deb matt newport... what a crazy guy
he had blonde hair that was greenish when i met him
he played in a techno band
and went on tour
and i never saw him since

i made him feel old because i was
10 years younger when he asked me out-
i think that's why we never went anywhere..
but it was ok

i really should go back and visit them
For sure! he's cool! i work with him! he's also my other friend. he's ... different. you want to talk to him? contact me, baby, yeah! 000712
Rose My first love. I wish I could go back to those days when I was just learning what love was, and when I thought that love was a good thing. 001013
Barrett I went to high school with him.
Now he's "Uncle Kracker." woo hoo!
Lucien The name that means nothing...maybe i should just blame all the pain on my name...but...i would always know it was really my fault 010105
Sintina Is the name of the man I love. He is the man that stumbled accidently into my life from out of nowhere when I was still in love with a man who moved to Japan and had no feelings for me to begin with.
Is the name of the man I gave all of myself to and continue to give all of myself to each and every day. He is the man that loves me so freely and purely and unconditionaly. It's not a game to him, like it was to so many of the others. I'm not a toy to him. He will never hurt me, well he may, and I may hurt him, we all say hurtfull things sometimes but we always talk and then we're better.
Talk. Communication is the center of our relationship. We talk so much and so often. We tell eachother everything about everything in our minds and hearts, any problems, any fears, any pain, he tells me. And I help. And he helps me. I cry into his shirts and get make-up all over them on those days that I can do nothing but cry. He will sit down with me in the middle of the shoe aisle in Wal-mart and let me cry on him until I'm done. He helps with any problem. He's bitchy sometimes and sometimes he makes me mad. And I tell him so. And he apologizes and I apologize. I apologize too much he always says. It's a bad habit of mine.
The guy in Japan thought so too.
I'm going to try to stop doing it.
I still love the guy in Japan, it's a nagging, gnawing, thought that threatens my thoughts of me and Matt. But then I remember that we talked.
The guy in Japan and I talked.
We are not meant for eachother, he and I decided. And that is true. I know it is.
But first love is the worst to get over and it's taken me 2 years to almost get completely over Japan man.
But I think of Matt and everything is wonderful. Matt makes everything wonderful. He is the focal point of my life, but I don't revolve around him. I do my own thing and he does his, except when we can be together, when all our own things are finally over and we can be together, we get together and are so so happy.
We laugh and cry and build model robots and watch tv.
We make love.
We've rented a hotel room twice just because there was nowhere else to go.
I miss him right now and I just saw him last night.
We don't make love that often. Especially not for people our age. We only do it when I want to. The scary thing is I used to not want to that often. After I got a UTI from sex, I was a little scared, and sex always reminded me of my father, so that made things worse. But Matt and I have slowly gotten my lobido (sp?) back and it gets better and better.
There are nights when me and Matt sit on the phone and disect our relationship. We have come close to breaking up several times. We get so frustrated with eachother sometimes. But we can always fix it. We can always talk our way back together. Our love is so strong. Our love may last forever. I don't know. I don't care. I'm happy right now, with him, and that's the way I like to be.
As for Japan Man, he and I are very close friends. I miss him very often and wish to see him again so much so many times. He has ordained that when we see eachother again it must be a tearful reunion with big hugs. I like that idea. Japan man and I are cool. I can't wait to see him again and finally be the friends we were back in the day before I became all infatuated with him.
I have two wonderful men in my life.
But men are not everything. I often feel myself having to stand alone, espcecially when it comes to my mother, but that's another blathe for another day.
peyton After reading that, I wish my name was Matt.

By the way, I am Japan Man.
lizard my bleeding, dying heart. 010108
Lucien i am your bleeding dying heart? glad i can mean something to someone
G wouldnt U lk2no Edwards ....a cold heartless using bastard with a small eh em...penis. He totally screwed up his chance to straighten out his life...Breaking into song....He was lookin kinda dumb with his finger and his thumb in the shape of an L on his forehead.......Oh! and he sucks old mens dicks for money. Sorry but I had to air your dirty little secret. Matter of fact he'll suck your dog off if you gave him a pack of newports. 010430
kinkazoid he is my best friend who i love like a brother or better yet even a sister. i could never have any more feelings for anyone, yet i dont want us to be more then friends. i used to think that was bull shit when people didnt want to ruin a relationship as friends by dating, but now i understand that completly....its a different kind of love that feels exactly the same, and i dont want it to change. 010505
melvinwang i only know, two, and not that well

what a trivial statement
psychobabe (siiiigh) i love matt. He and I are just perfect together. We can talk about anything and everything, and we have the best conversations that neverend! lol~
love you lots my king matt *bows*
psychobabe matt is my friend. But now he is my boyfriend. He came over last night, and my lil sis was being a stuid freak. Then my older sis came and was being bitchy. But after they all left, we finally got to sit and watch the movie. (te hehe) 010513
matt I am Matt Newport. 010513
Rad dude hello did you sit on it too?
who do you love?
or who did you love?
was she or he special.
why that then?
cali j Goodbye (waves and rides into the sunset) 010601
psychobabe *sigh* Its been about a month since me and matt decided to be boyfriend girlfriend and have a relationship. Its been to good to us, we may not be able to see echother every day, but when i do I just love him to death.

His mother has decided to move from trimont to estherville...and i dont want him to leave...we decided to not let this ruin the "us" but we will do what we must. What we have is special. I love him, and i honestly mean it. He makes me happy, feel safe, and more than anything, loved. I love you matt
Yours always and forever *katie*
florescent light Matthew is the 25th most popular male first name in the US. 010605
pralines&cream abe
is a god
Kate My first real boyfriend, the first boy I ever loved. The first person I ever kissed. The first person I ever let touch me, in the auditorium foyer. That was 7th and 8th grade. Mr. Arida used to say that he was my shadow. He broke my heart in that summer when he cheated on me with a girl from camp, and told my best friend at the time instead of telling me first. I was shattered and hated him until the end of 9th grade. This year, he sat behind me in first semester Bible and we would always talk and finally we became friends again. I wouldn't consider him anything but an acquaintance and an alright guy now, but I think we all have to go through those relationships. 020511
Kate Thank you for walking arm in arm with me back to the band room and for being warm when I'm feeling warmer. Here's to the nights on the track bus and kisses in the chapel and 100m dashes, and moving our desks back in Bible class. Love always. 020516
tazfab was the name of a str8 boy i used to date...i wonder how he's doing now? or who he's doing...he he he 020516
Sintina I read that which I wrote when I was at the height of my life of love
And I miss it.
We got engaged, Matt and I.
He turned into an ass... he reminded me
of my dad...
It's over.
Part of me still loves him, longs for him, he says things would be different.
But I don't trust him.
I may never trust anyone again.
jane i guess matt got all these gift cards for christmas so yesterday i went shopping with him to spend as much as possible. but yeah he only ended up getting a few's so funny how fixated he is on getting this huge flat screen t.v. i don't know

oh yeah but then there was this other thing about me driving by his work and yelling hi at him. i guess he told sater later that he was having a really shitty day and that me saying hi totally made his day. i wanted to jump him for saying that
jane ah matt.......

he was "super drunk" by the time i left and if it weren't for the situation with sean i would have kissed him
the game The era of Mattitude is upon us...
Are you ready?
spathic this is the best place to put this. Matt would have approved; randomly in the middle of the night, a message in a bottle into the internet-ether. we were never lovers and now we never will be but that's not what i regret. i miss late night adventures and just being us. since you've been gone a lot of people just seem so hollow. they don't know what it was to burn. i'm sorry i never got to tell you. i'm sorry i never got to say. i was at denny's earlier and it was all your fault. i look into the eyes of other people searching for something that can't happen twice. it's wrong and impossible to want something so irrevocably gone, but could i miss you more? could i dream of you more? all i want is just five minutes...(and maybe vegas or a 6r of hornsby's red) and a book and a candle. matthew alan miller was a pricelss individual and to anyone reading this i hope you let the people you love know, because missing is a long road and this place is getting old with out the singular poet of goofy smiles and vibrant nights. it's getting old and no one could listen like he could, no one so totally burned with love till it weakened all other resolves. and a matchless humor and a willingness to accept but still he rebelled. and so young when he died. and so pointless. there's no saying what i wouldn't give to have you back for those five minutes...but not everything. i wonder if that's what keeps me from you, that i won't give it all up (not then, now or ever) there are somethings like painting and elizabeth that i could never trade. but god doesn't make deals and i have the memories and they mark me as much as any scar. i love you matt. 031011
a a 031030
lenore i love my matt with all my heart. he is my life and i will never leave him. 040104
Candy Matt is short for Matthew. Matthew is the first name of my ex-boyfriend. Matthew is an ass from Indianapolis. He is in my mind a lot. He met me on the internet and lied to me. I moved to his city from Arizona. I hated living there, but I hate living here too.

He cheated on me with a girl named Hannah. I hate that name. I hate everyone about that name, including typing it. I wish to hell that I never had to hear, read, write, or say that name EVER again. ARGH!

(But lets just add one thing... he did tell me that she was a lousy lay, and even though he did not want to be with me anymore, he was really going to miss my blowjobs. What and ass!)
matthew halen halen 040416
girl he said, scott will never see your letters get a clue

i dont see them anymore
ofsuch i love you 040430
shilohlives why did you really call? Are you betwen girlfriends...or just in a mood to be a jerk? 040430
ethereal hmmmm...this should be interesting...



Good kid. Makes me smile.


I don't think he knows just how strong he is.

I couldn't have done it. (you know what I mean)

*is proud*


oh ya...and he's not a mat...
matt . 040523
mdh777 did newport go to howell? 040911
technathene is fat! 041012
koti very gentle, kind, and amazing.
his soul radiates, and burns...burns beautiful shades of color i never thought i would see...
emmi matt sucks rabbit cocks 041120
anne-girl isn't his name, but if it were, then i would respond. 041120
Asylum_Bound Matt..Yes that's Matt the loser the one that always says "4real?"....the one that looks down at me....the one that cooks...the one that keeps me warm..... the one that keeps me on the phone for hours....the one I look up to....the one that hates my middle name....the one that I want to keep....Yes that's Matt... 050115
Asylum Bound Matt..Yes that's Matt the loser the one that always says "4real?"....the one that looks down at me....the one that cooks...the one that keeps me warm..... the one that keeps me on the phone for hours....the one I look up to....the one that hates my middle name....the one that I want to keep....Yes that's Matt... 050115
jerri bug off asylum bound you dont know anything!!!!!!!!!!!! 050115
no reason now you're mat
at first i couldn't get used to it, but now it seems like you
sometimes it seems more like you than it should
sardd pkichewa
kissing lessons
creaking floors
hair cuts and pink underwear
pretty mountains
camping dreams
snowboarding and laughing at my falls
all nighters and wasted time
diet coke and steak burritos
Training Day and
your cute smile
cherry pies and burping wars
holey jeans and Savers trips
letters at summer camp
rocks and math class
spider plants, mango trees
doughnuts and walks in the rain
nintendo and mario party breakups
shivering under the stars
accidental matching outfits
missing you after 5 minutes
missing you now
im obsessed with your presence
my lovebird matt
my world, my love
matthusiast rasslin', EEKsas, anybody want a peanut?, point-on-the-nose, HELLO MY LITTLE TURNIP! such soft skin!, trifecta 5000, naked horse position, democrat, fabulous muscles, pink clouds and sunsets, comfortable with silence, spectacular kisser, bounces when runs, piggyback rides, hair-play, Peter Pan on the couch before I went back, zombie tag, stylized, precise, methods, extreme mental exertion, sews the sleeves of his t-shirts, girl's pants, sandy, headrubs, babealicious, are you TRYINto BLINDme SON?, more secure than a parachute, creative eater, informed opinions, shaky voice, wrestling moves, broken ankle, smells like a dream, fertile whiteheads, flirtatious, road trip, independent, colorful voice, smooth skin like if seals were meant to be dry instead of wet, foLk music, honest, records in the basement, Waterworld, zombies, dozing off on his boobie in the hammock.

How is it possible not to be in love with Matt.
matthusiast rasslin', EEKsas, anybody want a peanut?, point-on-the-nose, HELLO MY LITTLE TURNIP! such soft skin!, trifecta 5000, naked horse position, democrat, fabulous muscles, pink clouds and sunsets, comfortable with silence, spectacular kisser, bounces when runs, piggyback rides, hair-play, Peter Pan on the couch before I went back, zombie tag, stylized, precise, methods, extreme mental exertion, sews the sleeves of his t-shirts, girl's pants, sandy, headrubs, babealicious, are you TRYINto BLINDme SON?, more secure than a parachute, creative eater, informed opinions, shaky voice, wrestling moves, broken ankle, smells like a dream, fertile whiteheads, flirtatious, road trip, independent, colorful voice, smooth skin like if seals were meant to be dry instead of wet, foLk music, honest, records in the basement, Waterworld, zombies, dozing off on his boobie in the hammock.

How is it possible not to be in love with Matt.
flowerock heartmatte

my heartmate

I love you matt and through these almost three years my love for you has only grown and helped me grow too. I have this stupid issue with saying names out loud. I think I am growing out of that. I like your name, it means "you" and I love "you".
what's it to you?
who go