nanny i can't believe no one has blathered about this... they go stale 2 weeks after they are made, so most likely, you've never had a fresh one. 010921
freakizh twinkies are like a trojan horse.
all creepy inside.
heel turn i wish i was a twinkie

live my life in plastic one day to be eaten for my creamy filling
thea i kind of like the twinkie ads with the little animals. but i don't really like twinkies that much. yeah, so they're chocolate. there are other kinds of chocolate, you know. 020820
alora they're so sweet they make little Japanese girls vomit. But they eat them anyway because they're American. 021003
She When I was a wee little lass, Twinkies were what we called our girlie region.

When I was in Highschool, my best friend would rant about how much she /loved/ Twinkies. She never could understand why that made me shoot soda out my nose.
em (ferret's friend)
if you poke a hole i a twinky and then squeeze it, it looks wrong
mr. girl i've never had a twinky.ever. 030517
bethany Well, let's say this Twinkie represents the normal amount of psychokeinetic energy in the New York area. According to the morning's PKE sample, the surrent level in the city would be a Twinkie 35 feet long weighing approximately six hundred pounds.

Thats's a big Twinkie

thanks Spengler
a chaotic gift to idealism wow... now that's a twinkie! 050613
. gay as hell 050614
Briar~Rose what is a twinkie? 060719
. a nice fresh boy for gay sex 060720
what's it to you?
who go