Quintessensual is what everyone is when his/her pretenses are stripped away. 991214
spikey-ho sounds a lot like what i said for 'alone' 000115
Tess strange, that. 000115
Shar is the way everything should be 000226
Brad the mere oration of this word seems to give us a little notion of guilty pleasure. Particularly when it's pronounced correctly, rather than the ever-popular "nekid" 000423
birdmad what i say hear threatens to make a liar of me, even though it is a further attempt to establish credibility.

but since that saturday morning so long ago, (the one that found her talking me awake from a hangover haze when we had both gotten very drunk and i had passed out on her couch the night before) the memory of her in that thin sleep-shirt, seemingly not unaware that i could see every curve of her body beneath the fabric as she sat on the coffe table in front of me and laughed about how difficult it was to wake me up. I had always thought her to be pretty, but the sight of her that morning, looking as if she herself had just woke up, radiant in the light of the sun through the blinds behind me, the red/gold color of her hair, the smooth legs and arms, pale, creme-colored...her breasts, lovely, small, well-shaped and the nipples, protruding visibly beneath the fabric.

the sight of her and the sound of her voice as she spoke that morning made me forget that i should have had a crippling headache from the previous night's intoxication.

she never did grant me the privilege of seeing her completely undraped, but the memory of that moment lives with me as an example of beauty at its purest and simplest, even though, for whatever reason, she despises me now.
Q As Bobby Dylan noted over a third of a century ago, sometimes even the President of the United States has to stand naked.

Whenever s/he (there will be a she President soon) stands naked, whether s/he is nude is not a partisan matter. It is a matter for the beholder's eyes.

Even if the beholder is only Lincoln's mirror.

C 2000
Barrett Years ago on a camping trip in northern Michigan, about ten of us got naked around the camp fire. Seven guys and three girls. There was no talk of penis size or male pigtalk towards the girls. Just a group of naked people stripped of their social status and all the other bullshit we brought from home. Just people talking to each other as people, on a level plain. 000728
Barrett There was also a time when some of us got wasted on Jagermeister and ran around the block naked in a snowstorm.
psychobabe in the beginning, we were all naked, we came out naked, so why not be naked? Everone is so ashamed of what they look like that htey cant even show themselves to anyone. I cant, and I bet alot of others can either, its just a fact. 001122
tourist If you are living in the deep Tropics, and you adorn yourseves with feathers in your hair or a necklace of Jaguar teeth, are you still considered "naked"?
Or a bare skined Maori with tattoed face and body, does this adornment make him clothed?
psychobabe hey, I was just stateing my opinion alright, dont bight my head off, we all have our opinions, and this is the place to express them 001124
gwyllynne naked.....I've bared myself to you, my body, my skin, me....naked for you....not nude, not just unclothed....but....naked...bare...and vulnerable... 001124
god i am naked right now. 001124
lovers lament . . .for your touch. in front of all these people i give myself away. can't hide the burning in my eyes, not sure i would anyways.unashamed of all desires, i listen as you moan your pleasure. i'm good at starting fires, don't ask me to extinguish them. 001125
Stephen Some people should stay clothed. I know this because I am fortunate enought (sort of) to live in a beach community with at least 2 nude beaches nearby. There's a tremendous mix of body types there. It seems nudity is more popular with older (say over 35) people for some reason. Nudity is really no big deal, but it seems to be with the cops, who with too little to do and too much time and money, spend it on issuing citations for nudity, inflaming nearly everyone. 010127
Saddam I am naked on the inside yet you can not see but the outside of me.Therefore i must be invisible 010218
Aimee I saw him in the moonlight, lying there naked. Vunerable. Knowing that the next thing I said could destroy him. Knowing that I felt powerful, but weak. He has that power too. He has the power to destroy me too. But it's all superficial. The true fear would exist if we loved each other. If I loved him I would fear his disapproval. I wouldn't be lying naked next to him. If I loved him I wouldn't make my self that vunerable. If I loved him I would be worried that he loved me. The only fear I have right now, is that I do love him. Cause if I did, this moment would be perfect. 010218
kx21 Is U naked or concealed? 010218
Dark Rifter X is what you are to the one you love.
Bare without defense.
Exposed without lies.
Stripped away of ties.
Free of things that bind.
You have only you to give and are only yourself.
kx21 A Profound Answer!!!

Is the Creator of U naked or concealed?
Aimee If you want to destroy my sweater, pull this thread as I walk away, watch me unravel I'll soon be naked, lying on the floor I've come undone 010307
mikey i love that song 010307
mikey passion is being able to snuggle naked and not even always have to have sex.

of course this is coming from a touchy feely snuggling time of guy.

damn i need a good snuggle.
kx21 Is the Virgin of U naked or concealed? 010307
Kate Fletcher don't you remember when you were little, and nothing mattered? We said whatever, and our bodies were beautiful. We would run around naked without a care in the world 010329
lost mmmmm... naked oh shit I just looked down and my zipper was undone. hehe... naked. 010329
lost mmmmm... naked oh shit I just looked down and my zipper was undone. hehe... naked. 010329
lost oops. 010329
lost oops. 010329
lost god damnit. 010329
groovinkim before you i am 010508
carden a song by the goo goo dolls 010508
lizardqueen What exotic spun gold."
He had whispered it to me in his stingy alcoholic breath.
Now,only 2 days later I studied it in the mirror, pulling it apart, straightening out the waves with a downward stroke of my hands, watching the recoil with the release of my fingertips. It hung thick with golden streaks on-top of tiny waves.

I locked the door and grabbed my scissors. I reached behind my head, pulling my hair back with one hand and grasping it like an ice cream cone. I squeezed the scissors through my hair, chop by squeaking chop. The more hair I cut, the faster I wanted it gone. I couldnt stop until it looked disgusting.

The bathroom counter was littered with clomps and strands of my hair. Some of it had stuck to the wet parts of the sink. It looked beautiful so far away from my face, and my neck felt bare and naked in the back.
My vision began to blur and it became increasingly difficult to breathe. I slid down to the tile floor with my back against the wall. I tried to regain my breath but i was too upset, too dizzy, too exhausted. My hands examined the remaining hair i had left behind. A choppy, uneven, ugly haircut. It was perfect this way.My fingers ran around to the back of my head all too easily. It was perfect this way.
Norm If only science accepted this. 010826
translucent yes, dont we all... 010928
Jol it is no curiousity to me
that alcohol and being naked
go hand in hand.

booze tend to loose our inhibitions.
reduce us to a primitive state
of simple wants and needs
so when I'm drunk
and I need her
I want to shed my clothes with her.
so we do.
Inanna (by Kurt Cobain)
naked naked naked
we were sitting cross legged
then we ate some beans
screeching weasel ba ba ba ba
ba ba ba ba
i wanna be naked!
Toxic_Kisses *Raises an eyebrow* Than why arnt you? 011030
niki if i had big boobs and a small body...i'd go everywhere naked 011030
Toxic_Kisses What I would be if I went wearing these overalls 011107
Toxic_Kisses typo wernt
Gerrrr! spell checker whent and made my Wernt into went!
Casey I've run though the neighbor hood in the middle of winter naked at 3 in the morning. Ah, memories of last february 011107
ClairE for nothing 011221
syringe Might as well grab the Poloroid... 011221
ClairE I hate not being naked. 011221
Clark Kent I hate that too, ClairE. The world is a little less beautiful whenever you cover yourself with cloth. 020115
ClairE I'm naked under my clothes.

*leans in closer and whispers*

So are you.
carne de metal naked games! 020206
cheer-up-emo-kid nakedness is wonderful.
Im finally comfortable like that...
the other day when I was naked
my boyfriend told me not to be so self conscious
because I obviously have no idea
how many girls would pay to have my body....
that was weird.. but strangely, Im less self conscious now...
Luna Not a right, a privilege. 020627
Twain Naked people have little or no influence in society. 020627
squigglybee "naky is good. naky is free"

tommy pickles from 'rugrats'
Destination? I stand in front of you, not scared or afraid, feeling comfortable in the skin i wear. You cast a ray of wonder across my shoulders and onto my back, i can feel your eyes wrap themselves around me and the touch of your thoughts against my bare breasts. I can taste your fears along my moistened lips and your expectation slides down my lower back and softly enveloping themselves inside of me. I inhale you and feel you slowly fill my chest and begin to flow through my veins, reaching every part of me unseen by our sight. I easily feel your vibrations across my mouth as a breath you out, only to breath you right back in. My body succumbs to you and your ambitions, i need nothing more than you next to me, your scent lingering on my skin and your power embodying me. I stand before you naked and free. 020917
call_me_lydea shit...some of you should really consider writing romance novels. Birdman, I'm talking about you! 020917
Zed There's nothing like being naked.
Feeling free, comfortable and sometimes sexy too.
I find it creates a close bond between people when you stand naked in front of them.
I've modelled for life drawing classes - has anyone else ever done that?
It's one of the most exhillerating things I have ever done - sitting there, nude, being stared at by thirty or so complete strangers. It was wonderful - not even really sexual, just comfortable - comfortable showing everything and being accepted.
Lilac I wake up in the morning
put on my face
the one that's gonna get me
through another day
doesn't really matter
how I feel inside
this life is like a game sometimes

then you come around me
the walls just disappeared
nothing to surround me
keep me from my fears
i'm unprotected
see how I've opened up
you've made me trust

I've never felt like this before
I'm naked around you
does it show
you see right through me
and I can't hide
I'm naked around you
and it feels so right

Trying to remember
why I was afraid
to be myself
and let the covers fall away
guess I never had
someone like you
to help me fit
in my skin
celestias shadow oh GOD i hate being naked. my friends look at me kind of funny when i say it, but there are few things i like less than being naked. this is why i will never have sex- i don't even want to look at myself when i'm naked, much less have someone else see me. the more clothes i have on, the happier i am. 031029
celestias shadow *probably* will never have sex. 031029
Alpha_Shell Naked, words line the page, like
Soldiers huddled, in their trenches,
Waiting for the signal, the sweet
Embrace of ruin,
kermits_perfect_rainbow_/^\ im naked right nw! YAY!!! 040304
kermits_perfect_rainbow_/^\ *now 040304
Philosophistry nay kid 040307
bobbi without cover 040330
Death of a Rose Dammit, I've missed all the nakedness. 040330
pootang naked sweatshirt man
stands in slippers
a redundant flash
and he is laughing
Piso Mojado hunter thompson's butt
on the cover of my book
at each glance i cringe
sarah The birds are gone now, but I can still hear their screams.
Echoing through the darkness.
Coming from inside my head.
I am the creature that kills the Unicorn.
Blood . . . dripping down my face. Teeth that are sharp.
The feel of my naked body lying in the rain.
a girl like me i am naked right now. anyone want to join me? 040502
dudeinanigloo Just tell me your adress... 040509
emmi it's nice how the word naked in the today list lines up perfectly with beautiful_man in the yesterday list. oh yes baby 040509
pete the rain went away, and life turned down
darkened by the haze of the rising sun.
as the clouds peeled apart, silence on the mount
we sang and danced amid the clouds.
a new oath rang about, voices rose to a shout
here is the first of the many!
days pass all alone, segregrated from our home
living in a self contained exil.
fires burn high, the wild dancing touches the sky
and couples moan out in deep love.
estatically we pray, no more worship these days,
upon a human and ratoinal altar.
feelings bloom within, the shadows are our womb
silence oh how i loathe you!
Jairus People shouldbe naked all the time
thats how we are supposed to be.
tourist Ask any Eskimo you happen to see. 040607
minnesota_chris yes, I was going to say that if everyone chooses nudity, my parents and grandma should excuse themselves from that rule, please... 040608
puredream You leave my mind running naked in circles. 040608
emotional_goth_girl stripping away of clothing like it were worry...pulling back hair like it was i lie, pure, simple, and complete. 041217
jane we're all naked under our clothes...
the vulnerable child within us all...
afraid of being abandoned...
stork daddy i want to be touched, but i want to choose. i want to be touched, but i want to choose. i want to be touched, but i want to choose. the necessary evil of distance and barrier so that any nakedness is my nakedness. 050227
god i had a roommate who posed naked for art class. she walked there in a bathrobe. 050227
thunderbuck ram Today I am at home and I am naked - so what? 050228
dreamer wish i was right now 050301
mp21k "Black_Hole" 050301
emmi there's something very liberating about trying on dresses without makeup or underwear on, with my glasses halfway up on my nose and my hair all over the place...
naked is how everyone looks their best
oren truth 051105
schwartzs_child_bride singularity 051106
oren naked_playful_women 051107
Saara something I'm too ashamed to be. 070717
hsg saves laundry, time, money & planets. less clothing, more doing. more fun, less wearing stuff to look like u have fun.

practice nakedness, it gets to be quite natural. wear clothing as needed -you'll find it's less than u thought.

you're so much prettier without all that cover-up.

the sun is good for your skin. polyunsated fat gets cooked in the sun; that's the real culprit.
hsg *polyunsaturated 070718
gja So if we be naked polly may be sated? 070718
Naked man get back to nature live in the wild.
go back to the garden, my friends.
In_Bloom Not by nudity but by my words
I have exposed myself in Trust

God damn! Trust is tremulous.
chapter3 Isn't it strange how being naked can feel so good sometimes, but at other times it makes you feel horrible?

Try undressing in front of each other after an argument. It's one of the worst feelings. Are we trying to hide our emotions under our clothes?
twenty-three The only proper way to sleep. 100311
what's it to you?
who go