emma ! do you all have to be so fucking QUIET?

dallas I want something and I want it now! 990110
emily That phrase that comes right after you stub your toe. 990130
Rainer Krauss The phrase I uttered when I found I didn't liked that movie 'Blade'. 990208
marissa a prolonged severing of silence.
silver silence.

and the red kidney of a
curdling scream.
kirstin THE STRESS! 990329
jules as in aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!
bad shit goes down friends upset parents bugging you about nothing exams stress

as in aaaahh...
thank goodness yummy I love being with you I'm so glad life is good its all over
Brad i cant believe there's a blather for this.... how coincidental 000309
Toxic_Kisses The pants are toooooo tight and that guy over their keeps trying to make eye contact and I'm on the only comp that faces this way so I feel like every ones watching me and it's freaking me out AAAAH!!!! 020627
D y a n n e aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh is what I screamed to the doctor when he told me I had to wear a cast for another 3 weeks right up to the end of my summer vacation I can tell he just doesnt want me to enjoy summer and doesnt want me to go swimming 7 weeks in a cast is not good for ones mental State 020809
User24 was this the first ever blathe? 030622
Toxic_Kisses !!! I'm tired oof typeing but my brain wont shut up!!! and I know if I don't get it all down now that I'll not be able to do so later! ahhhhhhhhhh! 031012
what's it to you?
who go