Not the Daddy daddy 050722
stork daddy you rang? 050722
misstree i'll ring *your* doorbell, bay-bee... heh heh heh...

dammit, doar has infected my brain...
stork daddy and i'll answer...but i can't promise i'll be wearing pants. 050722
doar they do have shots for that nowadays.

superchick hi stork, ur incredible.... 060309
stork daddy incredible at what? at interweb intrigue apparently. but hello! 060310
superchick your way with words. intrigue - the writings here intrigue me. and to think i just stumbled across this site. 060310
stork daddy who are you? 060310
werewolf stork daddy is a doofus 060310
superchick I am just another screen name. Y you ask who I am. You have been around this sight long enough to figure who I am. 060310
stork daddy oh not this again. 060311
superchick not what again??? do u think u know me? if so whats my name daddy? 060311
superchick are u based in vegas storky? 060312
walrie haha white wave.
this is mildly entertaining.
stork daddy maybe the first time. i don't live in vegas, but it lives in me. 060312
unhinged i've been thinking of your_voice again
dirty dirty thoughts

but at least i was by myself this time
stork daddy i am very very sexy in the abstract i will confess. now if only i could learn to embody it in reality. 060313
icy i'm sure you do. especially on the edges of the streetlight, hands in the pockets of a wellworn jacket, leaning up against the bricks in a classic pose...
oh wait, that's still not reality.
i've never seen you before.
unhinged ok; i'm about to call you back the second time 060313
unhinged dude, i'm so fucking sick of the phone tag i wanna poke my eyes out

of course, on_a_thursday_night i was at_the_bar ; not my usual hangout, haven't been there for almost a month. but i was at_the_bar nonetheless cause a friend of mine was playing his first show ever and i had to go out and show the love. and then we went to chill at this dudes house....

long story short, don't ever call me nikki again.
unhinged k, i was half kidding

but seriously, don't ever call me nikki again
stork daddy yeah but you were too close for comfort there icy. i really do strike james dean poses for no apparent reason. 060324
icy mmm, yummy. 060324
stork daddy indeed. 060325
icy would you have preferred a different response? or a word other than yummy? merely typing 'indeed' seems to imply disfavor... and while i'm used to that (often through fault of my own), i was curious. 060405
stork daddy no i like you. i guess i just realize that internet intrigues are usually just that. not like i'll ever meet you so you can test your whole yummy theory out. or that it would live up to expectations. not that it matters or that either of us need it. i'm blather jaded. 060405
stork daddy but i do like icy things. and i can be yummy. i'm blather rejuvenated. 060405
icy you *are* yummy. and i never live up to expectations, so perhaps it would be best if we never met anyhow. it would keep the intrigue and my slightly intoxicated feeling wouldn't go away. i kinda like it.
hurrah for blather rejuvenation. it's the only thing that will not lose hope.
stork daddy yes yes...well by all means feel good. 060406
icy dammit, i will.
what doesn't matter is if we need it or not. it's fun and i like you too, so i try not to mess things up too badly. but i must confess, i blatherstalk you a little, so when you feel a hovering behind your shoulder, it's probly just me. no worries, i'm quite harmless. if a little cold.
icy dammit, and i still don't know what you mean - i could say most of the time, but do i ever really get it? yeah, not really. oh well. 060427
stork daddy well you're in the same boat as i am. and we're stranded in blue waters. we may end up eating each other. 060428
icy stranded isn't always bad... i have pretty good company, but i think you got the short end of the deal.

devouring more like it.
stork daddy oh any company is fine. more than i've come to expect. more than i've ever asked for. 060502
icy i wouldn't think you would ever have to ask for company. i would rather think you're the type that company finds you.
as for any company... misery does love it, no? your words just seem very sad.
stork daddy i'm a contradiction that way. deeply sad, effervescently happy. a double layer cake. some other crap metahpor i'm sure. 060503
icy i was about to make a cake the other day and as i was looking over the contents of my cupboard, a strange little thought struck me: i wonder what kind(s) would comprise that double layer cake?
and, being unable to decide (especially considering the less than exceptional selection available), i ended up not making any sort of cake... perhaps i'll make muffins tomorrow. they're a little less fraught with pondering at this point.
stork daddy muffins are a whole other problem. 060531
icy i guess i make more like cupcakes, which may have issues all unto themselves. i was leaning towards macaroons or maybe ones with strawberry filling...
any suggestions?
stork daddy hmmm...twinkies. ice cream scooped over them. trust me. 060531
icy oh, but that's not baking...
even from a mix is fun.
icy altho, i will trust you in that... sometimes twinkies hit the spot. 060531
your enemy is gay 060919
stork daddy I'm not gay but sometimes I molest little girls 060919
stork daddy oh dear, why would anyone adopt my de plume to write such things. perhaps it was me and i don't remember it. now the FBI has all it needs. i'm afraid the "but i'm a little boy" defense is of no avail. i'll just take comfort in the fact that what guilt, in all matters, i know is not in an area currently legislated. 060920
stork daddy all right, i did get a couple of speeding tickets. you shoulda seen those tickets fly. 060920
flowerbed on a cloud Numair =) I wish I had my own stork as sweet as Numair =) 061114
what's it to you?
who go