sab because it's such a pretty word

i imagine it'd be a pretty city

and it has snow
and artists, apparently.

and thats alright with me
no reason toronto? pretty?
well, some of it is.

they call us the new_york_city of canada.
pete while we spend a lot of our time insulting toronto and its sprawl, down town is pretty nice.... though no where near as nice as ottawa or montreal (the only cities i have to compare it to) .. and we pronounce it "tronto"

sadly, the city takes an hour going over 100km/h to drive through
monkey from t.o. 050706
no reason she moved here and "[is] looking for a place to live and a job."
i read "am looking for a place to live and sob."

i pronounce it toronno. who really needs the last T?
dipperwell I pronounce it tronno.

Would any tronno skites like to get together and have brunch at the Cafe Crepe across from the CityTV building?
tornto_totoro I loved toronto the 2x I visited.
Although I was thoroughly unprepared for what happens when the LeaFs (not Leaves, apparently) win a game. I was walking home and suddenly everyone went nuts.
It was kind of neat though.

A lot of cool bands come from Toronto too.

I pronounce it Turanna, like Turanna Sultana from 'Faster Pussycat, Kill Kill'
no reason i don't know, maybe it's not so much that i miss toronto, but i miss torontonians and torontoness. 061028
no reason what?

toronto is tired.
no reason i'm never good at handling fall_here
i wish i could just pick up and leave
no reason i just don't have any energy or will to do/be anything here

and i love getting out of it

"the city wears you down"
no reason i have a feeling i will end up saying goodbye 071019
. This town dont feel mine
I'm fast to get away
And I don't care where
Just far
no reason maybe i just needed a break
maybe cities are just cities
pete cities are just cities, but in my experience different cities have different flavours. while toronto makes me nutty others, like ottawa, have a more relaxing effect 071231
past right downtown the scale is off, it doesn't feel right, as if the sky is closing in. i could only see two stars out tonight, which was sad. but so far i've found good food and nice people. my lodgings are more than i could ask for. minus one day on my week long trip 080421
ever dumbening met a girl from ~ today 080421
past got lostish the other day and found myself facing the tsx and all the evil that fills such an institution almost crushed my historian's soul. i fought back and found a nice little japanese place for dinner, and now i have to figure out how to get to a country/folk show! 080424
no reason go to osgoode station and walk west, or take a streetcar west on queen :) 080424
no reason actually, that's assuming i know where you're coming from, which i don't. but i like to assume! 080424
names toronto girls are snobs. 080424
past went south on spadina :) walking, of course.

the toronto girl i met tonight was anything but a snob. completely quirky, but welcome and nice and sweet and with that kind of humour that i appreciate warmly.

of course i'll probably never see her again, though she's the kind that'd be a skite.

p.s. how do you live without stars?
Mel is adam there? 080424
Mel is adam there? 080424
no reason i guess we travel to places with visible stars, and then we're all the more amazed by them.
maybe i should go to cottage country...
past it was a good visit, we should definitely try to meet up the next time i go, which probably won't be til the fall.
although i didn't use transit at all during my visit (i rarely use it here either), i'm happy i dodged the walkout last night.
no reason i am very not thrilled about that. first of all, there was a big article in the paper about how they had settled and the ttc workers had received a pay raise, so we were relieved that it had been worked out. second of all, it's really ridiculous and unsafe for transit to strike at midnight on a friday night (or on any night, for that matter). i can't imagine how many people would have been left stranded. finally, i had fun downtown plans today and tomorrow that have both been cancelled.

i'm glad you enjoyed your stay, though. you definitely came at a good time. we definitely should try and meet up next time, and i also have family in ottawa so i go there sometimes. i'll let you know the next time i'm there!
fucking ttc "if you want $30/hour - go to university". 080426
past i'm back in toronto-ish. based up near canada's wonderland and going across the southwest of the province. i have a lovely view of highway 400 (i think?) out my window. 080526
niska madonna - oct 24. worth the $350.
this may be the last time she's on the stage...

also, it's a nice excuse to play in canada, even if only for a weekend.
suicidalchinadoll the lack of stars has made it difficult to write. I grew up with mountains and splashes of night lights.

toronto is good for self-imposed solitude however.

pete, I never told you I moved to Toronto. if you come to stay for a while, you should tell me.
no reason oh, the club district on a weekend night. how it is something else. 080913
refresco i miss toronto very much, i have seen some amazing things in guatemala during this past two weeks but i think it is time to head back home and ride my scooter. 080913
past it was a good trip this time, better because I didn't spend it all alone and I was infinitely more productive on the work side of things. it's even better to be home. but i'm looking forward to returning in about a week. 080913
past two weeks 'til i go back, but just for a few busy days.

it will be weird to be in a city with transit again.
past i leave tomorrow for a crazy insane visit, back home sunday, a week before the move (i haven't even started packing yet!). yikes. 090204
caution contents hot ah toronto, been away from home for a while now, won't be back in two more weeks. i hear things are frosty...what's new? 090205
no reason unseasonably cool and rainy for the second summer in a row 090729
past at least it isn't too warm down there, i'm sure it'd stink a lot more, and there are no community swimming pools!

(it's similar weather up here)
no reason "come with me to canada! toronto is just like new york, but without all the stuff!"
-gavin volure (steve martin), 30 rock

(i can't stop quoting that show)
no reason G20 anarchy

setting fire to police vehicles, damaging store property, throwing things at cops

i've never seen my city in such an appalling state
no reason the mayor says the violent protesters are a small group compared to the rest of the "calm" protesters, and are using the G20 summit as an excuse to riot 100626
no reason
people are so fucking stupid. what will this ever accomplish?
no reason (sorry toronto page, hopefully good will come to you soon) 100626
morning june 2010

each video is more disgusting and brutal than the last.

how many were beat, how many were arrested or searched illegally?

how long can the liars lie in impunity?

happy canada day, perhaps, but how can we celebrate when our brother and sisters were physically abused by the state less than a week ago?

police. fucking hypocrits at best. at worst, sexual and physical abusers.

inquiry now.

jail for those captured in videos.

no excuses.

each made a choise to abuse the public trust. each deserves the just punishment for their crimes.

do not forget.

toronto, june 2010
n o m tomorrow, for a couple hours in the airport, or less,
too bad i can't go visit no_reason!
n o m technically today 110629
no reason aw, too bad indeed! 110629
no reason it almost seems as though our mayor is becoming a caricature of himself, which is probably the only thing worse than his actual self 110714
no reason it's come to the point where the mayor's entire council is voting against him 120609
no reason i'm getting addicted to cherry beach. nice trees, grass, and sand, water that is safe to swim in (some of the cleanest of the lake water in the city), a restaurant and food truck, bathrooms, garbage and recycling bins...

it's so beautiful and calming. it seems like a bit of an oxymoron to be a beach bum in toronto, but it's definitely doable.
no reason it's a shame what our city is getting recognized for, especially to people who previously wouldn't have given it a second thought. 140207
epitome of incomprehensibility Need an excuse to visit it. I've been there too often without actually being there.

In 2011-2012 when I went back and forth a lot between St. Catharines and Montreal, Toronto was only a train and bus station, and I'm pretty sure it's not only a train and bus station.
nr i didn't notice how little people talk to each other here until i stayed for awhile in a place where people do. and it's made me realize how much i need that warmth and welcoming feeling. people seem less happy here too, which maybe is at least partly a result of the behaviour and/or a cause.

twice last night, in a time span of a couple of hours, i got ignored by people i spoke to. the first one was a person at a bar who i'd thought was working there (he was dressed similarly to the bartenders and carrying multiple drinks), so i asked him if i could put two tables together. he didn't answer, so i thought he didn't hear me, so i looked right at him and spoke again, and he sort of glanced at me and went straight to his table without a word. then later on, i'd been crossing the street with a couple of friends behind me, and i didn't notice they'd let a couple of other people ahead of them. so i accidentally turned around and asked the strangers kind of a funny question instead of my friends. again, they just kind of glanced at me and kept walking.

i mean, i guess it's just a general "oops, that wasn't meant to happen; we'll just ignore it" mentality or something, or maybe they just thought i was weird or something. (i was admittedly a bit drunk.) but i can't help thinking this is unfortunate -- what if i am weird/drunk? why does it matter? why not laugh about it, or at least acknowledge someone talking to you? i don't think i look that creepy or intimidating. and it's hard because i imagine these scenes taking place in these other places, and i'm sure they would've been more fun/natural/less weird and embarrassing.

i don't want to just complain about it; i want to do something about it. maybe a lot of people legitimately don't want to talk to other people, but maybe others are just scared and don't think they're supposed to. and maybe they'd do well with something that would bring them closer to others or out of their comfort zones or make them feel less lonely here or whothefuckknows.

someone called toronto "the land of limited opportunity," which i found depressing, but i can't say i disagree. i've been trying to give it a chance and treat it the way i treat places i'm just visiting, hoping that'll make it seem like a better place to live. but come on, city, give me a bit back.
nr 'how little people' = 'how infrequently people' not small people. 160221
nr i feel lonelier here, where i know lots and lots of people, than in other places where i hardly know any. 160221
nr yeah. and still. i kinda hated this place tonight. i realized that for every one person i connect with here, i connect with 15 in chicago. and probably elsewhere too, but i don't have as much of a frame of reference for other places.

toronto is a big city that feels like a big city. i like places that feel like small towns, however big they are.
lovekilledlove Toronto
You and
Your freaks.
nr they're just not usually my people 190630
what's it to you?
who go