me? J-lor
to the romans, i and j were equivelent, and so were u and v.
J is also big points in scrabble.
me? J-lor
to the romans, i and j were equivelent, and so were u and v.
J is also big points in scrabble.
roxy 3/5 of the people i've kissed, their names all started with this letter. 000209
andrea i wonder what he's thinking of. is he asleep or kept awake by the moon as i am? or what is he dreaming of? does she still fill his dreams? i know the love he held for her is incomparable, especially since she left us all. but i wonder if he loves her as much as he loves missing her. it's so easy to fall into the trap self-pity offers us then we're down. i would like nothing better than to go over there right now & wrap my arms around him, smooth his hair, kiss his forehead & rock, telling him everything will be ok.

he's given me so many chances to open up & tell him how i feel about him. does he already know? could it be possible that my feelings are mirrored in him? what began as a crush 3 years ago has lingered & developed into something, a feeling i don't recognize. and as i sit & dream & write & ponder, i can't help but hope i fill his mind, his heart right now.

copyright 2000
Equin0x J is not worth 10 points in Scrabble. It's worth 8 points.
It was my favourite letter for quite some time. Then I stopped having a favourite letter because it seemed silly.
rockfar JJJ triple J
Equal to number ten
and JAY the name
28 days, Jay Leno, Jay the guy that killed himself
Markavelli yo B, lemme hit that "J"! 010327
Lost I know a guy named Jacob, but he goes by "J." Most people spell it "Jay," but he does it as just the letter, J, without a period to indicate that it's an initial. Cool guy, J is. The creative type who knows when he's not getting the most out of his education. 010529
Neo look 4 K697 CJB
spot on?
weve've looking for you JB.
jump in the sand box
or would you prefer a telephone

B4 its too late.
you can change that deadly 7 if you want to you C

then I will wash you
cos you're smelly.
J aunt JAYmima 020829
phil I wanna dance
with you until september

I want to stand my gound
and sing them to their feet

I want to fall
and not get hurt
though I deserve it

I want to live with you
through my worste fate

I want to die
and live in your arms forever

in a picture on the wall

I want to sing
glory; if you'd let me

I want to sing our song
and dance unholy
until there is
a hole in the ground
phil I want to sing
until seoptember
if onyl they'd let me
JD *Today's show is brought to you by the letter "j" and the number "10".

*La demostración de hoy le es traída por la letra "j" y el número "10".

*Heutiges Erscheinen wird Ihnen durch den Buchstaben "J" und die Nr. "10" geholt.

*L'exposition d'aujourd'hui vous est apportée par la lettre "j" et le nombre "10".
lemon_Soda j is my dog's name.

He has heart worms but the vet sez two shots of arsenic should do it.

I thought arsenic was a poison and the vet said yes, but they'll only give him enough to kill the worms.

Necromantic remedy.
jennifer the lady is

so very

birdmad :) 031228
peyton still think about you j
nearly every day
jane i write under the name j sometimes
when i feel like abbreviating myself
what's it to you?
who go