iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl well i saw that this wasn't underlined and i thought that was pretty fucked, to be honest.

i went to york a few weeks ago with my german exchange partner, and i have to see it is pretty fucking amazing there.

there are a lot of good gothic shops there, i'm going some time next week to try and visit some. i have just been informed as well that a particular tarot deck that i am seeking feels as though it may be there.

weird i know.

however, i believe there should be a blathe under york and so this is my glowing recommendation right here.

actually, i think i will share with you all that for the german exchange some selected people from our german exchange visit, both english and their german partners, were picked as one of three things that Prince Andrew was to see when he came to our school.

Considering that everyone else had to stand outside in the rain and in silent, orderly lines for him to walk down the path whilst we got to cut out pretty card and write about our day in york, it was highly amusing.

The prince was very amusing as well, as he asked an entire classroom whether we studied 'colloquial languages'. Colloquial language exists, as do other languages. I'm afraid, however, there is no such thing as colloquial_languages and he made an ass outta himself in front of everyone. Except he wanted an answer to the question and nobody understood what the fuck he was trying to say, albeit incorrectly.

Then he asked why anyone in their right minds would want to go to york. (for all you ppl who don't know, or don't really care, he is the Duke of York). I was tempted to say a lot of things but i restrained my randomness admirably and smiled.

heehee im thinkin that is keepin it pretty fucking surreal.
user24 york is nice, but it capitalises on it's history and ethos. 040803
uow yorkshire 040803
mikejohnson York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 55,000 students.
is just one of them.
fix . 050214
no reason i am also one of them. that's pretty crazy, i always half-imagined that there could be another blatherer at york loonyversity, but i didn't really expect it to happen. 050214
mikejohnson i'm just scared you already know the other blatherers at york. by the way, i am for sure NOT a blatherer.
is essentially an imposter.
no reason nah, you still know of blather and have blathered.

there are more?
mikejohnson she don't blather no more... so she says.
doesn't believe eyedream for a second.
no reason eyedream goes to york?
this is all so...accessible...or something. so strange.
jane new 050214
iNsEcUrE_GoTh_GiRl i am planning to go to york uni!
(have i already said that? i can never remember)
well maybe.
there or london.

i like york.
and i think all you ppl in york that are blathering are fabulous.

keep it up!
no reason this was a three_words word today
i just graduated from it today
today today today
what's it to you?
who go