charley that act of blathering. Can also be used in past tense as 'blathed'.. ie., he blathed all night, or she would blathe but forgot what she was thinking. 980907
Emma but blather is a verb. you don't need another word. 981012
charles welcome to america. we have more words then we really need, or care to know about. then we get pissed off when we use them, but have no need for them. i love this country. 990303
jae Sounds similar to "blave", which we all know (from watching THE PRINCESS BRIDE) means to bluff. The two are pretty closely related if you think about it.

Or not...
s and as we all know 'to blathe' means 'to bluff!' 990704
SimplyMe The Princess Bride has got to be one of the absolutely coolest movies on the face of the planet. The book is actually quite good, too, but it is NOT authored by S. Morgenstern, as mentioned in the movie; S. Morgenstern is a completely fictitious creation of the real author of the book, who pretends that he is actually summarizing the original Morgenstern story to the version hs granfather once read him, but is in actuality making a big joke out of the whole book in the very act of pretending he didn't make any of it up. 991214
SimplyMe wow, that was a long sentence. 991214
valis thometimeth i get really drunk an' fall down in the thewer. i lie there for a while, thinking deep cothmic thoughts.

then i come home and i really need a blathe.
abina "To blathe, to blathe..." -Miracle Max 001227
Sintina To blathe or not to blathe, that is the question.... 010105
blithe blathe light she glowed like a blathe spirit 010330
camille 010508
The Oxford English Dictionary blathe v. Obs. rare-1. ? To cry out
1640 J. Gower Ovid's Fest. VI. 127 The poore young child for help and soccour blathed.
Alexander Beetle Plural blath. 011029
ClairE Ooh, kinky. I have access to the OED online. ::drool:: 011127
"Ancient_Pagan" I have a question for Blatherers: does anyone out there know Christian Hanson (or Hansen), who went to UCSD and entered the medical or scientific field? He was a very musical fellow who had a passion for Richard Wagner. 020608
Christian Hanson Don't blow my cover man. 020609
screwing for virginity that goth, Moth, doth bloth 020623
stretch 571 The art form known as "blathing" is known to reduce stress. Blathe is what this country is based on, just ask any politician. Bill Clinton was known to blathe at length in the Oval Orifice with his female intern. Another name for rhetoric is blathe and everbody knows a blathe book when they begin reading it.

Friends may come,
and friends may go,
friends may blather out you know.
But we'll be friends through thick and thin
Blathers out or blathers in.

God blathe you all!
Narf "I blathe therefore I am" 040513
naive artist i would like to suggest that, instead of the term "dithering idiot", we use "blathering idiot". It seems much more descriptive. (but not of the people on this site, of course) 040619
s title 040724
milo not in the dictionary 041227
u24 how about blithering idiot? 060321
meta meta 060321
:-) meerrr...

why did you write that so icle ?
z i did not post any of the above blathes. 070604
snow mountains 070604
xs ﻔﻑﻋﺞ ﻵﮔﺖ ﻀﺼﺤﺲ! ﷲﭗﮓﺢ ﻩ ﻬﻵﺯ!

ﱡﺈﺔﺴﺴﺀ ﻫ ﻲﻚ...
krupt blathe-ing is what i do, it is the way i get my feelings out. i blathe every feeling i have ever had, from happiness to drug induced stuper to the darkest of dark... i am blather and blather is me! i am Atreu as he rides Artax to the swamp of sadness to meet with Morla to save the Ivory Palace from the Nothing... 080124
minnesota_chris wait... this blathe is from yesterday, but it is under the "today" column. 080125
what's it to you?
who go