Quintessensual That's it.
It's over.
I'm done.
End of matter.
Loud dot.

Copr. 1999
when do we believe we are now?
amy soon. 991230
bfnh still not a daddy 991231
bee "i started puberty! i started puberty! i even got my period."

roxy you stood me up. you were supposed to be here a week ago. 000207
BoofPixie periodic table. FE = symbol for iron. women lose iron while on their periods. 000311
roxy FE = iron. Females = iron males. 000703
Amy That time of the month when us women are actually allowed to be a bitch and get away with it.

Period, end of story.
kitten on drugs still not a mommy...

better luck next time
Alexander Beetle three times
it become an ellipsis
ClairE Whether it comes or not, you just can't win. 011230
erin. that's the end of that.

. . . or perhaps it's a beginning.
yummychuckle i had a dream last night that i got my period.
and i did in the morning.
ah my body warned me. hah.
little wonder i wish mine would at least be nicer to me 020306
Arwyn please don't come! please don't come! oh please oh please DON'T COME!!!! 020307
little wonder i asked my mom if i could get my uterus removed
because i was sick of mine
she thought i was joking.
mila makes u horny 020513
girl_jane a certain amount of time that will be spent in any sort of way 020526
Piso Mojado i am a high quality human being. 030222
Piso Mojado i will not apologize for my existence. 030222
crimson I like my period
My ovaries are good
They're great sources,
Capable of drawing another life
From my body

I'm not interested in children now
But I have the ability
And no matter his power,
There is not a man in the world
Who can claim that that
crimson *uterus

not ovaries

I have a tendancy to type the word that I am thinking rather than the correct word, damnit.
unhinged yeah, i'm starting to get a little stressed about mine or should i say lack of one.... 030815
Syrope please remove the searing crowbar tongs from my vagina. thank you. 030816
trixie just go all at once please, none of this starting and stopping business.... 030817
carne de metal I won´t discuss this.
jane skipped
<--------\__s_t_r_i_n_g__/--------> the end
or is it the beginning
of the next sentence?

zxc what a terrible time to run out of toilet paper. 040616
artrite i thought i was going to bleed forever
then it was finally over
then it wasn't
crust around your edges
puddles on her comforter

some comfort
margaux imagine this, if you will (for those of you who have not had it for some reason or another) - imagine: there is a hole between your legs - every month you find a stain on what was a usable pair of underwear - which is now stop this bleeding you have to stick a wad of cotton up inside of you that has a string that hangs out of you, sometimes working its way into the crack of your ass - or, even better, you stuff a diaper in between your legs and allow it to catch the stuff as it smears it on your labia majora. along with cramps, bloating, fatigue, everytime you wipe after taking a piss there is a huge red stain on the toilet paper. and those cramps are not to be overpassed - i know girls who have to puke every morning of their period because the cramps make them so nauseous - you see that girl sitting in the corner crying? her boyfriend didn't just leave her, nobody forgot her birthday - she just feels like a vise is wrenching its way around her uterus. people say men are supposed to be made of steel, but we women put up with a lot of shit every month. unless of course you take the shot 040715
New Zealand girl death my god i hate peiods, they make me start crying for no particular reason, then people think im even more depressed than i already am, disgusting crap than ruins my life even more 040802
cpgurrl one time i thrwe up in the bath when we were on vacation.... 040803
kymied Why did it have to start then? Of all times. I was as surprised as he was.

Washing your sheets at 2 am isn't fun.
md is it here yet!?! O God I don't want to be pregnant! 060719
nr i should really do a better job of keeping track of when mine are, so my paranoia would less likely to be fueled.

...on second thought, maybe that would make me more paranoid. in this case i can just always assume i don't know when anything is going to happen, and shrug my shoulders.

flowerock Mine are so irregular and unpredictable that keeping track just let's me know if it came or not this or last month. Used to come twice a month or not at all for a while... hormones are still rebalancing from years of ignorant hormonal birth control use and an abortion. Really throws the body off in a shitty way. Vitex/chaste tree helps balance hormones and has helped me so far. Read on it yourself before taking and discontinue if you become or are trying to become pregnant. 141012
tail-devouring snake day 38. 3rd week of pms. tired. and not creating life in my body. so,
o_menstrual_blood_where_art_thou ?
flowerock Sounds like we have similar issues with this. Lengthy pms and uncertain bleed time. I have found vitex to be a little helpful. 141024
REAListic optimIST A good acupuncturist can help regulate it. 141024
tail-devouring snake wont be missing you these next 7 months. 141108
what's it to you?
who go