dallas There is something out of the ordinary about this whole thing. 990113
Spelunker strikingly strangulating
ly wie
no blathing
but on love
no, not fire,
one month pre
valentinural syn

peeking from down underneath
daxle strangeness has a limited shelf life.
I'm glad there's so many things left to be strange.
lee it is strangely typical... even when I was rebelling, it was always THEIR movie I was in. I am through being a sacrifice in the land of patriarchs, but I've forgotten how to be a muse. 990719
lokkust face the strange
from the hangman's tree
as it's broken lifeless silhouette
sways within the autumn the breeze

i need a beer because it's exactly what it looks like from here... it's gotta hurt.
silent bob descending into the heart of buffalo new york i now realized Ithaca was the place i should move. for thats where my honey was, and thats where i was welcome. I sometimes wore bras on my head to pretend that i was my honeys breast. the left one. thats the one with the pretty tatoo of the third nipple. i liked nipples. 000601
valis odd.
and yet ...
strangely weird.
keeth strangely enough i have seen weird science but can't for the life of me remember a tatoo and/or a 3rd nipple. 010117
Chrity go to:
chrite a tattoo is strange? 010608
fade into you you never knew 010608
black-dyed gel product that's strange. when I posted my new e-mail address in the "e-mail" section of a post, my first 5 blathes from my who blathes page were gone. I'm gonna just post on those pages so they're at least on my page, but I'd like to know why that happened. 010706
Dafremen Click on yer name then remove the email= line from the URL that pops up.

When you click to look at all of your blathes, it uses both the email and the name to find them. If you use just the name as a search criterion it should pull them all up.
black-dyed gel product aaaah. thanks, daffy, that's good to know. I did, however, post on the pages of my first five post just so I could have all my blatherings centralized on one page. I'm quite anal retentive like that sometimes. 010706
casey People call me that so much I'm starting to think it is my real, not really, I'm lying, no one thinks I'm strange 010706
tiny snapdragon why isn't it a verb? 010718
kx21 the_hole_in_me... 010719
. : * p s y b o r g * : . Emily the Strange, that was what she called herself 011104
Norm The last thing I remember is two girls standing in front of me and one of them saying "Help me get his pants off."

I woke up naked and on the table in the kitchen. It scares me to think of the 2 girls who lifted someone who weighs 260 pounds down the stairs and into the kitchen.
cube the beauty of being strange is that nobody really notices anything. this is especially true of strangers. is it because we're already stranger than we think or is it because everybody is so self-absorbed?

class, your next assignment is to behave strangely for a day to observe how and why nobody takes any notice
birdmad spewing regurgitated lyrics faces come out of the rane 011217
grendel rain, goddamnit, rain.

(i only spellcheck myself, ex post facto)
kerry every single day i wake up mad as hell because i can't help these horrible dreams but i have to sleep. i have to sleep. i fell asleep at 12:55 and woke up 12:55 as the result of another mini-nightmare.
a very ugly boy had these gigantic, horrible foot-long teeth growing horizontally above his gums and they were making these awful noises as they... sprouted, almost, screeching groaning which could have been the slow strain and rattle of my bed as i tossed and turned in those horrible five minutes of terror.
kerry [correction] **fell asleep at 12:53 and woke up at 12:55 020708
filzkugel this is 021012
Puppets in an Alien nation Don't you think that's a little strange? 021207
Puppets in an Alien nation Don't you think that's a little strange? 021207
nooneatall It's bizarre how I could tear my face off sometimes and others I just don't care. Why do I feel as if I'll throw up if I look in a mirror at my own horroressness.....??? 040214
no reason like talking about the time-space continuum on a first date 040310
misstree the biggest slut of a boy i've ever known defined this term for me... it's someone you haven't slept with... meat untasted, a soul unlicked... there is endless possibility in strange, and it has more leeway to be technically deficient simply because of the newness of it... lately there's been much strange wandering through the nest, but none that i personally have fucked... i like to taste without delving to the can be such a useful tool, distracting from attachments, refreshing to get out of ruts... soon, most likely, i will crave strange... 040311
stork daddy you know when someone says something to you that intimidates you or makes you uneasy, but you hide it. like when they tell you straight faced that they like anal sex or cocaine and you try to seem cosmopolitan while really you're feeling like a scared kid. sometimes i wonder what things i say thinking nothing of it, totally comfortable with, that make other people feel that way, or hurt them without me even knowing why. 040312
<3 people are strange 040316
emily Strange, we ran down desperate streets and carved our names in the flesh of the city.
The sun was stagnated somewhere beyond the rim of the horizon
and the darkness is a mystery of curves and lines.
Still, we lay under the emptiness and drifted slowly outward,
and somewhere in the wilderness we found salvation scratched
into the earth like a message.

untitled poem A.F.I. between ...but home is nowhere and this time imperfect
LessonsFromAngels People tell me I'm strange for being who I am. But aren't they the strange ones?

Why would you decide you don't like something when it goes "out of fashion" unless you never really liked it in the first place? And why would you pretend to like something simply for the approval of others? That seems like the strangest thing to me.

So when people call me this word, I should know that apparently I am strange for being human, for being honest. My likes are pretty constant. If I like something, it is bound to have appeal to me for quite some time. It does not flow with this continuous fluxuation of trends I see. Everyday, something new. Now the girls at school are wearing the tackiest outfits, yet call me strange for mismatching. Perhaps they did not look in the mirror and see that their blue purse clashes with their red skirt and lime green top.

Isn't it odd how wierd the people who call me strange are?
tr "strange" he said "The thing about money is you can't think about it too much,or you won't sleep at night and you get dark circles under your eyes and nothing seems fun any more."
I told him it was that way with a lot of things and he nodded and said "Yeah, but with money it makes sense."
Manda hey i love being strange it is amazing Oh ya i am strange

Manda hey i love being strange it is amazing Oh ya i am strange

half jack oi i am strange too, lock me up now dam it!!! hey back off get your own
bomb manda!!! heheh * quoting alex*

told yeh so!
Manda Hye what you were obviusly on this site after we lft school well trhis page neways lol but ya its all good 050529
eric faces come out of the rain 060111
niecespieces This feeling is strange.
Having you be gone
and him instantly there.
And man after man after boy after male
It is strange.
what's it to you?
who go