dallas ah. Look at the pretty girlie strutting her stuff. If only she knew that I was looking at her and thinking about what it would be like to be married to her and raise a little family. ah. 981114
adam pretty is such a terrible always makes me feel like crap... what's up with exculsion huh? repulsion. rejection. punishment. pretty. yuk. 990211
angela i am pretty 990211
emily a look or glance that makes you turn and wondor of things unsaid 990611
uncle aussie More better in Spanish: 'Que linda!' (how pretty!) - little girls in Sunday dresses make you want to say it.
But pretty is a shallow and temporary thing, it ain't beauty.
minh maybe pretty is the little girl version of beautiful. maybe if i wanted to be pretty it would be all right. maybe beautiful is used all too often and maybe pretty should still be a good thing. 991118
shrunkenheads shit. i hate to be one and feel like one, when some of the males are such ______. its a terrible thing.
well, that's my view
jennifer Andrea: Can I help?
Jennifer: I don't know. But, can you answer me one question? Why does
everyone call me pretty?
Andrea: (puzzled) Well, you are-
Jennifer: I don't want to hear it. I know that I am. Everyone tells
me that I am. I hear it ten or twelve times a day. But, Goddamn it, I
don't want to hear it anymore. I don't want to hear the shallow
reasoning behind it. I don't want to hear the second half of that
sentence that always hangs in the air. The half that states, "Oh, sure
you're pretty, but you aren't good enough... you're not good enough to
Andrea: (holds up Jennifer's head) Look at me. You are perfect. You
are an angel. You have this... light that just... radiates from you.
I can see it, and so can everyone else. But you have to be able to see
it your-self. And, as soon as you can, then you will be loved. And I
promise you, that as long as you have that light, you will be complete.
purple tzar throw out all the junk
you're trying too hard
psyki see: shar, princess 000205
BoofPixie underwater, watching your legs kick. 000313
Brad When referring to Roberta Flack's voice, the understatement of the year... in fact, "voice" is an understatement of her vocal prowess... it's more accurate to say: "the chick's got some PIPES, man" 000313
calliope 'me and anna think you're the prettiest freshman in school' said caroline.
i like that. it's nice to hear.
nice. goes with pretty. now i wonder- pretty at the face? at the chest? in the way i walk? caroline said i need to
'walk with more confidence'
but i know i lose 'pretty' if i am 'confident'
too bad.
birdmad she is the very definition of the word when she is framed by sunbeams (i still think so) 000512
WoNDERGIRL he always tells me
I'm so goddamn pretty
and I can't seem to understand
what's wrong with his vision
steve Girls can be pretty

I like girls.

Zoe what is pretty? is it in the way that cheerleaders make everyone else feel like incompatent fools? or maybe pretty is the girl that he left me for, you know, the one with the big chest and long legs (actually i think that she was just a whore). i still hold to the belief that i could be pretty, i just chose to eat and have fun. 000717
NONONONONONO Yeah... it's you. You're the one. Now come over and dance for me and my friends. 000810
psycho insomniac pretty can sometimes be a ugly word. it makes people who are not called pretty feel like shit. and sometimes it can mean other things like "pretty stupid" or "pretty boring". also, it can be the medium between ugly and drop-dead gorgeous, and that can also make some people feel bad. so lets forget about that word, and call everything beautiful from now on. cuz thats a good word. it sounds genuine and real. and its not like you can say "thats beautifully stupid"... 000828
gwyllynne "I'm not a pretty girl,
I'm not a damsel in distress.."

Brad She has somewhat pink hair. She's a definite cutie. One of the most intelligent people i've met lately. She thinks i'm pretty cool. It's totally on a friendly tip. but hey, that's cool too right? 000828
Q cool and beautiful 000828
grendel as a picture.

she makes me delirious.

and i the great con-artist
the rake
the rogue
the stereotypical "quiet man with the checquered past"

i am but a stumbling fool in her presence

How'd that happen?
Barrett "If you want the pretty polly, you take it. If you want the motorcar, simply pluck it from the tree." 001103
stumped in seattle i don't know that one. it's great. what is it? 001103
Barrett It's Alec boy, "A Clockwork Orange." 001103
david lynch o yeh. no time for the old inny outy, love. i'm just here to read the meter.
stanly kubrick. malcolm mcdowell.
Barrett You can take that watch...
and shove it up your ass!
misstree being called "pretty" makes the corners of my mouth turn up in a way that seems like a smile, but is actually much, much crueler,

the look of a predator being approaced by a wounded antelope.
not burgess meredith i don't need your stinkin' ex-lax watch! 001118
Glory Box Pretty is a 50's notion. No one is pretty anymore. She's hot, or she's smart, or she's beautiful, or she's just there, but she's never, ever pretty. Pretty is pink, pastel, convertibles and rocky outcroppings where unwilling girls lost their virginity. Pretty is double dates, and bases, and high school proms, and then, after graduation, pretty turns into children, and martinis and fatigue and fighting. Pretty dies at 18, but, then, pretty is already dead. 001118
god very perceptive 001118
kronoman I knew a girl by the name of Kate that fit the description perfectly... She was just that, pretty. Very attractive, but in a way that couldn't be called hot or sexy... Good looking in a very girl-next-door way, that was vaguely enchanting without being arousing... It was quite curious... Then there was Kelly, but that's a different story. 001119
meg My boyfriend asks why I have all the make-up and stuff that I use. I always answer ' it makes you pretty' I am not sure if this is a lie or not. 001122
syn I wanted to be pretty once. Fuck that. I'm me goddamnit. And there's not a fucking thing that you can do to make me change that though. Is there...? 001216
Amanda Pretty is a combination of everything in my mind. What I mean is if your a little stuck up bitch on the inside then it will make you seem not quite as pretty as it would if you had an awesome personality. I think. If you've got the good sense of humor and kindness with beauty on the outside then you've got it all. Now thats pretty 001226
cazzi you don't have to be good looking on the outside to be pretty. the prettiest people are those who look nice on the inside. 001229
Unique Butterfly such a funny word.
remind me of petty.
petty little things.
pretty little things.
Miko Pretty -- such a childish word.
But, I like it. Words can be pretty. People can be pretty. Things can be pretty. Anything can be labeled as pretty.
Pretty -- such an empty word.
dovenightmare I used to tell my friend he looked pretty today. I stopped when he started doing acid.

Glory you rule.

nemo Barrett said some stuff from a clockwork orange... i love that movie like no other :o) 010607
Aimee I sometimes feel pretty. I sometimes feel ugly, today I feel average 010608
fanta What a shallow society we live in. I think it's quite sad that people are judged on the basis of their looks. I find myself really annoyed when I discover that certain people wanted to get to know me because they thought I was pretty. More opportunities are offered to those who are perceived by society as good-looking. How is it that pretty people are any more competent or loving or genuine than those who are not seen as being pretty? Why does pretty matter? Great, so it might satisfy your hormones, but is there not more to life than that? What do you do once you get bored with pretty? Then what? Just move on? Or when you find that the pretty person is not as competent as you had hoped? Shouldn't we give everyone an equal chance? I hate being judged for my looks, and frankly, don't care for the thought of having someone like me for my looks. I feel very disrespected -- like an object. There is far more to me than my shell. Of course, not everyone thinks I am pretty, nor should they, nor should I care. What difference does it make? 010622
black-dyed gel product your right, I am pretty shallow 010622
black-dyed gel product I don't like equal chances. Everyone should have to know the doorman to get the job. 010622
baby satan everything is ugly. get used to it. 010623
black-dyed gel product there is perhaps only one thing in this world that is not ugly, BS: TV lesbians.
Not real lesbians mind you, but the one's in the movies. They're always good lookin'. Double your pleasure.
mistaken hmmm the majority of pppl on blather seem to think pretty is a bad word. Wasn't it intended to be a good word?
So Nick thinks I'm 'pretty'.
thats not bad...he likes me. I don't like him like that, but he knows me better than anyone else and I put him through so much crap and he likes me...a lot... so why would he call me pretty if it were a bad thing?

I call Logan pretty.

he hates that :)

speakin of which, Logan has not called me like he said. But he's the type that smothers me with phonecalls. so whats up withthat? I was supposed to see him today but I guess he decided he had better things to do (get high with out me sitting there and looking at him like he's an idiot).

so its another day at home (most everyone is buzy)

or maybe my dad will let me go shopping.
I'm gonna make new friends in town today so i don't have to be shopping alone.

florescent light I am not pretty
people do not call me pretty
they call me cute
'isn't she so cute'
Once I was called 'fairly attractive'
Another time I was called 'very attractive'
Mixed with the occasional 'adorable'
I have also been called 'beautiful' by several people who were close to me.
I get 'I like the way you think' or 'I love your mind' the most, which I
think is the biggest compliment.

never 'pretty'
though, often I think I am
Casey I don't use that world unless it is in reation to arts and crafts. 010712
marjorie the pretty girl stopped traffic
and she has skid marks
and the people have dents in their favorite cars
everyone is angry
and wishes that only ugly people were pedestrians.
silentbob casey that comment made me laugh out loud. i love you! 010822
boymansonbowie1 love is pretty. so is death. 010925
psychobabe pretty little hate machine 011021
Toxic_Kisses What edzactly is pretty? I hear it so often now ah-days that it's become common, ppl use it to refer to objects, art, places, music, shoes, a multitude of things really that I've forgotten what it means, so what does pretty REALLY mean? 011021
phace. Prettig, wonderschoon meije. 020103
phace Prettig, wonderschoon meije. 020103
ClairE Coming down the stairs. Opening a door.

"You look pretty awful. OH, I mean awful pretty."

"Oh, DADDY!"
llo i love him 020210
pianoplayer84 it's a stupid plain word that goes for all the people i hate at school- you know the ones, POPULAR- the ones who are going nowhere in life. Well, me? Im going somewhere. Im not shallow. Im not popular. Ive got depth... and I am more than pretty. 020215
pushpins pretty was never intended to be negative. 020216
Mateo (loves oximorons) Pretty ugly. 020216
girl_jane Some days I feel pretty. Those are the days it's summer, and I have on my red skirt with white polka dots, and I'm outside climbing trees, and my hair is all crazy, curly, bouncy from the humidity.

Of course I have shorts or boxers or something on underneath the skirt so my undies aren't showing when I'm hanging upside-down in the trees and such...pretty can sometimes be practicle.
crewing for virginaty Preatty needs to be used more often, because the only alternative is beutiful, and that is over used.

If a painting or a sunset is beutiful, then what are your children or wife?

the inanimate objects are preaty, but only a human being can truly be beutiful
screwing for virginaty Preatty needs to be used more often, because the only alternative is beutiful, and that is over used.

If a painting or a sunset is beutiful, then what are your children or wife?

the inanimate objects are preaty, but only a human being can truly be beutiful
screwing for virginity i wish i could spell prettily though 020623
unique butterfly i wish i was pretty.
i die to be pretty.
phil today 020729
sweet catastrophe "no need to focus when theres nothing thats worth seeing"
what happens when forever is lacking time; the only thing it has
what happens when life is lacking happines; the only thing that saves you from death
what happens when forever is not enough and i dont have anything. when i dont recall what happiness is, or was, or should be because i have been living death since the day i began to lack time. give in cunt before its too late.
dying is so pretty, dont you agree?
*nat* at the party last saturday night, for some strange reason, for the first time in my life, i felt so pretty! 021012
~gez~ maybe because you are
the perttiest person i ever saw anyway
eclecticsynesthesia sometimes i wish more than anything that i were. i look in the mirror and hold my face open and still. if i take off my glasses then all blurs and i am creamy-indistinct with mauvish lips and almost pretty.

i always wear blue to try to make them see my eyes.
SuicidalAngel It's a good thing I'm not pretty because then only shallow pricks would be attractd to me and I wouldn't know who my true friends are.

Thats my shameless attempt to make myself feel better.. I think
no use for a name your first impression of a person could be anything...that they're pretty, ugly, or whatever. but what really matters is how you think of them after you get to know them. If you really like their personality then you will think that they are pretty when at first you thought they were ugly. Or if you thought they were pretty at first but then they weren't a good person inside then you will think of their looks as ugly. So first impressions are misleading but its how you think of them after you get to know them. 021226
Rickster So precious with your delicate skin, your eyes so beautiful as they change so. Your lips are but satin among velvet sea's, the light reflects off them like a diamond sparkling under a lamp. Yours hands so small, so delicate to touch, like embracing a featherbound dove. I want to hold you in my arms and just stare into your eyes, get lost in them for every minute of that time. The presence of you just highlights the world, you make everything brighter and better. I love you my dear, I will always hope to have you near. 021227
megan he's pretty. he makes me want to kiss his pretty face, his eyes are so innocent, so full of joy. there's not quite as perfect a word as pretty. 030101
Tay Parker I don't want to be a pretty thing, because it's the pretty things we're always breaking. 030209
ferret i know a girl, she's so pretty, bit the things she used to do, what she still does, i don't know how long it will be before she destroys herself. she knows what i think, the's so pretty. she doesn't want to be pretty but she still is. i don't care if she knows it or not, or if she even cares. but i just want her to know. 030227
pipedream (8) you're so pretty just the way you are (8)
that's the cranberries. pretty is just a word. maybe i can say that 'cause people call me pretty, but it's just a word. you're pretty on the inside, that's what counts and that's what shows. being thin or having great skin and shiny hair is temporary; when you're old and gray the person across you better still make you laugh- who cares if his nose is still perfect?
unique butterfly you say i'm pretty.
i wanted to be pretty.
it makes me shiver.
you say i'm pretty.
i like it when you say that.
you said one night to some i may not be the prettiest, but to him i am.
i thought i would melt.
nobody is ever that nice to me.
but you are.
are you real?
i think i'm dreaming.
you say i'm pretty.
no guy has ever told me that.
you're so perfect.
i trust you.
i like you.
you say i'm pretty.
i've always wanted to be pretty.
get me pretty aweful. thats how i feel. after reading all of this it just confirms my every fear about that word. But i think im pretty... but why should i care? but i do care... but what do they think? but then again, what does it even matter 030509
micky jo she was not beautiful but pretty and who was i too complain, i who had been told i should not hope to ever be more than cute
she was innocent when we met and looking back i think i may have loved her and she had a tendency of falling into my breasts and begging me to hold her safe from the corrupt world
then the summer before freshman year she discovered boys and the fact her ultra thin body let her dress in next to nothing
they drooled and she toyed with them, they were to young to notice she didn't know how her own body worked
we fought a lot after that, i could no longer be near her when she thought she was pretty
pobodys nerfect in pink. One of my favourite movies. Has the happy ending that very rarely happens in real life.
Interesting tidbit: I once saw an interview with the guy who played
"Ducky". He said that the script was originally written with Andy and Ducky ending up together.
MyFigureFemale in the words of Ani D "I am not a pretty girl, that is not what I do. I aon't no damsel in distress and I don't need to be rescued, so put me down punk. Wouldn't you prefer a maiden fair? I am not a kitten stuck up a tree somewhere." 030630
crimson further words of Ani D
"I think pretty is nice
But I'd rather see something new
All these plastic people
Got their plastic surgery
But we got a big big beautiful
We got it for free"

I am the biggest Ani DiFraco whore ever. It's obnoxious.
nomatter I wish i was pretty and not so damn cute. 030904
Glory Box I call you pretty like you're treasure now, because bonnie is our secret, and you are so damn pretty it makes me swoon a little.

never used to believe in pretty, but then i met you.
anonymous i'm shallow and selfish and "pretty"!!! i have a close pal but she's way more prettier than me. no one takes her seriously because she's so pretty. my pal will never get married, ever.

i hate those people in marriages/who have some boyfriend-girlfriend thing goin' on. how they usually meet? the person has to be just as attractive as the other person. they're both only in it for the sex and to show off the other in public. they come up with excuses, i mean, REASONS, to like them so they can feel good about themselves.

it doesn't matter how much i have sex and who i have sex with, because it'll all be MEANINGLESS anyway. like everyone who's in a "good" relationship.

:_) sometimes being pretty is a curse. but most of the time i kinda like it. 040215
whitechocolatewalrus im not fake, i can feel my skin right now.
i can think.
i can fuction.
i am real.
adolescence is overrated pretty, pretty...where is it? does this count as blathering? i'm only testing something, checking. ok, maybe it does. 040216
anonymous/adolescence is overrated why is being mixed, multiracial, biracial, etc., "in" right now? 040217
stork daddy i don't think it's particularly "in" or "out" i just think it's what more and more people are going to be as we all come together. and that's all it takes for something to be popular. also, the more sources you take your identity from, the more interesting you tend to be, as you have a lot more good and bad to sift through than some people. not to say there isn't an infinity of variety in any one culture or locale if you're willing to look for it, but the differences between cultures are often stark and in noticeable facets of life, rather than differences in minutia. either way, i don't think you should worry about it. you are who you are. 040217
yourName doesnt really apply to me anymore 040217
somebody now applys
never realized it would be such a responsibility, or for that matter so confuseing, maybe if I'd always been this attractive all my life I wouldent feel this way

I tend to look in the mirror more often now, not bc I'm going "oh your so pretty" and other such nonsence, no I look to check that that is still really me looking back at myself, I make funny faces at myself and pinch my cheeks to make shure the person I see in the mirror is really me, I look in the mirror more oftten now to make shure I'm not dreaming, to see if I've suddinly awoken to being plain, advrage -normal- I wonder if this is how thoes ppl who go through Extreem Makeovers feel?
am I still pretty? oh please oh please dont let me have gone back to how I use to look! Please don't ever let me wake up from this dream! and you find a mirror to asure yourself and you let out a slow breath of releaf when you see yourself.
I wonder if I'll ever get use to/grow acustom to looking this way and getting this sort of attention from others, and if I were to finely acept that this is indeed how I look whould that some how make me ungreatfull? I have so many questions and no answers, nore any one to ask, I wish I dident always feel so shalow now
sahba yeah thats what she is
just pretty
adolescence is overrated hey!!!
did you happen to see
the most beautiful
girl in the world?
and, if you did,
was she crying?
adolescence is overrated oh my god...i didn't think that anyone would respond to the mixed thing that i posted. thanks, stork daddy, i'll try not to think about it too much. it kinda bugs me sometimes beca--...ok i'm getting carrried away

adolescence is overrated oh my god...i didn't think that anyone would respond to the mixed thing that i posted. thanks, stork daddy, i'll try not to think about it too much. it kinda bugs me sometimes beca--...ok i'm getting carried away

adolescence is overrated i wonder how many people blather on this page... 040218
emmi sometimes i think i'm too insecure.

sometimes i think i'm too vain.

i prefer vain.
kay- tie don't tell me what is pretty. i'll define it myself thank you. dont caption the fashion pages "pretty in pink" and show blond haired, fair faced women in sundresses. quite frankly i dont feel pretty in pink 040405
jezebell after reading 'pretty' so many times, the word seems like a silly sound
from some other language
kookaburra you're only pretty when you're young...have you ever seen anyone say "hey, that old lady sure is pretty!"
i think not.

says "hey that old lady sure is pretty!"
kookaburra however, old people can be beautiful.

says "wow that old person sure is ugly!"
kookaburra i apologize for those last two.if it makes you feel better, the God that i dont believe in will probably send nightmares of old ladies who are prettier than me...please dont make me go to sleep mommy! 040419
Melisandre i felt so ugly before, i didn't know what to do 041116
flora fae i often wonder if i do not give this word (and all those things usually associated with it) entirely too much thought. . .

i consider myself in relation to this thing we call pretty: am i?

Husband tells me so.
father tells me so.
mother, brother, friends, in-laws.

but mirror doesn't reflect back "pretty" -- mirror shows faults, imperfections

i see so many pretty things tho

why not me?
sic imperfections are in fact perfection. Only imperfections exist because of your self doubt. Trust others, it isn't naive, it shows remarkable character and faith in mankind in general. Ignore the mirror, look past your pre-conceived notions of perfection. Acceptance is the absolute in perfection. 050306
krftwrk suspicious beautiful for screening purposes only india 050326
kariann pretty is a cheap version of beautiful. 060228
Herbie the Houseplant methinks everyone on blather has a negative view of the word, are suspicious of it, even hostile. But me, in my childish naivette, still cling to the word. Yes, yes I have seen the horrible abuses, the shallowness, the lies, of this word and all it represents, but I have not let it ruin the word for me. For me, pretty is not a cheap version of beautiful. Many women are considered "beautiful" or something like Paris but they are actually ugly because they don't have any spark in them left, and they are sucked dry of all that made them innocent once, which is a source of prettiness. I think prettiness is not in what you have, but what you do with it. I think we call little girls "pretty" and not older ones because they are not afraid to just be themselves. I think that prettiness is the step after mere beauty, where ALL of a person shines as one. It is the point at which a person goes beyond being just "nice looking" to being something unique, something that only they can be. So when we see them, we see their uniqueness and say they are "pretty". Actually I know a lot of girls who are not "beautiful" but you don't remember after you're around them awhile because who they are is so lively that they fill the room when they walk in. 060924
Herbie the Houseplant Abraham's wife Sarah was so *pretty* (she was over 70 years old) that he told her to say she was his sister so the Egyptians wouldn't kill him and take her away. 060924
Emptyness Alive every woman girl or person is pretty in so way or another wheather it be there eyes or there ass there is always one thing someone will have going for them 060925
LS The body attracts the body, but it is the mind that attracts the mind and the heart that attracts the heart. 060925
Emptyness Alive what of the soul does that not have a say of its mate 061010
Lemon_Soda The soul is the heart. 061010
Emptyness Alive the heart cry's and covers the soul
the heart and soul are two different things just in the same body. the heart is a whole the soul may not. if you believe in soulmates then we each only live with half a soul
pretty vacant 061019
Lemon_Soda I don't believe in soulmates. I consider it a fools delusion. I see no differance between the heart and the soul. 061109
viridian/alizarin To be brutally honest, what we call the "heart" is really the brain. The heart is an organ that pumps blood. End of story.
I am very pretty. Green and red, contrasting colours. It's all about juxtaposition.
Emptyness Alive i like to believe in soulmates as it gives me something to bleive in i would love to know that there is someone out there for me. 061120
number four pretty is ugly
who the hell decided on what's pretty and what's not? i say define pretty for yourself and fuck what everyone else thinks about "pretty"
i want to be ugly
niecespieces "cha' crazy pretty lady"

famous last words.
thanks fucktard
viscosity pshttt pretty.
what is it anyways other than a subjective word that changes from person to person?
i'm pretty. you don't think so.
you're pretty. i don't think so.

what the hell. we're all ugly.
hsg such a present thing. 090705
djstar too drunk, too not pretty. 120415
what's it to you?
who go