am attached to something than if I loose it I feel I have lost a part of myself. To possess a thing is to be possessed by that thing. 000420
bitterfuels or yours, remember how
ladybird he's 010514
Aimee He's mine. I waited, and I put myself on the line, and I got hurt and I accepted it, and now he's mine, because you took him for granted. I did that once, and now I realize how wonderful he is. How could you give him up like that? He's so beautiful, so wonderful. I can't give him up now. I can't sever myself in half like that again. 010514
ladybird He is rather beautiful, isn't he? Mine is too, you see. 010517
is there anybody else who can't make sustained eye contact with the kind of person with huge, dark, indescribable (they haven't invented the word yet) brown eyes?

i can't.

i love the lines of him. they are long and shy and graceful.
donna the things that are mine are tangible. My self has become a product of everyone else--how could i possibly say that I belong to Me? 010815
bob lies that lead to lenghts 020223
blaber mouth whats mine is mine and what you feel is yours you stay where you are and ill feel how i feel 020709
poeticmisfit i used to think that nothing was mine. everything belonged ultimitly to someone else. But now i know that i do have things that i can call "mine." *my* pain, *my* scars, *my* hurt, confusion, rage, feelings, emotions...they all belong to me, because i can control them. never ever tell me that its gods pain. it does'nt work like that 020724
phil today 020729
James T. McRae never be mine again
never be mine again
youre gone
I miss you
she'll never be mine again
steve mine and notmine early on define
limits, set boundaries, begin conflicts of desire against manners
Steph*A*Knee it makes me happy and i don't need anything else 030310
Angie who i am, whom i loathe, the being i will become--my present and future, and my past. my taste, my style, my freedom to be myself is mine; it cannot be taken away. 030605
katsssssssss i have a someone that i think is all mine, but no one is ever truly anyone elses own...actions, thoughts, one never knows in what manner one will be betrayed...hell, even your cat can betray you...then you know it can go down no more 030904
djstar its almost valentine's day. am i hers? is she mine? it sounds so controlling, possesive.. i used to be that way.. i forgot what it feels like to be in control. 040212
squillo ...the harbour?

the seagulls mine!
mine! mine!
misstree "mine?" one would say, and the other
would squeeze comforting, nuzzle,
and respond "yours."

looking back to it fills me with
inordinate ugliness, lips curled and
stomach clenched in overreaction.

this is why i am afraid
of even the slightest emotional shift.
i will not be a posession, and
i will not posess, and
i never know what will
wrench poet's gut next,
and if it brings me there,
all mind can think is
nonononono nonononono
god no get me the fuck away from here
no. no. no. no. no.
bubble my prepuce
my justice
my loss
my pain
my longing
my reaching
my achieving
my relese
my glans
woo What once was mine, is now mine ex-wife's. And there isn't a damn thing I can do about it. As cute and funny as I can be, I'm still an alchoholic, and in the eyes of the law, the bad guy. 040504
James Arkham It's mine, you can't have it, maaaan. 041003
not god my ex-wife is still my current wife. i can't seem to shake her. no matter what i do. i give in. anybody who'll stick with me through all the bullshit and madness i've been party to and part of... 041004
Pinkberry Few years ago I had plenty of things I called mine. I couldn't live without them. Now they are gone.No home. No family. No friends. No love. No favorite books, movies, songs. Everything dissapeared in a huge earthquake of my mind.
So what do I have now?
Dont Close Your Eyes I stare at him for hours without end. Memorizing his face, and his laugh. He is mine. I lie awake, and think that none can be closer than us two. He will be mine. His smile makes me smile, and his touch makes me go weak in the knees. But he'll never be mine. Because he doesn't know that I am his. 041017
Staind_And_Souless You decided to not be mine any more. 041025
BitterSweetDream What a chaining word. M-I-N-E forever. Forever never used to see so long. And 3 years was never a lifetime. 041025
Ill be your Angel its funny how u spend ur entire life looking for somthing or someone,and then u finally stop looking cause yuo tell urself thats its not there, it'll never be there and then one day when ur back is turned, it justs pops up just like that.seemingly out of nowhere.
it can be anything, a letter, a call, an e-mail.but it comes in a way that u never expected. It happens so fast too.
In the space of 1 year i've created the strongest bond that 2 friends can have and a few days ago i think no i believe that ive found my missin piece. but being the unlucky person that i am, im stayin low. i really do not want to jinx it.
belledejour It's good to be back 050816
......................... ....................... 070802
hsg deep inside 081119
In_Bloom "What do you see when you turn out the light?"

"...I can't tell you but it sure feels like mine..."
what's it to you?
who go