throwingpunches@myself what mommy said will kill you if you never eat right or I used to touch her hair before she wouldn't let me anymore 991019
throwingpunches@myself what mommy said will kill you if you never eat right or how I used to touch her hair before she wouldn't let me anymore 991019
megan this can be made two ways. one good, one bad. isn't everything in life this way? 021126
12182005 Time_and_Causality_of_karma 051218
Israel 's Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon suffers a stroke 051218
jane my_grandmother
had one this_morning

i talked to her
on the phone,
she asked me
about my brother,
and i said,
"i don't know."

she said,
"don't you talk
to him?"

i said,
"not since he's
been gone."

she said
i don't listen.

which is untrue,
but i have to
not to take things

i asked her
when she wanted me
to come

and she started talking
about the money:
trailing off
in the hundreds.

see, nana,
i was listening.
lostgirl on christmas morning, marc was playing with an "age appropriate" toy that my brother in law had bought him as a gift. it was a life sized erector set that is comprised of ten-inch "sticks" and little wiffle ball looking connectors. he had built himself a nice sized fort, however it was slightly too tall for him to throw the blanket over the top to complete the process.

so, as a five year old would conclude, he hopped onto the piano bench to become taller, if just for a moment. in the next second, however, he lost his balance, and don't you know one of those sticks found it's way into his mouth and into the soft palate during that one and a half foot fall.

after an ambulance ride, an ER visit, CT scan and five hours of a holiday seemingly up in smoke, he was pronounced "fine." evidently he gave himself a crude tonsillectomy but did no major damage.


relief, right?

so the follow up visit was a week later to his regular ENT surgeon, whom we know quite well after two years and 14 surgeries....he told us there was another case almost just like marc's that happened two days after christmas.

the difference was that the other kid's accident caused the injury to happen one centimeter more lateral. it clipped his carotid artery and the kid had a stroke at four years old.

even the most frightening situations can always be more complicated.

the good news is not that marc was lucky....its that the other kid lived.

his body and his therapists are working hard to repair the damage of blood loss to the brain.
lg hope your nana recovers quickly, j. 110118
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